The - Standard. r The Standard. - TCENS OUT G03D-JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. PRISTS THE AEWb THAT IS AW? For 1 Year Can't This is the complaint of thousands at thin season. They have no appetite! food does not relish. They need the toning upot the stomach and digestive orgaris,. which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blood, cures that distress after eating and Internal misery only a dyspcptlo can know, creates an appetite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds np and sustains the whole physical system. It so prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspepticsymp toras and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost " a magic touch." Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. ii j) rMf are the best after-dinner nOOU S PUIS pills, aid digestion. 260. Mothers! nnn discom a forts and dangers of child-birth can be almost en- k!.Vlv avoided.1 V jneolCardulJ relieves ex pectant moth ' ers. It gives puts them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth,' It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to' try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wino of C&rdui. f i.oo per bottle. For iWci In easel requiring1 apaelal dlractiong, addres, rtvinr symptoms. Iha " Lakes' Adlsory Department.' The Oattanocf Medicine Co., ChaR nocga, Teno, Ktt. LOOIU BAH. of Jeflerton, da., ityn "Whsn f first took Wins r'CanJul we hud hoen married tlre years, but vuuiu nui navs aiiy anuaran. uin months later 1 bad a Una girl bah ," I in OITor the bumnepa pnblio a re liable, permment, conservative and accomodating banking institution. We solicit your business with thf assurance of honorable treatment nd due appreciation of your paU roiB're. If we can serve you at fany time b. tl id to B"Te you cnuif and Rfln ii". LIBERAL ACCOMMODATIONS TO CUSTOMERS Gapital and Sulplus$70 OOCJ L). H. COLTKANK, CabLier, J. M OPELL.Pres. Notices! PHONE K. L.rCraven No, 74, For Coal. M, L. Brown & BRo. LIVK11Y, FEED AlsD rAIl STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel, Om n ibiiHut meet all rjaspengpr trainp. Oiifiifl of pil kinds furnished jiroiupily ai 1 at niiHODitble i icep. iior-nx itinl uiuUa alwHytj on I awl f .ir mlp. Binders of tboroug! bred Poland Cliiuu Hogs. 1 tf LOOSC An uue w ,hinlf Purchare new, Ili.h-Ann, Wheeler & Wilaou ''M Machine, uu drawers, c-ivrr and end leiii, flieoak fl'iiah, with uoinpleie nt'auhmi n'. should call at. this office. We ":J have one, and will ofiLr 'be buyer, special prinp.; cfltf. SHOE REPAIRS. W. J. PAUL EI U f !) YE US' EXPEDIENCE. Er.tniie 'hee price: Men's half Sir. ie-d, (HM , ladles' hlf lole, 60i!., iiK-n'd half boIp, pppped, 85'., 'adi-a' liMlf 10'e, peiJKei), 3'C. l'ti.-Mia le.nci .Ml lOo and np. Ii inn e ii niv !'p-ci i!i?. I OFe 0 111' b,'i y ' D ltli- ill t ur i'h I'l'il l.lla' C II t'e in' i H in-, i It a d 0 ti e i i. Ii u ulrv. . n f'lllv, " .i. rAur.rm fJl BBtHKaMBa VOL. X--NO 223. A WEVI'EUN LElTE:i Written Hy i Frlenit or Tlie klno ard lli'lua Hint Are of lulareat. S cbte, Tex., Jan. 21, '98. Ed. of Ths Standard: If yoo will five ine epa. e tbrougb the col umus of your valuable paper I will tiive its many readera a few doU from N jrth Texa, Mr. V II Sinpton, a native if Amity, Iredell connty, JS. (J , wi inuirieJ to Miss Nannie Jones, a beautiful yottng lady of Kaifley, Ky., a few days ago. Ic was a suri (iiiue to all of Air. Simpto'a friends here when the north-bound Santa to train arrived to tee him ami bis bride get off. Mr. bimpson bas been here about 5 years and will make this bis future home. Miss Jones has many U lends here, Sbe bas relatives here, and visited Texas about a year ago. Mr. L W Beaver, wbo came te Texas about four years ago and went to Wicbila Falls from here, oame back and firmed last year, lie bas aoldout and will tench school from this on, Mr. G E Goodman, wbo spent the i'all in Ttxan, has gone back to Chi na Grove, N. C. Come agtin Brother Goodman, Don't let that Yv.rih Carolina girl