f . !!! a,, ..in. , -a n. .'. 1 1 av.Ma.MWa- lanna-ai .in nil imiiiiiwiii i.lilWBWW"PpMMPWWW W T aw n i i mm 1 ' rf rnn m IHI n -nna i Wim " The - Manuard. The Standard. PRINTS THE AEJl'V TUAT 18 jVEITS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. -. UuN OUi' GOjD -JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES.. Givo us a Trial. t VOL. X--IMO 329. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 47 1898. WHOLE NO. 465 The Standard. . ; u L y 0 a Made and Ment Maintains thecnnndcnco of the people In Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cures you when sick; If it makes wonderful cureB everywhere, then beyond Uquestio- that medicine possesses merit. That la just the truth about Hood's Sar Baparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands of canes. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when nil others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Sarsaparilla stlio host tn fact. t!i; due True Blood Purifier. Hood' nausea, indigestion, -iw-uu ports. THE KEY WAY. WOMEN used v to think "fe rn a le diseases " could o n 1 y bo treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their r ''ferinf. The in ti -.luclion of JVv'ine of Cardul his new demon strated that nine-tenths of all the . cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pura M?EIT!Er taken !n the privacy of a woman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Vine of Cardut re quires no humiliating' examina tions for its adoption. It cures any dUease that comes under the head ot "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them ycjng by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug snre. For advice In cases requiring apart! directions, p.'ir'.f.3, giving1 symp'nmi, the "L:.irtV Advisory Department, The Cluii inoogd Medicine Co., CiitU nooga. Term. W. I. ADDtSOH, M.D., Cary, Miss., ssys: Ml use Wine of Cardut extensively in my prfMi( e.ind find it amosioitfi irenl prbpiiduon fur female troubles." M. B. STICKLEY Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SIM1AL ATJhSTlON QTVh. 10 COLLECTIONS, Office upstairs in Kirjg buiian near Postoffice. 'km Savings B i CONCORD N.C. APITAL STOCK, .r)O.C00, We are now rei:lv r n t if ps ai our new bar k.rg i fli f in the Propel b ;ildiri. Your uc:f tint s repptcb i ully solicited, and ve promise jm C ireful and courteous attention sr.d eeery facility cudjibi, Dt with soonr bikinr. Oi posits from 25 C'D's np aker, ti rinr SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest pnid on ear- iug-1 ai d linn Jepo.-lts. Call to see u atid fee otir burglar rnof safe with tim ' lo- k. DIUEOiORS rVUANNON, LAWr-ON .1. F rh OR If. H. YOl'N'. V. W. riVV K'K, jko.c. WAUHWtjit'rn, ,. , . li 1) W. FLOWF 0. F. CANNON, JAS. C. OlKSON, President Cashier M.VKTIN liOGEIt, li. I. WO0DHOUHE Vlc'c"re'-ideLi Teller MAD-'.. S.. t- i.fr". 'Ji.r . - r.-i.r ,t li t- i. rti r; j '. I L'D -n li..vi;irf fVo F .: V.r.M' T "(1 i".y ":n.. v. i I'i V It ' f ,. il, ill i 'am t -f-r. nt in r'.L . ,f t tn ( n -' lrctil' ( For'piile by I f fiibpnn, Drnegiat M. L. Brown &'BRo. ' LIVEIiY, FEED AND SALE STABLES Just in rear of St.. Cloud Hotel. Om ninupeB meet all papenger trains. O jiri s of all kinds furninheo jirutnptly and at reasonable prices, llorfefland mules alwaj'9 on hand f.ir eale. Breedora of thoroughbred P.ilaud China Hops. tf LOOK auy oue wishing iO pnrcha8ea t,ew, ILgh-Arm, Whteler & Wilton Sein; Machine, lour Hruers, cover and end leal, Am o .k .Dnish, with complete Bttiuhnients, should call at thla Office. We oriiy ba?e onv and will offer the b'tyer 'special prioe. i.Otf. Hood's mm, I 1 D C. !ildwelt, M. n. M. L. ivn, J'. D lh CALDWELL & KrtVhMS. Conoord, N. C. OTicein old p lpt oll'ce p-I":"S jt i-...bite 8u t U'u'1 lloU'1- 1 Phone No. 37 USi'l i A Prrxin Who Wan ishKI I lie Verj inuv I ot 4'rimjyvlier All. Il will be r uicUihored that the Ouuu J (Jouiuiipswuurs, uliou rtqucm ol BOUio parties Oi f ure thtjj, aduit ted a JOUUK luunud wu.nau UjUibU Lorenu day .on to tud couui) uuuie. Sue i me wifd ui ivlr. Win uraytou, ot No. ) tuwuatiip, and Mr Orycou represeuied her before tLt Ouuaiy t ouiuiinoiouers as a raving uicttiiui', wliliu cuprnuieujeui liru uurctt infoirui u( utici coudultiLg iKU Dr. JUL fi.ii, ihni. Ucr