naiBntSSBSSkni1 The J Standard. -russ out GODD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. r The - Standard. PRINTS THE AEWS THAT IS ,XWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. HE rn AND A RD. VOL. X--NO 337. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 7 1898. WHOLE NO 483 7- TIIUEE CRIMES Committed In Surry ConnlT MirK lary, lu : ilcr and traoii. The Elkin correspondent to the Cuarlotto Observer says : Mrs. Uans, the widow lady who was murdered and then burned in her house, in tbia coun ty, on Saturday night, the 18th inst., seems to have had a consid erable sum of money, and it was to secure this that caused the toul deed. One Jack Mays was sus pected and placid under arrest. The evidence nguinst him was so strong that he mudo a confession, in part, and endeavored to impli cate another party as an accessory, but fuiled. lie was sent to juil to day to await the action of the court, in September, provided Judge Lynch does not call him to accouDt before that time. Ha gave instructions at home for them to Lave his clothes ready, and asked his brother to have a Collin pre pared, a he would need it soon. He fully expects to be lynched, but it is hoped that the better judgment of the people will pre vail aid allow the law to tuke its course. The crime was the mat inhuman deed ever committed in this part ot the State. Three crimes iu one were committtd, for either one of which the penally is death burplurv, mnrdtr and ar son. The only remains of the poor old woman found among the ashes were a part of one thigh bone and her heart. The Power uf .noruhliie. " The seductive power 6t opium is well told by DiQuincy, but no man who has not been a victim to the drug can faintly comprehend its fearful fa-cir,ation,"faid Mr L W Malone, of New Yoik, at Chambtr Iain's. 'Ojce I was hurt by a boiler ex plosion so seriously tbat the d c'ors thought it imposeiple .'or rn j to re cover. To let m die easy they (.ave me rpiutn to ailay the interna agony I sufl'red every wrrnect Under its spell I was in paralhe could seethe most beautiful oljct, talk with the loveliest people, ride the most magnificent steeds, and, it fact, was in a state of eucb glo rious enchantment tbat 1 feemed toetpy the very quintestecce of blies. "Bat by and by contrary, to th prognosis of my doctors, I began tc mend, and at last, when they saw I was destined to live, they b gao tr ' shut me eft from my beloved opium Then it was I began to safer the torments of tl.e damned, I f o ilei brg for it, cry for it, pntiei', curse and threat, n, but the rrder wa. in fl.xible no more. 1 would lave undergoes the acc'.di nt 8gain j'um for one d. se of the magic m d'eioe More than once I would plan it sleep, ol ceurfo t'e murdir o' my attendant f. r refrt-irg ni"j isie mite of what I pnjeei for. In the whole category of l.unai w,e iher is no condition worsa thau this." Washington l'i Illlrd Cull for Volunteer Will .Vol Bo. Millie liilllinllnlely. Washington, July L It can be slated po-itiyely that the Presi dent does not couteunpMe issuing a third ca'l for volunteers witlnu the next two woeks, at 1. -as, as priflePt plai.s in all pob.ibilitv will preclude its hsunnce williu a fortnight, if then. 2? all vmmi JJlHE-TENTHS of "E . all the pain which women p-.i; suffer Is caused ', j j by weakness er y derangement In j ,.' ' the organs o f menstruation. Nearly always L, when a woman 13 not well tliee organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman Is very seldom sic.;, Is natures provision for te r'"ru lation of tin menstrual function, jtcuresall " female troubles." It is equally effective for the girl In her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the " Clunfe of Life.' They all need It. They are all benefitted by It. Ptr ad flea In ernes requiring arwtal directions. dJress, alvintr ympiomi. the -'1W Advl,ry Departinrnt. The Cti-Manooca Ivi.Ji;iro Ct-1-, C.i-:u-nouffa. Term. TKOS. I. COOrER, Tupoto, Ml., t.M