The Standard. ri:i:;ih' 'nit: J-'or 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. he Standard. -YUUNb OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LI LN'U PLICLS. Give us a Trial. j VOLX NO 339. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 2d 1898. WHOLE NO 485 AT SANTIAGO. Ttie Unrronilor United - Bimnmli I"rlle Khii ftew linns 'Unit Mum II Ylolilnd or nye ihti rinlHUlnit Buttle-Tunny-Three New Cen of Yellow Ferer nnd Three Death. The details of the surrender of Gen. Toral'a troopi at Santiago have been halted oti prolonged by the uabeard-of demand on the part of the Spaniards to have their arme tnrned oer to thorn when they art l ndod in Ppiin. It is an iffort to hold np Hp r.uih pride. Peremptory orders, however, Lave ber-n fid from Waablogton and th.! teruie must be acctpted at once or the conflict will jet come oil Is is not believed, however, that euoh an event will occur, for Gen Toral has all the while Bbown himself a diplo mat of the first water in causing do lay with the hope of terms as little humiliating bb poaaible. There id little doubt that he will accept the terma which are that the Spaniards are lo be fed and at the first oppor tunity to be landed in Spain. Twenty-three new caeea of yellow fever have been reported amonfr our troops and three deaths. The sur geon in charge ayi the dise se is of a mild tvpe and will readily jicld to a chance to a h;Rhcr climate The necessary delay in disarming and transporting so many troops will keep cur troops near and on duty for teyeiol weeka, but it is not like the huiilbuipd of bsiug in the trenches and pits with the almost certuiuty of being ticked off i.t every exposure to view. Daily of 16 h. f illicit 1 or llouwBrrnlilt'c A negro named Jean F:f rt wrs orres'ed Friday m iming fo. Ireak iiig into the houae of . Martin Barnhardt, who lives a few milt a talow towu, several wei-ka bp a. lie was tried before .;q. Tit s aril found guilty. In default cf a t he was taken to jail to ewnit court . This Hfime voting negro wc: in t'.;e oocrt hoa.est the iaat coat id.ti'fed ith etcrdinu from Mr. Martin &i itmheimer, of near tat. Pleasant, Tuo't'riilrnl Operation. Mrs. Dr. Burlevson wont to Mt. rioasant today (Saturday) to upend a few days with her friend, Miss Dora Thayor. Wo led that con gratulations arc due the doctor and Mrs. Bnrleyson for Lor return tith renew ol prospects for life end health from the Virginia hos pital at Hichn.ond, whore Mrs. Ivjrloyoou was troute-d by Dr. Tiij'lor and nde-rwent two f '.j i Cal opcr.ii'.'ins of very piava mid critical typo. Mrs. Hurley son it yet only c om losoct t I"H ve ere long ehe will reap tiio rich re ward of fcooil Loalth trom the painful oi loiil. The mtanct )' eg i.isn has turned up The oi hr v.lvhi ut the ice cream fuppt.r tn.;U fiom K pocket a lot of newt-pap; r cii; pings, containing accounts of j U ion-m-nin poisoning! of the t a.wn, -md reed them lo hia b st yirl whi'o el.e tvat5 trying to cat a five cent plato of cream. M.tnroa lCuq'.irer. ftt'K'OiititfiiK llntilii'r. MotherDid you allow him to put his anus around yt.u when ht Btartod to the front ? Dauhlei Curtaii:!y, ma; whtn be comes Lick he wihi-n't have any arme.- -Ex. JVlNE-TCNniS Of all ths pain andslcknesafrom which women suffer le caused by wtaknrss or derangenunl In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman Is not well truss organs re alfocted. Dut when they are strong and hc'.i.y a woman Is very seldom side Is nature's provision for the refu tation of the menstrual function. It cures all " female troubles." It b equally effective for the girl tri her teens, the young wife with do mestic and malernal cares, and the woman approaohlnf the period known as the "Chanqe of Life." They all nsed IU they are all benefitted by It. For tdftce In ettea requMne srwtal dlTectlfPS. dilre. sfvtug mp'...i.i3, ths " Ldlei' Advisory Depurtmffnt, tho Cri.tunooea Ucuicltis Chll4 auov. Tenn. TH03. J. COOPER. Tupoio, Win., sayti ' My - rtr iutlwrprt from vf ry trf(lular ana painlul mtnttru&ton and dor'"'S cottlfl not relmw hr. Vine ot tnrdul fnllrfil furnd h?r and alkS htusd s. nmlfior tliruuuh lti (,ha:.0j ol LI,. ' 11 'kin I ill mi i ni ill 111" ' : ' Mm, mm TUE CRISIS ON. NHiitlaao to be Iloiiibnrrtrfl ut A'tina Toihiy Yellow Ier and Wet Trcuclios Itlnlie Dri'lalve 4illon Rrcssuiry . The critical moment is most like Ij at h mi at S intiao. Ucns. Shaf ter and '.Vhreltr had a conference ViitL G.