The - 5tanf:ird GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PKIOES. Give us a Trial. iTIic Sic .Lir.rd. 1 M 1 AKO. I'KINTS Tin: TU AT IS XLWS . For 1 Yvar Sand us 1 Dollar. p. w VOLX NO 339. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 1898. WHOLE NO 502 ND JLIiHi Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the foci against alum. Alum baking powders arc the pre at est en to health of the present day. mcnacen ROVAl MKINQ POWOf a 00-. NfW VOBK. A Tbllil'l Kcproof. A company of young recruits about to join the army were wait' for the cars. They were excited and noisy, and evidently their mothers and sisters were not among the friends who waited with them, for their talk was liberally sprinkled with slang and swearing. There is a preverse notion in Billy-heroio minds that a soldier must swear. The train arrived, and the youcg men stormed aboard, shouting buck their good-bye with interjections of oaths and vulgar lingo. Their rude 'manners of course drew notice of all the passengers. For nearly an hour their coarse fan was kept up. By that tiraetby had about exhausted their hearer. patience. Several of the annoyed and iudigaant passengers were on the point oi appealing to the con ductor, when a little gill not more than seven years old, a fair and delicate child, silenced the men in a moment. Like the rent she had bsrno their bad language a-3 lou 3 as she could. She slipped from Lor scat beside her mother, . and going B'raight to toe loudest swearer iu t':e gang, laid her little pocket Bible in bis lap. Not a word was said. One appeal ing look into the young man'e faoe, and the littlo girl trotted back to her mother; but she hud administered a rebuke that was keenly felt by him and his noisy comrades. Not another oath was heard during the journey. At the next stopping place the young man got out and bought a package of candy for bis little friend. When he pave it to her he stooped and kissed ber, and promised that he would always k ep the Bible for her take. The act of the child enthely of htr own prompting, as her mother afterwarde said wns one of thoee inspirations of gentleness that o'leoks lawlpps mifcdorr-eanor when d'rect reproof wnr.ld o.vy msle it more abusive. Iu the most im pressive and tender waj; it re minded the young soldier and his companions thatsccial decency and divine command still hold a claim upon them, and that profanity, instead of a "ratrtial irtue," is an unmanly shame. Youth's Com panion. - Dr. J. B. Ton Harried. The maay relatives and friends of Rev. Junius li Fox, Ph. D., of Newberry, 3. C, will be giad to know was -married on Wednesday the 9th inst., to Miss Nannie Mayes, also of Newberry. Rev. Prof. V K 8 igt, of Newberry College, ofli'iated. Mothers! rTiiS dibcom I torts an - dangers pi i i child-birth can be almost en- 'm!v- .1 ) Wine of Cardui relieves ex- pectaut moth ers. It giro t etotliegen ltlorgans,aud r.itu thpm in r" . . . - thcli worts peneciiv. iim,. r't nancy lc9 painful, shortens lobor nd hastens recovery af lit child-birth. It helps a woman bear atrong healthy children. Mima? has also brought happiness to thousands of homes Darren for Ers. A few doses often brings to loving hearts that long darling baby. No woman sbonld neglect to try It for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine o Cardui. $1.00 per bottle. Tor advlss Is eaaoa rwmtrlnc ipedil dlractlona, dilroi, llvlnr symplonw. Iha "UJtos1 Advl'Jjry Dniiarttnanl, Tha Ch"ng M:ilUn C. OuU booca, lota. Mrs. LOOM HH'.I. . When 1 fl loo Wins of Cardui in had boon m irrled Ihrao tean, but ai.ulil m.l havr anv olilUiren. Nms loniha lata' I hta s Una flirl lialiy. mm KALEIGtl lN UKD. Tbe Jnbllee a Rnrcraa-Filnnilnftilons and Ormonalratlons Nome Oems