4 i in wim i 1 1 ti ii (mm n i mi m r t The - Standard. STDARD: tj H h PRINTS TEE r-- tp t- -. -n :vt LiviNj prices. Give usa Trial. JVEWis THAT 13 WEW8 For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER'8 1898. Single Copy5Cts. HTAl hss demon stri tea wb inousana timet that it 1b alinoit Infaliibl F0I1 WGR'SAK'S II i4J.d ioon-tJ ti a i'j-.i.iiiii ruu.euy for this olaa of troubles. H cxfrta iDi,i'itUio , .rc-iJK-i- entnf? and BootMnii influence upon tna H'iu:rur,l o: :-,n. It -r.s 'wbitj" and felling of h! woiub. v.r: a;: : j lb v- . For Change of Life it is the t..cft inetliciue iiibu'ft. lb is Ie:v fcoil during prejrnaney, and helpi to briLg riiiidtn inhi ho'UNi L-ir.a for years. It invigorated, stirau lttle, streufeilieuf) the v-t.olfl sys tem. TV.i9p.CB remedy Is cSre4 to all iiuicl-A woiu.io. W'L.v wi 1 any woman Buffer snothor rn1iins rrith ccn:T relief wiiL'n tr v.-M Viae of Cartful only cunts $1.00 pr bottle at your drug ivore. Foradvioet in eases requiring ywMnl Unctions, addict, givi.n "j',uflta. Th rwifiinoeta Susiiiuv Cj., C'tci aanor-ra, 2 i ;sft, r.j.v.j. T !.t .-n.r 3.. .-;. ''(!. Uf?--. V, In? u r 1 r S 5 jlHIH Oil t. ill II li-llli! .1 to A Kcifi.IL, Ya., Oitpatoh cftlie 2f.h n!t., f.-ys : Tb? union uIlIo luiiir.,; of tLo lta,iJi)atl JBi-ottcibooJ Li la to'..i;.'ht proved of grotH inipovtiv.o wlc-n Orr.nc! T'T'istT Br-T-,. of Tiorottio tiye I'ii't-iii..;, auiijauco..! ths.t one of tie il.icl j-.uiocysof tlie n.ctt-in-j vsbi to bt-iu a t.ii.paiii for wbitu tapitii-.'ioy iu tie railioitd s-rvico. Mr. Sviout 6.iJ no vio laiiuii ('I tiio law was iijtcu.lcd auJ iio Hire;..-! uc&i.t, bat I'ue wLiL1 iun of tho I'oul'i be'.it vctl tbivt lbs 'A'bilca l'oug bboub'l man tbo fnincs upon tbe biglnsv.jH of EoutIie: c cocitfuc, ti i-L negroes were Tvcrliac; fur kss pay, a.uii that if tlh btato of tilings co.iitiuuad mora muttoriugs would be beiird in tbe Carolinaa. We will venture to make a sup; p,e;:tion to Governor Fniasell. Wo do so with tbe greater assurance, knowing tbat his excellency givts great and seiious tbougbt to any fn'.'fjssHon w.ulo by tho Font. Wo have 'been informed tb;it h-3 is prj-par'r V.i ma' r,r.ro to bo pre sented lo t'io j.e-i.-l.itui-e, He cru do to bet'.er tbuu borrow tbe op'.-uicg senacj -f u' ii-f.i'aral aud bt'ia bis n xl cj:sst!o w tut Couetr.it i'atlu'i.j with 'There ia Retribution ii l'lisWy" with a great bift "E." Morniut; Tust. Wapl iir:ton, D c. 1-Tbe Pres ident ban aidLor'z-.'d, fr.-m avtuU blo funCs, tho espi nditnro of f50, 000 foi cleaning Ilavnua 8 us to make tik city a" healthy as pos-ib'e Icr tbe rtriiit'nee of Roklieis and citizens. The ch-aLiug will be done according to recomuienJa tions which would have been made by tbo late Coloniti Wariiiiit? b'td nnt bis death fnrcBtivlod p. formal rccrt to tbo War iV.-Mtwrt. i! :.t ( f'tii ' v ; v,-hi '. C--nel V y'i-.r 1 ii ! l-" ir e ip t at .'ii I r i. ( : ! ! i f -ccivd ! y ;!.r V-'ar I . : end 11' -J f-c to f. r a a vay good I . y:; vhi 1. 1 liscud with B-i.Ury m'im: ';;!'i'":ii'H at If.i V'ii' f.-f'i n p":i. n'i 'io r.'-nd-v,,-ht. rhol'r.ifido tl ,.-, d c'dnf ttint a 9 oi nd idiip f h ill I o floe. ted out a bi.u u-i pi ti iblo V.Lii sup plies let- tbu E'.ii.' Hi o' Cubau po-r. Al Mi"i!i'it Ti.c ikath of J !'?(."' G o t'n rojr g.'c'.a o'.i iLoiibct ia bin l.i'e wl'o'. ,! ;--.r.n. EJ. r.-vkin . a poci bi' iud " "1 bi.i wny tl .-:.: ;d. cti;..;a hy r!r;:;'' J tiui b !l c.id et-tc-nding t" t)i Fr. . !') ''! m D'nii.'gbi" eii'b ;:" -'-.V!' tl-cru tetdl af tre ra'0 imo f jonp M;iri fh.) ,tni wp-M'y "d in hie naiiin.'r dorntte.-rif.g O i oce oc casion bf! fork t fJW.) a'. F. 