The - Standard. PRINTS THE THAT IS NEW For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. The - Standard. TUKNH OUT GOJD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PEIOES. Give us a Trial. TANDARD. CONCORD, N. C.THURSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1897. WHOLE NO. 457 VOL. X-N 320. The Sa 13 With Hood's Parana Tllli," Sales Talk," aaa bow that thia medi aik cine has enjoyed ;mUic confidence and patronage to a 3 caLcr extent than accord ed any other jjropi ittary medicine. Thia Is simply becauao it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other. It la not what we say, but what Hood's SarsapariUa. does, that tells the story. All advertisements of Hood's Barsaparilla, like Hood's Sarsaparilla It elf, are honest. We have never deceived the public, and this with its superlative medicinal merit, is why the people have biding confidence In it, and buy Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of all others. Try It Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co.. Lovrcll, Mass, TZ . , it are the only pills to take tlOOd S FlllS with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ALL WOMEN JIHBJflWTHS Of ail tne pain andstcknessfrom which women suffer la caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman Is not well thee organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy A woman la very seldom sick. Is nature's provMoa for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cure all " female troubles." It b equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Change of Life." They all need It. They are all benefitted by it For advtos In eases requiring special directions, address, tlvtnf symptoms, the " Ladles' Advisory Department,' The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chatta nooga, Teon. TH08. J. COOPER, Tup tit), Mitt., Mytt " My sifter suffered from very Irregular nd painful menstruation end doc tore could not relieve her. Wine of Cardul entirely cured her and alio helped atf tether through the Crttne lift." D G. Caldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevens, M. D Pre. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. 0, Office in old t ost cffiie bnildinp opposite St. Clond Hotel. M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Ltw, Concord N C SI LtIA L ATI hi TION GriiA 10 COLLECTIONS Uflkse upstairs in King bofUtfo near Postoffio . Coal ! oal ! For all kind? of toal Soft or Hard call on me. My Lamp Coal otn not be soip.ssed in qaa'ity. Price si low as can be bud. o n J. A. C. Bl&ck welder At More on Weat Jtfoft Klre)t. C. B. Dry C. T. Moose, ft Dealers in Jnmbe rongh and 3 reused onuldings, brackets, man tl b, etc. Shops at Cabarrus Roller Mil 1. Pronnge solicited. jl K. L. Craven's Jellico : : Coal Has arrivel. I' makes the holtesi flies in less time and with less iron ble than ? enal on the market. It has given the beH satisfaction lor the pist fiy Years. . Three S;sjs of bert Aithraoite Oat in stock at bottom prices Leave orders at my COAL YARD rrxt 10 the Tresbytenan Cbnrcb. eftmit nionpy If wo 1 no 'j - ....(H-santam-tr. SV- Iliani us imswum .nd tit Mui siusri prefer to conn- uei (Us-iu or pay riwne of .a ralliosd Mill eonliift lo l'Ui " i." bill, end re All to riliiicpotawh .1 jttsusi I' tiers - tii mftiih, rr Tlsswust, B-ft Hp, IJrrMull nj M.a.lasv far vrLattr? ljuni.ltT.l'ppw-:j,, .ri-c'l uioi'ttiiy .issiii t ii iljii Primary. ,11. ... i,-l.-ai that Mr us. 'ft to'i . We ilt'-it .1,3 HUM artfttllf ;bovor.4i,raiii'r i"..