The - Standard. t oiivor1, Ubarns ;our,t, N. Carolna JOHN P. BARRIER & SON, - E.iUors and Proprietors. TitT li;I)AV, MAY 20. i. b'MLrnmse x.t Wewiii be ulJ to furnibh our rond ruany ol the loltowing period! cals in connection with Thk Stand Ai.n at the following prices: Friok Leslie's Weekly, price $4 ; with The Si-andakd 5 J. 00. Atlanta Jourusl; price 8100 w 1 1 Th-: if l ANDA'-O $1 40. Tee New York World, price? 100, with Thk Standahd. !.( Uouio ami l orrn, price 50, with The Btasda d, $1 2j. The Atlanta t.oiiM.itution, price 81.00.with Thk Panpard. 81 The V oman'R lifftll h and Home Journal, prion r0, with 1 iik Saxi Aiu, tJ.i", cr we will give this jor.rr.ul ior a club ot two new cub' KPT. to The 8an.auo. Th-e terms imply strictly cash ia advauce. THE WAY lit ADVOCATES FISIOS "TLo datv of tho Democratic p .rty is plain. It wust destroy P.e pablican rule, ami all other ru'.o vitiated by republican taint, in North Carolina. To do tLis it must be true to its principles, turning neither to the right "ior to the It-ft, and it most ce everj ef fort that in consistent with honor to cany out Domocratio princi pies. It would ba dishonorable for tL8 Democrats BDTfVneie to accept aa allies uioa who support the crjli Uandard or ni'gro domi nation, and dfeat would be thousand times to be preferred than any alliance with those who are committed to either the gold standard or negrirule The Democratic convention ou"ht to sock to find a common rround upon which it and the 30. 000 or 40,000 former Democrats who left the party in lS'.i'J, can stand and fight shoulder to should er for the restoration of the con d.tiouB that prevailed in Noitl Carolina when Vance was the great party leader. la there wis itnm finonrrh in the white men Of the State to forget the past, lay aside prejudice, trample side w sues under foot, and make a great campaign to utterly crush the power of the negro and his base allies ? If Vance were alive there is pot room to doubt that he would find or make a w ay tor each united action aa would drive the goldbugs and negrophilists out of power with the thunder of pub lie indication. Is the spirit of Vance dead ? Is there no Moses in iih out of tiie wilderness of an oppressive federal ftdministra- tion and a ecandaious State ad- ministration into the promised lanJctju;'- legislation and clean government ?" 'e6 and Obser ver. And this is tho way the News and Observer advocates fusion or s ".' co-operation with tho party that is responsible for the conditions ; ot which it complains. ' If offering to fuse now at the ' "'bidding of Marion Butler, who has f,hut the Senatorial door ueaiubt i himself in 1900, through the lie- publican alley, which he d:d by a clear cane of betrayal and treach ery, we say, if this is not turning iar to the left we do not know what would be. If such a course, too. is honorable, we uust learn ' a now code of moral. Who, too, is so committed to the gold stand ard as the party that the ropu'.itU ' hae been co-operating with? ; And who made ceicro rule possible in North Carolina but the Popn--, litrt party ? ,: There is a good broad common ; "fcxuid for all lovers of good gov ernment in the Slate and. we are vtry muck miatakon if there are not a pooilly number ot honorable i I'opnlielH in Cabarrus county who 4 would think more ot themselves 1 and of the Democrats it this co 1 operation had never been men tioned and they had been simply uncounted to walk in at the front ; door of Democracy where they j would soon have felt nt home and ' where they would have shared i'(jiiLiy itn V'tiitlits and its to- HpoiiBibih'ies. Hhi.ll we t t lack, as tho Newt, I Mid Observer fmeits, the uO.000 or -tO.Wo lVpuli.-.ts by a course a! Which they will laugh, at us iu wrt- t And if we should get thorn back aia they worth more tluii tho ininieiiflc number O' luiooMta that we thall drive , . .... . i. l ami iiiaiii'-ronce ov o.biio. V ........ .1 ll.o. ... tnch pi Vi' ":1V t' V ,t.,.i .lo not believe thut the Douicoiats aJ aetimted by pteju- it CO b,, t'.c whole l'oujochh-j iiyt.d itttheotlu'O trac'irg l';l.i Oi fusion of the Populists and the Republicans and they fetl that they would now be rich ly earning the contempt of all high minded men in forming an alliance with the party that stands ready to accept terms from just any party at all. It we understand the temper of the Democracy of Cabarrus it is that if there are but two beds and there is a negro in one and a white man in the other who has been bleeping with the negro and will do ho again svhen it suits, the Demo cracy will simply sleep on the iloor. Lastly we wonld say to the edi ior of the News and Observer, whose personal friendship we priic, that it seems to as an act of desecration like throwing mud and blinio on that monument at Ashev ' :o be using the name cf Caroli .... 1'ivorite son in advo. eaey o.' e. measure so repoguant to the no '.. impulses that rise in a Caroih -.'Hi's bosom at mention of the rai of Vance. t.O.: jBOlItVSIEITIII.O. We ' . st heartily congratu late th .emocracy of Cabar- ros it. representative body last t?a raay. The con.ven. tion ws vtry harmonious and business like. But one little diiTerer. h occurred and that was goc Nhumored, Mr. V G Means was unani moualy '-adorsed and will go before t' e judicial convention with a g od strong pull for the solicitor hip for this the 8th district. We et penally congratulate the Dem eracy of the county on the fiif, spontaneous and spirited opposition to all fu sion or cooperation with other paities. The following is the resolution verbatim: "Resolved, That the dele sates from Cabarrus county to the Democratic State, Judicial and congressional conventions are hereby instructed to vote against fusion or co-operation with any party or faction of any party for any purpose whatsoever." Every vote in convention was enthusiastically cast for the resolution save those of the delegates from No. K township, and their negative vote was said to mean an un wiliingness to instruct. It is stated on good authority that this delegation would have made the vote unanimous if it had been asked to do so. The fact that no effort had teen mads to pack the cons vention or influence the dele gates to cast the vote as they did proves beyond a cavil that the party in the county is un quniifiedly opposed to laying its principles aside to help any other party to tiiumph at its expense. When we consider that the free coinage of silver is looked upon by so many as being the very key to restored pros perity and that its great cham pion, vVni. J Bryan, and Nas tional Chairman Jones, have appealed eo strongly for just any combination that would ten ! to centre all its advocates upon one grand effort to get free coinage we are impressed that the Democrats of Cabar rn5 are doing their own think ing. It is to be hoped that our delegation will attend the con vention in Raleigh Thursday iu full furee and will stand firmly against this unwise and ruinous tendency to walk right into Marion Butler's trap. ; Let the protest be made with vigor now at the right time. It is better to hold the Democracy together by a sen- pible and dignified course (and let the Populists choose or then sol yes) than to win the disrespect and even the contempt of all parties to raich a few that are oo the hlorkfor the highest bidder. If the convention should follow the leanings of that hot bed of party debauchery in Wake county it will merit the t.'.untd and the contemptuous sneers thut the Populists are wont to bestow upon the party. Let it1! stand firm. Two Ja;s tu ,):e and we shall si nhether thut britlar tick shall agi tate th tfci till ihe tail wgs the dog. WE BICCl RE F THE OMHIMIOM. Our apologies are due and are hereby tendered to Misses Eliza beth Mary Vose, ot Georgia, and Margaret Ella Walter, of Concord, whose names belong in the list of graduates of Mont Amcena Fe male Seminary for the claBS of '98. The explanation is that the entire program was handed to the printer but in some way only ac counted for by general human imperfection the two names were overlooked and the proof reader did not detect the ommhsion. We hope this will be as satisfactory to these young ladies as it is possible for us to make it. DO VT rill A GREAT WAR. It is ra'hcr unaccountable that mny of our people drift into a f ar fn', gloomy mood about oar war with Spain, and iimgitie tbey fere Sie a long, hard itrog?!e thtt is to involve the n&iions of the world iu one grand impolitic nd futile war fare. If there U 8'uort good reason for mcb farj me cin't see it. Ootgide of bonds held aa'ndt Spain tbat are j-opard.:i d by her folly, and the little