Sinn , i fRjrrs ti' ii W B v 3 l is $ Pi i t T - JOB - WORK KJ JLX . -Ve For 1 Year T LIVING PRICES. ive us a Trial. WHbLE NO. 450 Send us i Dollar. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1897. VOL X--N 321, Standard Sales V h . lood'ii Sijapa- BOW bow tiiat thla medl- I Ik clue I u o Joyed pablla eonfldenoe and I itior to greater oxtent than aooord- ev. any uner proprietary medicine. This !j ei tin ly bocauaa it, poaaeaaea greater ' .i. rlL tnd prodacea greater curee than . j; other. It la not what we aay, but Mi Hood'a SareapariUa doee, that tella lh ato y. All advertlaementa of Hood'a Hxr rllla, Ilka Hood'a BaraeparlUa it f : 1 e honeet. We have never deeelTed , ,1.11c, and thla with ite auperlatlve tuuuioi ial merit, la why the people bare etl";U confidence In It, and buy Sarsaparilla , r.'i to the exelualon of an othera. Try It y-i.v 4 only by C. I. Hood Co.. Lowell, Mui T. j, rsif are tbe only pllle to take liOCd 8 PillS witb Hood'a Sarup&rtUa, Mothers! ' Phs dUcota J lorta and dangers of c'alld-birthcan f;e almost en-1 t' rely avoided. VlneofCardui relieves ex- . tectant tnoth ora. It give! - toneto the gen ii alorgana, and pota them in condition to do their lerfectly. That make preg tency lest painful, ahortena 1 iborand haatena recovery after r hild-birth. It hel pa a woman tear etrong healthy children- liai alto brought happtaeat to thouaanda oi home, barren for vcare. A few doaea often brings oy to loving hearts that long 'or a darling baby. No women .honld neglect to try it for this .rouble. It cures nine caaeaont of ten. All draggiets sell Win ofCardsi. f 1.00 per bottle. Tat Moe la eaaaa feeoMnr apeeM nreetloae, addreaa, rlHaf eymptoma, ha Ladlae' Adrteorr Department,'' rha Chamaoora atadlda Co Ctaaa iieomTeoa. i Ira.tttmUBAUr. of JeAreea, efe, tayat Wkae t llrat took Wine ef Cartful w hae been married three yeara. but Miild sot hate any ehtldren. line eaeelaa later 1 kad a ace gin sab Lixii 6". Oaldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevena, M. D Pn. CALDWELL 4 8TEVKN8. Concord, N. 0. 0JE6s in old post offioe building apposite St. Clood Hotel. M. B. STIOKLEY. AUorney at Law, Concord iV. C ULlIAL AT7KHTI0N Qlhh 10 COLLECTIONS ;'"! )e upstairs in Kino; balVflni nar Postoffio-. CONCORD N.C. CAPITAL STOCK, . 50,00a - V7e are pom ready fir business at nr new banking office in the Propst building. Yonr account ii respect f u! y tolioited, and ws promise yon careful and ooorteous attention and very faoility consistent witb sound backing. - Deposits from 25 cents np takes in onr SAVINGS DEPARTMENT., laterrst paid on savings aud time iiefosits. Uall to see ns 'and see our burglar nroaf safe with time lock. OIKEOTOR8' , CANNON, LAWiOH J. V 'U 1 Rn. 8. YOUNG C.W.8WINK, JN ).0. WAD8WOBTH, TR. D. W. FLOWI .'J. F. CANNON,"JA8. 0. GlfiSOH, Prealdent Tashler. 3 . HT1N BUOER, h. I. WO0DR0URK. ' lea Preiidekt Teller. v.,1, Brown & BRo. I IVERY, FEED AND feALE STABLES. it it in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om- t, nuaes meet all passenger trains O. tfiis of all kinds furnished ;r )mntly and at reasonable pKoe. I and nooUs always on band 'fm al. Breeders of thoropgbbred OMaod Ublna uogs. . U ,00K - - An one wishing to purchase new, High Arm, Wheeler & Wilson S"iu2 Machine, 'oar drawers, cover and end leaf, file otk finish, with complete attachments, should call at this oIHoe. We only have one, and will offer the buyer speoial price. o9tr. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS VOHITI VFliT LUHJ iy, itmwitnauy, HliMii1aMriski,wte oi l-y Ahiiah or tit her J ireusM stnrl In 'wm jjo- Hi' ny in am or jeans, nut IftJcxn mtirirt. '1 Ltt'.T n.. (rotl'lil 1 rf rrrTVe a.l .A atrlMitB a l'TlI!P. whfrat all aVthf (at-f fa list w;-in hT(n(r ti v''l-te Ai tul lwtt. That fckNvriiiH4 tit-. ..P1f wlilptif:, jrei, wnjtiw p l!t eTttfI dit(j. si. i, unm or r f'j.i . fUMthi-, n- ii K" tr.nil, a tifi - if i ;3tjn.nt) lor fclfiO. I CO., otSft'by J Uibton, DrngRist Hood s work Aeaallled f aVnrder. Mo Gion, of ttbaron township, Mecklenburg county, who was on tr 1 for tbe murder of Lester Tor ncr, was promptly acquitted of tbe charge, the jury being unanimous to the first vote. A Vae ef Blphlberla. Miss Blanche, the twelve year-old daughter of Mr. WO Boyd, has sfully developed case tf diphtheria, we learn . 