The - Standard. GOJD t JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. BAYONETS OU NO BAYONETS We Will Carry the Ntnle By 10,000 dnjorltr. The following letter needs no exs plaoation and makes good reading : Raleigh, N. 0, Oot. 85. Wm. H Barnard, Wilmington, N. 0 Nothing has happened or is likelj to happen in North Carolina to jus tif rullinir for Federal troops. V ' they are asked for it will be for th purpose of intimidating the whites. emboldening the negroep, and aid icg and protecting the dusperat. and pani(Btricken fusionists 'n carrying ont the tcheme they an known to be batching, for stta'ini the elscuoD. Thete politicians fta' the wratb tf tbe people when their depperate methods of fraud are ex posed, and (hey cry oat for tbe arm to awe thtin into submission. We are going to carry this election by peaoable method?, and we are not coin? to be intimidated by tbe threat of the bayonet . ABk not hinj of McKinley. Send no commit to Washington. We need have no fears. The aroaaed and outraged luanhood of tho S ate will burj those wbo cetk by intimidation and f rand to carry the State, uuder a piapritj of 20,000 votes, bayjntlB cr no bayonets. F. M. Simmons, J Chairman. HE WAS DOWNED. A Repitblienn In Itownn t'tnnfj I'rltd la Put I p Ncnrerrow In llr- fAOfteofthe FunIou AdmliHNtrfittofi, tint Had to Tulle llncb Water. We notice m the Siliabury Sun that Mr. Jno. M Julian, thp Demo cratic county chairman ilere, Lad a little Uk-CDScion some uigUta ago with a le rliri.? Republican oat in the country. After Mr. Jalian had finished l;ii ipeec', t'.e Pcpnblioic a kid Mr Juliun to answer a qa ticn fo hi in Tiiu of co-Jtag luiini a Debiocrs'.io epeaker, as all ques tions can be anawereJ Tbe R! piblican asked Mr. Julian if it .as tot true tbat n IVinocrat c eberiff in Wake county dtputiz d a ne gro to arrest two white ladies. Mr. Jalian quickly denied the state ment. Then tbe Republican made the p opr8ition that bjth be and Mr, Jalian send a representative to 1UK eigh to search tbe records. If Mr. Ju'ian's element was trn thp other mn w; a to beer all of tbe ex pense! and also vote the Demo cratic ticke', and if the Jifpub I'c.n'a statement was true Sir. Ju lian was to b'ear all erpens;8 and v te the fiixionUt ticket. The agretrnrnt vraa made tbt n'pV, ho V::3 !o ' rkten flit tie ) s morning. 'I ha Uej-u'i ico umw up, but tf t r la1 k no; uwliil'',' ihe Republican a.kfd that tbeci .tr c Bay that t: e iiegio arrcartd b . clt women I i.ia ohui god ilvj in M-. r ultogeiber, and me K piibiic-iti found ou' i ban hi- ..:.' craw could not fjol tbe pjop'? tf '.r a'l. For vvvr 1 1 ly l'cnra Mrs. Wioi'ow'a Hoot bin-; 3j rn jj bat been nacd fcr over fif'y yc;.r3 tj millions of u:otbra for tn Jr child ren while tet h '.ng, with ptrfuct sue Cc-Bs. It Hcofbrs the child, ecftciif the gums, ! lays all pain, cr.rce wind cclio, ami ie the beat remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little auCtrvr immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Tweutj-fiye cents a bottle, Basur' imd aek for "Mrs. Wioalowa EootL Ug Hvrup," and take no ot!:rr kind SMS E Mothers! I forts and U V) r V . A danpera of l-ifA v. rliild-birthcan sJt -. tirety avoided. A., VH- 'v WinrofCordui V-WtV" relieveaex- j ' pectant motn era. It gWc t eto the gen iUlorgnns.and condition to do thou work perfectly. That make prcR liancy less pninful, sUorti'ns labor and hast'-us recovery utter child-birth. It helps a wnmau bear strong healthy children. haa bIso brought bapplnons to thouaatida of lioiiies barren for Tear. A few doses often brings joy to loving hearta ihat long for a dflrlinn baby. Ko woman (hould neglect to try it for this trouble. It cures nine case out of ten. All druggists sell Wiuo of Cardui. ti .oo per bottle. Por HtIc In cases requlrlnff epf.lal dlrct lonn, RddreM, Rlvlii? eymptotrig, !l "Udioa' .VJvii.