The - Standard. TRINTS THE T AND ARB. TURN-OUT- GO'JD - JOB - WORK ,VT LIVINO PRICES. Give us a Trial. ftEWS THAT IS JVEJl'ti For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. VOL. X--NO 323. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 1898. WHOLE NO. 458 - Standard. pin h-. The In estientlal to henlth.Everynook nifl corner of the Blood system is reached by the blood, end on Ksqiiniitythecoiidltionof every organ de- j'ndi. Good blood means strong nerves, fr.orl ii gestion, robust health. Impure liloc d iheans Bcrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma iif ii',i;.itarrhor oilier diseasee. The surest ivuv tu lave good blood Ib to take Hood's H-ir j rilla. Tills medicine purifies, vi- tnliM-a. and enriches the blood, and sends tii? e'l-inenta of health and strength to i vy 1 3rve, organ and tissue. It creates a " hi appetite, gives refreshing sleep ' nd I'm es that tired feeling. Uemember, CI Sarsaparilla Ii the h st In fact the Ono True Wood Purifier. Jl I' l")ll r,lru i'lvir ion; easy to "00 J S rluS take, easy to operate, ase. THE ..EW WAY. TT70MEN used to think "fa male diseases " could only be treated after "lc c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering;. The in troduction of .5 ;l ..U he do on 1 N; si.. ''oi ir if ' .. a- r an' nd in .n rv (, lot c c ' C ! du: re "y c .r..:;ia r. ( ' i i ' . ny ur - - -ed U'.M V.'. i-'rs no hl:fTli' . for i's '. ; : 1 v omen beautiful by making them v -11. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00t Ait drug sfire. For advice In cpss r-iulrlnff srwfal 3 rectiona, address, riving tymptom. '.'8 ' Lad's' Advisory Department.'1 "T ie Chattanooga Medicine Co.. ChtU-r-os, Tenn. W. I. ADDTSOW, M.D., Cary, Miss., says: "I use Win of Cardul extensively In mypraetfeoand And Hamostaxcellaal f-reparation fur female troubles." M. B. S TICKLE Y. Attorney at Law, Concord N- C. SITAlAL ATI KhTlON Qlhh 10 COLLECTIONS Office upstairs in King buttdinr near Pustoilice. L. T. HARTSELL ATiOKNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C totnpt attention given to all him. iesa, Office in Morris building (ip isite court tons?. J.OktilSON H. UALDWBLJ AITORTIY AT TjAW, CONCORD, N O Office in Morris bu ldio, ppoeit con i t house. Hi,. Caldwell, M. D. M. L. Stevens, M. D Pri. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord, N. 0. Office in old post r fTn? buildin? opposite St. Cloud Hotel. rtione No. 73. Concord Foundry Co Concord, N. C. Oir foundry is no t in blait once a week, cv.a'mg rezuliirly every fri d ;y. We are prepimd to furnitl y anything in the casting Ii uh a' lilne prices We will be p'f.'id 'c q m'e you epeciil price3 on ai ything di-sired. All rrrdrrs receive tirotill' f 'ention. Aldo do general rmchine ) k. ours tiuly, Concord Foundry Co. Weat Corbin Street. I ,'ic Concord Meat Market v. ill be open for business Saturday morning in the Cistor building on Main S:reet. A'l KINDS of McAT and SAUSAGE, handled. Patronage Solicited. Respectfully, Sol Levy, tf. Proprietor 11, L. Brown & BRq. STABLES. in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Om nibus's meet all passenger trains. V itiiis of all kinds furnished r'omntlv and at reasonable Dr cf. J'or.-eaan'l muls always on hand f-rwiln. Hreedera of thiirooghbrrd i dand China II gs. U j!'"RV'US JY'T.Ura r.i-o rltie u ' tin )i,-rir .i. J IiIhikI. IId'hI's nx : ilmrillit Ih llm Inn 'I"r:i lihiod I wilS-r and WtfiV'1' C-IJIC A HEM PEL) THK-SI'aS. A Kritro Tried in Killer lm norrln llsrsr Wcdnndsr Kitkl, Wednesday night abont 1 o'clock N':ghtwatcbrnan Johcs'n heard a no:6e about the Morrld Hardware stoie and on investigation be foocd arero standing at the back door. Mr. Jobnton foin arres'ed him, and found that the large glsfs bad been broken, and it is natural to s oppose that he intended going in. He was taken to jail end tried this (Thurs day) morning before E q Hill for fomibla tresspass and found guilty. His name is Jim Smith. Jn default if a $200 bond be was takrn back to juil to await tml at next term of oourt. When arrested be was found to have four cakes of aeap, lot of fafety pins ai d about two boxes of loose matches ia bis pockets. Prob ably something farther will develop later abont these articles. Ilnr Plenums; Beauties. We are sorely in need of several degrees of superlatives in expressing the beauty of the calendars that have made our office cheery with their superb combinations of pleas mg artistic touches. The Equitable Life Insurance Compiny has a three fold c rd noted already in these