r. A ,'. - The - Standard. -TUKN-iOUl' GOOD - JOB - WORK o AT LIVING PMCES. Give us a Trial. . APPLICATION MADE For Will !tnrilMK,r, ofonr County, t B Taken lo tn lnane A My In in at MorKHDtou. The. condition of Mr. Will Bar ringer, of No. 0 township, whose mind became deranged over a week ago, is not any better. Dr. Laflerty, the county physioian, to gether with some of the citizens in that vicinity, made application today (Saturday) for his admit tance to the insane asylum at Mortranton. Bamniter almost roIuscB to talk to anyone, even his home folks. He will not let anyone help him, and will not take, off his shoes at night. One of the causes of the de rangement, we are informed, ie his bad health, and his incessant study on the subject of religion. Mr. Barringer is about 37 year6 ot age. He has been married but his. "wife has been dead about 4 years. lie has always been an exceptionally quiet man. THE TROOPS IN OOOD CON DITION. Gen. Mll Kelurim From TmnpH to Wnnf uiclon Uelulorceiiienln H ill Hot tie Hint to Ueu. Hliufler The Cadlx Flf-t to Ncnre Araiii-ttloomy NltiinlKm In ilmil.u. Gen. Miles' reiurn to Washs ington is snid to have inspired much s:aitf.ioticn in tLat he reported a satisfactory cond Hon of the troops. It is not believed that it will be neces sary to send a reinforcement to Gen. Sliaf ter. Th consid eration of the expedition to Porto Kico is now claiming attention. There seems little doubt that that is to be the next objective point to suffer as little delay as possible. The exchange of Lieutenant Hobson and 1 is seven heroes la retarded and gives no lit tle inconvenience and anx lety. Gen. Blanco claims that he has not been authorized to make the exchange. In the meantime through fear that they are in El Morro nothing can be done to demolish that fort, which in itself may be causing the delay. The departure of the He t from Cadiz is again intended to bother somebody. The most gloomy situition exists in Manila, according to dispatches. There are heavy desertio -.8 of Spanish native soldiers to the insurgents and the Spaniards will soon have to retreat into the walled part of the city if the it.surgents continue to pre s them. The good ne vs part is that the in surgents are not c n mittiog excesses as Ins been fear.d all the while tint they would It is even said that Captain General Augusti's family has been captured by the insnr gents. "We tjld .little Dick he could choose hie own birthday present." "What did he choose?" " He eaid he would take a soda fountain ai.J a bass drum." Chi cago Record. S Mothers! nTin diticom- I fnrta and dunpers of child-birth can K almnflt rn tircly avoided. V Wlneoi taruui relieves ex- peclunt nioth eri. It givea t eto the gen ital organs, and puts tneui " . . condition to do thell work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shortens labor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. bas slso brought happiness to thousands of homes barren Jor i-ears. A few doses often brings oy to loving hearts ihat long or darling baby. No woman ihould neglect to try It for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardul. fi.oo per bottle. For saVtee In twnilrlnr rell direction!, xldrrM. tMn ymploms, fh '! uJle.' AHvlwry Deputing i ,"' Th Ch.tunca Mcdlclno Co.. OhntU ngora. Twin. Mrs. BIMIBI fli Hytl . hi3 Mfi m.rrl.d ton, noDim -- VOL.X--NO 337, SITUATION SATHFAOTOity. e Cubnn Join the Murine ami Thf) Ilslvo . the NiiiitiitlH llnbbl Nwittir Around NmuiIhko nttd ThIim a Cluou Lnntlluir rinee Ihr Veaiilvua Minkes I i TIiIuk on Her f'lrt Erfurt. The situation about the point of interest now that of Santiago ie f airily progressive and satisfao'orv. At Ouautanimo the marines have ben j lined by a Lumber of in ur gentg and ae disposed to advance rather than to retitat. The; attack ed the guerillas Wednesday and cap-turc-d their camp and killed about 40 Spaniards. None of the marines was seriously