8be is isolated from tbe rest of the family, and bat one, her sister, enten the room. We tbink there need be no alarm, bat pruden- tial can t ion should be exercised as a safeguard against the spread of this malignant disease. A Stat Baieltfa.1 rate. Miss Lelia Herbert, the daughter of ex -Secretary Herbert committed suicide on Tuesday by jumping ont of tbe third story window of tbe Herbert borne in Washington city, She was being treated for accute melancholia, which tends to suicidal insanity and bad severed ber rist artery with a pair of scissors. When discovered the attendant hastened for aesietauce and duricg the ahort absence tbe unfortunate lady made the fatal jump. She strnck the asphalt sidewalk with ber head and died in about one hour after the fall. Miss Ueibert was much admired for her graceful bearing in Wash ngton society, especially while ber father was in charge of tbe navy department. a PajlBar Inveatment. We are told of a eewiDg machine ageut that is not a thousand milee away, wbo promised a young lady a nioe gold watch if she would in- auoe ner tatner to Day a sewing machine from him. The lady his succeeded in ber task, and tbe girl's father is now looking at the differ ent etyles at the jewelry store, and will probably advise tbe youog man as to whici one be thinks would suit the fair maiden best. Itetwrnlna- Home for t'nrletmaa. There was quite a crowd at the depot Wednesday night, so many eiurning from school for tbe holi days. Of course all bad friends at tbe depot to meet them. Misses Bessie Sims, Fannie Leslie, Cora Lents, and Clara Oillon came home from Greensboro; Messrs. Will Gib son. Frank Rogers and Ed. Hill. from Chapel Hill; Homer Earn hardt, Wilburn Tucker, and Ben Craven from Trinty Col lege; Miss Pearl Brown and Art teacher, Miss Bettie Alexander from Elizabeth College; and Lois Craven, from the A & M College. Broke Hie jog With Brief. A colored customer in Couch's saloon last night got fnto an argu ment with a white man and stepped out the back door to look for some convenient weapon to clinoh it. He found a brick, and net then lie saw hie man coming out. txt threw the brick at him. The man dodged, and another white man, an old fellow who was going out of tbe back door with a jug of material, met it. The brick mashed the jus and spilled hie sowpaw in the doorway. He was ncllned to raise a tow about it, but when tbe police came up, no one was in sight, and all was smell. Charlotte Obierver. There eeems to be no doubt now but tb t tbe Southern Railway Co. will acauire the Memphis & Charleston railroad tbe first of January. Three sets of twin children at Uud the same district school in Ca t,wba county. Statesville Land mark. He Waa Hatched at Laat. An old Georgia darky, with his arm ia a sling, was talking to another on a West End car. 'Yes,' sub I" be said wi'Vempha is,,'I gone up now forsuo'I You see die arm in de sling, don't you J" "Yes." "Well, sub," the old man con tinned by way of explanation, ' I'll be SO years old next harvest ; I done see lots of trouble in my day, hut by de grace er God I miss tbe Ku Klux, I miss de Viglauce Committee. I miss tbe Wbitecaps, en I misa de Regulators, but bow, m my old ate, pleate waxinators kotched en cat me "Atlanta Journal. There Are Tae ef Them. Another man has relinquished bis pension claim, not being satisfied that it is conscientiously right for hiui to be getting it He hails from New Uamnahire. but bu name 18 withheld. UAv tVi Or, aUlue' Nwre floater. HE HE THEY