The - Standard.- Standard. PRINTS THE JlEWb THAT IS JVEWS For 1 Year 4 Send us 1 Dollar. TANDABD. -TURNS OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT JIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. VOL. X--NO 336. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 19 1898. WHOLE NO 477 THE Mum hwii hi Concord, N. C Statement of Condition May sth, 1893, from Report to State Treasurer. ' RESOURCES. L ana and dinoonta. . . $167,838 39 Orerdraftt 625.00 Office f am tare 1,69710 Dae from t ier banka. 23,96914 12,149 06 2U6 2G8C9 LIABILITIES. Capital sock pad in. . . Surplus Uudmded profl 1 less ixpenae) paid Deposits subject 1 0 check Time certificate of de. posit Swing deposit Due other banks. Cashier's checks out atanding Dividenda on paid R;dieoounta $25,000 00 12,600 00 3,40714 130,600 37 22,170 52 2,193 76 29169 85 81 19 50 10,000 00 $206,268 69 JA3. O. GIBSON, Cashier. DIRECTORS. J W CANNON, Dr. R 8 YOUNG, L J FOIL, Dr. DW FLO WE, O W SWINK, J 0 WADS WORTH. "TIE HEW WAY. TT70MEN used " to think "fe male diseases " could only be treated after "lo c a I examina tions" by physl clans. Dread of uch treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The In troduction of Wine of Cardul has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all ths cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at alU Ths simple, pure taken In the privacy of a woman's own home Insures qulek relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Carduf re quires no humtllatlnr examina tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that cornea under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them younr by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advice In eases requiring special dtrafltloni, address, rlvlnr symptoms, the "Ladles' Advisory Department,' The Chattanooea Medicine Co., Chatta soota. Term. W. L ADDISOH, M.B., Gary. Hiss., Iiytl 'l use Wfne ef Cardul extensively In my practice and fl nd It a most excellent preparation for female troubles." MLWl IS . HEADOUA. , TERS ' FOIl- GROCERIES. We are better prepared this Benson than ever to please the publio witb B RGAINS IN BAGGING flfldTJEfc Corn, O. -a, K.e, Ship Stufl F our, &c. We carry the largest stock 01 Mnnir, Tobacco, rnnille,' Nortn, Fanned Goons, Neap, CoiTee, nag-nr, "-nit. Oil, PIoIuvmcs InU, I'otnsh. Tinware, Helebn, Kte in ihe country, and can give you nine startling prices. We will buj jour Cotton, Eggs, Corn, TEAS, FLOUR, ETC. We are alao agents for the "Spach" Wagon. nr 111 sen a G. W. Will sell a factory prioes. 1.... as Wboeiale aidKKetail Grocer. Coucord, IN. O. PHONE NO. 27. s 8 d IP Jones, Mileshorg. P , write., "I haj Deed DeWitt's Lit tle Eirly Risers ever since the; were introduced here and must eiy I have never used any pills in my familjsduriog forty yt-ars of bouse kai ping that g&ves ioh satisfactory reNulu as a laxative or catbartio " J P Gibson. t. i XflV.- - v 1 : - I il Ijl . ' l -.l! i J'il'HK Illif'li' S"'il sit.iri.l-i if 11 ii' '!'"!' Uiaoi NOrfllNU STARTLING. Hut Preparations On 1.11 l Known of ihe Vie la lieu. Her. rill to Command ! Philippines iunniab Fleet IWajr lie for le tr oy I'uba Neat 1 be lieelrnclor Uealroyed allots Hull Go n In Kpnlu. Tbe rooting of troops to Southe:n porta chn fly toTsnipt is tbe chief stir in 'he war circles. Gen. Mile will arrive probably F.idav, Tampa and will embark with tht troops for Cub. It is not well kn wn f-h re A'l miral fjimpjou is t r h.r. ha U uo injr but it is very sure that if i Spanish vessel is to be found b vill claim it. There is no CT.ain'y where the Cape Verde fl ;et is. 1 herr ia little dependence t) be pot in Sponish dispatches for it is evident that they would rather worry an enemy by misleading dispatches (ban by shot and shell. It ia barely probable that Samp son ia even looking after tbe Oregon that ia now advauoing along the