hurt. Two Cubins were killed and four were wounded. The impKtancs of the vic'.ory heB m the marines' filling up the im portant source of water, a good well, and it U probable the bushwhack iog may be much lees troublesome. Much satisfaction is felt that the Cubin Commander Babbi has passed arojnd Santiago and has captured the town of Aguadores about fire miles8uth of Santiago where there ire good noti wharves, suitable foi landing the heavy artillery which Gen. Sbaf u r "has sun his ejpedi tioa. ' From Gen. Babbi'g circuit it wis found that the Spanish coninidnder hits drawn in hu line around San tiago practically giving up the suburban towns. Admiral Simpson ordered the New Orleans to destroy some new defensive works a half a mile east of Muro Wednesday. The admiral taw tbe work don and singnaled to cease Snug after 20 minutes of op eration!!, and complimented tbe crew. The Ves v.ns was pat to work s on after she j nued the fl.et and sent three two-hundred pound charg s of gun cotton that landed with such terrific force an to j ir the Am?r'cn (1 et two miles away. Much sa'iefaction was eiprtssed at this Grst effort of the dynamite cruiser. Daily of June 16. A Mull or Tin (toldicra. War Oorreep9Ddeat Fied Merritt has the following to eay ab)ut Quo . Lee's stuff : ' Q n Lee, as everybody knows, ie an ideal leader. Not only has be the instincts aod bearing of a sol dier, but he has a record ot which anyor e, scldjer or civilian, ruibt be proud. But his staff that, fu Kud- yard Kipling would say, is another s'oiy. It i-, with oae or two no'able eiuip ioLS, co po'ed of tin so'diers m n who know LOtbinif of tbe du ties nq'iiied of (hem, and who have little to recommend tb m beyond the fact, tbut they a e the sots of 'htir fathers. A'tgetler it is a s iff most f arfu ly and wonderfully mad". For ins'a-c, (hire in on i Qeiitnl L t'i on son, 0,-ner Grint's k anelsun, ViCd-lYetideui Jobiirt's s .n, a Cbun wbo can r-penk bat Ir'le ig'iab, and olbitt whose npromtui' nt oe to them b virtue of u strong political pull rutber th iu b cause of a'jy mi itar train ng or fitness for tbe poai ion. "And this, more than any other thing," said a prominent army effioor 10 me o uQ le-ntitilly the o.hi r night, ia tbe e-juoe of tbe deli'y in tqaip ptng the St ven b corpi. The tH'Cir wboce business it is, ei'.her do not kn w bow to ba e it do ,e or know ing, the j aie Dfg'ecting their daty." This t'fflner went on to say tb t he bad been at Cbickamauga, and be had seen regimen's come iuto csmp there at badly (quipped as any lha' osme here, and et they were dm pletely fitted cut and armel within three days after their arrival. None, be said ever bad to wait more ihiu a week, and all became the staff cL Goers knew their business. Here the North Carolinians havt b.'tn in camp over three weeks and etill they need many things. Tnir latter remaik applies as well to tb other regiments here. ' Annn Gonlds llunlinnd Flttlna n Ouel Paris, June 14 Count de CualeU lane, the husband of Anna Gould, fought a duel this morning with Henri Turot, tbe editor of the Petite Republigue Francairie. 's Three rounds were fought, eworde being tbe weapons used. Turot was wounded in each round, the wounds being only slight in the first two; in the third a severe wound n the right forearm ended the duel. Tbe duel was the outgrowth of Editor Turot'd comments on an net of infanticide by a servant ii the count's household. Telegram. Tbe ills that never come are tbe f untaitis from whxh flow the bit terest strami if human wretchedness. The N. l PRE -IS CONVENTION " It Heeioai Wajmevlll June 03 and ti:t, I-H -vhol WliM the Ed Horn Talk t bum. Pit ORAM. Wednesday, June 22, Morning Sefs'on, 9 o'clock. The convention will be called to order by the presi dent. Prayer. Address of welcome by Mayor B B Ferguson. Iw?spone by Mr. U A London, of tbe Pitteboro Record. Short additss on '-Waycesville ae a Health Resort," by