-u. Torl WedtK3daj between the lfnes la which the laUt r said he hail in f.uth-.'ity frtm the rworn Birt to turrendiT hia urmy hat wotild all hut :ha tioopa uciJ wit! t!:a ?. Thn wise dtc'.iued and he hsktd till this (Tburedaj) noon to confer further with th home goVKTLtiieiit, which waB grant ed, but with the assurance that a most ternfio louioardnmnt would follow a refusal. It is unders ood that while the nrtilliry is eiptcttd to do moet of the execution an by the in funtry will be made if receeeary. ThiB prompt and vigorous action is made ntces6ary by the fact that yel low feTpr hap brokru out among the tro'ps and furthrr the torrtn'.s of rniu render the iutrennhmcnts next to uripcduri,h!e. The fall uf the city must novr couie veiy eoon. I5e cults these two good risjns the re fugees aro euffuring untold priva tions which the conditiuu of the r.-mdi or trails render it impossible for Gf-n. Shafier to relieve. The bringing of matter to a close ti'ertiS the wice thing to do now. Gen. Shaftur eas if Gn. Toral Uneo not surnuder till noon he wiil turn aU his guns upon him and the 13 inch BhtlU from the fleet will be bnrled into the city. There is some hnpe tb&t at the laet momrnt or af ter Toral istr. atid to a EAinple of tl.e boiiiburJuiof t l e will Cod Span it'i hoiior ouQioitntlj viudxjUd to onrrttidir. I id i.ttidly possible for the i'pan liir.-r. to tFO e. Th President is n .id lo be wor ried couaidi rubly over the yellow fever among the soldier?, but there are prohubly r.ot more than 14 casee and they are iu an icolaled bospiial uttendtd by immune doctors uud nuraei. The little town of Siboney has been bumtd to get rid of a dirty, disease Ireedii g. peet. The Tirst and Second K giuiente of .Volunteer Iinmunaa htit been ordured to the front wud it is under jtoc-,1 lh;. t !i " j v,i'.' l.e used m u ;-: r!,:..n f. r lb ti j has fcdlen Vi'-; U t'.tr tto.s will butt e: ! i :;? hivr lea. iit:.t. I),ljofHh. M AN LI iA M L RIGHT. Ait-.iilrHl lirwi3' Jtoliln lliiKn ttl Ml. and li. Tue r.fwa from Manila, be usual, i- .o id. The m irf.'nn.'e of Ger m;n if nol fi grput li cni.ce and A N uiirfil De-'ey is rq 1a! to the oecia ion 'i'he Ciertn in wnr vose'l, Iren-', in terferied with the inanrgt nt Agtu iiii'do in Subig lltsy but Admiral Dewey tent m the Concord and the RYtiU and the Irene withdrew. The Gentian 11 precentutive dioi io'.vid liny purpo e uufriutidiy to t! e U'.ii J d'.a'es by action com lV:n d ef by 'he- Adruirnl when the ii'ter st s;e t d that it would be better to do things in ft different way. One hcrloiiwly lit. From Mr. Fred Me-rrilt's corres pondence we see that Mi. Cicero Harris, of the Concord compiny is ntrionely ill with typhoid fuvor This ia the only one from our com pauy that is noted . To l ive On South III l ii Nlrrrt. ) . About the Cr"t of Au; Mr. Charlie Correli, who rcenlly cume b'ck to enr cily, will move hid fam My here. They will live in the 'jouee on Sonth Mmu etrret formprly ofcnp td by Rr'gistpr W'eddington, ritxt door to Mr. R 0 S Miller. The latest advertising noveilly reads thus : I want to O-U-B-A Cuotuiner of mine. Cincinnati CVmmeroial Trihune t'our t'olori'U Mfti IkroMiicd. Four out. of nix colored men were drowi't'd Monday by the enpeizinji of it bout on the way from Fort Cas well to S til h port. The waters were 'd reiih The fjar attempted to swim athore. The two who clung to thf boat were saved . William JoLLiujra Ury.i:i's xeg.i Diet of NbruEkt infantry, ha b' n o. leretl to j i',n General Filz- hngh Ltt's cjrpa ut Jacksonville.