Brazilian coasts, Gen Merritt baa been assigned to the post of commander of tbe land forces being sent to the Philippine Islands and to be military governor of same when tbe islands are taken Some apprehen-ion is felt that th Spanisu fleet may pass through tbe Meditaranean, the S-iez and.the In. dian Ocean to crush Dwey. While this might be done it woold leave the Spanish coms open to destruc tion by Sampson and it ia hardly to be expected that 8pain won d ei pose her coasts to make the far tff doubtful experiment of worsting Dewey. The appearance is that we will nave to take Cuba und Porto Rico and if the Spanish fleet does n t come to us our fiVet will go to Spain and force terms of peace. Ii is probable that tbe reported blowing np cf the Spmnh torpedo boat destroyer near Gibraltar Wed- n aday did occur The name of the boat was Tbe Dt-atrucior. She had crew of 55 uieo and it ia believed bat all were lost. It was prob ibly entirely accidental. The roits are still a source of in ternal trouble in bpain. At Ligrona Wednesday a mob largely of wtmeu, attacked and pillaged tbe grain and provision stores. A charge by cav alry troops waa repulsed. Dily of 12th. The Tlinee-Vlallor. The Eileigh newspaper fild U being ripped up in interesting style I be V isitor established in lb 78 wis oombined with the Pi ess established in 1894. This e edited by Mr Greek O Andiewi ' the lialeigb Post was eftab ished, when Mr, An drews beo.tme. the business manager of both and tbe coraoany seut ou ibe Post in tbe morniug and the PriSSViBitor in the evening. Tbe News and Observer compwiy pur- gl ased l ha T uiei es'anisbea in 1897 and sent out the News and Observer in the morning and tht- limes in tbe evening. It seems that each of these competitors got nough nf rur.ning two papers per day and each sold out tbe evening issue. The new combine is row called the Times Vinitor and will be edited by Wil is G lir'g??, tbe pre i leot una tre s'i er or ibe Inn s Vsi'or cimom". The editor an lounces tha he will give ths nevf. nut will ignore politicnl comment altogether. No Mull For aipnlii. Orders have been iBfued to tbe postoflioes throuRhout the country that no mails will leave the United States for Spain or her iribuiariis during hostilities. All letter, pack agep, or papers received at the post office for any Spainisli city or town will be returned to the source of the address of the sender appearing on the envelope, if not they will be forwarded to the Head-letter t ffiat in Washington. Greenville Reflec tor. ConTlcleil of nuNiniiirhtcr. Solicitor Holton came down from Salisbury this (lburr-day) morning on business. In conversation witb b'im be informs us that the trial of Th' mas Wyon, oolored, for the kill ing ot Cbas. Peeler, oj'ored, at tb ril road camp, was decided this- morning. The jny returned a ver diet (f mans slighter and Judge VI elver sentenced bim to tbe peni 'entisry foi five jears. av - Tbe Plrjcle picnic. Tne -bicycle picnic Wednesda evening giv.en by Mrs S J Liwe waf quite a suede's and was I ighly en joyed by a1!, despite the gloomy ap pearance of the leather before start- n. Qii'e a large r umber went in conveyances instead of on wheels. Tti ir dtsiination was White Hall, b nt wo or three miles from here. After sn unusual s mount of fnn und, merriment, the crowJ sssemhled a ound the lunoh table, where good 'hings, in abundanos loo, were prsaJ, BOY ALL WELL The Itojra lr Acliafklly Crowing; Fnl fntlnir na Jo d am rat Home Ex. crpt Ihnl V'Iipt Have So rwecl IIICHlN- C.