kwp you away r im Tex. Bring her tack with you. Brother Solomon, stsy with them! fe read your itemt every week or two, and tke a great interest in tbeiii. When Solomon and I wcrt ooys we paddled over the bill to pettier, and must Bay to your 4 U No" from fieilig if he wishes to ee a green horn to come to Arkan mw. The cry of bard times are Qtrt) now. Everything is to cheap t int the farming class are making i living aid that's about all. Texas made a good cotton crop las: year, but mver got much for it. It's worth from 4.50 to 5.15; corn about id Ciuts, oats 20. Horses and iii'iled sell at your own price. A jood bund can get from $14 to $16 per tuotith. A great many people .re goiag West, ecuie to the Terri u ji some to Oklahoma, some to be eastern part of tbe State. I see in your last week's Sta.NIAud that Mr. J C Correll went back to North Carolina. Mr. Correll says he does uot want to live iu a country where tbe ground cracks open large inougb to hide a man. lie ought to have come to DalloB or Collin couui ties, where tbe children have play Douses in the big cracks and hog wallows. Wish you all conld see how we farm in Ttxas. We have what is called listt-rs work four horses to (hem and make ground ready for planting every time you go through tbe IL'id. Oae man can fix ready (or planting from 75 to 100 acres md can bed about six acres a day. 'hen we have tbe cotton and corn oUnter culiivaters and everything yuu can think of for the farmer. For fear my letter will find its way to the waste basket I will close. WiBhina; Thb Standard ranch sbc- ots8 I remain A Fkiexd to The Standard. r.nnintc I lie Hegiuiiliiir. Mr. Walter Green, who has been m our Diidat for some weeks setting bedges for the North Carolina Fence Company and operating at the grounds of tbe Forest Hill milk, cbe Ciuncn nulla and tbe Cabarruc niillf; also around tbe private reai leDCes of Misers B Rogers and J V Cannon and the Baptist parson te, is about through with setting tbe83 hedges. He will now keep an eye on the progress f their growth till they are ready for plashing, ftt bope to see someibing Que in he way of hedge fencing in our on in a fe years us a result of his labors. tnve! no Innocent Sinn. Angelo Carbone wan awaiting ex ecution in prison at Sing Sing, N. Y., for the murder of Natatio Brog 30, when Alex Cairamello vaa ar restrd aud confeBed that be wae tbe guilty man, even showing the knife with which he committed tbe murder. Vlrillrt lor sia.ouo The case against the Southern Railway Co., in which tbe widow if Mr. fldnton, who was killed in th llnrriehurg wreck, baa bien de cidtd in her favor. The amount su'l for U f 12,000. We hiar ilrumortd cnsiderably now t h .n utepn are being made by lie Ridiiw to also sue Capl. W B 'Ir Vr f ir 810000, though it is no" eutiroly certain. Virginia has a ecm rje, it seems, il lie way of ?!0 omnterfoits. Tnern have becu some arrests about Daaviile. ilK. JOSEPH YOUNv DEAD. A Landmark Removed fm A way Altrr a Mhort lllncaa A Life rJB. lie, I'nobtranlve l'aerulnen. At 5:40 o'clock this (Thursday) morning tbe spirit of oar esteemed oitiz'n, Mr. Jos?pb Young, passed into tbe realms into which ouj the eye of faith can peer. It seems but a few days since bis kindly face was turned npoo all who met nim in the walks of I if', aud bis Iri.ndly greetings to passers must now be enjoyed only in mem ory. lie took his bed about one week ego and not nntil Wednesday even ing was it apparent that tbe erge oi ' life was being dangerously neared It is not in the power of mr pen to do more than justice to thr noble cbaraoter in point of gentle, kind heartedness. No harsh cr tiuisms or unkind thrusts came from him, and we would probably search in 1 ain for one of whom so little evil U spoken or one io destitute of eneiies. Mr Younp never married, and therefore leayes no family. His nearest relative la Mrs. Catherine Goodson, a half sister, with be made his homo. rbom He was born in the Poplar Tent neighborhood in 1822, aud waa therefore in hii 76th year. He has