The - Standard, The The Standard. TUitNS OUT ritlNTS THE Al EWiS THAT IS XKW GOOD - JOB - WORK -Yd? AT LIVINO PRICES. Give us a Trial. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. VOL. X--NO 323. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27 .1898. WHOLE NO. Stand a rd. Gyres "Cures talk" in favor Talk el Hood 'b SamparllU, aa for no other medi cine. Its great cares recorded in truthful, convincing language of grateful men and women, constitute Its most effective ad vertising. Man; of these cures are mar velous. They hare won the confidence of the people; have given Hood's Barsapa- rilla the largest sales In the world, and have made necessary for Its manufacture the greatest laboratory on earth. Hood's Barsaparilla is known by the cures It has made cures of scrofula, salt rheum and eczema, cures of ili?umatism, neuralgia and weak nerves, c. of dyspepsia, liver troubles, catarrh - - sures which prove Sarsaparilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. i . . , rn ure nTr Ills; easy to tlOOd S FlIIS tok, eaay to oiwraw. ao. MONTHLY SUFFERING. Th on sands of women are troubled at monthly inter wis with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides hips and limbs. But they need not suffer. These pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that 'can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. makes menstruation painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that stops all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It costs $ r.oo at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day? For advice, In cases requiring special directions, address, giv ing symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Term.. Mrs. ROZENA LEWIS, of Oanavllle, Tetss, ssrst "I wis troubled at monthly Intervals with terrible pains In my head and back, but have been entirely relieved by Wins .ot Cardui." L. T. HARTSELL. ATTO RN E Y-AT- L A. W, , CONCORD, - - N C Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris bnilding opposite court house. OR. B. L. GRIFFIN, Veterinary Surgeon, Treats all disease! of horses and cat'le. Surgical operations a sp;o ialty. Teeth carefully ixtraoted. Prompt attention is given to all calls through telephone or by mail, or m.ssage left at Brown & Bros. Stable, Concord, N. 0. M0RKIS0N H. OALDWELI ATTOBtJHY AT lAW, CONCORD, N 0 Office in Morris buiidin,; ,pposi court house, D G. Caldwell, M. D.J M. L. Steveni? M. D Prs. CALDWELL & BTKVJsNS. Concord, N. C, Office in old post office bailding opposite St. Clond Hotel. 1'none jno. a. Seller. When yon want Fresh 0)8ters, stewerl, fried or raw, birds on toast, rest, fish or a square meal, prepared by an old experienced cook (Wils. McMoore) cull at Boger & John ton's Restaurant in the Brick Row nea bo Court House. ML. Brown & BRo. LIVERY. FEED I AlXDiEALE STABLES. Jost in rear of St. Cloud Hotel Om nibuses meet all passenger train?. Outfits of all kinds furnished promptly and at reasonable prices. Iloreesand mules always on band for oale. Breeders of thoroughbred Poland China Hogs. tf LOOK new, llign-ftru'' -m;i... ulnff Machine, lour TV 11BUU W - ill d rawers -cover and end leal, flseoik' finish, with complete nttaobmentMboola' Cft" Bt ,bl office We on J have one. m will tff r the b'.ver special . oOtf. pno. Hood's HORRIBLE WRECK. NINETEEN rASSENGEK3 KILLED. 4 Colllxlon Between tbe Colombia Local and Florida Special. Special By Telegraph to The Standard. From Columbia, SC., we received the following accoun' by telegraph of a terrible wreck; The telegram, which we print yerbatim, will ex plain itself. Colombia, S. C, 1.15 o'clock, Jan. 21, 'P8. Daily Standard, Concord, N. C. A horrible railroad accident occurred tbia morning at eight at Ashley Junction, just seven miles from Charleston. A col lision between the Columbia local and the Florida Special, operated by the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, caused the death of two engineers, two firemen and lb pessengers, be sides the serious injuring of a number of other passengers. ONE BY ONE THEY PASS OVER THE RIVER. Wllllnm Mnher, on Ei-Tonrrileralt Veteran Nocrombi to rnrnlyms and Dropny. About 11 o'clock Thursday WU am Linker passed away in death at his home near Georgeville, in No. 9 township. Mr. Linker suffered a stroke of paralysis in Nov. 1896, and his bealtn was never fully regained. Dropsy entered his system as a fatal complication to which nature could famish no resistance. He l.