- Duily Record. GREAT YK4R FOR EXPORTS. I'.iiormonN Qnnntltles of Our Wliffnt. Horn, rottoii( ProvlHlona nnu nin itiiI OIUNolil Abroad. The record of the moBt remaika ble ear in our ixport trade was completed today by the burean of statistics, ro far aa relates to the ex portation of wheat, corn and other breadstuff, pork and beef and other provieions, cotton and mineral oils I he nnreB show in most cases large mcrehie in quantity and value of he articles exported, thongh in some c&tie;, notably mineral oils and cation, tne export price per unit has avnraged less during the year than in the preceding year. The cotton exported during the yesr increased from 3,103,754,049 pounds to 3,341,3:12.800 pound?, while the total value laet year was $200,800,071, and trmt for the year just tnded $229,907,477. The ex- portation of mineral oil increased from 913,614,946 gallons to 1,022, 210,379 gallons, yet the total value in the year just ended was only 55, 171,001, against G2,635,037 ia the preceding year. In provisions, in clud ng beef, pork and dairy prcd nets, the value of the txportations ia greater than laet year, being $154,s 454,074, atainet 137,13S,034 lust year. In wheal, coin, oats and rye the increase in bo'.h quanlui 8 and value was strongly marked. The exportation of wheat for the yeur (mcludiug flour aa wheat) umounted to 215,171,901 bushels, which exceeded the exportation of any preceding year except that of 1892, wbich amounted (fliur In cluded) to 225,0(:5,S12 bushels. The value of the wheat and fhur n por ed during the year just ended amouHed to $212,891,039, a sum only surpass 1 in 1880 and 1892, the total in 1880 being $25,879,502 and that of 1892 being 230,701, 416. Tbo exports of com fcr the yenr ixcecdcd both in quantity and valce those of hny picocding year, the number of bushels (including corn meal) being 209,859,102 bushels, valued at $75,200,009, 1 he largest exportation of corn in any preceding ear was 178,817,417 bushels in 1897, valued at $05,989,213, while iti no year prior to 1897 did the quantity of corn exports ever reach half of that of the yeur just ended. In oats, ratmeal and rye the export itition also greatly increased, the to tal in each case for the year just ended being about double that of the preceding jcar. Washington I'i.qateh, nth. MATTER ADJUSTED, The Three IiiNtirnuco I'ouiimulrn As- rN tlie I,ons to the Finn lljr tli Hurtling of llio Livery Nniblm. A gent'e-mau has been iu our city in tho internet of the iiiHtuaoee companies with whom Yorke, Wadsworth & Co, carried ineurancu. Ilia purpose was to get the true loss in order that our firm would bo comp' n att d The firm carred insur ance with throe diflerent oompanie6 on thtr stock in the warehouHe, and whioh stock was damaged connider ably by throwing it oat during the firo. I a older to adjust tie matter, the inEuraties companies ehoee one man aid the firm cho?e one. Mr. Chas. Ritchia was celeoted by ths instir ance company and Mr. Charley Dry by Yorke, Wadsworth & Company. Afttr making a thorough exami nation, the firm will receivs $400 damages, besides the costs incurred while they had no warehouse, which will be the cost of a night watch man each night, store room for the vehicle?, besides money paid out to number of colored prople for their help. Collie Unfit, Ur. (JltiRon. Ever siuce Dr. Gibson, who at. rnda to the wea'her for us hero sod who notiQ s us ahead of time by the dig, has been gone the weather has beeu onmsuigeab!e. Some of our tray Laired puople huva been en deavoring to take his pluce, but to no avail. We long for Dr. Gibaou to come back and straighten up matters here. Ws are in a worse predicament with the weather than we have experienced for years and years. May the time soon oorue when Dr. Gibson will walk ont of his store and ho st bis fl iga as iu the. past. KtiiNlliox 111 HelilNt llle. It turns out that the coee of Alex indoi Craige at UoidHVille is small pox euro enough. No