been a resident of Concord for about 40 years. wnen JNeisuB olougn, as cap am of tbe Cabarrus Black Boys, went into the Confederate service Mr. Young filled his unexpired term as clerk of the court. When tbe county affairs were con ducted by the oonnty commissioners instead of tbe magistrate's court of pleas and quarter sessions Mr. Young became tbe first chairman. He held tbe cflice of register of deeds far six vears, beginnine witb the year '68, after which he baa led a qiiet, unofficial life, filling various temporary pDsitions of usefulness always in the most satisfactory man ner. be funeral services will talis place tomorrow morning at 9.30 o'clock at the Presbyterian church, conducted by liev. Alexander, and the burial will be at tbe city ceme tery. Uaily of 27tb. No Nmailpox for Hi Yet. Oae can hear all kinds of reports on the streets about tome one being in town that bas been exposed to smallpox, but nothing has resulted from the reports. A negro was in town Thursday night bailing from Charlotte, and he was informed by Policeman Boat that his presence was not wanted in this place, but inttead of ths negro leaving he came np town. Policeman Bjtt followed and succeeded in getting him vaccinated, but fearing that this was not sufficient he was sent out of town. This morning two small boys got off of tbe north-bound train, not looking to be over twelve years old, aud were beating the train. Police man Boat succeeded in capturing one of them and released him when be consented to leave town, Tbey came on tip town, 'and after finding hat Chief Boger had his eyes upon them they went op Chureh atree' towards O Jell's factory. The Standard at once telephoned foi them to look ont for them op there, and they were sent on np tbe road. We are glad that our officers are keeping a close eye on this floating population, and we hope that tbe colored people will not harbor any jtrangers Daily of 28th. - In the City of tbe Dead. At 9:30 o'clock this (Friday) morning the last sad rites were paid to the earthly remains of Joseph Young. Tbe body was gently borne intc tbe Presbyterian church, where hi was a regular attendant, by Messrs. P B Fetzer, W W Stuart, A E Lentz, R E Gibson, C W Swink, and G M Lore, when Rev. Alexan der read the Presbyterian burial service and gave tbe age, itc, of the deceased. Tbe casket was then borne to tbe city cemetery and the body laid to rest beside a brother and sister gone before. An Immenae Hog.; Probably the largest live hog to be found in North Carolina is own ed by Mr. J C Hedrick, of Silver Hill, Davidson county. Deputy Collector Thompson, who spent yesterday in Davidson, tells ub that he eaw this mammoth piece of bog 11 sb and that it measured teu feet around. From tip to tip it ix eleven feet in length and weighs 900 pounc's. Tbe hog is now two years old and deppite bis weight is able to get around witb celerity when the oc casion rtquires. Salibbury World. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY THE V. M. C.'S or Ceaeerd When and Where Or ganised Oilier ThlDKi. Very many Carolinians will know what tbe letters, "V. M. C." sandn for, though if the writer knows he is not allowed to tell, as this is one of the things that a member of the Royal Arcanum most ponder in ms heart. Tbe Royal Arcanum was fourth in organization in our city and wae organized juet about one year before tbe Old Fellows revised tnir loag. Tbe Cabarrus Connoil, No. 1205, Royal Arcanum was organized on the night of tbe 26. h of November, 1889, with the following charter members : Mensrs. Luther Boat, Frank Good- nn, Rpbt.. Gibson, M M Gillon, John A Kimmons, Cbas G Mont gomery, Frank L Smith, J W Peeler, John A 8ime, JohnC W adawortb, Jeaoe Willeford, Rev. C M Payne, and DrB. J S Lafierty and R S Young. We notice among the names of charter members Mr. Jesse F Wille ford, wbo wao also a prominent Odd Fellow. Unfortunately, how ever, be withdrew from tbe Royal Arcanum about four months before hie deatb, thereby receiving no death benefits. Mr. Willeford