jmpa'.h 'ot a monarchy oer. tat of a Republic, there is noth tig tbat does cot friendship with the United States m re n-torb!e and desirable to Europe than tbt of Spain. What have th nations to fear or hope for in Spain? What have they not to dread ia the alienation of the Uoi'ed States, and what advantages are not opm to every European nation in friendly intercourse with the United Slates? II id the United State goce it to this war precipiU e!j and uoad fisedly there might have b.en some pro'etti, bat ner cause mast com' mend lUelf to the world in tbii ad. vanced stage of civilization. There is too much to lose and too little to gain by the nationi of a rope for tbem to be taking a hand in this warfare. If our people be nothior more over which to spend s'teplew nighU than that tbii ia to be a kind of interminable world war they should f'eep lonndly and ecjiy calm, sweet night vision. We wish it distinctly understood that we do not wish to keep any honorable minded Popolist from re turning to the Democratic laaki where be shall ficd a hearty wel come and his most congenial com pany, bat to make a bargain by bich we virtually endorse all the devilment to which the party bat contributed for the last four years and by which we must vote to keep in office an unacceptable let of meo is what we are not ready to stoop to yet. If the Populists ant good government in the State tbty know full well in what party to help get it and if they w.nt office they need not fear that their merits will be overlooked inside of the D.'mocratio party. The door ii open. What on earth li the matter witb oar I anon Democrats tbat tbey would accept Marion Butler's terms ot co operation and have 140,000 Democrats to make a dishonorable, humiliating bargun (no honorable one is or can be offered) on the pre" ten e of reuniting with as tome of the 30,000 or 40,000 Populists in the State ? Effect tbat fusion if yon dare and you will see the spirit rising op which ha made the Democracy a Brand old pirtj. It will be a bad day for politics in the old North State when Marion Butler is to tell the Democrat o boi'i what tbey may or may not do at be has baen doing the Populists. Tnink of Batter watehicg to tee whether the Democrats are really the fco's be bat been counting tbem to be, and whether they will bow and tip the sceptre as he fa olds it oat to tbem. Ah, if they will but do that it will be easy to secure an other Senatorial term. How nicely, too, it has been working. Several woald be leaders in the ranks, hoping to be the ebhfest in a pros pective kingdom, alrtady won, wbat is to diatuib his train of tri nmphs bat the little matter of fail- are in his Pritchard treacherj? Onslow, Pender, Brunswick, New Hanover, Bladen and Robinson in iberaLkswitb Johnston tx'ending the hand across Wake to tbe West in refusal to march under tbe BnU ler Banner! Let tbat anti-fusion voice that 11 nomietakable in its earnestness be heard und beidtd at the right time Tbnrsday. Gen. Wheeler wants Bon. Wm. J Br j n Appointed oo his staff. We were und.r the impression that Mr. Bryan ii tryiDg to get up a regiment and that the chancel are 16 to 1 that he will get it op. L1STE.1 ilDllttn. "The Star warns delegates to the State convention who do not favor the Kussell-Butler fusion proposition that a desperate effort will be made at Raleigh to induce tho representatives of the 150,000 Democrats of the State to Bur render to the leaders ot 15,000 Populists. There is no doubt whatever that a very large ma jority of the dtlegatrs appointed to the State convention are op posed to the disgraceful barter of votes tor offices embodied iu the Ku&sell- Butler plan ; but it is the delegates ho attend conventions who control Mum ; and every dele gate who does rot wish to sec the complete disiuptiou acd demorali zation of the Democratic party on the very thresho'd of the cam paign should coubidir it a patri otic duty to attend theeonvention, acd to be on the ground mriy. "Forewarned is foro;rmtd." Wilmington Star. ji'tr thk mrs r or lr. Corgreatnian William F Strcni, Populist, of the fourth district, has written a letter to Mr. Thad. Stalling, of Clayton, Johnston count supposing Mr. Stalliugs to be a Populist on the subjee cf "cooperation," in which he states three propositions, and adds this: 1. Co-operation with Bryan Democrats. 