-la, Mr- t- i The - Standard. The : Standard. pimvi's r:i :: MiV.s 'HUT is .vzns For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. T AMD ARB. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT L1VINO TRICKS. Give us a Trial. VOLX NO 339. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPT- 22 1898. WHOLE NO 494 The A NEW BRIDGE Will Hare to Be Dull! at Blark'a Bill In Ho. 1 rownahli The OKI On to He Made Available For a "mallrr aireaui. The first step towards in creasing the expense acoount of our oounty on account of the big washing rain some time ago, will very probably commence on the first of next month, when an iron bridge, costing at least $3,000 will be contracted for. Mr. C C Morrison, of Chats tanooga, who was ordered by the county commissioners to oome and inspect the iron bridge now lying in Rocky River at Black's Mill, came and inspected the ' ruined bridge. Commissioners Deal and Stafford accompanied him there Friday. Mr. Morrison says that the bridge is dam aged too badly to put over any large stream, but can be made available for some stream not near so wide as the one over which it has been. It is very probable that rep resentatives of different bridge manufacturers will be here at the meeting of the commis sioners" next month to put in bids according tc the specifica tions made. JAME3 II. BLACK WELDER DEAD. I' Away Alter a Wm of Suffer Inv With PerllonlilD. Mr. Jarues H Blaokwelder, son cf onr townsman, Mr. A J Biackwel der, died Friday the 16th about 3 p. m , at his home. Death ended a week of Intense suffering with that dread malady, peritonitis, with which be wag first attacked while in Conoord Saturday, just one week gO. Mr. Black welder was nearing 274 yean cf age. He was married some two years ago to Miss JSsther, the danghtor of Mr. Lee Winecoff. Their only rffjpring preceded him to Mt. Ilermon grave yard, where his body was laid to rest by it today at 11 o'clock. The funeral, in the ab. f nee of bis pastor, was kindly con ducted by Rev. J D Arnold, of For tot Hill M. E. Oharob. Mr. Blaokwelder was a youug man of industrious, frugal habits, and was n'vancirg to the stage of substantia1 a-.d useful membership in churob aud state. Our sincere conJoUnce is tens dered the bereaved wife and other relatives. Dily cf 17th. Ho Store Miowe For Ts I'here. The slow ground in rear of the city hall aud near the cation, pint form is now a thing of 'he pier, as a building is being built in which to put the hook and ladder wbeoii cf the Concord Fire Company. The lot belongs to the town. The building will be 60 feet long and 15 (pet wide xne sides win oe niaue of corroga'ed iron, while ths roif will be covered with tin. I; will be remembered that fbe bot.k aud ladder house, whiob w.s near the Corl stables during the fire, was torn down at that time. MONTHLY SUFFERING. fhouaanda of women ere troubled at monthly Inter, all with pain (n the bead, bask, breast, houlders.aidej hips and limb. But they need not suflar. These Mlna are tytnptoni of dangerous derangements that can De corrected. The men strnal function should operate Dainleaslv. makes menstruation painless, and rearolar. It puts the deli . eate menstrual organa in condi tion to do their work properly. And that atop all this pain. Why will any woman suffer month after month when Wine of Cardui will relieve her? It cost fi.oo at the drug store. Why don'you get a bottle to-dayf Tor orWre, In cases requiring special dtrtctlons, nrtilresa, giv ii(? symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Meiliciuo Co., ChaUauocg, Ti nn. Me(0 Mrs. BOZWI LEWIS. 01 uannviiiv. i'". i. "I WOI tnmhld II msnlhlr IntOKiiU r "mtlh Urtlfcil plnm my IimiI and . feyt btn enUrni rlleaJ t IVm . 25J HONESTLY CONVINCED. What a Franklin ropnlll smyu or the Drift or HI. Parljr AppeuU to Ilia rrlloim. To the Voters of Franklin Oounty : Six years ego I left the Demo cratic party and bf came a member of tke newly organized Popuiis party. My purpose in doing this was pare and putrietio. I believed that it represented the best Bet of principles and had the best platform which any political party had ever promulgated. 