If l Nr-ir The - Standard. PKINTS THE JtEWb THAT IS tfWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT L1V1NU TRICES. Give us a Trial. VOLX NO 339. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 1898. WHOLE NO 496 Tlie - Standard. DA KB. n JtL. A KOI3LE RESPONSE. To (be Call-tor Aid fur NolUlcrs Home at Halt-licU Tlie Denora la B Conirralulatvd. 0 We called a.len'.ion seme time ago to tho n quant frcm the executive c-jmmittee of tUe North Carolina Sildiera' Home for voluntary coa tribu'-ioua to ciako up for a lack of ancient appropriuiieua to reach till the meeting of the next- legislature. The r qneet v aa made through the commander of the different campe in the State, Commander Caldwell moved promptly in the matter, ap pointing a committee to wait CD those whrsa hearts moved them la this direction. Mr P A Correll and Mr. W M Weddiugton each took a list. The former turned over to the treasurer $19 45, and the latter $7.20, making a total of $26.65, which the treasurer forwarded on Oct. 3rd. On this the 7'h he reoeived the following : Raleigh, N. C, Oct 6, 1898. Mr. J D Barrier, Treas. Cabarrus Co. Campfto. 214, Conoord, N. C. Dear Sik : Youra of the 3rd with dona ion of $26 65 from i rnp No. 12 of Cuban ua county reoeived and would have be?n a ki.owledgad sooner but for iny absence from the oity. With very many thanks from the old soMi'ra, I am Yoara truly, W 0 Sihonaoh Ch'ui'... Es. Com, N C. 9. U. We art- r q-nsttd by Meaars. Cos roil an 1 vVeddii gton to exud io the do ors their grateful uekuow'-s e Unit-nta f,r t';e Spon'unfouj waj in whloh thesj cintribu'.ioi-s weu g.ven to i he m We tru-tt tht this is a fir pro portion from thid caiup and tha' tbere will be no avoidable eufljtiuj: among the now dpendtnt beroea of the Gray. Commaridi r Caldnell j tins a 1 on whom the care fell in most hearty coogratula'ions thut the rrdponat bag beeu rea Ij more than we even b ped for at first iffort. A I'ONiT RUNAWAY. Rullavml of the B ii it: icy He Lear Beuilir a Job auU l NallNfled. About 11 o'o'ock Sipt. Tbontae Klrkmiin, with his pony ai d ponj buggy stopped in front f Mr. W J Hili'a store and ii having tome c) the pony'j barn bs repaired. Tb horse wub otily partially detached f otn the buggy lie m:.du eoir.t movement by whioh the awkward' uees of the titua'.ion got the tettu of his tiirve and he aoutht othei psrts vtiih b bopgy fo'.Ionj n to very c rtnionioui way, numb t his increasing aunoyunrc He i cured the Sfivcua 'f tbi elm tr e in front of Mr. O W Brown's lmther pihod to relieve him of the gppeiidiie The curry rrnr cf b- buy was very sudd.-rly ce ked rib there, and that riht fioul wbet (uggested a Cu e of j.tncbe. The borne ertnitd ah'gehei pleaded wib the si u it'or. aiid as b' turned in'o Church stret t waa quiet as If going to u piculc. Soon llu t'Urfgy men lir took charge and was a .ty aa the old time cifli i ui .krr on eeeing a mai trotting np wih a six foot cane wit! a notch cut in it about eighteen inches fiom the end. MONTHLY SUFFGRINQ. TTiousadda of women ar troubled at monthly inter ' al with paina In the bead, bask, breast, bouldcrs.sides kips and limbs, but tlicy' nced not iuttcr. Tbesa p.aln are aymptomt of danecroua deiaugcnients that can le corret'tcd. The tneo alrual function abould operate paiulcauly inokea tncnatruation palnleaa, nd regular. It puts thf deli cate tuenstruatoigans In conli tlon to do their work properly. And that atop all this pain. Why will any woman lufler month after month when WlM H of Cardiri wilt relieve h.rf It B coat jjxj at the drug store, PI 1 Hfltm Ann' Mn ITft A 1"W it 1 1 to-day t For advtce, in case requiiing special directions, addresi, (jiv ing symptoma, "Tlie Ladles' Advisory Dcpertmeut," Tbfl Chattunoofja Mediciuo Co., CbatUiuooa, Teun. Mia. RC'IM LEWIS, ra. ih. B'"((('-0,no;m,, T,, M, ... a ki.j n..l