was also elected Secretary at their first meeting, we find. Tbe order has increased in mem bership gradually each year until it now numbers forty-two. Out of this whole number, tbey have never had a death in tbe fraternity. This order baoits own ball, which is upstairs over Dr. Johnson's drug store, and is nicely furnished. This order is a fraternal benefici ary organization. They have both half rate and full rate certificates, which entitles tbe holder to 11,500 and (3,000 respectively, tbe amount to be paid to bis widow or any designated one at the death of the member. This lodge also has a compulsory sick- benefit, which requires that the order, in case of tbe sickness of the brother member, to carry bis insurance policy until he is again able to take it up. During all this member's sickness, and including th amount tbey have paid out to keep up his policy, still none of this amount is deducted from the amount that is paid the widow at bis deatb. The above are ths regular rules of the order, though existing cir cumstances sometimes call for tbe helping still more of the widow and orphans, and to this they also re spond. This order alao bas a most beau tiful burial ceremony, but, as be fore slated, they have never yet pBPn called on to ad minster one. Durinit the year 1897, the lodge added le its list new members, and from their organization to the pres ent time, they have only lost alto gether by suspension, withdrawal and removal, six members. The times of meeting of this or ganization is on tie first and third 1 ues.iay nights of each month, in their ball. Their present officers, who are elected aonuallv, are as follows: W (i Boshamer. Regent; W L Bell, Vice-Regent; J F Goodson. Seoretas rv; R E Gibson, Treasurer; John A Kimmons, Collector; tie. W f Mo Ghee, Chaplain; J L Hartsell, Ora tor; Geo. E Fisher, Guide; M L Blackwelder, Sentry; and C A Dry, Warden. Thus closes tbs different points of interest of the V. M. C.'s of our city, which were given us by tbe Orator of tbe Royal Arcanum, Mr. J L Hartsell. I be Neheel Beard Mae e Fewer. Editob Standard: Ths resol ution passed by the phyalcians at their meeting Jinnary 26:b is a timely aud important warning io the publio in regard o vaccination, t ut when tbey urge tbe graded school commissioners to hae tbe children of i be publio cho ls vaccinated tbey assume that tbe school board beta right to do as tbey nrge Ths board hs no suoh right. The pupils of the Charlotte publio schools were vacoinated by tbe orders and author ity of the city counoil or local board of heal ih. Superintendent Graham, of the Charlotte schools, told me so today. The school board of Cous cord baj asked the city council, there being no local board of healtn, to pass a similar order and will as sist in ts exeoutioo. v- B vond that ths board does lo' see that it can, as yet, do any) bin". Personally, I favor compulsory vao cinati d, either for tbe public schools or tbe entire population E. B. Lewis, Supt. Sebools. Jan. 28, 1898. Walcbeal fer Frandi.. Two voune men giving their names as Fred L Phillips and Geo. Hroith, came here on tho 20. h from Winston and Greensboro, where tbey bad been getting up town di rectories, skipped their hoard bill at the Hunt House last Saturday night, also leaving unpaid bills for laudanum and morphine and a omall account for shaving, etc These men are slaves to the mor phine babit, and are undoubtedly the biget liars that ever struck town. Tbey were dead broke and beat every man tbey could. Phillips claimed to be a newspaper man. and said he was going from here to Charlotte to assist in getting up the 20t h of May edition of the Observer. Davidson Dispatch. . it'ie t :lu"d r Ti u IIKiik' rc-ijic I V3 illltlu'-. l ,n.' sapmiilii in tli" On- SUPERIOR COURT la Heaafen and tbe Caaee That Rave Been Dianoaed ef Up Till TbleTlme. State vs. Ivy Littles, retailing, not guilty. State vs. Dock Johnston, retailing, not guilty. State vs. Henry Parks and Will Russell, forcible trespass, submitted and judgment