The - Standard. PRINTS THE AEWb THA.T IS JfEJfS For I Year Send us 1 Doll&i VOLX NO 339. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPT- 29 1898. WHOLE NO 494 The - Standard. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give a Trial. a tr-m A T M v . T W -Tl s. ItlMl OT AND AUD. THE 1.A8T TRIBUTES. Tba Fnnriral MeryteM af Br. B W Al lison A Unliable Tribal lb Dead Imprrssly Flrl Designs HHrelly tlrnlle Music Sees for ln LhI Time Brs'lac By lie lihn of Loved Unci. The funerJ of Mr. R W Allisoo Thursday wn attended by very on favorable wea'ber, yet Urge at tendance' assembled. While the pip organ gave forth its doloriflo notea the paBtor, Rev. W 0 Alexander, and bia associate, Rev. O F Rankin, entered the church beading the funeral procession. Judge W J Montgom rj and Mr. D F Cannon aa honorary piul bear era followed. Then bearing the dead oame Meaara. Q G Richmond, 0 M Lore, H I Woodhonee, P B Fetzer, W R Odell and D B Ooltrane. The audience roee and atood till the caaket waa p aced in front of the chancel, which waa beautifully be decked with floral emblems of croaa, orown and harp. On the caaket were aiokle, anchor and various ap propriate deaigna. A an i table hymn was pathetioally sang, when Rev, Rankin read the 9th Psalm. "Just aa I Am" waa also most impressively rendered, when Rev Alexander prononnced a fitting eulogy on the life of the des ceaaed. Be said it waa due the dead and waa aanotioned by aoriptnre, quoting passages clearly indicating the propriety and the utility of tak ing special note of exemplary mani festations of the power of the Christian religion in the lives of be lievers. The apeaker gaye an exs tended biographical aketch of the life of the deceased, his success in business, his official career, inclnding his exercise of rare aooomplishments in giving legal counsel and earning for himself the beatitude of the peacemaker. It waa chiifly hia life of 66 years in connection with the church that the speaker dwelled up on and hia inoreaaing and more manifest faith aa he neared the Jor don of death, beyond whioh be look ed with bright eipeotanoy. Pastor Alexander followed the discourse with prayer. "How Firm a Funda tion" waa touchingly sung. The audience waa n quested to remain seated till the casket waa placed in the vestibule, where the familar face of the town'a moat aged and vener ated oitizen was viewed by all as tbey passed oat of chnroh. As before announoed the remains were taken end laid by the previous ly deceased members of hia family in the Presbj teri&n cemetery. Rev. AN iander read the service and Rev. Rankin m.ds the prayer. The benudioiion was proaounced and the assembly diepcred, having the grave to be c'oaed by designa'ed service. A Ami In Ileal Enisle. Mr. J A 0 Buekweldir, who con dnoti a stoie at Caiinonville, and who isoce of tbe u ost enterprising men of that part of Concord, purs chased some days ago tbe property on which be has been doing business for several yars. It embraces all of that block of store?, and was purchased from Messrs. O F and W P Uombuckle. Lf,yVl if 111 il il Vi ' MONTHLY SUFFERING "Thouandt of women ara troubled at monthly inter vals with paint tn th bead, ttaek. brent. ahouliWs, sides Mm and llmha. But tbey need not suSer. Tfia tulnliM Wllinlftml of .-. t J I dangerous derangement that cm H corrected. The men strual function should operate painlessly. 