M( ittrw-ticrcaf-om very I'rrvi'-r and oil I'll ms-'lriia!ion mill lmiii n el -ri'il nliroli curntl her and alio 54 mottior tiirough tlto Cii:iDJ cl A NEW COMMAND. How Cant, keoit Uut HI Men Out ef the Way of a t nr. A good one is told on Copt, b'cott, of the Qnckstep-, who id tended to leave with h 8 men for Fort Macon yesterday. The itory goes that as the captain was putting the company through the mih'ary sprouts on tbe march down Fatton avenue, he sw a trolly cirap proacb'r j Wishing to avoid a co'liaion he s'udiid for i lis proper command, but as it did not come to him instantly he fang out "3oatier, oieerf; dou't ju ee the car com ing ?" This command, while probably not in the army tuc'ics, will be found in (he latiet edition of cutt's. It may be, too, that "Scat' et" will prove a useful com mand in Cuba. Asheville Citizen Uricrniles Ibe Uflice. Governor Ruaaell has performed on several occasions eince he hue b en an ccccpint of the Guberoa torial chair, and in ouch a way as to achieye no'uriety for himself, to degrade ihe offisa which he holds, and to mortify his true frieadf, if he has any, The Governor, who cannot govern his own temper, or make his his tongue observe the ordinary pio prieSieg of language while acting in bis rfli ial capacity, is rot fit to gov ern others, aud the man wbo assumes th it his office gives hira the right to lino e ordinary gentility and civility and piny the role of bully shows a lamentable misconception of Ihe na toie of 'he iffije he hold. The Gjvtrnor of a State h9 no more riht (o call a cnizm into bis office to upbraid hitn and to order bim out for something which be was assumed t) have faid or done months b fore thin be has to ordar him cff tbe side wallr, nhile that cit z n is behaving hiaiseif and conamittin? no Ireaib f p-o ri !j. Morning Star. The Crowd Uld Not Go. A large crowd of our people in tended to go to Salisbury Friday nif;ht to attend an opera entitled the "Pied i'iper of Hameliu" a part of the proceeds of which went to Company L, but on ac count of the word received only a while before the train arrived tbat our people could not be brought back that night. Very many that were even at the depot did not go. Mr. Tillinhast, thr manier of the play, had promised tliat tho people could be brought buck tbat n'gltt. There was tome miMind. rstaudicg ou the part of ihe mi'nagemi'bt, but had the crowd oijo tin y would have reen brought buck m a srecial coich to i freight train. A crowd of about a doz n went however and attended the opera, which was Fp'.etdid A large crowd of Salisbury's people were in the play, from the little child ren to tho tuobt cultivated t;i!eiit. Ibe t-peci il features fr the even ing were a vocal boIo by Mr. Tom McBee entitled "Tho Dlue and Gray toiq'hor will remember tin Maine," also one sung by Mise Marge1 ry Overman cidit'ed "Co uinbin." The scene of the rats going across the stagp, enhanced by tbe tones of the Pied Tiper. wt.s excellent. One of the staTB ut the play made a hit on Concord. Iu waiting for the Piper to return lie ni'tde the remark that the Piper was almost as slow a-comicg as tbe Concord crowd, and he was very nearly rtght. Tho Southern did the people quite a kind act iu furbishing a passenger coach for them to re turn in, though there was not mora than ten ot us. It was in dcel an accommodation on their part as there were three ladies in the crowd who would otherwise have had to come in a caboose oi else btay until the n xt morning. Auolher Trlrilioii l ine. ' TheConoird Telepbo e Comn) and some prouire.t nun of Ne Litidon are getting preparation! ravle to build a new lei p'10 e itn. which will connect iih tfeir pres ent line here. It U to: jet a cer tiinty as to wbeth r it will run from here to Salisbury nnd Iben to the stations ah tig 'he Yadkin rot.d or whether it w'll run throtigh th country to A'b narl-1 and conned also with M . Pleasant. Iu Cise t h line runs lo S.l s nrr, a side line be