1 belLved that in it was the hope of deliverance from the domination of Wall street and or ganized capital. I believtd that the Democratic prty ander Cleveland'. administration, was unsafe, and that it was fostering the brood of trusts and oombines that had grown up under Republican regime. I saw that slowly and surely the single gold standard was being fastened npon th country, and that Democracy under Cleveland, was permitting this ork of ruin and robbery to proceed. To my mind Populism was a protest against the iniquity and ring rule of both t e dominant old parties. I have n apoligies to make for having been a Populist, When I joined the prty It was, in my judg ment, full time to call a halt in our national affairs, aud to change in our ever increasing tendency towards the despotism of a heartless plutocraoy. I was born and bred a Democrat, and inherited a hostility for and a repugnance to Republicanism. For the teaobing and tenets of that party I have neither sympathy nor tolerat tion. Its trend toward centraliza tion, and its reoord of corruption in State and nation, have deepened my enmity toward it, till there Is not one doctrine that It holds in harmony with my views. 1 left the Demo cratic party, as did thousands of others in tne State, because it was growing nnder Cleveland, more and more like the Repnblican party. I.e Gnancial policy was exactly similar to the financial policy of John Sherman, and when, under the whip and spur of President Cleveland, it finally struck silver its death blow, I joined with the political party that was born of this incident. I did notnnita with Populists to fibt the Democra's only, but the slogan of our party was to do battle to all political organizations which did not stand on eur platform and espouse our yiews. The Republican party, the anthor cf all our ills, was our rch pnemy in the conflict. I made the campaign in Franklin oounty, in 1892, you will remember, as the nominee of the Populist party for the flio" of Sheriff. I entered the fiht, and csrrifd the bur den of the whole ticket, with the profjund conviotinu that I" vaa right, aud I believe cow, tbat in its origin and first existence, the Popu listptrty was rlgli. The central arid na;n plank in oar platform was the reformation of our finance?, especially the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. I believed in that doctrine then. I Implicitly belieyeiu i'. now. For two years the Poru'.ist party met my views aud fu Tilled ruy high eHt idciis. I taw the Vtbole country shaker, as hy a Btorin with the grow ing strength of this young giant. Both the old parties looked in ftia.ru it the increasing host of those who arrayed themselves beneath our ban ner. In the declared purpose of our growing army was the promise of sweeping reform. Suddenly in North Carolina, seem ingly without cause, certainly with out excuse, I aww.tbis pirty, which boasted a pnrity unknown to both the old parties, begin a system of trading and trafficking in political honor and principle, more degraded and more disgusting than bas efer before disgraced any political organic tation in the world . I saw men professing the saun prinoiple which I held, and more vehement in their utterance than 1 had ever been, vote for gold bugs, and birter their party's honor away with no though 1 of anything save the pie. counter at which they were being fed . I saw th"m d 111" r:iVy hhndon their piriform, duxvo iLoii prij oiplea. uuite en rpiu tenim vi" Ibelr life Nig en'-tt les t!ie Ite;n lioans aud love Iho few uf un v hi value our jo'itic i' in'cg.-ity, hboti (U form or party. I saw the deliberalely arandoned whose every political thought, idea and purpoee, was t utter variance with our avowed priuoiples, pat into oilice by Populist yotes and honored with Populist ballots. I saw in my own county negroes elevated to positions of trust and profit, appointed to admin:s:er the educational and financial matters nd bff dira of white institutions, and the votes of Populists required by their leaders to bring about I his re sult. I saw the Populist party taken by its leaders and delivered, like a flock of sheep in the open market, to the Republican organization ; its votes relied on to eleot to tffi e the same crod of vanda!s and oarpet-bag. gers tbat bad looted the State in 1869, and an infamous and corrupt