or Oratlory. The jabilea at Kilfcigh Tuesday oigbt was a grand success. The city was brill. antly illuminated with tarsbarrel lights and 1,000 torch'8 with rockets choc-ting high &a the enthusiasm. Short and well timed ipoeohea were midd by a cuniljor of prominent men, awerg them onr oongrcssinau elect, llou. Tbeo. F Kluttz. The occasion could not be mure brilliant in demonstration than in oratory. We clip the following gems : "North Carolina for the Anglo Saxon I These were the rallying cries. Tbey echoed throughout the Slate from Pisgah's lofty heights to the ocenn shore. The great Demo- ora'io party arose in its migbt. Its banners were nnf ailed to the bruizes and no pewer could stop its onward march to victory," Hon . R 1) Gil mer. 'I biingjon words of rejoicing from the coi hty of Bertie, for that, too, is Democratic "I take this occasion to say that our victory means good government, means farther, goud will to all. ''In thfit lalter idei m tmbraced justice to all men. Whatever is beat for all onr people the Demo cratic party will do." IIou. FD WiuBion. "Justice to the poglio eal, the suffrage of both races, stlf-pieeerva tion demand that the ncro be elim inated as a dibturbing diluent in politics. There are urnts in the lives of people whet, the souia of uiQ nlow with a lira that cannot be ijU'. ncbed. There is a foice itmt de:pi3c-a tbo .o ver of gold and bayonets. It is more ree'stluss than the advance of imperial armits. This is the power that has crunhed the enemies of the State and now is the time when this question should be settled forever by constitutional en actment. "But there are a few men in North Carolina who are traitors to every trust and fuiee to every instinct of our race. They have not only be trayed the caace of the common peos pie on the great economic questions, but to elevate themselves to places of emolument and powor tbey would crush the manhood uui womunbood of this Slate beneath the heel of ai. alien and eervils It ought tu bi moie tolerbbio for Sodom and Gomorrah than for thtae men in North Carolina. The waves sing p.;.;u and the niountains clap their hands for joy, far a uew day is breaking oa the old Norih State." Hon. Locke Craig. ' I d'd not send out a eir'e bUte munt that bad not been teiitit-d. t'tte Democrats bul no reaurt to fa sehood. The Fusionisis resorted co every aot of cbicunery and mis represtutatiorj. Tbey began by a villous assault on me and ti ded by aend.n out lies by telegnpo. Vtt will faithfully perform every pledge we have made. For cor raptioa we will aubs.i ute inor mptim; fur x!ravP3iuC8 we will gi e tconomy and replace in on p euoe wi h qornpetence. Wha .ball we do with the n git ? Wt will do what i.t j tat a d fair. The Uej.ojra'a intond tlisit the t,egu. ibull kno bio piuce. Toiay) as a' ftjS, the D. ia bis bib friend. We will do atl we can to promote his beat iu tt rcstef but by the e'erual gods he shuil not ru-e uver white men. This yiotory i not my victory, nor tuy yiciory ol any man 0 ciass of men, but oi the great white manhood of Nortl; Carolina. We owo the victory to the fact that the white vvemu oi tbe State Wire on ur sid" aud ever; oigh ii,fljence was cust in our favor. At tbe beginning end the oud the miuistry of the Bn'e ex ttn'.ed ila hauls ij bvUtdictian jver ns," Hon, F M Situmona. "I feel li h.ej asking the boys, e tbe old Dutchui-n did on one jolemn occouicn, not to make to much fuss, as 'dere vas a fon'ral here too soon already.' " "It is the funeral of fueiou dick ering for olioe in the Siate and it mnans honest government and white upreniacy. "It's the largest crop of Simmons the S.ttte has ever had." "This is a treat nod glorious victory, and I attribute ad honor to our valiuut chnirm n, F M Sim mons, for tbe ree tilt. I throw np my bands to give him any office he wants or may dedre. 