The - Standard. TURN OUT GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING riUCES. Give us a Trial. Standard. rr.IXTS THE A i: H'A THAT IS JCEWS For 1 Year ond us 1 Dollar. VOLX NO 339. concord; n. a, Thursday, sept r 1898. WHOLEN0 491 Standard. THE TWO PEAT 11 3 la Por-eat I Hj, arkaoaaa, of Former Natlrea or rabiirrua i 'oniily Both Have Kclallvr l.lrlnlc flr Now, From tome one of their relatives we learn of the deaths of two former inhabitants f tibarrosoounty, who for jeara have been in Arkanaua, and both of whom hitye relative! jet living i'i this county . Mrs. lltiiry W Fisher died at Forest City od the 26th of August, Mrs. Fisher fls a daughter of Mr. Paul Li taker, who died ninny yean ago. Mr. Kelson L' taker, of our county, is a sinter of Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Fisher died of consumption. Mr, Asa Harnhardt, who lived only two miles from Mr. Fisher at Forest City, Ark., also died on the 24th day of August, only two days before the death of Mrs. Fisher. Mr. Barnhardt died of a cancer in bis face. Mr. Win. Barnhardt, of No. 4 towLBhip, is a brother of the de ceased . Mr. Barnhardt formerly owned the lands near this place now owned by Mr. J as. Deaton. THE SECOJN D TO MUSTER OUT Tbe Oriler-a leaned Friday For Thla to Toke rice m KnlHich. A special 'o the Charlotte Obsers "rer from Washington, dated Sept 2nd, Bays: Orders were leaned ton day for the mustering out of the Second North Carolina Regiinel.t now at St. Simon's Island, Ga. The papers of the regiment will be ei rnnined and the command sent to Kaleigh in ft few days. On arriyal t.'iere 30 day furloughs will bj is f.ied to the men. All furloughs " ill be made tj expire the aame lay, and any on? failing to report tit It tleigh on that day will be cons eidered a deserter. No traveling ex pensfs will be allowed the men who go to their horn s, but they will re" rjive comiiintation on furloagh ra lions Bt the ta'.e of 25 cents eaoh day. Sufficient details of ineu will Le retained in linleigh to guard government property and assist in clerical work of winding up the regiment's affair?. At the muster-ont the men will bo examined physically in a most thorough manner. They will then rcoeive all the pay and allowances due them. John A Ritchie, of Company L, First North Carolina, was today diss Charged. lila Drolher llrail. Mr. Aaron Yost, of Euochvilie, received word a few days ago that Lis brother, John Yost, died on the 21st ult., at Myrth Springs, Texng Mr. Yost wns iboot Hi years rf af;ei and is no doubt remembered by some ol our people of the county. Olllrera for tli Coniliir Year. At the meeting of the convention of the Woman's Hoaie and Foreign Missionary Society which met in Rownn some tlayugi, the following officers for the onsuini? year were elected: President, Mrs J H C Fisher; FiihI Vice President, Miff Eilft Belle Si-iire1; Second Vice President, Mm. J Q Wi-r z; Ileoord ing Secretary, Mips F.oronce Miller; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. H N Miller; Treasurer, Mrs. I X Ilcilig. Unrein llmlaiird. The Cuban general, Garcia, has been dismissed from the command cf his troops by order of Gen. G i mez, acting nndur orders of the Co ban provisional government, for hip ugly letter to (Jen. Shafter at Sans tiago. MONTHLY I SUFFERINQ. Thousands of women r teLi-'vi G troubled at ufl 1 mommy lnrrr. vala with paina in the bead, baok, breasts, ihoulclerB, sides lilpa and limba. Cut they need not sutler. These poind are avmptoma of dangerous derangements ihnt can be corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. makes tnenstmstion painless, and regular. It puts the deli cate menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that atop all this pain. Why will any woman suffer tnncth after month when Wins of Cardut will