The j Ztcjv.lznl The PRIXIS THE For 1 Year i Send us 1 Dollar. GOJD -JOB-WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Givo us a Trial. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY iO 1898. WHOLE NO. 464 VOL.X-IMO 328. Standard. Is essential to P T health. Every nook L ifrf! and corner of tlie Liot? G JiaJJ Byntem la reached by the blood, and on it quality the condition of every organ de pends. Cood blood moans strong norves, good digestion, robust health. Impure blood means scrofula, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, catarrh or other diseases. The surest way to have good blood Is to take Hood's Baraaparilla. This medicine purifies, vi talizes, and enriches the blood, and sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve, organ and tissue. It creates a good appetite, gives refreshing sleep and cureB that tired feeling. Remember, n r Sarsaparilia Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood , D'lf vlllu Liver iimi easy vt & ana utK!, easy wupuraie. zoo. ALLWOSr. JJlNB-TENTHS Ofj sul the pain andsicknessfrom which women suffer Is caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menitruitlon. i-', e ar 1 y always ; LJ when a woman ia not veil theca crans are af.'ec'.cd. But when they are strong end Iwalthy a wcma:i '.3 very seldom sick. Is nature's provision for the regu lation of the menstrual function. It cures all "female troubles." It is equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the'" Changs of Life." They all need it. They are all benefitted by it. For ftf3vlca to caes r-quMn? medal directions, address, giving' ymptom. the " Lad'ea' Atl'isory Department,' The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Ciiattt Dooja, lean. THOS. J. COOPER, Tupelo, Ml 91., tayfl " My tif nr 8'.tft5rd from vry hrpoutar Bid nalnf j- np-nsti uation and C ctot cou'ti iot rein t ' cr. ine of lardul ntiroly cur? her and aiso helped M? mother tiroujli Uiq Change of Uio." h Gahrrus Savicp Sail:, CONCORD N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $5),C0O. We are now reariv fr bnsimisa. cur new banking office in the Pre pel bnildinf.. Your acconut is respr ct fully solicited, and we promise jou careful at;d courteous auemion and every facility consist) nt with eound banking. , Deposits fr'jm 25 cents op 'aken SAVINGS DEPABTMF' T, Interest paid on easing; . d ''tee depo.its. Call to see ns and pee our lirglar proof safe with time lo'k, LAW.-ON J. FVli ORli. S.IOUNtt C. W. 8 WINK, JlsQ.C. WADSWOHTH, . R D. W. FLOW! i). F. CANNON, President MIKT1N EOOKIl, Vlce'I'reslilci t J AS. C. CtGSON, Cashier. h I. "WOODHOUSF Teller SHOE REPAIRS. W. J. PAUL KIR 30 YE RS' EXPERIENCE. Rramiiie ihwe Men's haW Hn, fewed, CU,i , U''ie b!f iole, P' 1 ged, "!., I 'i ' hn!f to e, puJBei. i rnh.e i-p lie- U i 10.? Bitd np. j'H- i Kep'urii a a uy epecm'.iy. I n( ,'v tn'l rt u.i.'iriuU that cm b .iio-ht.. Do nil wo:k mv:-e'f and nrrtii'ee t:i' l f ii' tton, Office near !-''fani L-undry. !eepec fnllv, V. J. PAHLKIK. flnnnord. N 0. t"21 Mules and Horses For Sale. 0 e r.nt load of Fine, Young Iloref-aani Moles just received at cur stabVs; All well broke to rork an where. M. L Brown & Bro. LOOK; new, Hi Wilenti S drawers R IneciU " Ann. W ree'fr & n- r j n i h A I"1. .(-., 'i i h in i 1 1 I Ht'aehmeit .-ii oj-m ofiiee. We Oil T he nil tt. i li'e on1, Bt'd HAMPTON'S ASHES. HOME IN Mllwood ,YntrilT Deatrjsl Bj rire row a Tnirsl Tirae. MiUood, the hone oi tbe Misses Hampton, eis'ers of G il. Wade Hampton, ws bo-ned yesterday afternoon about 5.30 o'o' 'ck. Tbe ladies bad i b finished di iner, when tbe roof was ditcoered to be ablaz-. Ell ns were made to sate the bnild 02, but tbe work of bucket brigade, with a stiff wini fanntn, the flamrs on to greater fury, proved availing. While a number of white and colored men carried water and others entereJ tbe building and removed many of the portable artioles. In 'his way nearly all of the silver are, much crockery, books bedding and other artioies were saved. Tbe fire soon made each headway that even this work of rescae bad to be stop