GO, The Trln of Movlnic I'rople Will nooa Fog-In One tteee Rtsclit After the Other. The procession of moving people will soon berin, and all the parties in the make-up are getting their baggage ready. The procession will consist of eight families, none of them going a very long distance. The family of Mr. J M Ueudrix will lead the proc eaitn, though it ii not definitely known what day they will begin. Tu'ey will moye from the Fetzer house on South Main street to the house on Church street formerly occupied by Dr. Holden. Mr. R E Ilidenhour will then wove to the Fetzer house, leav ing tbe Gillon bouse for Sheriff Buchsn in to occupy. Mr. S J Lowe will move into the Morrison bouse vaiated by Sheriff Buchanan, while Mr. Smoot moves to tue house now occopied by Mr. Lowe. Dr. Young has purchased the house where Mr. Day vault now lives, and will probably move when the Mont gomery bousd is vacated, thcugh this is not definite, anl Dr. Steyens will then meye where Dr. Young is now living. Then Dr. M L Marsh and wife, who are now boarding at Mr. Henderson's, will move into the house vacated by Dr. Steyens. Then we think the procession will be past . Belter Kill a Man Than Nlioot a Ball. At the recent term of Halifax Crimind Court, Judge Sutton, Re publican, presiding, a colored man submitted o a verdict of manslaugh ter and was sentenced to 3 years in tbe penitentiary. ;A white mn who bad shot his neighbor's bull because the animal wouldn't stay off his premises, was sentenced to 30 days on tbe roads and lined $50. Be didn't kill the bull, either. The evidence showed that the animal had broken into and tresspassed upon his prem ises repeatedly, and that, after repeated ineffectual warnings to its owner to take it away, be shot i inflicting only slight injuries. If the bull had been killed tbe man would doubtless have received as severe punishment as tbe negro who had taken human life. The Scotland Keck Common wealth says that Sutton inflicted very liht punishment in all cases where the defendants were colored. This is a specimen of our 're- form" and "rjon-.partiean" judiciary. SUteeyille Landmark. Rate Pnt to Death. It is credibly reported that Col. Ruis, in tbe interest of Marshal Blanco and hs autonomy scheme, went to the insurgent General, Ar- angura, who reoeived him cordially, but tbe subordinate Cuban soldiers seized Ruis, court martialed him and put him to death by the Machete (a large knife) notwithstanding Gen. Lee sent bis friendly intercessions for him. Hovlna; to Spencer. Nearly all of tbe freight conduc tors of tbe Southern Railway Com pany who have had homes in Char lotte have moved to Spencer or EaU isbury. Mr. Ed Patterson, who has lived there for three years past, will moe to (Spencer this week. Ths loss of these men is severely felt in Charlotte. Charlotte Observer. Nature is the only true and uni versal school for all humanity. Her curriculum is as broad as the earth and her pupiln graduate with broad gauge diplomas. The champion giant mule was sh'ppad last week from Chicago for London, where it will corstitute an attractive feature in a menagerie. It is 19 bands, 2i inches high, and weighs 1,830 pounds, though not in good flea b. It is a Missouri prod uct. Greensboro Record. Wonder if that mule got his full growth. He's ojIj 6 feet 6 inches high ' Get On Another Jag. Harry Fulenwider, or Carlton Robyu, has gotten into trouble and in tbe lock-up too at Salisbury. He tried to give a performance in the opera house, but on being told that the house did not open for less than twenty dollars, and knowing that be could not give it, be went and got on a jag. He.' kept on getting fuller and fuller, until about 3 o'clock in the morning he was given a berth in the rear of the city hall, The dress suit which he obtained from bis friend here has been taken from him and will be n turned to its owner. nnill SI vpcftknnfmf'aaliy cin'ed riy J r 1 1 S