m.imtiiiii i- mm min ' icy-gWKf Trmmnr The C f rSp - A r ft The St&ndard. TANDA cogd-jqe'- woniL AT LIVING VRICES. Give us a Trial. PRINTS IHE THAT IS SEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAYDECEMBER d5 1898. Single Copy5CiS. 1 r: .si 1XH Mils. KUSc 2LL DEAD. Fiinhcii A way Aflrr a Tet.r of IJ"fcer Inar with lroy l enven o limiu di me Family. Mrs. Riipsell, the widow of the late Dwight Russell, died at her heme in No 1 township, on thid (Thurs day) morning at 7 o'clock, afUra lingering illness of about one yepr with a dropsical affection. She waa 67 ycara of ape. Sbn w a cooeiutont member of Rio'cy Ri r chuich where her funeral will t; preached by her pastor, Iwv. C Mil li:r, aud her remains will be b.rbJ Friday at 10 o'clock. Mis. R vulsella maidou Hiita wi Davis, and she wad a native of Rutherford county. Mrs. Raesell had no children, and therefoie haves no member of her owe family. Daily of 8 h. Mr. Harry Woo(llionne Donfl. Eotne days ago, as noted in TLf fitandard, Mr. Ilarry Woodhon8e, c.f this place waj.criticall ill in a hospital at Augusta, Ga. At an early hoar this (Tharsdaj) morning a telegram was received announcing that he died at 12 o'clock Wednej day night. Mr. Woodhouse waa engaged in the cotton mill bueicejs at Audi's a for eome time, having left b"re t . vi era! wonths ago. lie wasan.-ti of about 35 years of ace, and rf a oo.l ai.il quiet disposition, lis w s unrjurried, and leaves b' hi ad b:s c other, Mrs. E T Wcodr.ou;.e, ons l'-o her, Mr. Irvin Voodhou e, cn'.l one sister, Mrs. Alid Burkhead. The Julin MHicrutltir ll:ib MU'cih, Wri'.ten fur The Stan.htr.l. A very interesting and ins'rnc meeting of th 1 J;!i . Marr.d r F -ok Olnb waa held with lire. Gjv.ii Duseebnry on Tnesilnv, Do mbc G. Tbs top i ; cf the afterno a b- .;? "Sbaketp'are" and onr booifs, itrj Dnsenbery, t o, were pfpar.d fo ne wbat for the chafmh g tvo he .us hffcro us, Mri. J U Ar i .Id l-n ileil her ant j ct "hf.V."Sp' v.r'u Jf: . Iixd," i -a mo?1. irukr!y t-w. irr. The f tper vv'..a r- ..le'e ith neb thonhU giri.idh'd v, ith il-e cbol.v et language. Mrs. Gowan Dusenbarj's piper on "Shakespsp.ro and his contcuipoi iry wri'ers" sfcjwed much tbcu;ht find the difficult laek of e:udmiiing eupli a broad subject was well Coae nnd her piper inters tin f i om Leginti ng to end. Mrs. Houston go,ve a very ent-?r taimrj tketcb of Ibe aii'hor of "Pecpie f;r Whom S;;'lie-p( rre wrote." It vas well wrii.'ii, con cise atd rxuch to the print, end wss nn Ir (lT! a :!.';.; f.-TreOl the p?; anj , Quo'atiotis from 'he 'King cf lingliah L'tera'.ure" closed the prcs gromme for the Bf'ernoou. Mrs. Dusenbnry serel a most elaborn!e and tiidicioneiy prepared menJ and the evening w .s vo'ed s eaojcss and grtat p'jascre in every detail. Mr. W. A. rennlnser Hurt. Wednetdny afteruoon, while liatK ing a caw, Mr. W A I'euninirr, of Forest Ilil I, received a b.dir jiry. The auimal on ler'ook to R"t loo.-e from him by running. -Mr. Pn ninger, while trying to hold i was thrown to the ground violtn'ly, and as a rciiT, bi-i ro'l.r b. d atid t'P ril)3 were b; ok-u. At t.;.; time b ia roa'ing e ny . tiuia that, it is s'rio-1 infatllbij ' l k v yr It tas becn:r.e the ltj.itf r ;.h iy for ;h dun f irc-iiii-8. It c'T'-B a wiiifl.-iuMy hc!lir, k r.'r.t-' '- t).A muM.l-nil nri-uru. It C'i''i It itopa flooJibff ti.d rjUovcd u?