put in to Mt. Fleosant. Mie will dife.ep s e n. lf8 W" iw Miiw Nerve ViaW'l T. E GREAT BATTLE ON Frlilny' ndlermineil Aflvnnrv t'nn. nnlllr 4)10, Hut Hot Miiny klllril - llarinK Work For llnrlnK Mru-WIII Try lo Cut Oirihe MiikdIhIi KnireM Tho Traovlna Tnklnv lnrl Npnn Inrdu Tube Mean AdvnnlH of tbe Med CroMl Unnner. As noted in tbe teb gram Fiiday the battle at Santiago began on tbat day and was fierce enough. The story of the engagement is beat told in tbe foUowitig telegrams: Piajadtl Este, Cuba,July 1, 11.20 a.m. A general asuault on the city of Sntigo de Cuba hy tbe land and ta forces of the Unittd States ' beg n at 7 a. tn . General Lawtoo advanced and took posdefs oo uf C,i bona, a suburb of SiDtiego. ' Morto Castle and tbe oiher forts at the entrance i t the baibor were bombatdiu ly our flet. The Ve suvius used hei dynamite guns with good effect. Tbe Spani.h 11 et in the harbor 6red on the American troops who were very clce to tbe city. Hard fighting all along tl e American line was in progress at 11 o'clrck. Nine wounded Cubaur have been It u;ht in 8 b:mey. July 1, 3 30 p. m, vi Piaya del E'e, Guantanamo Bay At 1 o'clock tbii afternoon, after 5 hours' terrific fighting, tbe Ppaniib began to Kate their entrenchments and retreat into the ctfy. Many Americans were w unded and are being brought in. One man had toth arms shot off and was woundel in the hip, bat was laughing. Piaya del Es'e, Cuba, Ju'y, Even icg. The Cabling continued onti) datk. Our forci-8 earned the ene my'd outsorka and bae occupied them this evening Tbe battle will probably be resumed at daybreak. Tbe Amencin loss is heavy, yome estima'es place it a wounded. dOO killed and Washingto.i, July 1 A dispatch was read in the raninet nuetin? from t ol. Allen, in charge of the signal el a! ion at PIhj a del E e. tie said that the fight was growing furious in all directiots. The Span iards were Bhelling tbe Americana as ' hey advanced, and Admiral Samp son's fl et was hot!) engtiged. Washing'on, July 1 Th3 War Department has received the fullows ing frrm General Shafter dated at S.bonej: "Had a very hiavy engagement today, which lasted fnm 8 a. m., till sundown. We have curried their ootworKs and are now in pos1 eg ;on of them. Taere is now ihont three-q larters of a mil.) of opu coun'ry between my line? and the tity, Hy mornit g troops will eenir. nchid and confide'aug uientution of forces will be there. G.neral Ltw ton's 1) vi-iou and Genera'. Bates' Brigade have beep ecgaped all day in carrjirg E Caney, h'c!i waj accrmplii bed a1 t p. tn tv,) 0e in line and iu fiont cf San ugo during the nt ht . I rigret to eaj that our ca ualtlet lll bj above 400 Of ;he?e no man; aie killed. (SlgC(d) ' HAFiER." j'bire is li tie doubt that today will be f might with euoimous ttruggh 9 about tbe city. Dispatch s mdica e that Gdn. Shafter fully a'cuia'c: oj victorj d is trying ocuttff he ent m)'a re ria' if such j'. tinld bo at'empted. T e nei complieation of wire tc: o s in fr'Ut if Ihe ettmy'c ron i bi s id to be met with CO mci. in eac'i brigade who have Ihe baz. ardous taik of preceding the battle line wi h wirerdinpers to cpen tbe ay. l itis will place them let e n be two fins, and if will execu'ed wiU place Ihe rami's of tho mm in he raDks f lioVsen, Blue i nit Jthirs The Fpitdirda, are ra sii g t' e d Cross banner alorg ner the fiont, ti aking ir. mcrteary lor th An.encans to disregard them. This will be ixp c ed lo pp nl 'o tht p iwera aguiust the U.iited S'atrs Daily o! 2..d. A 1'limtderlntf I'nni'h, Jack Ilcriiug, a negro man in Sampson country, recently hecarce eurnged at h'a datightor nnd un dertook to cliRstise her ratbei severely when she punched him in the ye with an umbrella, driv ing the little end of the btnfl into his brains. The staff was broken of?Denr tbe cloth and was pulled out with a pair of blacksmith t.mgs. The old man died and the dan liter is in jail to await trial. Lieuterant Erniu and his other recruiting i dicers