suspended on pays mentof one half the cost each. Ste vs. Cbarles Branniclr, beating bis wife guilty, judgment suspended on payment of costs. State vs. Jim Series, breaking into house and stealing pistol and several other things, guilty, sent to cbain gang three years. State vs. J M Alexander, colored, stealing watch and money, plead guilty; sent to cbain gang for three years. State vs. Albert Colbert, simple assault, plead, guilty, sent to cbain gang for thirty days. State vs. Giles Miller, assault with intent, uot guilty. State vs. Scott Alexander, disturb ing religious worship, not guilty. mate vs. Jim rusher. Mack Parks, 8am 8tirewalt and Wei Cowan, affray. All guilty except Mack Parks. Eoti guilty person sent to cbain gang two months. State vs. John Gilmer, breaking id house of Mr D Faggart and steal ing gun, guilty; cbain gang three years. State vs. Shakespeare Gilmer, as sault with deadly weapon, guilty; chain gang two months. btate vs. Walter Rankin, attempt to s'eal, guilty; chain gang twelve months. State vs. Jim Smith, breaking glass at night in rear of Morris hard ware store, guilty; twelve months on chain gang. State vs. C A Fisher and G Fish er, disposing of mortgaged prop erty, not guilty. State vs. Joe Caldwell and Annie Wilson, fornication and adultery, both guilty. Sbe is sentenced to be confined In the county jail six months if found in the county ten days from today (fcridav). tie is sentenced to tbe chain gang six months, but sentence not to take elect until at tbe time that the so licitor issues a capias for bin. 8tate vs. W A Downum, larceny of cord wood, not guilty. WINE BARREL VISITED At Jit. Pleaaant and Heme other Baeplclone Work An Anouyuieum Couple In the Town. Mt. rioasant,Jan, 29, '98. The Ladies Aid Society of the Metho dist church, will give a supper to night in the MasonicHall, the proceeds to go towards buying lamps for tbe churob. Mrs. Lizzie Bctts is having residence erected in Albemarle, where she will move in a few months. Her son, Faul Bette, went to that town this week, where he lias accepted a position. Our town has been yisited by a married couple who would not giye their names or address They seem to be in pretty eood circumstances. They stopped at the hotel, and as Mr. Lentz, the proprietor, keeps no register, tbey were not required to giye their names. They lett Friday for Albemarle. Mr. W G Barringer's wine bar rels were visited night before last by three men who have been suc cessful in keeping their identity a secret They had one of his cows tied as it they were going to "cab bage" her too. Some have said that they only intended to keep her qniet, as her mouth was tied shut. One of Mr. Barringer's daughters went out on the back porch that night and heard some one, but thonght it was her broth er and called him. lie was, how ever, at the barn and answered. He then Btartod to the house and discovered some one standing at the comer of the cranarv. but thinking it was Mr. Will Tetrea, a neighbor, said nothing. When he got to the house he was informed that there was someone out at the granary. Finding that Mr. l'e trea was in tbe house, he at once concluded that something was wrong. He got his gun a started for the granary, when the parties began to run. He shot at them several times without doing any damaga. It is reported that Joe McLoau'e whereabouts are known, though we cannot verify it. The seminary is quarantined against measles and mumps. A N OTHER. Beekien-aarmea naive. The Best Saive in tbe world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khitum, Fever Sores, Tetterd Chappr Bands, Chilblains, Corns and ale Skin Eruptions, and positively cures "ilea or no pay requi-ed. It is ruaranteed to give statisfaction oi mouev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzev's Drng tore.' 3 1898. William Jarkeon Dead. William Jackron, tbe first victim of smallpox in Charlotte, died Thursday morning at 5 o'clock. It was seen that Jackson bad a virulent case though it sr em) he cangh: it. from a man with a