'ykio and kioktd him arour d at av ry rough rat?. Years afterwa'df, while Bojkir. was judge, he ruetoneot bis old college frier d and, in tho cou.se of a convention, aaked hit friei.d if he remeuibtied the man who kicked him about eo rude ly while they wore in colb ge- The friend recolluo'ed the man. and the circnuintancea didtiucuy- "Well," said the J'jdg", "n;t long ago I een. tnrc d that turn to'tho pi.nitei.t'cry; and I couldn't give hiai tbo futl term the law allows, which be de served. let,t it mip.ht be thought I wan. ratalia'.inK.'; North Carolina Home Journal. r-':-:?T.!:;-; :.'.'ts.:: COXLOSD LtGISLiVSUEE. Tb 1.7cenni ronvvrteil Into a Gen eral Anarmbly to DIhcrh tbe 1 m purtoRt Iflnues 1 hnt Will Come f Before Hnrti Hocly nr. f.nther AiArlaell Kudomed lur tbe pelier or the Uoiiiie lu tlce Coiuiog Lvtflii Ininre, After a vacation of several months and pursuant to the call Issued FrK cluy by tie BerwnNat-Aruu, cumber of tbe members wet in their hall fo" Ibe purpose ef t-ewn organizieg'the Ooucord Ljoeuw. Mr. JampB Hurley wts eluoted preaideut pio teui, tVade B-irrier haviug been apt'ointed e-.cretitrj. Scarcely waitire uatil the organiza tion was efLc'ed, a niembei offered resolutions on the importance of this organisation, in order to aid the members of tbo coming Stale Legislature, diBCossing all sobjeols tbat are most likely to come before that honorable btdy. In these same r"folutitis, tbe election of Mr. Luther Hartsell ae speaker of the House wa3 strongly advocated. These resolutions were unanimously adopted in to to, It having been the Vjioe of the body to change this organizatioa into a lestsla'tve bdy, the election of a SpeuberoC '.1 e Hot sc, v. as en tered into. Kiiorins bis r.bility and 'act in tuoh j).ic.s, tie honor was showered upon ifr. h b Dnva'. Phe tewlj elccnd fp.'ak.-r net be i'.g prtsent to uif.ko ibo tppoiLt tuca, V.'ade liiiritr ..s elected oltikof ;h:A w.j.bl. Oa test Vt'.Zj. nibi, Rpeuk6r Dava', afier t'e'u' ir.etu.liL! and af'-.f having taks.ii h.si oath tf olle-g'u-.ce to tiie uid :nc.t vf the Ship t Su.ie, bis u;ffernt uOuin.it'et.s will be rppo.Lltd. Ii is al-fady foreeetn tliat aeveial eats, too, will bo oouteated before tbis body gets wH icto work. A bill oonefri.iii?; the present nwnner of ekcting mas lettaf.tj will be ottered next Fiiday tight frow a rof.rese.ifative of the tbe Apple Grove dictrict. 'ibe Assembly, Bccoiding to tb prtb nt toll, will ba con-food of the fc' Ofit i FXir.bers from their rc:pei''7c dio.ric tt: N D Fa z.T of the Cold Water dittiiat, i) i) John son of the lied Liver distriot, II C Herring of the Huckleberry district Churbs Ciaven of the Wh te Ebirt dictrict, John Oook of the Jug Town dtric, 0 F R-r.kin of the 8t-dy Ridge district, Lnther Har sell of the Noon Ingrr.m dist lot, Joy Lentz of the Sleepy Hollow iliatricf, Hols kind Tbomp.'on of tbe Isobod dis tries, K L Dmal of (be Georgia Oratker diafriot, L D Uava! of the Aognje dutric', Jauiea F Sbirn ef tbe boa's iiillb district, M B S'iek !uv of tbe Apple Grove liisiriei, James F liailey of Luman'd Tou isaict, BLd Wuuo Barrier ef tbe IVmicr'a evil ui.tni;'. It sou'd be e!l fir our read.:ri! tonoiet .e diC-nut duiric'a tbtt ibeae yenileuieu are frotn in o.uer that later when eorne importan medeure U brought up by a repre sentative of soaio niiui'.-d district, joa will kuo v v? ho he is. Kt'l. Ilobbliis Lliolii-en I'nstoi nK e. We clip the following from tbe Monroe Euq .irer : "Eev. aud f.fro. W M Robbins left last Toft-day for Concord where they wi'l fpeud " 'c ''ya vi..'-,ii . t.f- r v ), i wi'.l go :o J.ff-rai n. A-s: J t:i. :.' Rib r., v c a'.- . R 1. i bra htcn r.-iur ef :'.e N.-i.b .M i:.ne M.t-iod.'sl cbur.'! ' ;!'?; year.- and m-.-'.v a fAi'Sfi-' l tor tr J b. e two Iduidt-lf t- b. ! rc?a -v:'.)y of hU j-.'Bt (.r'H-'k- Hj ia a gocd urei-cber, it hard etude!. J atd a !ev-l 'le.n.'ed, pr. g ersivy man. Wo wtb ibe'. Mr. RobSi oil' c-u'd iU5 it: Monre loreri but as wo rnu.it bid niiB gof-d-byn wo b!d biro G -el np.ied in bh r,rw fh'd," Br. lirll Miot AccKlt-ut .lly. Mncsre. G o. Mi.rr and Carl Joi n. on Wire up in N 3 tuvnebip Friday erjojita tinmselves sbojiine at p-a'ridgco. Bj seme iu-ain Mr .tl irr'd gun wi.i aoeid 'n!:.i!y i''gi chi.r: d and use iom t-.ck ill Ot ii. he arm of I Jr. U. 1!. wi'o byes it . b it co-v jii ut y Foi iu.