are at Silitbury now. Dr. Jno. Reed is now with them eiamniug any one that vtjunteere. LITTLE WAR NE VS. Kelnfo rrrmi-nlN I'ut Nerlonft Alroit Ilie MluiHllon hi Nnnllfitfo In the Clly'a Wnler Knpvlj nl mr? HeMrd from-en. Merrltt hin led Tor MBnIla WtSnt Maf-l be HinlNb Emboldened by tbe Grr. ninn Attllnile Tbe InftiirKenla Pro irreHiilve Bnt Humane. Tbe news from the chief seat of war this (Thursday) morning depict no standstill in ihe prepiiraiions for tbe battle but ben lo look for it to come is clearly indicated yet. If. Gen. tbafter bud had time to place his heavy artillery as he wants it (here is little c'oubt that he would make the attack at once far be is tbiea'emd with Spetisii r inforcements of about 20,COO. Their coming would suggest a bio at once but it is a q testion whether be cut-not affoid ta let them coma iu while he a'so g ts reinforcements and places his heavy artillery where he want i's 'o- nvet.the fire from Cervera's fl et and to demoralizi the troops in ditchea behind the wire fences. Gen. Sbafter believes he can tuke tbe place within 48 hours but it will cost the loss of mo't men tban he hopts t h it it will be necejurj t sacrifice 1'hat, time of action is wtaptjed in uncertainty. It is reported that the supply of water has been cut (ff from Santiago anJ it seems to haye s me foroei of auihori'y. If this should prove true ihe city would be brought to terms of capitulation very soon wiibout an attack by Gen. Shaf .er. Lieutenant Hoof on hiB sent a telegram throigh tn bis fith" r as ur mg him of his (the Lieutenants) safety. A dispa'cn from Madrid says 1 1 a' Caruiara's fi et has begun tbe pa sage cf the Sni z caral, but it is not credi'ed. Spuin can ill afford to pay tbeimmenpe toll to tako the lcri-7 j nirney with tbe entire proba hiliit of defeat or a even short lived victory. Sfe cannot co:d at Purt Faid. The probability is ba Cam ira will scon be b .ck at Cad i Aimiial Dewey is sa'itfied with tbe situai i u at M u.ila and (peats well of AKuit a'do and the lLSurgent troops. They hare made fine pro gress and are bun. fine in their treat ment cf pikouers. Gen. Aguinalc'o avo8 that the family of Captain lien. Au.ust', now bis prisoners a e le eiving good care and proper 'rea'inent. (Jen. Merri'.t sailed from San Frunciecr) Wednesday for Manila Tbeie is a constantly apgr ssive ap pearanc;1 about tbe German war sbipi at Manila tbat do not impress onr government as being neces sarily UDfiindly but ty some are o construed and dispatches indicate 'l.nt th" Spaniards are now less in c!ned to surrender than some time to. Daily of the 30th. STILL, THE SAME Apiillnnre Ready I'or tbe New Mor ro Hay Re Atlnrbrd firm Hy the combined Force Tbe Infiue May Re near. We see scarcely anything iu the iievi today from tbe front that hit) not been anticipated for sev eral ilajs Direct couitnunicatione h, sire from Gen. Shdftti's head- qu li era to tbe Secretary of War will materially aid in the transmis sion of news whin there- are news, Ht.d telephone npplnnces will be a ria", advantage in txpe 'iting mes- siges in the army that were for- mer'y depended on couriers. 1'. is now believed tbat there will oe a combined attack oa Morro ''j'le by tho army and navy, which f stircescfal will opt n the way for raising mines in the channel by which the navy may Bid in the cap ture cf Santiago. There is little donb'. that rein forcements advancing lo the relief i f the city forms a source cf enxiety and may hasten an attack, otbr wise the atta.k is hardly to be ex pected just yet. Daily of lit. It in said tbat as soon as the war with Spain comes to a close Gea Fitzlingli Lee will be offered tho Picsidcncy ot tbe Texas State Agricultural and Mechanical Col lego in Dryau, which has been va cant Jfor Bomo time. There are feirty applicants for the position, and their eager rivalry has pre vented tho choice ol any one of them. They will all withdraw in favor of Lee. Andersen Intelli gencer, Congressman