- r I pTfHficd nnd pftinfiil manfltniatlnn. For Ohanire o( Lifo it is the bnl medicine niR'U. It i ben'fto'fl durtoff prj(f nancy, and lielps to brlnp tfhUdif n into bum barren for yaars. It inTlfrorte,4, ftimJ ):iB, Mrencthent the whnlp nyt tm. Thin R; eat remedy If rffrod to all afllicted women. Why M ny womftTi suffer anothrr minute Willi ceriain iiief within iPiimliT Wine of I'ardtil only cts $1.00 pr bottl at your dru v lore. 7r odvicf, 1n cae ryiiri.-g trvWfil gi:cr'inn, art'lrptx ffivinp nr''-'f''ri ths "W'' lirJFO?t i-'-'patv. 'i'.' 7"i Cnttnnnia Mctiicin Co., Chat- I. W. 9 WITH. CrMn. S.C. b;m ''My wlf i'otl Wtnool Ca'tlit) plh. for fsiMtng ot tlx womb and t eniiraiy cured her." i- . r -? t 'lu'eii tro.h.r down in Xoiib Uarjli.ia," etid II nry Il.vrdy, a well kno n and intell;gent colored rt.ai, who was Wilting to ste a nictnber of Congreos ht the Ebbitt, "thu" h solved the rue? q'jM'.H)n( eo fur as he is iudii Jnally conjernc J lis owt.f two fcood fHrma, aud has quire t. large numbur of horses, mules uzi cave. A.I this pr,?p rty hemrr.;i by e'.i-idj a Un io.i to b'-sia'cj. He i -jk?j to interest in p;!i:!c. The biat whi'e ."..pie cf il-.? country aro bis fri.r.dri, -;.c! L:s i...... f jr n con siderable aom is &3 good al the caok as i.n m .n's. "lly own obstrrtion is that tie better c'as rf whites and tha r eptctuble purlion of b ack p ople, who mind their own tudnesa and Lave no time to loaf about, get on ivell toceiber in the South. A cer tain class of white in n, geneni'y the sort we cull poor trash, are re fponsible for all tbe cruelties tbi.t Save been inflicted ou ituocent ne groes who com m1 1 vile deeds and bring repro.cb on ths whola race." V Bdhing'on Post, Gih. Il Arrival nt KavnnnHli loo I.ntc. The First, North Carolina regis mpiit is 1T for V&riol, Cuba, having ''ft pntr..- tii'b iS'pt ct:dr:igbt VVrdiK-aday" t.:i;'a: '.' t. , Joe Hill, who bfch;re Wediesuay nini a rived thtre n'. 5 olock but was tcoli'e to jun b ia trotiar, Uapt. Ei'rd Kill. II? at ccce 1e! ;rf ! d bomrf 8. 'ttjj the coa di.ion of r.ff i;ra. News IHilnc'I Ihri.uli Fnttb Faith, Dec. 8 Mr. Calvin Cur.up is ivii i''i!a,.;utu.., .'. . I . ; t- . Mr. Win. - 13 puttirgepa uic;' two-ftory r sidence. Mr. r'.es? Ilcifbouser has bought t'v hotipe ...nd lot cf Mr. John Ti'9 b b .nd her? b.ts learned tj p'ay q ,',;. vi ', an 1 in r -t able t) Dl tl.j !yb:! D -e: :1 c-. Mr. M ; S--:.;.-i Jt;, - 72, and M: r; Nt-.y -.i, , o.,.vl 4?, Ac's ni.t.-J id u';.,!,iy by ;.-.. J M L Lyeiiy. Mr. J T Wyatt has Rone to S.lv; bury to ei:per''ntend theputHrK'n of cross walti for the town. Tbe granite eiabs nre 12 inches broad, 0 to 6 inches think and 5 to 12 hit long. Two enlin sre put in at a crowing twelve inches apurt. Mr. WyeU, vr'io h ?-ni;whfif cf an enthus'a"1' fur nirioi-:'' .3, V"?e a ;Oi--d that w'll ho'd onofT.,-t'i 'fi bca':el. Vv'hi can beat it? I'nncrnl .c,rvl!' I3cld '1 Ills Tee itki .i..a of Mr. U irry Wood boua arrived hrra Tbind-iy n'bt, a:c mpa:.ifl '-7 Mr. U'codi.cuee and Mr. Iiviu Woo'.lh ju jp, w!jp rvnched Aoj;. e'.a before his de.vh. The fnir-ij w .3 "ot.du'iteJ al the rj.-id ..c of Mr?. Wo dhiua-, or L"an ritret1, th'fl (Ffiltv) morning 11 o'crk by U... W 0 A'-xar.s dr-r. rf ibe Ku.it IVebyts rinn charch, after which I'm; r.n'vi.i! weie interre'l in t!:c city r. n-ttery, Cnn'l 1 ho l-clloHs Ctipfnrc.1? It in not an uncommon thing for some porsone nt nijht to ride on the pavements vi'h tlieii v l.i 1 N, nnd f-!i r .