-a'L-ijf tbi jtiot d.J O'H tr:t;r M:c tk'n . d e,iy, oni only a tb ;!i v tnn 1 wna ma le. This is the target fuie Qeorjr j has ever got to shoot Ht very probably. Editor Kccil Ueri. We notice that Editor F J Eecd, who tor some months baa been the pencil pu dier on the Salisbury Wato-binrui, and which paper bad a pnf0 contributed to tbo interests of Cubarrus county's fuaionista, has loft B.ilinbury, and bus 'one to Forest City, N. C. The Salis bury Huu days it is not known when tbe Wate'lnn'm will f?ft;u appear. Wedding bnlls will ring nt Mt I Pleaeant before '99 begins, eo Madam Rumor whispers. A onediorae wagon load of straw brooms was to be seen on the strrets today Friday Eaon one was nicely trimm.d aud corded. Rev. J P Rogers and family have returned to Mt, Airy, after spend ing boveral weeks with relatives here aud iu tbe country. Mrs. Alice Wall, of Norwood, aud Mre. Jno. W Boatian, of Albe tuarlo, have returned home, after visiting at Mr." D J Boetiao's. Mi Mary Watson, of Salisbury, arrived here today (Friday) to visit for several daya at the home of her sieter, Mre. Dr. Smoot. Miss Wat son is on hor return from Savan nah, v hero she has boea viaiting her brut! er, Mr. Jas. Watson. Dr. Wakefield, of Charlotte, will make bis last visit to Conoord on Friday, Pec. 23rd. Aftnr Janu ary 1st, tiiO Doctor will not visit other towns, but will remain in Charlotte. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. The number of license issued at the Ragiater's" cCioe for the month of November was unusually email there having been twelve ispued to the whites and only one to tho col ored. Lo'i't out though for Docena bor'a record, as this is the banner month when it comes to marrying. Messrs. D F Hall, A E Croker. and Wm. V Crane all of New York, have been in our county fnrtbe laet several dsys. Their business here is to procure the riht of way for s long distance telephone line from Savannah, Ga., to Lynchburg, Va. They. are at present at work in the northeastern part of tbe county near the Ro an lir-e. Quite a 'ara groJieg force, with taeir "cooas," Cu-ts and mo'ec, pa3etd through here again today Prieaj ou tii-lr way to South Carolina, lifter having Hutched work on tbe ilocosyille road. S-xreiary aud Treasurer Wade worth, cf the John Concord end Itofua Aberdeen roui tbut li now forthcoming ex pects theu back here eonutiinc iu tbe future to work on his ror.d. Mr. J A Furr has closed another term of his writing olass at Foreet Hill. He had quite a good class Mies Lilly Johnson, daughter of Mr. L U Johnson, has the honor of being the one who made the great- e.it improvement, while honorable Uiiut'.ou (or their excellent progrere waspivta Messrs. Marshall Mills, 0 E Scirb iro, and Chas. Msolden A bckgiound artiet vas in Con cord Thursday on eoire bueinest. lie purchared ot.e of the photo graph? of tbe lynched negroes. Af ter putting on tbe description, rx plana'ory of the affair, he drew s picture on the back of the card ot an "oid-tirr oy derkoy" and undei his pictnm were tho words, "Whi killed deal negroeu f" Ho was quite an arimt. Voliuiloor lo ntny Home. Washington, Nov. 30. T e ad minietratiort has decided to eend f fee volunt-t-era as possible to Cuba in tbe near future, tbe hope bain? that Congr 8B will very probably act on the President's forthcoming recommendation for a large inorease of the reeub:r army. If favorabb l-jfudadon ia ra:a31 Vfry eoca, ii il! hi poer "ibio to ruubler out sr. me c! tbe v lun'eer leginr nts oriia i'.iy dufiiood for pr.rrieon duty in C'ii'im, and u will al io I pvieibl