Pavid II Smith, of Kentucky, is at the head of a movement to build iu Uodgers ville, Ky., a home for the disabled soldiers of tho present war with Spain. The homo is to be a me morial to President Lincoln, wh'o was born in Ilodgersyille. An derson Intelligencer, A DEiTUUUTlVE Fl It K Ihe Rnrn nnd Crib uf Mr. D lli-nry While Rnrnt'd A Toor Anlninl lllen In the r lumen Tbe I'miNe of tbe Fire I'nknowii. Lwt Thursdiy moinirg abtnt 10 oclrcK while a torce of t nuds were wotklng only a short distance from the place of tbe 60in, the birn cf Mr. D . Henry White, bo lives on tbe Kocky River road about six miles from this place, was fmnd to be on fl e at. one corner. The working hands, together ith quite a number. of neighbors, rushed to put out ihe fl mes. In a ehort whi'e it bad ip-ead lo the corn crib and a'so burned it. One cow ihat was penn d in Ihe birn' was burned to deith, aleo one wagon, and a lot of smaller things usually placed alout a barn. There was some amount of sh cks in the bun but no wheat or fodder. About 25 or 30 bushels of corn were burned in tbe cub. All the adjoining houses on the ground even bit reri-ience ought fire slightly but were put oat by the diligent woik of the people, a number of whom were women. Tr-e losa by ihe fire is thought to be ahnut $200. As to the cause of Ihe fire nothing is known. A fjrop of hands was w rktng on both sides of the barn some distance from it. TOO GAY. TH'o Keicriiei Prelended to Haye Too Mil ell Authority and Violated the law However Tbey Will ftot I A rrettled. Tbe Raleigh News and Observer says : "Thursday morning General A D Cowles received a telegram from S L Montgomery at Concord to order airest of Terry White and Satb Terr!!, two negroes who would pass through hero with the Concord colored company enroute to Fort Macon. General Cowles had io au thoiity over tbe negroes as yet, they not having been mustered in so be turned the telesram over to thi Raleigh police. They could not arrest on Ihe rrder of a civilian, and wired to the chief of police at Concord for instructions.,but did not receive any before tbe train arrived here, so the "coons" were not mo lested, hut went on their wa re joicing." The negroes called at the resi dence of Dr. Sam Montgomery Thursday night for ihir driver, who was sleeping in th rear of the house, be having decided to go with Capt. flood's company. Dr. Moat gome iy being away, h s wife went te the door. O ie of the negroes, try ing io be very autborative, drew a pistol before Mr?. Montgomery, stat ing that the r.egro in the bouse would have lo go. This, of coorse, greatly excited Mis. Montgomery, but after consid ring the cost and inconvenience of a trial, the matter has been urepped, at least for the present. TILE REVENUE TAX. A New Lav ftiven New Experience to Our People Some tlinniffM In Thl n jr. The first day of July is here and now one must remember (o put the revenue stamp on all his checks' drafis, to'es, etc. Tbe stamps cau e us lo remember the Maineboth by having to pay an extra two cents on 8 ine articles ai d besides by looking at tbe slump, which contains the picture of the Maine on the briny deep. Several diys ego the First Na tioual Hi rite bad to remit the amount of $132 lo Unole Sam while the Ctbarrus Savings Bank also se jt in $75. Bat the strange p it about it is thiit the fir-t cf Ja'y cinie and fcaice-ly any stumps could be ob tained. Cashier had ex pec et! a lot of l lit m, but they had failed to come, lie bo'jjjht several dollars worth in Charlotte ou Thurs-. day. Sevetal firms !io pay by checks on the first of the m inth were s un buying their Btamps by one dollar lote. Joseph Lt-iti'r was estimated to be worth from $1,000,000 to 3,OOO,C0O dollars before he at tempted to coruiy the wheat sup ply, lie lost that nnd his father has arranged to moitgagehis own property to secure a loan cf about $7,000,000 to pay tho remainder of the son's losses, which will about consume Joseph's share of