-.ry Deiw.nisn!," The Cf tlianooca MoJidna Cilli buuA. Taun. rt.lODIS HM, of Jefferson, OS., i'V5i va liad Iwcn inarricd llireo yuw, jut . toniil mi have WMrn. H ;i U1 VOLX NO 339. COMMITTEES APPOINTED To ftollcit Knbaerlptlous for Ihe Bar beeua lo be Held on Wntnrtlny, Sor. B.bfob Known In Every Corner or Ibe Connly A Grand Time Ex pected. Not in a while is there as large a crowd expected to be in Concord as on Saturday, Nov, 6th. Let every body tell their neighbor, and let all bring their families, aj this is to be i day to be remembered in Con oord. The following committees have been appointed in ,be. different to-vnsbips and wairds for thS ur- pope of soliciting contributions for the Democratic barbeoue to be held in Concord on Saturday, tbe 5ib day of November xt. At whiob time and place there will be a grand Democratic rally and speeches : No. 1 John A Barnhardt, M M Morriaon, D llenry White and 8 F Harris. No. 2 J S Harris, C L Cannon W W Morris and P PTownsend. No. 3-RC Harrin, J A Rankin, J C Alexander and M F Nesbit. No. 4-II W Ludwif?, C A Sher wood, Rufus Cline, W D Gillon and John A Scott. No. 5 E K Misenheimer, G Eiam Cruse, R F Cline and W B Earn iiardt. No. 6 -George E Ritchie, A E Furr, Addieoa Crowell and W D Barrier. No 7 John Klutlz, George W Dry, D L Birringer and Roid Mi- enhfimc.r. No. 8-L J Foil, Titus Moser. C D Birringer, T H Ridenhour, D D barrier and h, u Lentz. No. 9 Dr. J R Jerome, E T B ib, C L Smith and D F Barrier. No. 10-R L Hartsell, M L Stall- ingR, H C Cook, J C McEachern, D V Turner, M M Furr and DP Hocer. No. 11 C A RbinRon, M A Walter, W L Morris, A F Heglar and W Rppch Jnhneton. WarJN). 1-WC Houston. W G Bjshatnor, J F Hurley, John P Allison ard L D Duval. Ward No 2-R C Montgomery, C M Suthor, Joe F Cannon and D M Furr. Ward No. 3-A G Boat, P A Cor- roll, R A Brown and II McNamara Ward No. 4-D P Dayvault, G T Crowell, M L Brown, J L Miller and Jackson Ritchie. The foregoing named committees have the power to appoint eub-oom-mitteas corisicttirg of ladies and men, and it is hoped that they will canvass their respective townships nd wardi for meats, bread, and such o'.ber provisions as their peo- p!e iu ty f ee proper to donate, and, i eii iitiuu tberelo, have as many as they can to triog taekcta of edi bles. I tic Ni'eonil Lecture. The Itctu't by Rev. IS ubblrbiuf n 'he conn hou e Wi'ilneeduy r: i f( b t whs- a furces ir every particubir axcupt a iarge xndieoce t bat we let-1 aure wonij ha--.- btsn ricnly r.-prid for a'lei dine-, arc the c uiid. rn- tion that tbestovei were not yet pu up and the ronm was ratter ctiiilirt' to admit cf tb b'gh-st dejrre of ppre ia ion. Ti;e t.'Kii'-s rn tU cmvai ware very good and with thr fluent lc- uirer gaye insights inlo hunlan rx 8 enne in the picked, equallid re cti of the great ci y th'it we who bre.Vhe the fre air of an op:n and sues' 'Ly region can tcaroely Cob ;eivp . Had (to lec.arer sho-n but the iiik side and fed the p. seiuiist only m tbe dtcaving and degenerating food of moral, intcUt'ctnal anil piritual decadenrte, it might him been without merit, bnt the prore s shown in ameliorating tbe condition in various way by tbe eltby ann he pious, was the s.lver lining ti he dark pienre. The beautiful hoepitals, scboolo, nurseriep, eto , bere bnt a few yeirs ago was lits terally a hell on earth was calculated w give comfort to those who daily pray "Toy Kingdom Come, Thy V ill be dona." A Goud Meeting;. We are Informed that tbe Popu 1st candid ttea tried to hold a secret aitetiug at tbe Plott fcbool bonsi Wedneddaj night. The nsult wb i.wo Populist camiida'es prifentand plenty of D.-mocrats, but not t IVp.ilist auditor. It was tf cours t good inectit g with a piir of forlort i3 p'ioi.s. Rlly on tbu 5 h, ye that wnni no nioro fu! 