The - Standard. GOOD -JOB- WORK AT LIVINO PMCEi Give us a Trial. The Standard. TAN PK1NTS THE ft E Wis THAT IS JVTTaS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. VOLX NO 339. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 1898. WHOLE NO 496 The DA ED. MRS. FANNIE FISHER DEAD follows 11 rr Husband Afrr Two Years and Lrnvel Four Parentlras , CblMreu llar.Melrnatlon to latn Trluuib or Christian raitb l.a irlipe Tlieu tousuuiptlon the Jls. ease. At 4 o'oiook on Weineflday on North Main street the angol of death ctme to the home from which Mr. Ed Fisher wag enmmoned two years :;o and took the widowed mother. During last winter she was at. tacked with la grippe, which cancers traled its insidious effects on the lungs and developed consumption, which has made rapid strides for the last few months. The unmistakable admonition of early departure was welcomed by Mrs. Fisher. It was a subject of remark by visiting friends that she f ally realized that the end of this life was near and the calm, sweet resignation with which she spoke of the event was a beautiful mirk of the triumphant Chnstaia faith that lif.ed her above the cires of earth. Mr J. Fannie Fisher was 48 years of age. She leaves four children, vis : Misses Claude and Grace and Masters Julius and Archie, who now beside the loss of earth's greatest blessing, a good mother, must en dure the sense of a broken borne where there it none to whom to lcok fur pirental counsel, guidance and comfort. Mrs. FiBher also leayes a father, Mr. A . II March, who has made bin home with her for some years; a s ster, Mrs. L M Brower, of Tay lors' ille, who has been at her bedside since the end was apparent, and a brother, Mr. Thomas Maroh, of Ttxa. The funeral riU-d, according t programme. Wire conducted by te ptor, Itay. 0 B Miller, at 3 o'ol ok ai the family home, from which the remains were laid to rest in the city ctine ery, with tboe uf Lrr husband, by Messrs. D B Ooltraue, J A Cliue, ,D B Morrison, J D Barrier, Q W Brown and D L Bost. We are sure we voioe the emotions of the community in offering to these bereaved young people the dpest "sympathy in this their most ippaliyig Ions. m (Jetting It Down I lne. IJocle Sam, in order that he may k ep up with hit) mail clerke now, ij putting a recording instrument in B jme of our posttflkes. Each time a clerk goes ia or out of the pestof fi 39, wbich l.i always locked, the in etrumeut iecord.1 the time, also Hiving tt o jurab-:r of the clerk. We notice that Greensboro is to have one soon. Reoouucei Fusion. Newton Enterprise. Editor Enterprise: I have been voting the Republican ticket for 19 years, but the time has come when all white mbn should stand together to redeem our graud old State from fusion rule. I shall continue to vote the national Republican ticket but shall vote and do all in raypo er to defeat the fu-ion ticket ia this S'ate. Hoping that all pelf refpect ing white men will do the eamo, I am, Yours truly, E J. Goodson Sherrih's Furd. N. C. Oct. 10. Macon, O , had a $122,000 fire Thursday morning;. Mothers! 1 danj?ert of ff vv child-blrtncan Jr, be e'most en-My, child-birth can figC J!J". be e'most en tirely avoided. g-Vi'-.v - WineofCarduiiT? relieves ex- AtJt't tirely t nectant moth ers. It gives t etothegen- itulorgans.and & i. .. ... it condition to do their work perfectly. That mokes preg nancy lese painful, ahorteua lnbor and hastens recovery after child-birth. It help a woman bear Strong neauny Mt ELRCEY i bas also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often britiRS Joy to loving heart vhot long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All drugtrlsta sell Wiuo of Cardui. $i .oo per bottle. Pat siMoa In esiei fwjufrln Ielri dlrsclliM. ddrrmii. rttlnr symptoms, The Cflltnooim Mtxllclns Co.. Cbtt- 0 book, lnn. Whn I tint look Wine efOrdul w. h."l been mrrl.d (Us y"j, eould not h sny shtidran, nltis ...h. i.i.r i hid Due a in buy." A BLOODY BVriLti MrlkinK Blncrs In Illinois Object to luiporllne; n Train Load of ftearoes Ten Killed ami Twpnl j-SInc Wonnded. A Berce little battle took place at VirdeD, III., Wtdnesdey afternoon when the mining; company brought in a train load of negio laborers from A'abama to take the places of striking miners The fighting was between tho guards and the strikers. The casual tits are summed up to be en killed and twenty-nine wounded, fonr of them fatuity. Two deputies