unuu m not httectiU. It is true iti wuuiau is ljjuuraat, but acujrUlu to Del stumiueut she has Buffered more iroai abuse by tier huubjud tUnL from an; thing elte. Five strvDg uibd, Mr, Will Cruy- ton and hie brother, John Starnee and tAOotners brought her to the county bouio. Tney did not eveii help Mr. Barnhardt to take ner oui ut the buKKYi' precendine thut the did not care to nanale her. In the outset they told Mr. Bernhardt that i bey bad fooled her in order to get tier here. Mrs. Urayton says that thtsc men tola her that they were bringing hei to a trial as a witness in a little d fliculty that her husband bad had, out, when they armed at tbi county home she realiz:d where they were caking her. L ou nndiiig out thai aha was charged of being crazy and would have to be coutiued in a room to corse, f and separated from ber uieband she tc; earned and talked piufully, telling Mr. Liarnhardt tha, due was not crar.y aud that it would uever do to separate ber from ner husband. To this these men said uu bine. After tbe men bad left, Mr. Barn hardt nsked ber wny she burnt ber shoe and clotning as her busbaud had told the cojjinidBiou.ra she did. She could hardly believe that her nosband had told such things on ner, and BaiJ that the reason she bad o aboes was that ho bad never uoutbt auy for ber. Sue aiso tbowed Dr. Lafftrty and Mr. Barnhardt a wound on ber arm where she bad been struck by ber iiuoband, and alco a swollen place on her bead from a blow from hiin bj a bottle. Thinking that she would be a da-Jterous inmate. Superintendent Bernhardt bad to put her in a room to bersef, but now she is walking iboui as free as ny one of them. From tbi'tio statements it seemb that there is something suspicious, and Dr. Lafferty is going to investi gate tbe matter and take some action about this womaj, as there seems to be no reason why tbe county thould keep such a person, when the shows no signs of insanity . ulled Tbree ol Tlicm. Kevenuer Geo. W Means made a successful raid last week through (ioston county. lie found three blockade stills in opera ion :n a deep gulley in a uuda. Xneiebtills were. located in a li; e n:i. n.'.re itao two nunarea yinlii c i : iii. r. J nree u.eu tried to save tne cap, n rin m l s ill oi oue, eacn carrying piert. li-iiij hotly pre-sed two men gne up tneir Duraens me tbird tuiu yut awy wnb the worm; he'd an early bird. Inereimofl tltu lo4k. A ready be. ween $50,000 and $ii0,00i vto :.u of eiock nas been solo i tic Unit man cotton null, ana a a iute..;i) of ine direciors Tuesday uigtu K was decided that the) wiL sell f 50 000 more of s ock i'be writer wai shown a very But ,etter from t'ref. li T J Ludwig, of lt. Plearaut, who is the superin i. tidtn-, tf public instruction in this c uuty. l'nf. Ludwig, according t program, wns to have delivered an a id ej but owing to other business juuiu uuc come. Iu .his letter be euggesis itpreliilly that they keep o'-liint but, intellig nt, eJucat?d and elpLrienci-d colored men at the head ot this tnterpri e. Uiill'iiiiu TriiKMly Krp'Hlcl. N. w York will nave another Qui densuppe case to handle now. A badly mutilated body of a man came lloaiiug along East River Tuesduy. There's work for tbe detectives. I.iictart For I. lie. Tbe jury on the Luetgert trial in (Joicago took the ca-e at 4:50 p m. Wednesday, and in 20 minutts unan imously voied that the defendant was guilty, as charged, with mur dering his wite and doing away with her body. Tney fixd the penalty .a imprisonment fur life. Motion tjhS beeu mide for a uew (rial. Luatgett laughed as the verdict wai being read. t'loftlilK I'll the Ihi BiiDkN. Sberifl Buchanan is bupy now t iriBferrinsr, tbe remaining tax re ceipts that are unpaid. He will now nut forth bis efforts to nee all the, persons that have not paid their - ... I taxts and after he has done thip, then some other rueaus will have to be renorted to. Rather than casta Blur at any township, we will not m&uon any names, but there re miiiie in .ne of the township tax 'woks otil s.x recsipts that are un paid, while another oneof tbe books contuinB .bt:ut seventy. O rfJilUlNU RATUEU U10US. 0 1 V ! 