ped. ' Nothing from the npper rooms waa saved. There was no insurance oo the building or contents. Milwood is four miles from Co lombia and has long been the home if the Hamptons. It seems pecu liar j fated, for yesterday waa tbe 'bird time that the dwelling bas leen burned. Whea Sherman passed brough Colombia he did not spire tbe borne of bis opponent, Gen. .imptriD. A new structure soon took tbe piace of tbe old. In 1876 tbut houie waa burned, and then tbe wo-B'ory frams dwelling wbich wae Jes'rojed yesterday was built. The loss was heavy, as not only be houfe u tupch valuable furni euro wa consumed . The fire is sup posed to have caught from tbe chim ney. Columbia S rate of 2nd. a. Pnrt of American Island In Month Dakota Oaddenly Disappear. Chamberlain, S. C, Dispatch, Jan. 30. A portion of American eland, in the Missouri river oppo site this city has suddenly, sunk. Tbe island was granted to tbe city by the government for park pur poses. Upon it are two natural springs. or a epace about eventy live feet in diameter the earth has dropped down to each an extent that the tops of some of tbe largest trees are just visible, while others have already disappeared in tbe opening, which slowly filled with water. While observing the ex tent of tbe cave-in from tbe edge, dome observers felt the ground sink ing under their feet. They suo ceeied iu reaching a place of safety ust as the ground upon wbich they ad been standing disappeared into the opening. DISASTROUS r ARTHQUAKES Many Proplo Killed and Much Prop erty ItrMroyod In Asia Minor. t."ontai!tipppie, Fb. 2. Violent earibq'iike shocks have been felt at Balikeer ond around Brnsa, in Asia vitnor. Numerous fatalities have resulted, and great damage bas been dine. Tbe QDltaa bas subscribed 500 for the relief of tbe sufferers. Me ha? d epatched a relief commit- tre to the so -nes of the disaster, nd has ordered tbe Minister of Finance to take s eps to sucoor tbe injured. tteeretary Wllnon Coming-. Washington, Feb. 2. Storetary Wilson, of the Agricultural De partment, will leave Washington in a week or ten days for a visit to the Soutb, objective points being North and South Carolina and Florida. Probably tbe most of bis time will be spent iu tbe latter State, where Secretary Wileon wants to look into the question of raising high grade tobacco. He believes Florida to be capable of producing tobacco almost if not qu:'..i,tq ?l to the finest pro' ijced in Cuba, or Sumatra. If tnie opiuion is borne out, it may result in the purchase and planting, un der government supervision, ol foreign tobacco seed, with a view to determine just what may be accom plished under careful cultivation. Harklne hnceoede In Onsllnc a Dent ocral.c Dei my. Asheville, Feb. 2. Deputy Col lec'or AloniJ Rnkin, who was yes terday transferred from the Ashe ville office to the Silisbnry division depntjship, declined to accept the place, and O E Mills, of Salisbury, w.4 appointed by Collector Harkins o fltl his place temporarily i Fire In Ho Townnlilp. Tlie sohool house at Cold Springs, in No 9 township, caught fire lat Tue-'i -V about 2 o'ulocs, caused by a def-n ve flue? What victuals re rl in i I n er buckets Of the children had .0 b-thrown out or ,1. r tha-. they oaum cirry w rr, t ..,.,n..ul nnt much of the lot, uthlitia ws burnt. Daily of 3rd If the doctor orders bark hasn' 1 HE MRS. J M UDELL ENTERTAINS AtoStyllBh tone. oli In Honor ol Mrs. Wcnautr. Oit of Wednesday's bitter cold into an atmosphere truly of balmy spring waa the experience and pleasure of a company of congenial ladies who were bidden to the beau tiful snd ever hospitable home of Mrs. J m. Odell to meet Mrs. Sobaaf t lunoli. Covers were laid for fourteen and lunch olegantly served in courses at 1 o'clock. The table decorations were green and white. The colors contrasted beautifully with the handsome silver, glittering cat glass, aud dainty china. Tbe men a was I elaborate and delioiout; perfeat in every detail. Mrs. OJell was at her bent, whuh weans so much to those who have once f-njoyeJ the ease and charm of her Lojpttality. Boot Hncar