- tl lVfa.Tr taS4 inn .e Fn.vUlir I a-iVlsillt.sV'WIf. SUld W r -a. -I ;"sv?''i To Kent. Tbe'i' s'r.ra rrtoms, Ocl'S' n l stablfS 01 ti e Liir lot. tf W O Meaks fr MII-l f.resuaraofl lofJf itJite;'..i'""" V-tcsut Uood s Bui z VI t. GliAUCK'j UN.UoT.tlS'ED nirrerrail Kiaials ef Cbairara nrsnihl Asxnluas Use Nops-rinteataent er Ike balsi Gang-, Tot Hot natlBet. As noted in Tbnrsda's Daily !Sta v CABD here was an txtra ses sion of tbe couD'y cots missioned Held on account of tbe charges of Mr. Will Sides against Superintend ent BUckwelder, and also as to. balance of wages Claimed to be still dne him. It was quite a long difenssioo, lasting from a bo at 9 or 10 o'clock in tbe morning until after 4 o'cl ck in the evening As to ti e charge of Mr, B'ackwelder's being drunk, there were wi netses that ttstifl c! that they bad known Mr. Bmck welder sod had worked with him uu tbe chain gang, and a'soiome o here that happened to be with him on the day that Mr. Sides mentioned and tbey also testified that they bad never detected anything of that na ture. Other charges of a frivolous nature were brought np for th consideration of tbe commissioner?. Attorney WO Means appeartd for Mr. Sides and tried to bring out every point he conld in Mr. Sides' favor, without, as he said at the start, bringing any charges against Mr. BUckwelder, bnt to tnstain the action of Mr. Sides. Attorney Mor rison Oaldwell was in sitting with tbe o mmirsioners. After weighing all the evidence of tbe different witnesses and attor. nets, the commissioners ordered the foliating en'ered npon the minutes of the meeting : That after inves tigation of tbe charges . brought against H H Blackwelder by W 0 Sides, tb. y le not sustained, aho that tbe .bo.rd, decides that Black, welder had sufficient cause to dis. charge 8ids when he did. As to the balance claimed by bides, it was die ded that no more be paid, as be had been paid in full for bn work. Pretty (seed m.Rir, A . oung Wes'ern lady who wanted something that .would keep her s'ockings up where tbey belonged, thus addnssed the terror-stricken yonng store e'erk: "It is my desire to obtain a pair of circn'ar elastic appendages o pable of being con tracted and expanded by mtass of oscillating borninbed steel appli ances that spirkle like particles of gold leaf set wi.h Alaska diamond', and which are utilix-d for keeping in position the bsbiliment of the lower extremities which innate deli cacy f oi bids me to mention. tbaasreat the Tnae. A Nash county wife informed her bnsband tbe other morning that she w.s working herself into the grave for the want of a hired girl, aLd ar he went out sbe leaned back and fell to weeping. Tbe children were making a noise in the hall as be pssed ont and he called out to them; "Yuu must stop tl at racket 1 Your mother won't live a week, and when joa get a step-mother here next year she won't put op with any inch fooling." When be came tome lo dinner his wife met him with smile and said: "Isn't ours a cczy aome, dear, with only your owe little f rnUy to! ook after?" Motor. North Carolina always comes oat head at tbe Expositions. A large portion of the exhibit made at the Nashville Exposition by the South ern Railway Company, was secured in North C tolins, and attracted much at enticn. A gold medal was warded for minerals and ores. The forstry products won tbe bighes'. award. 8 !ver and bronzi medals ere awarded for tbe display of ag ricultural products, preserved fruits, or ton goods and mineral waters. l'ue Granite Manufacturing Con. pmy and Thoj. F Holt Mamfao turing Company, bo'.hof Haw River, won medals for cot on to df as also did the Cannon M tnufao'uring Comoanv. of ConcorJ. Tbe Glole Furniture, Hicb Puint, S. 0., won a medal for display of furnitor, Certifi jates of merit wer giyen many o'bet North Carolinians. Tbe Bulletin. Smallpox la Kaesvlll. George Price having returned from Memphis to Rt.oxville devel oped a case of smallp x. He was put in a raft house and n tated down the riter some distanea to isolation This is from a dispatch to the At laota Journal. ' I'd rather have newspapers with mt a govcrtwnt ttiitr. a government ititbont newsparers." Jefferson. Hon, Alexander McDonald, Min later lo Persia under the last ad j ministration, died at bis home io Lynchburg, Tuesday. M t. 8 N JOBNSroN DEAD. Harrlabnrc Lostian sat Pra- snlBeatl'ltisiaa S.narlppa Ine ratal Vaaae. At 3:30 tbis, Thursd y morning, Mr. Nathaniel Johnston, of Ilarris birg, passed away in death. I'Le dece. Std had at a'md a good ripe aje, about 76 years. He had been a farmer all bis life tnd met tbe duties and labors incidtnt to mortal life with constitutional vigor bat that insidious malady, lagrippe, at tacked bim about a year ago and so enfeebled bis frame that he could not survive this second attaok, 1 he funeral services will be con ducted at Rocky River church, of wbich he was a member, Fridny morning at 10 o'clock. Mr. .Johnston leaves to mourn hie los, i aicond wife ai d four chil dren. to of whom are young mec, yet undi r tbe parental roof with th'.