'To thi press oi North Caroliual want to retmn tlmnks in a public way for the nsgnifii!tD flbt it has made. To the p tstors also I deeiie to express thanks, and to the men who stood in tbe ranks, and whose heart weie fired with enthusiasm. To them is the grsat viotory due. ' I stand hero as the repreeetative of tbe yeomen Detnocrsoy of Row n that has nover qtai'ed or been de feated, to j)ia my voioe wi'h joars in re j jicing and wit a you I wish to pray that ws my uae tba victory well." Hon. Thco. F Kluf z. "V hen, for the Qrst time, a negro edi or pub ijhetl a slander upon the wc man hood of the State, every while man sprang to bis feet ready, if necessary, to lay down bis life to redeem North Carolina. We come not to cast slurs upon a fallen ene my, but to build np a State torn down by its unnatural sons." Capt VI B Shaw. "When the call was made tipio the white men of the State they came together like the winds when forests are wrecked, and like tbe waves when navies are stranded. North Carolina shakes hereelf. clear of infamy and ones more tukes her place in the galaxy of Stales." Hon. Lv-e S Oyromu. "I havecauohed history long and faithfully for the prototype of Ma rion Butler, and have at last found it in Capt. Kidd." Hon. B F Long. "If Mt-Kinley wants to enforce neero rule on any people he ought to set apart one of tbe Philippine Islands and let them raise merry sheol tl ere." Hon. A 0 Avery. Judas Isoariot bad the decency to go out and hang himself, while from last &ocu tints Marion Butler still lives." Daniel Hugh McLean. FIFTY QUESTIONS Given Ujr- Bu.erlutentleiit C'oler tu tue Fiipllsortuc jrnlil Kclioul to Be Answered In Fifty Minnies St Test t or ttult'k Thinker. The following praeticai quenoot were given by Superinttndent'JColer lo the 8th and 9th grades of the pnblio schools. Ihe answerswere required toj be written, not longer than a minute being given for answering any one. The greatest number answered by any one pupil was 34, and the least number was 8. The boys seemed to be belter ins formed than the girls. Tbe follows iug received the highest per cent: Cauipb.ll Cline, 68; Wi lie Smith, 67; Manley Miseiheimer, 66. Tbe prize, a neat little volume on "Character Building," by Prof. Ooler, was won by Oi mpball (J!tn F1FTV FRAOTIOATj QUESTIONS 1. Wtat Dime is given to a period of 100 years ? 2 Of tun j ears? 3. A poriod of two weoki ? 4. To that which otours eti-ry two yeare? 6. To that which cecura every six months ? 6. To thst which occur- three times a week? 7. To a person 80 years of uge? 8. What event does Chnstma' celebrate? 9. The Fourth of Jilj? 10. The 22ud of Febiuar)? 11 What did the World's Fair a Chic igo celebrate? 13. Ia wh-it year did ti I'i! r;mi land on Flynouih U-ct? 13 Vr-3t ia tbj f the a'.ie p cailec? 14. Of the bear? 15 Of the li t.? 16. Of the d"er? 17. Of the goa:? 18. Of the fro-? 13. Of the caL? 20. Of the do.? 21. Of the hone? 22. Of the cow? 23 Of t;,e heg? 24. Of the o ? 25. Of the he, ? 26. Of the enfcU-? 27. Of the swi n? 28. Wuat is the Indian baby called? 29. How mau; stars on th- IL i-. ted StateB fl ig? 30. How many red strips ? 31. Who luid the lirst AtlacHo Cable? 32. Who iuycnled the lightning rod? 33. Who invented tbe cotton gin? 34. What is tliniiine of tbe first day of the week? 85. What le ter of the alphabet occurs most fnquently? 36. What cities besides Washing ton hae been capitals of the Uuited States? 37. Ko many counties in North Caro'ina? 38. What instrument is need in France for beheiding people? 39. What method of capitnl pun ishment n need iu New York? 40. What is the meat of the oaif called? 41. What is the mcui of the sheep called? 