trade dignified by the name of "oo operation." I saw the beginning of a reign of debauchery that did not ep-re even th poor insane in the State Asy lum. I-saw the Populist party that had begged for a lease cf power in North Carolina, bo they might demonstrate the excellence of economy, lavish the Sta'e's money In wild extrava gance, and create new offices by the soore in order to feed them at the public table. I saw the sincerity of the Popu list prty tested time and time again, and whenever ihe fight came between prinoiple and pie, the latter tri umphed. I saw the Democratic paty purge itself of Cleveland, and, plank by plank, adopt as their own almost every demand of the Populist party in its first great charter, nntil the Populist leaders boldly charged that the Democrats had eto'on their platform, and then I saw the Popu list party deliberately walk off that platform and coolly put on the Re publican unifjrm. The rank and file of the Populist prty are not in the organization for for the sake of office, and they can hardly realize that they have been bo bitterly deceived and betrayed by their leaders. This fall another election will be held, making four in wbloh the Populist party has participated since birth. Aagain we are called upon to violate and belie every solemn declaration of our platform, and to fuse .Tilh and vote for gold bug Ri ptt')licn3 (i rid ii. competent negroes. This will make three elections out of fcur in whiob we have been sold out traded away and trafficked for like chattels,in which we have b:cn naked to vot for men whose lives :nd po liticil principles area flu contradic ts n to every line of our platform. I know not how it may be with tbeoiLi rj voters in Frjukliu coun ty, hut as for me I have made up my mind thut no man with an atom of Belf respect, no man who is hon est with himself aud who votes from principle and patriotism, can follow these treacherous leaders any longer. I have lift the Populist piirty, ex actly as I joined it, for the sake of principle. I eo!emnly Hppoal to all good, hon at white men; to all the men wbo love their home ia their country, aud to whom th.'ir wives and sis'.ers are dear; to all who d sire to rebuke traitors and political adventurers, to uba-idon it as I did. For a Southern white man the Dem ocratic party is the great, the only party now. It ho'ds within it the only possibility of relief from the disgraceful conditions that now make the name of oar 8tate a re proach and bysword. (To those who followed mt out of the party in 18D2, and vo.ed for me, I have only a sense of de' p gratitude, and for their Bakes I no appeal to them to fo'low me back lujttthe party that we left, It promises most for our aonniry, it promises all for our manhood ! J B Allen Mr. lllmu I.iiiijc Uend. Mr. Allison Long of Wo 5 towns jhip, who.o serious illness was noted previously, died Wednesday night, after lingering for some time with consumption. Mr. Long had reached a ripe old age, having been between 00 and 70 years of age. The re mains were i interred this (Thursday ) .nornirti.i : lil IHnu'a llrnuh Again." JuiIl;h W S Norwoud was lu the citv totiifiit ou his way to Greens boro. Hid "weiiktie a" wne r ttMch in evidence Salisbury Cor respondent lo Charlot'o Oo ertor of 15th. A GOOD HAUL. Three Merenne HIHcers Makn'a Maul Down In Mtnol County About One Hundred and Thirty dallona ofthe Uloraade Ntuir Nelaed. i For some time several of the rev enue cflicers have been keeping their eyes on some one who has been haul ing blockade stuff about through Stanly county. On Tuesday night, the 13th, ReV' enue Officers George Means, J M Roberts and T 0 McCoy took a trip around through Stanly county Early Wednesday morning, before daylight, they found a wagon and two horses, also a hack and one horse, and about 130 gallons of MD stamped juice. As these officers were not deputy marshals, and no one was accessible, nothing was done with tho driver, bnt all of hia property was taken charge of by the officers. Their plaoe of seizure was near Cottonville, in Stanly oounty, beyond Big Lick. After a long drive, the officers ars rived here on Wednesday evening with their prizes The driver tjld the officers that the liquor belonged to a mun named Snider. An