Dr. J Howell Way. President's address. Report of Eiecutive Committee, appointing committees, eto. Afteriioou SjBaion, 3 o'clock. Reading of Historian's Paper by Mr. R A Deal, of the Wilkeeboro Cbroninle. Miscellaneous bJsineBS, motitoB, resolutions, etc. Carriage drive to Old Field Top. Night SeeBion, 8 30 o'clock An nual oration by Mr. W 0 Djwd, of the Charlotte News. "WaynesviUe, Past, Present and Future," by lion. K D Gilmer. Reading of Annual Poem by Mr. Joaephus Daniels Thursday, June 23, Morning Ses s'on, 0 o'clock. Eiaay "Yellow Journalism What is It, and What Should We Learn From it ?" Mr. D J Whiohard, of the Greenyille Refiector. Eisay "Ho to Baild Up the Uircula'iou of a Weekly Papei" Mr. A S Carson, of the Sparta Star. Eieay ' Isa Flat Rate for Ad vertising Desirable and Prlcticible for No-th Carolina Newspa, erd ?"' Mr. IfR Clark, of the S?at3ville Land nark. Ejsay "The Foreign Advertiser What Shall We Dj With Him V Mr. J W Btlley, of the biblical re corder. Discussion on the above papers ill follow. Special order, 11 u'dock, election f officers. Afternoon Session, 3 o'clock. Discussions on suggestions in Presi dent's Message, motions, resolutions, eo. FOR FOUR YEARS. Caldwell, the Neitr Who lln Hern Collevtlgir Money for tbe Colcninn Fnetory Without Autuorlljr, Goei to the Penitentiary For several years a negro named R A Caldwell, has been giving War ren Coleman of this place some trouble by collecting money. Since the Coleman factory baa been being built he has been going over our S'ate collecting fnnds for the Cole man factory, when he had no au fiority in tbe least to collect any f.indc For tho labt several months cfli rerB have bjcu on hie track atd some time ago he was arres ed at Fayuttoville. He was tried and fou-.d guilty at the mngiotrate't our'. Tbe superior court has just met at Fayettoville and a card re ceiled this (Thursday) rnorniiip from Fayetteville by Warren Co'e man announces that Caldwell was found guilty and sentenced to the penitentiary for four years Tbe jury were out only three and a half minutes in making their decision. Caldwell, it h thought, ia from Greeubboro. Ia quite a number of instances Caldwell would call to gether a iTiPOtriig of thn citizens of the different towns and would col lect the money and put it in his own pocket. In the IIom; lnl CorM. Mr. Bruce Moore, who formerly worked at the bleachery, and who went with Cap'ain Hill's couipauj from here, has now bee a transferred to the Hospital Corps, which has re cently been organized. When Mr. Moore first went there he was giyett a position in the Division hoepital and has now been enlisted in regular service for three years, instead of two yeirs, as a priyate. Tbry will be allowed commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents pjr day, i' being impracticable for the govern ment to furnish them subsistence. . A Wouuderi Koidler, A soldier passed through on No. 3G Wednesday morning on his way to tbe hoepital at Washington City, he being taken there for treatment. A week or two a;o while aotiug as guard on tbe pla'forin of one of the cars while going from Mobile to Tampa, be wag thrown io some way between the cars. His leg wai out eff ji'St above tbe ai kle, but blood poison having set in;' big leg had been amputated three times and was uotbta'ina yet. The last time it was amputated above tbe knee. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE23 Ordered to Lent. Madrid, June 13 Duke Aim -dovar de Rio, Minister of Foreign Aff.irs, bat ordered Senor I)n Bjsc foim r Spanish charge d'afftirej a', Washington, and Lieutenant Car rtnzi, former naval attache tbere, to leave Canada. The governmrnt, has authorized Uovemor-GentrU B'auoo to enter tain propositions for an exchange ot Lieutenant Hobson and tbe Other prisoners taken -when tbe American oilier Merrimao was sunk off the entrence to the harbor of Santiago deCuba. The Papal Consul bad a long conference with tbe Minister of the Colonies. It is much commented upon. 9lr. hftl Holdbrookv Oeftd. Mr. Obal Holdbrooks, ton of Mr Wm. Iloldb'ooks, of No 4 town ship, died, on Wednesday evening June 15 'b, of pneumonia. Mr. Hold brocks bad b.eu sick only a Bhort lime having been in Concord less than a week ago . Mr. iioldbrockt was about 25 years of age, and had tbe iniefortune to lose his wife a littlo 0"ir a yeur ago. His remiics were interred in the cemetery at Trinity church this (Tbursda) evening at 2 c'cloc't. The funeral was preached by Rev. V R Stick'.ey. BrillNH Vchel Burned. Norfolk-, June 15. The British ic'.iooaer Shentneloab, Ciptuiu A U Gibeoc, N)ifoU: to B.-ib'ce, British Guiana, with a Cjrto of 94 500 stavej and .U.Cuu headings, was coKpletelj destroyed by fire laft r.ight while at anchor in Hampton Uiade . Orlgiiinl tlHervntlons. The beat way to k 11 a falsehood ie to let it lie. S.n is the torpedo boat d.etroyer of tbe sou' . Men of small calibre are some times the greatest bores Tbe sermon more than an hour long is a clerical error. Our new bottling works at San tiago seem to be a great success. Tbe man who locks at everything through money never sees very fair. It was simply "Uobson's choice" that resulted in the brilliant achieve" ment at Santiago. Love is the sunshine of the soul, provided you don't keep it bottled up. A good character is a great bat fle sh p ot defense, when protected by the sure batteries of love and kind ness Orange (Va) Oaseryer. Ninnllpox In Iredell. The disease in and arouiid Statesyill that we noted some time since as small pox, has been confirmed as such by Dr. WertenbaKer, the expert There are eleven cases, all of whom haye about recovered save three, and they are not in apparent danger. No yery great alarm is felt though (he disease has taken considerable hold. A pest house is being arranged and a rigid ejuarantine is expected to crush out the disease soon. The churches were closed last Sunday as a precaution. Strange to say, every case is among the colored people, as, we believe, in every other in stance in our State since the late preser.ee of the djsease. Two More or Our Iloyn IllNehariced. From War Correspondent Fied Merritt in the News and Observer we note that two more men from Company L have been discharged on aocount of pbya cul diaabi ities in this last examination, which is call' ed the trimming process. Those named from Company L are James W Hamilton and Cyrus W Lowry. AallNliury Jnulori font rlbated. From the Salisbury Son we sie that tbe Junior OrJrr of that place has adopted a resolution to contrib ute $10 to Company L, a number of whom are from Rowan county, This .8 one of tho first councils to contritutem this way to. tb'e sol diers. Toe ladies of Salisbury are also serving refreshments for the purpose of raising some money. A West Virginia man who went to Hageretown, Md., to have a car buncle cut from his back was very much surprised, as was also tbe doctor, when an old bullet dropped out, which had been shot into him during tbe late unpleauantneea be tween tbe States. Morning Star. TWO BOMBARDMENTS Hiinllniro i.rlu a Third finn and fitl mnrena a fteeond II alf n Million rnumlN ot Frojeelilee Hurled at nantlairo A Fonr Nnanlard Rnr priHCd lo rind lllmoeir in Camp at Uunntiualtio. Admiral Simpson bombarded Santiago for the third time Thurs day morning about diyliht. At midnight before the Vesuvius tried her hand again and sent two charges of gan cotton of 810 pjunds each over the rie'g and dropred them in tbe bay with the hope of destroying some of the Spanish tor pedo boats. The peculiarity of this explosive is that it maKts no report when dropped into the Witer, while its i fleets go far and wide. These two charees made no report. Tbe thiid chaige struck near the moutb of the harbor and opened hQ enor mous gipiu tbe earth. Tbe bum bard men', began at 5:25 and lasted till 6 30. It is