and Cattle. Tne new industry of making beet sugar mn.kes steady progress. It is an enuouraying fact that tbe first year's work of tbe beet-sugar factory at Rome in this State shows a profit, which bad not been expected. To this faotory, with its capacity of 200 tons a day, 860 farms have been contributory. New York sugar beets have a value as fodder, and thus the cattle industry promitiea to become a natural adjunct to supar making. New York Mail and Ex press. Tho Balance Is How Paid. Rev. J J Pys( or informed us this (Thursday) morning that on last Tuesday tbe Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church in this city paid tbe amount of $45.00, tbe balance that was due the Estey Organ Co., for the organ now in that church. THE THIEF CAUGHT. Tho Remittor of tbo f.3,700 Eiprm Package How Lire In Jail at Mon roe, a. It will be remembered that about a month ago an express package amounting to $3,700 was sent in to the express office at Atlanta, but nothing apparently was known from whom it csme. But one named Lucius L Saunders, who was form erly mail clerk is found to have been tbe remitter, and is tbe one who tole a package about one year ago from the mail car while tbe train had stopped at Social Circles, so we learn from tbe Atlanta Journal. Eyer since the package was stolen this man bas been evading tbe de tectives and was in Ohio at tbe time at tbe papers published the receipt of the amount of $3,700 about a month ag3. Weddlngton-Koealer Wedding-. At the home of tbe bride's father on South Main street on Wednesday igbt, Miss Ida weddington was married to Mr. G Ed Keesler. All of the family were present except Mr. Billy Weddington, togethei with Art. Rufus Miller, Mrs, Samuel Weddington, of DerUa, and Mrs. Mary Campbell, of Enocbville. This marriage is a surpriss to quite number of people, and even to people living in that part of town. Miss Weddington is well known bronghout tbe county, having ayed in the register's office for several years, and is one of Concord's most accomplished ladies. Mr. G Ed Kestler is known also through out tbe county, baying once beld tbe ffice of county treasurer. Thb Standard extends congrat ulations to this newly married cou Die. and hut their life be one of happiness and bliss. ro of Fertillaera. Prof. Martin P Scott in 'Sout'r ern States Farm Magazine," of Bal timore for February. You cannot, by the use of com mercial fertilizers alone, make your land rich. Indeed, if tbey are irfno rantly applied, tbe result will be tbe impoverishment of tbe soil. If you add (10 to your bank aoooumt and check out 120, you know 'the result. In like manner, when you use a small quantiy of your ferti'.li z?r, it grows vigorous plant, which enables it to gather fertility from tbe soil largely in excess of tbe ma terials added by the fertilizer. Ju diciously used, they are a groat bogo to tbe farmer. But, I repeat, tne best method of using the phos phates and potash salts is on tbe pea and clover crops. It ensures, as a rule, a fine crop of these reno v&'ors. The champagne of youth prorlu(f.Jlvorite The rest may go to Jer - SUPERIOR COURT In aemion and tbo Caaea That Hate Been Uiapoaed or Up Till InlaTlme. Tbe oase of Mr. Whitley vs. the Southern Railway Company Tisulted Thursday in Wnuley loaing the case. That is not, tbe terms of tue decis ion of the court, but is What it means. A notice of appeal has been given, and it will aaiu be carried to the ttuprtine court. This will make its second time before the Higher court. Tbe Case of Ambrote S affoid vs. MiraodaSUlford.ooiti colured, sueing fur divorce, was disposed or, a di vorce beiug granted. A divorce was also granttd in the oase of Augustus Cuip vs. hhody Culp, Doth colored. Two more divorce cases were tried today (Friday), the flrat was thai of Maggie L Deal vs. Will M Deal, and ihu cecond was that of Mary Kink vs. Simon Peter. D vora were grauted iu both cas. s. The cane of Mr. H B Parks vs. tbe Sooihe',n Railway company w called this (Friday) moining, but owing to the faa mt tome wit nesses failed to an-wer to their names it could not be tried. S.ato vf. Henry Patterson, carry ing oouceaied weapon, sentenced to one muutn on cnaingang. Stale vs. Lam Boger, assault with deadly weapon, sentenced to cbaio Kanir two months. Huue vs. Levy uraay, xoo com, and Frank Grady. lestival aflray, each sentenced to cbaingaiig for two otolites. 