A la lr. Mile' (Jorve 1'k trtorj, Ilea llydroyhobla. News was received at bis 'home at Guilford this morning that Dr. Robereon. who went to Baltimore last week for treatment for tbe bite' of a cut known to be mad, has a well-developed case of hydrophobia. The letter stared that he would be unable to leave tbe hospital before February, from whioh it is inferred that it is not thought he will die, having it perhaps in a mild form. This is terrible news. The same cat bit a child who died. Greensboro Record, 20tb. iiee Rev. lahldato Wed. S Rev. A Ishida, the Japanese that! lectured at Central Methodist church quite a while ago, passed through Salisbury the other night from Aeheville, where be has been confinfd with typhoid fever, so we learu from the Salisbury Sun. H is on his way to New York, where he is to be married to a lady named Miss Stocking, whom hb met at St. Loos while there at school. He and his American wife will Boon sail for Japan, where they will be engaged in missionary work among his own people. A young man from the country who was in town Siturday expressed some fear that he might come in contact with the measles while here, bnt he confided to a friend that he hud taken due precaution against them. On being asked what bis preventive as be said it wag to keep bis mouth full of tobacco and his s'omach full of vliiskey all the time. Statesville Landmark. tjrlOla-Phllllpa Marriage. This evening at 3 o'clock, Mr. Jesse Grflia who is employed at Sappen field's store, was married to Miss Emma Phillips, of 8outh Spring street. The ceremony took place at the Lutheran parsonage Rev, 0 B Miller officiating. The Standard extends its hearty con gratulations to the newly wedded couple. Daily of 231. ee "Let Sler Go." These were tbe last words of R an on the gallows Thursday that gave tbe signal to launch the wifei slayer into eternity. ''Don't get nervoup, Joe," said be to the sheriff. SeventjfCve tickets were issued to special ones, including newspaper representatives who witnessed tbe scene, l ather Joseph, of St. Agnes church ministered to him according to the Catholic ritual. Ryan waa wonderfully cool and when asked by the sheriff if he wanted to give the signal said ''let her go. Ryan's career has been crowded, it seems, with marks of fearful de pravity from youth, and men who knew him for the forty-one years of bis life have said that he did not pos sess a sirgle good trait but was noted acs of pure deviltry. Ryan professed a change of im pulse and a renewed heart with a bright hope of a blessed future, which ia gratifying, but such hu mility and contrite sorrow as would be the natural fruits of such revolu. tion seem less conspicuous thao bis nonchalance. Tbe Me tit Amu'ua raneert. The Mont Amoena concert was held Thursday night at the Semin ary in Mr. Pleasant. It consisted of recitations, song?, pantomimes, mou vaoo tabltaus and several placitique poses. The fieroises were under the management of tbe music teacher, Mies Snmmere, and the elocution teacher, Miss Sieber. The exercises were good from beginning to end, and the teachers deserve the endit for the training of these pupils so well. There Jwas a fairly large audienoe, though the house was not crowded, e m ' A solid car load of lettuce from Florida Jwent through on the north bound express today. The car. prob ably contained five hundred crates of lettuce, which iswoith $5 perorate. This gives some idea of the money there is in trucking. Tbe eastern portion of North Carolina is one of tbe best truck farming sections in n tbe country, and produce shipped to New York bas to travel only about half as far as from Florida. Dally Recorder, 22nd. f r The next move on the interna tional cbeckboard is for the great eastern powers to move on the Celestial Empire and slice and nib ble at the coast of China preparatory to swallowing it In toto. While China could not keep back little Jaoan she