-ir mother. Mr. DA Johnston, of Mecklenburg, and the wife of our townsman, Mr. M C Walter, are the older members of the family. Mr. Jebnston has oig been prominent in tbe community and w II be very much missed. Daily of 16th. la Very Bad Courtltloa. We do not like to have the name of being. chronic kicker, ss we do not think it ran be justly applied, bat there is need of some work at once on the toad near tbe gate at th3 cotton platform, where there is a deep bole that is causing a lot of trouble to the people that have shy horses, and besides ins fo deep that several bales of cotton have fallen off. We are informed that one bale fell off a ft w ds egn and came vervneir ciming down on a man. We only ask that the proper persons go and see it and that will be enough. maaaii Peeks a I.lttle MntHil. Tbe postmas'er of our neighbor ing town, Maiden, would like to charter a knot h le to crawl through. A Washington taper says that this zealous postmaster r. parttd to the postoflhe departmtnt recently that somebody between New Orleans and Maiden was mutilating letters, and enclosed an ejvelope of a letter mailed at New 0 leans to a purty at Maiden, to prove the charge. The envelope and letter were punched fall of boles. Tbti department in formed tbe postmaster tbat tbe let ter bad been tbrongh the yellow fever quarantine, and bai been fu migated, and tbe punching hsd wen done by authority. Lie col b Journal. Has Hoved to Concord- Mr. Jan. A Furr, who has been living in No. 4 township for some time in tbe past, has moved to tbe city, and is living at Forest Hill. Mr. Furr is traveling io the interest of the Jamestown nursery, and is their general agent, Mr. Furr is thinking of buying property in Con cord and making this bis borne. Will Take Her to Uoldaboro. Mr. Nelson Barnhardt will soon ake a negro woman named Mary Anderson, of Mecklenburg coun- tv. to Goldsboro, her mind be'ng too badly aflected to be kept si tbe county home. Sbe has been in our county several months and Mecklenburg baa been paying fo' her keeping during tbis time. Mr. Bryan in Mexico. Pre ilen' Diaz accorded an aodi n e to Hon. W J Bryan Wednesday t'l Mexico, and in evety w y be, s owed fitting houors on Am -rica's popular Statesman. In his address before the Chamber of Deities Mr. Bryan was especially happy in bis allusions to the to union interest of Mexico and the Uui'ed States in 'be Monroe Doctiine. Tbe lades of the B.yan paily were delighted with the cotirtesits of Mis Diaz. stalfaert Ilia PnMlorale Rev. B F Davis has tendered bis resignation as pas'or of Trinity Us formed churoh in tbis city, on ac count of ill hea th, and at a meeting f the Consistory Wtdnesday it was o pted and will Uke effect on the first day of next February. Key. Davis has alto had charge of a miei lion chapel on West Coroio street. Orcrrlon tbe2:ird. Rev. II N Miller, Th. D, princi pal of Mont AmeeaaSemiuary, was in our city Thursday in the interest of that popular institution. He ia bent on further im provements on the seminary building to bring it up lo more modern equipments. Tbe concert tobegivpiion tbo evening of the 23rd, inst., by the young ladies has tbis obj tct in view. Having the advantage of a trainer of high elo cutionary merit, no doubt need be entertained that the concert will be a treat, and lbe cause is meritorious. FATAL SHOOTING Jenrasn, G. Terrible rss quencee of a Drunken Man. At Jefferson, Gs., Tuesday night there was a social gathering at the home of R L Califf lathe heigh! of the plea ares Shaw Griffi", a young man, came