inves tigation will, of course, be made by a deputy marshal, and unless the il licit dealer is somewhat ehrewd he will be caught. tVblte Hen and Women Read This AllldHVlt. Slate of North Carolina, Craven Court- ty- Edith Anderson being duly Bworn doth say; Tbat ehe is a white woman; that a few weeks ago a war rant was sworn out against her by a negro woman before Fredrick Douglas?, a negro 'justice of the peace who before hie election as Justice had been disbarred from practicing as a United States Pen- sion Agent and indicted for fraudu lent practice?; that one J P Stanly, the negro constable of the city of New Berne procured the swearing out of said warrant for the purpose of making couts for himself and said Douglass, as affiant is informed and believes; that affiant was arrested under said warrant by said negro constable, and brought before said negro justioe for trial and made affi davit for removal of the cause; tbat the said Douglass removed the cause to one W H Green, a negro justice of the peace for trial, and affiant was carried to the office of eaid Green J that his office was in his barber shop which is in the negro pettle- montofNew Berne known as the 'Five Points;" that said barber shop is patronized exclusively by nngroes and is very smull and filthy, and hair from the beads of the negro patrons of the shop was cattered over the floor; that efliant waa tried by said negro justice with said negro constable acting as officer of the court and was prosecuted by a negro lawyer named Raphael 0'IIara and ordered to give a justi- fiod bond in the sum of $250 and was ordered to give the bond with out being permitted to go down town to find a surety; that affiant nfirr being held in cuelody.of eaid Lt.cro constable for a long time suc ceeded In giving tho bond and was rnleaped; that fourteen negro wit nesses wore summoned against her on the charge of a simple misde meanor; tbat after the justice had ordered her to give the bond for her appearance at court, a proposition was made to affiant to release her and not require her appearance at court if she would pay the costs of the constable, justioe of the peace nd fourteen, negro witnesses and negro lawyer's fee. Edith Anderson. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of September, 1S9S S R. Street, N. P. Nollre of (leisure. Seized near Cottonville, Stanly county, 6th Collection District, N. C, on Sept. 14th, 1898, for viola te n of Interna! Revenue laws, the following property : One one-horse hack . One two horce wagon. Oi.e bay mure and harness. Two dark brown mules, with har ness for each. - A lot of bed clothing, empty kegs, and cooking u tensile. All parties claiming any of the above property mujt present claim to the undersigned within 30 days from date of this notice. This Sep tember 15th, 1898. II. 8. HABKIN8, Collector. By J M Roberts, Deputy Collector, w 06 oil to school. WodnesJuy morning several pupiU to tho Deaf anrl Dumb Institute at Morgnutou lott. There worii envoral from Forest Hill, be bidon tho littlo Minn Sutlio Herring mid MIhh Carrie LippnrJ. Monument Tor Ueu. Lafayette. The following letter explains its (elf. It is to be hoped that our col leg.s and schools will take some in. tereet in this matter. L;t not North Carolina be behind the other States in honoring LaiVyotte. C II MEBiNB. Bupt. Public Instruction. To the lion. O II Mebane, 8npt. of Schools of the S'afe of North Carolina, Rileigh, N. O. Dear Sir : A Special Commission has been formed by the Commission" er-Ueneral for the United States to the Paris Exposition for the purpose of securing, by popular contribu tes, funds to erect a suitable mon ument to General LFayette, whose remains now lie in a practically un marked grave in the petit Ticpua Cemetery of Pars. It now plauned that the monu ment be built in time for unveiling and dedication on United States Day, the Fourth of July, 1900, at the Paris Exposition thus making the day a most eonspic'uotis one, both for America and for Frnnoe. It is proposed that in the raising of the funds the schools of America be ulilizsd as the agency for reach ing the people and procuring the contributions, and to this end I urgently request that you asu as early as convenient, that the