estimated that 5,000 propctiles weighing 500,000 . ound6 were used in the attack. It wat terrific and It is believed did terri ble havoc to the fertifkntioue, O.ie is said to lave been tc tally destroyed. E' Morrc was spired, as Liee tenant Hobson and h i men urs eaid to be there, otherwise it is believfd it woold be little leas than a pile of ruins. The Spaniards fired vigor- cus'y but hit nothing. Not a ship wr.s struck and not i man wss hurt ou our side. They were eiler.c;d quickly, but wh"n t.hs 11 vt moved iff tbe Spaniirds came out of biding and fired a Dumber of eLo'e without reaching the H ;et. Tbe Terip, Marble-heal and tbe Suwanee bombarded t!)o brick fort and the eMrthwoiks at Caimarena at Guantirna bay abint 2 o'clock in the afternoou for one hour and a half. ATter knoi'kitg the fo-t pretty well to pit o-8 tbe Trrai threw in a 12 itxh shell, almost demolub'ing the fori. The Marblehead then drew closer and druve tbe Spaniards from the earthworks. During the afteruojn a half starved SpaDiard came into the camp at Caimarena desiring to be fed but expecting to be killed. He was very much pleased at his treat ment and said he and many others would have come before but tbey did not expect anything but to be tailed. Daily of 17tb. A J'lenNlnfr Letter. We tase the privilege of publish ing tbe following private letter, bo lieviug that tbe author will surely be much less offended than surprised at our exercise of a ques tionable privilege. Our apology is that an endorsement from such source is sufficient temptation. Oar defense is that there is more in few words as to the relation of the schools and the pre.B than we usu ally find, and that it contains newt of pro p cts for the text session of the College that we most gladly pre sen, to the public : Mt. Pleasant K. C , June 10, '98. Mr. J D Barrier, C oncord, N. C . Dkak Mr. B.kkieii: I am gen erally pretty busy, but I usually find time to devote to The Stakd aku, and I seldom fail to be re warded when I do bo. I want to ex press my bigh appreciation of the work you are doing, aud of your success in editing a first claes week ly of h'gh moral toue. Also I wuut to thank you for the nice little men tion of tbe college aud its work in this week's issue. I often tiiink that the pre. s aud our iLstitutions of learning are more intimately related t lau is generally understood. The press stands for enlightenment aud furnidhes good reading at small cost and tbe colleges and other schools make intelligent readers. So here Wt go. Success to" jou. Oar prospects for next year are brighter and more encouraging than einue 1 hue been connee'ed with the institution. Yours truly, M G G Scheueh, itulie n inutility of l.tKlilutuir. It was quite an exciting time in the central .telephone cftise Thurs day evening while we were ge ting our good rain. The lightning seemed to strike the wires considerably. Oi.e time six bills of fire could be counted coming out of the lightning arrester. The reports were almost as loud as the shot of a pistol. Jay Nlina Nelet-fed. There are 30 applications handed in to Adjutant General Cowles by telegraph operators in tne United States Signal Corps, but only 10 are wanted. Tbe Adjutant General bae already announced that he has selected Jay Sims and three others, leaving only six more to be selected. . 1898. LIEUTENANT VICTOR BLUE. Born In Rlehmnnd t'onnly. Where Ilia rather Prnetlred Law Mia Mather n Woman or narked Iudl .vlditHllly. Lumberton, Jane 18. Lieucenat-t Victor B'ue, who distinguished hie self at Santiago a few days ago, is a native of Njrth Carolina. He was born just over the Richmond county line, about five miles east of Laurin burg, where bis father then lived. When the boy was about three years of age, bis father and family moved to Robeson county and lived at Floral College for five or six yearp, and then moved to Marion county, South Carolina, where the fami'y hag lived ever