may enjoy a measure of safety from tbe fact that tbe pro verbial jealousy among ine avan oious powers will make a peaceful and satisfactory partition well nigh Imnaouililo PETREAS ARE PARDONED. Itorton nndToni Pclren, W ho Are Or. the Chain., Cmitt 'Itecelvt d I'ardoa From Governor KnfcMrll. Sheriff BuchanRn received a par don thin (Friday) morning for Mor ton and Tom Petren, two men that were put on the chairgang at tbe July term of court of 1896, for forci ble trefpas-p, having been sentenced for two yearn. This will let there off six monthn before their time ip ont, as sentenced by the judge. They were convicted for putting dynamite under tbe honee of Gar rison Bowman, of No. 0 tJwnBhip. Superintendent Biackwelder will now loss two of bis beet men ou the chaingang, tbe father, Morton Pe trea, beio;; iV.o. cook for the gang, whilo the ton; Tota Petrea, is a splendid working band. Both have been "trusties" for quite a whilo. It has been thought for some time that thtte two men would have their time shortens'.!. FAI rillTJLLY REGARDED By cCaplain Oilell t'laae Enlertnln- nent llolltlny Oratore al Foreal Bill. Mrs. H 0 Raimer her Sun., day schrol class an eutertainmi nt at her ho e on North church s'-reot last night. Mra. IUimer had off- red a prize to the scholar for the best attendance during tie ysar, which was won by little Miss Glenn Robs. Mr. Raiiner gave all ber echoiurs a pleasant -time and they all went home hippy. 1 Mr. A O Ila'hcock and three childrin, of titanley, are viuiting at bis brothers, Mr. N J llathcock's. Mr. Craig Rons, of New Loudon, who has been viewing bis bro'.her, V? J Roes., returned home Thursday, accompanied by his brother, Jasper Rojf, who will rpen t the holirteys with his parents at that pliue. Mr. and Mrs. II M Burrow and children have gone to Lswisburg, where they will fp-md tho holidays with Mr. Barrow's wen's. Machinist F B llaydock has been quite sick with grippj this weuk, but we are g'ud to note his improve, tnent. Captain J M OJell rewards the faithful this (Friday) morning by giving the following employes who have been in his employ continuous ly for twenty years, a $5.00 dollar gold piece. They are as folio s : J ,M Raimer, H C Raimer, Misa Clurissa R -timer, Rties Sarah Deaton, J II Kizziab, U M SatLer, II P. Alexander. 'I here are atveu in number and all own their own homes, which proves conclusively that the rewards go to tbe faithful. These presents were given by Cup- tain Odell from his private funds and be deserves muc'-i credit, show- iue what gre-it interest he feels in in his ec;p'0es. ?'ay Mr. Odell and those whom he so kindly re membered live to see another twenty years roll by. Daily of 24th. rite Baniiuetof the I. o. o. F. The hit.qnet of the I. 0.0. F's in the old club room Thursday night was quite an enjoyable occas ion. I: was largt ly attended, there heinir about 500 present, and it is amazing what oysters and other various good things were invisible when that large crowd bad disposed. Th seats were quite insufficient iu the hall bnt the jolly assembly mingled in picnlo style and the hours flitted awny ere the rattling flow of conyerse was ready to rIbv. It Is rather myettrious to us that this splendid band of fraternal and their wives and daughters will go to no much trouble and expense yearly hint to see a crowd of people talk and eat. To ;siy the least it must come from tbe principle that it la more blessed to giveHhau to receive. The writer ia one of tb. huge nuai- hpr that was quite contant witn tne less blecsed part of rc-ceiviug, espe cially that plate of oyMera of super ior pra;ie both in material ana cook- ery. If thankfulness on the pi;rt of rfcinimtsis the only return ixfecttd for such sjlf drying k indues i wt tender payment in full. A nana or musicians set the nerves of evn the most sedate, probably, to twitc.hii!2 in harmony wun me rhythm while there was a visible swayiDg among tnose wno cun uj the light fantastic toe." When thel 0. 