and one negro are among the mor tally wounded. The strikers suf fered most heavily. The negroes did not alight and the train was run on to Atlanta, III. Governor Tanner is very indig nant at the mining company, whom he bad warned against importing labor, knowing the great darjgur of such course. He says the company will be chargable with the results. a. Consolation for (lie Private. A pnyote of the First North Caro lina at home on a furlough called on a fcirl friend. Conversation of conrte turned on army top:cs. Tbe fair one, who evidently could appre ciate the difference in uniform, in quired if those who had stripes on their eleeyes were not cflioers. The private saw his opportunity and in stantly enlightened her. ' Oh, no," he said ; "the officers have their mark of rank on tbeir coat collars. When you see a soldier with two stripes on his sleeves, that shows he has been In the guard house twice. Three stripes show three times in the guard houxe, and when there is a diamotd on tbe sleeve it is a sign that tbe wearer bas been in prison at St. Augustine !" And thus he etood cp for tbe boja who do not wear stripes. Asheville Lmz-n. Utile Cbild Hcaliled. About roon toiiay ( Thursday) the little ohi'dof Mr. W L Shernli. who lives oa outh Main stree'1., was bads ly scalded bj turning over a pot of hut coffee. The little ohi'd's hnnds and one foot is blistered consider- hly. From Onr Knstcrn Bielif hbor. Mt. Fleasant, Oot. 13. Mr. and Mrs. J D Barrier, of Conoord, were visiting It. PA Barrier last Run day. The Mr. Pleasant Cornet Band will furnish mosio far th proj r.'o- cpio exhibition hero ou Thursday Friday aid Saturday nights. The cotton mill will br runuirg agin by Friday or Sa'urdty. Mr. R L McAHiH'er, who is now employed at Albemarle spent 8nus day at home. Harry Oi. II, of tbe U. S. S. Vickbbu' has h-id bid furlough txtrnded ten dnj9. Dt A W Moose is s-fferin wltb a verj bul cold, lie 'a not a')!e ;o be at hi p .Mt. Mr. Otia. Ij-: 'z baa Mies Ln!) frieniii and rtlaivtd iiere Sunday a Lid Mod !ny. On L'it. Hull Hits yot Hern Told. Mr, (Via. E, of Wilming ton, wa3 at tb.i ls-iihow todfy VVben asked about tha political sit uation in his section, aid it ttio newsp'ipir leports bad been txag gerated, ha eaiil : "No, the half La3 not been tol-J. The city for the p. at two years hue prao ioil.'y fcem turned over to he negroes. You p"np!o in this eeo tion cannot ruihze the situation in Wiluiingtou unless )ou ouldo.'iiu don and see for yourself." Mr. Worth says tha Democrats are working ai nrver before, and with strong hopes of carrying thai county, though it ia a g-cit task. Greensboro Uoord, 11th, Tbe MnnlerluifOiu Order Delnjed. There was considerable purprise in some quarters at tbe news of the order that thn Second regiment's mueter out is delayed. Tbe etiVsted men think it means 30 days m in- furlough. Half a dozon reasons for it arfl given. Tbey ars first, that the givernment wants to keep quite a lot of volunteers In waiting in case of a further bitch with Spain; eecorld, that Governor Russell asked the War Department not to bave the regiment aseemblad bre any more for fear of a race riot with the nptrroos in enft .JlatFittli; third, thHt Congressman Pearson wants the members of this regiment to be in tbe ninth dis riot, because a iium br of them are Republicans; fourth, that the purpose ia to bave the com panies mustered out at the places where thS companies formed, or are technically considered as having furmed. Raleigh Coirespondence to the Observer. CoATAIQN IX SAMPSON. ( has &. Thomas llllHtered Fowler In Joul Debate at ('UniouFormer Poiullls aow Denioerala. A ipeoial to the Star from Clin ton, N. 0., Oot. 11, says: Hon Chis. R Thomas met Fo tier t o J a. j at Clinton, in tLe first j tint debate of this campaign, and the Demos crats weie fully satisfied with the way Thomas handled his opponent. Sampson is a Popu'i t stronghold and Thomas bad them to bear him blister Fowier. Fouler got it so hot that towards tbe end of tbe des bate be could not stand up among the ladies, but slunk off to a corner filled with negroes. Fowler lost his head when be tried 'o prcj idice his hearers against rich men, law yers and railroad presidents, forget tii g tbat he ia a kind of a lawyer himself. Several former Populists told us during Fowler's speech that they were henceforth and foreyer Democrats. A SLOW DEATH. A French Doctor's Idea of (Jtilllo