relieve her? It costs fl.oo at tbe drug store. Vbv dou't you get a bottle to-day? Tor ftdvirr, In i-tu:. rt roouii lnjr special di:i-'tii'if, ivVitr-ai, giv ing PVIMptonin, "i'll: Will's' Adi-tniir Uepiirtiiu-nt,'' Tha Clinltanooi'B Medicine Co., CliaUuiioi;.), Teurj. Mrs. BOZtNt lE1..,, . of Oof.n-.IIH. Tnir. &nyi "lm routolcl Hi montlil, lnlr.i:.l .!!. fn..i.l. n.fiLK Ih hi hoart it'll tia-V. t-ll Hi-.m lirnti villii'! Nlli(t lr Wins Of CMUl." W4i JOINT CANVASS To Be sliMte at Nevernl Flnrea Ily aemlaeca Klntts and CrI1w-I. Ai noted Bereral days ago an ar rangement was trirjg to be made for a joint can vase by Attorneys Theo. F Klut'z and Mcrrieon Caldwell, the nominees of the Democratic and Popoliat partiea for Congress. Attorney Morrison Caldwell showed a reporter a letter from Mr. Theo. F Klntfz, of Salisbury, saying that he would (peak at Lexington on Tuesday, August Ob; Dallas on Sept. 20th; Troy on Ojt 4th; Shels by on Oct. '25th, end at Newton on Nor, 1st. Mr. Kluttz informs Mr. Caldwell of these appointments in order that a joint speaking can be had in case Mr. Caldwell accep's The express loiiipaiij Pays urn Tax; The matter of who eh all pay for the express stamp came up before the Railroad Commission Tuesday, and was argued by Mr. F G Dubig non, of Atlanta, and Mr. F II Bus bee, of Raleigh, for the Express Company. The beat possible argument was made, probably, but the Commis sion voted unanimously that the company which issues the receipt in evidence of oontract ahull pay for the stamp as in other cases. It also refused to allow an advance of one canton the charge which would, of course, neutralize the action of tbe Commission if it had granted it. Thus this matter is settled, we hope, without much wrangle and the action seems eminently right. feoeord Claims Him. It is always pVasing to note anyi thing in regard to Concord's people, even if t bey are in o'her Sta'es We refer to the faottbat Mr. Jnlian Deaton, a former Concord boy, who has been living iu Birmingham, Ala., for many years, has been elected as the delegate from that place to attend the meeting of the International Typographical Union at Syracuse, N. V., soon. This is quite an honor to Mr. Deaton, and tiO doubt Mr. Deaton will prove nn honor to the Union of that pbce. Jno. I.onir Movei. As noted in our Mt. l'ieasant cor respondence, Surveyor Jno. II Lmg, who has for years lived on the liui of Cabarrus and Uu'ou counties, has moved his family to Mt. Pleas ant. We learn that Mr. Long him self was not able to go with hie family when they moved, having be.n sick wilh chills. Mr. Long his moved to Mt. Pleasant in ordei to educate his children in the two schools, having started live in school Mt. Pleasant is to be congratulated (in securing aiiother such a family as thi- one '0 the lo n. I'limiah of II. M L Flow, K-q., who has b. en one of tiie leading Pop-ilists of the omnty, says that he wants it to be known that be is no longer a Popu list and thit he ie now a Di-niocn.t :md wil1 vo'e a afr'ii ;ht Democratic tl ket in Nov. mbpr. Monroe Jour nal. I'his is the man who was epoVen of o look afier tho Bute poultry department, and whose name wa the rounds qiite much some time a ii" J. A Mn Potiml I'urttiiMOKiiiN. A correspondent from Sumner to the S iahury Sun hs he f.iilow.rj: ''jQDday, Aug. i!8:h, about noon a man was fonnd lying by the sid of the ruilro.d a short distance south of this place. Narbv lay hi- wheel, badly demolished. This and the blood upia th' lies guve proof (bat the gentleman bad falleu from bll wheel. He was taken up by some p3ser by who fonnd a deep gash, meas uring the entire length of his face, and a large hole knocked in his head. Tbe wonnded man partly regained consciousness, but could tell roths ing of the incident. lie was aided to Ka'isbury. Wa