columns. Pr. D D Johnston gave us a large single card calendar good enough Indeed, even more so, for it h:8 three pretty girls on it. The New Orleans Coffee Company treats us to a tripple card full of little bouncing girls of the kisniug size all rigged in and surrounded by lbbons and wreaths, scrolls, bright skies and landscapes. Around the Depot. Wednesday eytning as the bakibg powder train was pulling oat of the yard, Policeman Boat spied a man on the rods under one of the org, and called for him to come out, but the train was going too fast for him to get off. A month or two ago, when the other baking powder train came through, it will be renum bered, three men were taken off. It seems that tbey have a mania for these trains. A gentleman got on the train Wednesday night with his frirnd, and did not intend to go cff. Before be hardly knew it, the train had pulled out, and he saw that it was running tco fast to grt off, so he pulled the bell cord, which of couree stopped the tram at once. Before it had hardly a opped be was off and gone. A CIiaiik in Agents. As was noted in Wednesday's Standard, Mr. Tom White, who has for the past wbile been employed t the Morris Hardware, will now canvass in the interest of the Farm rs Mutual Fire Insurance Atsocia- tion. We congratulate mot heartily this organizjtion for procuring one io well known in the county s Mr. White, but at the same time we are lorry to lose Messrs. Palmer & Mo- Queen, who haye been in oar county for some time past, and who have i? lined many friends throughout the county while transacting this busi ness. lias a Nnnks and a Itevil. The Columbia Register has a snake 8 well as a ''devil." It comes abort this way. Tne Stan'ey Museum ex hibited in Columbia last summer. A boa constructor thirleen feet long jveighing 8G pounds, escaped. Peo ple thought the ado of the company Tan only an advertising scheme and paid little attontiop to it. Tuesday be negro jinitor went into the sellar about replenishing the Qrri vben he ran upon his snakeship hicb he mistook for "Old Nio' ilmeelf By a suores f ul eff Jrt with abloroform, muscle and no little courage, he was captured and pu nto a barrel. He got out again nd aeain be was confl ted. Nobody knows where the Stanley Company is and tbe snake is kept to the department of the "devil." (onl at Kins" Mountain. . A fpcial to the Observer says that the Kines Mountain people are helped up ove the fiodofsom fine ip-cimens of anthracite coal that einaris sav contaio 05 p;r cent carbon Indications at several places prouvsa profitable developments. a. ashevlll S'hlehm "liotr. The ereat fowl show is en'ertain tnr. iho nonnle of Asbeville. All .uH r i hi fine breeds in the State are rep retdted and the Guest specimens are nn exhibit on. ine cDicnen ousi n as is one of tbe moat fasciuating industries, and when intelligently handled teems fairly remuner.tue IMIm Frnnres Wlllnrd 111. Janesvilie, Wis., Jan. 3. Frances E Willard, president of the Na tional WOT U., fainted at the close of her lecture on "A White Life for To," which she delivered in the Congregational Church. A physioian was summoned but it was tome time btfore she recovered sufficiently to be removed to the home of her cousin, Willard Robinson. The church was packed to the doors and hundreds were turned away. The church was exceedingly close, and it was noticed that Mits Willard was making a painful effort to speak. She suddenly brought her talk to an abrupt clrse and left the platform, fainting as she reached the ante-room. Her secretary, Miss Gordon, said that Miss Willard has been ill fir several days, but had kept op for this talk to the people of Jsneville, among whom her girlhood was spent. At the home of ber covsin it is said that she is resting easily. Dnranl'a End Hear. Theodore Durant is to be hanged tomorrow at 8an Qdintin Cal., for the murder of Blanch. Lamont and Minnie Williams. The struggle to saye him has been intense and it is said that one Joseph Blanther died in Texas tome time ago and on his death bed made confession that be was the murderer. The courts are not convinced of the genuineness of this statement. Durant realizes big fate and has made the following requests, yiz : '-First, that the rope used to hang him be destroyed immediately after his death, so that no person can se cure a pieee of it as a memento. Second, that none of the spectators be allowed to gaze upon his features after execution. Third, that no autopsy be held after death and no physician be allowed to examine the body. Fourth, that after be is pro- nounced dead his remains be c'e. livered to his parents as soon as pes-sible."-Daily of 6th. John Unit's root Is Down. Manchester, England, Jan, 4. The Guardian to Jay says: "The government has categorically stated that Great Britian will refuse to recognize any special rights granted at any Chinese port to any particular power. Any port opened to any power must be opened to any power, muBt be opened to all or none. II Russia has been granted a right to winter ships at Port Artbnr, Great Britian will enforce ber rights to same privilege and her ships will winter there whether China concedes or does not cor cede the right. Chewing- tinm apparatus. The Southern has sent out to its agents at the different places a ' penny in the slot" machine filled with Adam's chewing gum. The agents are required to make reports for it, aid tbey are also charged with the contents until it is empty and then are required to turn in the amount. Fatal Accident. William Hampton, the 12 years old ion of Mr. and Mrs. John E Hampton, of Haywood street, met an untimely death last evening by being accidentally shot and killed by a playmate. The little fellow baa gone to spend tbe nigbt at the home of Mrs. Wainscot, on lslanton stroet, and was playing wiih her three sons. Tbe boys were "playing theatre," when Lawrence Wainscot, the oldest boy of the party, drew a 38 caliber r volver which be had found about t e h-Hue and thought was not 1 iaded, and snapped the weapon in tbe face of young Hampton, There was an explosion of a cartridge ; the bullet entered tbe Hampton boy's left eye, ranging across the head and lodging in the back of the iad The occipital bone was fractured. Death was almost instantaneou", As'ieville Citizen. Renounced Ills Kelliclon. We do not remember to have ever read or heard of a person connected with the church who, in rational conditisn, renounced religion when nearing death. Most instances are franght with astonishments and re grets th .t so little interest end so little faith was exercised during tbe belter days; bnt in tbe caee of Henry M Tabor, of New York, the world has an instance of a man standing well in the Presbyterian church who slid in th preamble of bis will that religion is a mere superstition and, in substance, charges against all re ligions a series of evils the very op posite of all that is realized by the devout Christian. He willed that bis body be ere mated, and that no svnblan"e of sa cred ceremony be attached to the disposal of bia remains. He died on Christmas eve at tbe ge of 73, leaving an estate of over $1,000,000 to bil (wo children. A Mont Uellichtfiil Errnlnir. Wednesday night, Mr. and Mrr. M J Freeman gave an At Home at their elegant home on South Main street. There vtaa a large crowd present, and ,all seemed to en joy themselves to the- utmost. Abont one hundred invitation were iesned for tbe occasion, though some were unable to attend. All was merriment and glee from the time they entered until they bade adieu, which was in the wee sins' hours. A most elegant and delight ful supper, with all the good things necessary to a square meal, wae served. H lial Is Iih IVnme.i A new daily made its appearance in New York a few days ago. It was to have been called the New York Commercial, but at tbe last moment the Commercial Adver tiser took out an injunction againat them, and the first issue had to ap pear with blanks where tbe title should have been. A Border In V linen. Winston, Jan. 5. Particular were received here tonight of a bru tal murder in Wilkea county. Wil liam Morgan and John Water, wbile ntoxicated, at tbe home of Riob Wellburna. Waters tried to getMor gan to leave,and when they reached the front door, Morgan drew his knife and disemboweled Waters, causing death in a few hours. Mor is in jail and fears that he will be lyched. He admits his guilt and aeks for time to prepare for death. He ia 55 years old and has a wife and four children. He has been in the penitentiary twice for atealicg. Waters waa 36 years old and left a family. A fool Piece of Legislation. "Our last Legislature," said Mr. W H Green, of North Carolina, at the Riggx, "passed a. law providing for tbe imprisonment of men who failed to pay their taxes. It was about as foolish a piece of legisla tion as waa ever enacted, and ia no doubt contrary to the constition. It is safe to say that no delinquent taxpayer will ever be jailed and the statute will be a dead letter. Tbe right of a State to deprive those who failed to pay their taxes of the voting privilege ia unquestioned, and that ia as far in the way of punishment as any government should go." Washington Post. A Ratner nlnirnlar Occnrrcnee. Mr. Wm. T Howell, cf this city, haa returned from near Big Lick, where he has been sp nding several days. While there be took dinner with Mr. Andrew Ilonejcntt, on New Years Day, which was the birthday of Mr. Honeycutt. Mr. Honeycutt is now 98 years of age, and be hag a few singular instances connected with his life. He bag never spent but one dollar in all his life for a doctor, bag never bought but two sacks of flour, though he always has flour bread, and only once has be ever bought corn. He has a family of eleven children eight boys and three girls. He is in good health and weighs abont 240 pounds. A log Htops a Rnnnway Horse In Wilmington, Delaware, Mrs. T F Bayard's large dog sprang and caught tbe rein cf a horse that waa dashing headlong down tbe street Tuesday, apparently carrying a woman and child to pain if not to death. The noble dog held on to the rein till the horse atopped. Tbe lady and child patted, caressed and kissed tbe dog and all went quietly on their way again. millionaire Riilclrte. Wm. T Buckley, formerly of the laree dry good) establishment of Dunham, Buckley & Co., committed suicide Thursday, near bia home on Long Island. He is raid to be a millionaire. From some difficulty not explained bis co-partner dissolved buBineea re lations with him on January 1st. Beyond depression caused by this, no reason is assigned for the terrible act of a man said to be genial, kind and business like. Lost Money rinds Its owner. Mr. Sam Black, of No. 10 town ship, provts to be the rightful owner of the two Ave dollar bills found by 8heriff Buchanan and advertized in ThkStasdard. Mr. Black is ten dollars the better off for bia money'g having fallen into honegt hands. An Ohio man refused a pardon from the nenitentiary because he bad more acquaintances there than outside and felt more at home. It is mighty hard to get an Ohio man to let go when he tbinka he haa a good thing. Ex. 'AFE-CRACKING AGAIN. Mafe mown KlippoNrd tc Open at Moorcavlllo He the Work or I'rofea- lonaln. It seems bat tbe breaking in of poatofflcts iu our adjoining counties is geting to be a very prevalent crime. Tbe postoffics at Cleveland, Taylorsville, Leaksville and Mocks ville have been broken loto lately, and on Wednesday night tbe one at Mooreville was robbed. Tbe from djor of the ftlce was prized open and then tbe aafe was drilled and blown open, robbing the postmaster himself of private funds to the j amount of $106, government funds in cash, $8, and stampi amounting to about $40. From fie looks of tbe work, it was evidently done by professional safecrackers, and U supposed to be tbe work of the same gang tnat nag neen at tne otner poatt'ffhes. There are supposed to be either four or five men ia the gang and the advance agent is thought to be an old gray-haired man, and thiy sometimes carry with them a cripple who begs for them and ao'g as a kiud of decoy, so we learn from the Charlotte News. Deteotives are now working on tbe case. The "onlhern Tobacconist. This is the name of a new magas zine we find on our desk. This is its first Issne and is published at Richmond, Va. Under its beading it has tbe words " The Twin Sisters Virginia and North Carolina." It ia exceptionally neat in print, and is devoted to the interest of tobacco raisers. We see much tribute paid to North Carolina in it to the town of Durham and also to Col. J 3 Carr and bis fine brands of tobac co. In it we gee tbe advertisement of Blackwell'a Durham Bull tobac co, which is newly gotten up. It represents a package of tbe tebacco lying on tbe beach, and nnder it are tbe words "The Only Pebble on the Beach." His First Knot Burst the (Inn, Mr. W F Hess tells us that laat Friday night, Mr. Swindly Rosa mond's son, Dannie, 10 years of age, went to visit his friend and cousin, Johnie Rosemond, 12 yean of age. all of South Rowan. In the midst rf their amusements Dannie loaded and Johnie fired tbe gun, which burst for about i foot from the breech. Johnie was badly burnt abont his left band and arm. It is hoped no serious and permanent injury will result. It waa Johnie's first shot to fire with a gun and he does not feel anthusiastio fur a second shot. Does not Favor the n age Canal- Under tbe River and Harbor act of 189(1, a scheme waa advanced to cut a canal, from the Hudson river to the great lakes, of euch pro portions aa to admit ocean Bteam era. The survey waa ordered and it waa committed to Maj. Thomaa W Symona of tbe corps of engineers U. 8. A. Major Symona saya, unhesita tingly, that it will not pay, and that it ia not needed. He estimates that it will cost T200,000,000 to con struct it and $2,000,000 a year to waintain it, while the receipta, be thinka, woulJ not justify thieex penditure. He urges, though, that tbe Erie canal be enlarged at about one fourth the cost for boats suitable for canal carrying. Another Express Robbery. The American Expreea Company was robbed Thursday in New York by a trusted employe named Clark Brader. The amount of the rob bery waa I105S2, $5,000 of which was in Chicago gas bonds. They are numbered 1003, 1827, 2859, 4000 and 4191. Financial institutions were hastily warned agaiiist pur chasing them. Looks Like (letting Ready. An order for en thousand of the latest pattern of military nflos and Ova million rounds of ammunition has been placed with tbe Winchester Repeating Arms Company, of New Uaven, Con., through its Sin Fran cisco office, within a few days, the order to be shipped at the1 earliest possible moment. A report, which it without confirma'.ion.fajg thtt the order ccmrs from the Il ieeiam gov ernment. Tbe oompiny i known t have an agent negotiating with that government at present. Wakefield Academy a large three story school building waa burned Saturday night, including furniture and equipment. It ia a total loss to the community that had recently built it. HE FOUND IT. Dr.'llenry Lenin smith round the Tblmhle In the Lungs or the Harris Child. The Harrisburg correspondent to tbe Charlotte Newa says: "Dr. Henry Louie Smith, of Davidson college, brought bis X rays appa ratus yesterday afternooa to Mr Will E Harris' and after looking all through the body of hie little girl, found the thimble in the back part of ber lung, about an inch to the left of the backbone. The doo tor was about to conclude the thim ble was not in the body when he decided to look through the back. He at once found it distinctly visi ble, lying with the email end to wards the shoulder. Mr. Harris will take the little girl to Charlotte to day for an operation." Daily of 7 In a Tangle, From the News and Observer we learn that tbe books of K G Butler, the fusion bureer and assigtant pro fessor of English in the Agricul tural and Mechanical College, do not show up right by about $5,C00, It is believed that the discrepancy ia due to bad bookkeeping rather than to crime, tbougb, and time and assistance are given bim to straighten out tbe affair. A Bowling Alley for Onr City. It seems to be a certainty now that this town have bowling allev. Mr. Clay Poole, as he was called while on the pjlice force in Salisbury, is to open it, aad has already procuied big license from both the county and town. It ia not yet a certainty as to where he will be situated. Hu ia thinking very mush of taking tbe room in tbe Reed buil.iiog formerly occupied by Mr. Starrette and there is gome probability that a new building will be erected. Aldn't Have Hydrophobia. Dr. RobineoD, of Gilford College, who went to the Pagtenr hospital in Bdtimore to be treated for tbe bite in tbe ear of that cat that waa thought to have rabies will soon re turn to big teaching, ine report that be bad hydrophobia wag errone ous. the Festival Friday Might. The ladies of the Central Metho dist church held their festival Fii day night in tbe Litaker building. Oysters and lunches were served in best of style, and they received quite a good amount of patronage. The principal feature of tbe occa sion, and tne one mst interesting, was the auctioning off of tbe young ladies. The ladies were put on the stand one at a time, and completely disguised. Tbe auctioneers thea took tbe bids, promising the pur cbaser tba' as soon as be bought tbe lady, he could have ber. The Standard puts in a gtrong objec tion to that gale laut night, and will stick to it until the last. It is because tbe ladies did not bring anything like tbe price they are worth. It is pretty bad to think that none of our girls tbat were put npon the stand, and none bnt beauties were en sale, brought more tban 50 cent and gome were even bought at the low price of 10 cents. Tbe festival proved to be guc- ceesful to tbe church, having netted the amount of $48.67. The ex-peiis-s amounted to $9.45, making the amonnt Uken in $3812. He Wanted the Change. A etory about lawyers ia ootribu ted by a western correspondent. Mr. Babson, we will call him, was ajyoung lawyer of the town where tbe court was held, while tbe oppos ing counsel, Mr. Carter, was a much better known attorney of a neigh boring city. Mr. Babson was addressing tbe jury, and having explained a point to the jurors, he turr e I to Mr. Car ter with the words : "Isn't that right V Mr. Carter thought he had a very verdant suljct on bia bands, and with a smile of conscious superiori ty replied : "I have an office in C, and if you have any legal problems that you desire to bave solved, I eball be pleased to enlighten you for a finaa cial consideration." . Not in the least abashed, Mr. Babson drew from his pocket a ten cent piece, and held it out toward Mr. Carter with the words : "Here, tell ua what you know and band back the change." In the roar of laughter which fol lowed, the court joined. Ex. m - Jt Lf ioFssnrt RHOTiATrsM reneve (j AAVs fvt Ik- MiV' Nerr flasiem Bvery wuoiita Deeds tr. Miles' I'alq nil CLUE TO BURGLARS. Three Hen Thought to Have Been Implicated In the Robbery of the Peatealee at Sieereavllle. Friday's Charlotte News aaya : Information cornea from Moorea ville to tbe effect that tbe authori ties tbink they bave some clue at to tbe robbery of the poatc ffice a' tbat place nigbt before laat. Tbe Newa' informant states thai there were undoubtedly three men implicated in the robbery and tbat they left Moorrsville at an early hour Thursday morning in the direction of tbe Western Nortb Carolina road. Tbe conductor that came in on this road last nigbt telle that thret suspicious looking men boarded bia tram at a little station by the name of Cleveland, near the divid ing line, between Iredell andRowan counties. Tbeae men remained in the second class car until the train stopped at a switch just before get ting into Salisbury. The conduc tor did not know of tbe robbery at Mooresville, else his suspicions would have been aroused. He re members that one of tbe three bad one of his hands bound up with a handkerchief, but further than this be cannot give a deecription. One of Sheriff Monroe's deputies came down Friday from Salisbury as far as Glass station, a few miles beyond Conoord. It was learned in Salisbury this morning that three men answering the descrip tion of the three tbat the conductor on the Western North Carolina road saw, boarded No. 85 Thursday night at Salisbury and bought tickets to Glass' Station. The man with a wounded arm was in the crowd, and it was by this means tbat attention waa called to them A gentleman from near Moorea yille says that there is no question in his mind but what the men de scribed above are the ones tbat blew the aafe open. He states tbe men probably remain ed in the woods near Moores ville until yesterday afternoon when they started for a point on tbe Western North Carolina road Cleveland, tbe little station men tioned above, waa tbe nearest from where they were located. Detectives have tbeen sent from Washington. Thy arrived in Salis bury Thursday night and begun working on tbe case immediately, ANOTHER FIRE For Sir. St B stldenhonr- nearly Everything la the Hease Barned Only a few days ago Mr. R E Ridenbour, of this city, bad tbe misfortune to lose by fire at King's Mountain, and now be baa been visited again by the flames. Tbe bouse on bis farm a few miles from town, just beyond Sunderland Hall, on which a man named Mr. H C Fink lives, was almost entirely consumed. It waa a very nice two room house and an "L." Mr. Fink's family had left home laat nigbt light and did not return until about 11 o'clock. Tl ey had only been home about one hour, when the corner of the "L" was found to be burning. They did not have time to save anything but a few articles of clothing and a few pieces of furniture. Unfortunately there was no insurance. Mr. Ridenbour 'ays the bouse could not be put up for lees than $150. It is thought that tbe building was set fire by some one, as there had been no fire in that part of the house. Mr. Fink baa a family of four or five children, and nothing scarcely is left them except tbe clothing that they have on their backs. This is very unfortunate for both parties interested and ia tbe second loss by afire within two weeks time for Mr Ridenbour, and is aa much of a loss to Mr. Fink and family. Daily of 8.b. Trouble Halirax. Halifax county had a stock law, and the laat legislature paased an act allowing stock to run at large from December 25th to March 25 lb. Tbe crops are not all out of tbe fields, the stock is loose, and the people are mad, and reports say tbat some of them are going to adopt tbe shot gun policy aa to tbe stock, and