-aves a wife and several children to mourn his departure. He was something over 60 years of aee. He was buried today (Fri day) at 10 o'clock at Centre Grove M. E. Cburcb. The deceased was one of two brothers that lest a leg in the Con- federate service, the other being Mr Jack bo a Linker, of near liar- risburg, who Ion his leg at Gettys burg July 3, '63. It is believed that the deceased wits maimed in the same battle though the roster fails to make the record. DEVIL CAME IN. Do Appeared la Person In aa Indiana thurcb. Bourbon, Ind., Jan. 17. Rev. Mr. Akin, pastor of the flock of Bethel church, on Sunday night took for bis theme "His Satanio Majesty." He is an eloquent man, and painted the arch-fiend in vivid colors. At the climax of the deecripetion, a being, dressed to represent the devil, with large head and switch ing tail, ambled op the aisle, blow ing smoke from its nostrils and bellowing, "I am tbe devil and I want all of you." . The audience became panic- stricken. Men women and chil dren were hurled to the floor, and raciSpled opon in a mad rush for the door. In the confusion the stove was upset, and the building caught fire. Before the horrified members had regained their senses the fire made such headway thai all attempts to save theclurcb were in vain. This morning, George Akin, eon of the pastor, confessed that he, with the help of the other boys, rigged up the devil suit, knowing the subj 'Ct of his father's sermon 1 t 1! 1 ana concealed cimeeu dbuiuu a chair, wbere he awaited the arrival of the audience. Rowan' I'lmln Clan- Trouble. Editor Julian, of the Salisbury World, has felt impelled to bring charges against the management of the Kowan chain gatig. A hearing Wis given Wednesday and if witnesses are to be believed it is a matter of no li tie shame to our neighboring county thaticbu anitj prevai'ed to a considerable extent. If the World's cbargi are sustiined, and it seems quite probable,they will be, no little credit is due to it. 1 noes without saying that no great tbuses upon belplees humanity, he wever guilty the subject, can long prevail in tbia civilized land with out champion to combat them. On'y Two Omnllionn Hereafter. A trade has txen unde with Mr. Wallace Cook, of this oity, by Messrs. Brown Bios, and M J Corl rogelber, wh?rtby Mr. Cook will not run bii omnibus to tbe trains here after, the trade baing been made today (Friday), and takes effect at li o'clock on Saturday. Henry Overton, the colored porter, who has been workinn for Mr. Cook, has now accepted position with Mr. M J Corl. THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. North Carolina's Rolling Kxpnaltlon To Vlmi War City on the Slat. Mr. Go. W Means returned this (Thursday) morning from down tbe Air Line on revenue business and s'ates to a Si andakd reporter tba'. It bas been his god fo-tuoe while gone to take in lheC tyof Char lotte or North Carolina's Rolling Exposition, which was then stationed at Gastonia, and wn!ch ii conduoted by Hameenr and Moore. Mr. Ram seur is known to qnite a number of people as a railroad man. Mr. Rameeur aeked Mr. Means to state to the people t f Cncord that his car would be in tins ci'y on Monday, Jan. 31st, and it la boprd that a large crowd will torn out to see this enterprise, which is compli men'ed very highly by a'l who have seen it, and besides is an enterprise in which only North Carolina in in terested. Mr. Means hinipilf epaks very highly of it, and t iy that very large crowd witnu ltd It Gastonia. Besides tbe pe pie Charlotte have called for its return, even after it stayed there for seme time. Iijmrmber the day is January 31st, and the admittance into the car is only ten cents. For the Ladle. The following Is one of the com ing styles for ladies as taken from the Philadelphia Times : "An E .st ern newspaper avers that tbe very, very latest thing is to have a pune made of the same materials as tl street dress. And, not only that, but the purse must be mounted with a gold clasp, and have the initials of tbe owner in gold letters upm it Another possibility wbich it is whispered may decend upon as in fact is to have walking shoes m ule in dyed leather to match the walk ingcostume. This is a pretty fancy, at all events, and has probably come about from the tremendous and uni versal success of the tan shoe, which is so much softer and prettier than black." Unr Veterinary HoNpltal. Charlotte bas Us hospital and its c rps of surgeons and Salisbury is soon to baye, bat a class