'ii govrrctnent in Norih Carolinn. L"t the White Governmeni Uuioo.i fool e."pvcially charg d them ijilns with a lively interest in the iu tbe grand rally on the 5th. rin HE COUNTING SILVLR COIN. How the Work In Hlnir none at ibe 'Pbllndelpbln Mint. The nimble fingers of twenty pair8 of feminine hands were set to work the other day at the subtreajory counting ten millions of silver djl lars, which have been s'ored in the custom bouse vaults. The task is not an easy one by any means, and 25 days, it is expeoted, will be consumed in its completion. ' Jerome Wis", of the treasury de partment at Washington, has come np to superint ndent it all, lie is assisted by Miss Julia Boot11, of this city. Tbe twenty women who ar doing tbe work are all expert hand lers of coin and have betn employed in the mint here. The count is mud ' to verify the accounts of ex-Aeeist ant Treasurer Bigler. In a room on the second floor, a long table, diyided into 20 comparts ments, is plaoed behind a stout iron dcreeo, high enough to keep ont ins trnders and possibly covetous fingers At this table sit tbe twenty counters and into each compartment is dumped 1,000 shining new dollar the contents of a stoat canvas bag in which they have been signed, sealed and stored away. Quckly nnd daftly tbe operator takes np u handful of the ooins, and almost be fore jou can say "Jack Robinson" she has stacked them np in little pilea of ten euch in a box whioh holds exactly 100 such piles. Then a nun comes along with ano her ccvas btg, the counterpart of tbe first one, and 100 little $10 piles are dumped into it. It is then tied, sea'ed and the name of the counter, written by herself on a tag, is attached to it Tbrn it ib carted away to give plnco to a eucoefsor, and to go isain to the subterranean vaults from which it cime. Tbe process pursued is a little different from that followed io o ber years, for tben the money was merei ly weighed in the bags and if one of tbnm stowed "weakness" it was opened and the contents conn'ed . This time indubitable proofs are to be h d by the actual handling of every pieoe of coin. The baok note?, which are always di -poped of by actual count, have aK ready been ve. ifi d, as has nearly all 'he fractional coin, halves, quarters, dinuB, nir.klia and pennies, :o the amouiit of $5,000,000 or more, and gn'd to tha Huriuat of ovr $1,000, 000. Philadelphia Iess. UU II null Only In OH'. As waa merely lotid in Weilnis d)'d edition, Mr, Knper Parish, ton of Mr. V 0 Parish, wbo lives nea 'Vhito H.i'1, had the mibforiune te get his hand cuught in a corn bu-.k er th'it afternoon . 1 he jouuz mv , ab 'i t 1H yer.rj of age, had on qlnvs while feeding the rnacb lie. After his hand went between the roller le almost i'i8tantaneoual v threw tbe machine out of gear with the o'h-r band but it was too le.te. 11 s har.d was badly lacerated, and to a 'd to he differing of the young man, l.'f rollers were as if locked aud hit band (s8 fatt, until some if tbe bolts wt re li:o8. ni d . On'y his band g trn ff after all. Tbe pbjei.Muij unjo-.rJtd ih'j wrist, cot Km ring such a b id wound to he.ii. lie Im Kow .tStikmtf t iiHloitlMt Hireelii r I i wns wlii peud uUut that Mr. Ji.kj Newell was to spook at Dew. ese, iu No. 3 township, Wednesday nuht. The Populists had assem bird thereto bear this nsw speaker Attorney II S Puryear went op there from here and a kod for a di vision, to which rtqaest Mr. Newell lO'fded. Etoh spoke forty min us with a ten minute r joinder. It is impossible to report Mr Newdi't. p'ecb. I his was his frat attempt in bis new policy. Mr. Tufjear as well Eurp ied with data, wbicb ie simply poured out to them in most reasonably manner, aud defied Ms stu'euicntu to be honestly re futed. Our dear noble women in the ru ral districts know full well, and need only to remember that Deac- cratio success means much for their satoty and happiness. rtielr Little lulnnt Oeod. The sixinonthsld child of Mr. and Mrs. George Murr died Thurss day night. The