once adopted it may go further. The act was passed before the good people of Halifax knew it was thought of, and when they found it out tbey cama to Raleigh by repre sentatives, but could nothing done. Tbey were mad then and are mad yet and may eboot stock. Burlington News. About 4,000,000 false teeth are manufactured annually in tbe United Statea, wbile one ton of bile one ton of ms of silver and raloeof $100,00!), Qg teeth. Ex. gold and three tone of silver an platinum, to tne value are used in atoppin Royal aaakM th food pant. wkoloMa aad 4HcUmm F0VDEH Absolutely Pure SJTrVU aAttltM PfYMW m., VrfTW VfHHL SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and ia'subject to change without notice to th public : Trains Leave Concord, JN. (J 9:27 r. v. No. 85 daily for Atlan. and CharlottetAir 85, e division, nd all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawings room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, Birms ineham, Galveston. Havannah and Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeper' Charlotte to Augusta. 8:48 A. M. Mo. 87, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobi.'e ami New Orleans, and all points South eud SouthweBt Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing ear, vestibuled coach, between Washington and AtlanW, Pullman tourist car for San Francisco, Hun- days. 9:02 r. No. 9, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro.Nor-" folk, Selma, Kaligb. Greensborol Kuoxville and Asbeville to Char-, otte. N. O. 1030 a. m. No. 11. daily, for AN anta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 107 a. m. No. 86, daily, for Washington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points Nortb. Carries Pull" man drawing-room bul't'et sleeper, GalveBton to New York ; Jackson-, ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frarcisoo Thursdays. 9:02 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, pmited, for Washington - and all ioints Nortb. Through Pullman car' Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York j Tampa to New York. Also carries vertibuled coach and dining car. 7;22 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Richs mond, Asbeville, Chattanooga, Ral igh, Goldsboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to Richmond. Jonnects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raiblgh- 6.17 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Rich mond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and- Norfolk ; at Danville for Washington and pointa North ; at Salisbury for Aslmllo, Knox ville and points West, .ill freight trains carry passengers John M. Gulp, V. A. Tubs, Traffic M'gr. Gen'IPass. Ae't, W. H. Gbeen, Washington,!). C. Gen'l Superintendent, Washing ton, -D. C. S.H.Habdwick, Asa'tGen'iP. Ae't Atlanta, Ga .. . H. Tavloe, Ass 't Gen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ey, GowANDcsENBEiv, LicalAg't, Coneord. N. O. LOOK Any one w"hing 10 purchase a new, High Arm, Wheeler g & Wilson Sewing Machine, tour drawers, cover and end leaf, fine oak finish, with complete attachments, should call at this office. Ws only bave one, and will offer the buyer special price. o9tf. TIRED MOTHERS find heiu in Hood's tSui'supanllu, wnich gives Uiem pure blooil, a good :ipiiotitc and uow and needed STRENCTH. Suffered 20 Years, MRS. MARY LEWIS, wife of a promi nent furmcr. and well known by n'J old residents near Bvlmout, N. Vr writes: "For twenty-seven years I had been a constant sufferer from nervous prostra tion, and paid Urge sums of money fur doc tors and advertised remedies without bene tt. Three years ago my condition was alarming; the least noise would startle and unnerve me. I was unablo to sleep, had a number of sinking spells and slowly grew worse. I began using Dr. Miles' Kesturatlvs Nervine and Nerve and Liver Tills. At flint the medicine seemed to have no effect, but after taking a few bottles I began to notice a change; 1 rested better at night, my appe tite began to improve and I rapidly grew better, until now 1 am as nearly restored to health as one of my age may expuct. tiod bless Dr.Mlles'Servlue." f L?l" M 4W. ' 'J Dr. Miles' Remedies L$N Dr. tyto are sola uy an uruj, gists under a poKltlve guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money re funded. Book on dis eases of the heart and nerves free. Address, K Mile'' r-Nervine E Rec-tore j $ Health vOft a Ti DK. MILKS MEDICAL Hu., altbart. lud. '$55 -ii'.!.',f- . . Ar,.... . f "

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