4 H Vr. Mllm' turv HusW DUY KILN BURNED. Made Quit - n ninxe Connldemble I.wmn to ,Ib Owners Melted the Tel ephone Wire, I'oiay (Thursday) s.t 11:30 o'clock tbu dry kiln of Kobert W Sifrit ! Oo caught fire aud was almost com pleteiy burned. They have at their estahlidhment both a steam and wood dry kiln. Tbe lumber bad been in tbe kiln four or five days, and this n.onnng they had intended taking it o,i t, hue then decided that tbey wo lid let it remain a while longer li j some means the Ore became too hot, aud at the above mentioned hour Ihey found it h fhnies. The kiln is tolerably close to the m;iiu building, wbere tbey have 1'iite a lot of machinery, but fortu nately it did not catcb fire. The lumb r made au intensely hot fire, so much so tnit the telephone wire leading to Concord was melted apart. It was soon mended, however, and the news cent to ns. The kt n contained quite a good lot of lumber, and the loss is thought to be atout $50. AN AWFUL ACCIDENT. A Well Cnve In and I woX olored Men Are ICiitembeil Beueatli the Uebrls. From tbe Lexington Dispatch by supplement we learn thai Wednes day morntDg about 11 o'clock the wall of tbe well in tbe rear of the Hotel March caved ia, and two men were burled in tbe debris. Jeff Uolmes, a worthy old colored well-digger, and El. Culberson, another colored man, were at work nuking tbe well deeper, wben tbe walls suddenly, collapsed, burying them under about 12 feet of dirt. An alarm was immediately given and hundreds of peon'e harried to the scene. A number of persons were lowered into tbe well ana could plainly bear the groans and cries of tbe entombed men. Every one that could poesibly aid went to work strengthening tbe walls and trying to remove the dirt from over the men, but in all probability ere this cuu be accomplished ibe men will die, as k is not thought tbey can secufe enough air to keep them alive even if they were not fatally hurt by tbe cave in. We learn today (Thursday) that the bodies were taken out last night about 11:30 o clock. Both were dead, but Culberson's body was still warm. Their bodies were found standing together by tbe pump in thecenireof the well. The gioans of one of the men ere heard by the rescuers till about two hours before they reached the bodies. New Bunte to Health. Little, fragrant, palatable tab lets, in a dainty enameled metal box, just right for the vest pocket or the lady's puree. On the tablet are stamped the letters, "C. C. C." Cascaret, Candy Cathartic Eat one like candy and tbe little tablet at once purifies and destroy disease germs in tbe mouth and throat, h tops souring of undigested food in the stomach, stirs up tbe liver tones aud e.trengthen tbe bowels, making them act healthily and naturally. They are well and widely advertised in the prets, but tbe best advetise ment for Cascarets is their wonder ful mild yet positive action, which makes a Cat-caret convert nf every one who tries them. We recom mend them to all our readers. EDITOR STARREITE ACQUIT TED ll the f'hnrce or I.lbrl Brought Aanlnst Hint By Kdltor Moore, S:atesviHe, Feb. 9. The libel case of State vs. F 8 Starrette, edi tor of the China Grove Record, brought by T L Moore, editor of the Iredell Record, at MVoreiville, was tried in the Superior Court here today. The defendant was acquit ted. . The case will probab'y be tried "gain in Kowan Superior Court. I.cnfied to the Ntnte. The Southport Standard says that the State bas leaped the out standing rice lands at Navassa be longing to the Navassa Guano Co , and will put a force of convicts to work in getting thn fields in readi ness for cultivation. The camp will be placed near Navassa on the Cape Fear River about five miles from the citv. Mr. Georee H Cannon has bee n appointed manager of tbe farm. Tlie Holllnir Bxpoaltlon et Ncratrh ed at liernerHVllle. Our State's Rolling Exposition, the ''City of Charlotte," seems to be undertaking a rather perilous jour ney through the land. It was job tied in a freight train wreck at Ma rion, was mutilated by some young vamials at Concord, and now it bas encountered another serious accident at Keruereville, us the following 8peoil to the Record will explain: Winston, in. u, icc. u. me jsx- portion Car scratched at Ker- nersvilie last nigbt In. a nf ft f SKI by Julius Uer. (er a lad or tit een years, wno wat captured by Mr. Moore. Tbe toy's futner promises to bring his