01 tnkkea menstruation painless. Bad regular, pun " uen eat menstrual organs in condi tion to do their work properly. And that atopa all tbla pain. Why will any woman auflar anonth after month when Win of Cardul will relieve herr It cotU i.oo at the drug store. Why don't you get a bottle to-day i For advice, in cases requiring epeoiel directions, address, flv- Inn symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory Department," Tha Chottauooija Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Mrs. "OZENA tCWIS, mn. nvit 0oni,(,. tm. f0ni " I will Irouhlod St monthly Intorvlll Lax 2-J mi?t a-"" Sti-MUMwfcU-tf 4X pm " Op rHARR-MlLLER WEDDING At While Hall reabyterlaa Chareh Wednesday Kvenlne:-. Manser ol etallTFe aaid rrlenda from I. A beautiful ceremony waa pers formed at White Hall Presbyterian church on Wednesday evening, Sept, Slat, by tbe bride'a pastor, Rev. 0 F Rankin, when Misa Mattie Lee Pharr, daughter of Mr. Frank Pharr, who Uvea near thia place, and Rev. Calvin Miller, of Rowan coun ty, took the marriage vows. At the appointed hour, 6.30 o'olock, amidst the atraina of the wedding marob played by Misa Joaie Pharr, of Charlotte, the doora of tbe chnroh were thrown open for the entrance of tbe soon-to-be married oonple. To the sacred altar the groom waa accompanied by Rev. J A Arndt, hia special friend, while the bride, attired in beautiful traveling auit of blue, leaned upon the arm of her father, Mr. Frank Pharr. Pretty little Misa Louise Wilson acted aa flower girl aooompa- nied by Boett Yorke. Mias Bernice Pharr, a lister of the bride, waa the maid of honor and waa robed in a beautiful dreaa of cream oolor. Meaara. Archey Cannon and Felix Pharr were the ushers for the oc casion. After tbe taking of the solemn vowa a beautiful band ring of gold waa placed upon the finger of the bride by the groom. Qnte a number of relativea and frienda were present almoat a suf ficient number to fill the church. After receiving a bountiful number of oongratulationa from all, the bridal conple boarded the tram for Salem, Va., where they will spend some time. Rev. Miller il pastor of Luth- eian church near Lexington and has number of friends here. Miss Pbarr is one of our county'a most ed teemed and refined daughters, and has many frienda both in her com near here and in Concord, aud all will j un us In our most hearty oon gratulationa to them in their new life. A Special Term fvourt at Cbarlotle. uovernor Russell baa answered tbe petition aent in by the people of Charlotte and Mecklenburg county, In which petition tbey asked for a (rial at an early date of Joe Jackson, the negro who stands charged with an assault on Miss Brown, of Croft, in that oonnty. Uovernor Russell says that October 21st will be aa early aa he can get a trial for him. Hearing that a mob waa ooming to tbe jail Wednesday night, the sheriff took the negro, Joe Jackson, ont of jail to some other place. However, the mob proved to be a very ema'l one, says the Charlotte Obaerver. accompanied Thsm to Fayeltevllle. For several (lava after the Second Regiment hid been mustered out notbinc could be beard from Mr. lorn Jobnton by his mo-her at this p'ace. At last a letter came this (Thursday) morning saying that be had accompanied the Fayetteville comp .ny ( hut is thn company into hich he enlisted) to tbeir come, here a erand reception waa given the ao'diera. Aa Mr. Johnson bad been with them during their dff.?r- nt experiences, and aome of them in -heir case were somewhat rough, tbe boS of oourae wanted him to go rith -hem borne. Ia bli litter ne laid be was having a fraud time. Notice eforlaare. Seized near Cottonville, Stauly county, 5th Collection D.strict, N. C, on Sept. Htb, 1808, for viola ti n of Internal Raveaue laws, the following property : One one-horse hack. One two-horae wagon. One bay mare and harneea. Two dark brown mules, with bar nesa for each. A lot of bed clothing, empty lipga, and cooking utensils. 0 All parties claiming any of the above property mnst present claim to the undersigned within 80 days from date of this notice. This Sep tember 15th, 1898. fl. 8. Hirkins, Collector. By J M Roberta, Deputy Colli etc r. w 06 . The white men of North Carolina are going to rote tbe white man's ticket this year. Many of the good Populists have already avowed their intention of voting with us and nmnyolere will do fn before alios ion dav. We tm in iii: ')' if pri'a'e letti r from Worvm, Ancnn o mnty, In whioh the ii ei cijr, ' I ilo i,ot believe we bave un lii:r men in White's Store lownuhip that ill vote the mixed ticket." Char lotte NtWP, AN APPEAL FOR AID. Confederate Veterans association Asbsrer Ilelp lor Moldlrra' Heme. The North Carolina (JouKu'oiau Vtt eraus' Association Wo Mod ttu up peal to its inemueig tor lunda m aiu jI the soldieis' home at iUieigb. 