learn h: name was KluMz and that, his home was beyond Silisbnry. He was riding in the direction of Cbin'i Grove, aud it is thought wa in the act of dis mounting from his bicycle at a cattle-guard when be fell." A Chance ry I'roltattle. Miss Agnes Howie, who for ten years has been staying at the home of Mr; N F York's, left this (Thurr- day) morning fur Taylorsville, where she will speml two weeks. It is not definitely known, but is vory jit ,'.hM dint Mios Howie's name i i:l h r'i.". el r r-lnrne Ha i 11' o1 Hi' h I'm ! b.vii nr. nv a i V'HIDK innn in Knoii vs nil. - . Yo.l inV'i e ilinn p in t win n i .u ,,t. WwittV j'U. e K ti ly Him re uri' n'.eim'iiit, mm, I inorouiru ihuh i.iiih. iih-v ctin- cnns'ipaiion ami nek hen l.inbo in 1 1 iih mre es'you lako Ibum J ' ; (ilt'HOU. 1 NOTES FROM COUNTY IIOMK. t Ilrnrr Iran IX-xl-SI Living- and Hi II-1 lie! to Work and Are Itappj-, Mr. 15 nhardt was in town this (Friday) morning from the connty home to preenre a ccfljn for Henry cruse, a cgro man well known about town. Henry had been puny for ouie time and has been in tbe oounty borne for about three weeks He died Thursday evening. M r Barnhardt says he baa a grou p of 34 inmates now, all doing well. There is now none under treatment by the doctor. 1L says be receireB very material help from those able to do some work and exercise some care over others. Many of them read and all sem fairly hnppy as one large family. The need of a Itnatard. One of the most foul crimes ever attempted in Davidson county was enacted near Wel come Saturday night, with al most fatal results. The little three-year-old daughter of Mr. "Buck" Hin kle was sleeping in a bed just in front of an open window. During the night its parents were awakened by its cries and on investigation found that some fiend had slipped up to the window, reached through and stabbed the little girl in the breast. Mr. and Mrs. Ilinkle heard the man run away, but didn't see him, and have no idea as to who committed the foul deed. The wound inflicted was made by a knife, and while serious is not necessarily fa tal. The little girl's mother was in Lexington Wednesday and said she was able to be up, but since being stabbed nas Deen unable to speak a word. Davidson Dispatou, For the MiJp Monument. Messrs. H 8 Puryear W O Means and W R Odell haviDg been up pointed by the Charlotte Observer a oouimittee to solicit subscriptions in Concord for thetihipp monument, we are authorized by them to say that they will appoint, at an early date, a sub committee to canvass tbe town for subscriptions This movement is in e?ery eer oommendable and worthy and is tut an oppor unity for tbofe who have means, not imperatively demanded at o'her points, to join In the erecs tioa, in the turther county and in tbe Q ieen City, of a monument to the hi-ror of anjther hi ro whose Ojurage on the field of ba'tle sheds frerh lustre on Carolina's record of chivalry. rlioiiKlit II Was n Letter Ho. A man through ignorance stuck a letler in the lire alarm box in Greensboro the other day, which at ence called out the hose wagons and a large crowd of people. Nothing was done with the ignoramus, and the people returned to their places of business. Ih. WiMilhorn l.oen me Null. 'I hs cae tbat has been before the Howan Superior court fur neveral dujs in which Mr. J A Pierce sued tb Sjutbern for the killing of his on by a train last yea"-, wai decided in favor of Mr. Pierce. The da n aces sued for and ob'ained ffa? FaireMl Hill .Vex. Mr. A O Tally, o' Xew Lindon, is visiting bis daughters, Mrd. F P Smith, Mrs. S II Stone and Mrs. M M Rnssell, Mr, Tally is 8i years old and quite spry for a man of his age. Mr. Ei Barnes, of King's Mouns iain, is visiting at Mr. II M Rars row's. Mr. W A Russell and family moved ta Albemarle Thursday. Mrs R H