8 ate vs. Jas. Wolfe, colored, forgery, guilty, chaii gang two years, but au aupeal wae taken to toe su preme Court. State vs. Lee Smith, deposing ol mortgaged property, not guilty. Mack it,Brnea was cailea py ine court on Weduesday, but luiiea to answer to his name. Tbe case of M M Misenheimer vs. Buchanan, Barrier fc Co., toon op tbe entire of this Thursday morning. This case has oeen on the docket lor three or four years. This is a caie in wbich Mr. Misenheimer sued tbe firm for a settlement, but the decision of the jury was in favor of tbe defendant. AN OYSTER SUPPER To B Given for tbe Benent ol tbe Firemen Soon. Tbo Firemen held their regalar mnnthlv meeting in their ball Thnreday night and have decided, bv the aid of their friends, to have an oyster supper in a few weeks in their hall. This supper will be for the pur- note of raising funds in order tha' tdey can go to Charlotte on the 20tb of May ana taise pari in me tre mens display on that day. Acorn mi t tee has been appointed to investi cat and make satisfactory arrange ments They decided to nolo tne nnnrr in their own bull, and to have it within a week or two. Brnlal Mnrder of An Old 1'onple. Truveon. Kv . Fdb. 1. William Fnley, age 80, and wife, about 70 vears of aee. were ninraereu iaei nitrnr. ill Liittir ui uia iu ii w-w . . . 1 Uma .n TTIIirt tnii n . tv Kentucky. ( nd "...!:'ed of S800 A maul waa the in-nrvjment used by the murderer. The R therfordton Vindicator says Mr. Tom Butler, of Ruther ford county, last year plowed one acre ot ground; with a iwo-noree plow, then followed with a subsoil and nut on a ton of compost. He ynarnH on hushel and three peck' of wreit and from this harvester! 47 butibels. Brown MeUraw. Married, at the residence of the bride's borne on this (ihurtasyj at 12 m., Mr. Reice Brown to Mis lyitim McOra. all of No. 1 town hin hv Rht. II A MuCulluueb. A " " t ----- au n.nor. mimrnQOlK dinuer was tDtU rd to a coodlv number of rela tiyes and fnends who particiiacta in rhe iovs of the union of spiritB. A craud eopper will be given ihif evening by tbe grooms lainer, Mr, Kobt. lirown. Daily of drd. Preparing- fer Commencement. New comes this (Thursday) morninir from Rev. Hendeisoa Mn- n ... c ler, principal or moni amiraa u- i,,Hrv ar. Mt. P.oatiant. tbat Kev. & i Ualiinan, I. U. editor l tne Liu- .j - - m theian Vis.'o-, will preoob ibe ralaureaott amiMon, and Kev. JAB Sjherer, Ph. D , of Cameron, S V. .x-miesionary to J-pan, will pieaoii h- annual sermon to the. Woman's Hjme aid Foreign Miso iary Sooi e y uf Mont Ancoia seminary it ihe coming commencement. Hnll tbe Ulna. Jim Corbett nowannounces hie fi nal withdrawal fr m the rin i nd proposes to stick to the stre. He can say for ever that he would bave licked B.)b next time, if he had had a chance. However, it tr ay be belter lor him the fii?bt could not be pulled ofl, at H h might, I ave bit him in tbati-aain cpm again. The Favored Few fur the Hflirea; Mr. R 8 Harris tells us he secured tha raoennn nnsition for nur towns man Mr. C A Oik wbirrh he bis k. Now, how ever, Mr. Calvin Ciiliis, of Asheville, aibnsent. to rtlieve Mr. Cook Wnen tbe epulis ball is set to roll i.. u ,Wa nut. even spare the politl- oaiiv "riubt." but uitkes way for ii U "Sellher One of tbo Pnrly Nerloai'y Hart, t'ortnnaiely It Mlabt Mav Bern Mncb Worie. ibis (Fndj) niornug au acci iatut happened uu Wejt b-ai jtrees wueu a borne uuaoie i.u. jiauageable, and resuUid in buu. L et . uau cruises ior uoiu t-.c -i- lne parties were dir. A.o. liart ,i, ot i.uu citj, auU jtiisa Ida iur- U'l, Uau&ntr( ul lilt. UU XUiUtir, ui oiuitu's hoi a, wbu Dm bctu vuniuB iu iUU city iur week or luoie. Mi. ilanoeil wae fcUlug lo take M Xuruer nonie tuaay aud had. driveu don to dir. unafiey rtuooius, at Cljuiiouynie, alir