1'Le following u tne appeal : ' I am autuurz. d Oj oomruJa W 0 Utronach, coairiuan ul tne execu tive committee oi ilia Aorio. Uaio. lina soluiers' home, to state lliak the appropriation fur tne curreui year lor tne eare of trio veterans ia so nearly exbauakd, mat our breturej will suffer for fuel and tuoU, uulcts aided by voluntary tffort, until the meeting of toe geueral uoiemuiy in January next. You are aware thai' $8,500 par annum must defray lie oobc of tood, medicines, light, wa h clothing, fuel, atteuaauta, uuraiijg) funeral expeuaea, repairs, manage ment and ail other expanses wnamo ever. The institution ia oarefuilj auuia((ed, aaoh supplies being raueu in the garden and stock ptna, as (he limited apaoe ailowa. lue veterans are fiiriy well clothed, but will ur. gently need funda for tuel aud pros Visions. The a ateuient of the case ia sufficient. It Cannot be ntcesearj to issue lengthy appeals to Monti Carolina soldiers auu their friends in behalf of our aged aud suffering heroes. It ia confidently believed that every camp will ayail itself ol this privilege in behalf of those who obeyed the command of the State, winning for her luiuicrtal renown, and are now stricken and helpless . Thia rtqueat ia issued by the authors ity of tha president and executive committee of the association. Con tributions from, or through, each camp ahould bs forwarded to W C Stronaob, Raleigh, and will be ac knowledged. Very leapecfully, O B Densok." Our commander, Mr. 11 A Cald well, haa received the call and ia cons aideritg a method of action. Per sons whose hearts are touched will please give it consideration and we promise to oo-operate in a movement to respond promptly. Seme plan will doubtless be matured and op portunity to contribute will be given very soon. Snrg-eea victor Means Here. Dr. Victor Means, who is surgeon on tbe battleihip Detroit, and wbo waa in a fierce fight in SanJnao harbor at the beginning of the war, arrived here thia (Thursday) morn ing to spend a month with hia brothera and sister here. Mr. Means served for a number of years on the battleship Maine, and was trans ferred to the Detroit only a short while before muklng i'a fatal sail to tbe Havana harbor. Mr. Means baa not been at home in about three years, having been called home that time by the illness of his b; other, Attorney W O Means. For Carrying a Pistol. A negro named Frank Reid was tried Wednesday evening for car rying a pistol, Deputy Propst hav ing aucoeeded in cornering him out on Mr. Boyden Weddington'e farm. In de'ault of a $25 bond he was sent to jail. This negro haa not the best of name, and baa already boen on Cabarrus' chaining for fl jurishing a weapon at auother negro. Passed Tbrenab Wednesday. Col. Who. Jennings Bryan, of Ne braska, wbo for some time has been in camp at Jacksonvilla, paneed through Wednesday evening on hie way to Washington, where it is thought he is going to tender hit, resignation as olonel in the amy. To Attend the Fnnernl, A large number were present this (Thursday) evening from different places to attend the funeral of ICnq R W Allison. Among those from Charlotte were Mrs. Sarah Young, Mrs. Surab White, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. D P Hutchinson and daughter, and a'so Mr. and Mra. Leroy Springs, of Lancaster. Br. Bailer Parlsb Verjr Low. From the 8alisbnry 8nn we eee that Mr Bater Parish, of this place, who some time aeo went from Raleigh to Baltimore for the pur poR of having an operation per formed i a th pont cf death at