Thompson, of Charlotte, is quite sick at brr mother's, Mrs. 11 0 Morris, at this p!ace. Mr. J D Green and Miss Lizz:e Crowell, were married at the Metbo dist parsonage by R-v. J D Arnold Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Mr, Green is a carpenter at the Odell Mills ajd is a worthy young man. "Ientenant, how goes yonr cam. paign agiinBt tbe .'air Miss Mullion'i hean ?" "Pe oyer. 8'e has surrendered, ! i M.fri left corning, Intending i";Hv ?o i' Kile h ili;Tii'Jni'rili II. f i ,1,,, I. tti reiMstuMir Ihitn 1 n , , , , , 1 ' ' !i"lu'il f-.ii waid, e-ml--i 1 :; lad Iter ft.ncnMil. d. 0f , . . i. ,i , ,.r n . i ul .ti tl at pint. - bllUl'. my a m .i Ch;ci; o I ii- MORMON ELDERS Doliiffp a Miih lly Their Ooelrlueand Niiccted In Uetynic Him I mmnrieil llie Poor nan la ffiidn t Bvlli-Te llial HID Wire la In Hi ll Kin llll mcralon Aluuea For II er Kin. The following letter has been re- ceived fr. m a gentleman in the lower part of our county, giving an ao count cf seme cf the doctrine that tbe Mormon elders are presenting to some of our people. As for the name, we will withhold it. Follows ing is bis letter : 'Oa Snnday, August 21st, Mr. George Gorman was immersed by a Mormon elder for the remiesion of his dehd wife's sins, who has been dead about twenty-five years. The Mormons told Mr. Garmon that be cause his wife was a Methodist and was not immersed, she was in hell and if be would be immersed for her that would make the atonement for her aud bring her out of hell Mr Oorman, with an eye blinded to the true Uod,and with all faith in the sbiep tiiaf, Joe Smith, the Mormon god, was immersed for her on tbe 8unday abuye stated. This is the third immersion and as there was so much water on that occision and a good dfal of sand in it we think this will do for him now. And as to revelations Mr. Garmon says be has had one. The Lord has told him that he will eventually take this country by storm and aa Mr. Garir.on is a widower the wo- ; men especially ar? getting scared. Tbey say they don't know the extent of bis Palanic irfluenoe. Mr. Gir mon says tha when they laid their hands on him for tbe reception of the Holy Ghost he certainly received it. But we think the brother was muttiken. lie has teter received anything yet ixcept 9 bad cold, lint as to bin atonement we have onlv this to say. The greatest misfortune tLut ever came to Dives was that either Abraham or Lizarus was not a Mormon. Had they been tbey would not only have given him water but would have brought him clear out of hell and bidden bim go and be Immersed iu a river of water. And as to his taking this country, we will say Mr. G inn on is aa elo quent speiiktr and much deulnient is possible for him to do. Christian friends and oitins of Cabarrus county and of our beloved and so-called Christian Amend! What are we to do with th'8 arch tiends of bell ? To drive them out seems hard to free Americaus, to argue with them is impoeuible, to retain tb':in ieruinone, yi-n damniug to less informed of our ountrr, We ta'k about heathen in China, Japan mil elsowhe.ebut we auk if this is not heathenism in America in its d irkest hue I rll il In Ilia I.lle. Mt. Pleasant comes forward with the t ews of an attempted suicide of a yiung man near there. It is thought that a dieheartened love c ifo was Hid cause. The young m m ntieinpted it with a grape vine, but fununatoly the vine was too long bin he went to give the drop, his 1 ody hit'ing tbe ground. When hie futhur ran to him, the boy to'd 'b in "to co tn away, he was fo the boy was diesppoin'ed in both trautiactious . H an Carrli'tl lly NaliNbilry. A soldier from Company I, G!hb New York Regiment, was at the de pot this (Friday) morning. He bad been at home on a furlongh and was asleip when the train passed Kaliubury, where he was to have