2. Cosoperation with the the Republicans. 3, Straight Populist ticket, The adoption of the two lat ter propositions means defeat without first making a propo sition to the Democrats on the first proposition. That is to say, trade with the Democrats, if a trade with them can be had; otherwise trade with the Republicans; but if for any reason no trade can be made with either, then a straight Populist fight for the principles of the party Mr. Stroud proclaims his crowd a gang of mercenaries, out for nothing but stuff. Charlotte Observer. We regret exceedingly to say or do anything that tends to widen the breach between former com rades now arrayed in two parties that ought to be one and would be but for the disturbers of the But ler kind that know so integrity themselves and can conceive of none in others, and we might have had our own feelings spared and we wonld gladly have spared the feelings of Populists, many of whom we personally like, but for the fact that Mr. Butler and even Governor Puissell is endorsed and justified and ia the same breath they impugn the sincerity of the Democrats and make, 'or rather Bo?s Butler makes, a proposed test of Democratic sinoerity by of fering to unite with us against tbe Republicans if we will give them the offices that tbe Republicans gave them. It is absolutely brazen and were we to accept it we would expect to gain their own dire con tempt. We think more of many of our Populist friends than to be lieve that tbey expect us to do so silly a thing. Butler is brazen enough for anything and that Senatorsbip is at stake. It is a desperate eflort with him but let him reap the harvest of contusion, the seeds of which he has been sowing ever since he has been be fore tbe people. Wouldn't it beat all prece dent and a little of old "Scratch" himself if the Pops ulist party here in its hour of shame for its late record and in its time of near approach to disintegration, should lay a succestfnl trap right before the eyes of the Democrats by which to work a disintegration of the old molher party and upon Democratic folly get a new lease on its unworthy ex istence? We wish every delegate to the State convention could read in the Charlotte Obseiver of Tuesday the double column editorial agaist fusion and compare its dig nified and lo6ical tone with ihe editorials of some of its Pop-Democratic antagonists whose sophis try might mean just anything were not enough absurd, prejudicial slurs thrown in to show the auth ors to be thoroughly unenviable in their illogical deductions and their dangerous tendencies. ACTIVITY ENOUGH But Ho 1 krtlllna Event Trplrl Forces to MnallK. There is simply much activity manift-st in tbe war movemeut to day but if there is any real fight ing it ix not yet reported. Home native Cuban volunteers from Florida have probably land ed on the ialaud but whetbrr it is tho purpoeo to make a rush for Cuba i not altogether certain, though it seems the troops Are be ing hurried to the Southern pors. As for the wheieabouts of the fleets there is nothing reliable and the reports that they have nut and that a number of Spanish ships haye been sunk is not a fact. The greatest euergy is being exerted at San Francisco to send aid to Dewey. The Charleston passed out of the Golden Gate Snndiv morning. It is espeeted that the City of Pekin, the City of Sidney, the Australia, and the Monterey as an esoort, will leave with troops early this week. This Monterey, by the way, ia a monitor and is said to be tho mont powerful of iU kind in the world. When it arriyes at Manila Dowey will hardly need any more. . Daily of 23rd. NO DEF1N1 TtTnkTsS Hit! Ihe BIk Battle hj Be liter 1 he Mrltien Snip Turned LooneTlte t nhxna Want to DtntnKiilh Tbeni aelvre. 