special alarm howover is felt. The case is quar anti: cd. There is danger of other cases aa peoplo wero Lot aware at first it was emallpoi. BLANCO WILD. . Hfiitfa lo Commit Nnlelile Hut I'r . pares to Ma'il. Gen. Blanoo ia said to have male a great jubilee when the iewa first came that Cervera hfi escaped from Santiago but when the truth broke upon him he attempted to commit suicide and was prevented by a cir cle tf officers about him who d;s armed him. II? ttm prostrated for some time. It is said that hi? firet order aftsr recovery waa to ret-re taking provisions oat of Havana, to paints where they are so greeatly needed . He insists on Torals fight. ing at Santiago "and does not cease to fortify Havana. Another Ono Proipi-(l. Revenue Officer T II Vandorfurd, of Salisbury, whose headqui-rleis have been at Oreonpboro, has been dropped from the lint, nnd a Pepub lican put in his place. Mr. A E Aigen, of Transylvania, who was a member of the last Legiela sure, enccecds him. Fell From Hla Veloelieile. MaBter Lester Coltrane, fell from his velocipede Wednesday and re ceived quite a blow on his none The nose, it was thought, was broken, but it in not after all, thongh the cartilage iu the front of the nose was broken loose from the bone. lie linn Untie From Cetieord. Rev. 0,iver Stanoil, the eolored Eiscopal preacher, who has been here for several years, has been transferred from this ph ce to a place near Oxford. He proved un satisfactory here, and for this reason was transferred . Qjite a number i f business men remember thta coK or.d preacher by the'r noco'inti a.dnst him remaining unbalanced. This is one of the charges that have '.ireu brought against hita. TEXAS RANGER IN SPAIN i orrelnoudent's Htory of a Contldi'n tint Aarent'a rrplolta. London, July 14. The Daily News Gibraltar correspondent for1 wards an interesting story by mail concerning Captain Fernandez, of the Second Texas Rangers, who is acting as confidential agent of the United Stutea. lie spent a week tn Spain, pissing as a wealthy pro Spanish Mexican. lie was lionizjd in Madrid and Cadiz, and took din ner with Admiral Cainara. Ha in- spectel the latter'a fleet and learned important sec ete, t hicb he cjrr.mvi nicated to Washington, and in hie own vrords to the correspondent, he f;i -cned all Spaniarda." He added: I tent information cf some kind every day. ' The Unitod States knew of the drptitnro of Camnra's squadron a w-k beforehand. They know to a man the forces on board and also the arms and ammunition. They know exaotly to a ton how much oat i he Spaniards have. In faot, if my people put to me any questions regarding the military and naval situation in Spain I think I can answer." Captain Fernandez escaped arrest by an honr. The Spaniards having discovered his identity, officers were sent to hia hotel at Cadiz to arrest him an hour tfter he had sailed for Tangier, whence he sailed for Eogv I unci and home. Demoeratle Hand Boost. Chairman Simmous, of tne Domo cratlo State Executive Committee. haa entered upon the duties of that position with an earnestness that presages suooess. Among other things be has determined upon a Democrats hand book, comparing Democratic rule with that which now prevails, and has- seoured the assistance in its preparation ex-Sena tor Jar vis and Hon, Samuel A Ache. The people will tictcnlv be sup plied with unadulterated Demooraoj rule and Russell-Gutlerism will be presented "true to nature," so truth fully, fairly, justly, thai all way farers may understand. We eon gratulate the chairman and the peo pie upon this arrangement. Morn ing Post. the Nreret Out. "Why on earth doesn't our army go and take Havana '!" "It is waiting for a spirited leader like you, I suppose." Chicago Reo ord . Will Tearli at C hina Drove. Mr. S E Hodges, eon of Mr. C Hodges, of Crab Orohard township, goea to China Greys Monday to be gin school In the China Grove Aoud emy . Mr. Hodges will tench for two months. He will then stop teach ing to enter