43 Of the deer? 43. Of the bot? 44. Of I bo cjwP 45. V.'liut name is given to the point in the hevena directly over head? 4P. To pei jcns on the earth at a point diumetricaUy oppmiieto m? 47. Who is goverLor of North Carolina:' 48. Ia what century do we live? 49. llow many days in February 1900? 60. Where is the United Statee Naval Academy located? NOTES. No one knew what- the jonug of the swan is called. One said that the young ti the beor id a coon, aud that the young of the coat is Biliie or Nbnnie. Many said that Men day is the Urbt day of the week aud that Christ mas celebrates tha resurrection of Christ. Some said that the yontii of the frog is the tt'-ad, of the & i 'be du-'k, and of the horse is the pony . One said that tbe mode of capital pnniehm!Lt ueed in Not? York iii the electric car, and that McKu.Iey is Governor of North Carolina. WEDDING DAY. fcihl FerHoit Vow Hint Klnaie I.ife il in I mot Ha their l.ot-lt Is Not tluud lor Sinn tu Live Alone. For wctk3 ths'.e has tcarcvly tuy fuarriiige licenses isr.ied at the r-'tiister's office hot on VednOvday four t-a.liful locking joucg raen hung around the office waiting to be a3ked wLat was wanted. Mr. Loch Outble, of the Odell mills wab gia'ited liceruo lo nwrry Miss Lizzie Cleaver, daughter of Mr Andrew Cleaver, of near Mooreavfiie. In the arlor of Dr. Huston's dental effice a'. 3 o'clock, Rev. W C Alexander tied the matrimonial knot for Mr. Jus Morrow( of Iredell county, ai.d Miss Dovie Baker of No. 3 toweship, Mr. Jus. B.autau blso paid his three dsl'ars to Register Wedding-, tou forasneet cf paper priatod with red ink, whereby he'eau marry Mib Ilultluh Fink. Buth of the contract inK pariiisare residentsx-f No. 1 tow nsbip. A was hin'ed in The Standard ;o-ui time aa, Cannon villa had a iii.iiiwge Wo Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, Bey. W B Oney performing the ceremony. I he parties whote iovj hi.d reaohed themarrying point wi r-- Mr. Joe Walter and Misit-ujie Friiz'. Mr. Walter is a son of Mr. Goo. Walter, deceased, and ia known by cur people here. Mies Freeze U i d .lighter of Mr. Isaac Freeze, also of CanncnviUe. l" uee mil's rllld West ftbow. The people certainly w ere anxious t ) Reo the Wild West show of Paw ner Bill Wednaedny, else they novw touid have been induced to go tnte,.--,-1! i;uch an awfully muddy nhtee aa the McDonald Cold Wi driffduy.- Never baa there be.en a mo.-a d'.pareeablj time for a tLow liiaa lhat day. Hundreds and probably thourands of feet went alung the sjtiie plnco until aotuaUy tn over fhoe only kept the mud fmra tho lower p:irt of your sh". The ebow wai giveiu under very reat disadvautagoH. Tht) horst-s could K-arcely run, the riders Ceuid icarcely epring on their steeds al a runnir-g spiej, neither could the tumblers do their bed. The au dii ni.a wa3 under ttiavaj, but the poi formers w ire in opaa air. This wan necessary ou account of ti e r.lli-thootiig. Every tire was pieahfcd w ith the shvv and coald uot help but sympathize wlt'i the pirformtiis in tLeir predicatuout. Of coureo thia is a change from tho circus, and iu au ill titration o the wild Vfoste: r. era. Snne of the acts, such aa tha c.irryiug of the mail, the m-iecucre, tbe capture of tho horsa thitf, Iho attack on the old stage coach by tho Indiuns wff verv fine. Pawnee Bill, or Mr. Gordon Lillie, showed the audience his ex cellent skill with a rill i, having hit targets by putting his firearm in diff-rent positions Lastly be would nhoot email pieces uaoh time as they were pitched np before him. Every seat was occupied and some had to remain atandit g. With but one exception the oreler was good. O ily an afternoon performance wae given, beuco thosw that had intendtd to go at night