tinliiK. London, Oot, 10-The Medical Journal publishes the report of Dr. Cinet of Paris, asserting that tbe guillotite does not immediately kill the brain. The French doctor says the blood first comos from the large vessels of the neck and there is hardly any drain upon the circula tion in the cranium. The brain, he adds, finds nourishment for an hour after decapitation, during which time the person decapitated retains his other senses of hearing, smelling and seeing, Absolute death, Dr. Cinet claims, does not ensue for three hours. Thus, it is pointed out, guillotining, instead ef being speedy, ia one of the moet prolonged and horrible forms of capital punishment. Taken Back to lUclimond. Miss EHzibeth Gibson, daughter of Mr. Jai. C Gibson, who bas been for quite a while cuifiapd t;j Ler bed ou acoount of a fall, was taken back to the hospital at Richmond Wednesday night. Her mother accompanied her and will stay with her during the time ebe is there It is hoped tbat this is a step to ber ccmple te restoration. Growing; Worse. Mrs. Fi z'iuh Lee, says a R ch mond dispatch of tbe 13:h, is grow icg hourly wores. fbe is suffering ing from dongue fever. Tbo Uen- eral is with her. 4u Appropriate Kcw Aatue. The Thurevi;.? Afternoon VVhisi Olnb mat on the t vn;ii)g specified by tbe nrr.e wi'h Mis-s Kate and Bdle Mean.?. A delightful after noon wiS ppent i nd all teemed deep ly interested in the meeii's; and phy d their best. A K name, and a V'l appropriate one too, vi'S givin it. i ame h: r ef or dill fct iha 0 ai.d M Whist Clnb. Don't you knoiv whut it, meutis? Ocorffe White's lirowloic ofrenHive seits. Affidavits are our, duly attested, that G orge II Wbite, the negro fu sion member of Congress from tin Seooiid district did go into t'parkt Circus at Taiboro on the 8th inat., a'.'Oou punied by bix or eight .vcmeii and tbildren aiid took teatJ in the dep.irtiueut for whi'e people On tjtii'g eeked ty a manager if the ebow to ooapy seats desifcualed for the c'ored people he refused to do s A seend policeman hud to be brought in before he would move. He then It f c the circus. An i.fli lavit from Almon Hart, in emj loyee cf the Atlantic Coast Line, testifies that the same George II A' bite pnt hiuisolf into th'i depo; oompartmeut for white lauies acd jii being asked to occupy the cams partment for ( he colond, be posi lively r' fujtd, though ha waj to on vvelcome th tt the in the room retired on 1 stood in the cjld while bf eia"' d 't-a't-J. Thn II I u ol Cotton tiny l ot. Several diUersnt tim.s hai Mr. Biggers weighed over two hundred hales of coitou, but thi biggist e!a we have had til's Wtts todey. At an early hour the farmers were h're. Betien 9 and 10 o'c'o.k wugons were coming down Mali street iu a line and were also lined up ou Depot s reet. Fifly-fuur bales were counted as tbey passed the corner in less time thin five minutes. Seyeral bales were even brought from South Carolina here. The street from Fe's-'i'j corner to tbo cotton platform was lined on Oiie side. Tbe number of bales weul.ed amounted to at lea .t 35, Friday's Daily. Wore Hcnllhrul Rigus. Mr. Josvp'i A Blsckwelder called in our i flic? todny (Vriday) a d told us thai he was authorized to say tbat Mr. Jol Hrglar, a former Populist of No. 4, will wash hU bauds of his former p3litical iffilin tions and will vote the entyfe Demo cra'h ticket. He will further urge hid eons who had thought cf staying at home on eleo ion day to go to the polls and vo'.e tbe whole Democratic ticket too. Mr. Blackwelder for i her eayg that at least a dczsn former Populists in his community will do tbe ihcludiug Mr. John Isen hour, Efr. liemlersoa Wincceff and son. Tbe latter to, we believe, went Into the Democratic primary. We trust that on the 8 h of Novem ber we shall find tbat reason and political irtue will rise, though crushed o earth, by designing fo meuters and wicked appealers to passion and discontent. Good For Bio. 2. Mr. W W Morris tells us that No. '2 has two Wbite Government Unicrp, one at Poplar teut with 35 members aid one at Patterson's Mills with 30 mtuibers. Mr. P P Town- send, a former Populist, who saw (hi front door of D mocracy wide open and walked in, is the president cf tbe latter. At the Graded achool. In the place of Miss Dodson, w ho was called away by sickness of her uncle, Mies Lidie Smith has been teach ing; in the graded school. Miss Annie Hoover taught Miss Fannie