his estate. Boll, Harris A Co. have received their new burial car, which is one tbe finest of its kind in the State. In fact, we think there are only two others in the State. TO FORT MACON. ' Abont Thirty Colored People Leare to nerve 'I heir l ounlrj-A Large Crowd oi' Their F'rlenda Bid Them Farewell. A crowd similar to the one tbat is seen at the depot when the stu dents of Scotia seminary are re1 turning home, was at the depot last Thursday morning to see the colored men under the command of Captain Hood board tbe traiu for Fort Macon to join tbe arm,;. About thiity-two men were taken from this place, and the remainder of tbe men will be taken on at Sal isbury. The soldiers were quartered in Caton's hall the night before, leaving and were at the depot tbe next morning at an early hour. AU of tbe boys were very anxious to go, with but a few exceptions. Several of them were seen to shed a tear as they ga ye their final fare well. As this command will be joined with another, they had no officer except their acting captain. Slade, who was to have been their Lieu tenant, decided tbat Fort Macon was not tbe place for him. Proba bly their present captain will fall to alientennnt when thi company is formed. YOUNG HOY DEAD. Vonnit Nathaniel tiaylon IMes of l.orhjaw t'aiiaed By a ftplinler in H In Foot. As was noted in Thr ETA.K DAltD some days ago, ihe 8 -year-ld son of Mr. Joe Clayton, who in the neighborhood of Patterson's mill on the Geo. Phifer place, stunk a spliuter of only an ordinaiy sizj in his foot, and after about a week took lockjiw from it. Since that lime bis d- nth was expected at any time. tie died Thursday night aftr having the latter affection 0 ye days. This is ratber a singular case and of course brings special sadness to the people of tbe community thereebout. Worn Than Nmall Pox. A very deplorable sensation exists at Mooreevilleand Statesville. It is worse than tbe small pox. Dr. II L Lowrance, a dentist, of Moores is charged with a I einous crime on Miss Lillie Jones, of Coddle Creek neighborhood in Iredell county, while under the influence of an anaestbetio. Tbe doctor haa bad a hearing and has been committed to jail in Statesville to await trial in the Superior court. The doctor pro duced no testimony save his stren- urus denial. It seems that both parties are so faverably regarded as to require a thorough trial before there can be any decision in the minds of the public. At Home and Mnrh Improved. Miss Elizabeth Gibson, daughter of Mr. Jas. C. Gibson, has arrived at home from Richmond from the hospital, where she has been for treatment for several months, tier mother, who has been with her there, also returned. She seems to be very much improved. It will be a sourca of much grati fication on the part of her many friends to know tbat her physician says tbat her disease is now cured and she only neods tn recuperate. F.nllMted W.lile on n Jaf. The Stanly Enterprise says : "Henry Bruton, Sam Davis and Marsh Wallace, colored men, left Wednesday for Concord to join the military compeny. Oa May tbe 30th these men were in Salisbury. The enlisting iflicer then induced them to join the company. All of the boys were drinking and were very willing. It was to their sur prise and regret tbat tbey had been called to Concord in the past week." e. They Took lo Ihe Woods. Four negroes on the train Thure'' day which coniuined colored sol diers from Charlotte, Concord and Durham took flight to the woods when the train got to New Hill. This is a ratber a bad time to take the negro to serve bis country when tbe briers are yielding their fruit and while tbe watermelon it smiling e n the vine. Fined for lleltir 4reNeut. Mr. John Waelsworth returned home from Cbarlo.te Thursday, having gone over to attend a meet ing of the E ks. Instead of fining him fur beirg absent the order fined him for being present. Hie flue imposed was one dollar per mile from bis home to Charlotte, which was 821. The