Johns Hopkins Hospital. His bro'her, Engineer Walter Parish, has gone to his bedside. I'Uel Explodes A dust explosion occurred in a great grain elevator in Toledo, O., Wednesday nigbt and killed ten per tone and destroyed $500,000 worth of property. Ihrlr rioral Tribute. The Di)dsonsRamseur Chapter of the Daughters of he Confederacy telegraphed an ordfr to Richmond lor a fl ) il trhntlo be placed n lie grave nf vtia Viniliet,Dav! & i iinr co.r i ibution to the honor be towed so g'tu'rally up in her It i jmiifd a handsome ant ii sp.rtd by n i-vn tly nob!e impulse. FLIES CARRY FEVER GEKMS. Facts Found hj a Military sledleal ComtnlsMlon Cause or the Disease In CaiuiN. Common house flies, according to a report f f the medical com mission appointed to investigate the cause of so much typhoid fovor at various camps, introduced the deadly germs. The commission visited tbe camps at Jacksonville, Hucteville, Femacdins. end (Jhickamanga. Everywhere it found typhoid fever and found it spreading. It also found flies were in every camp by millions. They declare tbey found flies fed off of fecal matter from hos pitals and then at meal time shared the food of soldiers. In the first in stance the fly picked up, on his six hairy legs infinitesimal particles containing germs of typhoid, end as he walked over the hardtack and other food he deposited them there. Large numbers of flies ciurj enough germs in this way to inocu late large numbers of soldiers. The commission presents the case ex haustively in proof of this remark able explanation, and declares most positively that the proof is over whelming in support of their diag nosis. Recommendations for disin fecting sinks and killing germs so flies cannot carry them are made, and it is declared that with the danger removed, well selected camps cannot be anything but healthful, Wael ington Dispatch. BAND REORGANIZED At HI. Pleasant, Alter Bplng- Motue what Ilown for HiiiTlint To Have a ftliow Noon. Mt. Pleasant, Sept. 2S. Mr. L A Lentz, of Norwood, came up yister day on business. Miss Grace Ueilig, of Albemarle, is visiting frienda and relatives here this week. The band which was somewhat disabled kit June by the losu of several members has Ik.l reorgan ized. Our town is billed for Ariher Butt's projeotosoope exhibition nex'. month . Two sociables were given last Sats urday night one to tbe lads and lasses at Mrs. M E Welsh's and one to the ladies and gentlemen at Mr. David Conine's. On Dit. TerllaiiS Fnlnlly Injured Uy NIioIn Intended for Auotner. Mr. B F Penny, a well known and prominent oitizen, and bead of the clotbing firm of B F Penny & Co , lies seriously wounded with a bullet in bis groin at his resi dence, No. 100 South Seventh street. Tbe bullet which came so near ending Mr, Pennj's existence was from a pia'ol in tbe hands of a ne gro man and was intended for the cenduotor of the south bound Wils mington, Columbia & Augusta pas Fenger train. Hie shooting occurred yesterday afternoon about 4;15 o'clock at Lo Ium!, a flag station on tbe Wilniings ton, Columbia & Augusta Kail road bet wor n Navasea and Lake Wacca til. The negro who did tbe shooting wc a incerised at the action of tbe conductor, Captain Sam Cannon, in haying put him cl; the train and as Mr. Penny stepped from the p'a form to the ground the feoun ire! pulled his pistol and began firs ir 8T, two shots taking effect in Mr. Pt-nny'a body.' Wilmington Dia, 19'h. Ills lhlKli llrohen. Woodly, son of Mr. Robt, Wallace, at Kislfield, received a serions accis 'lent Wednesday evening while Ml i' g a tree, He was aasieting bis father, when the tree fell on him, breaking his left thigh. The in" juries, sajs the Charlotte Observer, are serious, yet it is thought be will recover . Nome More Uood Vena. A writer from Vanueboro, in Cra ven county, furnishes the Kinston Free Press with the following : "This is known as the banner Democratic township of Craven