little child bad never been in good health, hiving bad a spinal afTojticn. Only a week or more ago had little Charlie been christened. The remains were in terred this (Friday) afternoon aTer the preaching of the funeral by Rev. 0 B Miller. ii I iill - . mil mil ! . nw'-ywui! , i m Stand a r CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3 1898. STATE FAIR A BUCCE3S, Col. C nnnlnvbnm Re-eleefed freel dent nnd F H Arendell Neerelnry Copt. Ofnion Eulog! Ex-Governor Holt. The North Carolina S. ate AgrN cnl'.nral Society met in the hall of tbe House of Representatives Thurs day evening and beird the address of Capt, Deneon on tbe life and character of Ex-iGoternor Io!t. The reorganization resulted in the elec ion of Col. John S Cunning ham for president and Mr. F B Arendell as secretary, Mr. Nichols declining reelection. Tbe Gaaccial etatemont was en - thusijstically received, as the pro ceeds this year will show a hand some profit and place the asEcciatiou in good shape. Joke Newell Orate nt Noiifianion'i Sebool Uonse. lion. R L Smith was sent to Soss samon a school honse Tbursday night to set a division of lime with Mr. Jake Newell, who is now going about over tbe county making speeches in fvor of the fusionists Mr. Newell's fpeecb, as rfported lo us by one whose word (Bitot be doubted, was devoid of argument, but full of abuie. from beginning to er.d. The News and Obaervcr, Charlotte Observer, Concord Times and Standard received a plenty of abuse from big lipB The latter two, be said, were all right except that brains was one of their nn known quantities. He said that he knew from much experience that brains were necessary to run a newspaper, else it would soon topple over. Every Democratic speaker, er.hir of State or county renown, was deficient and incapable for anything, lie was at the speaking in No. 10 township Thursday when Mr, 11 arteell told tbe audience that bis nomination for the Legislature was nnfought for, yet when Mr, Newell (,ot to Socenmon'a school boHSo that night he said in his speech th it Mr. Fartsell hud worked dishonestly and untiringly for the liffiie. Mr. Smith made a speech of forty, five minutes, not full of abuse for Mr. Newell. he somewhat nored bis opj OBent, but epoke upon the l euis now confronting ua and which are tbe funda'ions of Deu3 otiracy. Kellef Al the County Home. Superintendent Bambnrdt of the county home, telis us that he has rilieved tbe home butnewhat by 'i k:nft Mary Lucky to tho Lcspilal at Goldflboro. Mrs. Talley also has hern taken away by friende. This Mrs. Talley is not altgethcr ineiigont cor really incaue, but ef- f ir s are being made to get bcr into the hospital ut Morganton. She is 1 jubtess diseased, but it ia chiefly hypochondriasis tbat makes life a burden to bereelf and those in con tact with her. She is evidently a fit subject for the hoepi al care and treatment. WANT GOOD GOVERNMENT. riiiiullKiN In Iiiitlii ItctiirnliiH' to the Iteiiioernlle 1'nrty. EditohStab: Isb the Caicass lan says that Populiats who go to the Dcm cratic pirty are bought ont. Now I wish to say that I lira one who has left tbe pirty and am again in th.; Democratic party and there to stay. I am glad tbat I am not alone in this movement. Oihera ef my neighbors aud quite a number of hou st, patriotic citiz.'ns of thi: R se Ilill township, are with mn. We did not "come in at the baok door," either. We are not bought out we expeot no re a d except hat whioh we belice will come to the who'e people by good govern ment brought abiut by the succe.s of the Democratic party. IraT. Young. Ooomi't Like the IMe-llllnllUK Mima Smithfield Special, 25th, to Ral eigh Fiic'.: Dr. .G J Robinson, a promineul physician of this place, and brother of Judge Robinson, -of the Superior Court, to-day aiiihoriz-d the follow ing statement : "I am and el ways have ben a Republican, but I cannot support