ion here tomorrow for trial. Greens boro R-cord. Mow we protest that our Concord boy j did not scratch that car. We thought tbe scratching was done partly at Statesville, and partly eotnewhere else, ve forget, but not at Concord. Our boys walk and ride and skate; they do not soar on angels' wine, lut they don', scratch North C,iiolina on Wheels. ROLL OF H'JNOR - or the Graded ftchool Central, eat Hill and Cannonvllla. ror- Tha following ia the Roll of Honi or tot tbe month ending Feb. 4th. CENTRAL SCHOOL. FIRST GRADE. In Klllt DODVOH, teacher. . Julia Barrow, Rath Coltrahi Nanie Crowel, Phronie Griffin, Nel lie H-rnug, Adele Johnson, Luoile Pitts, Carry Petrea, Kosa Thompson, Eugenia Coble, Hazel AllreJ, Robert Baxter, Cary Johnson Arter Lenin, Luther SappenQeld, Vote Griffin, Willie Lawings. Average daily attendance, 50.75 Average comber of pupils. 58.5 Per cent attending: 85.5 Per cent tardy, 2 6 SECOND GRADE. HIM MARY I.Ol la HAKBia, tearber. Myron Brown, LInwood Fink, Dora Burkbead, Carrie Query Anna Sherrlll, Margaret Woodbooae. No. pupils enrolled Per cent of attendance 39 86 27 0.15 30 8 Per cent of tardiness Ayerage daily attendance THIRD GRADE. ' Mian 1DDII STICKBK. tearber. Nannie Corzine, Roth Gibson, Goldie Black welder, Evie Cook, Al lan Gibson, Charlie Davis, Charlie Barrier, Ernest Biggers, George Lip pard. No. enrolled Per cent ef attendance Per cent of tardiness 41 90.31 1.6-10 31.1 Average daily attendance FOURTH GRIDE. MIAN BELLE HOMER, I oar her. , Eula Blackwelder, Lula Cochrane, Nannie Sims, Bertie Stirewalt, Ralph Burrage, Clem Caddell, Sammie Cook, Frank Johnson, Clarence 4 7 66 .96 Steifel, Charlie Rogers. No. times tardy Number new pupils Whole No. in attendance Average daily attendance FIFTH GRADE. Mian PA M.I he ME ANN, learner. Julia Blackwelder, Lena Harris Jennie Coltrane. SIXTH GRADE. mi FANNIE HILL, teacher. Alice Caddell, Myrtle Day van It, Lizzie Propst. Number enrolled 27 92.1 1 21.75 Per cent of attendance " " tardiness Average daily attendance. SEVENTH GRADE. Minn I.At BA X, EM LIE. teacher. Mabel Graeber, Zula Patterson, Ollie Chne. Ayerage daily attendance 30.1-1O 92 0.13 0 Per cent of attendance Per cent of tardiness New pupils EIGHTH GRADE. PROF. O V CRITTENDEN, teacher. Liddy Bakke, Daisy Barrier, Ollie Fisher. Attendance 28 Per cent attendance 85 " tardiness 1 New pupils 2 CANNONVILLE SCHOOL. FIRST G BADE. J MIN LENA LKt,E, teacher. Ola Faggart Stella McGhee, Net tie Yates, Grover Creech, Bruner Sides, Charlie Thompson, Jun Howe. Whole No. in attendance 49. Average daily attendance 39 Per oent of attendance 89 " ' tardiness .011 New pupils 3 SECOND AND THIRD GRADES. MINN JENNIE PATTERMON, teacher. Tbos. Eluttzr Jamea Caddell, James McEichcm, Sammy Query, Jobn Melton, Uoward, Sides, Van Walter, E'Bie Baker, Clarence Mc Eicbern, Robert Bost, Ollie Freeze, Minnie MilUr, Maggie Thorn berg, Louise Rowe, Lola Walter. Pattie Melton. Attendance 32 28.7 0 Ayerage daily attendance Per cent of tardiness New pupils 1 9 FOREST HILL SCHOOL. FIRST GRADE. MINI ELLA BELLE K1IIKKT, teacher. Bertie Hunsucker, Jennie! Morgan, Willa Warner, Sidney Dent, Cletii McCommon. Number enrolled New pupils Average attendance Per cent of attendance I'tr cent tardy 63 5 41 6 019 SECOND GRADE. JIB. L P COLE, learner. Grace Brown. Pupils enrolled , 16 Per cent of attendance 87.85 Per cent tardy .01 A veraee attendance 14.1-10 Yatee, Consul to O recce. Washington, Feb. 8. The Presi dent todav nominated Alo ozo C Yates, of Virginia, to Ije oon ul at Patras, Greece, and M organ Treat to be marshal of eastern distinct of Virginia. I SMALLPOX AGAIN. Danger from a New aonrre. Hirvfy Perkins, a tie ;ro from Pelzer, S. C, Went io Moorceyille u week ago. He took oick and S'arted for bis nouie walking. U ttlepc in in tbe woods at night. When with in about three miles of CiihiIoi e he broke down and waited for som "uue , to" come along. Two young men, Messrs Walsh and Mitchell came along on their wheels, when Perkins made them hear him. He told tbeui he bad smallpox. They carried tbe news to Charlotte when Chiel Orr and Drs. Strong and Hawley procceled at once with wagon, bed ding and driver to tbe place. Per kins was able to crawl into the I wagon and be was conveyed to the pest bouse. No