of beings, often more faithfnl than man. too often left to pine away unallevitted from suffering till death results. Concord has a veritable bospita and a veterinary surgeon equipped for all animal maladies of cnrable rank. Today (Thursday) Dr. BL Giiffin removed an eye with can 'er- ous tnmor from a horse beV ging to Mr. W F Hatley, of Plyler, Stanlv county. The Doc'or says this U probably the first such operation in veterinary surgey in the State. He says he is going to treat F-nhir to an artificial eye. She is a fine bay, nervous and agile, ar.d will dou Otless soon bs tripping over thf roads as usual. The glajs eye, like Senator Vance said of his, will answer every purpose to wink at a pretty girl. Don't Kill It, But Tribe. Preserve the Winston, Jan. 18. Undenlabl evidence has been found of tbe presence of some wild beast in th woods around Rural Uall What ever the animal is, it attacks only dogs, harming nothing elsearounl tbe yard. Tbe dog is attacked, his throat cut and his body la'en from bis heart to his hind quarter and bis bones cleaned ot all meat. The animal has been seen only once, but he could not be distin guisbed from the dog which wa being attacked and disappeared it the darknea?. The depopala'ion of tbe dogs has been going on for sh or seven months, but at first at tract'ed little attention, tbe repor being circulated by the toys. Bu an eye witntss tells of tbe attack, che animal has made, aud of th dead bodies of two dogs sem Mon. day morning. The only theory ad vanced is that there biicg abou 6,000 acres of thickly studded wood land around Rural Hall and running thence almost unbroken to Faura town mountains, it must have in habitant there. Robert Hancock writes to State offioial here : "lam preparing my vindication against tbe charges. I is the d dest piece of blackmailing pushed by my politic d en mies, to kill my influence and ruin my char acter, that was evr perpetrated up on a citizen, of tbe State. It has not hurt me with my pirty or thj best people.'' Raleigh correspondent to Charlotte Observer. OCIETY I'lrat Keulan of the Preeenf Year Annual Election ot Olllceri. 1 Tbe Benevolent Society of the First Presbyterian church held the first (eaaon of tbe present year ea last- Mod day evening at tbe borne cf Mrs. D D Johnson. The annual elccion of officers was bi fore the meeting and the so ciety is to be congratulated on the rpsult: Piesident, Mrs. G W Bro vn; Vice Presidents: first, Mrs. 0 J Goodeon, stcond, Mrs G M Lore, third, Mrs. R A Brown; Secretary (and Treasurer, Mrs. DB Morrison; Managers, Meedames Either Gibfoa, T Chapman, J A Sims, E O Cannon, R S Harris. Committee on v. siting the desti. lutt; Meadames R A Brown, G W Brown, E J Woodbouse, U G Cald well, It S Harris and Joel Reed, and Mies Tilly King. , Committee on visiting strangers MrsdaiuesPB Fetzsr, H I Wood bouse, J If Goodsou, W O Alexan der, A E Lemz, J C Wadsworth, C W Swink, G M Lore and Lily R Ritchie, Misses Maud Brown, Nannie Cannon, Maggie Brown acd Sadie Beocini. Committee on visiting tbe sick Mesdamea C J Goodson, 11 (J Iter- rinf, N D Felzar, Either G.bson, J A S ms, T Obapman, M Leslie, B E Harris, M A Mthaffey, Milas Johnston, G W Pattertoa,Elam King and Miss B J Cooghenour. Daily f 20th. Probably Another Col Ion Mill. When it comes to cotton mills Concord is always in line. We thick that we are doing a big business in that line now, but still auoth-r one is being talked, and It is not with out foundation. For some time there has been talk of a cotton mill being put np by the Messrs. Lip pard, and this is the one that is be ing talked of now. One of tie hings yet to be found out befoie taking steps to build it, is getting a suitable site. The lot on the other side of the road from tbe Cabarrus Roller Mill, and which ia owned by Mr. Joel Reed, is tbe lot wanted, but the trade is not yet made. The mill, if built, will be composed of about $35,000 worth of stock. It is hop-d that these plans for another mill in our city will not be blighted and that when summer comes the erection, of the mill will begin. Welcome Blewa, We are pleased to learn from Prof H N Miller, Ph. D., principal of Mont Amoeaa Seminary, that that meritorious school is being well pa - ronized and the prospects are that it will be necessary to enlarge by placing another story on tbe original building, making it three stories high. Prospering schools stands in the front rank of welcome news items. I'elrolenm In Thai, Dillas, Tex , Jan. 