lxi to go in the after noon, too. flxpcrlmnnt Stntlon Beiort- The Experimont Station has j lot iesned its report of 44 pages, convers icg the work for the yer 1E97 6nd for the first ba'f of 1898. The yolnme consists of the report of the Director, together with the Chiefs of the different D visions of the Station ( and is eccompanied by an index to tho report end to the tulicnticns of the Stattcn is ned during the period referred to. An examination cf tho report shows that 16 regular bulletins, of the StmicaVerc issnci, relating to f.'rt'! zer ana;yrtj, ccir-post mating, compel t peddlers, orchard, garden and field crops and tbetr diu.ases, tbe bonding and fedirg of stock, birds aud medicinal p'ants. This volume, it Beems to us, would be of decided ineenst to our intelli gent readers. The farmer who studies his fertiiz.-rs, tbe dairyman that ia absorbed with the cow and the possibilities in her line, the poul try lover and the etudent of our fea. thered frien a that dwell among the trees and conspire with nature in all her forms and methods to make man happy, the orohardists and tbe gar dener will Bad much to inyitj pros fitabic sudy and pi asnt psastime. A postal card request addressed to the N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station, Iiileigbf N. 0., will secare you the be ok. Send for it. Ur. V C li Meant Oluue. As hu b?en stated before, Dr. YiCtur Means, who has been ppeud ing more than a month hero with his brothers and s etor, waa to go to Sin Francisco. He left for that place rhnrsday bight, where he will be stationed tit the Marire Head quarters. Dr. Mtana baa just fm i hf d his three years service on the sea, hnving been suren oa the bat tleibip Maine and aftertvurds the Detroi' and will r.ow bn given three y; :ara b- rvice on land . We regret !o fee Dr. Means aain lb(ve up, as his viait b-is been much eri-ijed by a nnmber of onr people. hj b ulweya eceine-1 jovial and en tertaining. DsuKliion-llix aaplinlM. From the Wilkesbjro Cbroniole we learn tbat.Mr. RVbert L Dough- ton and Mra. Ilix, nee MiBs Lilly Strieker, were m-irrietl Wednesday morning at the home of the bride in Wilkeebcro. Mr. D.niirhtou we leirn is a brother to Ei Lieutenant Governor K A Doughton. He is a prosperous mer-.hitit. and cattle Jea'er of Lurtla; Springs. Tlu Chroniole'says of Mrs. Uix: "She is one of the'.best and matj intelligent aod attmctive women we everjsaw . She is kind and pleiui'1; to all alike her tiffuble and a'.liac iVi ui-n-ners have made hcra favorite of all." She will give up her bu?iue.BS in Wilketloro aud make her home at Laurel Spr'ugs. marriages Korttiwost or Here. On Wednesday afternoon Rev. Pharr will marry Mr. Win, C McKindleyend Miss Mamie C Faj;-g-irf . Mias Faggart ia a daughter of Mr. Press M Faggart and is a-sister ef Mr. Arthur Faggart, of this place. Both ptrties lire in No. 4 township. On Thunkeivin;; Day at Mill bridge there will be a marries too. The parties are Mr. I C Gr-fila and Mies Matie Miss Sloan it known by a nnmber of people here, having often visited her friend, Miee Annie Ol Interest lo In. Too. Wa tako the followis new: from the S'anlj K.itcrpri.e : "Ex-ParrTu P. p. Cutchia rode hit) three--iiile-pi-r, tbird-purtj mule home i a diaUi', end ia now woudjring over how Sunilii ''did bitn up" jio completely. The family of Mr. II T Williamt returned here I aft week. They have been residing iu Corcord the paat two or three years, and Albe marlo U gind to havo ti.eiu return. Ilun. R L Smith received a total vote iu Cabarrua of 1,!)5( Our fig ures got a littlo confused lat(t week in the rueh. ButJ it was no Demo cratio lio about his curving Cutchiri under a in jority of 1 339.'' tie Aasnuliett I'awuee Hill. It soima that ail dots not g,o ao