Hill's grade Thursday after noon, the latter having attended the funeral services of Mrs. Fisher. Medicinal Fining. Bulletin No. 150, published by the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment S'.ation, on the '"Medi cinal Plants Which Have Been Col lected and Used in tho State," written by Mr. C W Ilyams, As-si-!ant Botaniet, contains a list of 833 vaihties. of ptautd which have reputed medicinal value, all indig enous to the State, or bo natural ized as to be esteemed native to ti e State. The bulletin is arranged ac cording to the natural order of plants, and gives a scientific and more prominent or correct local name of each variety, and bas an index at the end for tbe conve nience of the reader. It is published solely as a mat'er of record aud tn jit not be understood as boirg an endorrement of the i ropertit-s of any of tho planis mentioned. B -side! the plants enumerated, the bullflin also contains a list of such g ".' i nr.d ferns cs have reputed Hi' dicinal value. Any further iu f irmution in rfgardto the Medicinal Flora of the State will be furoinhed ou application. This bulletin may be had free of charge on request, by wrUii.g a postal card to W A Vi b ;rs, Director North Carolina A;:rit ultural Eperiment Station, at Ri'.eigh. N. C. ALMOiT A JAIL DELIVERY. Klue Aegrocs Raw Bars, Hut Day Came Too FaNt. iVr.e jiil birds c tme within prob ably a half hour oi 'tscap ng from the j til in Raleigh Thursday morn i.ig. The j tiler waktd at 5 30, h n ir.g a noise that wi.s suspicious' lie soon found th it nine of his b .'iir 'ers were nearly ready to escApe. 8 jn:e one had helped thr ra to a saw aud fi'o and they were working like beavers cut ing off iron bars. He called in eome help aud at pistol points the? marched into their cells to have tbeir privileges reatrioted snuewhat more hereafter. Isn't Ibis A a fill ? In South Rock Creek a, conven tion or meeting of tha committee was held the other day and the names of two negroes were pro poned. The firei said ho could not read and tbat some one who could should be put in. Then soma one nominated a nej;n nam?d Goorgo Soiiih, who hiis served i-even years in tho penitentiary.' .George told the crowd that be d'd not think be wauld do, so tha mc-utinj; adjourned without nominating any one. Greenr-bcro Record. Called Away itj Sickness. Mr. Keece Jcbnson, wLo is on) of the candidates to can vass the comply for tbe coming two weeks, was called to the bedside of his father this (Sat urday) morning at ltoaring River, JN. C. One Bull do, N. Y., wom?h sued aco.hvr fur $10,000 damages for saving that the padded ber figure. But ih" jury thought $10,000 too big a figure, ttud gure her $15, which they thought enough to cover the padding liuiestMercuiy. A NEW DEPOT To Be Bnlll Immediately The Con tract Has Been Let to a Contractor at Hfckorj The Officials Neem to Rot Have Lost Klitht f Oar Heeds Here. It will b: remembered that about last January our town asked the railroad authorities for a new pas senger depot here. After a good bit of oorreepsndenoe the railroad ofs ficials promised that they would ac cede to our, request, but asked that they bs given until September. The time having arnyed, their letter so stating; was sent by Mayor Orowell again asking them for it and also showing tbtm tbe letter. In reply to the letter, Mayor Cronell has just received the foil lowing, which is good and satisfac tory cews to our pe pie: Hon. J L Crowell, Mayor of Conoord, N. O. Dear Sib: Yours of the 12th inst., received. We had not lost sight of the needs in the way of a new passenger station for your city and are now glad to advise you that the contract has just been made wuh Mr. J D Elliott, of Hickory, N. O., to erect a new passenger station at Concord, and the work will be begun immediately. Yours very truly, F 8 Gannon, Third Vice Pres. and Gen. tl'g'r. The plans and specifications for the new station seem to be of a very nice kind, and will be a great im provement for ns. As to on which side of the track it will be built, there has not been any decision made. A DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. F.sq. Alexander's Barn and Cribs Bnrn flown Four Mules and One Fine Horse Perish In the Flamea Bnlldlnas and "lock Insured to ome Ks-ient. Friday night between the hours of 11 and 12 o'clock, Esq. J M W Alexander, wno lives near liacky River, awoke to find his largo b.irn on fire. lis found it out too Lite to save anything. In vain he tried to rescue fonr of bis mules and his black mare. All of bis roughness and everything in the bin u burned, ibe corn cribs ad joining also caught and were also burned to the ground. It was fortnnateand almost puzzling tbat several other adjoining buildings were not also burned, some others being yery near by. No cause is known for tho fire, but it is thought to be the work of an incendiary. Some tracks have since been found that may jet prove to be suspicions. Fortunately Mr. Alexander was carrying insurance both on bis buildings and on his stock. He was insured in the Farmers Mu tual Fire Insurance Association of our county, and will derive at least idOO therefrom. His loss roughly estimated will reach 11,000. This is a groat loss to Capt. Alexander and we, together with his community thereabout, extond our sympathy to him. GRADE dTc iToo" L REPORT For the First Month as Furnished by Our Nuperluteudcnt1'he ftnuiber of Cases of Truancy, Tardiness and Corporal Punishment. The total attendance of the schools for the first month, was 665. CENTRAL, Bojal51, Girls 163, total 317. Cases of truanoy 3, of tardiness 49, corporal punishment 5, visitors 15, attendance 97 per cent. F0RSST HILL. Boys 39, girls i2, total 81. Tru ancy 0, tardiness 12, corporal pun ishment 1 visitors 0, attendance 961 per ceut. CANNON VILLE. Bojs 31, girls 44, total 75, tru ancy 0, tardiness 3, corporal pun ishment 0, visitors 0, attendance 95 percent. COLORED, Buys 40, girls 52, tcilal 92, tm- auoy 0, tardiness 22, wirporal pun ishment 6, visitors 6, attendance 95 per cent. TARDINESS. There are many more cases of tardiness than tjere should be. Someone is to blame. Una liocy r, cf CannonviUe sohool, a'ld Lsua J Hill have no tardiness lor the m&utb. HONOR ROLL. .To be on the honor ro,i pnpiis m et be 60 or abova ia ml studies anU conduct and bnre no abS' noe nor tardiness. The following are on tbe honor roll for th firct month: Oilie Fisher, Flossie Pounds cf ninth grade; Julia Borrow Carrie Petrea of the seouud grade. O S Colkr, Superintendent. A good intention clothes itself with power.- Emerson. The more we study the more we discover our ienoranca. Shellev. Doing good is tbe only certainly happy action in a man's life Sir . rniup Sidney. VERY COMPLIMENTARY To Onr City Are tha Words of a Brother Fdltor t'ompnrlntf Our Town With Another Due. The Mooreeville Timis in its lust issue has an editorial from which we take several paragraphs, which are very complimentary to Concord: "You may go tho cily of Concord and spend a month and very likely you will not sne a drunken innn during that time, bat go where they hV9 open ber roors and you can cot spend two days without seeing men drunk, and in many instances I bt ing tken to the lock up. Thou other, yes mauy other, things that could be said in defense of Conorrd's Prohibitory law. There are about 7,000 inhabitants In that oity and only two policemen, and when bed time comes they, like other citizens, go to bed and take their rest. Concord bas made a grand record already for sobriety, and no city has a better citizenship. If Siliebury does not wish to be left behind in the way of progress let her follow the example of Ocncord." A CLOsT:CALL. A Vonna; Man Shot nt by a Slldnlicbt Bnriflnr. A young man who clerks for Mr. John Andrews, who owns a store just across the Carolina Central road on Brevard street, had a close call Thursday morning. About two o'clock in the morning Mr. An drews' clork heard seme noise at the rear of the store. The door of the dwelling whioh adjoins the store was opened, and just as the young man was in the act of walking out, some one fired a pistol twice. One of the balls struck the door-facing just above the young man's bead. As soon as the two shots were fired the party ran and has not as yet been apprehended. There bave in the past few months been several attempts made to rob Mr Andrews' store. The po lice have been working ou the case, but have never been able to locate the guilty party. Charlotte News. Shun It Boys. The manager of tho sewer pipe job desiros us to say tbat he feels fearful that some accident will happen to our Loys along that deep ditch, on North Main street. Those mebryo statesmen and jurists who nocessarily must prac tice looking into things start by lookivg into every ditch of 15 fc3t deep of course. But boys are the