Uoi. rVlieuiiiov iBi.ej buca up 1011 aud wneu ju. a tiuut ui UoiZiue & VV alters -oic icauia. air. Harwell, eeelug lUak, . lie UUU1U llOb paaa, ubecaad His uome, uui no kouuei Cuau lie UU tlllS U CUUilliuuocU KiUK- ilig, H tun I" mo tne teams wore bov, auU bis liurse was uiaaing a ucBjcitt.o tnort to run bwbt. iu iljla uiiciuuia, Kuolug toai. il lie ouccKeu me ipceu u muuiu at unte uumuiBkUe aiualug, be put tu ittc iiuo Biittip.i to une siue, wLuC tuiutd luem oo. u uutauU upset tu. bugy. anas Turner was tne nrt to lau and Icll aliuool tquaroiy uu her face, uavicg leuciyeu one wuuuu uu uoi fo-. Fortuuately no Doues were broken, luougii she was hurt su Oudi) tuai ioe nad to te can lea into Hie nouee of Mi. Olay Biaokwelder Uere a pb8iCiu WaS CM led. Mi. Uarioell is tut as baaiy bruised a jji,8 Turner, thuugu ms ngbt le. reoeied quite a DIOW. At Drat fit J I j nut tmua lit) in uuu uuv iu l,0it aa hour he touuu iat lb waa ..... . ...A rIW- Oru cuuaiucra-'j- Wbeu tbe parties wer thrown from (he buggy the horse came up dt do t aireet. and by some means got louoe irom tne ouggy aua ieit u in the whoat field opposite Soutia Sem inary. Miss Turner is Hurt too bad to make the intended trip borne. By the help of some of the neighbors she was carried on a Chair down to tbe home of Mr. Robbins, where she will recuperate. This was a very unfortunate affair, though when one thinks about it, It is indeed fortunate that it did not r. siit worse, and was probably the best thing air. Hansel could have done under such circumstances. A Stomal Flabt. There was a little bit of excite ment up in front of the store ot Hymes & Barbish, in tbe Keed building today (Friday) a while fter noon. Tbe parties engaged were Messrs. Mike Sidenburg and Sam Hymes. Mr. Hymes claimed that Mr. Sidonburg bad been tolling bis customers away by calling k tbem that be could sell to them cheeper. Mr. Hymes tackled Mr Sidenburg about tbe matter, ana soon they were engaged in what the witnesses thought was a mutual fitfht. Fortunately for both, some one pulled mem apart. iney were arraigned before Mayor Crowe.ll, and tbe result was that Mr. M'ke SideLburg dropped one dollar into the city treasury, and Mr. Sam Hymes contributed two dollars. This ended the little mat ter and they are again at their posts, wbich are side by side. Hecorerlna, Bnt Nlowly. 'Hope deferred maketb the heart sick," is probanly painiunv reanztu bv the parents ot imie iillon Har ris. Tbe Charlotte Observer says it is feared that the epiglottis is para lysed from the too long delay of tbe operation. She is unable to swal low yet. Tbe reorganizing powers uf the Bvtem in youth is wonderful though, and tbe case is not without hope. A Hllck Artlal. The following; is taken from the Monroe Journal: 'It was re port el some three or four weeks ago that 0 A Traylor, he is out on bond for bis appear anre at court here te answer to ch rce of forgerv, had died in a own in Ohio. Ws expressed our npin'on tbat Traylor was very mncb dive wben we published the report, and now that belief bas been con Armed. Sheriff B A Horn received telegram last Tuesday from the chief of pi lice of h ansville, lod., tatng tbat Diamond Awards, aiat 0 A Traylor, whs under arrest if tbat city, and asking if Traylor wae wanted here, bheriff. Llorn replied in tbe bffirma'ive, and that he would enme for him Gov. Kuesell bar b en applied to for requisition pa pers, and Sheriff llorn will lea e to morrow for Evansyille and will "fine Trvlor biek some time nX' orek. Travlor is what is known a a "slick artia','' but be is not alto, ge'heras slink i be thinks he is.' Daily of 4th. We imported from British North America last year about 750 OCX) tms of bituminous ooal, worth 82, 500 000, while jire sold to Canada 3 000.000 tons, worth something more than 16 000,000, and yet our coal miners want tariff pro'estion against Canadian ooal. Wilming' ton Star. There now turns up a fellow tba jays be can present Mrs. Leuteert alive, but insane. If be does there U over $20,000 in it for him. Bu the trouble is that he is probably insane himself. THE