-ri,p Urvtn Grimer, Co. L., 1st N, C. V U 8 A. Rraleinh, N. C, May 11, '93. There is a general hustle in the s mp today, though no de finite in f 'rmation ha betn given out regard ing '.he removal cf the first regi ni'nt to C ickumauga or to Turn pa, wbion will very likely cccur duriug tbe next week. Company "L" is in good spirits, and the bojs are actuary growing Cat on th. ir allowance of be, f, beans, tomato , rice, etc. We are far. nished all kinds cf vegetables, und about the only difference' between here and at hoqje is that we have no sweetmeat1. Mr. Parks King, who was to have graduated at Davidson College, is here, having been appointed to tbe third assistant stewardship of the hotpital dipartment. Excursion traits ruu into tbe city from various parts of the State, peo ple coming from all quar ers to see the soldier boys before they leave, possibly forever. Very few have deserted the regi ment. One young man who bad planned to escape has changed h s mind. Tbe boys have hi.d unusual priv lieges for army lif ', bat tbe cfliciale are beconiiug more strict. Company "L" is quartered on Tenth street, and is named "Concord Street." With the exception of a few "Bad colds," tbe health of our bo)S is splendid, there being no case of real siokness fiom oar company. A visit to tbe Soldiers' Home it. East Raleigh vill confirm the state ment that the old veterans are we. I cared for. Some of the old soldier there wonld like to go into battle again, if their country could nae them. It is rnmo'td in camp this af'er noon that t ol. J F Arn, field und Oap'ain t rawford of the Governor's G.jards will leavb in a short while for Tampa, preparatory to trnnBferr ingonr reg ment. Fried chicken, lot cream, dough nuts, cake, etj., are at a premium in camp. VISITORS' NIGHT. Tbe Lyceum's night for VlNllore De bate By Fonr of tbe JMcmbera Encb Member Alloweal tbe Prlvileao of Inviting; Five of Ula Lady or Gen tleman Friends. Some tithe ago it was dn.ided bj the Concoid Lyceum that on the second Friday night tf each mo.tb there would be a meeting f ir the benefit of visitors. Ofl last Friday night n was derided also hit each member of the Lyceum be allowed the privilege cf inviting five of bis lady or gentleman friends. Tbe exercises will- consist moeOy of a debate. There vtiis to bav- ben an epeayist for tbe occasion, but he has been exenaed from duty. Tbe question for the debate in Resolved, ''That tbe forces wh'cb brought about the downfall of tbe Roman Empire is cow threitening tbe existence of our government. ' Tbe speakers appointed on tbe affirmative are Messrs. Holland Tnoinr son and Jno. Cock; on the noga'ive Attorneys S'ickle and Onrtiell. There will probably be some a'tcratim of tbe debaters. Attorney Luther Hartsell will preside over tbe m eting and Mr. Jno. Cook will act as secretary. The exercises will begin about 8 o'clock Friday night in their hall in the old Club Room over Swink & White's. Monday sjclioel Couvcnilon Changed. Mr. Ja. B White, president of the oaunty Sunday School convention, informs us that the place of its next meeting has been changed from Patterson's Mill to White hall. Tie convention meets in August. Wreckers I'ald S.TO.OOO. The Navy Department has juet closed the account of the contractor fur wrecking the Maine. wore tbe Merritt and Chapman wrecking company and the Boston row Boat company. The depart ment settled their claims for an ag gregato of (50,000 which is about one-half of the appropriation made by Congress for the work of wreck ing Up to the time when tbe work of wrecking was stopped by the outbreak of war and the wreck ing boats were ordered home, the contractors bad recovered a good deal of government property in cluding five 6-inch rifl?s which al ne are worth more than the .mount of money paid to the cons traoteirs. Charlotte Newa. THE WAR DEEPENS. Three Fnaasrcments Given In Brief Hut net tirder Five Hilled at rardenna The Wlnalow's IfCMperate FliKht Five Killed Forced a Land. Ins- at Olnructvnea ajimipaon liang;a Awny at Porto Rico. The attacks in the Cuban waters Wedceaday were of tbe most war like charao'er and America mourns the loss of number of gallant men The points of the. attack were at Ceinfueguea on the Siu'h side of Cuba, at