cafe so mild that it was thought lo be chicken pox. There was no little ado that Chief Urr bad to get the man buried. He was buried six feet deep in tbe cemetery for the colored. The other case is said to be get Ing on well . No new cases are yet reported. Mcbool Bonrtl 51 eel. Tbe School Board met at 4 30 Wedneedaj evening and pasBed the following resolution : Resolved, That it Is tbe opinion of the School Board that tbe circumstances do not warrant tbe exclusion of pupils not vaccinated as yet, but do as sure the City Council of ready co operation when compulsory vacci nation beoomes necessary. a Hob Felled. Gas Uarmac, a negro, was placed in Marion jail for attempt to assault Miss Minnie Cnthbertson on tbe 16ty inst. Publio indignation became bound less and a mob attempted to lyncb him Tuesday nieht. Masked men went to tbe home of Sheriff Nichols and demanded Harmao. The Sheriff being advised of tbe movement h d taken him to Asbville and there fore he took the easiest plan to get rid of the masked men by going with them to the jtil, where they savr for themselves tbt he was not in. Toe mob then, about 75 strong, quietly went away and tbe State is spared the crime but uot the latent to com mit it. Two Who Failed to Show Up. A', this term of court two persons have failed to show up for trial that some of our people know. The first case was that of Mr. Cbas. Opry, tbe young man who was drunk and very disorderly one Sun day evening several months ago, and who got out of jail on a bond until this term of court. He has not been in our town tbe 29:h of Den cember. Tbe other is a negro namtd Bob Wbite, wbo formerly drove the dray wagon to Pattcrsons's mill, and who was indicted for the embezzlement ef Borne money belonging to a col ored organization. He was in the citv some davs ago. but failed to show up forjtrial. A Tonav noctor Falls a VIciiui te Conanmpllon. Dr. Thomas W Mott died at the Central Hospital at Raleigh Wednes day. He was first assistant surgeon under Dr. Kirby. lie was a native of Iredell county and a graduate of Davidson College. Hi fell a victim to oonsump'.ioa and died of hemor rhage of the lungs, lie was in his 27th year and was to bays bten married within a month. The inter ment took place today (Friday) at Davidson College. A countryman wandering about a 'churchyard came npon a stou- having the inscription, ' S.c transit gloria niundi." ''What does It mean ?" he asked ef of the sexton, wbo bad been explain ing tbe inscription to him. The sexton peered toward i', and not wishing to show any ignorance, replied, "Well, it means that he wae sick transiently, aud wi.nt to glory Monday morning." Henry Miller on the niaud. When Col. Henry Miller, of the Southern, was on the stand, be was isked if te wore underclothes, and f eo, to show thj stub cf bis o teck a order that their cost could be de termined with a view of reducing rates. Col. Miller, mt wanting to appenr in comtempt, reluctantly ad mitted that bis netber garments were buckskins, but that he caught the deer himself and that Otho Wil son tanueii it in iui iiaysoeuer. Now they are trying to fljd out il Otbo did not get half rates on his ink for rouinens ition. He alleged tbat bis papers were sent by mail matead of freight, and it may be that tlie government will yet become involved. K.irbroiher t lurrago.'. Mr. Charley Frszer, manager oi the Steam Laundry, owing to the f ict that they deal with quite a lot of traveling men's and some colored people's clothing, bas deemed it advisable to have all of the laundry force vacinated, which he did this (Friday) morning. This is a very reasonable view in which to look at the matter, and will ward off any suspicion on the part of tbe people. WHOLE NO. 458 NO FUNERALS FOR TliEM. Clot lien or the Atlnnflnnla Bnrnrd Treated to a III id-Winter Balb. The colored men who rfficiated at the funeral of William Jaoknon jestorday, ay that if ihere are auy more smallpox patients to be buried, fiey respectfully decline to act in aoy capacity. Tbey are