0. F's. announce a leant w know what's oouueg. Long live the Odd Fellows! e,ee ' llneklen'e Arnica naive. The B.t Salve in the world for Outu,"'Braises, keies, Ulcus, Salt Rheuuj, I ever Sown, Tetterd Cbappr Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, aud positively enrce iles or no pay requi -ed. It is .naranteed to give otatisf action ol monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For tie at.f li 'euc." uritg a tore,' THE 0HKISTMA8 SABBATH. IIw Our rnator Will Improve Ihe Opportunity lo Impreaa Ihe t'hrlel- Itlea. At St. Jhtnes', Rev. 0 B Miller pastor. Srvioes Suuday morning at toe regulur hour. Subject of the pastor's diaoourso will be "Iniman uel." at 7 p. m. service of sacred song, when the choir will render aSeripturt Oratorio Canta'a, entitl.d ' David, Kinj of Ibiib'," by Chas. H Oabriel. At Central Methodist church R-v. J E Thompson, paster, there will be a special discourse on Sun day morning from Ileggai 2-7. Tbe The theme will be "The Anticipated Christ." At Forest Hill Methodist church, Re'. J D Arnold, will have special Christmas discourse at the morning service. At Trinity reformed church, Rev. B F Davis, will preach a special discourse Sunday morning appropriate to the Chiistmas season At tbe First Presbyterian church, Rev. W C Alexander will preach a special Christmas sermon at the morning service. At Forest Hill Presbyterian Chcpel, Ri-v. Kankin will have-a gpecial Chrisimas theme Sunday ciumir.g, having pri paied his Can nonyille congregation for the proper celebration of the, Christmas event on laat Sunday from the text. To ns a child is born, unto vs a son is Cjven." Daily of 21th. Honnd Philosophy. Tolinaga, in some of his recent utterances seems to be an apostle of optimism. Ila b-js: "If anyone has auj thing gloomy to say, let him gay it to himself. If he must write it, let huu not tend it lo editorial rooniH, but put it in the pigeon-hole of hit) owe desk for his heirs and asa signs to read further on, for proba bly they can stand it better than we. 1 once gave $7 to hear Jenny Lind fcinp. I never will give a c?nt to hear a man groan." There is net only sound philosophy but first-class religion in that senti ment. The groaners are evidently back numbers. When you eee constitutional complamer, give him a wide berth. A man with a conn tenanoe like a streak of sunshine is ulwaya welcome but if you want to scatter a crowd introduce a fellow into it with whom everything goes wrons. IIo has either killed his hogs in the wrong time of the moon, planted his potatoes when they all row to tops, set his bens when they all refu;e to hatch, bas the rheuu a isiu or some other equally inspiring ailment and manages to withdraw reflections from God's wonderful goodness to mankind in general to the imagined afflictions upon himself in particular. Dor htm Sun. Preventive and Care of Small-Pox. We give tbe following for what it it worth. We think we have seen It in several papers. To toy the least it does not seem to be a jumped np patent nostrum but a wholesome in gredient in tha culinary department Editor Patriot, Greensboro : Dear Sir : Noting what has ap peared in some of tbe newspapers on the smallpox care and the value ol cream of'tartar as a cure, I hereby testify from my own experience that it does all that is claimed for it. I hive used it in my own family and in Be-yeral cases outside and have no hesitation in Buying that if the remedy bo taken freely in the earlier stages of tha di3- ase a cure will cere Uioly follow, and that if persons exposed by waiting on others, eto. will use it as a daily beverage they will not take the disease. Mixture 3 or 4 tz, cream tartar to one gallon of cold water. Dose, 4 glF3 taken occasionally say 3 or -1 times a day. The remedy was discovered by M C Rise, of D.king, Eug'aud, who isjued a ptmphlet giving the receipe