stuff wo have out of wbich to make men and their bones are not as cheap as some things on the market. So boys, while you just must look down into that ditoh, treat the matter as if it were fuel to be brought in and be as un familiar with it & you are with the chores around home. ILLINOIS ISIIII In Fxeltement The Landlnc- of Kcgro Miners Forbidden. The fierce tonsion continues about Virdon, 111., and the only hope of averting more bloodahod lies in the abandonment by the mining company of the idea ol bringing negroes to take the place of the striking miners. The Ooy einor, desiring to avoid conflict, bas ordered the guards not to allow the imported forces to land about the seat ot troublo. The railroads, however, are disposed to kick about the governor's in terfering with the carrying trade. A Kerlons situation In France. Paris is excited over the dis covery of an alleged plot by the military to overthrow the govern ment or rcforji by force certain features of it. It seems bused on some more letters which may or may not be genuine. Fraudulent letters are not unheard of in Franco nor are conspiracies and government overtiirnings. The sit uation is regard with some seri ousness. Secret of Beauty i hu.-Ah. The secret of health is ne power to digest and assim !..; a proper quanity of food, i his can never be done when tha !iver does not act it's part. Doyou know this ? Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys ptpsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills items) aa lutf hv' Mifpn- fain jrti i in- - WESTERN NEGROE ' HOPES. A Couple cf Incidents fj-om Union Which nhnuld Cause White Hen to Think. The Editor of the Journal : 1 will drop you a few lines to in form your readers of tbe state of affairs hore, as the negroes have about taken this place since the Republicans have been in power, and it is not a rare thing to Lear of neuroes insulting decent wbite people. Seeing a crowd of negrofs gathered at a country store the other day, I drew near enongh to hear what they were talking abont. They were talking on political matters in North Carolina. Tbey said that the Republicans were working for them, and the Popu lists too, and they were their only friends, and that they had fused together in order to get into office, and if they were elected "we will soon take things and run the white people out of the State." Tbey then went on to say that the South Carolina darkies were going to join them, as the Kepnbucans would eland by them. In two years, they said, they would have everything in their hands. The other day a negro man went to a respectable farmer's house while the man was away from home and there was no one present but his daughters. lie was drunk, and taking bis seat in the house, ordered them to bring Lim eider, and threatened to cut their throats if they did not do so. They had to bear it because they could not help themselves. Re publicans and their co-adjntors seem to enjoy it. Please publish this so that people may see what is going on here, as well as in eastern North Carolina, and let every white mau see that we are in need of good white man's gov ernment. We can secure it only through th,e Democratic party. Youis for good government, R S Millek. Adlai, Union county, N. C. Monroe Journal. A AJcw Keeelpe for Maklns; Pound Cake. An old colored man, who lives near Wadesboro, determined to have a pound cake for his Sonday dinner a short time ago, and proceeded to make it according to tbe following original recipe: One pound of flour, one pound soda, one pound sugar, one pound of eggs, one pound of but ter, one pound of salt and pound of water. The ingredients were thor oughly mixed, after which the mass was put in a spider to boil. The spider pretty soon boiled over and then two large wash pots, supple mented by three buckets, were brought into requisition. Tbe wash pots and buckets held most of the "cake," and after the boiling pro cess was over it was put on to bake. The old fellow decribed tbe finished product "as being as light as air, vith boles in it big enough for him to stick hia head in." Messenger and Intelligencer. Nome Loiifc-Fclt Wants. Wanted A skillful dentist to fill tho teeth of a gale. Wanted A cook to prepare dinner on a mountain range. Wantod A set ot artificial teeth for the mouth of the Mississippi. Wanted A crown for the brow of a hill. Wantod A well-fitting shoe for the foot of a