since. Ill father, the late John G Blue, praoticed law in Richmond and Robeton counties, aid afterward in South Carolina. Young Blue went to Annapolis about ten or twelve years ago, wheie he graduated with honor. While at Annapolis he had the reputation of bein: tbe finest looking man in the cavy. His mother was the daughter of Gen E.'ans, of Marion county, S C, aud was a lady of remarkable in tellect and character. The bravery shown bj Lieutenant Blue has made him a hero, whose name will go down in the lasting history of his country, aud his rela tives in Richmond and Robeson counties rtjiice with tbe remainder of tbe Auierio n people that the South continues to produce cucb men. It is somewhat remarkable that Btgiey, Uobsou and Blue, the three beroeg ot this war, should be native North Caro lnians or of North Carolina parentage. 1 luir-day' RhIii. Our commuuity can exercise its thankfulness far a copious ruin Tcu.-sday evening. We doubt not that in many p'ac;s it approached a stae cf seventy aud assumed the dignity of "a gully wither and trash mover'' but we know at least that we got a much needed wetting of tbe ground nd thus far we have beard of no tp?cial distress from the outpouring. From the Observer wa learn that Charlotte had quite a little flooding. Life itsolf in a few ins'ances being endangered, to say nothing of de molished culverts, filled cellars and drenched goods. Even the liquid contents of guzzle wetting stands got wet in soon instances. The lightning struck at several places, burning one building. Mrs. J W Vougha was stunned by the lightning, which struck the house, doing considerable damage. The riral KeKlntent How Equipped. We note the following from Wa Correspondent Fred Merritt: The complete equipment for the First North Carolina regiment, with the exception of a change of rifles, has been received, which consists of blankels, oiguillettes, b'ouses, chev ror.s, canvass fatigue coats, canvass trousers, Canton flinDel trawers, cmpa:gn hats, legging, blue flannel bhirts, cotton undershirts, muslin shirts, sewed shoes, cotton and woalen socks, suspenders, stripes, rubber ponchios, axe?, hatchets, helves, spadts, Btoves, camp kettles, tents, colony whistles ard hand lit ters. None of tbe other regiments are yet completely equipped. Tbe heavy criticisms, as they ap peared in the News aud Observer, were shown to General Arnold wherein he was charged as being a featherbed offljer The next worn ins' he moved out (o camp and es tablished his headquarters. Riuike Morleft. Mr. J R Biggrs reports to ua a snake story. They are all taken wi'h a grain of salt but Mr, Biggers says you may take two grains of salt with this and it will save the better. II t wu3 with some harvest hands TjuruUy that baa a luoket of water near tome hrge rocks When t hey returned they found a black snake 6 feet 9 inches long, seeming to be after a drink himself. His snukesbip was immediately d.s patched, which was an act of mercy for be was so le.in that to tell his girth dimensions would spoil the 4ory. Mr. M O Sherrill informs us that his brother, Mr. Tom Sberrill, who lives near Mill Hill, killei a copper head snake gome days ago whiob measured 3 feet and 7 inches in length and 7 inches around his body. Aalllnry'a City Editor Harried. Mr. Leroy Smith, city editor ef tbe Salisbury Sun, was married on Wednesday evening to Miss Valda Malone, in Franklin. Mies Malone is from Salisbury but was visiting relatives at Franklin, WHOLE NO 481 CAMP CUBA LIBRE. The Burt Enjoying- Exceptionally tJood Health ThouNatidit ot lallorn Wltneaa Their Reylewi A Former ItllnlMler of Coueord In tbe Virginia Kefflnienf . Camp Cuba Libre, Jacksonville, Fla., June 16, '98. ToThb Standard : Durirg the past fevers! days 1 have received many personal letters from various people In Concord who want to know a great deal about the welfare of our boys, and to answer them in dividually the quartermaster