teach ers and officers (f your sohools, colleges and universities public and parochial recognize October he 19th, (i he date of the fall of Yorktown to which LaFayette contributed so greatly), as "L Fayette Day," and that they devote a part of the day mentioned to a relation of the hietorio events per taining to LaFayette and the early days ofthe Republic In the highest grades an appro priate program of exercises may be rendered, to which an bdmieaion fee should be charged, or where collec tions may be made, the prooeods to be turned over to the Lar'ajette Memorial CommisEien for the pur poses mentioned . In the primary grades it is sug gested that the children be request' ed to solicit from their parents or acquaintances a small amoont to be used for the eume purpose. In furtherance of the work, I take pleasure in appointing yea a member of an honorary Advisory Committue, to consist of the Super intendents of Education of the various States and Territories, and bespeak your hearty co-operation to the end that this beautiful end significant mo'ement may rdl-.ct the greatest credit upon the youth of onr country, upon their patriotism and gratitude of our people. Very respectfully Fehdinand W. Peck, Commissioner Generul . Fluhtlutf Hob Kviiun I.envfN ttio loan. Capt. Robley Evans bas asked to be transferred from the Iowa battle ship to take a place on the board of infpeotion and survey. Cnpt. Silas Ferry will succeed bim, it is said. Jar Nliim Ni U The Jacksonville oorretpoudent to the Charlotte Observer says : The band cannot well appear now, as Principal Musicians Dil worth anl Sims und Musicians Campbell, Mangnui and Morrln are all on the sick list. Musiciuu t'nuip bell is in the hospital, while the rest are "fighting it out" in quarters. The acliedule or the i'nnilltlate-. Sheriff Buchanan starts out on his canvass of the county for the purpose of collecting taxes on Mon day, Oct."7.h. The candidate? will accompany him to the ditferent precincts and will make their speeches. Ou theNewernve Work. 4 Work is progressing as rapidly as could be expected on the sewerage. Beginning at the rear of the Caunon Mills, tho trench has been dng sev eral hundred yards and the p:pe al ready laid in at some places, la the meadow near Mill .etnet the hands have to djal with mud quite wuob, and work does cot progress as rapidly. At euch torn the line makes there will be left a large manhole for the purpiee of going down into it. These places will be covered and inside will be equipped with iron steps. They Were Niiiik nlutt a Nnixiim e. From the Salisbury Sun we see that the Third North Carolina Regiment made themselycs quite a nnisance when they paneed through Salisbury the other night on their way to Knoxnlle, Tenn. IuHtead of bti g qitiitand wej dioiplined, they were j'elliut! at the top of their voioif, aud It was a happy tine wheu the negos left SalUbury. Noiuethlnat Wrona; With That Soldier The Salibbttry Sun has the fol lowing strange incident of a sol dier : "A soldier who was coming down the Western Friday morn ing was painfully hurt by glues cutting him in the Load and face. He went to put "hia head out of the window but the window being down he broke tho glaaB aud in jured himself badly. Me. Riimseur Very ju, Mrs. J udge Montgomery left this (Saturday) morning for Milton, near Danville, Va., to attend the bedside of htr sister, Mrs. Gen. lianiseur, who is very ill. The Altendaula ..ieCjtf . For the Boger-Foil wedding on the 28th, Miss Annie Bost, of Bost's Mills, will be maid of honor. Mies Pearle Brown, of this place, will be bridesmaid. Mr. Arnold Sbaw, of Charlotte, will be b st man, and Mr. ilazjl Gray, of Char lotte, will be the groomsman. Third Keicluieut Will Jo lo tuba. Washington, D. O., 8ept. 14 In- quiry at the War Department di velopes information that the Third North Carolina Regiment ia not likely to remain at Knoxville long. It is intended to send this regiment to Jacksonville soon and probably to Cuba for guard duty. So Men on Hoard. Messrs Wadsworth tendered the break yesterday to Misses Cannon, Gibson and Wright, guests of their sister, Miss Laura Wadsworth, and they filled the vehicle with a bevy of beautiful maidens. The boys were not ia it. They don't