oounty. A good many two years ago voted the Populist fusion ticket, the result being a negro tax lister as black as the ace of spades. Of -course white ladies had to lint where they bad property. I conversed wnh several Populists who Paid tbey would vote and work for the white man's party, one being the Populist registrar." TbelrKUier Dead. Some weeks ago it was noted that Messrs Chas. F and Mack Ritchie had gone to their home at Richfield, where thej wore callud by tbo ill ness of thoir sister, Miss Ella Ritchie. After lingering with ty phoid fevtr, she died on Wednes day, 21st, inet. M si Ritchie was a young lady, and as tbe daughter nf Mm. I) M Ritchie, of Richfiiild. A. grand UK)iiUlunt wad unyeiii j t Q i tic on the 21st in bjnor uf l Kmon ixplorer Cbsui- p'aio, ihe f, u n ter of that city CITY OF BRIEF. Our Wltly Correspondent Again Comes Forward H'llb the Hew Ibere. Brief, Sept, 23 Menais. Tucker Bros, have added another gin to tbeir cotton-(,inninj plant. Cotton picking is now indulged in quite extensively, and is a worthy successor to cidersmaking activities. With a fair pumpkin crop, we may anticipate many a good-sized time atcornhuBkings soon to come ''Paris is the county seat of Spain, yer know," he said, in commenting on tbe time and the place of thej peace committee's n eeting. A fellow can't go oourting aasid, uouely these dajs without elioiting some attention. Other people will pay tbe attention, if the girl does not. Here is a specimen extract from lojal gossip: "No, he does not etay with her all the time; he has his washing done at home, and goes home occasionally for a change of apparel." Augustine. BUILDINGS BUILDING. Members or Company I, at Their Homes The tftlri Academy Convert ed lino a Hmitlnt t:hurb-Nhool Prosper I utr Personal. China Grove, N. C, Sept 23. Mr. L A Piaster, a Corporal of the First N. C. Regiment, arrived yesterday from Jacksonville, Fla , on a seven days furlough to visit his father, Mr . J N Plaster, who lives at Euochville. Private Jackson Sechler, who has been ac home en a thirty days fur lough, will return the 1st of Oct. They are eipecting the First N. C. Regiment to go to Cuba by the 10th of October. Dr. and Mrs. G A Ramsaurgave a very pleasant and enjoyable tea last evening in hon r of Mies Bessie Iiauieaur, of Liocointon, N. C, wbo is the accomplished music teacher in the China Grove High Mr. J L liyetian is building a large livery stable back of his brick storehouse . The old China Grovo Academy has been converted into a Baptist church. Mr. J C Wilhelui ii building a machine shop and mill on his prop erty near the Lutheran parsonage. St. Mark's Lutheran church has re cently been improved and beautified with a fresh coat of paint, Mr. T L Roes ppont a few days in Albemarle last week. Dr. J Ii Galther has purchased a beautiful piano for hi little danghn ter, Miss Mary. Prof. P E Wright has a flouriehs leg school, tbere being new applica tions almost daily. Paul. He Has lleen in the Army. A nuaiber of soldiers, members of the Second Regiment, passed through Winston Wednesday en route for their respective homes. Among the nnms ber was W, L. Daniel, of Davie county, who is 53 years old. He says it is hia purpose to join the First Regiment, as soon as the Sec ond is mustered out of Bervice One of his sons is a member cf the First. Winston correspondence to Char lotte Ob erver. This man is known here, he havs ing lived in the county for a num ber of yeard. For tha lust several years be has been hving at Char lotte. His only son is Mr. Walter Daniels, tho is with tbe Queen City Guards in the First Regiment. "Mr. Daniels' oldest daughter was a stus dent at Sunderland Hall here for two or thrte years). . . Popnllsts Coining- llttt-M. The avalanche of the Populists into tbe Democratic tanks contin ues. Tbe old story of fifteen or twenty Pupulisis forsaking the evil of their ways and returning to the