and mauy testimonials of ita genuine flicftcy. I write thi3 iu ihe interest of hu manity and hope it may be of ser. vice . Yours, A, now Trial lor Tray lar. C A Traylor, of Saliabury, gets a cow trial. So the Supreme Court has decided, In landing down the decision tho 0 mrt Bays : "A charge that evidence offered by the State tending to prove the bad character of a defendant could be considered by the jury in determining the de'endant's guilt, hold erroneous and a new trial awarded." "TIRED MOTHERS find help a in Hood's S-arsiipanlltt, wnieh gives tlieui pure blood, a pood appetite aud ui'W awl needed STRENGTH. A Kainat Wllaon; -. As was anticipated, the Supreme Court, in tbe case of Caldtteil vs. Wilson for possession of the office of chairman of the Railroad Commis sion-affirmed the ' deoision of the lower court. Tbe Governor wai aware, it seems, two days before the deoision, how it would go '.d was prepared to get a sna at Wilson aud oust bim befon proceedings in fie United Statet Supreme court could be instituted but in this be was foiled. It will lake another decision to se'tle the mater. ' Mr- lloou'a Plana Neleetcd. The committee appointed for the purpose have selected tbe plans of Architect C C Hook, of Charlotte, for the Braxton Craven Memorial Hall. The hall is to seat between one thousand and twelve hundred people, and it is thought that work will bigin about March l-)t. Tht building will be known as the "Cra ven Memorial Hall." It is proposed to have it completed in time for the next commencement of Trini ty college. DurhfiDJ Sun. 4 A largo or 7,000 Healehlna, San Francisco, Deo. 20. The Russian barkentine Bering arrived in port yesterday with 7,000 seal skins, representing tbe mnjor portion of tbe business done by the Russian Seal and Fur Company during the season just closed. Tbe cargo is es timated at $1,0 0,000. tVe wish to caution all users of Simmont Liver KeguUtor on a subject of the deepest interest and importance to their health perhaps their lives. The sole proprietor! and makers of Simmons Liver Regulator learn that ct-3tomers are often deceived by bovine and taking some medicine of a limilar appearance or taste, believing it to be bimmons Liver Keeu'ator. we warn you that unless the word Regulator is on vie package or bottle, that it is not Simmons Liver Ke'Ulator. ISO one else manes, ot tver has made Simmons Liver Regulator, ot Inything called Simmons Liver Regulator 6utJ. ILZeilinAC'o., nc' .medicine made by anyone else .J the snm.. 0 ,Ve alone can put it np. and we cannot be responsible, i. )thr medicines represented as the same do mt help you as ynu are led to expect they vill. Eear this fact well in mind, if you have the habit of using a medicine which rousunnosedto be Simmons Liver Kegula lor, because the name was somewhat like t, and the package did not have the word Regulator on it, you have been imposed jpon and have not been taking Simmons Liver Kegulator at all J The Regulator hat Seen favorably known fo: many yeara, and lil who use it fcnaw now necessary it is tot f'ver and Ague, Bilious Fever, Constipa jon, Ileadjcho, l'y pel sia, and all disorder risirg from a UiseRpeit Jjirer. We ark you to I k for yurselves, and l?e Ihxc fcimrnons Liver Legulator, wlncfl fou can rei.dily distinguish by the Red i )n wrapper, and liy our name, is the onij sediciue called Simmons Liver Regulatoi J. Ii I IJILIN A CO, ii-v a The Coming- Woman Who goes to the club while her husband tends the baby, as well as the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sleeplessness, fainting or dizzy spells. J. he moat wonderful remedy for these women is Electrio Bitters. Thousands of sufferers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys rise up and call it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Fe male complaints and Nervous trou bles of all kinds are soon relieved by the uoe of Electric Bitters. Delicate women should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only 50a per bottle. For sale by P B Fetzer. For Over Firtv Teara Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hss been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child, ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the minis, allavs all nnin. chi-ah wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, it will relieve the poor littla sufferer immediately, bold bv druggists in every part of the world. 