the pie-hunting gang who are aspi rants for ( ffioe in North Carolina. There seems to be but one issue. The negro baa drawn the color line, and so long as such a state of affaire ex'iBts, I shall support the Demo cratic parly, nnd earnestly wish all true Republicans may do the same. "G J Rohinson." t '3 tp! Al jraiknctw mmUt eiirod ;jtriilft fr M!W Nut've Vliwui Klnulng- renin lliiyl Mt. I do not hesitate to eav thus pub licly that if a race wr conflict oc. curs in North Cuiolua ha very first tnea.that ougt to be held to- ac count arc tbe white leaders of the negroes who will be chiefly respons sible for it, and the work ougbt to be'in at tbe top of the lie t. I scorn to leave any donbt aa to whom I mean by this phrase, I meun the Governor of tins State, who is Uie engine' r of all the deviltry and meuuritss. I trust tbat no sncb duty will be thrust upon us, but if it is, I trust tbat it will be rigidly and fearlessly performed- It i au abuse ot language for such men io talk about the free otn ol eleov tioca and the purity of tbe ballot. Jioere never naa oeen any ireeaom I nn . t . in the negro s exercise of tbe right of suffrage. They have invarlaolj voted blindly end solidly as a race, against every interest of tbe white penple among whom they live and on whom they depeud for employ ment. It is a part of their religion to do so, and wherever there is an exception to this rule the offender is an object of hatred and persecution to them. The terrorism practiced by them in this respect hai no par allel iu any free country, uud yei their lndcrs talk to them about be i'eg "bnPdozaii' ly the whi e peo ple! A M Waddell at Wilming'on A frontnn rnrn llemocrnt. Rev. Carey Wiikins, one of tltt most influential Croatans in Robe son county, publishes the following in tbe Lnmberton Robeeonian : "I, Rev. Carey JWilkine, one ol tbe uldeet Republicans in burnt Swamp township, have been with that party ever since tbe reconstruc tion. Now, eince they have fuped wiih the PopuliBte, I deuouncf thetu all and have come over to the Democratic party, which is the white inau's party. And as I have lost confidence in all others, I ex p ct to remain in the Democratic party. ''Rev. Carey Wiikins." noiNn't Know Who Mint Him. 1'uul Welsh, of Wuynesville, a student at the A. und M. Co'ilee( wan bliot in tbe leg in Ka'e-igb tbic (Fndai) morning bet wet n 12 and 1 o'ebek. TbejouEg trsn was drinking and it is not known e ven by himself how it beppened. lie Fays he wascn the eptcial'i clice force and had a diffi ciliy with Eomel fakirs that he thill' a d.d it. Tne ttlil Mnn huniiilem Hurt. The Jucksonvilie correspondent to the Ob9rrer has the following; "Private R P Saunders ("Pap"), rf Company L, while acting as a peace-nicker in a little company ar guuiout last Friiluy night, was stabbed in tho thigh, but ia Mill in the rinrj, and walba around, with the help of a cane, "and quotes Shakcspfare with Lis accustomed ease." This is a printer that rle-yed herein Concord for a month or two and then enlisted with our boys. He it a joliy and good-natured old man, and the boys fay they soem loBt wLc-n "Pap," as tbey call hiro, has gone viaitins The Fnmou Jmtlciul Ticket. The fusion bosavs who give lliesr people no vjico in the witter, but namo thu men and then crack the paity whip, have j-ist named thdr jadicial ticket na follows: "For Judges : Augustus M Hocre, Charles A Cook, W P Bynnm, A J Lcftin, II F Seawelij R ia' Eaves. For solicitors: Isaac M Meekice, Wheeler Martin, R W Willians! Oliver U Dockery, Jr., W D Mcr ritt W 0 Richardiou, DiVid J L 'Wis, John K Holton, Maroha'l L Mott, Moaes N Iljriihaiv, L B Wet more, Charles B Wanhburn, You are making a great mistake in not sending for a 10 cent trial sizc of Ely'e Criam Balm. It is a spe cific for catarrh and cold in the head. We mail it, or the 50 cent size. Druegis's nil keep it. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., New York. Catarrh caused d:(Ticnlty in speaking and to a great extent lose of bearing. By the u i of E!y's Cream r.itui dropping of mucin hiif ceased, voice and hearing have greatly improved. J W D.ividsin, Att'y al law, Monmouth, III. Tlte llloacliery Annex FlnlNlieil. The largo annex building of the Korr Bag mills has now been fin ished, adding unio'i more room to the building and presenting a fine appearance. The building is four elorf?s h;gb, and ia used almost solely for the storing of clotb, to be shipped at timoa nouded. Two mora birge napping machines have bona added, there now being six o uor,- cbiiies in service. ' t ...:' .-aisiparilla, mid yet I; ai'esiu:i;i;ii,l linodSui V'U'illu uiakca KCjWE Eil COD -Ii, THANKSGIVING PROCLA MATION. Tbe president Slanien Thurndny ibe 'I'wenty-t'ourlb. President McKinley iesuoel the following call Friday evening for a national thanksgiving : By tLo President of the United Statoa : A Proclamation : The approaching November bringR to mind tho custom of onr ancestors, hallowed by time and rootoel in onr most sacred tradi tions, of giving thanks to Almighty Qod for all the blessings He bath voncLsaf 'd to ua during tho past year. Few years in our history have af forded Bueb cause for thanksgiving as thia. We have been llessod by abundant harvests, our trade aud commerce have been wonderfully increased, our public credit Las been improved nnd strengthened, all sections of our common coun try liuve been brought tojetber and knitted into closer bonds of national purpose and unity. The skies have been for a time darkened by the cloud of war, but as we were compelled to take up the sword in the cause of humani ty, we are permitted to rejoice that the conflict Las boon of brief duration and the losses we have had to mourn, though grievous and important, Lave been so few, considering tho groat results ac complished, aa to inspire us with gratitude and praise to the Lord of Ilonts. Wo may land and mag nify His holy name that the ces sation of hostilities came so soon as to spare both sides the count less sorrows and disasters tht at tend protracted war. I do, therefore, invito all my ful- low ci Z'nn, ns well t' ose ai home is those who ni'.y be t; or so- jonrnins in fo on laudi, to eel apart an 1 ob-re Iburd.y the 24th liay of Nov. mtx r, aj a day of national Thankj -hin, to come to. ifHtber in their several place of worship, for a Bervlee of prai;e and tt.ur.ks to Almighty God for all the bleBjings cf tha year; for the mild-, neescf the seasons and f rnitf ulnees of tbe soil, for tbe continued pros perity of the p op'e, for the de votion and yilor of our country.nei , for the g'ory of onr victory and tha hope of a righteous peace, and to pray t but th divine eu;d;iiice whiob has brought in heietofore to (afety and louor muj be rtc:ous!y con tinued ia tbu jedrj to come, lo i-t'iie a '.i rt of, e c , (S'tlt'C) V'lLIUM V.CiflS! KV. By the 1'iesideut. Jon.v Hay, Secretary cf S'a'e. tO. ME THINGS. for V lili ti We mimt tiive tue Nlonly IIulerjirlHC Credit. Mrs. W A Stone left yesterday or Concord, where ehe will visit several days. Rev. W W Russell died at Li tnuie in New London hut n'ght. 'tTnc!o Wash" was well known in Albemarle, which ha ruaJe hii home for many year.', lln was ovor 80 years of a;;e. A conrr.iltee h'is l-rea rpnointcd by onr tovn cmaii -loiv rs to ccn fe-r with tie Wirc:i?f tt. Milla Com pany, looking toward tscuri-ip elec tric lights for this tov tbriwjb fieir eleilric plant. Tho sooner a cou;;h or cold cured Viithout harm to ;iu ti.ll'oi'eir tho better. I.'r.g ring inl:i are danr.crou?. Ilacking ciu-: i-' dis-trea.-ing. Ore Miiiu'o Ceu;;li Cuit quickly cures it. Wny sull'ar wber. uch a cough cur3 io within roach ? It ia pleasant to tha taste. J I' Gibson. Au Arkansas editor, who ro.