in intoxicated, and wai not duly respectful, to the la dies especially, whereupon Mr. Califf remonstrated with him and advised him to leave. Griffin became furi ous and whipped out a pistol in a most threatening minnsr. Califf prepared for the worst and ordered him off, when a fusilade began in wbicb bcth were killed. Califf's three shots entered Griffin's body, but Griffin's four shots, beside kill ing Ca'iff. fatally wounded his wife and little daughter and killed a young man, Clarenre Jonei. Daily of 16 b. Another Can Accident. We learn today of a bad aooident tbat occurred last Saturday, Dec. 11, to Mr. John Gulp's lS year old boy, while hunting. His gun, for come reuson, burst all to pieces when he went to Bhoot some game, the breech pin entering his forehead and breakn g tbe skull for a distance of about two inches. No hopes were at first entertained for his life, but now we learn that he will probably recover. No cause is known, and it is suid that the gun broke into s x different pieces. Daily of 16 h . Public nice as a Public I mat. The news comes from Raleigh that J M Mewborne has resigned as commissioner of agriculture, and it to be elected superintendent of the penitentiary, Superintendent Smith, of tbe penitentiary, succeeding Mew boorne as commissioner of agricul ture. This is public acknowledge ment of what the public has all tbe while known, viz : Smith's inoompe tency for tbe position he has beeB trying to Gil. Partial acknowledge ment was made of bis failure sevtrsl weeks ao when the directors of the peni'entiary took cei tain important duties attaching to his tfli'eoutof bis bands and asBumtd tbtm themselves ; but tbey did not avow failure but have been keeping a brave bluff in the claim tbat the penitentiary operations bave been highly successful. Now tbe) let down, and swap Smith ont of bis tffice and into another. He is not turned adrift, as unworthy and incompetent servants deserve to be, but, being an administration favor ite, ii given another tffioe, 'an im portant and responsible one, for wbiob h - has no mote capacity, so far as there are any reasons to jude, thau be has for the one wbicb be is about to vacate. It is quite a new proposition in logic, that proved un fitness for one office is demonstra tion of fitness for another. There will probably be a reckon ing some day for an administration which takes the peoples' offices and trades and marts them to nnde servers Charlotte Observers. A ftesrro Mnrderer Caiiarbt. Utleigb, N. 0., Deo. 13. Sixteen mouths ago, a few miles from Ral ig''j James Booker, alias Cbavais, s ot- o, who w s tbe rejected lover of Muhula Wbite) a servant girl em plojed by Mrs. Tucker, of Raleigh, blew out Mahala'a brains. lie went '0 tbe girl's home one morning and demanded that she marry him.' Bbe refused and be blew off tbe top of her head. He escaped, though all roads were guarded. He was out 'awed. He was .rrested at Baiti moie and Governor Russell today made iqninition for him. Ex. ias si Too Brave to Be abet. In a battle during the Civil War the Confederates were driving back ibe Federals, who were in swift rev treat, when a Federal officer dropped wounded. One of his men stoppid at the risk of bis life, and put his arms arouud the officer to carry him from the OelJ. Fifty Confederate nunksts were aimed at the young man who was picking up the officer. But the Confederate captain shouted "LI U. don't fire ! Tliat fellow is too brave to shoot." And as the Federal officer, he'd op by his pri vate soldier, went limping slowly off he field, tbe Confederates gav three cheers for the brave privatt; and just before the two disappeared be hind a barn, both the wmndtd officer and tbe brave private lifted their caps in gratitude to the Con federate captain. Chris'ian Hsrald. Kboe Factory a,ar p. The Allianoe Shoe Factory at Hillsboro has started up. Ic is said the capacity is fifty pairs per day, and orders are in on which to ran for some time. Tbo limbless Cotton. We received some time ago a prop osition to advertise the