lik j to ride, anyway. The girls appeared to be having a delightful time without the boys but were they really ? Charlotte Observer. Nhe Beluna;a to roacord. The Itasca Mail, published at Itasca, Tex., in speaking of Miss Helen Johnson, of this place, who was selected as elocution teacher there, has the following compli mont: "After singing two sorgs Miss Johnson, the elocution teacher, favored the audience with a recita tion that showed at once tbat she undeistood the art of proper rendi tion of difficult selections and is an accomplished elocutionist." Ilia Father iilte kick Mr. Will Foil, who bas baen spending styeral days in Ch irlotte, received word this (Friday) morn ing tbat his father, Mr. Joteph W Foil, who lives near Mt. Pleasant, was quite sick. Mr. hhitiikle a probable Candidate. Ia regard to an opponent for our friend, Mr. R L Smith, the Stanly Enterprise bas the following: "We learn tbat Mr. Claudius Shankle, of our town, is prominently spoken of as the probable fusion candidate for the Senate against R L Smith iu this district. The fact that Mr. Shankle has once lived in Cabarrus will no doubt add strength to his candid icy, and it is to be sup posed it is this fact that brings bim out." roiiilitic Hack ti) llin llozeu. This paper get the infjrinHtion from a very reliable source that as many as twelve men who have heretofore affiliated with the Popu- lisit party are members of a Demo cratic club In this oounty. Their names could be given. White men are rapidly adjusting themselves to circumstances and you may put it down that when election day comes around enough of them will be to gether to carry things their way. Sauford Express. Yrllow Fever S)rnr Niihnlilliia.'"19 ronce, Porto Rico, Sept. 14 The scare over yellow fever is subfi siding. There ia some doubt as to whether the disease that broke out among the troops was aotually yoU lowj.ick. No new suspects have been reported lately. The FreNlricnt Ctlven a IMnuvr (w the I'oiiiiiilNNloucra. Washington, Sept. 15. Piesi dent McKiuley gave a dinner at the White LTjuse tonight to the mem bers of the Spanish-American peaoe commission, who are nor in the oity. In?nid to meet them were the members of the oabinet now hero, and a few other officials, most of whom at various times have been called in oonsulta'ion about ques tions relating to the war. While the dinner was intended as a social courtesy to the departing coinmis sioners, it nave an opportunity for a more or lees informal discuscicn of the work tn ba undertaken by them. WELCOME 15ACK. Many 1'oi.uIihU Ketiiroluc to Ibi lr mother I'nrly. We are glad to note that many of our Populist friends are coming back to their mother party. We have always had the utmoti revpoct for thoce who dill'or with m io opinion, when we think they are honest in theh belief, and we think that the mrjorityof thoa who have composed the People's party werf honest gentlemen. We watched with a sad heart, believing them to be making a mistake, when they left the Democratic party and or- fganized one themselves, but we thought they were honest in it We watched with a siddor heart when they fused with the Republi cans, knowing that they would only be ridden to the funeral and defitL of all their hopes, and still believ ing that thry had been blinded end deluded by their Itaders. We be lieve tbat they were honeet, a uuuy, woen icey co-operated v i! i the Republican party. Bat now that the veil had been rent aud tl.c v gaze with open eyes into the ch.fru yawning at their fret, and eee i he awful diirkriie intc which they h..vir nearly plunged tie State, after .-et ing and realizing '.hia, they continue their heedless course, co-operating and fusing with a party whose prin ciples are directly antagonistic tc their own, and whose only interest is in securing their aid in electing men to office, we say, that after knowing this, they again fuse with and work for the Republican party, then we will be forced to admit that our confidence has been mispluc' and destroyed. But tho lare. n.r ber who are coming back to the shel tering wing of the Democratic pur'.y attest that we were not mi -t. 1- i , and that the time is soon comir, when we shall all gather 'round the fireside and hold a joyful l .it.i':) reunion. Milton Herald. I 1 L . 