only party which insures pure, white, economical government, ie of almost daily occurence. Messrs, M E and Joseph Rouse, of Kenansville township, Duplin county, in conversation with a gen tleman gave the news that fifteen Populists in that one township have announced their intention of com back to tbe Democratic purty, This is an evidence of a wide spread revolution of feeling among Populists, and one of the most hope ful eigne of Democratic victory. The two gentlemen referred to are perlect'y reliable and the news they bring is certainly euoournying. Wilmington Star. Kendy Fur Contribution. A committee, yet to be appointed by Capt D A Caldwell, will wait on those who are ready to contribute for the relief of the veterans at the Soldiers' Homo in lialeigb. Contri butions will ho received kUo at this tffioe from whioh all amounts will be forwarded and receipts publiphed A LIVELY TIME. Ur. Oayltl Hannan Takes F.seettlonN lo a Little Johe Tbat Appeared In Ihe Standard Assaults Wade Bur. rler On the Nlreet flie Laiter nets n Illow On the nliouliler Hannan KeslNls Arrest. On last Thursday the following paragraph appeared in The Stand ard, which was written by the res porter aa a mere joke over which it was intended the persons named might have a laugh: "On October 11th there will be a convention of horse "swappers" at Gainesville, Oa. We see that Rowan county has already elected their delegate to this convention and it is hoped that Cabarrus will also send one. It is very probable that Presi dent Jesse Garmon and Secretary Dave Uanna'n will call a convention soon to elect a delegate." Todsy as the local reporter, Wade Barrier, neared the court bouse gate, Mr. Hannan, after only a few words, hauled back with a large stick and landed a blow upon t ie shoulder of the young man . Sheriff Buchanan soon interfered, but could not quiet tbe man. Mr, Oeo, Goodman, after being summoned by the sheriff, laid bands on Mr. Hannan also, and soon Chief of Police Boger was on hand. The case was at oner tried before Eiq Pitts, which warrant ins dieted Mr. Hannan for an assault with a deadly weapon. After taking tbe testimony, Mr. Hannan was found guilty and bound on a fifty dollar bond for his appearance at next conr1-. This was an unfortunate affair, and the writer, who is the party as sailed, deeply regrets the happening, but, as before stated, it was nothing more than a mere pleasantry. The Standard, under its present man agement, has never been known to hurt anyone's feeling intentionally by such jokea, and if Mr, Hannan had como to The Standard office and exprosod himself as not enjoy ing the joke, he would have received respectful attention and due apolo gy, but, instead, he unthoughtedly acted as he did. Mr. Hannan has openly made his threats of ven geance since his bond has been se cured. Mr. Garmon, who was the ctber party named in tbe joke, took it good-naturedly and intendod to re turn the joke in some way. He also tried to persuade Mr. Hannan to take it as a joke. THE SECOND AFFRAY. Some difficulty occurred between Mr. Will Misenhoimer and Mr. Ed Joyner about 2 o'clock. The trial had not taken place at this writing and we can giv none of tbe par. ticulars. Mr. Misenbeimer is eonns what hurt about the head, and Mr. Joyner has a thumb p.obably dislo cated. Daily of 21th. i A llecord Hi anker. Mr. P M Fagptart, of No. 3 town ship, furnishes us a rocord break er in the way of cotton picking. Fivo hands pickod in one day 1,541 lbs. as follows : John Host, his nephew, 398 lbs., Tom Horry, a negro maD, 388 lbs.; Ernest Faggart '283 lbs,; Jane Herry, Toms wife, 2-18, and Panuio Fag gart 22 1. Cotton Comliitf lu Tht'Hc Dny. On laet Saturday the first big cot ton day ciime for us, and several days since then have the streets bten lined with tbe cotton wagons, Today (Friday) was another big day, there being 1T7 bales here some of them had beun weighed while other