1 here is a paiof al lack of d. tiniie neestu the tiewj sbjut the principal seat of war. It is not well known even bj tbe government probably just where the tl eis arr, (bough since we w.o'e the aboye the dupatcb comes that the great naval battle has been fought and tbat Sampson has duplicated the Dewey victory. We shall hop that it is true ti'l oorrected. Tbe British .ship captured and brought into Key West Monday was not a subject of rr'zu and was promptly released. The Cubans are getting nettled at the rt flection tbat they cannot be depended upon, and are Siid to be aggressive. They drove off some Spanish Monday that tried to keep them from the coast. They promise to distinguish themselves ye. There is no doabt that the delay to enter (Juba is due to the presence of the Spinith fhetin Cuban waters Daily ol 24.h. It is a inu'n pleasure to nop tllu r. cii.d l'.al.v.e Lu.e cm to term an i are settling t ha'. Niger question iu Africa that has threat ened a war between those two pow. era. Hid Spain had a seme of justice toward her colonies or a sens ! of her foolhardiness in p'aying spunky with the United S'airs there need cot have been a war. STATE OF OHIO. Citt cr Toledo, Lucas County, ) Frxrik J. Cheney makes oath that be is tbe senior partner of tbe hi m of F i Cheney & Co., doinu business in ine City of loledo, County and State aforesaid, and tbat suid rim will pay the sum of Oue Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cuied by the use ol Hall's Uatarrn (Jure Fbank J Chenit. Sworn to before me and subcrib ed in my presfence, tho 6th day of December, A- L). lso. JsealT ( A. W GLEASON, (- ) Notary Public Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken'ini ternally and acts directly on the blood and muoous surioes or tbe sjteiu. Send for testimonials, free. F. J, (JHJSJNJiX & JO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c, arriac at ait. AMeaeaat. On this (Wednesday) evening at 8.30 p. m. at the residence of tbe bride, Miss Bessie Mieenbeimer, of Mr, Pleasant, daughter of E q. Ja cob Misenheimer, deceased, will be married to M'. Aagastas Jame : Rev. A K Wiley performs the cere mony. Mits Misenheimer ;u one of Mt. Pleasant' most estimable . young ladies anJ belongs to one of the best families in oar county, the is a sister of Mrs. Sheriff Bacbanan, of this place. Mr. J.imes is superintendent of the Kindley cotton mill at that pUce, and formerly lived in Char lotte. Discovered By a Woman. Another great discovery has bean made, and tbat too, by a lady io this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs W6re nr.- dermined and d.ath seemed immi nent. For three maoihs sb coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purcbaeing of ui a Lottie of Dr. King's Now Discovery for consumption, and was so much relieved on taking tbe first dose, tbat she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cuied. Her name is Mrs Lather Lutz. Thus writes W C Hannick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle tree at P. B. Keizer's drng store. Keglar size 50c and $1.00. Every bottle guaranteed. A Til HILLING ACCOUNT or tho Bombardment ef Nan Juan Written By n Hnrcesn on In De Irolt-A Reliable Aeeoaal and la tereallac From ea-laalas lo Kart. The following aocoont of tbe bombardment at San Joan was re ceived from Dr. Victor Means, who is surgeon in the gan boat Detroi', which was written to bis brother, Mr Q o. W "We left Key West oo tbe nigbt of tbe 3rd of May and arrived off Havana the next day at noo: . Im mediately the Flagship joined ns and o durfd tbe Detroit, I iwa and Indiana to go with her to the wests ward at full speed ; off Cardenas e picked op the Montgomery ard tbe two monitors, A mpbitrite and T'er ror. We sooj learned our destina tion was with S mpsou at Porto R 0). I sap pose you bare read the account of tbe bombwdmenf, hows ever I sill try to tell yon about it. Our great hope wua to meet the Spanish tquadron ei hrr outside of the harbor of S n Juan, or if pos sible to ea ch tbm napping, in wbich cue we would bav. con centrated tbe fire of the entire rqoadrcn on tbe first ship that same out and sweep her at the month of the harbor, whero theie is already a sunken vessel, soppoied to be fitted with itjcuaiice; this woald have CauipV.ely blocked the entrance, and hiniuiid the euomy in, and e would hate tired at lpinrr. - We arrived at Sn Jaau on tbe evening ef the 13th before daylight. We immediately went in oolumn of bittle arranged in the following or. der: Detroit leading the Iowa (temporarily flagship), Indians, New York, Amphitnte, Terror and Mont gomery, wbich stopped at tbe wes bide of harbor to silence, if neces ear?, a small battery on thai tide called Camelo. Tbe Detroit was 1 000 yards ahead of the Iowa. The Detroit passed in front of Morro, the main battery on the eistside of the harbor, distant 1,100 jardi, just about tie break ff day. All was silsnt