mountain. Wantod Several hundred wo men to scour the country. Wanted An energetic barber to shave the face of the earth. Wanted A lady to wear the Cape of Good Hope. Wanted Looks for the Florida Keys. Wanted A wiso man to teach the Scilly Islands. The Anglo American. if Ins ticrtrnde Alorlleet te Wed. Curds are out announcing tho marriage of Mr. E Kent Clair and Miss Virginia Gertrude Norfleet on the evening of Wednesday, Oct. 2Gth, at 7.30 o'clock. The ceremony will take placo in Main street Methodist church at Suf folk, Va., the bride's home. Miss Norfluet has a number ot friends and admirers in Concord, having spent quit" a while here with her sister, Mrs. Jas. P Cook. Mr. Blair is a druggist and will soon locate- again in Albemarle, but is now iu business in Char lotte. 3 C" 1 iVi M (- fir. MlW Nutto VlaittieH So xy's iced Lave Neuralgia. Gov Dr. Mil 'ail. yl' troju dmgglMa, "Ou ou"Uuiao Royal nuke the food pur. WtWlAKMM Bod rtllrtHMU lis A!olutviy Pure SnVM BAtnm Mwnf n -v. Wwvmat. The Hat Bed of Anarchy. Italy seem-i to be the hot bed of anarchists. That blood curdling assassination of the Empress of Austria is now being followed up by efforts on the life of the sov ereign of tbe Gorman Empire. Kaiser William is on his way to the Holy Land to be present at the consecration Of th9 "Church, of the Savior" in Jerusalem. At Alexandria nine anarchists were arrested and a plot broken up that had infernal machines with which it was hoped to take the life of the Emperor. Attempts Rnlclde. The Henderson Gold Leaf sayi Mrs. W T Carter, of Henderson, attempted suicide Tuesday. She secured a pistol and aim d it at her heart, but the ball struck a rib and ranged to near the back, Nervous weakness and partial dementia seem the only cause. She may recover. She is about 28 years of age. The Gold Leaf says : "She is kind and- chariable to friends and neighbors and mads her own burdens heavier by trying to carry thoee of others. "The affair is a very sad one and tbe family have tbe sympathy of the public under tbe distressing clrcums stances.'' More than twenty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve bave been distributed, by tbe manufacturers. What better of their confidence in uientB ao you want It cures piles, burns, scolds, sores, in the shortest space of time. J P Gibson. You invite disappointment when you experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thorouga little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache Just as sure as you .take them J P Gibson. Southern Railway. THE . . . t 2K Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL l$OrTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA,! FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Tbrougn and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Mgbt Trains; tast and Sale Schedules . . . Travel by tbe Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com lortableaud bxpeJItlous Jour, ney . - . 43 Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Kates and General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A..J Charlotte, N. C. Asncville, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.fctien M'gr, Traf. Man., G.P.A. WASHINGTON, D. C. "Saved Her Life." Jc? tf -ass MBK. JOnN WALL FT. of Jefferson. W is., than whom roue Is moirbJRhly esteemed or wlch'iy known, wrttaa. "In 1890 I had a severe attack of LaOfippa and at tbo end of four months, in spttoof aif phyHiciruis, friends and good nursing could do, my lunm heart and nervous system wro so completely wn-eked, tny lift) wad d gpaired of, niy friends nlvinp me up. 1 coulif only sleep by the use of opiates. My lunj; and heart pained mo terribly and my count, was most aum avatitiK. I could not Ho In one position but a short tt-ii" aud not on my left fdiie at all. My liii-tunid hruuRlit nia I)r. Miles' Nervine unij Mr u c (.'uru and 1 b tan takieijr ti."iu, Wl.i n taken a hair bottle of each 1 wa.n much 'i.-tti-r and contin uing pcrsltt'iit j I tn..u :,b.ii! adif.en bot tles and w:ls en;:? ;It-t .'i y n tr il l hi-uJlh to the surprise of ail " Dr. Miles' Ueiiit-d. aro sold by all dnu- fN, -, Hista under a pohitivo W. . . Alj guarantee. firt hnttlf2.1jl vUCM benefit or money ro- RR jytorOl funded, book cDd.-tvr 114? .71 !J,!i!i:r'irJt ft ZiTJ I UVMauro ' , -. Jfc M -saaajBajBaasssasaasB. LB. MILK MtlHOAL CO, Ualtdrt, 10. ,

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