wagom were waiting at this time. A I'nlNe Iteport. For some reason, nobody knows, the report was started on our streets Thursday that Joe Jackson, the ne gro who is accused of a heinous crime in Mecklenburg county, was confined in our jail. Il was circus lated in some parts of the country near here, hut there was no basis for the report. A Slarrlnico at Forest Hill. On Thursday night at the bride's father at Forest Hill, Mr. Geoige Mills and Miss Cornelia Goldston were married by Rev. J D Arnold. Mr. Mills is a handsome yoong man and Misa Goldston is one of Forest Hill's nicect young ladies. Misa Ooldalon Is a sister of Lieutenant Eli Goldston. Improvements e'oiulrfii plated; St. Johns congregation, we loam, is contemplating tho addi tion of a vernuda in front of the church that will bo entirely of metal and will, beside being a great protection to the door, be quite an ornamental touch. LAID TO REST. .11 Inn "Winnie" Oatls Burled Willi nnrbsofOreat EsteemAu Immense ProeesNlon. Tbe burial of Miss Varina Anne Jeflersou Davis took place in Richmond Friday evening ac cording to program. The "Jeffer son Dayis Funeral March" was played while the procession was moving up the aisle of St. Paul's church. Rev. Dr. Carmiohael and Dr. Hoge conducted the services. The aged mother was very much overcome and the scene brought many a stout veteran to tears of sympathy. The procession was about a mile long with a double row of carriages. The hearse was drawn by four beautiful white horses, each being led by a color ed attendant. The sun was sink ing in the west as tho procession arrived at the cemetery. The face cover was removed and the mother and her only liv ing daughter, Mrs. Hayes, kissed tho corpse jubt before it was lower ed into the grave. Tbe floral tributes were im mense and the gathering was the largest since the Confederate re union. The Brlile 1 Minimi In tlnr City. Tho Monroe Enquirer has the following account of a marriage which is news to a number in our town and also at Mt. Pleasant, the bride having been a student of Mont Amn'na for several years : "That love which laughs at locksmiths and says "ta ta" to ob jecting parents, got in some work here last Huuday and two more souls were made happy and two more hearts were made to beat as one. On last Sunday morning Miss Roxie Fullenwider, a charming young la ly of this place, left her home ostensibly forSnnday school, but she failed to appear in her class and tell about the captivity of the Jew6, for her heart had been captured by Mr. Lex Davis, a popular salesman in the Cotton Mills store, and he was waiting on the streets for Miss Fullen wider, with a marriage license in his pocket. As soon as they met Mr. Dayis and Miss Fullenwider went to the residence of J G Cov incton,E?q., and were united in the inseparable bonds of matri mony. After the marriago Mr. and Mrs, Davis loft for the groom's parents' home at Olive Hranch." The Work Keneeo. Rev. 8 D Steffey, pastor of St. Johns, tolls us that he is now tak ing up the work again on the new Lutheran church near the Plott school house and the purpose is to have the building ready for oc cupying within the next GO days. It is not the purpose yet, however, to complete tho church lor dedi cation until later. The building is up and under roof now and the order for tbe doors and windows is made. GREAT FLOOD IN WELL. CALD- Two People Drowned nnd Immense llnmnae to Properly. CulJwcll I aud other counties were visited Thursday by a rainfall of six inches ot water in 24 hours. Ou Yadkin river Mr. II Hutchi son's house, noar the stream, was washed away and one ot his child ren was drowned while the rest of the family barely escaped. A Mr. Moser, near Donnaha, was drown ed while trying to save pumpkins. At Winston tboladkln is said to have been much higher than ever known to be before. Immouae damage is done to bridge's lumbermen and bottom land crops. the NollrltluK ilttee Appointed. As previously noted Cora rcaader 1) A Caldwell was to aj point a committee to sulicit sub scriptions lor tho veterans in the Soldiers' Home at Raleigh. The committee appointed consists of Messrs. Jno. M K:ss, Pnilip Correll, V M Weddington and J I) Barrier. A CLHAR HEAD; gooel'li.;'. stii'n; :;"'i;il sleen; a fine aj. itc aiv.l r. ripe eld ajje, are some ! f'tiK:r.::;ultsof the use of Tint': Liver Pills. A single dose vi; i. you of their womirf' i eff-.