Jackson limbless cotton and handle the seed as agent, 1'he.comuiiBsion was fair but only a little more than half what some editor said he was offered. If tbs limbless cotton is a good thing we want our farmers o have it, but we would rather not see them bite freely, lest there be found some fake. We give tbe following that seems lo ua the most comprehensive brief statement that we have seen. Should any of our readers wish to try tbis co'.ton we will tuke pleasure in aiding them: "One of the features of the cotton growers' conyention today was the exhibiting of a new variety of cot ton, known as the "African limb'ess." In 1893 Adolph Kyle, while wan dering over Central Afno-t, ca ie across a new species of giant cotton in be valley of tbe upper Congo river. The plant was not nnder cultivation, but appeared to grow Ild on the marsh lands. Ic differed from other cotton in that many of the stalks were as high as 2J feet, and tbe bolls werecouneoted directly to the stalk witbout any intervening limb, Kyle cut t ff a piece 18 inches long. He placed it in his trunk and finally came here. 'Talking to a gronp in a hotel Kyle related the above incident and so interested F W Jackson, a planter of this S ate, that the latter a-ked to see the specimen. Kyle gave it to him, and in the spring of 1804 iackson planted a large number of the seed, obtaining only 57 perfect stalks in his crop. Tbe soil in which be experimented was very poor, and the stalks only averaged eight feet, with an occasional excep tion measuring 14 feet. The max imum number of bolls on one stalk was 187, and the ordinary run av eraged 6 bolls. Tbs American cotton averages only eight to eleven bolls to the stalk. "The quality of the new species was found to excel the old greatly. The next year tbe amount of prod uct was increased slightly, and in 1806 five acres yielded three and a balf bales to tbe acre. From the crop of 1806 there is enough seed to plant 2,600 aores. It is expected chat with proper fertilization the seed will produce five bales to tbe sere. 'Tbs new variety has five "locks' or divisions to the bol', whereas the old style has only four. The locks in the ordinary variety are only three qaarters of an inch long, while the new kind is one acd one-half inches long. While the brand has teen endorsed as genuine by Com missioner of Agriculture Nesbitt and others, Col. R J Reddin, super intendent of the State Experimental Farm, denounces it as spurious, and says it is simply a variety of a weed tbat grows in many places and which has been brought to high cultivation. Tbe convention will investigate tbe cotton tomorrow." AtUn'a, Ga f Special, 14th, (o New York Sun. Hbella to Beat Ibe Band. Happening to drop in at th Fenix Roller Mill this (Thursday) morn ing, Mr. Giles Crowell showed bis new Western cornsheller ha has just received. We tested it by ac tual count and find tbat it shells 190 pounds in two minutes, which wonld make at least three bushels and a peck. Counting at this rate of speed, wbicb is nothing more than its average, be can shell Bice ty seven and one-half bushels per hour, and it is nice and clean and free from any cobs. e A Piece arPeaalon News. It will be remembered tbat some days ago we published the different amounts of the pensions tbat bad been sent Register Weddinglon for distribution and amon them wa one for $02, which was the largest one. A good many bave wondered who it la tbat draws tbe highest pension in the county. It ia Mr. Sam VV Tarlton, of Mill Hill, who was shot during tbe wsr, and who suffers so intensely at times. A Hoe; sttolen. 8ome person is getting hungry for pork, sure, up in No. 1 township Soma one took one of Mr. Frank Bost's hogs Wednesday night. Judg ing from the appearance of tbe ground about there, it is thought that the person knocked tbe Log in tbe bead witb a maul, and then after dragging it some distance stuck a knife in its throat. After it bad bled sufficiently, tbey again dragged it stme distanoe, and then nothing more is known. A search warrant was taken out Thursday and served, but nothing was found, though there seems not to be much doubt bat tbat the slayer will be caught, EIGHT COWS KILLED. Tuberculosis Anions; the t'ntlle ofihe A. M. t'ollctre. The herd of cattle at tbe Ai!