changed cars fur IIunta?ille, Ala., where his regiment is stationed. Kiilllril al III Tall Hearer. Among the colored excursionists from Raleigh to Norfolk Tuesday was one William Williams, says the Poet. The news readied Raleigh that this young man had beeu drowned. His relatives!, with eyes ready to weep and hearts ready to breuk, attended by pall-bearers, hastened to the baggage car on the return to receive the corpse, when William came smiling out of the first car. Imagine how many voiceH you could have heard eaying "I done tole you that nigea wasn't dead." An Allaek ol Fnliltiitlon ol Hie Heart. Dr. Sm Mon'gomery returned this (Friday) morning from Virgiuia Beach. While Here Dr. Montgom ery was taken with i. n attack of pal pipation of the heart and sull'jred quite, intensely for a day or two. If - wa yry wviik when ha sturted tl lin' le rei'i. !' rig row . 'r SALii i "".- - - 'I .. I 1 - l...ipif I . , I' i ...-.-in - .. - ' - - e- DAMAGE JY THE STOHM. rix I'oiintle In IJcorala I'adrr Water KIkiii Inelta or Kaln In Twelve llunra Atlanta, Sept. 1. The storm which has swept over south" east Georgia for the past two days, has put six counties under water ana paralyzed railroad and telegraph coromu nieation in that part of the State. Armies of railroad men are at work on all lines affected, but are making poor progress as the rain continues. Many trains from Atlanta and the North and West are at Tenuille, Ga., unable to move. A night train on the Central of (ieorgia ploughed through the three feet of mud to reach that place last night, and the paesHcgers ara here as guests of the city. Eight inches of rain Ml at Tennille in IV hours and the wind reached a velocity of 00 miles an hour, Bridges were wrecked and houses and trees blown down, but so far as known no lives were lost. The damage to bridges and roads in Washington county alone is $15,000. Atlanta received a touch of the storm today. The wind reached a velocity of 25 miles and the rainfall was very heavy. A VIOLATION til the IL'vemte Cliariceil Aualuwt Chlun 4.roTe'N M e ri-li an ta il e Ultei liond I'nlll the Xi'il Term ol' Feoeral Court. Thursday evening Deputy Mar chall Hamp'on brought M. Harv?y (!a;pcr, a meichsnt of China (i rove, to this place under arrest, tbe charge againBt him being a violation of the revenue lawa. Mr. Gasper id accuutd of buy;ng thirteen pounds cf tobacco iu boxes which are only stamped as ten- pound boxes. The case was brought to Esq. W J Hill, be being a United States Couimibaioner. No trial was held there being no evidence here. Mr Casper was compelled to give a I'iOO bond (or bis appearance at the next term of Federal court. While Folka Will Am Ntnlid Tlirar 1 hi km. In bis epceeh at Monroe on Tues day, Mr. John D Ifella'my, stated in Robeson county, Mins Britt, a white lady teacher, had to waik seven miles to get a negro school committeeman to Bign her voucher for the money ebe had earned. This is not all tbe indignities to which white people are subjected, for Mr. Bellamy added : "Another white lady in Robeson county had to stand au examina tion before seven buck negroes and not one of them ever ollerod her a seat. In auother township a negro committeeman took the chair iu a white lady's school and bossed it. We will not stand this, and I warn the negro, for many of them do not want this, I warn bim if he con tinues we will put it down. Ruee!l is vile. He "elected, not a quiet and inoffensive negro, to put for ward, but a mean one, Jim Young, whom he himself had publicly pros ecuted in Wilmington for perjury. This man he put on the board that ooutrold the deaf, dumb atid blind institutes, be made him fertilizer inspector, and then, turning donn oorupeteht white mon and two re spectable negroes, be made him colonel of a regiment, all because Young has