-i 'hat a young lady in New York frneado bread wit.'i her gloves on, lays : "We need bread with our pants on; wm reel bread with oui biotg on, a)d ;f our i oti icribers in irrrars doa'i pay up :ou v ebaJ! been brea l vitbo it unytwin.r on.'' ;rt.'. lnt-.K-ut-let-.trcverj; .vii: .-hpre ;;! i.. :ni;u..-lc uis .ricts arc C.Ay r.ixoiiipaii '.(..J ly ' ;r.ts cf the jft'iiifaca Liver and I.'awcls. Th-2 ?kci rA !ba?lh Ihe livitr is the ft-ac "driving wheel" in th: lu'.cli.t.visu'. ol Tuan, and when it is out of order, the vhok- system Wccmes de ranged am! ! Is-atc h the result. TuiVs Liver Pills Cure a!I Liver Trci;b!cs, WHOLE NO 500 AN APPEAL TAKEN. Joe Jaekmin In ronvleled or Aniinnlt unit Kenleneeil to He Hauireil II la Attorney I like no appenl from tbe lieelMlon. It will be remembered that sev eral weeks a;o a negro, Joo Jack son, vug accused of an assault on Minnie Brown in Ilecklenbuig count ,'. Since that t.'me the ne gro Las been confked ia jail, awaiting his ihsticy. A Bpecial term of court had been Leld and on, Friday evening the jury re turned n verdict of ;uiity after having been out only twenty min utes. The judge at once sentenced him to bo hanged on the 20th day ot December, but Jackson's attor neys made an apoeal for another trial, which has been granted. When the people of the com munity where the deod was com mitted fonnd that he would not be punished yet ami probably not at all, their avenging spirit became somewhat wrought up and they tried to got Jackiy)n from the hands of tho sLorilf while they were ou their way to jail. The blioriff took the prisoner out of the city that night, in order to save hie life in case a lynching crowd organize. There was quite a crowd oa tho streets dur ing but the prisoner's whereabouts wore not known. UlKh Point Im In a 1 Iter to tho Munof.ietur- ers' Record Nr. E M Armfield, cisbier of tho National Bank of High Point, N. U , writes as fol lows : "Our local buduess bas im proved very mattriallv during the past two months. Our furniture factories, of which we have ten, are all running on full time, and are getting more mail orders than tbey can till. There are about 1,000 skilled white men employed here. All pny rolls are promptly paid in r.c' ml cash, which ru ikes a good trade for the merchants all the year round. The farmers are in better condition than ever be fore, having raised two excellent wheat crops, almost all of them ont of debt and many having good sums to their credit in bank. There is no cotton grown in this immeeli- ate section. What the South needs to make her blossom as the rose is' a more intelligent class of farmers, for the greatest and best fertilizer ever applied to any land is the brain in the 1 md of the man working it. If all the laud of North Carolina could bo brought np to the highest degree of its productive capaoity towns and cities and railroads and banks and factories would spring np on every hand." That's all right. There is a movement on toot these days for Concord to have a furniture fac tory some of these days, and we hope that the plans will develop soon, faoveral parties tor the last several years have been trying to start such a business but it seems that they can't got started. IIIn Frencnee 1m Wttuteil- It is our detire to have Mr. W M Weddicgtou come out here next Fridav niL'ht and meet hif oppo nent, Mr. Luthsr Hartsell, as Mr. Wcddington in Lis circular spoke oonsi.leruOly about not getting to meet Uis opponent. We want him tonow up Friday night. l,mocratio v oters of Nos. 5 and 6 townships. Coui-ord Urunlui. Ai a little inkling of the growth of Concord. Mr El Parnell. we learn, can stand at his home, and point out 47 houses that haye been built thia year, and the contracts .re let for three more tiai will soon be reared to hia vision, making just i half hundred new houses this year for him to look at. The negro does not regard as his qiml the white man