1 . TilE REPOltT Of me Openluic or Ilia llrmleil Sviiuol .-Auuibern of Pupil JKtirollctl, The following report has hot n handed ua by superintendent O ler, of the Graded Schools : CENTRAL 11LILHI.M;. 1st grade Miss Dotlson, 5(1. 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ;th 7th Miss Harris, 311. Hiss Strieker, 'i'i. Miss Hill, .'J"). Miss Sleans, 31. Aliss Little, 11. Miss Lehiie, 'J's. 8-!Uh grades Mr. Petty, .T. roEKfcT IltLL. 1st r.kde Hi it Ul.irey, 3'!. 2 3rd grades Mrs. Colo, 2(5. CAXSOSVILLK. 1st grade rMiss Leblie, 38. 2-3rd grades Hiss Hoover, 29, COLOKKD SCHOOL. 1st grade Miss Ileid, 23. 2nd " " Greely, 0. 3rd " " Hill, 21. 4-5-tith grades Mr. Logan, 2a Totals ; White, 111! ; colored 7,". Grand total, iSH. I hope that parents and l.trn-,? of tho schools may realize tho im portance of prompt and riyuUr attendance on tho part of tin ir children, and that it is a great in justice to pupils and to tia hois not to allow children to :. jr school ut tho bef.:'rii;;4' cf tiie torm and of tho year. Dr. E E White truly &ays : "In the center of onr civilization is the child. Take wio and loving euro uf that child, and all human interest? arc secure ; neglect it and tliy are in jeopardy." C H Cor.i.r,, Bupt. M lu re It IIM II I . "Did you say the man wti.i shot in the woods, doctor '" "No, I didn't. 1 said he was shot in tlie l(in:bir gion," Yonkers Stat- si ;:ir;. Opened Willi Mi". The Daf, Dumb and iiu.l Institution opened Thursday with an attendance of over 2fia This is a great increase over the enrollment last year or for that matter, in the history of the institution. Morning Post. Arrest disease by, the timely ur,c o; Tutt's Liver Pills, an old an.l favorite remedy ot innv;uin j popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, cons'.ipalion and all bilious diseases. TUTT'S Liver Pll Uoyl makes "lie food pure, wbolouruo ad 4c lie lou. r.v 'iji-; i.b iolUUil PIO Southern Til! f a n dard Rail w ay c the SOUTH . . . Ti'Ii hi! !;CI LL'.'E TO ALL Watts. TCXAS, CALIFORNIA,' n.GK!DA, CUJA At-:m-ORTO RICO. Strictly HKST CLASS n.iulpmenf on all Turuuirn an J Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sl-eriu tars on all Niirnt naius: :iu Sate Schedules , 1 1 '. by the Sou'; cm and y,'u ,i:e assured a Sale, Com-io.-;;ili!e aud fcxpejitious Jour ney Aprly to Tickcl Affei'ts for Ti.T.e Tables, Kates and Genera: Information, m orAdiiiess R. L. VFRNO.N, F. R. DAUBY, T. V. A., C. P. & r. A., tUrl..ite, N. C. A.I.c.ille, . C. No TriuMo to Answer ij'.iev.L;. is. Frank S.i:u:i. 3rd V.I'. .vl. en il, J. M. Cl'LP, W.A. Turk, i;r, irar. Man., i V.A. .. . : , d. c. llitliliril I lie OrB." A s..ar!ing incident' of vhich Sir. Jotm Oiivtr, of Philadelphia, was the suSjoct, Li narrated as follows: "I wart in a most iiree.d!ul conition. My eUiu was almost yellow, eyee sunken, tongue coated, pain con iininually in back and sides, no appetite kopt on gradually grow ing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. For tunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great; joy as, 1 surprise, tho first bottle made a ileuiJod improvement. I CiUtiuued their mm for thioo weeks, and am now a well man. I know '.hoy saved my li fo, and robbed the other vic'im," Ni one should fail to try tl-eai (...'y ) rents per bottlo a . P. li. Ft-,'.-.' r l: .;i' ij'.ore' VANTED-To p .uruis of ok: c.i iivei't J at the 1, ;.; :uy 100,000 .on scrap, do- nt once, for air price. No Wl.K.1 l.'l) v ..I i;:'iit iro.j v.;..-: a '.iff. Com ;ii;j I'ouxdhy Co. An i:ul ririii- DriiifKlnt, Ttiere are few nun more wide vke and enterprising than P li PeUer, who epaiei no p-iius to se cure the b..i'. if everything in his line for l is n.auy cintonierd. They now Lv.e tb v..!uabie agency for Dr. KiiigV ..N'nv I'.ieovery for con- sumpt!oi,- coil lis u-d eclds. This is the woiiderft. : i :..t-y that is pro Uuciti,; such n fu;:r uil over the to'.iiiiy iy many jturiliug cures. It aiwoin' r s Aitl-:m, Broni ( '.. . i . u ..nd ail ut'ectiuna .." ... i . .-.I.-, C .i.-tdiid Lungs. C.il: !. ':jv.i drug a'.o-e ar.d get a irir.l .),t(.(- fr-.-i, or a regular biza for ') Vj i'c f 1. C it.rnnU-ei to i';ir- u. : " ': :i' e'ided. ri?c .-l.-JUH ":' ul- !(;; 4.',