17. Petroleum was ntruck Saturday evening in the , rounds of the home of E G Patton, a'OikCliffe, a suburb of Dallas. Patton was einkiDg an artesian well aud at a depth of three hundred feet, petroleum came to tbe surface. Professor Laird, of Oak Cliffe col lege, analyzed tbe fluid, and pro nounced it a good quality of crude petroleum ia sand rock, and says a large vein surely exists further down. Patton says he will bjre to the vein, if be bas to go two thoup and feet. Hundreds of persons vis ited tbe well tonight, and every body is excited over the discovory. Scores of property owners declare they will bore for oil at once. Arplra of Hold in Plclnrea of Sliver Some people setm to be always on the lo kout for the faults of their associates, and as human nature is weak their search is not fruitless But suppose we should look for traits tba'. are admirable? We might be just as successful, certaini ly the results would be more grati fying. It is pleaianter to commend than to censure. Let us, (hen, be oa the lookout for tbe good, rather than the evil. A little more of the dove acd less of tbe vulture, might sweeten life to many. Durham Sup. The output of pig iron in thie country in the latter half of last year was 5,221,000 gross tons, li ia thought that the production for the present month w 1 be 3,000,000 tons Exchange. Wilmineton Star: They marry young and die young in India. Ii is said that there are in tbatcoun trv 200.000. widows between the ages of 9 and 14 years, and 80,000 under 9 years. BENEVOLENT MEETJ NOV,' A CER 1 AIN ! Y. Thnl the Convlrla from IheNtate Are Coming- special Myelinic Attorney Morrison H Caldwell received notice from Mr.Mewbaorne, the Superintendent of the p-niten-tary, today (Fridaj) that he could now let this county h ive tbe num ber of men they had applied for, which is thirty. Before they can be sent, however, the count; commissioners have to sign an agreement to feed and clothe them while here and aUo to bear the expenses of transporta tion, and for tbis reason the county commissioners will bold a called session tomorrow morning. Attor ney Caldwell telegrnph'd to Mr. J L Stafford today. It is very probable that some of the convicts will come from Raleigh and coma from Anson county. Now that tbe county bta succeed ed in getting these men and besides counting on getting quite a number from tbis term of court, tbe work on our street cau be pushed in a hurry. Home Thieving Uolnjr on. For some time in tbe past differ ent articles have been miFsed from tbe store now occupied by Littles & Dick. Some we?ka ago a pair of shoes were mised, and lust week a ham was taken from in front of the store and a pair of pan ta and another pair of shoes from in tbe store. The last pair of Bboes taken happened to belong to Mr. Dick individually. Nothing had bsen said scarcely about the matter, but on Wednes day night a negro boy came in the stoie with the pants on, and hap pened to be the very person that was suspicioaed of taking the arti cles, it was n negro ooy about j.j years old, named Sam Ellis, and wbo delivered goods from the store. Nothing has been done with him yet. Messrs. Littles & Dick are con fident about the pants, and besides the nagro boy, whn askfid to come in the store, hoeitatod for some time before he could bo induced to come in. A Valuable Invention. Since 1886, 3,500 Mergenthabr type setting machines have been sold for $10,500,000. During the year ending October 31st last, the company paid dividends amounting to $1,550,000. Less than eleven years ago Mergenthaler was "jump ing sideways" to eat in Baltimore. And six years aero, in bis city, the agile hand compositor on tbe Com mercial could not see bis way clear to relinquish a ' 38 cents per" situa tion to accept $3 for a night's work while learning to operate the ma chine. Verily, times do change. Toledo Union. "I'm sorry, Mr. Peck," said the editor, "that in giving our account of your silver wedding we should have said you bad been 'harried' 25 years. Or course we meant to Buy 'married.' " "Oh," answered Mr. N Peck, ' I guess vou didn t miss it to amount to anything." To Meet In Nullnbnry. From tbe Salisbury Sun, we learn that tbe joint meeting of tbe Epwortb leagues and Sunday Schools of the Western North Caro lina Conference, is to meet in Sal- liabury, and tbo date is fixed for May 2G-29. This will bring quite a crowd to Salisbury, as tbe num ber of delegates usually attending these meetings is from 150 to 200. FxPremler