to ordr-r horiie n numtier of vi luateer organizations from Manilla. Pre) sratums abtady have b en made for teudirg some additional rogimeats of regular troops to the Philippines, but it in nnoertain whether volunteer regimen's v.ill he withdrawn upon the arrival of regulars or not. That depends to some extent upon the oituiition Biaoi.g tbe ineurgentt! at the time .nd tbo progress toward increaaing the jize of the rrgnlar army. Regu lar r'-p:merjts to be sent across the Phc'.Go in the near future are: The Fourth, Fifth, Savcnth, Tbirleealb aid Twentieth re;'-m''nts. The rpjii-rtf-ruiaiter at 8an Francieco hat been cro'r.rn t to prepare full field q'lipnior.t for C 000 man. foliaeiiiKit llr.m Ki'tln. Today (Saturday) Mr. A lb Eost, uboweda Stakdaro reporter hie iesination as policeman at tbe depot to be bonded in to Mayor Crowell aod the Town Commission ere. Mr, Boat has teen filling this position satisfactorily for about six months and has encaeeded in "pulling" a good large number of litwbreakers. Cnbnua Delighted Hlib It. Gen. Waod ban irstituted regular Courts in Santiago do Uuba under natiye offiicers. The people ar greatly pleaded with the system and the prets speaks in high praises of iCea. Wood's governments Wondeifnl Invention. An uneducated colored youth in this connty, tamed John Alston, has made an invention tbat may entirely revolutionize tha motive power that propels machinery and da away with the use of steam paw er. This newly invented machine ry is propelled by condensed air, which can be ueed as a motor at very little expense and is more powerful than eteauo power. Tbe model he has made is a self-pro pulling oar, or, as he calls it, a horseless carriage. How the ma chinery is arranged is oonoealed tiom view, by being boxed up or oloscd in one ead of the car. When the machinery is put iu motion it will keep going for an indefinite time. He ran it steadily at one timo for a month. He will have his invention patented. Pittsboro Record. 8lr. Jim Yerble Dead. For several days Mrs. Geo. W Brown, of this place, has been at the bedside of her relative, Mr. Jno Veible, in Salisbury, who has been Tery low for several days. At 5 o'clock Friday morning he answered death's summon, being over 78 years of an. Mr. Yerble was one of tbe wealthiest men of Rowati county. He loaves a widow and one daughter, besides a number of relatives not bo near t him. , i Two Sesrroen Hronttht to lull. Tom Spinning and Oscar Lomax two ncgroea, were put in bul today (Saturday) They are charged with s'ealing a pistol and some provisions from Mr. Rob. Wallace. In dei fd'.i't of a flOO bond, each one of them now liea in j-ill to r.wait the cotnirj; terra of conrb liiun ern:it Alarmed. An Indiana grand jury has found a true bill against Governor Tanner ia the arl iirs of tho 'ate race riotB 'hers. The Governor, however, makes very light of the affair. Wns It Foul Piny T The Weldon correspondent to the NewB and Obctrrcr of Sunday eaid : "The oldest negro in Halifax county was Abmm Caratarphen. He was 105 years old and voted the white man's ticket in the recent election. Last Monday he died and foul play is suspoe'.ed. The white people of Faucett's township gave him decent bnrial and would not allow the negroes to throw even a shoyel of dirt on tbe old man's grave." Wauled lo Burn Out Wannmnker. A miscreant wa) carght in tbe act of setting a fire in tbe basement of Jobn Wanamaker's store in Fhilai delrbitt Thursday afternoon. The tirueiy discovery saved a great ca Loiity tf life as well as property, no loubt. DlHCovered By a Woman. Another great discovery .has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. Disease fastened its ciutoi.es upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vital organs were un dermined and death seemed immi nent. For three months she coughed