- cullural and Mechanical College if infected with tuberculosis. Eight splendid ows were killed Saturday and four more are being wa'ch d and examined to dertermine whether tbey are affected with tbe disease. Prof. Emory,.of the experiment sta tion, made a test for tuberculosis of the eight cows tbat were killed, and after a thorough examination he was sat sfied that they were fcfftctta. It was decided to kill tbe animals in srder to stamp the .disease out, if possible, and this was done. Four others of the herd are now under the watch of experts. The college her J of cattle iB a large one. TLe cattle are blooded and standa-d bred, snd command fancy prices. Lst spring the herd of oattle at tbe expeiiineot station was affected with tuberculosis and a number of oows had to be killed. Tuberculosis is in reality con. sumption. It is incurable, aod the only resort to save a herd of cattle is to kill thoss affected. There have been a nn ruber of cites of tubercu' losis in the city. Raleigh Post. Rect Year's Election. The elections for 1898 will be more general and of far greater im portance than those of this year. In addition to tbe choice of a new bous) of representatives and of leg ielatures in several of tbe states that will elect senators, tbe following states will elect governors; Ala bama, Arkansas, California, Colo rado, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Maine, MaseachueetiB, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jer sey, New York, North Dakota, Ore gon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Ioland, South Carolina, South Dakota, Ten neseee, Texas, Vermont, Wisconsin and Wyoming. These contests will be national in their character, covering as tbey will every part of the Union. Greensboro Patriot. Tofcave the Hloadyfcers. Washington, Deo. 16 The House today passed a bill appropria'ing $175,000 for the relief of the people who are in the Yukon river country. As passed the sum carried by it is o be expended nnder the direction of the Secretary of War for the pur chase, transportation and distribu tion of subsistence stores. It provides tbat these stores may be cold at prices fixed by the Secre tary of War, or donated where the people, are unable to pay for them. It emp iters bim to purchase rein deer and employ drivers njt citizens of the United Sta'e. and afterward dispose of tbe reindeer. Secretary Alger was on the floor during the debate . Closed Ont Their Business. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H Byones, of Chicago, who set up a ''ring tbe cane" business in our city yesterday, have pulled up their stakes todaj (Friday.) It was found this morn ing that that class of shows should pay a tax of forty dollors and rather than do tbat they bave left our town. Tney went to Charlo'te from here. he l,sns Dlsjtnuce Line. The materiel is on the ground at Rileigh for the extension of tbt long dieUno telephone to all the leading towns of North Carolina. The line will be run from Ruleigt to Greensboro and then to Danvilli in order to tap tbe long dialauc line of tbe large citits, says the Ril eigh Post. Later on the line wit' be extended South and Salisbury will be given connection with th' outside world. The B.ll Company will expend $20,000 in eatab'iahini telephonic conneation between tbi leading North Carolina towns. At the Democratic Ilouee citicut in Wa hing'on Tuesday niht Rep resentative Bailey, of Tt x -s off-r- et resolutions declaring against tb. retirement of greenbacks and tres ury no'es; the exten ion cf the privileges ef national banks or a re duction of taxes on them ; aUo de claring for the recognition of bellig erency betwen Cuba and Spain and for the enactment of a bankrupt law. The resolutions were adopted. No positive course was marked out on the Hawaiian question. A New Sank