Cardenas on the north side of the island and nearly opposite Ceinfoegues and at San Juan on the nrrth est coast of Porto Rioo. The at'ack at Cardenas is the one that proved so serious to us. The Wilmington, the Hudson ard the torp'do boat, the Winslow, at. tackad three 'Spanish gunboats. Tbe and batteries opened fire along with the Spanish gunboats and tbe battle raged with terrifio force. The enemy singled out the Winslow, the weakest vessel, end centered the fire upon P. The Wilmington and the Hudson tried to draw tbe fire but could not. Soon a heavy shot tore through the Winslotr and destroyed her boiler and disabled her. She was in the greatest peril of being sunk. The Hudson went to her re lief and amid a hail of shot threw a line to her to tow her away. Much difficulty was experienced and n sign Bagley, of Raleigb, was on de:k and was beard to say it is getting too hot to stay here. Soon a shell burst just in the faces of the group and Ensign Bagley, John Varveree, John Denfee, Georee Meek and L H Tun net 1 fell dead and several were wounded. What further operations occurred at Cardenas is not known this (Fri day) morning. Ibe attack at Ceinfnegnes, it seems was for the purpose of land ing arms, provisions etc., to the Cu bans. Several efforts to land barges were repulsed. Heavy losses were reported. ' Later it seems (these are Sparie'i reports) that some marines landed and captured the port and teizjd the semaphore (telegraph) elation and took the coast guards as prisoners. The third action was that of Sampson's fleet of nine vessels thai attacked Mero fort. It made little resistance and in a few minutes tbe port was a heap of ruins. The Spanish ateamer Rita was captured by the auxiliary cruiser Yale. Thus we have little to feel satis fled with in tbe Cuban region, but better results attended our pacific department. Tbe Concord sank Spanish war vessel in a two hours fight. The Spanish veiS 'l went down with colors flying. It is now believed that the Span iards have but two war vessels about he Philippines. One is in dock and the cruiser Boston is hunting for tbe other with the hope of sink ing it. The international complications nbout the Philippin that were no ed in dtepatches Tbursdy looked incedib.'e to ns at tbe time and we bi:,k are unfounded. They, are ever flitly denied. 1 here seems cot ptrtiole of danger that anything of the kind is contemplated or can be provoked against tbe United Stat s. Tbe report that we lost a ship in he fighting Wednesday is not con Q med and is most probably false. Daily of 13th. Clnaala and MlNNlonary convention. Newton has tbe honor of being the place of meeting of the Classis of the Reformed church this year, and also of the Women's Missionary Society convention. The following persons from this place are attend, ing these two occasions there: Mr. Anthony Bost, Mrs. Giles Crowell, and Misses Fannie Lippard and Mary Foil. Can Slot Eqnlp Them Vet, Captain Lewis bas received a letter fiom Mr. Jno. A Sirrs at Raleigh stating that it will be impossible for this ccm pany here to be equipped with arms and clothing until the regularly mustered troops have been fully equipped, Prof. Ingram Heard From. Fiom ihe Ne Orleans Telegram we see that Prof. J N Ingram, a na tiye Cabarrusile, is in that city. Tbe Telegram gives a racy history of our Cabarrus man'a roaming over the islands of the Pacific, and brings him down to the Hawaiian domain, which the Professor seems to have studied pretty thoroughly. He ia ao ardent adyocate of tbeannexatiou theory. Drowned a Moaning;. Mr. L S Tesb, near Winston, while seining for fish last week, fell into a deep place and was drowned. RALEIGH IN MOURNING. FulKn Hag-ley'a Nnd rale Canin a Ulnoiit Tbe rws Itiohen to Hix Mother Flaaia al Mair-TlHat The Hody Will He Neut Hume. There is great sorrow hern at the news of the untimely death of Ka sign