oue touched him. Haying left Mnoresville before the stage of sup puration and having slept in tbe woods at night there may be no spreading of tbe disease, but there would be a decidedly more comfort' able feeling if be bad not come to tbe State. Mr. Thonlpnen Talking lo the Vlrla. Mr. Holland Thompson responded last (Thursday) night to a call to address the school at Sunderland Hall, His dissertation was in tbe the form of a blackboard lecture on North Carolina, it's topography, its zoology, its ornithology, its ichthy ology, etc. Tbe speaker had a broad sutject and gave loose rein to flow ing thought as be carried his audi ence from the low, sandy loamy eaat along over the piedmont sections till be placed them ia imagination on tbe pinaclrs of tbe grand mountain heights that render the grand old State tbe pride and charm of tbe bold and chivalrous. It was donbtless a rare treat to the girls and they'll be after bis coming again. Newbern Urn a NeuNalion. Newberne had a social penpation Tuesday night, in which James Dufty and Thomas Hill bad a pixtol duel of tbree shots each. Strangely enough, according to the Raleigh correspondent ot the Charlotte Ob server, Hill was bit, i-j the ankle each time. The difference between him and Achilles is that the latter could be wounded in tbe heel only. Later intelligence snys that the tbree shots took effect in Hill's right leg below the knee, and so shat tered the bones that amputation will be necepeary. Hill bas been taken to bis home in Goldsboro. The whole of the facts in the case would not look well in print, and there' is probably shame enough connected with it. Evidently, though, that big bud did not shoot to kill. Concord Loire An Excellent Family Our town today (Thursday) loses one of its best families. The one we mean is that of Rev. B F Davis, who bas for several years been pastor of tbe Reformed cb arch at this place. The family, together with Miss Lottie Patrick, Mrs Davis' sister, who has been ppend ing some time here, left thin U-tirn-ing for Westchester, Pa., Mrs. Da vis' home. On account of ill health, Rev. Davis has found it necessary to give up preaching, and will take a rest. This family has become very much devoted to our city, and bate to leave. Mrs. Davis thinks it very probable that she will return on a visit in the winter.. Prealdent Barloa AfiNaNHlnalcd. The reported assassination of President Bnrios, of Guatamala, on Tuesday nigbt has been confirmed. He was shot while walking between two of bis Boldiera. The assassin was himself killed. It was the con summation of a plot in which $100, 000 was offered to the perpetrator. He got a mote suitable reward . Nome One Nhot nt II tin. Mr. Horace Russell, of Forest Hill, has been visiting relatives and friends in and around New London and Gold Hill. He informed a Standard reporter TbursJay night that some one shot at hitn at uuld Hill a few nights ago. He did not know who it was or why it was done. Tbe bullet be eaid, m'sted him about five feet. Thinking that there might be a "hot time," be took tbe next train tor Salisbury. aixfj Hvr Italian JlnkoS'Jlll. When Mr. Geo. W Means had hip house painted some years ago, Mr. Jim McEachern did the work and invested part of his wages, in a lot lying between Mr. M-jans' acd Dr. Griffin's lot. A few days ago be sold the lot to Mr. Tice Cook for 2o0 Pretty good land trading that is, nearly -100 per cent in about seven years. Albemarle's villa. Oa the 17th of this mor.th the Wiscassett Mills Company will meet in Mr. Jas. W Cannon's cilice in this city, for organization. This company will soon build a if v'OO.OOJ mill at Albemarle for tbe making of fine yarns. The site for the mill has already been selected. Tbe building will be mainly of glass with a stone founda tion and will be a fine atructure. The foundation is now being laid for tbe addition to be built to the null of the EflrJ Manufacturing Company. The capaoity of this mill will be doubled when tbe addition is completed, ADVERTISING THE SOUTH. low the Niintborn Hallway In Exploding- Our AdvantaiceN. Washington Feb. 8. At the Con grfgationalist ch-tich Ian evenini: there wi le iend l y the K.y. A (J Rigfrn, i f Keitdiug, Pa., a lectu.v entitled "In Nature's Paradise " il lustra'ed by notne 200 i olored view of scenery and cities of the South on the line of the Southern Railwuv. His treatment of "Nature's Para dise," particularly Western North Carolina, known as "The Land of the Skv." illustrated a tcene of our country hich he described as b?