for Aalievllle. The establishment of a new bank in Aebeville is soon to be realized. Those interested in the movement say they have had sufficient encour agement to believe that a new banking institution will soon be formed with Mr. J W Norwood, a successful Wilmington banker, an its president, A RUNAWAY. Ilnrrs Itecome t'rlislitened While l.onriliiv l.niuher nntl Take a I. oils Kuo. Tb s iSa'urdu') morning at a while bfitr 8 o'clock, wbi'ethe team of Mr. M J Corl was at the depot waiting for a load of lumber, they became frghtened snt ran awa- Tbey ran up Depot stnet, goirg on Urovub ton towards the I' I ee Mile branch. When they wia gtrng down the sterp bill ou iliis eide of the branch, tbey laet Mr. Jim Fapp, who ha l ori a load of wrod, and realizing hit danger, ran up on the batik. Dii. ving too far up the bank, his load of wood turned over in the, hut no damage vas d r.eby the runaway team. The runaway team still kepi going at a break-neck speed until tbey got to Mr. W C Goldman's, just oa this side cf Cold Watei creek, where they met Mr. Caleb Cline's two small boys with a load of wood. The loaded wagrn wae 'urned over, one of the mulee knocked down, aod the wagon bro ken at several places. Fortunately the boys eecap.d without injury, having either bten knocked eff or elsa jumped juat when the two wag ons stinck. No damage scarcely was done tc Mr. Corl 's wagon or team, though one ot Mr. Clint's mules ie badly bruised up and the flesh is torn in several places, T'lis makes twice that Mr. Sapp has had an ennonn er witb a runaway team, tbejtwo not being fur apart, having once bad a collision with the large horses now belonging to Mr. J M Burrage, then belonging to Air. Caleb Sffit.k. II jdrophnblR llenlh nt liiilllnrrt I lil leifC Divid Moore, the 7-jtar-old sin of Mrs. Moore ditd in great egony Thursday morning at Guilford Col lege. The child had been bitten by a straute cat thrre weeks agi. The cat acted strangely in biting the child but little was thought of it till the child tcok a chill and giew very sick. Dr. Robinson was called in. He pronounced the symptoms those of hydrophobia. The child died in stamis. Tbe same cat bit Dr. Robinson in in the tar and much uneasiness is felt for him. A special to the Courlotto Obacr ver says six men were bitten by a mad dog in Greensboro Thursday, and tbat great excitement prevails. Onicliinl ObicrvRfionN. The swindle fiotoriaj are alwajs runrjinsr on fool ti ne. To be alone is a million fold bet tor than tu be in bad company. Most men are bad because they have not been (aught to be good. The successful mun is the one who is always pursued by a pack of sasppini dogs. Ten gruius of common sensj are ivoitb more for practical purposes ban ten bushels of book learning. S)Uiemen are born lucky, some ork themselves into fortune, and iowe die as they live no accaunt to anybody. A wuman has more worry and trouble over eettiDg one dreei made o suit tier thin a man has overall lis cloth' s in a lifetime. He who brings a feeling of j y to fie heart of a sad bjing, peit'orme q act tbat will count much in his fivor in the fiualeuuiniing up. Ex lluiiirliiir. Itny Indeed Six men ejpit edcro s crime F.i- Uy on the galbws, viz Wai. K IU6U3 C'i'r, Mo, for die uiurcer tf tin on ctj : let ; 15 uu lirooks ai d Grady Reynolds, of Jifferson, (i.-., or the murder of M C Huut, of lldltor, Oa.; Ym. Jjlinsou, a Cov ington, Tennessee, for (ha murder of Val e lljjd, of Ilavil'e; Jjlin LLir lin, lit Grundy, s Virginia, fur be miirdr cf Gorrg'1 Mo"u'k, vnd ludL'e'.rdut Cur.-uaon, Ala, col tred, aged 11 year.1, for outraging be 8 -year old daughter of Ben Croker. There is some Ciimrort in the knowledge that not all 'hi criminals sc'-pe just punishment. . Shooting nt llio Trnlti. Thursduy night ad :r.i:a No. 12 nad p.u.itd TImiji tsviMe, .ouie villain tired two pistol tho'd at the traiu, one of wbicb stiuck between th indjw of the express cor and the othtr crashel through a window iu the passenger coach a number of passengers were sitting. One man sitting near tbe window was covered with broken fr,uinpnl-.i of glues, tit fortunately no one was hit by the ball . 1 his is getting to be a very fre quent occurrence these d.vya either shooting with pistols or throwing rocks, and it is to be hnpi'd th it the railroad de tectives will be ubio to catch some of these persons Royal make the food purtt, wbolewin mud litllrlniHi POWDER Absolute) Pure ftnvi Mtrnsn prtworn rv, -tfWVrMTJf, THE CONCEALED WEAPON LAW. It ReAtraiufl Only the Peaceable The VIcIoum Dlnrearard It, King's Weekly, of Greenville, is i paper which has a refreshing fash ion of blurting out what it thinks, seemingly without regard to wheth er the proposition it announces ia comfortable to the publlo or not. Die following from a recent issue is a case in point : "There is right much now being aid about abolishing the hip pocket. It is a popular subject viewed from sorn standpoints, but the average citizen who has to hus tle for a living, comes in contact with the world and look out for bitasolf, often finds a necessity for two. Carrying concealed weapons has often resulted in fatal conse quences, but it should not be for gotten tbat much life and property have more often been protected. No man who understands the times now existing among us fails to see justification in carrying concealed weipons. The law against it ought to be repealed. It 13, of necessity, violated every day. It places the weak and law-abiding at tbe mercy of tbat element who care nothing for the law. And tbey are many. In these times, it is best that every man be prepared to defend himself at any time." This is what a great many peop'e are thinking and the idea upon which they are acting without the nerve to say it. There are many good and peaceable citizens who at times feel the Deed of carrying a gun and carry it, notwithstanding that there is a law against it. If the law restrains any class it is this class, for it is certain that it Las no eflect upon the lawless the only class that needs to be deprived of its weapon. To the extent that it re strains the law-abiding, to that ex tent it places this class at tbe EiSTCJ of thute who do not regard the law. But whether this is true or not it contravenes the very first American principle, the idea upon which all Democratic governments are built, to wit: tbat the citizen has the right to do as be pleases so long as be does not trench upon tbe rights of his neighbor. In following out this idea it is to be said that a man has an inherent right, of which the law cannot with justice deprive him, to carry a gun. Tbe law has a right to collar bim when he makes im proper use of it not before. States ville Landmark. When yon want Fresh Oysters, stewed, fried or raw, birds on toast, fresh Gab or a square meal, prepared by au old experienced cook (Wils. vie. Moore) call at Boer & John?, ton's Restaurant iu the BrickRow uear the Court House. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cures a Prominent Attorney. MP H. O. rnF.LrS, the leading pension attorney of Belfast, N. Y., writes: "I was discharged from tlio army mi account of 111 hcultli, and suffered from iK'ELi t trouMe over sinco. I frequently bud fainting and smothering spell). Aly form was bent as a man of 80. I constantly woro iinovereuat, even In summer, fur fear of titking cold. I could not attend to my busi ness. My rest was broken by severe p& tut about tha heart and left shoulder. Three years ago I commeured using Dr. allies Heart Cure, notwithstanding I had used to much patent medicine and taken drugs from doctors for years without being helped. I)r. Ml lets Heart Cure restored me toheulth. It ia truly a wonderful medk-ine and it afford mo much pleasure to rernrnmend tht rm- edy toy veryono. Or. MIW Itemed.!) 1 ro suld by all drug gist: under a p.'i itht j A Mile' -a jfaarlCta! a,'uaru:ilo iirit ir1tltM benefits or i .otu r Roetoress funded. H ' llt f.n i cases of the h'..i.t ai.d I U , MOaWtll i nerves free. Aih.rr.fsM, tt'Pi N if

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