in the fort and nothing to be teen or heard. At 5 15 tbe Iowa reached the front of the fort and bi gsn to open fire, in about ten min ates the fort replied, each of the other ships coming up in suooeadoa ana bring as rapidly as they could and you can truly say that it was the liveliest revielle tbe Spaniard in that fort ever hid. As eooa the ships readied the point where tbe Detroit had stopped and which bad been designated by the Admiral for os to st p, they went to port and circled anond to the west and came op a . The Detroit had been ordere 1 to stop there la case tbe fleet was inside so as to dis'.roy any tor pedo boits that m'ght run oat of the harbor. After running tbe fiont of Morro, it was thought . tb-tt she woald be in a comparatively safe spot as there was supposed to be on the treat sUonnlya I nail battery, which ihe Detroit cju J easily s'l euc. But lo! ind behold 1 on that du was tbe largest and most power ful battery and still further east smaller but powerfal b-itteiy, to we were between a cross tire and there i; stayed tor n arly tnree qi trier of an boar until the terror passed n',t the Flagship fjc some reason fii'i tg to signal in. It ii a miraole that we were col b o-vd into atoms, bat we were not touched. Toe AJ. miral told Captain Dayton tbat be expected ni to be riddled before we got cut. Ai soon a the Terror passtd we followed ahd when outside tbe Flagship signalled the Mont gomery and Detroit not to follow. Toe other ships then circled aronnd twice more, each stopping in front of the fort i short while, pouring in broadside after broadside. Then we withdrew. The Spaniardi were still popping away. Xbere is no telling the damage done, bat the slacgbt r mast have been terrible On the New York one man was killed and three in jared by pieces of bnrsted shell wbiob pierced a smokestack. Three were injured on ths Iowa. N farther damage was done to th. ships or ciew. I do not know wbj the Admiral disc ntinatd the firing until tbe ba'teries wr-re silenced, piob.bly to taie ammunition, as we did not know then where the Spans ish iqiadron was, and when it might tarn op, bes des it did not pis if; our munia- the n.k cf crip plini our fl et at that time. I enclose yoo a rough drawitig bich will give you a little idea of the attack. To appreciate tLe danger you must renumber that the Spaniards had modern guns acd tbey arc sighted to aho-. from 4 000 to 7,000 tardi ith comparative ao- curacf, and fanbe', tbe Detroit has no aide armor only a protected dtck a: d a modern rifle 3 loch shell ill go thiough her lik-t a minnu ball through an inch pine p!aok. I'l e Spaniards were undoaOttdU firing soae 12-inch shells. Beatnal Faat jrellna. J. M. McQolrick, of Mac m. Ga., was killel at Atlanta Thursday night at 10 o'clock. He was training for a vace and accidentally struck a post and crushed his skull. Oeath was instantaneous. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN TIIE COURTS 'OUR EIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADEMARK. 7, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now tear rf' yvrrrT' on every the facsimile signature of Uuvffi&&t wrapper. This is the original "CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. . LOOK CAREFULLY at the kind you have always bought vifTI5Z on and has the signature of OCiMv. wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company, of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. Mareh24' im'QjL U-.i. Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THS CCNTAUN COUPAHV, TT MURRAY TRT. NKWVORK MUCH SICKNESS Keperted about Oritan t'hnrce from Oar Correspondent. Mr. J C Foutz has been quite sick for several weeks He has been suffeiins with a disease of the stomach. His condition is now critical in deed. Rev. J C Denney, who has been in feeble health for quite a while is gradually growing worse. . Rev Denny has a disease of the head. He is now perfectly blind and en- tirly unconscious. The dr nght has at last been broken. Ou Sunday night we were yisitea wit a a heavy rain and wind Last Monday niht we had an other gully washer and trash mover Miss Alice Powlas, who has been working in the China Grove cctton Mills, came home last week on the sick list, having had chills the previous weeK. U No Hoo. Yellow Jaundice Cored. Sufferljg humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "Tbis is to certify that I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the boat pyeioian" in our city and to no avail. Dr. Bell, our drugfjM, recommended jSlectric Bittir ; and after taking two bottles I wes entirely cured. I now take greit pleasure in recommending iheua to any person sunoring from hid leirible malady. I am grntt fu'ly yours, M. A. H"eartv, Lfx insrtoo. Ky." Sold by P B Fotzer's Drug Store. For Over Fl IT Venrs Mrs. Win8lr v's Hootbing dyrnp has been Vcd for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect buo. i cess, it soothes the child, noftei.8 the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and la the beat remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists ia every part of the world, Twenty-Aye cents a bottle, Bd sure aid ask for "Mrs. Winslows SootL its: Syrup." and take no otber kirH. tONCOUU MAKS.K1& COTTON MARKET. Corrected by Cannons & Fetzer. Qood middling 6 10 Middlings 5 60 Low mHdlin 5 40 Stains 5 10 PRODUCE U Annul (Jorrected hv Swina & White. liacoa 8 Sugar-cure 1 cams 21 3ulk meats jvxbb 8$ Jeeswax HO Butter 1 ol5 "hickecs 15-25 Jorn 60 Eggs 10 r-ard 8i f.. n (North Carolina) f3 50 Weal GO Oat 40 alio' , . 50 NEW Ice Cream Freezer ! The best thine ia the world It. f ed loeiu ijothree niiuuits with only three pounds of ice. If TURNS II OUT IN ROLLS. Any child can f e z cream with it. If ioa want afretzdr ive me a II st ra store, or let me know ar.d 1 will briog it to)oi r residence nd sbow you how easilv it ia ked. Tte price of this ex silent freizer is only $2 60, Sold only by J. W. FURR, Store at Cannonvilleon West Mill 8treet. dA iD2fl the wrapper and ee that it is I GETTING READY ror Commencement Pleasant Vislllna; Over Hcw- at Mt. Bnscbalt News Culleice News. The final examinations at the College ire being held this week. Look out boys. The band boys tell us that they are ready to furnish mu-ic for the Commencement exercises. We learn that Dr. Miller has changed the program of his Commencement exercises. The annual concert will be held on Wednesday night in stead ol Tuesday night The drama which was to have been played on Wednesday tight will be played on Tuesday night: Tbe Pf. Sigma Phi Literary Society will not have their orators contest commence ment. There will be a game ot ball here next Saturday even ing. The Freshman class at the College will cross bats with the rest of the col lege. It promises to be an interesting came. We had quite a thunder storm here last Monday night. The 'phone in Cook & Foil's store was barned one Mr. H G Ritz, of Concord,. is hanging paper in the hotel,. We are always glad to have Mr, Ritz in our town because he is ever ready to crack his jokes and keep the crowd inai fit of laughter. Mr. Press Ludwig, of Gor- gia, brother, of Prof. H T J Ludwig, is expected to be in tow n in a few days. Tiie news that admiral Samp son had met the Spanish fleet and destroyed it reached ns today (though we learn since thut it is. incoreel). This was w.lcome news indeed. Let the good work go on.. Did we say good work? May be a. war can never bo caihd good', work, but it is the very beht we' could do in this caso. Whilst wex are into it, may tho God of Jubticei take our army and navy int His: protecting arms and let us teach the tieachorons Spaniard a lossOn which they will never forget, and if need bo lot in wipe the Spanish x government ou of existence and rid the world of such a hot-headed blood tl irsty people. We are sorry to learn that the Faculty ot North Carolina College, deemed it expedient to expell two yoiug men fiom the college on . lust Friday night. A Nother.. Boeklen s arniva ... The Best Sie in m-.p nor'(7 feV Outs, Krui8rs, Hores, Ulce Salt tthcuu., Kever ttorfs, J'etterd.t appr Hands, Chilblains, Corns ai.d ale tin Eruptions, and roHiiinlj cures iVs or no pav r. qni-eii. It is aracteed to giu stalisfac.t on ol monev refnnded. I'rict 25 cii.i -is per ox Kor sal at P It Fetw . ' ')rug A. B. GOODMAN, M. D. I respectfully solicit the prof. sion al services of the community. All calls will ba'ly attei.did. My Oniaeisat the re.,ide ce of Davis Barrier, at R'mer N 0 Afg. 25. HOoiv, OVCI I, lienall o:li ill (Jiu '.: ...(., i iu, overalls) ..i.i i ( Iiy fu cures, ' M"'' i'. '..'.i to-if il.'.l.tliuA. r;L0f'3 i uiiiioBi. L