smoothly with the Pawnee Bill show. Tbe Salisbury correspondent to the Obg--rver saya : "After the appearance boie Thursi day afternoon of Pawnee Bill's show the chief tent was discharged and proceeded to even up niattere by attempting to aasault Fawute Bill. He faiL-d o infliet any dams nge, however, and was not arres'ed, as i'awnre refused to remain here until court tomorrow and appear against birr. "i Mlli-p"Hit tflm iK Kuariint.olto yjttdcJselnUOiuiiiniB" VI-a-oour. iM- Korth Cnrollna Applos. Gjorte E Boggs, ot Haywood cocnty, made an exhibit of apples at tbe American Institute Fair in New Yurk recently, ne won second priz?, the first going to a New Y.rk exhibited Of Mr. Beggs' exhibit the Rural New Yorker says: "Mr. Gert. E, Bog who made snch a fii.e dieplay of North C irolina epples last fall, a'so had an exhibit of a small number of varieties. It ia i'it ;re3tinw to notice tbe great dif ference betwen the growth cf the varieties there and r,f the same va rieties inthe North. Many of them one would hardly recognize, tney are so much larg.-r, often more highly colored, and som! times grow ing of such diHerent shape oa not to resembie at ail the types with which we are Loii'iar. It has beuu said by some authorities that tbe regno in whichMr. Boggs is growing his fruit is undoubtedly the best t.pple grosriug section in this country to day. However th'a mey be, it cer tainly iaa good cna,s evidenced by the product." By special rcqnctit Mr. B)i8 aeat the exhibit to Cornell Univtrs city, Piofeasor Saunders wrote him: "The apji'ea arrived inL'oe conditioD. They am tuaguiiicenl I I had no idea you could grow such applts in your State." Taking; IZer nt llr IVord. "I am ready to g today, to morrow, this minute, any timo, praise the Lord." Thus spoke fdrH. Fannie Walker 'yeetetday at the Good Way Mission, 019 East Fifth sireiJ, fol' a c.ill for experiences by the Rev. B P Crawford, a Free Methodist preacher who bad conducted the noon servic.d at the ii'.tle ci.apel. As tae W ards "praioo the Lord" foil l'rjru Mrs. Waiker's lips Bhe resumed her chair. A look of in tense satisfaction came into her! eyee. Before the minister could call for a tealimouy Mrs. Walker was hoard to rasp, her head set tled on her breast and she was dead. Mrs. Walker was -10 years old. Kansas City Time. lj Ills I ileuds Arc In tbe Nouib.i James Sohell is a negro brick, maker in Ne Yovk City. At 2-7 Weat Twentieth street litst Monday moruing he was Waiting for the other hands to arrive. Three white men came along aud j b led him and picked a qaarrel with him, wi.en i they fell upon him knocking him djivu and finally be waa ebon and probably fatally wounded. His as sailants ruu away and tscaped. This ia the acceuut by the New Yors Journal. lt is one of thtdO instances that is taken as an exponent to civi lization or rather the lack cf it wuen it occurs ia the South. The Fou'.hern while people (who are nearly all Diuiourato) are a'waye made to appear aa the enemy to the negro while the Northern Repjbli. cans efpecially are ever ready to ohampion hia came. Yet when it comes to actual dealing with tbe negro it is tis Southern Democratic friend that bears moat patiently with him and helps him instead of harming him. It is only when in fluenced by bad leaders tl at he aa-s-mita too uiJcii and gets the 1.1 will of bis wliite neighbors fcpoL him. At the iato Chic!-: uu.i:;ga Cjihi ivj ate told the N irh.vrn t Gupa wo.e very aooiable wif.h the ne-raea till b d fikiultyj occurred f. bn,no".nogro was safe about them . Southern Pines is made up cf weal 'by Northern people yet j rii-gto ia not allowed iu it . 1. ia pretty clc-jr that th negr j'ar.da more fu'.lj'aud clearly on hi merits in the fcjuta than anywhyri i-lap tj j mutter Low much louf di lance sentim-.o'-ili'y ik luateWtd or, aha . Itrl.le luMti'.