InlAtHiiI TUK IN- Four KllleU and five Wonnflctf in Hie tlrl Uatlle May Have Urn a Maxanvre -Trouble Tbreaienvd. A very cg'y situation exis's in nottb oentral Minnesota about Leech Like. From seme real or fancied grievance the Indian tribe known as the Pillagers have become hostile. Gen. Bacon, with the small force of 100 men crossed over the lb ke on the 5th. They reconnoitred the surroundings and found no enemy, but as they were get i g ready to make coffee for the dinner meul they were fired upon. Quickly they were in righting trim and toe battle raged. Four of the troops were killed and nii,e wounded. Many dispatches have come in later bringing less of detail than fearful suspicion that Gen. Baoon and all his men have fallen victims to a massacre only second to the Ouster slaughter. It is feared that much t.'ouble is on hand. Troipj are being rushed to t e sat of trouble. TWO ACCIDENTS Near HarrlHbnra an WednnHtlHy-Mr. slack Malt'ord bored In Hie Abdo men By a Hull nr. ttuery Uefa H la Hand Badly Torn In a Cotton Oln. To the already large number of ooiden's at HarriBburg or near there, two more were ml led on Wedntsd.y, On' . 5:h, when Mr. Mack Sibffjrd and Mr. Ieundei Q .try received b.d wound.. Mr. a rk Stafford wbs gored bj his bull on ttiat evening. Mr. Staf ford was tbron over the a inial'e heiu and against a crib. 1 he brui.-.es ate bad and the & sh on Mr Sufford's abd.men was om( mak ing a gash of eiht or nine inches, ibough fortunately the wound is not der p. Mr. Suffjrd, for a num- of veiri". ha been in bad haltb, having been paralyzed He IB rest ing very well at tbis time. Whi'e palling cottonseed from the gin that s ane evening at th cotton gin about two miles from Newells, Mr. L-ander Qaerj's hand was caught by the Saws. He quick ly j -rked it away but too late to sav bis hand from b ing badly lacerated. It is thought that some of his hand oan be saved. Hnnderlnnd Mall Hum Opened. For se?eral days students huvt been coming by the truhis and aleu from the neighborhood her; about to en'er upon tbe duties or anotner ession of school at the Liura Sun. I.rli,d II all i.eir hue. W'tdnusdaj i Ue day on which the (choin ju nird aud lb s (rhursdas) morn ng wss the time for the bfffinuinp if actual work. Air aly about 45 lave btin tnroiltd anJ still molt iro to come. Tbe s.'iuul dining hi session wili b-U'.der the prin opi'shipof Mibs M ntj iuiiry, hci orpi of ieoui r b.MLg Mi ici Uur vet, Wiun ana e-couor, una jih Kry ti t i-s mi'ion . Mr. Urown lililrn. Coucoid, N. (3., Sept. :iO;b, 181)8 A 11 You KG Etq Ch'm. Dam. Ei" Com. Deah Sni: Oiving to my ad vanced uu.e and physical it A mities it is imposfible for me 'o accept the lomini. ion of Coroner so flattering1' j tendertd me by the la e Dome, ira' O county c.iineniiim . My per mini itf rts shall be d:r c'rd to the uccess cf the 1) moeu'ic p-rty. Youis :ipco'ful y, Js N. Kk ws, Mlaa t nrrfon Row In the Army It will be news to a number of ht i friends and acquaintances to know Miss Annie Futgeaon, whope bom is at this place, but who for several years has been iu the Watts hospital at Durham, is now in t'io army per vice in camp st Lexington, Ky, Miss Furgeeoo ettms to boaveiy fine trained nurno and is working her way upward. She intends or rather hopes to go to Cuba this fall with the ngimec. She has been ut there nearly two weeks, but has i5'e on duty only in the lant few da) p. For riKhllnK and llrgfttiia. Two cacM were before E q 1'itts this (Thursday) morning at an eurly hour. Ona case waa that of a youn? j,iy, looking to be ahotit 15 yenrs o age, who was tried for begging at Cannonville. His nests amouut d tof2.15 besides a fine of penny. He had the money in his p'ok t and handed ifr out. The other c.ise. was that of t" yoong gentlemen who wpre ' acn.p ping" at the Cannon mills Wednes day night. It itenw that tbere