-ially 1 n X 'r'.b Niitit .(('. C . ra '.y y.n! sec tlK'in 1 n tl.-- p iv( ::i"ut. t.n y nrw ri.l;:i ; ill. 1 T" .k si' c!; Fprcl i nnd l'ie:r brtls pre Lirui'd Jowu 1 over tln.ir f .co. Poii;o lii .dito n,,ro 0110 Wits c.-mln : nt such u ratj aud struck lira. Yir.ini-i Erwiu, ot North Main street, almost knoo iiHT Iit elown. This was a dan gerous oce-i'T.'ne il i.s indeed f.rtmnt.-i t'-.nt ' - ,,f tina law did nut provo worse) for Mrs. Erw:n. Can't these Lioy c'ifts be) c.uv-'iit pome rjij'it whon tlioy nre uti iwar.j of auyono bi inj? 011 tln.ir tr.iii ? Tin- Fire Al.irm t'rl.lwy. At G oV dry eve-.iiif, the ftlnrm ( f fi v 1 c en r.r.e tbe pi.-r,-!-t fr-in '..-. : r-lny J te hid. Tue fi.-i 'v -! f.jn 1 i hp n the M rr:s Hfu-". T! " c'-iM"!: p o'a:i next, ti .r of ih- ch'ro-.pyc in t!ie ce;;ir:il part of th.e Luiltiirpr was bur&ia. slightly. Tja b'c was not vibihle, though a g .r.d amount of pmoko wai emergiig f.-om the chimtioy. The Lose and reel company, bp eis'ed by tbebook and ladder com pany, Bonn were throwing water in it. No damagti was done poarcnly, Tliia wan the fi;ut tinia the new h.re cf tbe fit. c .tnp'iny hp.d b en o.T tiitt reel eir.cu it was purcba et1. It, is a great 'niprovemcnt on tho n'.d one a:.d t!iere v;m no bursting of hold r.'j.-n their cj; iMcti.'n was !U?.c'. 1 tb'i tic;'). The l'oMMnt!es Arffmneiit Tor Kr- We take the following from n x.".hang for two purposes one is for the b ntfit ef enr readers, at'd the oher is to ehow Dr. H 0 Her ring, iSoigb he ws elecd, wL;ere be wjs found wanting when it came to arguing thid matter with l lie peo ple, ir.ettad of keiping "mum," as he did : "On;!; men," shouted the rural (Ki -publican) candidate for coi stn bl whu it ceme his luru to talk at the greut politicil rovni-cp pres eediiic tbe election . "I'm 10 haud 10 brag. Rome of my e; ennes hue cl "rseJ m.i with j ermittm' pr'sot.s era to escape, witb favorin' mj fri nds and mliin' mis'ukes in the servin' of papers while I held the office Ibn stekin' to fill another term. All I got to say is tbht I doo the best I could, and that I kin do better now, I've got my hand in . "Gentlemen, I'm ready to stand or fall by my record. Look what this here grand and glorious conn try hud done since you made me your constable, two years back you've had the biggest crop you've bad in years, and you know it. The weather has been the best the oldest lnbaoi'.untc tyer saw. We've bkftbd England in that Vencizda matter since I became ccmat'ibh ; we've h iied the American flag in Cubey pod the Philippeua I-dande; we're importin' gold insteud of debts, we've got bi siness off the sick list and tbiogs is beginning to numf w have been lay in' np monev, farmeis is giuin' rid of the r mortgages and even Ctsh and gnnie is gittin' a plens tb r l.'iiii'istf wo pertcc'o 'i m. I'm not blowin', fur facts it thii.gs that epeuk fur tr ems. ives. ' Uo yen want th ; here ron dilicne to coutit ue or cot? Are jou for propptritj or ogiu it? If you i.re fur it, vote for ri-i. If you are egin it, rote far my reptile op pone-nt.'1 Ii. stou Journal, Rep. Mormtn R:Aer(B, the new Con yr,: -ctoli f;c.u UiaL, ii Cutting Bh-.'e of adf-.-ruil. g j'ist now. :i eijhaae Buys ; "Olo of U.berts' plursl wives g'ive birth to Uirj6 e' git months ago, and tae Salt Like Tribune has made the twks&u indue i 1 tnu Cdmpaigu. The day after election the Tribune ran a carioature of Huberts and the twics, wi h tbe fiijiowing jir-gie benca b: "Lla, ha, ha I I'a, pa, pa 1 H.t'n go to Congress, But he won't take ma.'' IM'or.oft In 'he i'rt-iii-ti Itrotiil. Mied Auiie WiiliH, uf near Arhe v 'l.t, 1 rjabiy coaimitted tuiciJe TikoJiij ''J drowning herself in the t'fLijch Broid river, ller habit was to rid.- out on borctbicK. Tneeday eveni.ia eh failed ti return and her body tr.ts iound la:er in the livtr 'i'be inquest rctidi-red the verdict 'hat ebe pabably ciid the rash aoi in a m iinent of men'al depreatinn . A Free Mtillot nnl ft t'nlr 1'onnt. Uii'ler the head of 'Political PoinlH," tb? Slatosvilie Landmark siyh: "A recount of the vole in (ir. ene CMinty, ordered by Judge R.binson, elects the entire Demo cratic ticket, including the member of tho Legislature, by mi'joritie? r;i:-Ring from 10 to 07 The flint e -ut't g-ire the fu-ioniptsa mj nity r i.k'i .g l.'om 2 tu 27 b it the l)?mn r.ra'H K.cured alii iavi'.a and cicposi tioi.e siio'.ving that Ibe fd.iioniste bad Ta'ei cmvictn, minora, people fl-i; wjie (l.:nA arid olhers who had lefi ihe coumy years ago. NmIIiox In lu-iHV.rfl, I'A. At ll.clf jrd, I'., a town of 2.800 iiihahitnn's, 'h.iro are suid to be iOU cit. 3 of Fuiul.pcz. I; seen; a to he of a mild ty ji-, m thu peep't rith Bcibs on llv-m vent o;i the H'reetii and to fact! other's houi'.a without rBervati.-1. The lorul physicians seem to have been entirely un cq'iaiuted with the disease. Drying preparations Bimply de velop d-y catarrh ; they dry up the :-rrt-i;i.!.3 which adhere to the (',1. mi'-.irv.) and decompose, causing n f.:r rnori periona trouble than the orlir.ary furm of catarrh. Avoid a1! drying inhalants and ue that which ch-anRPS soothes and hcalH. Ely's Cream Bulm is Buch a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the hiad easily and pleasantly. A trial e'zf will be mailed for 10 cents, large for 50 cents. All druggists keep it. Ely Brothers, f6 Warren Streot, New York. Lat. to bed and early to rise, pr"pnrns a n:n for his hemo in the kiea. Put irly to bed and a Little Kir'y Hifpr, tho pill 'hat mr.kep life lorgerand wiher J ? Gib'-on. TBE NEW DiiPOT Row On the Bond 10 Completion A Grcmt Improvement or Aceommo cliillun C'linuffefl to R Made Ttoore-Rbom-Tlie nimrnslonH uf the Kouml. Though the new passenger depot iB cot as large as some had upecled it to be, still ther will be a grtat improvtiuent oyer tbe service rens dtred in the past. Ere many months, if the statements of tbe su perintendent of that part of the work are upheld, Concord will scarcely look like herself at the de. pot. The new passenger depot build in? is now up and almost at this time covered. Tbe building is 70 feet and 2 inches ling and 21 feet and 2 inches wide. In eaoh end of tie building is a waiting room measuring 21 by 29 feet. Between these two rooms there is an apart ment 10 by 21 feet intended for tbe ticket agent and telegraph opera tore. As to whether the telegraph operators will occupy this place, it is not yet fully decided. On tbe side next to the railroad, at the middle of the building, is a bay window for the operator, in order that he may Bee approaching trains from" either direction. The roof, which is covered with slate, projeots far over the edge1, forming a nice shelter during rain and giving shade in tbe summer time. Besides the constrncting of this d. pot, quite a number of improve ments and changes are to be made. It is tbe purpiee of the auperin. tendent to put a cement pavement around the 'depot, and to have the yard enclosed, except on tbe side next to the rails, by an iron fecce. The timbers have already been placed near the rails to hold a walk of JOO feet in length. Ti e water tank, low standing near tbe bridge, will be torn down, aud alieady have tbe foundations been built for two stand-pipes one for ecgiuei going in each direction. The side track between the new station and the main line will be torn away( ao that there will be no track to crocs to get npao the cars. A bagguge room is yet to be built, too, below the passenger depot next to tbe Can d on mills. There will be a considerable change in the 6ide tracks thereabout, and as Snperin tendei.t Dodson said, "before be gets through here tho large bank on tbe other eide near the water tank will be torn away." Mr. Podeon, who is superintend ent of this part of the Southern's wcrk, seems to be desirous of giying Concord better accommodation than '.he bas been having, and it is hoped that Boon Concord, unlike in the past, oan be judged somewhat by its apDearance at tbe depot. MONTHLY REPORT of (he nrnriecl Nrhoola For Novem ber The Ntnndnrd la Ulh, Bat home Kench l(. The following is the report for November : CENTRAL BUILDING. Boys 161. girls 162, total 323: attendance 94 per cent, cases tardy 32, corporal punishment 8, truancy 1, yiaitors 39. CANNONVILLE. Boys 34, girls 40, total 80; attends anre 92 per rtea'; cases tardy 6, corp iral punishment 0, trnanry 0, visitors 0. FOREST HILL. Boys 33, girls 43, to'al 81: ak tendance 96 per cent, cases tardy 3, corporal punishment 0, truancy 0, visitors 0. c LOITD. Boys 72, girls 100, total 172; ats tei dance 94 percent; cases tardy 83, corporal punishment 14, truancy 1, visitors 0. Whole number in aUendance, white, 434, colored 172, total 656. HONOR. L.L. 9th Grade F.oeeie Pounds, Nina Day vault. 7th Grade Shirley Montgomery, Mvrtle Dayvanlt, Minnie Kosa. 5t'i Grade Lina Ilartsell, Laws son Upchuroh . 4th Grade Veinie Blume. 3rd Grade Margaret Woodhonse, Frances Goodson, Mary Morrison. 2Dd Grade Nellie Herring, Car rie Tetrea, Lncile Pitts, Leslie Bell. lat Grade Annie Coek, Maggie Ilendrii, Luther 8ppen8eld. COLORED 8CEIO0L. 3rd Orade Mamie Tamer. 2id Orade Sadie Pressley, Shakespear Spears, Charlie Alexan der, George Moore. REMARKS . The oonditions of being on the honor roll is that the child must rot be below 90 in pny etudy ard must not be absnt nor tardy ar.y during the month. This may s em lie a high standard. Bat there it no honor in doing wo', mvtody can do. Af'er a while the children will come np to tbe ntandard. More regnlar attendance will help much There will be one week of vaoi.Mon for holiday. 0. fb Coler, Sup'. ' LEGISLATURE MEETS. Tbe Newly Elected Npenher Tnkea Ills Neat two Acts Presented The One Kererred to m Committee, t.te Other Lodwed. 