inceesently, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, and was so much relieved on taking Ithe first dose, that she slept all night; and with tvo bottles, has been absolutely oured. Her name is Mrs Luther Lutz. Thus writes W C Hannick Co., oi Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle bee at P. B. Fetzer's drng store Reglar size 50c. and $1 00. Every bottle gur.rantt ed. One Hundred liy or Public Neliool liK Every friend at tbe fr.ie schools should urge upon bis ropreacntutiye iu the Geuorul Assembly tho ce c- dsity of amending the law as ad vised by Snpcrintendent Mebane, and of mrtliinfi; more liberal pro vision for their maintenance. It is poasib'o to give our children one hundred d.'.ys of a shoaling eaoh ysar, inalcaJ of sixty dayu, witbeut local taxation Is cm be brought to puds by an increase of tbe general ax and by throwing proper safe guards aroand the fund. -Biblical uV.cordcr . Million Olven Avar. It is certaioly gratifying to tbe public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and bu Str ing. Tha proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medioine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsenesf and all diseases of the Threat Chest and Lungs are "surely cured by it Call at P. B. Fetzer's drug store and get a trial bottle free. Reg ular size50o. and f 1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. Kaiitu More Open Doors. The Spanish cominis.uouers at Paris aro now pleading for ac opn door ro trade in Cuba and Porto Rico also like that offered in the case of tba Philippines. They plead with mneh force that thereby kin dred ties will not be ao ruthlessly seyered. Dae weight will donbtlees be accorded to tbe plea and seme delay in tbe treaty signature will occur. Cervera roreeaw tbe End. Admiral Cervera's correspond ence with tbe Queen Regent and ministers of Spain have turned np and they show that the Admin 1 protested against the oonrse ot entering into a war with the Uni ted States, which he foresaw would be the ruin of Spain. The Admiral also claimed that Cuba was lost to Spain practically with or without a war with the United States. After giving bin views by way of warning he invited orders which be stood ready to sacrifice himself in the effort to execute. lint Care to "pain. Messrs. Alexander Sp'Unt & Son yesterday shipped their first cargo of cotton by steamer to a Spanish port. It was the British steamer Naranja, Captain Tinkler, which oleared for Barcelona, Spain, with a oargo of 2,917 bales of cotton. In speaking of the shipment to Spain, Mr. James Sprunt said yesterday evening that his company had re peatedly triad some time before the reee'.t war to eptablish a trade with Spain, but was unsuccessful. Since the war, however, they have not only succeeded in opening up trade with that country, but established an agency in Batcelona, which bids fair to develop into considerable proportions. Wilmington Star, Kaey Divorce In Hiirmab. ' When a Burmese husband and wife deoide to separate, the woman goes out and bnys two little candles of equal length, which are made especially for this use. She brings them home. She and her huiband sit down on the floor, plaoing the candles between them, and light them simultaneously. One candle stands for her, the other for him. The one whose candle goes out first rises and goes out of the bouse for ever, with nothing but what he or she may have on. The one whose candle has survived the longer time, even by a eeoond, takes every thing. So the divorce and division of tbe property, if one can call that a division, are settled. Ex. Wanted to Plead In Rbym. At Anderson, Ind., court was adjourned to be resumed at a later day because one of the lawyers declared that he wonld argue his case in rhyme, The other law yer kicked on it and the judge too objected, but courts go largoly by precedents, and there was no precedent by whiob he could or could not argue his case in po etry. The court may have to know itself in poetry yet. Mr. Frederick iStoarncs. a De troit millionaire, has presented to tbe University of Michigan his unique collection of musical in struments, numbering nearly 1,000. Mr. Stearnes has been col lecting for 15 years and has spent rpon his treasures something over f'25,000. Tbe present value of tbe collection, however, is many times tbat sum. Daily lvecord, Tbe term "Old Glory" is a pnz z!e to many persons, vho cannot nnderbtaud how tbe flag of tbe youngest member of tbo famn'j- of the greatest nations can claim such rospectable antiquity. Col. Samuel Hardin Church, an au thority on all subjects bearing on historical research, ia a recent address said : Our standard is 23 years older than the prosent flag of Groat Britian, 17 years older than the French tri-color, nearly a hundred years older than the present flag of Germany or Italy, and eight years older than tbe flag of Spain," Durham Sun. Ex-ilinister to Spain, Ilannis Taylor, thinks Spain is troated very badly by our Peace Commis sion in taking the lhiuppme group for $20,000,000, whilo Sen ator Uoar thinks the Senate will not confirm the treaty on account of the poor bargain. Doctors dif fer sometimes. It is claimed tbat with cotton oom pressed in the round bale it is possible to put 70,000 pounds in a single railway car, while but 12,000 to 11,000 pounds of unoompreesed ootton can be put in a car, and 30,- 000 to 40,000 pounds of tquare-bale comdreeeod ootton. Anderson Intelligencer. ABSOLUTE! W .' Makes the food more delicious and wholesome Ov-u BiKtMl POWVP CO., rirw vnot.'. A ttHiHT WOETii bEblbiG. A Rog- 7 1-3 x O Feet Another Abont Ibe BlKKMt In Ibe World Celery, Potatoee and ninorcaa. On Thursday wo were apprised tbat Mr. W. A. Smith has some thing worth going to see in tbe way of prosperity in pork and other things. We hied away, and rather than be taken of! onr feet, we secured a sewing machine agent to accompany us and tone down any burst of amazoment into which wo might be betrayed. (There was no lightning rod man available). Well, we wended onr way to the pig sty and were re warded with seeing a hog that measures 7 feet from the tip of the nose to the root of the tail and requires a girth 9 feet long to span him. We saw the 750-pound hog of Mr. Wm. Ltnlz's some 12 or 15 years ago and Mr. Tom Ebinebardt's hog the same year of something over COO, and we will not be surprised if this porker pulls down the beam at 800 pounds. In the same pen is an other that we should think about tbe biggest hog in the world if this first mentioned one wero not right by him. The two will prob ably foot up 1,400 or 1,500 pounds of pork when slaughtered, which will probably be about the middle of December. These hogs came from a good line of hog blood. Tbe larger is a cross of tbe Berkshire and To- land-China and tho other is pure Berkshire. The larger is two and one-half years old and the other 2 years. Mr. Smith says they are very reg ular eaters. A gallon of meal made into a cold water mauli makes both an ample feed. While about tho promises we were shown a very fino lot of cel ery and an immense production of late Irish potatoes, alfo a flock of Minorca chickens, in all of which Mr. Smith takes great pride. As for onr own mind, though, there was a special bent toward hoggishncss, and therein waa our greatest gratification. Mr. Smith says ho has many welcome callers of both sexe3 and all classes to see the froo hog show. It is worth much more than the cost. m Lient. Ernest Fetser Now In tubs. From the Baltimore American we see that Mr. Ernest Fotzer, of Baltimoro, is now in Cuba ia the army service. Mr. I etzer has a number of relatives who will be glad to know of his whereabouts, and