wus no weapons ustd but one of the par ties bore several scar?. It cos eaoh party between four and 6e dollars. T ATTLE I t il DIANS ANOTHER LETTER Ftl(Tl Mlt PAGE Men r WiHIern and Ceutrnl orl!i Carolina Owe m Duly to Uod and Tlielr Frllow sfen to Vote For a V hit .Hun's uoverniucnff. A fpeiiul from Salisbury to the Churlo te OV'ervcr of Ojt. 4 h saye The s rongPBt portrajal of condis tion& exiatini in eaetern North Car- olinu under uero rule comes from Ilev. Jesse H Faca, who bus been heard h f ro in this connection Mr. W A Campbell, of this county, wrote to Mr. Page, It q airing into the auiheutioity of previous letters written by him. Mr. Ptgn's reply is as follows: R ickingham, X. 0 . , Sept. as. Mv Dear Bbotheb: Yourf.yor of tbe ii.b reoeived this morn ng, aud I comply with your rfqaost to answer by retu n mail, 1 wrote the letter to H A tiille land, and every word in it is tru; also one to Mr. Yount, of Newton, and to Saunders, at Monbo, all of whioh were published in the ptperu in jour section of t ie S;a;e. Erery doub'er of the s utement made in regard to the deploral le condition of many of the eastern oountiee under negro role can have his donbts speedily removtd l y coming down and seeing with his own eyes . There are 11 neuro magistrates la this oounty, one iu my town, aud there are other counties that have more tbi) double this numbtr. N gro roid overseers, with white mro a1 wjrk under then'; regro cons ables and di put) sheriffs serving wriu ou uit men and while ladits, ant iow timts arrrsting them and bring ing them for trial to negro dens be fore ignorant and vile negro tfti ;ial ; negro tchool comm.ttecoien, having white teachers, young ladies as well as meu, come before tbem for au thority to toaoh and gnt their j.ay . You ask wbat I think your uu v is in western and CHulral Carolina. I unhesitatingly answii: Vo e soK dl, ag.iiuet e erv caridi iule on tht Republican, Populiet and futio.i ticket, for every offloe, from tbe lowest to highest. Tbis is your iuty to Cod and your fellow men. Siuctrely, Jesse U Page. CLO.'KTUE "BLIN'D TIOEHS." Our t'onirihtilor AVItnoNH'N Their flaw nurfcaand t'nllw for Arflon. Mil KniTon: A few days ago a lady who bus three boys in their 'teens remirki-d, "our town is float ing in whiBltey." This Is, pethop , oj B vtepii g an asotniou, yet the f'io", tl at th.i 0;i lo of iutoiic:iaTa in tlarraiufc-ly on tbe increase, musi oii sttuii.teu Dy tn moi ja?nvl ol.eerver. Wny this is true we are not prt pared 'o s 'j, b'it w believe, since a large uicj rity (font ;i iz rs have said by their billotp that th'? sale if Toilers within our wrporu'e limits is il'egn', ami bv. placed ( fliC'rs in chiiro tijinforc' che lit against all i ff tider, that i' s due to lack of vigilai.c. We ha r public fo.i'iment betii'd on r ocil op. ion law to nuiu'Bin l'-- x cutive, hence the failure i-i no ith the p-rople at large but with Mi uen who are set to prelect ua uii mr childri n ngainet the to in p' at ion f to drink uLd the i.wful sin of drutk JtillePS. Ueom;ly a coun'rjnin ro intoxi ea I'd that he cou'd so-roely keep his e.it i tbe Biddle was a s.d ip o acle upoa our streets. A few days go another one whooping, hollering ti, d limbing a'cng at breakneck ipeed, endangered everything in his path . It, is time to call a bait oa "blind igers." Oar law wH soon fall in o, dnrep ite under ouditiona as bey uo exist, and we owe it to imsehrs, our children and the fair nn mo of our town to have it ens force'l . Coi.cord expects every mau to do his du'y, aud do It now. X . llobNon'M Work. Lii uti limit Hobcou stems one of .h? busiest if men. Tbe Mariu ftrcftt will be fent north next week, itiscaid. He is now getting the Hims and whatever is valuable from the wrecks, when he will turn bis ahole attention to the Colf.n, which he fully expeota to float indepedent l of opu ions to tbe contrary. He had the keen little eatisfaction res cently to espy and n cover his ma rine g'aseas that be dropped in tbe water in his little Merriuiac exj-eri ence. Now if be should sucoetd in 11 iat ing the Colon it will look like every thing coming Uobsun's way, ev n the smack frcm Mies Arnold. -; AT :.i .