policeman re leased bim after paying the fine. Ilia FlrNt NerlouM Engagement. "I think I know now,'' said tbe sold er who was making a deter mined iffjrt to mustica'e his Qrst ration of army beef, 'what people mean when they talk tbout tne tinues of war," DELIGHTFUL LIVING Everybody F.njoylng- Ihemaelr Breathing- the Mountain Air A Let ter to The Ntandnrd. " be following letter fiom a lady at Jtlowing Rock has been received which we take tbe liberty to publish: "Tbe season at this most delight. fill resort 'is opening a ispicionsly Natiue has giten unrivalbd June skies and an idea! lempera tiie ILituls are iu readineis, liveries are splendidly equipped, road; beds are in finest condition and nealth and pleasure seekers are already gather, in? here. lira. D F Snmmey, nt Charlotte, Miss Annie Williams, of lieidsvil'e, and Miss M FetzT of Concord, are among the guests here. Rev. H Johneon, of Lincolnton, N. C, filled the Presbyterian pulpit bere on Sun day. Mr. Causey, a divinity s'udent of Catavba College, is in charge of the Reformed church pulpit for the sea son." "Rill" and Tbe Htandard. The following statement in Mon day's Standard is as unfortunate as it is untimely : "But as he is dead we should pass over his follies lightly and remember tbat in hie lifetime he gave evidences of a very advanced goatship." What follies did Bill commit ? Bill, it will be remembered, was tbat daring "Hircus ic;agrus," the cool- martyr of the Sabbath fire, About 4 o'clock, ere the strolling time of man began, famous Bill was pensively strolling Zionward But those quick peals of the fright ened bell, the fast strikes of neat leather on the hard pavements, the dark smoke of burning home, the pitiful braying of a kindred tribe, and the soul-stirring cry of his master for help, told conscious Bill to come. Loyal, brave and true, he gamboled not with time, but un stripped the fleetest. l ire on both sides and but one narrow channel ytt brave and heroio he faltered not. Hearing the famishing cry of his kindred for liberty, Bill entered the dangerous channel and sank himself near the harbor. Truly he was a Hobson on the Merrimac. 1 think the ''Rev.'' was happy in as. sociating Bill with Dawey, Hobson and Blue. If Dewey, Hobson or Blue bad fallen in tbe crisis, they would live in poetry and song, per petuated by a national monument written high upon its base in mar ble white the words : '' The Heroes of Cuban Liberty." Then why in the name of com mon justice should "Folly" be written on Bill's slab? Though be is dead and has but few mourners (as advanced goatship is never ap preciated in tbe age in which it lives) yet we hope tbe day may oome when the Editor will see .that the "folly" is his and not Bill's. A Friend to the Goat and Editor. M. .11 eUraw-WIlHloiion Marrlaire. Ou Wednesday night about 9 o'clock, at the home of the bride, Mr. Frank McGraw, an ertploye in the store of Mr. D J Bostian, wes married to Mies Lilly Wilkinson, who is known by our people, hav ing been a milliner in the employ of Miss Nannie Alexander for some years. The ceremony was perfoimedby Rev. J E Thompson, tbe pastor of the bride. Bjtb of tbeee parties are well-known by our people, and will join The Standard in its con gratulations to this newly married couple. A Hart at Capt. OlilhHUi. Wednesday's Daily mentioned the fact tbat Manager Miller was soon to have "calf swells" for ssveral of the members Mr. Miller says now tbat rather than put the man agement tc any more extra expense by having to buy an kllitor yet, the ciptum of the team will have to furnish tbe necessary amount cf wind. llrowned at F.nKle Mllla. Lee Wood, a young man about 20 years old, was drowned while bath ing at Eaglu Mills Saturday. Wood was bathing with a party of com. panions below the falls at tbe mill. Hi was a pojr swimmer and when be got into water bj)ond bis depth he ai drowned before assistance could reach him. S'a'esville landmark. iioen tn Mume NoldlerN. The