Davidson College. Charlotte News. SLEPT WHILE ON GUARD. nr. Chnlinern Htnia, n 4dnnrd nt the Pea, field Hid Job Only Two itm The Ealeiph Pont contains the follow ing : "The etay of Mr. Chalmers Siiua, ot Concord, who ia a son of Mr. Jno. A Sims, the chief clerk in the Auditor's ofEco nt the pouitentiary, Tas cf short dure tion. Mr. Sims arrived at the prison hero Tuesday. He went on duty Tuesday ni;;liT os one cf tLe guards in a tier of colls. Wednes day night the corporal of the guard while making Lis rounds, found Mr. Sims aolcep. Yesterday Yi'urdan Ilusaoll re lieveel Mr. Biu.s of Lis position and tho young man took leave ot tho pin. His succeeeor haa not boon uamoel yet. There Lave been a number of changes in the prinou hero of late. It is thus hoped that deseitions will be stop ped." D-tily of 15. TWO ACClDENTd At the Clmin finmr-TPfl Wood U'orli Inir BfeyroeN ItlNnhled For n While Work Ueluff I'liMlieit UK Rapidly M HOMHlblO. Tbursdny evening while getting out rock for the crusher, a negro. Tom Moors, was hurt by a large rock fulling on him. The rocks were in the bank higher than hi j head, and by some means one broke 'ojse and fell on his leg It com pletely fastened him ana for some little time ho could not be resjned. It was thought that hia leg as broken, bat he id only badly braised on his leg. Tom idooie is u must able-bodied negro and hia BerviceB on the ch .in g'tng will be missed He will hardly b? able to do any more vork f ir the coun y tu der t,is sentecc1, ae hie t:tne will be out on Monday, July Jash. Singularly, utiothi-r i.cuMt'iit h&p pened. One of the- negroes, George Cooper, or G;orgo Cooprrbury, as some call him, got one of hia fingers almost mashed off. The fteBh on the finger waa torn bsdly, but the bore wrts not broken. Georpe is now on the retired list for a while. The work of grading South Main street is now being pushed as rapidly aa it ptmsibly otn be, the force being so email that they can work at but one thing at a time. While several are running the roek crusher a Lw htive to be in the field getting out ronks for them, find so nothing i.eta done on the streets then. Since Rritton Johnson, the old colored man, was pardoned there are only fourteen on the fca''K- Hat, thtu ihcy will get seme reinforormenta in a week or two when court begins. POPULIST CONVENTION. Attorney MorrlMon Culilwell (Jet the n'omlnntlonNliiilord Rot In 11. At the meeting of the Populist convention of the Seventh Congres sional district, which met in Salis bury Thuriday, AttorBey Morrison Caldwell, of this place, received the nomination to represent the i'opu lists in the next Congress. The vote stood 60 3-6 for Shuford and 75 2i6 for Caldwell . The Judicial convention met aftor the adjournment of tbe Congreesion al convention. On motion the noru inutiou of a solicitor was placed ia tho hands of the executive commit tee. He Wh From Noutli Cnrollno. When the dead man in Rocky River was searched a note was found on him, also two photo graphs. The noto was from Cora A McAdoo, ot Greensboro. Sher iff Buchanan wrote to the Chied o. of Folico of Greensboro and re ceived tho following information ; "Cora A McAdoo says she wrote a note to a mnn whose name wus Harry Anderson. She said he had her picture taken with a light blue waist on. HniJ be had ono other picturo with white waist. The only thing ehe know about him was that ho told tier ho was from South Carolina. Did not know what part of the State he wits from or his poatollioe. She said the picture with the white waist was lighter in cedor than hors. Thismny jot lead to unraveling the mystery of tho negroe's iden tity but if not Sheriil Buchanan has tho satisfaction of knowing how Cora McAdoo looks, for he has the pictures in a fairly good state of preservation. We do not wieb any one trouble, or damage, but we must s.ty if a strike could get in its work with papers in other cities and do them as much good aa to siz9 and quality aa tbe one in Chicago has done for the papers of that city, it would be a blessing to the reuding publlo . Morning Tost. A M0DS.TORI. Santiago Taken With out Fuither Bloodshed. Ten Thousand Troops to Be Dis armed and Sent to Spain, fire Thoiiaond Niitarn Jtlllea of Ter ritory t.o M ini CnfeA'ft ;ronil City iinil Il Fortification Porto !Rlro Heat M'nt aon'a Fleet Will Ui To Npaln The fall of Santiago has been ac complish without uarault as hue been hoped for styrral dsys. The ti nes interviews showed clearly to our g6uerit:u that G-.n. Toral knew that it vva tie rigut thiug fur him to do but he caid he was only a suhordi nate to the government of fpain and could not, surrender without per miseioi on penalty of being oonrt murtiuUd and idiot. Henc there wus no disposition to be harsh ia de mands find the nirrmrb-r wai "nilly f iTecti-.; On Thursday morning ; n. Toral ai-Mli d hi-j wi liUfjuetu to aocept tbe terms effired the day before, which we uudeisluud to be that Santiago, with its forts etc, uude stroyed or needlessly injured, to gether with tht arms o' the troops (excepting tee aide aruid cf the clii cer?, probably, w lua is customary) are to fail into our hunds, including all the territory from a line drawn north east bv south west at some 2.1 milet wst of t!,e city of Santiapo The only conoejeions thnt we pee thus far ere that we are to take tbe parole of the Spanish soldiers and set them en land in Spain. The territory surrendered is cbout 6(000 fqtiare miles hut Santiago ie the chiif and is almost tbe whole vidue of tbe territorial factor of the tnrrender, though there are several tonne and feme yaluuble mines. It is estiuiatt d that there will be 10,000 Spti'uisb soldiers to disarm and transport to Spuin, Tho forti tications and heavy ordananoe are of considerable value but the best fen ture of the wto!e tifTuir ia getting onr troops out of tboae muddy trerchee where it rains by torrents every dry wiih little chance to enjoy that comfortable rtPt that health demc.nds. B-side tiieie ie the great est danger thr.t yellow fever and aalarinl f . v ra would soon h: v: made dicaafal inioudu anion6 our troops. Now that this is over ti e full benefits of the surrender are in estimable. The contrac ts for the delivery of the troops wil! be let eoon and the defeated Spaniards will saon b homeward bound. Immunes will be plaotd in the oity and whatever of other trnope are kept near will be eEcamped on high and healthier ground. Gen. Miles, it is euid, will now proceed to Han Juan with fresh tioops to take possession of Porte Rico. Secretin; Long atutea uuequivo cully that Commodore Watson's fleet will proceed to Spun as soon as ar rangements can le completed. Tho oriinid plan to leave Havana till fall atands Uuchtinged. Daily of 15. I A Correction. In your issue of yesterday (Htb) you spoke of tbe ''Kev. Oliver sell, the oolored Lpiurpal preacher " Although Oliver StnnBfll retnftimer assumed tbe tills of "Lev." and tht fuuotione of "nreaoher," he bus never been ordained to the minititry of the TpiiOiipal church. He was and is, only a layman, and wai em ployed as teacher in the colored mis sion. J. C. Davis II In Arm ll.ntly Cut. Thursday evening jfr. Noah Corre-11 received a bad cut tn hit arm. la leaning against a email slat before the window in his ehop, the b!at gr.v.i away and his arm wr nt directly ug utiat the glass, which broke and inflioud a bad cut on his arm just aliove the wrist. Is bled quite profuuely for some time. NeHM From fJeortcevtlle. Trof. Albright, who will take charge of the school at the George ville Aeademy, has arrived here. His school will very probably begin on the first Monday in August. Mr. Will Widen house, who fell from his wheel two week 9 ago and W(hoso hip was fractured slightly, ti able to walk Botue now. He ha? boen confined to his bed with the injury. A PUBLIC TRIAL. The Lyceum linn leclleil to Invite I lie rubll to Their Trlitl JVcxl Frl iliiy If lit ht Tlie Rnle of Conrt to be fitmerved lmtromf it Denote