-i,! oi a llnilol, Jo1.'-., ll'-illv, i-f ii I igh, N.. (J,; one of tue lii'ig'i Rtj-:.a, waa made a pris-mr afier the of San Juau, but was left by his captors a' i plantation owned by William H I'ataoui, an Americiu. Mm. Par sous iil her 10-yaroo'd daughter re'urned to the plantation and the mid t-n 1 soldii-r fell in love and were murrie.l. Recently they ar rived at Patterson, N. J., 'whre Ueiily's mother aud sister bad re moved, believirg him lo hive bc-n killed iu tne war. Philadelphia Record. A fostollice t'hnnce. , It having been deemed moro ads Vintiigeous to the cs.imtinity for their mail facilities the p ot',flioe oalled Mill XI ill. wbioh has ben stationed at Mr. Jno. Kmkiu's In No. 3 townsh:p, bis b:en changed to the home of Mr. Johu Mcliind ley, so Pojtmaoter Patterson informs us. This ee.ims to ba in the ctutr of the ciro'e of postoffices . MR. J MESK. DATON' DEAD Passes Away nt u tl'rlock t'rltluy Ev-enlnfr rroni Consumillu. Mr. James K Dc.ton died at hie home at 6 o'uiscic Fr'e'ay evening at the ae of about Lo ears. The ds o;-ajd wa: a ,7eil inown charaoit-r in .he county, i..tri .t f i about t n year3 fervid a: sup'rmte niect of the 01t.Il fdli', and tras lit a period tha ejcitTadL-nt tf th . mill ;.t Mountuiri Uis hoaitb Laj (ton wtiuio i t 30a-e, lt'ntj 'iwt''9'k-iiig i-.e oia'sdy. HeJ Laa stTered nije.h from hemorrhages that wasted L e itttlily . Holeavei a wife end Cresisteia, four of whom reside in Cabarrus and one in Mooresyilla. The funeral ritei will be co .s duote'd at Forest 11:11 M. E. cl.ur b Sundy at 11 o'clock. D tlly of 19. Dir. Jtio. Klilni r-e:a. In Thursday'! Did iliv ! ;aa no: el that Mr. Jno. A 'ohinn resident of Qr t, jav; .: i ..-i inei ly ' u wa, at tt.-e h ''.ai at m j i tut he j .. .-iipar4-i n tLr. e .'.:i:,d L::e3 point of diat'; in t'.-:' a .; Richmond. V".j bitov ;.t.i j is dead. i!r ijuini- .f j . tively a aii-.-. ; or foar jears f-;;j to 1 Mamie llornbuckle, of Cs-j Mr. Shiuii had b.'cowe ne t-Lvil!-. jitaiot - d with m l! woik. aud had o -nn to rise ia thr.; pr-- fi is'tiii. r ; ,-ie tune 1-e l,.9 I- en i:i b -i fc-8'h, thJi'ateitcd W;l; coLtiit. ;; i in . L has eis-.e.-e at this,, Jt.e. Wm C Si.'ee an i i!is ,ea 1. 1 Hid id r. Sue Shitrt.- tfr. tfci'ir, s r while ia t'-.p r.rc.y dun: i; tfcp rc,.; vt wir, but was dic!: .ri.d on v.r.c ui.t of hia weak CJietitutioa. The remains were br-ttiit bc-.'e today (Frida-.) f-.r buaul. The funeral will U- preached ot Mi. C;.r- mel church t-jlurdiiy morning at 10 o'olock. Miot For Vollnjc liflnu ru i, . The Commoiiweal th says that Joe Vi3bel, a ne-,r: c irr-n of Halifax about to y: ; rs r! 1, was shot from naibtish a f'w nights ago as he was going quietly home. TLero is no way of accounting for tho sava.'re deed save that he ji.v$ been voting the I motiaiic ticket. He may reoovt'i fror.i bis wounds. It's a fact usunlly obscrffd tut the evaonelitit:! alivue bjiii..o n ueople ana ni'tii-o them eui, a r 1 ngly bud, 'ill ,:et ,n . tin. j on. Sam Joae.--, t: ri;v; , h t hero ot tbe cn.t i. lie On erri urc.i -Macon to hell iuelf, with the little difTrence in favor of the UeorRkt community that it haj some good people and a river of water, wbu ' , of cotirap, the other has uot. 'A ConNtliullonal Couvc-utiouJ Now that such an overThtlmtD ; victory has been wo-i in the ran. of the Demoeraiic party, it ia lo b hoped that the people thri-uguoi i the State will set their thjua . upon the iuc;'.ua of holding a Coa ventior. for tte purpoie of qualify ing the tuif . , -. Tae O'jmerv. ject '.ave b-- n is unoetiei.-a t'j'-a time. C S a's c ijo-it ; other eoc;. e- i o i ' '.n-tr r, ;y 10 i - ' fi ' 0 i : : ' !