-n-tiful in natural grandeur, and beintr rapidly developed by enterprise and industry eeldom equalled in our hi tory This method of placing-the South as a place of resort for health and pleasure at all season', as we1 1 at business opportunity, and famil iarizing one section of country with the other is an enterprise of the Southern Railway. How About I'lennliiK I'pf There is not a bet'er town in the State than Coucord, yet there is a matter almost entirely neglected which in other towns much smaller and less important gets proper at. tention. The streets need cleaning There is much soil and other matter accumulated in tbe ditches and on thn streets, to say nothing of old papers aud ugly piles of ashes which ahould be removed, not only for beauty's sake, but for health. TWO MADE ONE. A Nice Wedding and a NumiiinonN FenNt. Thursday evening at 5 o'clock the marriage creruony was performed by Rev. H A McCollough that made one of two, in sympathy, affection and destiny, at the borne of Mr. Al bert Misenbeitner, when Mr. Michiel 8cott and iiiss L mie MiBnhiimer approached the Hymenial altar at tended by Mipaes Ola Deal, Lily Blackwelder, Lucy Goodman, Joe Anna Cline and Messrs. Cnarle Lipe, Mandtis Shinn, Pink Black welder and Smith Scott. After tbe sacred rites came a sumptuous supper in which a large number joined in mutual bapptnees with the wedded pair. Mrs. Scott honored the same group today with an elegant dinner at her bom-. The Muallpox The Knoxville Journal pays: Em inently eatisfictory is the statement that no new cases of smallpox have developed in Knoxville in the past two days. While many persons have been exposed to the dieea-e, the physicians, by maintaining a strict quarantine, are hopeful of stamping out the c'isease in its in fancy. IT IS SMALLPOX. The Expert Na.i no and M akcN a Re port. It is no longi r a matter of doubt that the physici ana were correct in their diagnosis cf smallpox in Char lotte. Dr. C P Wertenbaker, passed assistant surgeon of tne United Sta'ea Marine Hospital, is in Char iots and on Friday yisitel the pest house. The Observer's account of the visit to tbo pert house after the thorough equipment is so interesting that we quote it at Jollowe: "Wheu in 150 y.mls of the house, the carriage stopped, the party got out and began uisrol'ing. Each of the doctors took eff hi'.i outer cloth ing and put on overa-'ls of ducka, capa of Bume and gloves. Tbey then walked up tht hill about 5J5 yarda and within ten Tarda of the guard line, when tbey stopped and made respirators and tied them over mouth and nose, leaving only room to see well. Covered from head to foot in linen and vith therespira'ore over their faces tt ey went into the camp end made a thorough exami nation cf each ca e. Dr. Wtrten bkcr went first t j f.allie Wagoner. He ran bis hand over her face. He then went to frank J.ickaon, the 14 year old aon of m Jackson, who died, who had beeu in the pest home three days, the public not being ap prised ot the fact. lie rn his bands oyer bis eruption also, exam ning carefully the mitireand char acter of the scabs. He then exam ined Oscar Jackson in t be same wv, and lust Harvey l'erktr.p. who was taken to tbe pest house Thurs(.'ay afternoon. Io each instance l.e put his fir gers on the sores, thi-reby determin-i ing better their form ittou and char acter. Tbe three physiciaa-t rsmained at the pest house two hours. On leav ing tbe house they threw the res pirators away and hatl them burned. They then hung the!) clothing u oil the bushes until the xext time tney get ready to visit the camp. They walked in this disrobf d condition lo the place where they had left tLeir regular clothes, resumed thrm and returned to town. After reaching the hotel, Dr. Wertenbaker bathed and changed bis clothe again. Drs. Wilder and Strong repaired to their r 8t!iive h imps and did the same," Tne cit council was called to eetler Friday night to heir Ir. Wettenhaker's rep r ,thich is as tullowt: " I a'lotte, N. U., Feb. 11, '08 To