-jB iui"il lf i; 'i t.i-l-i li i'.!!' TUE OLD UEHO TESTIFIED. Un. U'lit'f It'r ,; l lilnba the .ItanaKC 'mrnt Waa tiood as Zeal and Intelll-i-enee Could Make It. That fiery old war-hors , Oen. Whecl.T, who hud himself c irried into the ban'iao fight, a soldier, overy inch cf h!m, bus been before the investigating committee, and has answered intelligently the ques tions as to the minut of alleged criminal neglect or in.tliciency u the departments under his eye, em bracing Tampa, Santiago and Mon tank. Being naked finally fr a general tipres'sion of his opinion as to the coaduct of tbe various bureaus of the War Department, ho pruUed the work of all the supply departments, saying thty were actuated by ze&l and characterized by intelligence. He had found the medical depart- ment, from General Sternberg down, to be efficient and anions to pro-, mote the best interts's of his de partment. "TTbe same waialso true of, tbt) ordnance, commissary and other d' partnu nts. G n . H V Cnynton testified to he fuvorab'e tquipni'nts and cnt. ami aduptatim of the Cbickamauga camps, rrom fcis testimony there skills little room for c mp'uint. Pbe provisions for the health and oemfort of the soldiers were wonder fully elabo;ate . Coii4i;refN,niin, Tlint'R I nilual litt au ttinusini! and at tbe earn? time disgusting incident ocrnrred en tbe train boiub duyj ago between Greenville and Kinston, which was witnessed by a I urg; crowd, and a reaident'of Concord was among the numbtr. Iu the second clees car could be seen a wliite man and a ngro sitting on the s?.me seat and enrh cue had a terribly "hot box," caused by drink lag t ) much "hot stuff." After rob bing the car of all its ice watrr o qnenoh that thirBf of theirs, thpy j-mrceytd to thu first class car. Be fore all of the people in the car the white man waa seen to firsthand the glass of water to tbo African. Af ter the latter bud flciched he filled tbe class again aad handed it to the white nidi'. Anioez the crowd in the car sat Hurry Skinntr, a fusion 1st nominee fT Congress and also a newspaper r porter. The reporter, after witnessing tbe whole tff.iir anil without i-.ny hepitation, turned to Mr. Skircer aud paid "Congrofsman, that's fusion." It was a qnick sbo nd all in the car enjoyed and cheered tbe fpokeMnan, Undoubtedly H wat a harp cutter to tbe f usianist aspir ant. FROM The SEAT OF TROUBLE t'ltchlliitf Willi thu JndlaiiN Hut Over. Ti.e tioa'ulo with tho Indians at B. ;ir Idluud, Miunesota, is not a b id ua the fears excited by dispatchef Tt'jrsday. Oen. B.on and his forje are not maafacre:', but are h id ng a defensive position till re i if jr: men's urrive. A battalion . f Minueeota volunteers from the S u'liigo battle waiting to be mus aued ont will probably be the firdt aviilublu reinforcements. Mjr Wilson and six soldiers have been killed, beside an Indian p iliceinan. the number of lodian casualties if not known. Tbere ure, cnly aboai 100 of the Pillagers, and if no othei tribes j )in tluui there will be little mire than one moie buttle, in which mist of ill m will have to be killed, aj thty are like demons to tiht. FaltfrnoU'll olliiimi Marriage. Mr. WGas. Patterson, of tlhina Gtove, took to himself in marriage, Tbuisdny evening, in Salisbury, Mies Minnie H 'ffm in, of that city. The happy groom biouxht his lovely bride to his home the 8im night. -We h'ibten to congratulate Mr. Pat ters n on assuring one to make hie mat new reaidence a home witb all us charms. flHro Inn CJood for 'I hem. The New Yurk Tribune gota oil the following: "The question ie asked whether ex-Confederate orxaniz itiona shall be anked to pn;- ticipatein a ppeco dfuiimstration of National Veterans. 'Ex Con feder ate?' That m anh fallows who used to ride behind 'Job' Wheeler, doesn't it?' Well, then, the question nn- awer itself. Room for tho 'Johnny Reb!' No place where the flag flies ia too good for 'Joe' Wheeler, aud where ho goes his old comrades shall likewi e go." All prisons indebted to me will please call upon W G Mear,( E.q., and settle.. I liava left all acconnts rd no'ed in bis hands for collection L M. Akchet, M. D. May 2, 181)8. GRADED SCHOOL NOTE I Aa 1'reuared By Onranperlntvnd.nt The Keelta Ion and the Menoiil In eeaillve Tolca at ine Tnai'liera mretlng-. Teacher's meetings are held rec;u larly at four o'clock every Monday evening at the central building. At tbese meetings topioa the most practical and helpful for teachers are discussed. One of these that was thoroughly discussed wai the Recitation. The recitation is the teacher's greatest opportunity for effecting the real work of the school Here it is that the teacher's whole power should be concentrated. He should not only be master of tbe subject to be taught but be should also be master of tbe art of teaching and distinguish well be. twein teaching, testing, drilling, in structing and reciting. Although all of these are included under the one head, "recitation," there is a great difference between any two of them . T he good recitation is stimulat ing, suggnstive, interesting, anima'ed and v.ried. It is not too long, has a di finite obj et in view, is for the pupil, begins and closes promptly, tyid aims to m ister subjecte and not paf b. The good teacher will assign les sons carefully, will show pnpils how to study, will insist upon correct and conoite txpression, will questi n skillfully, will require pupils to stand while reciting, and will review frequently. She will not t 1 k too much, wili use topical methods mostly, will not allow "prompting," will illustrate fnely, will praise and enoourage .tnch, and will scold Bnd find fault but little. Closely related to tbe recitation and hardly sreond in Importance is the subject of fcHooL Incentives. The word incentive means to arouse to t ffort ; to cause to study. '1 he good teacher is not only Bkill. ful in the use of device and meth ods of awakening interest, but be also employs the best incentives far getting work ont of his pupils He strives to create among his pupils a desire to be useful, a desire for advancement, a desire for compe tence, a desire to do right because it is right. Ati soon as po(sib!e he ap peals to conscience and to the BeU4e of duty. lie shows the p!e. eure of acquiring knowledge, the apprecii tion of self, of parent and of teaoher. From hiotory, biography and the world around, he cites worthy ex amples and tries to create in bis classes a desire aud a longing to do something and be something in the world. Tae beBt incentives to study are tbosp tha'jrcach all the pupils of the echool instead of a few. They are permanent in their effect. Tbej appeal to the higher and better na ture of the child, and hence tend to create worthy citizens and noble characters. The worst incentives are tb ee that appeal to fear and that tend to develop iudifferenoe, feifhhneas, ego tism, greed, deceit, cheating, and a disregard for truth and for the rights of others. While many things may be mid in favor of przes as incentives, still they are not the best incentives. Prizes are apt to stimulate only a few, to engender a spirit of rivalry, to lead to cheating and lyin?, to die courage the dull and plodding onef to make teachers partial and parents fault' fiuding, to reward talent and sucoeis rather than true worth and honest t ffort, and finally to lead to seltidh character. The real work of the teacher is by means of tbe recitation to awaken intellect, by means of bis moral ln 11 icncu to aronse the sendbilitiep, ud by means of proper incentives to move tbe will. Tbis leads ua up to the subject for consideration at cur next teach ers meeting, "Pdichology in Relation j to School Work." C 8 Colkr 1 A Strong Fort if lea tion I 'ort ify the body against disease by Tint's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick hcaeLchc, tlys ivpsi.i, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, jaundice, bilious ncss and all kindred troubles. "The Fly-WhccI cf Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills are the fly-whetlcflife. I shall ever be grateful for the accident that Iroughtthem to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life, f. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver Pills ALMOST A BATTLE. Col. Ray arrives at Mtanxanlllo Too Moon and a Mormy Interview tlr- cur. An exceedingly interesting inci dent occurred at Mauz millo-Friday, when Col. Uiy marched into the ci.y to tuke pusession. It stems that after he left Santiago under orders to Uke pofaesuion on the ?tb, tha Spaniards hud gotten the time extended to tbe 10 h, cf wbinh Col. Ray was not aware. Col . Parron, the Spanish comm-inder, put up a bold front and a stormy interview occurred. Tbe Spanish bogler caned to arms ana a ngnt was on the verge of being enacted. It all blew over, however. The Aniflrioans will occupy the barracks till tbe 10th, when a for mal occupation will take place. Mlaai'rnJKe Dead. A telegram stating that Mian Nannie Craige, of Salisbury, daugh ter of Hon. Kerr Craige, died this (uturduj) morning. Miss Craige has been in bad health for several months and her death h s been fore cast. She was a most excullen young lady and ia kton here. Sh ia a nieci of Mrs. Jno. Allieon aud Mrs. A B Young, of tbis place. A Hot 1'onteNt at Atlnuln One of the hottest conteits in the history of Atlanta has just been finished, it having been tbe mayor's election. The result was the e'ec tion of Mr J G Woodward, who is an employe of the Atlanta Jonrtal He won by a large nifiiontv. He seems to be a very capable man Plll.ky Hra. Hull Guilford oounty has tho banner now for a brave woman, The Rec ord saya Mra. Mike Holt, who lives within two miles of Greensboro, re turning from a visit Tueeday, found negro man going through her household effects. She quickly grabbed up a hatchet and made for him. He drew a pistol and threatened to ehoot, but that did not check her onset, when he took to flight, receiving a stroke that cut his hat and knocked it off. He had already obtained some booty a gold bracelet and gold breast pin. ft liey hlrurk a Log ine sewerage force la now at work on Spring street nearing the corners cf Mill and Spring strtetc. On Friday before striking Spring street a short distance from the dy namo and about twelve feet down in tbe ground they struck a large log. This is very probably p.om wood nf olden timrs when Concord was not a town. It ia hard to dis tinguish whether it is oak or wal nut. SEV'l NTH COUPS TO MOVE. Hi'". I Wlrea Inntrnrf loim toJnok onvlllc The Firm Worth Cnrolina to Have liratc-JorKenaeu Hltlea. From the Charlotte Observer we learn that the following order wat received at corps headquarters Thursday nigbt from Major General Le; who is in Washington : "Make preparations to move Seventh Corpe to Savannah at once. Let corpe quartermaster make transportation arrangemfnts. Corpa will enoamp around Sayannah, and later bi moved to Cuba. I will be in Sa vannah Monday and Tuea ay of next week and in Jacksonwlle the Thursday following. If Torrey'e Cavalry is ulready at St. Augustine it oan remain there for the preeent." Lieutenant Hirehinger, ordnance officer of the regiment, made nqtii sition Friday for Urag-Jorgensen rifles for the regiment, in compli ance with the general order. UEOUUE SAXOX SBOT DOW. A Brother ol Jlrx. .Wclilnla'y Hurd. r ed 11 a Human, Hrohnlily . Mr. Goorge Saxon, a brother of Mrs. President McKinloy, was shot down on tho etaets of Can ton, ()., on the 7th. It ia believed to be tho act of Mrs. Ana C Qoorgu, who hns boxu arretted for tho crime. Thoro has been a sories of litigations iu which they were involved and 8he had made threats. Walks ho alien to alia store. Tt'e are glad to learn that Mr. D C Furr has so itnprovoil that he walked from his home to his store at Forest Hill Friday. For about four months he bad been confined to his bed aud his physician thought ho could never recover from Lis prostrate condi tion. We uludly hope there may yet be many years of enjoyable life for Mr. Furr. ftnbofly Mvrt hnvn tVoiirulfeln fc' Pr. Mtlis raiuyil1' trow (IruiuflBta. n'Onu Minf autMM) A DARK SCHEME. W IlinlliKlou Neirro a Try to Buy Fire Anna From the odell Hardware Co, Their Ncliemtt Detected. From the Ilaleigh News and Observer we notice that noe-roes at Wilmington, who Lave boon corresponding in regard to buying a quantity of rifles from tbe Odell Hardware .Co., in Greensboro, have boon detected in their dark scheme. It is supposed that the negroes are preparing to be armed on election day. One reason to be lieve there in something dark like thia behind is the fact that tbe negro who was doing the coires- ponding for the arms is the chairman of the Republican executive committee of that coun ty. In the letter, a fao simile of which appears in that paper, he aBks for prices of twelye 38-calibre guus with the privilege of 25, six teen shooters, also twelve 32 and .'18-calibre guns. YELLOW FEVER RAGING. MtNNlNalppI and Lonlalana almoat Faulc ntrlcken. Mississippi and Louisiana are al most panic stricken with yellow fever. Despite every hope to overs come the malady it bursts forth and now business in Mississippi especial ly is almost at a standstill. Many are il.eing to points further nortb. Jackson is almost deserted and there will be much suffering among those dependent on the r daily laiiors for a sspport. Tie nood tide of the ei'uation is that theie i re few deaths. rnlly Convinced. One Mr. Samuel Pate, a Republi can, from Martin county, having heard and seen so much in the newspapers regarding tbe condition of Craven county openly anuonnced that he would like to go to Craven county, and if it was half so bad as made out be would stump the coun ty in behalf of the Democratic par ty. And those stalwart Democrats of Craven, hearing of the announce ment niado by tbis Republican, ac tually paid all of bis expenses to make Craven a visit, and after he bad visited and seen tbe true con dition of tiling?, the Anglo-Saxon blood and conscience was stirred and he exclaimed that he will not only stump the county, but the whole State of good old North Car olina in behalf of the white man and his home. Part of Mr. Koonce's letter in the Kinston Free Press. lie WaN a Itoyular. Blair, a regular, said to be of the Seventeenth, was shot through the groin at El Caney July 1st. Two wounded men of the Seventy-first New York fell beside him in worse shape than he. They could not move. lie could a little. A Spanish sharpshooter on their right had the range of them as they lay there, their comrades having pushed on. Although down, the three men were his target. "Spit!" and one of ths bul lets cut a lock of hair from Blair's forehead. ' Spit!" again, and one of the New Yorkers winced as his shoulder was cut. . Blair for a time could not locate the fellow, but finally discovered him three hundred yards distant up a tree. He was incautious and displayed himself in taking aim. Blair had his gun beside him, and with one shot brought him down. Then, wounded in the groin as lie was, he