idiot nee with the ne groes, and will use it for Russell. " We do not expect these things to excite indignation in the breasts of those white men who are getting big salaries through negro support. They have already sold their birth right for a mess of pottage, and would see every white teacher in the State further humiliated in or der to keep their jjbs. They are even now running ov.r the Sla'e apologizing for such ctf 'nces as Mr. Bellamy mentioned and keeping silent upon tbe greater outrages that r.ave made the white women of the country districts afraid to leave their homes without protection. Ojr appeal is to white men with white hearts, who love their race better than tbey lovo pie. They compose tho rank and file of tho white men of all parties. They want decent government. They are tired of tbe scandals, the elevation of the negro, and the outrages that charaoterizs the present rule. They are laying aside party ties and com ing together to restore White Su premacy in their loved State. Ex f-rtfMeie nftipeti In 2ft minut.. by !r falu 1'ain I'ii.i s. "Onu ci'tit U li'fcrtl." NE'rVS PARAGRAPHS. Ten caces of ytliow fever have .been reported i& Orwood, Miss. Four men were instantly killed Friday at Stinesville, Jnd., by the premature explosion cf dynamite. Thsy were working iu a rock quarry. Dr. Blessing, tbe medical ofiicer of Naneeu's polar expedition, is boptful that Andree and his group are not lost, but are probably on Franz Josef Land and may yet be found. The Adams, the American and the United rjtates eiprtss companies have consented to pay the stamp tax. It is understood too that tbe Southern Express Company makes no further fight of it. Miss W innie Davis is said to have takca worse and is critically ill again. Tbe government steamer Olivette, while taking on coal at Fernantlina Wednesday moruicg, suddenly lurched forward and water running into the port hole sank the ship The crew and all aboard were saved. The vessel is submerged to the up per deck . It will be raised again. The Cervera prisoners have all been released and can go home at any time at Spain's expense. Town f-oiiiiiiiMinlonera Meet. Our town commissioners met Fri day in their hall. Agent Gowan Dusenbury was before tbe boaid laying in a complaint in regard to rutting in the sewer pipe above the depot. Hesitated that after consul tation with some olhen1, he believed it would be an injury to tho health of those Hying about the depot.. After discussing tie mat'er, how utr, the action of tbe sewerage! committee was endorsed by the bsaid, A committee, consisting of Messrs Irvin Woodheuse, W A Wilkinsop, Chas. Sappenbeld, together with Mayor Crowell, were appointed to o'nsider the pavement matter on liouth Main street. Nothing else of importance was reported. They adjourned to meet on Monday evening, Sept. 12th, at 6 o'clock. Alger on Lee. In speaking of the management of tho camps, and their com manders, in referonce to the suf fering, sickness and death ot our soldiers. Secretary Alger pays a great tribute to General Fitzhugh Leo in tho following ; "The camp at Jacksonville was in charge of (ien. I.itzhuch Leo, who is a graduate of West Foiid. and has turned out to b'j the best oorps commander wo have. Ke has kept his command in better shape than any of tho others." "Ho had the advantage of artes ian wells," was suggested. "He had no advantage at all," retcrted the Secretary sharply. He simply did his duty, and looked after the health of his men as he should. He ordered the adoption of certain simple sani tary regulations, and saw to it thit they were obeyed. The result was that he kept his great army corps, stationed as it was where one would naturally expect disease to break out, with only 2 por cent of his men sick, while camps farther North have beeu overrun with