OlacUlone Low. Lmdon, Jan. 19. The Pall Mall Gazette tbis afternoon makes tbe following announcement in big type: "With deep regret we 1. am on most excellent authority .that Mr. Gladstone's health caunes ihe graves anxiety to those about him. Hie sojoarn nt Cannes has not had trie effect of for if;ing h:s strength a anticipated." Tfcenews plaCirils of tho P.ll Mall Giziite read: "Uiiticnl condi tion of Mr. Gladstone." The an nouncement is causing much excite inent. To Donblo the Nhopi. The Salisbury World has it from the best authority that in the event that the lease suit is decided in favor of the Southern, it will double the capacity of i s shops there. The company has had this m.tter in con templation for tome time, and it proposes in tbe event mentioned to make the Sp. ncer shops second to none iu the South. The employ. UK-nt of doable thd force which the Southern now has would mean a pay roll to Salisbury railroad men of nearly $100,000 per month. STOKES LODGE Of Ancient, Free nnd Accepted Ma aonii When Oriranixo anil Nome I n tereHtlnv Thing About It. Desiring to always mte the prog ress of our town, and desiring tn give our readers somethin; more in teresting than the every. day hap penings on tbe streets, w have decided thjt cue of tbe most pro gressive things of oar tuwn, and one that ib not much noticed by the peo ple, is tb growth of our different secret organizations. We further more wish to say that eyery one of tbe 'organizations will have a write up and we will be glad for tome one to give us tbe desired news In ord. r that one can have as much as the other, though some of the orders could i.ot exiejtus mach as the others. Furthermore, in order that we can not be secured of partiality, we intend taking them in the order thit they were organized in our town, and will give a sketch every other1 day in our Daily. In orJer of organisation, Stokes Lodge of Ancient, Free and Ao cepted Mtsms comes at the head of the Hit, bavins: been the first organ ize land was also the thirty-second lodge organized in the State. This order worked under a dispensation from Jan. 15, 1850, until Deo. 6th, 1850,' the date on which the charter was granted. The three men whom we notice the charter was handed down to were Dankl Coleman, Master; Iwbt. S Young, father of oar townsman, Dr. R S Young, Senior Warden ; Wm. F Phifer, Junior Warden. We find the char, ter, which is being carefully pre served, signed by A T Jerkins, who was then Master of the State Lodge and Wm. T Eam, Grand Secretary. The Lodge is now in as flourish ing condition as it has been in some time und now numbers fifty memb ers. Tbe motto of this Lodge is tbe "Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man." Among tbe prominent members of this Lodge we notice the names of tbe fathers of some of our prominent men now with us. We see tbe name of Capt. Jno, McDonald, father of Capt. Chas. McDonald; Dr. K P Harris, father of Mr. R S Harris; Mej. A J Yorke, father of Messrs. NF, A J and J F Yorke; Dr. LS Bingham, father of Mr. Will Bing ham, snd Dr. G G Smith, father of Mr. Frank Smith. In regard to tbe care of each otter, the tenets of this organization are brotherly love, relief and truth, and none but a Mason' knows tbe full mraning of these words. In case of death among any of their members, the body is taken in hand by the Lodge and buried with the Masonic honors. This Lodge has not had many deaths for tbe last several years only two being num b red for some time. These two were Mr. Jno. Fink and Mr. Willie Quantz. Among the older members tLat are still on the list of active members, we note tbe names of Messrs. J II C Burkhead, Capt. J M Alexander and Dinson A Caldwell. Asa secret or. ganlzation, we suppose the outside world knows less about the work ings pf tbis organization than of any in our city. Another thing of interest in re eard to tbe Masons of our city, is tbe fict that Mr. Dinson A Cald well hes bien in the Ma'onio work ocger than any one in our town and also that E quire R W Allison, the oldest citizen we have, is member of tbe Masonic Order. Incomplete would our write-up be without mentioning tbe fact tba' the Maious b:re contribute liberally each year to tbe Oxfoid Orphan Asy lum, wbich we must admit, origi. noted in the minds of tbe Ma on a. Tbis Lodge meets every Monday, on or before each full moon, in their rooma over tbe City Hall, and the officers are as follows : Jas. O Fink, Master; M C Walter, Senior Ward en ; M L Moors, Jutior Warden ; H A Brower, Secretary ; J M Alexan der, Treaturer; O D Robbins, Senior Deacon ; II W Tucker, Junior Dea non; D A Caldwell, Tyler. The present Master, Mr. Jas. O Fink, has held bis present position for neirly four years. Through the kindness of Mr. Jas. C Fink, we have obtained the above points on JUtonry. We will now thank tbe Odd Fellows of this city very much if they will come to the front next. Uoue iq Court In No. 10 Towuahip. Attorney Luther Hartsell went down to No. 10 township to plead in the case of State vs. Mack Bar bee on the charge cf unlawfully seizing tbe crop of a temint named El. McAnulty, which is to be tried before Enquire H C Cook; MEETS DEATH Bj Ilia Own Hand A Popular Toon Man Nad Blow to the Commnmiy. By telephone today we learn of sad Lffair at N. wells S'ution, young man named Mr. Jackson M Cald t 11 baying met death by his own hand. Ihe circumstances at as folio )ps : There having been party ia tbe town last night be was out until about 12 o clock, and oeing a little late, he decided to ac company Mr. Farrow, a young man wbo clerks for Messrs. Newell & Wallace, to tbe store aud sleep with him. After rising tbis morning at about 6 30 o dock, he walked dow stairs to get an apple and came back loiding a 32 calibre pistol. Afier sittirg down he told his friend, Mr, Farrow, that be was tired of bis life i t-i: J u u -j - ' anu utjiieyeu ao wuuiu enu It, lm mediately putting the pistol to his bead. 1 be pis ol snapped twice and by this time Mr. Farrow had lamp ed out of bed and ran to him and seized him. Mr. Caldwell being much tbe stronger, be succeeded iu getting tbe revolver to bis head and fired, killing him instantly, the bul let entering his head at the right temple, about one inch from tbe ear. Just before the pistol went off be was beard to say tbe words 'Good-bye" Mr. Caldwell was 27 years of age and is , from a most excellent family, and was in good circum. stances. It is indeed a sad blow to the community to lose a young man wbo was liked as well as th; one. tie leaves only a mother In the family, his only sister, Mrs. Morris McDonald, of Charlotte having died some months ago. The circumstances being so plain no inquest was held, and the body was taken to the home of bis mother, wbich is only a short dis cance on this side of Newellg. Tbe rem tins will be taken to Charlotte and tbe funeral services will be held at 13 o'clock tomor row at the Presbyterian church, of which he was a member. Daily of J! Ut. JIM COON CAUGHT. A Acft-ro That Haa Been Hiding from the o flic era a Long; While In Cang-ht. Many of Thi Standard's readers will remember a negro named Jim Coon, who bai been dodging tbe officers of tbis county for nearly two years, and wbo has twice been up a chimney hiding from tbe oflicers, the last time no being very long ago. tie is now in the hands of tbe law and will be brought here to stand bis trial. Several days ago Sheriff Buchanan informed bTANDARD reporter that they were going to try once more to capture Jim if there was any pos sible cbance, but in spite of the faot that Deputy Will Propst and Jailer Hill lay in hiding all night for him, they came back empty handed. Tbe negro is wanted in several cases for retailing, and also for disposing of mortgaged prop erty. But today (Friday) Sheriff Buc hanan received tbe following tele gram from one named F C Good man: Davidson, N. C, Jar. 21, '98. Sheriff Buchanan: Any reward for Jim Coonf Hava him for stealing cotton. FO Goodman To this telegram Sheriff Bucban an replied that there was no re ward ouerea, out was wanted in several cases and would pay ex penses. Three Railroad raaca. For the coming term of court we find there are three cases against tbe Southern Railway Company, wbich are as follows: The case of Whitley, in which heissueing for damages, H B Parks, sueing for damage?, and D C Bonds, the case in which Mrs. Bonds was killed on the side-track near Cannon factory about a year ago. Tbe latter suit is entered into by tbe son of the woman killed. It is reported considerably that there is a case in the court in re gard to tbe killing of Mr. William Smith, but no such case is recorded on the docket. Which niile 110,1 on t'hew On T Which side do you chew on ? It is said that the natural habit of hu man beings appears to be tbe use of tbe teeih on the left side of tbe mouth for masticating the food During a lengthened period of ob servation only one parson oat of thirteen was