Hi. II. nor E li Springs, Major of -Charlotte, N. OV: S r: Io obedience to telrgripli in structions fioin the Surgenn General of 'he United States Marine Uospiti al Service, I re-ior td to' your repre sentative last evening, Frbuiry 10, for tbe purpise of examining aud reporting upon 'he nture of certain cau.'s of sickness now in tbe pe3t honse on the outskirts of Char lotte. I huve tbe honor tori port as follows: Accompanied by Drp. Strong and Wilder, 1 tl ij tt:oniir g visited tbe ps. house of joiir city and f tand therein nine persons, all colored, four of whom are Buffeting with small p 'i. tbe other five timing been ex pose! to the dieei8- and are now detained, awaiting developmpnts,aDd are emp'ojed in nursing the sick. The following named persons are suffering from the disease: Sallie Wagner, Oscar Jack-ion, Frank Jack son and Harvey Perkins. S.tllie Wagner acd Oiar .I.iokoou are re covering, both having had a light attack of the disease. Frank Jackson, aged 1-1 years, is a son of the case that died with smailpox rtcently. Frink devel oped the eruption on Wednesday last, and has a very alight attack. In the cases of Sallie Wauner, Os'tir Jackeon and Frank Jacks n the difease has been modified by vacci nation. Harvey IVrkinP, aged 57, nati ity Nor'h Carolina, developed the erup tion last Monday morning at Neat's camp, 12 miles north of Vo iresville, on the Mocksville extension branch of the Southern Riilway, He had come from Ureenville, and arrived ut the camp on isunday evening, and sleit with some of the employ es on Sjnd ynght. On awakemug Mon. day uiorning he noticed that he was broken out with the eruption. He left tbe camp quietly, without men tioning tbe eruption to anyone, and made his way to Charlotte, arriving yes'.erday tf:ernoon, February 10 h, 1808 He is bow in the fifth day of tbe eruption, and bis case is typical. I bate the honor to remain, Respecfully yours, C P Wertenbaker, Passed Asfistant Surgton U S. Ma rine Hospital Service." Dr. Wertenbaker approves the methods of treatment and quaran tine at Charlotte and says the danger of ppreudinij the disas ia lo greaier in Charlotte thtin elsewhere bnt that danger exists from cases like that nf Harvey Perkins, who slept with others in cimp above M o -esville and woke up with tbe d is ate broken out on him, aud bad he not fallen by the way side he would doubtless have exposed people in Chariot e 'o the disease. Tbe doc or strongly org-a vacci nation, the evils of which be thinks are comparatively small if ek f 1 If ally done and no special abusa in its latt r treatment is practiced, ANOTHER FESTIVAL FIGHT Two NegroeN (KniTHirc In n Little AC. fray The; IIcniiIi; iis I niiiiI one KIiooIn the Other. By telephone from on-1 of The Standard's informants at Mt. P. rat ant, we learri that a festival vvusei . gaged in out in No. (i township, Friday night by tbe colored people. It wi.s not, however, a church festi val, but was run' by a company. By some intanp, two negroes, George Melchnr and Jule Marshall, fell out with each other, and as the result George Melchor was shot by a pistol from the hands, of Jule Marshall. The atl'.iir took place on what is known as the Bohannn place near Mr. Martin Lud(vig's. A person wa- atoncjsent, to M. Ple.-ixant for a di-ctor. They, of cour-ie, think the negro will die, though prabably it will not result h. This is the first one to be record ed on tbe criminal docket for the nextcjur'. I)-. Schwartz, a Berlin physician, quotes etatihtics to show thtit mar ried people live longer thai un married. Tbey have to hu-itle around more and bdeomo toucher, says the V ilmingtnn Star. It is bectuse tbey bu.-tbinil their health and enerjjim tinder wifely care warm slippers, wholesome food and a congenial companion has pro longed many a man's life, 1) jrham Sun. MORRISON II. CALDWELL ATTORV F Y AT l,AW, CONCORD, N O Ollice in Morns hu'idnA., .ppoait court bouse. Royal makes the food puref wholesome and delicious JIL htm POWDER Absolutely Pure SCHEDULE In Effect;jan. 18, 1897. This condensed schedule is pub lish d as information, and il subject to change without notice to tba public: t rains Leave Concord, N. O 9:25 p. m. No. 35 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte Air 5, e division, ana all points South and Southwest Carries through Pullman drawing' room buffet sleepera between New York, Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, . Savannah and Jacksonville. Also Pullman Bleeoer 'Jharlotte to Augusta. 