I. 0. H.'S. In :nr II j Who roine of Tbem Are and When Tltry ere Orfanired. Tbe Improved Order Hepta sophs iu our city in one of the latest fecret i-rdei-t we have. It is not snob a old or'l:tr in the Uuited Sutjs, bn ing io first organized in the year 1878, which makes it near its twentieth birthday i" tbe United States. Its first place of or ganization was in tbe city of Balti more. The charter for this conclave dates May 13.h, 1896, and it was organ ized with thirty obarter members, wbich is the number required. Since their organization four new members bave been taken into it? fold, their present membership be ing tbirty-three. This order is of a secret na. jre though is chiefly an insurance or ganization. Tbe members can car ry insurance policies ior from one to five thousand dollars two mem bers carrying five thousand each in this lodge. Tbe whole amount carried by the members is $75,C00. This order bas no sick benti funds here, though such can be done i they so choose, but it bas never been adopted yet by this or der here. Tui ugh this lodge will soon have euched its second birthday, there has not been a death among tbem. These Heptasnpbs meet in the Royal Arcanum Hall on the second and fourth Tuesday nights of each month. Their officers are as follows : Past Archons, Dr. N D Fetzer and J I) Barrier; Archon, Dr. N D Fetzei; Provost, J A Cline; Secretarv, R A Browei; Treasurer, W A Wilkin. mm; Financier, John A Kimmone; Prelate, John Stietel; Inspector, H A Grtcber; Warder, R W Bigger-; Sentinel, T S Shinn. Next in order of organization comes the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, whicn will include two different councils un der one head. A Bloody Kecorti. The secretary of a prominent ac cident insurance company bti com piled statistics of football casualties' in the country last season. He finds that in this delightful jame eight pla?ers loet their lives seventeen were injured for life, and two hundred and eighty-six maimed in various ways. Tnese are coosid., erubly tbe most favorable statistioa we have seen, but. acc pting hem as oorrect, they make an impimive exhibit of the perils ot foottall. I'hey show that it caused more deaths and injuries in three months ast year thaa are attributable to baBeball for ten years, though there are fifty baseball players to one foot ball piayer in tbis country ano a hundred games of baseball to one of football. This lowest published estima' ' of football fatalities and casualties for line's season is far greater than tbat for tbe prize ring in tbe whole history of the country, ,'t would tike many years for tbe sport of bull fizhting to pile up such a rec- ord of deaths, life-time injuries and more or less eerious wonnus ior hp human participants. Ws do not wonder tbat officers ei accident insurance companies r studying football statistics. Ti e accident company wbich insures football player at the usual rates if much more rash than most corpora tionsAtlanta Journal. Ybe Round Boat Inventor Dead. M. Ernest Bazin, tbo inventor of the roller boat we described some time since, is dead. He died in Faris Jan. 1st. lie evi dently expected to oyercome tbe friction of tbo prow of the boat against the water and thereby revolutionize boat building. The experiment proved unsatisfactory, however. Nenator Oanlela to Lerlure. We see from the Washington Post tbat Senator Daniels bas been en gaged for a series t f lectures by tbe southern Jjyceum bureau, ot Louis ville, Ky. Tbenfc lectures are not to interrere with his Senatorial duties, however. '1 be ubj ct of tbe lecture bas not oeen anuouueed difinitely, but hif fame as au orator is so well, estub lisbed tbit the name cf Senator Daniels will go without the subject. We fear Concord will miss i bis treat, though an effort to secure him is in order. Will our local Lycrum look f .er tbe niatur ? Two Bora Mlln(. IVilliamWentz andDave Hearst, two Charlotte boys, are missing. The father of the' former asks tlie News to say tbat any information concerning bis son will be gladly received. Tbey are supposed to have gone