Held. There waa not a good attendance at the Lyceum Friday night, so the trial of the Ex Suroant at-Arms, Dr. II C Herring, for shooting an old colored man with an old rifle eorne weeks apo, wa? laid over nntil next Friday night. It wv decided that too public be invited to attend, q'-ite a number of Indies havinrr ex-prrp-t-d their desire to see a trial carried on like tbe ones held at a reeular court. All rules of court j will be observed, Attorney Luther H&rtsell, acting be judgo. Mr. L D Duval nd Mr. JameB F Sninn have been appointed by the chair to prcaccute Dr. Honing, whi'e At toraey Stickley, Dr. Fe'zor and Mr. Canton Means will defend him It is stated that the attorneys for the p:oic-(;ution, in orhr to got the evidence Connolly, will have the oolored man tht re and will allow him to testify, lo those who have never seen a trial, it prom srs to be very interesting, be-eidc-e heariug the argument otered ly 'he attorneys and the charge to tne jury by His Honor, Judce Hartsell. Sergeant atsArma Hurley will have the pris oner in nuslody, and where the court cua well g.ize cpon tho guilty or innocent face. Mr. Jno. M, Cook will very probably perform the duty tf tmpunelling the jury ttd will colleot ten cents from all witnt'erf, which will difray the ex penff-s of the court for ice water snd other little expenses. At their meeting Friday niht they bad an impromptu debate on the Woman's Suffrage question. Ills "Hit her" Ntntt-tl l-iuiuly. We have received the following letter from Mt. Pleasant whioh we are asked to publish : Mb. Editor; Please loan me fpace in The Standard to notify the good old Kepnblicans of North Carolina cf cue fact . We, the re publicans of North Caro inn, mast tote a straight ticket in this cam., paign. We can not afford to waste time with the Pops. Remember if we can not be the corn we can not afford to be the cob. I would rather h) a Democrat than a Pop. Youra for the cause tf the party, EEl'UBLIOAN, Fire In llaolne. W in Three 1'rrlxh In the I'lHiiii-H, The Racine Malleable and Wrought Iron works building cf R-icine, VV is , were totally destroyed by fire Wed nesday, involving the lives of three or more uiet: and 100,000 worth of propsrty. tin 111 Hny Home Woimileil. A Roagh Kider from tin State of New York, who was in the S ntingo fiht and who was wounded, was on train No. 3d this (Sa'nrday) mornit tr, bing taken home. lie is i hot in bis arm and shoulder and bears a woutd on the aide of his head. Oue of the bills at least Is still in his bodv. Hia rounds were of course dressed at once as soon 13 aid could get to him, and he was at once started heme. He had on his biown duok'ng suit uud was muddy from lying on the ground, having been wounded while ihootine from on the erour.d. I heir Jiihlu-c. The "Julia M-ruler Book Club" mot with Mrs. Dr. Young for thoir luBt meotinu and they called it thoir Jubilee Moeting, lor they had their president, Mrs. J C Gibson, with them once more, after her long absence, and all tho members present but ono. - The groat event of the day, tho drawing for thou Looks, was in order and occasioned much mer riment. TLe club bus had five books presented to thorn by friends and appreciated this com pliment most highly. The secre tary said she had voted for "Con cord" as the name for their club and alia was happy to say that this naino well described thoir club, as no ripple of disaprrueineut hits disturbed their serenity and they have proved thut'a cltib of womon can dwell together in poace and concord. Tho club adjourned to meet at a call from the Pto.sident iu Sep tembor. With Hawaii and the Pnilip -ines we would have an ajsrrtment of voK canoes that will make the effete monarchies green with envy. Morn ing star. U. e Calilwtll, M. u. ,M. 1.. Mrveas, M.U Dra. CALDWELL & STKVLNS, Concord, N. C. Ollioe in old pout olluo building jppoaite St, Cloud Hotel. Phone No 37 Kvyel make the food pure, . whulcftume mail deliclou fi mm Abf olwioi (-aro BCHEDTJLii, ITlii - BJklLWlT. In Effect Mer.l, 1&P8. Thia condensed achtdul? is pub lished aa information, and ia subject to change without notice to th pnblio; Trains Leave Concord, N. O 9:21 p. m. No. 85 daily for Atlan. ta and Charlotte ana all points South and South wost. t!urrips thrcuph Pullman drawing room buffet sleepers butweeu liuw York, Vi aehiugtOE, Atlanta, Now Orleans, Savannah and, Aluo Pu.lman sleeper, Ohnrlotte to Augucta, Salisbury and Chattanooga. 8:49 a. m. No. 87, daily, "Washings ton and Southwestern veutibultui limited for Atlanta. .Birmingham, Memphis, Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, and all points South aud Southwest. Through Pullman sleeper New York to New Orleans and New York to Memphis. Din ing car, vetitibuled coach, between Washington and Atlanta, Pullman tourist car for San, Francisco, Wednesdays and Saturdays- 8;53 p. si. No. 7, daily, from Rich mond, Washington. Ooldsboro, Selma, lialoigh. Greensboro Euoxville and Asheville to Char otte, N. C. m No. 11, daily, for At antu and all pomts South. Solid trr,iD, Kichmorui to Atlanta; Puile man sleeping car, Iticbmond to Augusta and Norfolk to Greensboro 10:08 a. ii. No, !)ti, daily, tor Wellington, liiclimotid, Italeigh and ail notiits v th. Carries Pull mi.n drawine.rc jiu buffet sleeper, MewOileauH t ) Newloi-k; JaeUeoni ville to New York ; Chattanooga & Salisbury to New York. Pullman tourist cars from Sun l'rai Cisco Thursdays. 8:53 p. si. No. 38, daily, Washing ton and Southwestern vostibuled. limited, for Washington and all points North. Through Pullman car, Memphis to New York; New Orleans to New York; Tampa to New York, Augusta to Richmond. Also car ries vestibuled coach and dining car 7.08 p. m. No. 12, daily, tor iiicbi mond, ABhevillo, Chattanooga, Kttl digh, Norfolk, aud all point. North. Carried Pullman sleeping iar from Greensboro to iiichmonds and Oreonsboro to Norfolk via Kai lelgh and Selma. ZZ 6.27 a. m. No. 8, duily, for Rich mond ; connects tet Greensboro for Haleigh and UuldsLoro; at Danville for Washington Lad points North al Salisbury fur Abaville,' Knox villo and points oct. First dections of regular through or local freight trains carry passi n-. gesrs only to points where thuy bUn according to scbedulu. John M. Colp, W. A. Tduk, Traffic M'gr. Qen'lPaes. Ag't, FttAKK S. Gannos, Washington,!). C. Third Vice President and Gun'l manager, Washington, D. C. S. EI.HaiiDwick, Ass'tOou'iP. Ag't Atlanta, Ua W. H. Tatloe, Ass'tGou'lP.Ag't, Louisville, Ky, Gowan DrBENiiLBv, LccalAg't, Concord. N. C, MOK taVoN U7 CALL) W'iCLL ATTOKNSY AT IAW, CON COK D, N. O Oilice in Morris bu -tm, ppuflit Court hdtise. M. 13. S TICKLE Y, Attorney ut L..w, Concord Ar. C. SILblAL AT1LM1U. UlYki 10 VULLlL'UOS. Office upstairs iu King building near Postolhce. "Saved fer life." "'WW t !! JOHN W 1. 1 FT. of ,MI,.r-.-.n, it li. ,v'- "' i.i.'iii cslr. nicil fit wiit.-ly kilt.,-, ii, wittr.s. "In 1-'J I Ij.iil a s. i i.- i,( l.,i,iir.. ami ut 1 1 io einl fT f, u ' it i . ri' I , i., : . i f i Ii pliy.-in;, nf, fin ti'i -'i ' -I . it Mm .ii.iiimi (111. Iliy lili L'H ln'lll1' I..! I.'T . Ml,-, '. N fn m in so cunirlrti ly wn K. I, n y f:t. . :, it. -i:ilri'rt of. iny frl.-t -ivuu ,.. mi 1 , nil only sli' i !' tin' lir of i.,i . t. - My lum; liii'l ln :irt .:iliii it ti.i' tri l l! ly :, f t i-.y r.H.-"' w.i limit u 'i:r:iv ii in nnc pnitliiii tmt it -hn-I, ft Kf.l nt an I I Mil.-- fv t - if- - r . .1 in t.,1- lii- 1 i ' l ,it I.-ur i i i, I i. . ui'il' l. r I 1 1 i i . 1 t tl. , .in-i i , i. ,-. tli.- -ui ,i Ihii nt -i.. l-r .Mill ' 1 - .'in- m,.l I y :,,t t I u n ! r a i N -. I'', t 1 1 i.. it lin l i ,(1 ii"l lili Hi y t .... u 'a ; , t). Ili-tit 1,1- 111 ,'M, ru ml. -I Id . u i.. a-4 Of tlio hi art ttn-1 A " ',"u ' " !' ' DITVUH friiB. A'lilr-'SH, i . A. lih. HlLtS MKl'l' ALt-U , tli-t, ut, Iwi, , ' v.- -. - V . V , f i, mm in nil ii , ,.i. i . i C ... tin mil ii...iii ' - i-ni ""i"1 "f

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