8:49 a. m. No. 37, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and Naw Orleans, and all points' South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. .Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San Franciaco, Sun-, days- 8:fl:i p. m. Xo. 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboro.Nor'' folk, Selnia, Ralign, Greensborol Knoxville and Abbeville to Char-. Dtte, N. V. 10:21) a- m. No. 11, daily, for At anta and all points South. Solid trair, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man fleeinng car, Richmond to (ireeegboro. 10:08 a. m. No. 36, daily, for Wellington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points North. Carries Pull man drawing-room burt'et sleeper, NewOrieans tT NewYork; Jacksonn viile to New York ; Birmingham to New York.' Pullman tourist cars from Sau I rarcipco Thursdays. 8:53 r. m. No. iiH, daily, H anhins- ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited, for WaNiimgton : and all peiints North. Through Pullmsn car, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Also carries vertibuled coach and dining car. 7.08 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Rich-, mond, Asbeville, Cliattanooga, RaU :ub, GoldHboro and all points North. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to Aiichmond. Jonnects at Greensboro with train tarrying Pullman car for llaieich- 6.27 a. m. No. 10, daily, for Rich rtiond ; com ects at Greensboro for Raleigli aud Norfolk ; at Danville for Washington and points North ; at Salisbury for AsUville, Enox v:lle aud points West. ill freight trains curry passengers. John M. Gulp, V- A. Tubk, J'nillic M'gr. Gen'll'ass, Ag't, F. S. Gannon, Washington, D. O. Third Vice President ai.d Uen'l maunger, Washington, D. O. S. II. Hard wick, Ass'tGeu'il'. Ag't Atlanta, Ga W. H. Tavloe, Ass'tGen'l P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowan" DrBtNBEi.v, Local Ag't, Concord. N, C. Police. When you want Fresh Oyaterp, stewed, fried o- raw, birds on toast, fresli fish or a tquare meal, prepared by au old experienced cook (Wile. McMoore) call at Bojter & Johns, tun's Restaurant iu the Brick Row nea- 'he Court House. '-tt 0 mario r:iy Manufacturing mii'iicr .Mumps, r-eiiu iui 1'iieo List or uutuis io .1. 1". W. Dorraan Co., 1111 K. Fayetto St., Hilltimore, lid., U.S.A. CuuUuvue (rou. HOOC-.' has over ana owe ; 'j, m r 'e i i.y its cures, tvben liii . , i-eii.-i atiun-; failed, that U is 'he One '. rue CLOOD Purine HER LIFE TRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Docs IU PIr. Clms. I.i rnint, a welt-known rnl1rnt rf iK'iivi T-, pi.'UM-s thL-i viimjcftil reiiitMJy, Jit r tr.-t ii.'inn v sin u 11 rcmvinco all us Ui tho v nrtli of 1io"Nl'v.- Jl! rtt.'uro and Restora tive IWrviuo. l!cr letter U'ted 8opu lltti, 3,1, iviuls ;id follows: ,r.V S7i Bliifl. La Point, 2 1 IT Ilumtioltlt Pt. TyphoM fever left mo wli h henrt trouble of t lie URSt Pel ions li.iture. .Nuthui llirt doetnrH .r:i. vo h;nl i.ny t'H't 'l. T li.'nl severo jKiin- In l he ln-:t rt, ;t rul W i- uti.iMe Iu lie on li ' It f l Mile f i n" hm;! i' t lr:i, 1 t.r mlniltra ,ifc a t M V heart y e--ii 1 , tn . -s ht-ul -., uml I hul .'-T'lnlh'.'rinj: -' -l -;, l!i Li. lilt sreiiiftl t'vi iv lireiuli wiriii i !' lii-i. Wu ucci deialy .t w uri ml verii.,t -nw it t Dr. Miles' lVsv Hwrt Cure B i if 1 Kest i ir;it i ve N'-rvme, h hi leirehitvctj a L't it' ie (if f:ieh. Af 1 it t ui; lie. i i '- fimvl u-h a week. I co'-It I'i 1 ft ft I.i .i -u i., ami -.it uy tx'. In in r, inn! l ! i 'i "-l i t 1 uy rtMi- it; il- h.-lit limiif'.v i 1,. t ,t!l 1 1 1 i m ruiiit.-ful tiiytm f.-r yuiir v.. Mil . ! ..! l,. an., I mi they wiv-'d u.y hf . :r.- c'l 1, I'OINT pimrantce ( ' l ' i ' ! lit le " 111 t ri.tlJt. All fni:::nst.. - '1 i ) ft, 6 h-i !. for., or it will be sen" ei --tui ti rt,-i;' "t prle L7 tliu lh iUilo fliciii'-.i-i t' , i.;khJ.rt, lud. Dr. Aliii-s' !J; .i firsntl ? i SI Via 111 ' '-5 . If v X - i vim ...ileum ke.tiire .1 1 ! j i

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