toward Concord along the Southern railway. Charlotte Nows. Keruaeu to Be Varelnnteil. A man named Joe Buff iu Char lotte has 'refused to be vaccinated, tnd declaies that be will go to the obain gang first. He was Deed $r0 ly tbe Mayor, and in default of its payment he was confined to tbe county jtil. Unless the matter is submitted by Mr. Buff be will very probably be put at work on tbe chain gang, SEVERELY BURNED. Tbe Fire Tear Old Ilamrhler of Mr Ka t'oolt tbe Victim or tiRinea. We learn tbat the four-yar o'd daughter uf Mr. JKd Uoolr, rf No 5 township, W'ig riubt severny burned tbis morning. Sbe was in ihe room alone wnen ner clothes canght and ber body and fice were s-verely, tboug we hrpj, not fatuity burned. The ti.nely arrival of her mother and aunt saved her from fa'al con sequences. Dr. L'lly wa snnimoDed to tai the unfortunate li tit girl Fri day's Daily. A RECKLESS CHARACTER Cnne Nome Exeltement In the NelR-hnorhood of Rimer Try inr to Art a n DeiperaaoThrentena the l.lle or k.. .n. .. News comes by telephone thif (Saturday) morning that some ex c in- s atioat out in Mo. b town- 4h'p, about one and a half miles oi ihe other side of Rimer. The dif ficulty happened Friday between a yiung ilbo named Cic ro Carter and Mr. M II drier. By some trii an s tbey got into a difficulty and Mr. M II Carter went in tbe house, and thiB joung.felk wf Ci;ero Garter, who is only about 1 'J years of age, threatened to take tue 'ife of Mr. M 11 Carter if be daiel to come out of the houae. Tbe life of Mr. Carter was cot 'aken, neither bas tbe one thut hae made tbe threats been taken yet this (Saturday) morning. The young man Carter says tha' be will not te arrested, and also threateus tbe life of any one who attempts it. A warrant was taken ut before Esq. J H D Walker, but owing to his desperate threats the township constable, Mr. Colnmbus Goodman, did not arrest him. Tbe d.fficulty toon place on what is known as the McNamara place a mile or two beyond Rimer. A telephone message wa sent Sheriff Bochanan early this morning to send a deputy to arrest tbe feU Ijw, us he seemed to be somewhat of a desperate character. Later we find ont that the diffi culty arose about some fodder, Cic ero Carter claiming that M II Car ter bad beat him out of several bundles, and this is how tbe matter started. Deputies Will Propst and Jno. Hill went ont after the young man this morning'. Daily, Feb. 5t,h. The Moodu Jloiaea. The Scientific Aniircan says there is a place in the Connect! cut Valley, neat Mount Tom, from which noises proceed peri odically and that the noise period ii now on. There are noises, saysa writer, that sound like the tiring of small arms theu of a cannon and the whizzing of shells, Sometimes more nearly resemb ling thunder. The earth trembles 'ike in an earthquake till crock ery rattles in house?, yet no smoke as of of explosion is to be seen. There has been no (satisfactory explanation of tbe phenomenon. It was observed by the Indians before the presence of the white man. The Indians c( lied it Match 3 mailoset or "place of bad noises." It reminds us of the finious Fingal's cave on the West coast of Scotland that forms the basis of so mnch romance. mm l.onic lo lie a Donor. Washington Telegram to the Pitts burg Dispatch. Miss Margaret Long, second daughter ot the Secretary of the Navy, bas just passed a brilliant esatijipatiou and matriculated, in the 'senior clas of the medical school of the Johns Hopkins Uni versity at Baltimore. She intends to continue her studies in this, in stitution uctil she is prepared to practice medicine at ber home, Boston. Miss Long i'b unusually prepos sessing in appoarauco, but she has neyer boon giveu to social frivoli ties. Soon after her fathers nomi nation for tbo cabinet she an nounced her intention of fitting herself for a profession. Buying: Fertllzer Kiirller. It seems that quite a lot ot farmers in tho couuty are buying it sooner. We heard a prominent merchant who deals in fertlizers say that he had sold tour times as much already this year as he had up to this time last year. The farmers are buying it considerably these days. Koyal mk the food pure, wbttltiaotae-md delicious mm fovder Absolutely Pure Bnvnt Bakwi Powvr) r , , xr vmn(. SCHEDULE EM - RAILWAY, In Efitect;jan. 18, 1897. Tbis condensed schedoln is pub lished as information, and ii subject to change without notice to tha publio : I'rains Leave Conoord, N. C' 9:25 p. m. No. So daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte Air 35, e division, ana all points South and Southwest. Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers bnt,eeu Now York, Washington, Atlanta, Sew Orleans, Havanneh and Jacksonville, Also fullutan sleeoor' Unarlotte to Augusta. 8:49 A. if. No. 87, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta. .Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery. Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between VVasington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for Ciau Fraucinco, Sun days. 8:53 p. m. Vo. 7, dnily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goidsboro.Nor folk,. Selma, lialigu, Greensborol Kuoxville and Asheville to Char one, N. O. loan m.Xo. 11, daily, for At aula and all points South. Solid tram, liichmoud to Atlanta; PuU man sleeping car, Richmond to Greensboro. 10-M a. m. Xo. 36, daily, for W 4 In uncoil, Richmond, llaleigh and all points North. Carries Pull" man drawing-room butiet sieeper, NewOrlenns to NewYork; Jackson-, ville to New York ; Birmingham to New York. Pullman tourist cars from Sao Frarcisno XhursilKys. 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled. l.niited, for Washington . and all points Nortn. Through Pullman car, Memphis to New Y'ork; New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertiou,.' i coach and dinin" ar. 7.0s p. m. Mo. 12, daily, for Eichs mond, srievilie, Chattanooga, Hal ;igh, Oruldsburu aud all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Ureensooro to liichmoud. )onnects at Greensboro with train . irrving Pullman car for Itaieish. 6.27 a. m. Mo. 1(1, daily, for Kich inond ; conF.ectB at Greensboro for l.ile'gn and Norfo.k ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; Rt Salisbury for Astiville, Knox e.He and points West. All freight trains carry passengers. John M. Oui.p, . W. A. Turk, Traffic M'gr. Geu'lPass.Ag't, F.S Gannon, Washington,!). C. Third Vice President a:id Gen'l mauager, Waslnugtuu, 0. C. 3. II. Hard wick, Ai-s'tGju'iP. Ag'tl Atlanta, Ga W.,H. Tayloe, Ass'tGt u'l P.Ag't, , .Louisville, Ky. Gowan DcsENBEhv, Local Ag't, Concord. N. C. MOkKlSON II. CALDWE1L ATTOHNfY AT TAW, CONCOHD, N 0 UTice in .V.oir.u bunding, .ppctit court nonse. 0 G. Caldwell, M. D. M. L,. Stevtna, M. D lrs. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Cmcord, N. C. Office in o!J , o-H t fiice Jjbni'diDg ppotite St. Cloud Hotel. Pbone No. 37. tiWi"t- Mil s' tvt.-vel'laD'ei- Suffered! 20 Years ! MBS. MAUY LEWIS, wife of a promi nout faniior, and veil known ly aW old residi'iitd near ltelmont, N. V writes: "I-'or twenty-M v'n years 1 had beeu & constant sufferer from nervous prostra tinn, and paid larro suns vt nioii"y fur dtK--torhund adverttstd remedied viiliout bene fit. Tbreo jvara a.j i: i i litjoi was alarming; tho least iiuise wuuld mart le and unnorvo mo. I v,n tTi abie to sleep, bad a number of binkai ji 11 mid siwly fcrrew worse. 1 bepm u-:ir,' Dr. Kih: ' Kcstorative Nurvlne aud KTe aid Liver Tills. At tirst the medieino soen:ei' t after tukins a few lie; achAne; 1 resied t : tlte. beau to iiupfi v btstti'r, until now i u toliei'Uh aori" uf r. y bless 1 f r. MUt.t N rv lr. Miles' l; 'in iire tiiltl l y a I e -gis under a jv : fririraiite'.', tirs: ' ' born i;.ts i r l.irt y -funded. Ktxi cm d.--oaes of the inri :i r J D rrts fr :. A-lii"' h;..e no i lTeet, but ! s f 1 'C'Ui to Ijitle i r : t -t ,'!-1, i,v app : ;u.,l L ruiu-.ay prew ; : . n.'a'ly rrs'ort-d I i.iy - pi-'t. Oed . r. Joa' '. r,. UU. Mll.lij Mlil'li'.iL IV . k,lurl. IbU. l;) offer, ' fain-. ti tr . spfoial the pi'ient A r gbt to grol ? the real pain of age. I ctr, 1 v'

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