who puts him j0lf with him just to secure his vote, rue colored people have more sense than fuaionis'.s credit them with, aud they know the purpose of every political bargain. Io the end the vhite man who votes the Demo cratic ticket holda the highest es teem of the colored people. Com mon wealth. -."" "4 tv KI.V'3 rilSAM BAI.IIf U ponItlTeonre. Apply into the mutrlH. III. unlckl alwirbed. wnu t llniik-itn or by moll ; nmin Uh'. ly unJL &Li wtoinhKa, e wt ou, o ork ca The Standard. PRINTS THE MEWS THAT IS JVZJJS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar.' Safeguards the food against alum. Alton bafcinff powden art the greatest menacen to health ol the present day. ROVAl BAKING POW0CA OO. , NEW VefME, The Cannon Hills Will Claee Dan.' As nest Saturday is the day that we want everybody to bo out on the streets in the processsion, steps are being made to get every body to come. At 11.30 o'clock next Saturday morning the Can non mills will close down to let their people enjoy themselves in a grand rally day. Indications are that Mr. Kluttz will geit a majority in every county in this Congressional district and that he will be elected by from 3,000 to 4 000 maj irity. Newton Enterprise. The cotton picking record in C'evtland county has been moved up a few notches by one of Cleve land's fair daughters, Miss Ida Jolly, of Boiling Springs, who picked 403 pounds of the flsecy etaple last Wedneeday. Cleveland Star. The habit of complaining is one tbat grows and grows, and the man or woman that becomes subject to it ia sure to lose influence with all his associates. Ex. The Fashoda affair will flash no powder odor it is to be hoped. A soientist observes that in only three individuals out of ten are the two eyes' tqnally good. Uaekleu' Arnten Baiye. The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corni and all S tin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles or no pay required. It ii guaranteed to give ntatiefaction or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale at P B Fetzer'a Drug store.' Southern Railway. THE . . . Standard Railway of the SOUTH , . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL WBTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA', FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Througb and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Mgbt Trains; Fast and Sale Schedules .... Travel fey (the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com turtableand Expeditious Jour ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Kates and General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. AsheTllle, H. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.&Gen M'gx, Traf. Man., G.P.A. WASHINGTON, D.C. From Extrame nervousness. HAT uo uno remedy can contain the elements neot-iwary to cure all diseas es, is a fiwt wt'U known to everyone. Dr. Miles' Syntrm of Restorative Kcmedlee consists of suven distinctively dllToreiit prepdratloris, each for Its own purpotte. Mrs. L. C. Kramloy. 37 Hunry Ht., St. Cath erines, Ontario, wrltoa: "For yTw-s I suf fured from cxtrome ticrvousnosH mid annoy lU(C Cfmstipathiii, dovflopln' Ititopalpltutloo and weakness of the heart, I was unable to sleep, Fullered uiucb from lu adat'he, puln Iu my li ft side, palpitation and a constant feeling of weak n.KS .md prost ration. I bug an usinK It. Miles' Nervine, lli-nrt uro and Nervo and Liver I'lUt- uud thu Antl-l'alu mis to relieve tudden prtnixyrfins of palu and 1r ari-trlm. I --'v-in f. It nm'h tmprovi-d and tin1 p:un-. ai.d :dic3 nd v. crlnera ldt me. 1 tluu t' lr. MILh' L(atoratlvtt Tonl-' and am i.-.-w t-Uit d to n,y for'r lr. MiU-s' h' i are sold by nil Klt undor a V trti.iranteo, tlr-.t bt'iii'liiH or m f Rfirttori fill)' undi d. HuwK uu C u Uh X lusuaoftho heart ty,091 tervesfree. Addre, ; i ease nerves LK. MajtH MKUlOATwOO., KiKhart, U0, i