disease." Times-Visitor. COL. IIltNRY SUICIDE:? t'onfeNea Forgery anil IIipii Cuta Kin Throat. France is again stirred over the Dryfas treason case by the confes.. sinn of one Col. Uenry that he forged the letter that he thought was nec essary to convict Uryfus ot the charge. After making the confess sinn hs cut his throat with a razor, The case may be opened again but the Henry forgery, it seems, was only a part of the evidence and Dryfus, it id claimed, will yet lack complete vindication. A Correction of the Kt'linloil. Io regard to a write up of the re union of Company H, of the Eighth North Carolina Regiment, which was furnish d The takdaud last week, Prof. UT J Ludwig, of Mt. Pleas ant, informs us that there was a mi;tuke made in the statement that there were 06 of the company liv ing. It is thought that f9 are living, though they are not quite certain, inasmuch as several of the company are in the Western Stales, Mr. O D BarrlDger is" not a lieuten ant, either, as was stated in tbe ar tide. Truth wears well, People' buve loarnutl that DeWitt'e Little Early Kisers are-,rliuble little pillB. for reKuiatineltbe bowels, curing con stipation and siek hiiniiitihe. They d in't gripe. J', P Gibson. COMMITS bUI IDE. A f eeklenbnrg Farmer Fmla II in Lite in IIin itarn at an Early flour Friday Mornttia. t rom tne inarmite papers we tef that Mr. Jis. McOail a reip?ct(d farmer of Meckb.-nbtir? county, ended nis life Fiiuay nminlng in bid burn, baying hanged himself with a plow line. Afier adji-sting the ropo urcnud bib neck, auU s.-s cendmg a ladder, he jumped c IT. His neck was not broken, but he was dead from strangulation whin his son found him at the barn. Mr. McCtll was a highly re?pected citir.en, but unfortunately his mind had been effected in the The deceased has been married twice. He haves a wife and seven children. lanre on fin- Scgro. 7.eb Vance in a memorable ,pe-cli in the I'nited Ftntee HecuNi f)tir years before hie d.ith, Jan'jarv '! , 1800, in speaking of the necro as a citiz-n ard of'e-bol ler in tl.e South, be said ; Since their adruisrior. to citi.-n- ship they have beeu el-cted ta leitb branches of Cmgro-ii and i;pvr- oc cupied almost every position under State authority. They have con trolled entire Mates, counties, und municipalities, and in every in stance their rule was marked bv failure and ruin. It was a war against property, intelligence and respeetibility. The fyw years of their misruls in the Sou'h will be forever remembered in cur history for their corruption, retro-jehn, and will constitute a damnable blot on thopo vho r.uttior.T -I it, nrd who looked on with complacen -y so long as the thieves wtre Repub licans, the victims were Damocatj." Oxford Public Ledger. A nlllKlin I rl.l.i.r Klitlit. Friday night Mr. Lut'ier Hait fell, a dt .if ami diin.b youn wiui of Cannouvilie, was coming up Depot street ou his bicycle. When nearly in front of Mr. Charlie Wagoner's he collided with a horse and bugiry. Tho younfr man got bruised considerably in tho fane and tut a while it vj.-, thought ho wiis very badly hurt. The wheel war l-roVen to pieces, lie was able to bo out again the next r:i..iiii:ij. It n J I il i u u a .11 it i i. I 1 hi tl. On the property berido me Yurto, Wadswortb v Co. wait-house neai tbe burnt alible", a I '-iid:n,7 iu h- mg bunt tor .Uesrs. rret;-e .V I t iey, for their marble yard. 'i ;ie building will be a t-ri.; i: str-i.-t ,, measuring 10 by "0 feet. There will also be a front of about tbe same measurement for the display of their work. The owners of the property, Messrs. Kiam King and Martin Boger'and Miss Julia Stiie walt have given the contract to Mr. R A Brown. The safety of'ntion is re duced to a fwie point where proper care is taken. Thi way things r sometimes smashe-d up on rn''ro:-.