cbsritable, loey say, aud they be'ieve in show ing the dead, the proper courtesies, but tbey do not care to go tbro jgb tbe same experience that was forced on them this morning. There were five in the funeral party that escorted the remains of Jackson to tbo cemeler yesterday, Amonz the numbpr was El De Brugb, Dr. McComb's driver, Ed insisted ibat be was not afraid of smallpjx germs, eo he was selected to drive the wagon to the funeral ground?. The other four men fol lowed at a respectful dis.ance. Wben the cemetery was reached, five mea lowered tbe body in tbe 10-foot grave that had been pre pared and came back to the city. This morning it was suggested toat soma kind of disinfectant should be used by these men. Finally it was decided that tbey go to tbe creek below tbe city; take a winter bath and there burn all of the clothing tbat they wore to tbe funeral. Officer Hall escorted four of tbe men to the creek west of the city and another officer went witb Ed De Brugh to the creek below tbe orphanage. After it was all over De Brugh stated that he would not effioiate at aDy more funerals, especially when the occasion demands such rigid en forcement of iht law of disinfecting. Charlotte News. The New Oynainoa. For the first ukc tlie tew engiue that has lesn put in at the pDwer bouse around on Spring street, utar ed on its j)b. Ic was the wri ter's pleasure to witness it Friday n'ght. They now have a new Wes ton engine, and also have the other one too, so that in ca e an accident happens ith tbe one, they cam at oace shift the burden upon tie other. The putting in of tbe new ma obinery was under the management of Mr. E T Nye, an electrician from Philadelphia, Mr. Nye informs us that these new dynumoj are capable of giving a higher voltage than the former ones, and can make our street lights unusually bright. In order to Ust the machinery Thurs day li ght be gave the street lights an unusual amount of voKage, and found next morning Uaf. quite number of tbe lamps were burnt out on account of it. As for arc lights, this nic'uintry could give them to us, but both en gines would have to run at tbe same time, having none to fill bick rn, as they will h&ve in the future. I will be a constant pull for tbe ma. ohipory, and will be taxed very hea vily all the time, in the bama way m this one engine has been in tbe past. This was oue reason why there ban been so much trouble about the lights. This engine bad just had more to do than it ought to have done. Who la Keaponelble T With smallpox in our neighbor ing city of Charlotte and a dreud ou ths part of every resident cf our o v n i0n that we may wake u,i auy morning to bear that the dread tiu- eaae ins lnyatieu our uwa nouies, tbe question naturally uii-e, who has the matter of vaccination in hand? Or who can compel our peop'e to submit to this, the oul) dufi-guard against auitllpox? Some it oue thing aid S)-ue my ano'her. Yes, some with more zejl than Knowledge havo criticise J the school oouimiddioueri severely for not on- palling vaccination or abs;nce in our raJed tc iooli, .ing, iu their ba-ite to8uow bow little tbey kue abjjt the matter, that tue board iu Char lotte had done so. il'leae read airaiu Prof. L?ia'ar. tide in Tno Standard of the 23. h. Now I submit that it id time Wt all knew who has the pover, and whoaj duty il is Aud it is fully time tbat men should c.'aaa-trying ,o shift the responsibility while tbe JUease is bo near our d.wi'J. Very redpeo'f ullr. - MEMiimts of School Board, v There is a Bult vein iu Kansas at a depth of 1)0J foot, containing, according to a IoimI statistician, enough salt to salt the world for a million years. Ttt CI BE A COl.B I lli: DAY Take Lixative B.omo Quinine Tablets. All drugiists refund the money ifit fai'3 to cure. 25Jceota Send us 1 Dollar. Royal makes the food pure, wboleftunie antj dellcloua. EM POWDER Absolutely Pure SCHEDULE I K K 1 1 In EffectJJan. 