also to know that he has sev eral times been promoted. When he first went into the service of the First Maryland regiment he was the second lieutenant. He was afterwards given charge of an ambulance corps, and was several days ago put in charge of tbe hospital corps, numbering ninety nine men. By this time he and his men are in Cuba, having joined a brigade at Athens, Ga. It is the earnest intention oi Mr. Fetzer to make a record for him self while in service, which is evi denced by the appointments he uae received. Boy Break In a Store. Two young men wero canttbt breaking iu Mr. W A Eagle's store iu Salisbury Wednesday night, says the Salisbury Sun. Oue made bis escape whila the other, looking for a "cop," ran in to Pulicinan Cauble's arms. Tbo one captured was Ernest Murphy, while his parduer, Herman IBos tian, mado hid csuape. Both of these persons Are young men of that town. A while boforehand that night Bostian shot at a young man named Will Wallace. Tho ball passed through his coat on tbe shoulder. The young man has skipped. The reply of Admiral Dewey is quite in contrast with another na val hero who when offored $5,000 to write an account of a certain action pnt the matter in the hands of a lawyer to see whether he could not get $G,000. He got it and now finds time to write the account. Church Taper, Am m fcuRE CAPT. JNO. NEWELL DEAD. Was K3 Tears of Age The Lest of a Large Family Leaves an Aged Widow and One Nod. The yenerable Capt. John II Newell, of near Flowe's, died at his home Wednesday at 2 o'clook p. m., after an illness of three days. It was a going ont of the lamp of life, a loosing of the sil ver cord, a breaking of the golden bowl that contains in unity the immortal with the mortal. . Capt. Newell had reached his 82nd year last August. He was the last to represent the family of Newells whose she William Newell, reared them on the spot is here the captain lived and died. It will bo seen that Capt. New ell was 45 years of age at tho be ginning of tbo Confederate war, bat ho commanded a company of rcseryes that wore once called out but did not cot into battle. Capt. New oil loaves his aged wife and an only son, W. G. Newell and family to mourn bis dcpaiture. The funeral was conducted thi3 (Thursday) at 1 p. m., at Boger's chapel by Eev. E. F. Brown, of Bethel M. E. church, and Eev. C. Miller, of Eocky Liver Presbyte rian church. The remains were interred at Boger's Chapel grave yard. OUR CUBAN FRIENDS AR HIVE. Genernl Gnrctn htmI IU PrloRntlon Renoli Waftkilnctoii. Washington, Nov. 3fb The members of the commission delegated to visit the United States to disenss with officials of this government the many problems which confront both Cubans and Americans on the island, arrived in Washington this evening from New York The commission is headed by (General Calixto Garcia, the veteran soldier and leader. It is the present expectation of General Garcia and the other commissioners to remain in Washington about 10 daya. Tomorrow General Garcia will call upon Secretary of War Alger, but beyond that call no arrangements have been perfected for the movement of the commission, Henrd Ont at Betlipnge. The publio school of this dis trict has commenced with Mr. Neal Pope, of near Huntersville, as teacher. Eev. J P Eodgers ond wife, of Mt. Airy, who have been visiting his father, Mr. S C Eodgers, re turned to Concord Wednosday. Wo bad quite a nico marriage in Betbpnga cbnrch the 23rd of November by Eev. J F Fharr, the contracting parties being Mr. William C McKinley and Miss Mamio C Fnggart. The groom canio in leaning on the arm of Mr. Everett Brown, whilo the bride was accompanied by her sister, Mis? -Julia Fnggart. Miss Ger trude Latl'orty was chosen to play tho wedding march. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley have been enjoy ing their honeymoon by visiting relatives and Iriends. A Weekly Ekadee. -Irs. Win. linker Bend. Mrs. Baker, wife of Mr. G Wm Baker, diod early this (Thursday) morning of pneumonia at Cannon ville. Mrs. Baker leaves a hus band and several children. The remains were takon to Mt. Gil ead church Friday ntorning to be interred. Mill IHore Bulldlnics. Besides tbe other building that is going on in Concord and that has been horotofore noted, we no tice that Mr. Jno. Creech, of Can nonville, is having two nice cot tages built on Pine street. A great improvement is be-in? made on Mr. Jas. Dove's resi dence on Spring street nest door to Mr. A. L. Sapponfield. Mrs. Ann Fink also intends having still anothei dwelling built on West Depot street after the one now being erected is finished. TAX NOTICE. :o: The Town Taxes are now due, and tbe books have been placed in my bands with instructions to col lect. J. K. Patterson Town Tax Collector. Office in Dry & Miller's shoe store. tf. M. B. S TICKLE Y. Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SFUIAL ATI EM ION GIVSl 20 COLLhtllOXS. Office upstairs in King building near fostomoe. J. H. J. KLUTTZ making never fade OAINET PH0TO3 at 6 for $ 1.00 or per dozen $1.50. Also 14x17 CKAYONS at $1.93 framed. Call and Bee my work; gallery over Marsh's drug store, Concord, N. O. Nov. 84. w. MORRISON H. CALDWELIr ATTOBNET AT LAW, OONC0BD. N. C Office in Morris budding ipposft Conrt house.. L. T. HAPTSELL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD. - - N: C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building loposite court house, A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are son: 2 of the results cf the usa of Tutt's Liver rills. A single do3e will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. ' I An absolute cure for sick head, ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, pihs, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills D. G Caldwell, M. u. M X. Steveni, M.D Drs, CALDWELL & 8TEV1SN8, Concord, N. 0. Jffice in old post office buildmg opposite Bt, Cloud Betel. Phone No 37 Southern; Railway, THE . . .1 Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THEJDIRECT LINE TO ALL PfWTiV. TBXAS, CALIFORNIA FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Nlgbt Trains; Rst and Sale Schedules .... Travel by the Southern aui you are assured a Safe, eom lor table and Expeditious Jour ney 1 i Apply to Ticket Afents for Time Tallies, Kates and oci.eril information, or Addiess R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, I. r. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, ft. C. Ho Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Cannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.&ljen M'gr, Traf. Man., G.fJL. WA6Ml!il,IUn. u c. At Four Score. Or. Miles' Nervine Restores Health. UNCLE EZEKIEL OB EAR. assessor and tax collector, Burcrly, Mass., mho bu passed the 80th life tulle stone, ftajst "Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine ha done great dual of good. I suffered for years from sice pi ess doss and nervous heart trouble. Would feel weary and used up io the morn ing, bad do ambition and my work seemed burden. A friend recommended Dr. Mile Nervine, and I purchased & bottle under protest as I bad tried so many remedies un successfully, I thought It no use. But It gave sne restful sleep, a good appetite m'ul restored me to euoryetio health. It L a graud good mcdfcue, aud I will gladly writo anyone inquiring, fall p.vrtlfularsof ysft- lsfactory exporlouco." V'1rfflk,&Fti Dr. Miles Ucmot.ios aJUv rw- are sold by all drug gists under ti posit U guarantee, first bottU benefits or money rs funded. Book oa dis eases of the heart ui MlteaT , lervmo Restore V . Hearth b. -fy. servo, tree. Addrof, '',.: if win r I s V I, i

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