-i-would indicate tbi.t it few th;r.i,-,s are safe in transportation. Much de pends, however, on how ant :is bre packed or for f r r t . i r lt. It was a careful ci -'ery -.-ier who sent from or.s of ti," :;a,'ir States to a M:i.-.-i..i:'iiv at Tthcrun, Persia, last yriir rf:.-'in;, with only one broker . T';e gcd were seven months in tranei' and were carried S n.iies. by cara van. Commonwealth. t.oi.i in in mi.i Sunday a.-i Calyin Kesier, 14-year son of Air. Cornelius Ke8lfr,of Falistown townshi . was biting nil' u chew of to bacco his te-etli striifk boiiio thing hard. pullt?d it out and found it to be a 10 ct-nt piece with a hole in it. When he went to take another try for a chew, his teeth aain came in contact with Home coin of the realm, When this pioce was fished out it proved to be a five tloiiar j.:o!d i-i-'o-e. Mr T Ostwalt, of Falistown township, who informs us of this gold find, did not know the brand of tobacco, and we are therefore unable to cause a run upon the factory by mentioning it. Youn Mr. Kesler has Mm money to shuw for itself. Mascot. Dt; Witt's Wit eb 11.17 J .S ilyo bus the lai'KUat Hale (fau.v Sutve in the world. I bis fact and its n.erit lien led dibhonest People to attempt to counterfeit it, Look out for the man who attempts to dmieivii yo-: when you call lot' DuWiM'h Witch lU.ol fSiUye the ureal l'lb; cno - J P Cubsoii. .ilwly fiiH'.l liflrn 'i':ir,if,;in itofut trkc the food pure, Absolutely Pure linn Mim-tf fmti.ll Cnro a,irrtiaa people by its riick euros and chil li, r; nmy fake t in larae quantities without ti-.- b 8t dang sr, It ban won lor ite.l ti.e I -st reputation of uny prere-i'.it ion ustd today for toltls, croup, tickbns in the throat or obstinite co'ighs. J P Gibson. A. . (K.)'');7.1AN, M.D. I respectfully solicit the profefeion al f r' i(-" of the community. All cab- v :". tie promptly attended. Vy ""l'u' is at the residence of David Barrier, at Rimer, N. C. Aug. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, burns, skin diseases and es pecinily pi-e "hero ie ote reliable remedy, LeWitt'g Witch Hazel Salve. Wb' you call f r DeAVitt'g don't neet ; couuterfeitb r frauds. You will i 1 '.3 Witt's . Itibson, t be disappoi ' d with "H b Hazel .Sit.-- . J P "'Hirrmiittrit 1'Vvers 1 :n iniar-.riatic dis ; ' i'i ! n..-coi;ip;in r-.'s t f tho ..Mr ;.::ti Iiowels, it t ifcalth.' tliereat "driving' the mechanism of tri' f i ' S ,-,! lu, I'M. Tiu- liver : vlit.i:!" in m:'.n, nntl wht.-n it is out of order, tin; whiilc systum becomes de ranged and disease is the result. TuU' Liver Pills Cure vM Liver Troubles. ;' i r. U (V; OlhEfiS IlnJ lit tp io !! .'IV . ai.--.,: nil:,, wlii.-b (jives .'in j one t"liM.i. i'.mhI iiiiiclii niui vv ami iii-i-.l.-il Tttif 5outhei a-. R ?Iway 1 Ml: Stfiriuurd Railway of the SOUTH . . . TIIH DII'KI LINE TO ALL POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Slrktly FIHST CI. SS Equipment tin all llirout'li tiij , ien Irulns; Pullman l a .K St.vrln t rs on all mght li.ii;i: r.isliino Sine Schedules .... Trine! tv the Southern and i "U nre a.-.strej a Sate, Com-I'l-ii.i'lc aiui );Xi'cJltlous Jour i i . v . . . u . . . , . . , Appl v toTMt. t Aircets lor Time TaHes, r ites an.i i,:.o-il Ii.liirmaiton, tr A iltl less I. VI W.M'.V F. H. 1.AKBY, 1. f - .1.. I. P. 1: T. A.,- ilinri ti., c. .UlliViIle, .V. C. N i Tr..i,h!e to Answtr Quctinns. Frank -.(.jmiiik, J. M. K'LP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.l MVr, .Man., d.p.A. t AMl.ll.TOIv, I) C. HOC Life." ;i. ) 'r M:;;;.' "In t-n. 1 h una ,.t i ii. . I'liy l. i.ii.... 'id, my l'li.i- oi:. tl. ir ; n I . ly i 1 . f i , ' "i '-. ' ' ;'v.' ,'iiart. i4. ..mi.'.-. . I. t ... I.M er ,...,' : f.'Il.'llll. II ! P... A t'f 11.0 I. II' r. rv-rt Irv. A '.'.ti VV,. XllVi IK.

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