found who used both sides of his mouth for chewing and masticating his food. Ex. If you have a jerky tooth you chew on the other side A singular instance showing how great reforms grow out of the very smallest conceivable incidents is that in New Yoik under tbe late Mayor Strong, who effected the purification of milk sold on the market from an appealing letter by a poor woman asking him to please see to it that tbe milk she bought for her baby was real milk, so that her baby would drink what would brine life and not death. The commorient kind of chnorful giver ia the one who gives nothing hut gord advice, Royal make Ihe food pure, wholesome and dcllcloas. fey POWDER Abftolutely Furo SCHEDULE In Effect Jan. 18, 1807. ' Tbis condensed schedule is pub lished as information, and is'subject to change without noticeto th publio: I rains Leave Concord, N. O 9:25 p. M. No. 35 dailv for Allan . ta and CbarlotteiAir U5, e division, and all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers betneen New York, Washington, Atlanta New Orleans, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also uliinau sleeper' Ofcarlotte to Augusta. 8:4'J a. M. No- 37, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled imitel for Atlanta. Birmingham. Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile aud New Orleans, aud all DoinU Smith and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestiuuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman touriBt car for San Francisco, Sunt days. 8:53 p. m. So. 7, daily, from Rich-, mond, Washington, Goldsboro.Nor'' folk, Selmn, lialigo, Greensborol Euoxville and Asbeville to Char-. otte, in. u. 1029 a. m.-No. 11, daily, for At anta and all points South. Knii,l tram, Kichmond to Atlanta; PulJ man (deeping car, Kichmond to Greensboro. i 10:08 a. m. No. 36, daily, for Washington, ltichmond. Kuleii-h and all points ftortli. Carries Pulla man drawinorooin bullet RlnAnnr WewOrleans to New York; Jackson-i ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman touriBt cars from San Frarciaoo .Thursdays. 8:53 p. M. No. 38, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibulod. mited. for Washington and all pointB North. Through Pullman car, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York : Tampa to New YnrU. Also carries vertibuled coach and, dining car. 7:08 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Bich mond, Asbeville, Chattanooga, Kala jign, uoiciBOuro and all points iNorth. Carries Pullman sleeninar ar from Greensboro to Richmond. Jonnects at Greensboro with train arrying 1'ullmnn car for Kaieieb 6.27 a. m. No. 10. dailv. for Kioh. (Bond ; conrects at Greensboro for Raleigu and- Norfolk ; at Danville (or Washington and points North : at Salisbury for Asuville, Knox vine anu points west, .ill freight trains carrv nnRHenirnrH. John M. Culp, W. A. Tuhk. Traffic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. An'L F. S. Gannon, Washington. I). O. .'hird Vice President aLd Gen'l manager, Wasliincton. D. D. d. LLHabdwick, AuB'tvien'!. Ag't . , . Atlanta, Ga- W. I H. Tayloe. Ass't Gen '1 p. Ag't, ijOuiBville, H.J. G-WAN Dosenbely, LtcalAg't, Uoncord. N. O. Concord Foundry Co Concord, N. C. Our foundry is now in blast once wet k, casting regularly every Fri- ay. We are prepared to turnish you anything in the casing line at ving prices. ,Ve will be pleased to uo'.e you special prices on anything desired. Ail orders receive prompt attention Also do general machine wo.-k. Yours tiulv. Concord Foundry Co. West Coruin Street. Raiiroad Engineer Testifies to Bone film Received From Dr. Miles' Remedies. TIIEltE (a no more res-,. clMe position oneiirth than Omtt-'.ai-ailmail riiTlii ccr. On his in'i-vii, clour bruin brlRht eyo onU prefect wit eiii;'uiuml,lt pond the nafotyof the train ur,.l the liven of Its pnssonRorv Dr. Allien1 Korrlno ud other remeOiM nrn especially slaiti to kHplnRtinurv(3st':t.iy, the brain clear and ttw mentul Uc-jlt;, s ui.ini,'d. Enslneer F. W. M f-rthpriy ot 123 Bromlway, Council iUull's, w ivsldli at 3411 IlunilxiiatjJt., Ik nvor, n.i a Uiut Lo 'suffered for years frnm tip.v.un, caufj- . i:iull'S UD'J l y it. Mil.' .1 t.v.dnMiendl Inn sii-k, nervous nm; ' i: was fully restored M i" Norve A Liver Yi i J Dr. Miles' Keimvliv F Dr. Wiled' K-.-ru-tlu I are sold hy all iln; gists under u r guarantee, lir.-t 11 brut'din or uini. y i funded, liooL en ill eases ot tho heart um- r , . , ... ,uv' nerveafne. AMn.w, ...,J. 'm. TCll'VJ, 1