of this company would be compelled to go into the bands of a receiver, therei fore I wish The Standard to kindly publish the informat'on fur nig :ed. All ureasioess on account of sick nisi should be dispelled at once, for every member of Company L is en joying excellent health, and only two have been in tbe hospital since loeatieg in this camp, namely, Pri vates Iddings and Barger. Both hnve been discharged, and are drill, ing regu'arly. As to tbe daily nuenu( we have the usual supply of government ra tions, be:f, bacon, dried beans, onionp, old potatoee, coffee, bread, etc., with seasonings. From savings on fresh bread, the boj1) are occa. sionally given pi s. Potatoes, beans aod other things which cannot be utilized from one issue to another, are sold for cash or bartered for fresh vegetables, such as snap beans, tomatoes, corn, cabbige, etc, of which the boys get plenty. The 'goverrnient bag provided shoes and underclothing, together with uniforms, and every man is well prepared on that score. As to the rumor concerning Capt, Hill charging the soldiers for the underclothing donated by the Can non & Fe'zzr Co., it is simply ab surd, and no one with ordinary in telligence would believe any such slanderous report. The shirts were issued to the ones who were in need of them in mediitely after our arrii yal from Ktleigh, and nothing what ever wag intimated concerning "charges" or ''pay" for them. Every member of Co, L has requested me to denounce the rumor through The Standard. Some one asked if it is hot down here. John Sherman says "War is Hell," and one can only get id idea of what we have to endure by com bining war with this Florida climate. The heat is intense only during the middle cf the day from 10 to 2. General Lee spends most of big time ia camp, at division headquar ters, and reviews the three brigadeg once a week. These brigade reviews are very interesting and are wit nessed by thousands of visitors. There are no drill duties between tbe hours of 8 a, m,, and 4.30 p. m. Passes are issued tho men to go at liberty wherever they choose during the interval, Io the evenings passes are good until 9 o'clock, after which if caught out of their respective lines or in the city, the provost guard takes them in charge and de. livers t'. em next morning. Privates Uedrick, of Lexington, Floyd Sberrill and Cicero Harris, of Coueord, have been honorably dis charged from the service on account of physical inabilities over which they have no contrjl. Others may be discharged later. The boys are well fed and,clothed tnd are in excellent spirits, eagerly waiting for marching orders. Dr. Arcbey, who ranks as Grst lieutenant, is not a member of Co. L, but is on Col. Armflcld's staff. Steward i'aiks King has been transferred from the regimental to the division hospital, and will very likely be mustered into the regular service. Tbe North Carolina band Las added several new pieces, and is fast gaining distinction in superiority. It is one of the most engaging or ganization! of war, and adds pleas ure to the marching orders. Key. Wright G Campbell is here with the Second Virginia R glment, and is adjuUnt to the Colonel,' Hie visits to tbe North Carolina camp are very much ei. joyed, aud they are frequent. Privates Mabrey and Brumley are yery much interested in baseball, aod expreee a desire to be with the boys this season "and there are others," Messrs. El and Tom Bacon, two former Concord bo s, have in their possession a small toy gun, presented to them 28 years ago by Mr. R E Gibson, They prize it very highly. Nearly all the boys of our com pany have made them bunks, two gtories, and sleep very comfortably upon them. The second expedition to Manila left Sin Francisco Wednesday. It consisted of 3,500 moo. The - Standard. PRIM'S THE , AEWb 'ili AT IS JfLWS I For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Royal make th food pur, A wbuleMta and dallcton. POWDER Abiolutciy Pure fKTVAl rHtftUn Prtwnfw rv,, new WMW. SCHEDULE In Effect Mar.l, 189S. This condensed schedule ia pub lished as information, and is subject to change without notice to th public: Trains Lfve Concord, N. O . 