1Wt.ntj-nye cents a oottie, isesurfc and ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL- lLg Syrup, and take no other kind. "The horse bas another point of superiority oyer the wheel." "What is it?" "When a horse is getting ready to shy at anything you can tell it by his ears." The Motar. Free or Charge lo Sutterera. Cut this out and take it to your Iruggist and get a sample bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not ask you to buy before trying, lhis will show you the great merits of this truly wonderful remedy, and show you what can be accomplished by the regular size bottle. This is no ex periment, and would be disastrous to the' proprietor?, did they not know it would cure. Many best physicians are now using it in their practice witn great result", and are relying on it in most severe cases. It is guaranteed. 1 rial bottles free at P B Felzer's drug store. Regu lar size o(J cents and el.OO. THE ONLl in.- .i".1 rm-Mr proiiiiiii'iHiy iii ! ... I'libli.! eyo to day is Hoott'a - .ii.: ri U. Therefore fiutllood'i un.i O.SftY HOOD'8. Royal make the food pure, wboleeome and delicious. Absolutely pure HOVAt Mtrrtll rv., urw vrH. -. .i,i -Ta W. 'J Ml mi mmmsm 1 Santa Oaus Dcffs"lrlis Hat once more to you ou his annual round of visits and brings happiness not only to little ones, but many adnlt children. Come to our store and ti-e the choice and varied stock of Christmas novelti. a for gifts and made your atuection while the lines are intact. NO ONE CAN BEAT US ON PRICES. . A benntif j! assortment of ronkina n chairs, water cets, hail ani library lamps, easels, screens, pictures Bnd all kinds of furniture and cooking stoyes.j Mfi iBBOTISEDS. LEADINu FURNITURE DEAL ERS and UNDERTAKERS. In our undertaking !pi-rtment we carry in stock the cheapest cof fin to tho finest burial case. Person al attention to all funeral work. Hearse free. , CRAVEN BROS. When you are suffdring from Ca tarrh or Cold in tbe head you want relief right away, Oaly 10 cents is required to teat "it. Ahk your drug gist for the trial size of Ely's Cream Balm, or buy the 50o. size. JWe mail it. " ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren St, 'J Nc .f iTork City. I waa tfllicttid with catarrh last autumn. During tho month of Oc tober I could r either taste nor smell and could hear but little. Ely's Cream Balm cured it. Alarcus Geo. Shautz, Rahway, N J. FRESH :3 Fancy J Package KS- L Candy Received by Express Today. fcJ Ervin & Smith's GROCERS. .'- Rcifroad Engineer Tesllftee to Benefits Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. TTIFRE Is no more rpori5!Mr position on earth thun that of u rullrnrtc engin eer. On his steady nerves, clour lrulnt bright eye and perfect fci:if rv.-inrmnii, de pend the safety of tho train and tho lives of its passenieis. Ir. BlUas' lN'orv!in3 and other rorncdlt'H are e-'prcl:ilfy ailnptt1 to keeping tho nervtriHtouily, liiu bruin ck-Ui and tho mental f:u-n!Ut s un. .:, nln-d. Knclneer F. W. MiM'oy, f.criorly of IX i Broadway, Council lUu!T uttUU llumholdt St , I' ! r to ri."ldin C'Csl tii'it l-.i liifKi, CHUi iil,n:ifs ni "sulTorod for n't u ing Blclc, nervous iu..i 'Ai was fully roHtureii t h Nerve 4 Livur I'lll.-,. I Dr. Miles' Komotl;- Dr. Mlleu' e ,, are told by all : i;,;-' gist under a ,- U: guarantee, ni -1 beueOm ov im y r fundod- Italic uti tli is- , r canes of the heart ;ut nervert fro. Aoilrcsa, mm ans. -i' ir'i