18, 1897. This condensed echeduin is pub llihed as information, und ii'subject to change without notice to th public; Trains Leave Concord, N. 0 9:2C p. m. No. 35 daily lor Allan, ta and CbarlotiejAir I;5, e divicion, ana all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepors tteen .New York, WaBbinptOD, Atlaiita, New Orleans, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman aleeper' Charlotte to Auguhta. 8:J9 a. ji.No. 37, daily, Washing ton aud Southwehtbin vtsiibuitiii limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South aud Southwent. Through Jfullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibulod coach, I etween Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for t an i iaiicisco, Sun days. 8:53 p. m. No. 7, daily, from Rich tnond, Washington, GoMnboro.Nor" folk, Selma, ltaligb. Grcensborol Kuoxville and Aohevilie to Uhar-. otte, N. V. 10:29 a-h. No. 11. daily, for AN anta and all points South. Solid tram, Richmond to Atlanta: Pull man sleeping car, Kichmond to (ireensboro. 10:08 a. m. No. :-!), daily, for Washington, ' Uiciimoud, Kuieigh and all poiuta Norm. Carries l'ull man drawiugroom Outlet sietper, MewOrleitns to New York; Jackson ville to New .York ; lSiruiiutrhum to New York, l'ulluiuu tourist cars from o .u i riircin-o 1 burbilaye. 8:53 p. si. No. 38. daiiv. Washing ton oud KouthwcHkru vufitibnlml. 1 mited, for Wubhiugtou unu ail points North. 1 hrouirh I'll hnsn car. itiempiiiH to iew lork; rsnw Urleaus to New York; Tampa to New York, Al io carries vertibuled coach and dining car. 7.08 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Uichi mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Iial igh, Goldsboro ftiul all points North. Carries Pullman sltieping ar from Uieensooro to liichmonrl. 'onuects at Greensboro with train . arrving Pullman car for Kaieieh. 6.27 a. m. No. 1(1, daily, for ltich--nond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and-Norfolk ; at Dinville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for At-uviile, Knox-, ville and points West, .'ill freight trains ecu - p sstngers. John M. Ci'i.p, V. A. Xuuu, 1'raflic M'fjr. Gou'll'aes. Ag't, F. S. Gannon, H uehiugtcn, D. C. Third Vice President at d Uen'l malinger,. Washington, 1). C. 3. n.IlARDWicK, Am't Gen'iP.'Ag't Atlanta, Gn V. II. Tavloe, Asa'tGeu'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Go wan Duf EsiiFiv, LtcalAg't, Concord, N. C. Lti A. AX f --a-. ittuii.t-iii r 'if i ; v. ). y,ri'if.' ' 'rilthD IH tll!H. I h ; .- . merit ntrl elfRrts a ( bi'Al v. Ii r-( t si i upon having thy (finvuo Alt !i.t"a t iii .'d ihoukihi.h .i ii .ii Uu rt , lti wi; :ttn C'i ir ;i t' i to r tfrH'l u tili iiCiu jor r'iuM t ; vmrv. H(iin;. o- fi j. .i v s t:il t.i-M I rjr iJ'me. biij 3 C in'iri'ifi;r ' .-i..V.u.t If 111.. ITHPluVt: - ' tr fil Ii 'i I'.'-, 'i'h. y i. A n in- I I V.M. HT i nrn. l irmlrif .1 ''rorb.rn Isb, t hkttcu, ill. . LDY CO. For sale J V Cibson( Druggist '.'id llf'lU ni li ivos irtilo and fill p i t. ... V.' UI ,1 1., d SVRLiUCTH. kalracisEeus Benefit REOLIVLD FftOM Dr. Kilcs' Ncr Heart Cure. ELI fo LI P. FA In -in i:. c-f Avvti, N. V., a ."rrl N, V. ArU:i,-ry uml LI'S Cf I'll) IVt'.i'lM'k A. , Of A tit'l! Ml, r ;i v s: "I -tt'i an of C.:!-' tlility y.' Mnnst'l Clirriaro Co writo to express rny pn-.i I tin in rmt!.' mSni'" lo is benefit rccelvi tl from Ir. Mli. s llcurt Cure. I suffered for yenni, fw n-jult uf army Ufo, from sciatica wM'-h &rvi' i my lVart in the worst fnrm, my JIjmM 'cn-ilrd from tho aukles up- 1 Mi'iiCd until I wits umiMo to button my clothlm,'; li-ul fihnrp jmfrui about tho ho:irt, nt shortness of br ;Ul. wns unable ti lie ihnv pot was In an arm i hi; tiio bet d'x'titT but y About a year ;i,r I c Milert New Ih i t t -i: ad if by a it ii : :! ." lr. X:)v ' . " t-: i " .;tli.'M'U' rp-'lln and I'..- Ih tee ; ...nths I , I I'll til t Sleep l v. tn-aled by ;r!.:,.l!y prt-w wi-iM'. i.i . vt "I t-i:.i:i Dr. in d if t iv. d niy lifn are sold r; gists uu u-r (juara:iti'e, 1 bencflid or i funded. Ih" 1 - - . - .1. CXjc' enfci'd of 1 nerves fn-e A DU, MILLj i. 1 ,.A l- .'JkMi'j ', i. I.U., L.-url, luu. '-;'. :"."'