9:20 p. m. No. 35 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte ana all points South ami South west Unrriee through Pullman drawing" room buffet sleepars botween New York, Waubint,'tun, Atlanta, New Or le an h, Savannah and Jacksonville. Also Pullman sleeDer Charlotte is Augusta, Salisbury and Chattanooga, 8:4!) a. m, No- 37, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern veatibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South aud Southwest. Through Pullman sleoper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vestituled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San, Francisco, Wednesdays a d Saturdays. 8:C3 p. m. No. 7, daily, from Rich mond, Waebingtou, Golilsboro, Selma, Raleigh, Greensboro Knoxville and Asheville to Char otte N. C. 10:29 a. sr. No. 11, daily, for Ate anta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Augusta and Norfolk to Greensboro 10:08 a. it. No. 36, daily, for Washington, Richmond, Raleigh and all points No- th. Carries Pull man drawinerc ora buffet sleeper, NowOrloans to New York; Jaekson-i ville to New York ; Chattanooga & Salisbury to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San Frar Cisco Thursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, Washing ton aud Southwestern veetibulud, limited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman car, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York ; Tampa to New York, Augusta to Richmond. Also cara nea vestibuled coach and dining car 7.U8 p. m. No. 12, daily, for Kichs mond, Asheville, Chattanooga, Ral jigh, Norfolk, and all point. North. Carries Pullman Bleeping ar from Greenhboro to itichmonds and Greensboro to Norfolk via Ran leigh aud Selrni. 6.27 a. m. No. 8, daily, for Rich oond ; conLecte at Greensboro for Haleigb and Gyldsboro; at Danville ;or Washington and points North at Salisbury for Ashville, Enox ri'lo and points West. Fiist sections of regular through or local freight trains carry passen gers only to points where they stop according to schedule. John M. Culp, W. A. Tokk, Traffic M'gr. Gen'IPaBS. Ag'fc, Frank S. Gannon. Washington, D. O. Third Vice President and Uen'l manager, Waehington, D. Ci S. Q.Habdwice, Aee't Gen'i P. Ag't W. H. Tayloe, Ass 't Gon '1 P. Ag't, Louisville, Ky. Gowan DcsENBEdv, Local Ag't, Concord. N. C. MORRISON II. CALDWELL ATTORJflY AT LAW, CONCOKD, N. O Ollice in Morris building, p posit Court bouse. M. B. S TICKLE Y! Attorney at Law, Concord . iV. C. SFEbJAL AT7LMIOX QIVK '10 CQLLbL'llONS. Ollice upstairs in King building near PostoUice. y FTFU sufForli.g for in- .4ly thirty yearn from dysprpsla, Mrs. H. E. I'mcdalo, wlfo of a proiiutifitit ousiness nutti of Warsaw, N. Y., writes; "I-'iir i:h ycjirs, I wan a constaut sutiVrt-r firm d' pt p.ia unl u weak Btoiuach. The lln'Mrst, fil priMluceti distress, cttusiiiff biv. ! p.iin arui U.r fnrma tlon of Noiiiattcr fUw rareful of my fJii t I BUtTt red iipmin.K p .; i nfter rating. I V-us treiitril by muny j --iaris uml trlnl nuiut'ruuh reuLiMf.ii h wis i nt j tirmai.t tit help. Two years ftgn I '-u t .i in' It. MIIhh' Nerve nnU Liver I'l N an l V i-vli. a wit'li I tomiiu ia i J i:ii it . u ., Si-stiiis; lit llio l:e;i'i.. M 1 w.i.., , eat wlmt I lil.eu, v it it t,u I keep tbeuj ut inuJ ui.il :t n. . Within Ul il per ,w ut h to u 1-17 .-!.. - MM U any old symptoms." r.'Tvf ( . Dr. Miles' Jienu-tll 2 ,-Jr ' 1 aiesoJ'J ly ail diu-E . V , -x Kuaranlett, first In'ttle v.ie benefits or Hi fuii'lcd. Uciuk oa rtia- F. a of tbe heart uud IVV; i.li" urrviw I rue. Ailartiaa, t ii'AJr UK. MlLtS WtDlUAL uo., L.i..ii, UO. , H C.ironic Dyspepsia Cored. J5A Iff V

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