crawled nine hundred feet to his enemy to get his canteen of water, and nine hundred feet back, not touching it himself, and pouring it down the throats of the two New Yorkers. He died holding the drink to the lips of one of them. Llis only renark as to his journey vaa: "I'm a regular. You fellows have homes." One of the New Yorkers survived to return home and tell the story of this hero's end. Chicago TimesIIerald. Bnvklen a Arntaa naive. The Best Saive in the world for Out, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S tin Eruptions, and positively cure Piles or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give statisfaction- or moner refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer's Drug afore,' koyal make tha lood pore, "--'" flillrlial. 101 J lH 1 FQWDER Absolutely Pura Room needed for tbe Alllleted. Mr. N M Earnhardt, keeper of the county home, reports to us that be is crowded to the point of anxiety at that institution. It was confidently expected to cet Hen rietta Connor in the asylum at Goldsboro, but the application has been returned from tha reason that the asylum is full. Mary Luckey was admittod to the home Thursday evening. Mary is very much demented and herco and very muoh needs the advantage of the asylum. Ihere are five cells and a corn. der and he has six occupants. The corrider should be available for purposes and not tor a coll. It is cntbrtunate and quite a source of solicitude for the afflicted that the asylninns and the connty home are incapable of meeting the de mand. An attempt was made Thursday to wreok the Southern train between A.8heboro aud High Point by placing oroBB-ties and large rocks on tbe rails at a point near Sophia. The obstruction was discovered by the engineer and the train was stopped before runnir g into tbe obstruction. The parties who made the attempt are unknown. This is the fourth attempt that has been made to wreck the train on this road within the last year. Southern Railway. THE ... Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL MJJSTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Through anj Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Sale Schedules .... Travel by ,tbe Soutbern and you are assured a Safe, Com lurtable and Expeditious Jour, ney. . .j- Apply lo Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Rates and General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A.,' Charlotte, N. C. Asherllle, . C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. Cl'LP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.&Gen M'rx, Traf. Man., G.P.A. WASHINGTON, D. C. A. 15. GOODMAN, M. D. I respectfully tender my profession al services to the community. All calls will be promptly attended. My Ollice is at the residence of Davis Barrier, at Rimer, N. C. Aug. 25. Dr. Miles' Nervine t REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. THK excessive uso of Ubaroo, csnocinlly t.y young men Is uUuy Injurious aud umioubKdly shortens II fo materially. Mr. KU. C. Ktson, compositor nn tlio CoDtrifc Oosta Snrt, Martinet, Cul., writ"; 'I bv Umh) I r. Mlis' Krstoratlvu IVcrvlne &nd n Culved iLjiK'h tx riefit from ii. I w.-ut trouble with iirrvoiiMifHS, diwy h pi lis ;ini Hhwpltm nt'ss, raiHwl by tlit um of tnijii.vn and .--titii-uliiMs. 1 took Ir. .Mill V-rvirn' with mur-vdnu.-dy otxl result';, Mlylrii. '.h" dlr..itifM;:, q uii 'tin k the nerve, and enabling me to skvp and rest, proving in my n.so a very tn'iH'tloifil remedy." Ir. M:i4' Ii-tor:itlv Nerviim ii ii'i viaMy .epte.l u rvf tortus tiio nervmis -y-.tom io n i r:.il condition unrtt r sin h c r. ;j - i.st;tn. It .mI -tvz wm ari's.'ld ly ull .Imi' T . ..... --3 KMs nml. r .i p.. li I vf V , . cnnraiiti'i! ii i I'.. iNiorvino fund,..!. I ,, on (I..- Rf tHTvi'ti frM . A.lfJri'sS. 1K. MIL'.H MKDICAL ll.. fclklrt, lull, . .pi' 1