Worth Bagley, United States navy, in an engagement off Car denas. The first news came to Mayor Russ in tbe shape of a ttde- gram from Lieut. John B Bernar- dou, of the torpedo boat Winslow, dated Key West, paying : 'Ties e break the news to Mrs. Bagley lha her son was killed instantly in an action oft Cardenas yesterday.'' jUpon receipt of the news, Governor Russell directed that tbe national and 8ta'e flags on tbe capilol be half-masted. Tbe same mark of re spect was shown at camp Grimes, the post flag there being also dropped to half staff. Eusin Bagley was a brave and rising young officer. He was barely 25 years old, and graduated last year at Annapolis. He was very prominent there in athletics, par ticularly in football. He was born and reared here, and was educated in tbe pnblic schools and at the Raleigh Male Academy. His grand father was Governor Jonathan Worth, and his great uncle is tbe venerable ex Treasurer John M Wortb. He. was a brother-in-law of Editor Josephus Daniels, of the News and Observer. His father, the late Wm. H Bagley, was for twenty years clerk of the Supreme Court. Mayor Russ telegraphed to Lieut. BerLatdou to have the body em balmed and sent here at once. There is much comment here rn the fact that North Carolina, which lost the first man killed in tbe civil war, has now lost the first officer killed in the war with Spain. Lieutenant Retney.'.United States Nayy, telegraphs from Key West to Mayor Russ that Ensign Bagley's body will be shipped from here at 7 p. m. Friday, after being embalmed and should arrive at Jacksonville in 56 hours after leaving here. Lieu tenant Bernardou telegraphs from Key West to Mrs. Bagley : "Ensign Bagley's remains are on torpedo boat Foote. Military funeral here tomorrow. Navy unites in grief for loss of so gallant an officer." The fund for tbe erection of a monument over Ensign Bagley'i crave is rapidly being increased. This movement originated here, but it is hoped the people of tbe entire State will show their appreciation of Bagley's gallantry and of North Carolina's first sacrifice in the war with Spain. T'le flag on (he government building is at half-mast in memory of Ensign Bagley. The fronts of several storeB are draped in morn ing. Henry Buglcy left for Jack sonville this afternoon to meet and return with his brother's body. I1 is expected to arrive here by Sun. day. There will be a military funeral and a great demonstration of publio grief. Raleigb Corres pondent of Charlotte Observer. A COLLISION. 4 Freight Trnln Rune Into a Wagon Load of Lumber norae Badly Uored I rain Delayed 1 wo Hours. From our Forest Hill Correspondent. Thursday eyening while Mr. W H Henry, of our village, was coming to town with a loud of lumber from Safrits saw mill, bis team balked ol Cook's crossing, two miles above own and a train ran into bis wagon, completely demolishing the hind part of tbe wagon and scattered lumber over a large area of land. Mr. Henry jumped with his little boy and escaped injury. One of tbe borses was gored with a piros of lumber, in .the hip, aud cut badly. he train was d.-layed two hour. untangling a wagon tire which hud go ten in tbe machinery A pleasant evening was spent at Mr. and Mrs. R F Early's after the marriage of Mr. Stone and Mies Ad die Nash Thursday evening. A number pf nica pre cnts were re ceived by the bride. esta- Where Ihe Heroes Were Born. Commodore George Dewey was born in Vermont; Captain C .V Gridley, commanding tbeOlympia, whs born in Indians; Captain N M Dyer, commanding the Baltimore, was born ; Captain Joseph B Cogbam, commanding the Raleigh, was born in Kentucky; Captain A -a Walker, of the Concord, is a native of New Hapshire. All hut Captain Dyer were educated at Anapolie Naval Academy. These were the' commanders in tbe fight under Dewey. Daily Reflector. Horse (lout to Haliubnry. A telegram waa received from Dr. Archey Thursday morning by Mr. Joe Raid telling him to tend horse to Salisbury to be shipped - that night. Thia la all that the people know. We do not know why tbe horae waa not shipped from here, unless it was on account of tht horse joining some others that were being shipped from Salisbury, At the Lyceum Friday Mihl. To a small number of invited friends, the Lycium held its regu lar monthly meeting Friday night. The question for debate was: "Re solved, That the forces which brought about the downfall of the Roman Umpire are now threaten in tbe existence of our govern ment." Tbe debaters on the affirm ative were Mr. Holland Thompson and Rev. C F Rankin; on the nega tive Prof. Crittendon and Attorney Stickley. The debate was excep tionally good, when we consider tbe fact that some of the speakers hard ly knew what tbe question wae until they arrived in the hall, there having been some rearrangement of the programme. The pointed criticisms offered by the appointed critic, Prof. Lewis, were good from s'art to finish and was a source of laughter for the audience. The judges, Mies Mollis Dodson, H McNamara and Dr. Houston ren dered their decision unanimously in favor of the affirmative. The names of Mr. Harry Wood- house and Rev. C F Rankin have been added to the roll of the Ly ceum. As an initiation for Rev Rankin, he was appointed debater Friday night, this being his first night in tbe hall. nchley'sOplnlon of Dewey. The Associated Press got tbe fol lowing from Admiral Schley, which is interesting on account of its in telligent source : "Admiral Dewey's victory at Ma nila must deservedly take Us place with the greatest naval victories of tbe world's history. It has been urged that tbe results show such deciled inferiority in resistance as compared with the vigor, of attack that there is a diminution of tbe glory, but that is nntrue, for it must be remembered that the greatnesB of Dewey's success lies in the calm courage and daring displayed in his decision to enter a strange harbor, at dark, under tbe gans of many forts and braving the perhaps hid den torpedoes or mines. "It strikes me that with several advantageous fortified positions, the preponderance of advantage was certainly with the enemy, and that witb the great daring displayed by Dewey, there must fall upon bis shoulders the mantle of Perry at d Farragut. From tbe meagre accounts that have been received of the bat tle, it ia evident that despite the great risk every officer and every man knew was being taken, there was not a faint heart in all that squadron, but an enthusiasm and e?prit de corps that could not but win with such a leader. I would note, too, that superior edu cation which brings intelligence, coupled with perfection in marks manship, aided greatly in winning tbe day, and will, I believe, con tribute to futuie victories. Admiral Dewey and eyery man in bis squad ron deserves every recognition that a grateful people and a nation can bestow." Dropped Dead nnridenly. Friday morning about 11 o'clock tbe wife ot Mr. M Luther Bost, who liycs about six miles below Concord, dropped dead, presuma bly of heart disease. Mrs. Bost was an excellent wo man and always had a good name. She was the daughter of Mr. Mack Johnston, who died some years ago. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn tbe loss of a' kind mother and lovable wife. The tuncral of the remains was preached today (Saturday) at Mt. Hermon Lutheran church by Jlev, J D Arnold, pastor of Forest Hill Mothodist church. An Evening; Witb Dinar libny ynm. Tbe Julia Magruder Club meet ng of last Tuesday was made doubly interesting by a "talk" from Mr. E B Letfis ou the Persian poet, Omar Khayyam. Mr. Lewis was moat bappy in his brii4 sketch of ihe man, and read sevtr. 1 beautiful poems from tbe "Rudniyat," Iu bis clear and concise style he in stracted the club on a book which fe find is nameilr-the sixth in a list cf "A Hundred Books for a Village Library" in the Boos man Year Bock. Mr. Lewis held his audience spell-bound, and not till Miss Hill aeryed her delicious refreshments waa the spell broken and the tide of conversation resumed. The hour arrived all too coon to adjourn to tbe court house yard, where the club went in a body to lay their tribute of flowerB on the monument raised in loving memory of our Confederate dead, - Ii. is an evening long to be re. mcmbcred with satisfaction and pleasure by the Julia Magruder Chb. To Preach Ihe Baccalaureate "sermon Rev. W O Alexander has been in vited to preach ihe Baccalaureate sermon at the commencement of the Htatesville Femile College on tbe 29th. Gone to Visit Ilia Father. Mr. Grant Buchanan, of Char lotte, tpent Friday night at tbe home cf bis brother, Sheriff Buoh anan. He was on bis way to Lei. iucrton. where he and h in hrnthr Dr. Ell Buchanan, attend tbe bed side of bis father, who has been paralyzed. STATE OF OHIO. City cf Toledo, 1UCAS COUNTY, I Frnrk J. Cheney mokes oath that he in the Heuior partner of the rirm of F 1 Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Urn ill pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Fbank J Cheniy. Sworn to before me a"d subxeribs ed ia my presence, tho 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. sealT ( A. W GLEASON, ( ) Notary Publio. Hal's Catarrh Cure is taken ins terna'ly and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfces of the sytera. Send for testimonials, free. F. J, CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. Sold by drufrgistp, 75o. As tax collector for the town of Concord and by order of the Com missioners for the town of Concord, and by authority of the laws of North Carolina, Acts 1897, Chapter 1C.I, and Private Chapter 119 of tbe laws 1879, 1 will sell at tbe Court House door in Concord, N. C, on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1898, the following traots of land and town lots in the town of Concord for the taxes due thereon, viz : Ward No. 1. 2 houses on Spring st, 1 vacant lot on Fetzer st., A Al Cook owner. tax . 7.23 7 acres land between Jno. Bulla and railroad, Mrs. Laura Johnson owner, tax 2 21 7 acres between Jno. Bulla and rails road, Miss Rosa Misenbeimer owner, tax 2 21 7 acres land bntween Jno. Bulla and railroad, Miss Alice Misenbeimer owner, tax 2 21 6 acres land between Jno. Bulla and railroad, Jesse Misenbeimer owner, tax 2 lu acres on railroad, Wm. Misen beimer owner, tax 2 10 Lot on Spring St., Lou McDonald owner, tax 1 vj Ward No. 2. Residence on Fourth st.. J M Link owner, tax 4 54 Lot near W jj Robbins, Walter liitchie owner, tax 1 55 House and lot on Main St., Mrs. M A Winecoff owner, tax 4 18 Ward 4. Lot in Coleburg, Catherine Barring er owner, tax al Lot on Happy Hill, Zin Crump owner, tax 91 Lot on Loan st-, Wm. E Harris owner, tax 8 18 Lot on Depot st., Nat Harris owner, tax S 47 Lot in Love Town, Jess 9 Koontz owner, tax 2 56 Lot in Love Town, Jemima Kenedy owner, tax 1 oi Lot in Coleburg, Giles Miller owner, tax - 3 51 Lot in rear X C Strieker?, A M Shu man ownr, tax 77 Lot in Love Town, Alice Still owner tax 89 Lot in Love Town, Catherine Turn er owner, tax 89 JNO. K. PATTERSON. Town Tax Collecto . YOU FURNISH THE FEET WE DO THE REST. That's all we ask you to do 'it r nisb the feet. We will not only do the rest but we will do it well for $2 50. We have everything In' Oxfords except jour feet. An on lies of satisfaction ia worth a ton of talk. Satisfaction goes with every pair of shoes we sell. Respectfully, Dry & Miller, Shoe Furnishers. fobody nerd iiave NtMiroiyia. Got Pr. Mlloif aiu rMU (rim. UruMgist. 'Xuei;e-'ikwo.'' Sale or Taxes lis Royal make) the food pure. wbotesMsne ud iilli iwii. POWDER Absolutely Pure IKTrVAl Wlftirff PflWDfB rl, , NffW VOtm, SCHEDULE fZDQ II In Effect Mar.l, 1898. Ti Thia condensed achednla ia pub lished as information, and ia subject to obange without notice to th publio: Trains Leave Coooord, N. O 9:25 p. m. No. 85 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte ana all points South and South west. Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between New York, Washington, Atlanta, New Orleans, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeper. Dbarlotte to Augusta. Salisbury and Chattanooga. 8:49 a. if. No. 37. daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper Mew York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. Pullman tourist car for San' Franciaoo. Wednesdays and Saturdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 7. daily, from Rioh mond, Washington, Goldnboro, Seima, Raleigb, Greensboro Kuoxville and Asheville to Char otie, N. O. 10; '9 a m No. 11, daily, for Atn anta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Augusta and Norfolk to Greensboro 10:08 a. M. No. 86, daily, for Washington. Richmond. Raleieh and all points No th. Carries Pull man drawing-rc om buffet sleerjer. NewOrleans to New York; Jackson- vine to New York; Chattanooea & Salisbury to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Fraroisoo Thursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 38. daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled, limited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman oar, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Augusta to Richmond. Also oar ries vestibuled ooach and dining oar 7:08 p. m No. 12, daily, for Kioh- mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Ral digh, Norfolk, and all point. North. Carries Pullman sleeping iar from Greensboro to Biohmonds and Greensboro to Norfolk via Ra. leigh and Seima. 6.27 a. m. No. 8, daily, for Rich mond : connects at Greensboro for Raleigh and Goldsboro; at Danville for Washington and points North at Salisbury for Asbville, Knoiv ville and points West. First sections of regular through or local freight trains carry passen-. gers only to points where they stop according to schedule, John M. Cclp, W. A. Tvuk, Traffic M'gr. Oeu'U'ass. Ae'L Frank H. Gannon, Washington, ). O. Third Vice President and Gen 1 manager, Washington. D. C. S.H.Habdwiok, Ass'tGen'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ga W. H. Tailok, Abb 't Gen '1 P. Ag't, .Louisville, Ky. Gowan Dcsenbkbv, Local Ag't, Conoord, N. O. M. B. STICKLE, Attorney at Law,' Concord N. C. &IEUAL ATI hM ION OlVhl 10 COLLjlCIIONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postoffioe. MORRISON H, CALDWELL AITOBtOY AT LAW, CONCORD. N, O' Office in Morris building, pposit Court house. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cures a Prominent Attorney. MU.R.O. PHKLrs, the lpr.rllnppensloii attorney -of N. Y., writes: "I waa dlschurod from tlio army on account of HI heuUtt, and Buffored from heart trouble eTerbiiK e. I frwquttotiy had fainting and smother-in, s-vt s My form waa bent as a znuti of i-.'). I constantly wore anOTorcoat, evun in r, for fi-ar of taking cold. 1 couM nut atU- ut to my by' nms. My ruMt wiut bruL.ra y puvt re pulns about the lu-art and k tii f-houldt r. Thmo years ago I conmicm-t--! lining lr. MUm' iitiart Cure, uotwltliBtuiul. ti-f 1 li-d tm-d so much patent niedk In.: ai ! -il i . rngH fror doctors foryMirs without Mt-.' i. IjHd. Jft Ml leg' Heart t'ur itstoi 'o).ult!i. ; i 111 liUuM n ! t'.is l : is truly a womh-rful in JU;); me much pleasure to tv'-i-m edy to everyone." rV" Dr. Mllos' ltvrjjr,j!v are sold by uil tlrut, r HI Bit UUUIT It pilfllV I"-- A guarantee, first hottl- J , JiJQJ M benefit or mon.y rt- r: , J funded. Hook on UU- Zr'' . . ' ',, J gists under a p-ltiw V eases of the heart and nerves free. AUilrvwa, aU.MILilrti tfiilJlCALOU., jKLMft, 44 'l ?1 i r .I

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