Salisbury Sun Sijs that Miss Del s Hall, of Rowan ounty, his b en commissioned at a trained nurse and has gone to the bospitu' at Port McPherson near Atlanta. She belongs to the Red Crosi society under Miss Clara Barton. For ntrlklnic Ilia Wile. A negro named Bill Miller of No. f township, was tried Thursday be fore E-quire Pitts for striking his wife with a club. He was found guilty and bound over to oourt on a bond. Royal makas the food pure, wholenooie and dellcloum. POWDEn Wvai rKTwn wtwwfl w, nrwvnmt. SCHEDULE li Will - m In Effect Mar.l, 18C8. This condensed, achednls is pub llshed as information, and it subject to change without notice to th public : 1 rains Leave Concord, N. O 9:25 p. m. No. 35 dailv for Allan. ta and Charlotte ana all points South aud South west Carries through Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers between New York. Washineton. Atlanta. New Orleans, Savannah and Jacksonville, Also Pullman sleeper. Charlotte to Aueueta. Salisburv and Cbaitanooga. 8:4 a. m. No. 37, daily. Washing ton and Southwestern vestibuled limited for Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South and Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, ves ituled coach, between Washington and Atlanta. Pullman tourist car for San Francisco. Wednesdays a ,d Saturdays 8:53 p. M. Ho. 7. daily, from Rich mond, Washington, Goldsboio. Selma, Ilaleign. Greensboro Kuoxville and Asheville to Churn otte, N. O. 10:2'J a. m. No. 11, daily, for At anta and all points South. Solid train, Richmond to Atlanta; Pull man sleeping car, Richmond to Augusta and Norfolk to Greensboro 10:08 A. M No. 36. dailv. for Washington. Richmond. Raleigh and all points Carries Pull man drawinercom buffet sleeper. MewOrleaus to New York; Jackson-, ville to New York ; Chattanooga He Salisbury to New York. Pullman tourist cars from San - Frai cisco Thursdays. 8:53 p. m. No. 38, daily, ashing ton and Southwestern vestibuled. anted, for Washington and all noints North. Through Pullman car. Memphis to New Yoik; New Orleans to New York: Tampa to New York. Augusta to Richmond. Also car ries vestibuled coach and dining oar 7.08 p. ta. No. 12, daily, lor Richt mond, Asheville, Chattanooga. Ral digh, Norfolk, and all point. ftorth. Carries Pullman sleeping ar from Greensboro to Jtiichmonds and Greensboro to Norfolk via Ran leigh and Selma. b.27 a. m. No. 8. daily, for Rich- mond ; connects at Greensboro for Raleitrn and Goldsboro; at Danville (or W ashington aud points North at Salisbury for Asnville, Knox ville and points West. t irst sections of regular through or local freight trains carry passen gers only to points where they stop according to schedule. John M. Gulp, W. A. Tdbk, Traffic M'gr. Ueu'lPass. Ac't. Frank S. Gannon, Washington, D. O. imrcl vice President aiid lieu 1 manager, Washington. D. C. S. U.Habdwice, Ass'tGeu'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ga W..H. Tatloe, Ass'tGen'l P. Ag't, .Louisville, Ky. Gowan DceiNBiBr, LtcalAg't, Concord, N. U. MORRISON II. CALDWELL ATTOBSIT AT LAW, CONCOliD. N. O Office in Morris building, pposit Court hinge. M. B. STIOKLEY; Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SILblAL A'llkMION Glti 10 COLL&L210X&. Office upstairs in King building near Postollice. La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Cured by DR. MILE3' HEART CURE n. c. c. rn .a i -. v:i.. f lOfir.T of "'i'vvu .r.4 iiiiktJ' i-';t writt a.r' It. Mil- nco fin nil tc .."ft i 'i nit're si; in tA . . down f . r . '.r. draft::: ' ii stai.t Tim;- iff-'-:. . In lt:i-G tt ' ' - r. f!,.r nl hi.. My ! :il lit M lies' Henri i:im.;i-. hhl: to Hit".',) v i-M r h ('.'., 1 ( ' tbs. i,,M-.'. : am ii'L- I bnve I r yt-:tr. . ' ir. 1. ' aro Bol'l l ii jt ist.ii ini'l'T ;i ptiirniitr -, I -b nu'.M or f. '! V . fnntle.l. -i t e.t.-oa uf l)'0 h'-nit u 1 ncrvri) frt-n, A l i i-t -.- y Vi MILKS MLilK'Au cu., Li ; V;r:v .l v;'.i':- L r

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