-.-ts and virtue. A MiiOWii :act. An absolute cur'- for sick head ache, clyM'C?',i.:, malaria, sour stomach, diyim ;s, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills Royal mk the food par, v vtwlowaie mmd iilliliM POWDER Absolutely Pure Sovsi BAKisfl prtifflj s AO., Mee Wtafc my Aesr Umbrella. Alas I my new umbrella I misa it with a sieh; the day I rashly bought it a friend was standing by. Next day it rained he borrowed it, to be returned that night; but since that fatal moment it hasn' blessed my sight. He lent it to a neighbor's wife, and to increase my woe, she lent it to the minister, and it's still upon the go. He lent it to a stu dent, who lent it to a friend, and still it's going, going, gone; I won der where 'twill end? But through the cloud of borrowers, one ray of light I eee; perhaps I may be lucky and it will be lent to me. Chicago News. It looks like Capt. Dreyfus will yet have his day. Freedom and vindication seem to be coming hia wey. It ie now said that Count Esterhazy threatens to tell all he knows about the conspiracy and face the musio or oommit enioideaa did Col. Henry. Tbe count, it ia alleged, claims tbat COO out of tha 1,000 documents used against Drey fus were clear fnrfferips. Oold Leaf. nucMiefl-e srsics nits, The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, TJloera, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Oorni and all 6 rin Eruptions, and positively onrei Piles or no pay required. It il guaranteed to give satisfaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetiei's Drug store.' Southern Railway. THE Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE 10 ALL JiTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all inrougn ana Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Sale Schedules .... Travel by ,the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com lortableand Expeditious Jour ney . . .A Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Rates and General information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A.,1 Charlotte, N. C. Ashevllle, ft. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank SGannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, Jrd V.P.ttien M'gr, Traf. Man., G.P.A. WASHINGTON, D. C. I respectfully tender my profession al services to the community. All calls will be promptly attended. My Office is at tbe residence of Davis Barrier, at Rimer, N. C. Aug. 25. Her lleaith Restored V aijj.m: THE misery of sh'Cplw-'.mewj ran only he realized by those li bavo expert euceU It. Nervousness, BlijijlcosupHei, headaches, neuralgia and Hint mKeruhlo fueling of unrest, can surely be cured by Dr. Miles' Restontlve Nervine. So certain 1b Dr. Mil6Hof tills fiu-t thf.t all dru-k'l- U ure authorized to refuinl prke ij.-ild for the llrnt bottle tried, proviiliiii; I' does in-t hen ttt. Mra. Henry limn., wifeuf (hit w.-ll kiiuwu Mackunilth at (Jrund Jui.cti -n, 1 .. Kiyn: 'I wils troutili-d with nl t l,l. smm. iit .- cess, hendiu'he mid iri-'i-;i fullering untold ir I r f- : various udvertix'd r 11 I -pUluta bebldt'H In m . i.utl. r l physicians, wi-hfi ' i. iji i Milou' udveriisvii. ' ' hiily cured of all.n . - i" I tdull ih r te It; i i i ' Ni TVlhll ui.." j.Ulou; u... d rt'.toit- Hi. for Ur iUr- ! " lr. Mile.,' .;. . am sulii by u iinili i i p frua runlet;, i-.n o ueiii'lU or mo; . j funded. Boost r" eases cf the io . ! norvtM frea. A'.i DU. UUluU:..: