T . .. Tiic - i;.!.'k'.rd. -TURNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK : LIVINO PRICES. Giv6 us a Trial. The - Standard. PRINTS TILE JtEWli THAT IS A'EWS For 1 Year Send us 1" Dollar. STANDARD. VOL. X NO 331. CONCORD, N. C.. THURSDAY, MARCH i7 1898. WHOLE NO. 469 inn The hat demonstrated ten thousand, times that it in almost Infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES, 1rrfrnlBiitis and nrftn(rinentt. It baa become tUe leudiuK remedy tor this class of trouhlei. It exert wonderfully htaltnr, strength ening and booth In Influence upon the menstrual orKn It ourea 'whitea' and fallingof the womb. It atopa flooding and relieves sup- v1 pressed and painful meniitniatlon. For Change of Life it 1. the best medicine made. It la beneflolal . during pregnancy, and helps to bring children tula bom.a barren lor yeara. It Invisorates, stimu la!e, strengthens the whole syt tem. Thia great remedy ln.ffereil to all afflicted women. Whywil any woman Buffer annther minute with certain relief within reai-bf Wine of Cardui only eoats 11.00 per bottle at your drug store. Far advice, in cam TtmiMnQ special nW'tfons, aJ-!'", (rhino- f.,mrlom. Id. "larfiM 1drlor Dtparlviett," Th rii.tli -.- JfIM Co., Chat tanooyi, 'I 'in. ey. I. W.SMITH CJnfM.S.C .! M 'le un it Wine o Ci.'i)ui t Kon.s tc tsltlrfl ol the evil " '-n " ..it id htf." MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Gin,lrams,' Outin Cloths! V Plaids; SlieGtmo- and Sal Ba-s DDealersHm GENERAL MER HADISE DBuvers; of a wbiie ur Of FnllcrHoii'a yill.Hy one Who Is Woll riiln)fl With the I'liuo Nome Interealfca; Hiluae About It. I promised tia5 I woo Id give tr short history ofponcord'a little sis ter, the G WPatteon Manof no taring Compan's plant. The said plant is eituatej on Coddle Creek, oa a direct lineoetween Concord and HaVrisburg in .he centre cf a fiat farming coramuity. Their build, ing is of bMc substantially built, on a foundatin of eolid s oiie ma sonry. For their nuve power, they have tv;o 60-horee rer e id a 100-horse power Corliss mgine, also a 100 horse power trbine water wheel These powers jre so geared that they can ubb um irg-mer or aepa- rate. Ia factJhey often ran ths mill tbe half i! every day withou any steam, wl h redacea tbe coat of running osiderably. Their mill is filled sh tbe best molern machinery, 'ty use three or four bales of cottoiuily. Their fire dartment is pe.fect. Four hydrantEre situated at con t. nient places lund the mill, and in i-ase of fire building conld be ,i.rfd with ter in a few min iitcd. laej u. iweive gooa sun atu'iul four-m cotteges, whhh at ibis time aril occupied except t o. Tbey have large store house tilled with an nrted stock of goods, And laBt bat j least, I must say something abj tbe dam. It is one of the best the State, built of stone laid in cmt 125 feet long ith an avereueigbt of 15 feet. This massive jof stone and ce mint backs tnt.t?r one and one half miles a: from tbe power stored in thiond the company grinds the corid gins tbe cotton if the neitjhbjod and also runs ct.eir faotorf. j Rox. (To bntinned) TUE REED POND I COUNTRY , PRODUCE ol all kind,1 and 4-loot On in o Throi The Salisbuinn says faur large janron passtdough Salisbury on ilat cars over iBouthern Tuesday ifternoon, goiDutb. It is rnmorbat quantities of tmmunition aixploeives are also going south 1 tsed m case of war. l It is sa'd tbie government re. quires absoluttecy of the roads "WOOd alwaS Wanted- it handle svinpiementa of war tna eyen ii mere going a news- est prices for same, m'n c'bardl et lBe tacts iu iuc i' On one of Una which pissed here was wriltj large letters in jha'k the vc-i L'oIc out Spain, ve'll g ve jou It, is reporec, fifietu carloads it powder H hiorgh going loutb. j We invite an inspec tion ot all the foods we'manuiacture. OUELL MFG. Co Concord N.C TuriuunutJ r tnotlirr WXIili At the humee bride's father oday (Thura Mr. Dberrj B ackweldpr, srMr. A J Uiack "either, nf this as roamed tt Vliss Lucy Faglaotrhter cf Mr lleDry Fag8rfiO. 11 owesbip. The ceremony performed b lev. H A MoCib. A big fami'jtr, snnh as yo ee on tubleaood livers lik Mr Frt?grt, T'jiytd by all . mi U ,1 iai I rvivvir,,r4 Viara tVtt rp inn.ee sunnly oar feeds to dealers to ueu..u. 6 ....cu ..c.DvU. v aeii a.ain. At tlie same time, any- -ocninc and wild th nicht a' the home of I hti'a f fhrr, Etui ti.ol'ttE Stakdakd not x;f0 k io of tni name of the local merchant from ,n0'n Lffjjr jet today, it n euda it nt Sal. evSVcop7 of which ctsus mo.t 1.. ary co-)a io,s to 30 cent! to place in your nanas, wiii bcw.i iuj BlfJ u.t, .rjKw.'iaer. free on receiptor interna (.auim cfn N,,thinc like this Manual has one who has bought our seeds of their ...I J...I H.irlnir sitlior 1 fVlfi Of 1007 Will brsVnt our M-nua. of" Everything io, .h. li.rden" for 1898 rnrr) provided tliey hv letter rlVLU and eivc "tie was M Will lie OrnlneO llf-4rtloil Itrrnm nirudoit By llolh the Cuunly and Ninte Hoard ol llcnltli. A was annonnoed some days ogo, tbe Town Commissioners bare or dered that the Reed poDd, behind the residenoa of Mr. Joel Reed, le drained off. This was no notion simply taken by the Commissioners i f our town, but is a following of the opinion of tbos? who know, f anyore docs,wh?.tis best for the pre servation of the heu'itl of our peo ple. It would seem a little hasty for onr Commissioners to order such an action w'thoutt'e recom- meuda'ion of higher aa horities, though yoa can hear of some alreadv abusing them for tbe action. As Concord has no city phys:cin of its own, the county phjsicias, who is now Dr. J S L fforty, also makes a report of the deaths and different diseases in cur town and id also our highest health officer. After eximming this pond he has ex pressed his opinion that it be d raiued off. Not only this, but Mayor Crowell showed us a letter from tbe State Board of Uealth in which they also snggest some action in regard to it. As they say, it will be only a short while before some other action will have to be taken for onr town and will very probably ward off attacks ol fever in our community. The pond will be drained off be fore snruraer. The matter of mak ing eonaoie arrangements witn t e owner is left in the hands of Major Crowell. It is not likely that there will be any contention on the part of tbe owner, Mr. Reed, as he has been shown the opiDion offered by Dr. Lafferty, the health tflicer. M O BAURLVGER HURT. A OrtHli cm In Ilia H. ikI fly nrircnlar ei.n-ot Final. Mr. M.irshall BurirjjiT, who ha? b"fn living in Coccurd until a we or two ago, and who once conducted a grocery utore at Can nonville, rer,cied a severe wound Taurntiay about 10 o'clock at tbe machinery cf R Safrit S; Co., near Glasses eidinp. Mr. IJarringer bad crawled up under the circular taw to clean out the saw dunt from under it and uns tuoughtly raised his head, striking the caw. A gash of at leant three inchi'S was pawed in the top c f hie bend only an inch or two back of the forehead BOARD OF N. O, MEET LOLLEGR HALE AND HEARTY Two iDferr-ttlliiK t'enlnri-a Knitrtert. Toe board of direc'ord of North Carolina Ciilleje met at Mt. Pleas ant Wednead ,y the 9;h. Two features of its action ara of much iatere3, viz: President Soberer made a proposition to the board that if excused from class jooui duties aud his. traveling expenses were borne he w mid canvass the synod at tbe financial anent and folic. tor for tbe institution. This proposition wag accepted Also at the rtqnest of Rev. ticberer a committc a was ap pointed to formulate a presentation The wound did notlf th" claims of tbe college to tbe T " - t hro nr .ihrn.ntf ! it IS a book of ZOO pages, contains 500 engravings of a, i -jnte mnitlv new. and these are supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally, OUR "SOUVEHIl." SEED COLLECTION ...in -i k. oantuilrlimtt fhnrre. to all arnli- cants sending 10 ct. f or the Manual who will 4 Jo I p Ireilrll. The C barlotttver sty? : "Mr. W O Jind, who wut down ycetcrday time good Ire dell s.tck, wes j of killing I ng 8 vci'tii cutythat weighe' ia ili, ., ;.. v,;.,.. inn state where they saw this advertisement. r . " d.i.1 Card Aon ollons Will Ketein n. aum,nn. .um-.-! ft Poland Chin i v The Keren Winn Tbe above Driven to Mr .Jno. Bulla's dopi, Bul'a, wb' lives at Forest Ii'just rtturn ed from a ln'g foin. the hille r of Moutgoinery t ue na three good fox clfl as a resnt has three foxes u home. Mr W D Anthony HAS TAKEN THE AGENCY FOR THE Decorator's Wall Pap Conn painty, .......x .i niira.cAO. ?. Z:. h tiatterlnt- testl- Jno. Mclnnia, aHWt Uill r,nm civ nf the leadina accompanied him. moniaia iiwmi - metropolitan papers of these two cities as being most Tiarfcl some and very cheap. See samples atFetzer's 4Mar. 17. Drugstore One chase was irially liyclj and one of his doQnged in a fight with thetad to be hauled home, its fg cut err. aiilorably. M hi- Needs No F.Kilnnntlon. Madison, N. O., Ag. 4, 1897. Gooe Greasy Liniment Co., Oreeiu. biro, N.C? T ... u;,. Please shin nn at or, f ,n;rosa Goose Urease liiBiment. DfUm Corps to ate20;hof are entirely ont. " 1. . M;v oelebration WOJON3tJ i jpt toe mvituuou Elegant invitatie been re ceived from Mnj. ' 8 Frank lin, of Charlotte, an of tbe committee on in by the Cabarrus Lieht Inand the Kltiiittion the Hiue. Abont tbe grptest eurprisr to the newspaper rtader every oay is tha' we have no war yet. The situation is about the same as other di.y. All the necessary preparations are b, iiu made probably by bo-h sides, but the war cloud looks much darker in the Eastern world sometimes md the sub. of peace finally shines bright and clear agitin. The Senatp promptly passed thi bill appropriating the $50,000,000 fcr war vessels and ammunition. The Montgomery is in tbe harbor and moored near the wrecked Maine. The court of inqiiry is still at work, but it is blamed for killing time. It may report next week. The intenoe interest in the tfnine uffiir drowLS out the real Cub .u war a'jd we rarely hear of any progress in the struggle for lib erty. An occasional bit of newt hows that thine are still hostile forces at work The iuHurgents do not Biem to hve made any marked progress lately. Possibly a feeling prevails hat Uncle Sam will soon fiuifh up the j jb f ir them. The most pleasing feature in the lews of the day is tbe message of Q leen V':c'0;ia" in appioba'inn of ind congra; ul.i'orj to President Mc Uin'ey in his wis-', cuuservu'ivp, bn! dign:Qed coursfl cf action Tue English pr ss stems pl-iii'n. o Anericans in its tone. The Lo.i- Ion L'hily Chronicle says r.ni.ng o' hi r thirirs favoruble to th" Aineri- u'i po iuoti : "At the tau.e time we ia!t i: were posi hie o persuaJe ft,.-Jin, etiL the eleven h hour, lh t bt r liuu i i:;U Uuyn iiri.it De sayetl Dy tue recogni iou oi' the inevitable fact? Co bid Cuba be free would be a b ird task, but it would be the safest and m )at d gn fijd cuurse." The D.tiiy News sas ( difoiia'b: 'While credi ing the Uuited S atin with the gent roua error of giving be world a n. b!e examp'e of sticri (ice for peace by uuprrpareducsa for ar, we are gbiJ to scj Hint' tln- nave shown iliem elyea wite in tim " Daily of 10th. vfnjnr I'eiiilirrlon lrnlKOil. His many friends will regret to learn that while at the supper trble last night Maj. S J Penal. Tton whs suddenly stricken with paralysis. A telip'ione message from Alb 'narle tonight states that his condi tion Is extremely cri;ical. SVisbnry lorreepondent Chtrlotte Oiperver of lUh. Judge Montgomery received a 'phone message this (Friday) morn ing which justifies the graveat fears. It wis Wednesday night that Mjir Pomberton had the stroke. DoiliK Well. Dr. R S Young returned Tours oight from Richmond and Rp irtB that Mips Elizabeth Gibson etood the trip well and also phyoicai treatment. II. r recovi ry may not be very, rapid but it in very hope ful fur a complete restoration. render Mr. Barringfr unconpeioup. There is no ugly gneh left like a tearing of the flash, but simply a straight deep cut in the head. The bone of the ekull is sawed through, though it is not thought that tbe membrane of the brain is broken. Mr. Bwnrger did otseemto suffer much from tbe hurt at first and waited around the machine shop for D'. Lafferty to come and dress the wound. He will prabably be confined several weeks. Arm Broken. While playing baseball today (Thnrcday) at noon, Master Roy S ppenfield had the misfoitune to fall and bieak both bones in OJe of his arms lie was tripped by one of his playmates, it is .thought. About a year ago while the skating rink was "all the go" Roy also broke this arm, though not quite at the tame place. The break did not cause him much suffering at the time and in a short while the bo'ies wire fet. A rrelly Uooil Eye. A rather singular instance oc :urred at Greensboro s roe days ago, as noted from the pipers of the two d.ff;ient places. Sheriff Monroe, of Salisbury, toge hdr with his son were lading tnree persons to tne lipiiiun'iarr, and while waiting in Grpensboro, Sheriff Monroe espied a egro that had escaped from the Rowan -ch'.in g jng. The sheriff ad-. vanced oa him, and the negro, know ing what it meant, put to his heels, but in a short while re aas cane .t by one of the policemen. N. C. Synod of the Evangelical Lu tbe -an church at its coming meeting in May. This committee ia composed of Rev. C B Miller, Rev. M G G Scher. er aud Re. V R Stickley. rnbnii Wnr Krtt. Havana, March 9. A Spanish column under Col. Tfjeda, accord ing to a Spanish report, has cap tured several entrenched insurgent cfttupn in tue tuanziniito awirict, including the campnf E' Chine. Tbe troops, the Spaniards add, killed 9 men, made 3 prisoneie and captured 'an urmory with many tools and lefirjyed many great bats anil hospitals." Therejwas another er- gagemont betweon these epposing forces, it appears, at La Sierre, ar.d the insurgents are alle-d to ha- e lost over one hundred men, while the Spanish colonel reports two killt d and 15 wounded. . he r rum rora Drilling;. The Anthony Drum Corps L.v iec.au training in good s'jle. Un ortun:t'.ely eotne fotv of the meai- htrs are not taking the in'rreft tbey h mi Id take in it. Q lito a number if them bave been practicing the -rny and Navy C-de of f-ignn.U ind are pri'p,resu rp.rr.u; fhumday night M i r K' -i'.i r took jointi of the mem'ii ri out. a il (.a?( tlit ui 8 splendid dri I with lonlern?, -ttutioning one sqind at the b'. Cloud and the othtr at Allitoa b corner. Not unexpectedly, the tiieseae would Cimtain eomelhiug ibnut the enemey but they were all 'ouiid to be Spaniards. Lively FlKl- Several dn8 no two colored boys of our towr, Henry Phifer and Bud Mdlr, eoftaed in a fight. A t result- Miller received a two stitoh ound on the buck of his hind and Pnifer received a blow from a rock. 15 toh were bound over to court in a jflo bond. Ti.is negro, Henr; Pnir, is a ivorthlcut cbaract'-r and is the no gro that was convicted and e-rved aeenUnceon tbe chain gang for s'ealing a chicken. He has a bad name. Mr. I.ndwlu; lHra.lyael. We are eorry to learn that Mr. Martin Ludw'g, one of our oldest and best citizens, has received a stroke ot paralysis. lie was at his barn on Wednesday when he re ceived the stroke in his right side and had to be cafried to the bouse. He was reported some better on Thursday. Mr. Ludwig ia cettme tolerable old. Ha is the father of Mrs. Wrr. II Blume, of this city. Henditunrtera ArriuiKel. Mofsrs Jno. A Tucker, of Ral eigh, D A Elliott, of Winnsboro, and W II White, of Oxford, who are in Concord for several months in the interest of tbe Carolina Benevolent Association have made their headquarters in thecfliceof Attorney M B Stickley, upstairs over J C Lippards grocery sto'e. Arretted In KeMftrk. John Wellman, colored, wto ia charged with committing a criminal aesault about two years ago upon Fannie Murchison, colored, has betn brrtsted in .Newark-, N. J., at the ins'ance of George L Gnenlee, cf the Nor. b State Detective Agency, who has been on Wellmhn's train for some time. The girl assaulted by Wellman was a eendent of Liv. ingstone College at Salisbury, but was living here at the time. Well-, man had been arrested, but made bis escape.?; A bill was found against bim at tbe last teim but ore of the Circuit court. R ndition pipers have been prepared, and Detective Greenlee will go to Newark after Wellman. Atheville Citizen. At the Ago or Eighty-Tito Team A a'MbnrriiN Mnti. The Charlotte News has the f ,1. lo vina abo it Cubarrua county man: 'M'. W K Corn;an, of township Nil, 3, Cab rrns county, who was in the News office a few days ago to re new his subscription, ia eighty-two yeara of age and thia week plowed two horses in a cornfield . Ue says be has alwaya been fond of the plow, aud is able to do a full day's work now. Aa early as 1850 he and his father hauled goods to Charlot'e from Oamden and Caeraw, S. O, this be ing long before the railroad reached his point. But one of bit old achool mates ia living now, Mr. Corrigan resides on the plan tation where the family have lived continuously aince 1772. His grand 'uther, William Corrigan, bought tbe place and died there at tbe age of 85 years. 1' is father succeeded to it, and died there at the age of 83 yeara ; and Mr. Corrigan ia still liv tug at the old homestead at the age of 82. I'ny In Active Nervlce- Aside from the danger of being shot by the enemy, war would not be an unprofitable occupation for the North Carolina Militia. When in the active service they are guaranteed the pay of their respec tive gradta in the United States regular army. Thus a captain of a North Carolina company who may be working on a 800 Ealary would, in the event of war, draw $150 a month. If wounded, he would get t'2GO a year additional. ; j The following ia a table of pay for officers up to tbo colonel during the first die years : Colonel J3.500 Lieu'emmt Colonel 3,000 Major 2,500 Captain, mounted 1,800 Captain, not mounted 1.G00 First Lieut., mounted 1,000 First Lieut, not mounted 1.500 Second Lieut., mounted 1,500 Second Lieut , not mounted 1,-100 The privates would not fare bo well, aa they would be on the same footing with the enlisted men in the regular army, receiving $13 a month. As a special inducement, tbey would be allowed 30 cents a day or fraction of a day, as com mutation of rations. Some privates in the North Carolina militia make more money in time of peace than some oflicere. In war tbey would have less of OIIAULE-j TRAY LOR GUILTY. Three Vtnrn In Penllentlnry-ln Jail at Monroe. We had provided for gutting the result of the Charles iravlor trial that was going on Friday in Albe marle. Tbe verdict was rendered after 1 he ctandari) had gone to the homes of its readers. The re unit as given ua by the edior of the hnterpneo was as fjllows: Traylo- was found guilty. Mo- lion was made for new trial but was overruled by tbe court and a sen tence of three years in penitentiary was imposed by ibe court whereupon notice ot appeal was given. A bond of $1 500 ws required and Traylor was remanded to the Monroe jail pending the completion of the bond. We learn by telephone today (Stt urday) that the Judge has lessened the sentence from three yeara in the peuittntiary to two yeara. Koyal make, the food pure, wholesome and dcllcloaa. mm POWDER Absolutely Pure fwu rUKiNn pownrtj m., Mtwvmw. SCHEDULE GE TTING READY IN EARNEST llnyliiK Nhlpn and Mnklna; Ammuni tion. ' In". Effect; Jan. 18, 1897. Thia condensed schedult is pub- It ia no longer a matter of doubt 18ne(? miormationana il anbject . I . . - , . I w 6 WIUJUUK UUUUO W 1.11- pusneu wun vigor. Ammunition and vigor. ordnance mannfaoturera Traina L ive Concord, N. O 9:25 v. M. No. 35 dailv for At.lnn A - J af-l i 1 A 1 - oressinrr on the work- tn fnll eanan- l viiariuiie Air oo, e aiviaion, pressing on tne worit to mil capao . a , nointa South nrf Southwpak ity. Negotiations are eoing on for I Carries through Pullman drawings! two battleships now building in C?onl buffet aleepera between New pij i i. Z v . iork' Washington, Atlanta, Ne w laujiouu muiHii. n m ijruuauie I u r l e a n s, Savannah and that seyeral others will be obtained Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeper if found to be of such grade or de. 8:4a . m.n0. 87. dailv. Wabin sirableness aa ia wanted. j ton and Southwestern vestibuled The readiness of Contrrpsa tn makp limited for Atlanta. Birmingham, me reauinesa or uongress to mane Memphis. Monteomerv. Mobila and any appropriation necessary lor war JNew urieans, and all points' South ii.ii... H..i. and Southwest. Throueh Pullman It is eyident that Spain ia not ex and New York to Meumhis. Din- pecting much to be gained in a war ln 08r' estibuled coach, between . .,. . . . -t Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tndwill not jump into it precipi. tourist car for Saa Frauciuco, Sun talely with a auperior power making days. every preparation, and it is tquall, Vain.ton" J'l ZSJ eviuenc tnut tne United States lsltoiu, seima, Kaiigh. (ireensborol not ffointr into i war retrarHlpaa nf a inOXVllle and Asheville to Char-. --- o---0 - ntto. N. II - e i i tir . i . , , I ' . . settee ot rignc. ihq me cnancea that are apparent the government does not intend to be caught unpre pared. Our coast defences are being made ready. Charlotte ia made one of four re 10:29 a. m. No. 11. dailv. fcr At-. anta and all points .South. Solid train, luebmond to Atlanta: Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to (ireensboro. 10:08 a. M No. 36. dailv. for Washington. Richmond. Kaleie-h and all points North. Carries Pull- man lira iri n.rAnm hn 44 a t- nlnnnno iruiting atationa tor the artillery NewOrleans to NewYork; JaekBon, regiments. ville to New York ; Birmingham to Avery significant set of . propo New York. Pullman touriBt cara oil inn a am oot. forth ho Pant., n from ban rar cisoo '1 hursdays. ral, president of the Spanish naval lnXr.H.lXST court, maintaining the theory of ac- ilmited, for Washington and all cident in the blowing up of the points North. Through Pullman car. Maine. Thev are as follows: Memphis to New York: New Orleans ii a f,niinmi tv,. i;o to New York i Tampa to New York. least reeistence, must have blown a ,A ? '"e'e8 Tertlbuled coach nd great hole in the mu 1 at the bottom 7.0& n. m. No. 12. dailv. for Rich of the harbor. No such hole was mond, AsheviKe. Chattanooga. Ral found. A torpedo must have thrown Mich, Goldsboro and all points a laree mass of water into the air if ortn. Carries l'ullman sleeping ..Int-tT l...a nf r.QV end mnrA ornrt g0 juu oa "it""-". charlotte News. test ng t (e treat mtnta 01 i-iy Cr-nni Balm, tbe n ost reliable cure fur ra'arrh and cold in the bead, a a pt-ntroua 1U c. nt trial 'za can De had of your druggist or we will mni it for 10 cen's. Full eiz 50 cents. ELY LfiOTlIEUS. 50 Warren St., New York City. It ia Ihe'im dicine abo-,e all others for ca'arrh, 111 d is worth ita weight in rod. i can ute iiiiy a uream B i m with ti-ifety and it does all that is claimed for it. B W frperry, llar'.ford. Conn. (Mien CATARRH A I llmnllc Afl (l'n Nothing but n rcnifly nr change ol climate will vurc it. lift m wfM-knnvvn phar in.iL'eiii iral rt'niciiy, i:i.ys crram balm. t is niifV.ly absorlied, kIvs rt'lict at on re. iiji.-ti"! anil cleanses the Nil r;iss;it'i-. A"iivs iiiif;tiiun;ition,rt Ih. U A f Ili..b nc1 pruu-ns UkLULLI uLHU tnli-.uncm. Restores the senses of taste and smell. No" cocaine, no mercu. no mjmimm di ti. l-it1' sie 50c 'I t i U siu italic al rlttiKHiS'S ot l.y mail.' LUV liRO'l flhRS, w. Waited bu, New York iaci PiV.tSffMBALW.M CJllPJAf vtlnrp easily cured rf w 1 si'ift-w ur.mtiiM' r, Surra flusMt MOI!E REiinENCES rn lie Built In t'oneord omc fVenrly rinlHlird. Booming up our town too much ill cuse ti e peop'e not to lay much a'r pa on our uoonn aa tney win De nim toi c.tmmon and of too slighi a nature, but it du.-s seem that Coo cord is gradually on the move all thew dajs. We are informed that several ce houses have been built over at tbe Buff alo Mills in the last while. Two new residences are Hearing cumple tion in tbe direction of the Gra led School Mr. Ed. White's aid Mr Frank Morrison's. The contracts bi.ve now b-en made for two more nice residences. At- tojoey Mirrison Culdwell baa moved into tbe house formerly occupied b' Mr. W M Weddington, und will tia e a badddome new residcuce built on the site of the other house in ihich be has been liying. The resi dence willjben two -story one aud will cost about f 1.50J. Tbe contruct has also been let by Mr. W M Weddington for a nice residence on the vuant lot next to Mr. A B Young on Weat Corhin street. D will be a seven mom. single story bouse, costing about 1800. Attention f. C. V. Attention is hereby called to the fact that the 10 cente per Capita from each member of the United Confederate Veterans ia now due and recording to section 3 of tin-by-lawa ahould be forwarded by April lat. Members of Camp No. 212 will please tako notice and piy promptly the amount to the irej urer, J D Barrier. D A Caldwtll, Ctaimander. Don't Read This Article. If you have no lovo for your family don't road this. Ifyouhaye no care for providing for a future for your loved ones bo certain not to read this. The Carolina Ecnovoltint Asso ciation is promoting a moans of providing a comfortablo future not only for your family but for youisolf as well. If you buy a certificate of insurance with this company it guarantees the pay ment ot $1,000 at death and $500 upon tbo satisfactory proof of disability such ns the loss of one band or one foot or both eyes, and $'250 in enso you arrive at the age of Gj and elect to surrender your policy. It oilers tho most perfect indemnity aud is the cheapest life iusnrauco company in tbe country. Why? Because it gives you pro tection at the actual mortality cost of a healthy locality and the Ktnallest expense eloment of any company in this country. If you don't believe it is solvent and safe, r. fleet tliut Capt. S B Aloxander is the ciinirmau 01 me uoaru 01 directors who manage and control it, that Capt. S A Ashe is the secre tary and troasurcr and that ho handles all the funds aud is under a $25,000 .bond, and that 1 x-CLief Justice James E Shep herd is tho legal adviser. These men are not in tho habit of lend ing their efloits nud influence to a schenio or game of chance, or a trap for tho u.i wary. mm Griiliiir A--iitm-ri 10 II. The chain gang work is now under he supervision of Mr. R II Pat -r-hoii, the newly elected Superintend ent, and work aeeuia ti progress the same as heretofore. Mr. Patterson aiys he has hardly b come acens. tomed to the woik, tbe standing still on his feet all day having made him so sore. Since Mr. Patterson's election, Mr. Chas. A Blume is not guarding. Mr, Lloyd Stouh, a young man, has been guarding for Mr. EJ Lita ker, while he ia at home attending the beddide of his father. exploded at a depth of only 2b feet or so, at least have produced a wave reaching tbe other ships and the shore of the harbor. We have eii amined everyone, on shipboard or shore who saw tbe explosion, but no one can be found who remarked an npbeavel of tbe water or a big wave, ar from Greensboro to Richmond. Jonnects at Greensboro with train carrying Pullman car for Raleisb 6.27 a. b.-1(o. 10. daily, for Kich- mond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Norfolk : at Danville for Washington and points North : at Salisbury for AsLmlle, Knox ville and points Went. .til freight trams carry passengers. 'A torpedo explosion always kills John M. Cttlp, W. A. Tubk, fish in the vicinity. No Uih were Traffic M'gr. Gen'l Pass. Ae't. T . CJ afl II' 1 .J L t-a n killed by the Maine disaster, as fish, ft, X;ZZ"ramwuu' w' ermen who have known the harbor acd (ipn'l mannrpr for many years testify. To prodncs Washington, D. C.i the effects no'ed in the wreck a tor- S.II.Habdwick, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag't pedo would have to be of enormous w , ?' ,9' II 1 Ui aV A 1 iiVI aUDD ItVJIOU a. tlf$ U iz, fully 150 or 200 kilos." Daily ofl2tb. To I.oae Two HiiNlueaa Men. It ii now a decided fact that our town will soon lose two of its enter prising business men. Tney are Messrs. Charley Craven and Mar. shall Crowell, who open a s!ore in AlbemarU about the first of April, They intend carrying quite a large stock of goods, especially furniture and stoves. A ConTlnelng A NiiKiit folllMlon. Tbere was a slight collision Fri day morning between 7 and 8 Court house. o'clock when No. 31, the south bound Florida Flyer, ran into Capt. Ttoss's section car between here and Harrisburg. Fortunato ly tho men left the "dump car" and no one was hurt. The train ran some distance after the col lision before it could stop. The car was considerably broken to pieces. Louisville. Kv. GtWANlDoBENBESY, LcCalAg't, Concord. N. U. M. B. STUCK LEY Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SFEtlAL ATI KM ION Qlhh 10 COLLH.L1IOXS. Office upstairs in King building; near Poatothce. MORRISON H. CALDWELL ATTORSfi Y AT LAW, CONCORD. N. O Office in Morris building, pposit Heart Trouble Quickly Cured. Testimonial. Hhut About (lie Vt'enther T Eyery day that q restton ia waf ..'d about on the bretz s, now heard here tnd then there; but it ia hard to I answer, especially in March, when the weather is so changable, oe day being hot enough to scorch a her- rim.', and the next, as it ripi a body up the back, cold euougb to make a position between two flres j-ist mod erately comfortable. No, airee, it won't do to prognos ticate about tba weather during the month of March, as your prognoati. cations itra liable to melt ana run down like a candle one day, and the next they are just aa liable to fhat off on a cuke of ice. These are hot and cold daya alternately, and, if yon don't want to be caught lying, you had better not prognosticate until Maroh has takn a back seat. j'-jf TO ( TUB A tttl.o IS l V lake Laxative Brouio (juinins Tablets. All druggists refund tbe money if it f aila to cure . 25 ct ots. filisa Ella Kchtz. MFor 19 yeara I su(TVrv. frntn hnrt trou ble. During that time 1 iviut tn-aUMl by different physicians. AU of them claimed that I ctndt nt bt, eumt. I aj grt?ntly troubled with shortness of lireath. palpitntton anil pain In tho shlc If IU Came excited, or exerted myei f in the leas the piiiu. In my sMe iMvame very severe. A tirnen It seemed a- tliuuh ti-iwl- rre iioot titf thniUjh my title. Smiotlrno In the rnontfe of Novemtjer liLst, I cumitiem ed tukliit; DR. niLES' HEART CURB md since then I have Improved Ht.-adlly I can now sleep on my left side, sometiiitu i had never tH'en alilo to tlo U'fure. I ca walk without lM'iti' fiillriieil, nnil atu It mufh better hr.iUh tlmn err hffvrt, I wuulA rccommenil all siiHrriT; f :m heart trouhM to try Dr. Milis" lnv iliiah1 r km -iy without delay ' MI.-S V.. Kl'LTX, 61H Wright M.lwaukee. Wn. Pr. Miles TTe;irt fnre ia n-M nn a pmlttv guarantee tiiat t he It r-1 r.il ! i v ; LI h n-li. All druKtrits sell it m tl, ti i- f'-r mt It will he Kent, prepaid, on run Ipt of prt- by tilt) 1'r. Milott MixJnl (Ju . Likhurt, luU. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure tKS r- WS4 1- ' '