-u- b; a, :)li" -: . - . i" u ';e;.i i juat a t.- .-o -j v . i : lata' inj ary to tin be 1 y - j ate not araigaiog, a.:y oa thing wbic'.i Las been d c.tuipmfa l : we t- w. , u ; e V, i ! .1.. y -.- ;a l i a ' i t iilo CJnUiv:Oiij tv i.u na 'e- i ,.( u tho Sla.w lor ' -iO p ; .1 .. ,v yc couid hii'.-j bvaa .cv.-.- d i.;..i -tuou'.-i Di; ve b.eil, a.,ei ,. ,. i . . ba a p .'jliticai c, i.ue i., i,.i o. r .e cjot oxpijiienou s-a. ...j u t u.e liiOli, .V e ei .1 lib . I e .11 eu I t .L v ' o, p-.cj-ij.u to p.uv'ci.. taetn iie.L.v.n... L.t tela j.iJj.u iue..'UCt tiie.l b-g:i.;aUvo borvaaui U(, j-i poiut. FayaUovillo O'jec. u li, A SA VAG1S CiU.NiU. nr. fiiiiv, uf riuHNniit ict-ii;o. Cm i.. tlio Uowt-ls by PliiuiM,-tiij uo A--gro liMcnieH. Mr. T G Fall?, of Plea ant Ride aear Gastonia, was f.arfuliy cut b; a negro, Puouso Kuyne, Thr..J-i;. evening. Tho negro wis entjig-d; in.'j'i quarrel and Mr. Fill only a'.eprd u and tried to avert wry d-fli'ultv by quieting ti e tillatr, when the fr.Ji zied wretch, without w-iroini;. stabbed hint and run. Uu iii b nil; puraued, but bus pinb..hly Dni'lt 3ood bis i-'cup.'. Trir-'H p'iy-iei u.s ware co'.led in ivl Mr. Fuiia -a found tu b-) cut nit', nbd imet, m his bivvo's ced ia tu i placw. The i)'-."s' v, i atiuht-J ti.o aod. Mr iFuit.? 4 i tcover. Re -ifilllle.l lleroro nee 1st. V"o hept) that no Democrat elt'cled to the olHco of mais-a trate on the H'h will fail to qnalify before Dec. 1st, lest the appointment be made by tL j Governor and be uneatis factory. Vliore i ) no question m the) mind of tbe writer that tlnre are more iu,'3iblr.:tes than are needed, aud fho o; ; crtunities of usefaJneas aro not BulTici'T.t to f .ir-'r.t') mc.t .f thoB3 elected t j tl-.oronf'My pr- thr motives ltif.ellicin cy, but it ia belter tc fill the places 8tcordiog to law with the hope cf lopping oil this fuDfina fusion growth erelong and ie-attacha. greater degree of dignity and tability to the oflice of justice'of the peace. Arrest disease ly the timely use o't Tutt's Li'.ci' Pii's, a.n old ai.-.l iavcnnj.rcmeay c - a 1 incruaci.'i cures opu.-aruy. niw&y f--r. r j- ; ,1 ' sour stomach, malaria, inelires ilcn, tt)i-pitl V.vcv, ocr-stfpo'ic". YIHT'S Liver RLL;; T.i. E. STICKLEY; Ai lorney at Lzw, Concord i C. &I1.MAL ATILMJ:,:: GULL j 10 COLli-.(Alu.h. I Oliicc upet.iirs in K.. r- i:uilck-g ! i.t:.r Poatotic- ' noaa--50N if. caLjV.-eil Al'il.Mi't iT l,.t 'Ij.sCJiiD, I. , Odic.; iu hi " -id bj' J.,r Court u- rttt ppj-ii L- I. HAPTSELL. iT?0 '. A LY-AT-LA'V, CONCORD. - - N C. r.'o Kt.ei.uvti giseo to all biuinei.8. in uiorris bnihiirfr, ryot.'.e co'rt hjr e, . u wsv.s- a tJiiillSZili U Uili'r'tt ' of the SOUTH . . . Ti-E.MRliCI LI.NE TO All. fCSfiTS. . I raXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA ANQPOItfQ RICO., Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Itiruii'ii .nij Local naiiis; Pullman 1-i.Kc sitcpli-.i Cars on all Mjct iraias; l ast aau Sate Schedules . . . . Travel by ,tiie Southern ana 2 '-'u nreassarcj a Safe, Cora lor.ublc ;iuj txpcJltious jour-n..- Apply to Tic' .t jiits for Time Table. i-Mi .iu.ia iiv.ii.. Inieriua'lon. --: r AuJlCaM ..j. L. V v.'- , F. K. RAiiiiy, '' i-. L . 1". 4' l. A.t ... e. . f , . t . . C - - itC, C .--j fiuuli. to Aiuwtr vacatiens. i-i" ii-.; ili''.t, ' M. ti".?, V, A. Turk, 3rd v,l-.,v.,vii Irnf. i-iail., t'lK, .CO. "srH'i,iI' i t::;t:tt Iif-i i:::.trriully. it a. "it 'in tlif I'ontra ti , Tt.H M liavu vf vino una jv- ' ' . I v, li. tu! 1- i ;v!L- lf-lr. Dl.. v f !. ti. !,. Ui:'l ,'.fcint t r v in- wl'.h n..ti t li"H. .li . vl i na.'.ijii: n.y t- :t f.-. !iiy 'L.U-! t y lii :. I t.V)!' 1" . .!y,; -.l i- 11 tin- II. : . U. .i.i Ll I I) It. Mill , l .t t. A'ill!:ftrt, fci 1:1 ilil.Ld AltUlt ,il eu , i.u;, an, luO,