'Tbe firbt meeting of tbe Con- I cord Legislature, as it is now called, met Friday night. The gentleman from the Augusta dis trict, who was elected speaker c' tbe House, took bis seat, but in formed the Assembly that his business was such that be would have to vacate the chair. The Apple Grove district's representa tive was elected to the chair pro tern. The speaker, before vacating the chair, appointed as the com mittee on rules the three gentle men who represent the Huckle berry, Jug Town and Georgia Cracker districts respectively. An act entitled the "Cavium Oris Ilumani Act" was introduced by the Huckleberry representa tive, which act leads as follows; "Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Concord that every white person above 21 years of age shall present himself annually to a licensed oral burgeon and pa tiently wait his turn to have his teeth upholstered. A failure to thus cheerfully presoDt himself and to sit quietly aud soronely during the operations of the eaid oral surgeon the same shall be fined ten dollars for each offense. The fine shall be collected by the high constable and disbursed as his wisdom may direct. This act to take effect on its ratification." After being read, a motion pre vailed that the act be referred to the Agricultural Committee. An act was also presented for the protection 0! our deer, rab bits and opossums. It was moved that this act be lodged. Nothing more of importance came before the house that night. Ilia Place la Waiting- For Him. Mr. Luther Hartsell, who will in a few weeks go to Kaleigh to represent Cabarrus in tbe Legis lature, rccoived a plan of the Legislative hall Friday, showing him where his seat would be and bis surrounding. lie has an ex ceptionally good seat, being be side the main aisle in front ot the speaker and on the second row frjm the front. He will be beside of Hon. Locke Craigo, of Ashe ville. Mr. Hartsell will not re turn home until in march. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They will surel y cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS A Uncer Tbel't. Mr. Adam noneyentt, living on the farm of W G Means, found this (Saturday) morning that some one bad taken his mare and colt from the stable during tbe night. No clew to the theft is apparent. The strange part i? in taking a oolt. Hoots Ibe Klomllke. Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysvilie Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suf fered untold agony from consump tion, accompanied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would have it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King s New DiBcoverv for Con- Bumption. Trial bottles free at P h Fetzer B drug store. Kegular size 50 cents and 81.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 0i. Mllos' lfn In ItllD nre guaranteed to ntcp Voo4MAt La rOtulmi tor "Ovc cea iZZQl UIE1Y Makes the food more delicious and wholesome IWyi bkwo POw?ci fry, , wrw yobv. Anything In JEWELRY or SILVER WARE that is desirable may be found here. We give a list of a few .things and from time to time will give others. ........ Plain Gold Rings from 50c to $8.00. A large variety of Set Rings, Emerald, Amethyst, Pearl, Opal and Diamonds, ranging in price from 75c. to $35 .00 All goods sold by us will be engraved free of charge. CORRELL, THE JEWELER. Don't fail to stop and look at our window. It will interest you. WASHY POEM. Three months have come and passed awav Since Unit we announced our oponing dav And we kindly thank both nrv&t and small For the patronage of almont all. And feel onite sure thut time is near, When tbe people will buve their Laundry hero. And will also know at an early day, That the present company has enme to stay. Our nroBncets. we can trulv riiv. Grow lighter with each recurrinir day. And the work wo are now able to itu Is not excelled by even tho tew. We stay ut tho wheel diiy iu and out, Or we'd call to see you without a doubt, Ho consider this a personal fall. When in your hunda tlieso linen shall lull. Now a litt'o ioke ulease let us tell. Of a lady we're mire you all know well : bhe "kicked" on tlio work ootu uny aud night. And suitl we never got it right. Jow here s a plan we undertook. And road tho truth as iu a hook : We secretly sent her work to the town Whoro, Nhe buys, they do work up browu. But lo ! wbou delivered at tlio bouse, Iho trouble was worse than ever be fore. But bad she known where it was dono Tho objections, if any, .would have been iu fun. So don't, through prejudice, bo unfair, Aud Head your work to others else where. But hnvo it done at tho Concord Laun dry true, And tho money will be left in town, Says yon, says he, says I. Concord Eteann Laundry and Dye Works, PHOXE2. COAL COAL! 1 am now prepared to furnish jon witb Antbricite and Jtdlico Coal, beat of qualiW and we guarantee the price. Don't use wood when yon can get coal at such prices. J. A. C. Btackwelder, At Store on West Dt-po. Street. Phone No. 68. $23 6m d Everybody Read I Yon will find now on hird a Freah Stock of GROCERIES! Consisting of Raisins, nuts, citron, Corrants, oranberiies, Mince meat, picklea, Sausage, cat. up, kraut, Plum pudding, olives, Jellies, apple butter, Canned goods of all kinds, cbaese, Bologna eausage.baked bean?, and many other articles that we can't mention, also a General Line of Toys I These goods are all nice aDd fresh and will be sold on as sin til proli". es can be dona at auy rtber reliable home. Give me a portion of jour trade. Prompt delivery of ali pnrchases. Yours to Please, A. L. Sappenfield. SAUS VCE GROUXD" l',Y S'L'KXSO T THE RATE OF Wi) rOUSM to THE UOUU AT Sol. Levy's Market. Tho nio:-t popular market iu town nnd always k. o,w on band n Mippty of all kinds of choice luent nt I.mest prices. Ho has a now enterprise to grind all Hitusago by steam the tirst that hns.-ver beeu iu Concord. Will supply you threo pounds for 23 ecnta. niuBiiin 11 triul will emiranteo yon satisfaction. Eyervh.nly invited to cull and sec me. i rro delivery to all parts of town. llospeetfully, SOL LEVY. Twent-First Series CONCORD PERPETUAL BUILDINj 1 LOAN ASSOCIATION, Booki are now opon for subscriptions to the aist sories stock of Concord Per ianal Building and Loan Association. Call on the Hecretary or Treasurer at Cabarrus Savina Bank and subscribe. First payment due Jjocomber 5, 181)8. Jno. 1 . Allison, l'res. H I Woomiousis, Sec audSTreas. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt's Witch Uazel Salve is the implicable enemy of sores, burnB and wounda. It nevor fails to uure Pilee. You may rely upon it. J P Gibson. STATE OF OHIO. City op Toledo, Lucas County,. ( Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai, be is th-3 senior partuer of tbe firm of F J Cbenoy & Co., doinir business in ibe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, aud that said Bin will py tbo sum'.f O .e Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe uae of Hali'H Catarrh Cure. Fbank J Cdtney. Sworn to before uiu and pubcrit edin my preHbiice, tho 1 Oth day of December, A.jD. 183C. )s!uT ( 4. rOLEASO M, ( ) Notary Publi". ll 1's Ca'.urh Tur ) in ta'.en iu teiD Vly nL.i aels directly cu lbs bio-jd .in I nr.iMin curies of ttia eytcm, fo-.i-i for ("otimoniale, fiee J'. J, UUKNKY oc CO., loitdc, O. old by drusr 'isti, 7"i. ADMIN" -TKATOU'fci NOTICE. Having been duly appointed adminis trator of V U Hoklbrooks, deceased, 1 hereby notifv all persons having claims agtiintthe s tid defeased to present ttie s.ime to the undersigned dnly proven on or before December 7th, lb'.i'.l, or this m.ice wiil be pleaded in bar of their re ivery. All persons indebted to the naitl deeensed arc required to make pi . .nipt settlement. Tli December 7th, l'.is. M. H. STK'KLEY, jl2 Administrator, ADMIN" IdTKATOKS NOTIUE Ilaviug beeu duly appointed adminis trator uf J F Hoklbrooks, tk oeii.setl, I hereby notify all persons having claims against said tit ceased to present the same to the undersigned duly proveu on orbeft.ro Dee. 7, ISM 1, or thi notice will be pleaded in bur of then' recovery. All persons indebted to said deceased are required to make p onipt payment. This December 7th, 1!' JI. li. SUCK LEY, j!2 Administrator. SEND IN' YOUR ORDERS FOR CHRISTMAS OYSTERS TO THE City Restaurant QUAIL OX TOAST 13 a SPECIALTY WITII.F3. Yf How Jnilnflice Carofl. Suffering humanity should be supplied with every means poible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This in to certify tho t I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the beet physicians in our city and to no avail. Dr. Bll, our druggist, recommended Electric Bitters; and after taking two bot'Jos I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in reotimioetu'.irig tbera to any person cull.-riiiK froru this terrible malady. I atn prate fully yours, M. A. Hoiiarty, L' x iuglxii, Ky." Soitl by P 11 Ft-'.Z'r't Ititbttetl (he -t-Hvr A starting inciib'rt of which Mr. John Oliver, of Piii'iulHlphbi, was the subject, is narrated as f'ollo-.v-: "I was in a most dreadful coi.it.on. My ekia w:ia almost ysllovtr, eyes sunken, to. guo crated, pain coj tininutilly in biic'i and e? !?. no appe'.i'.e kept on gra.-iuilly trcv it. (5 weaker day by day. Three physicians bad given me up. F.ir tnnately, a irieud advised trying 'E'oc'.rie BiitcrM,' and t-j ray umi joy and surpri-te, the R.at bjt !e m itl" a lecidf-d ioiprovomeyt, 1 continued their use for thteo wn-ks, anil am now a well i.iin, I know they taved ir.y life, and robbeil the other vic'.ini." No ono phould fail to t-y tti"io O ily 50 cenlt. perbottlt at P. B Ft'z-r's Drug Store1 WANTED To buy lO'H.CO p mnda of old ca"t-iron scrap, de iiver d at tbe foundry at once, for which we will pay a fair price. Xo burnt iron wanled. alf.'.f. CoNC 'It') Fol'NDKV Co. All ptrsona iud ml to mo will pltaae cll upon VV ( Meane( E q., and aettle. 1 have left ail account and no'.e3 in bis hands f 1.' collt-ctii n L. M. Akcuey, 11. D. May 2. 1808. m Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely cer tain cure for croup such as Ooe Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are protee'ed hgainet emergency. J P Gibeon. ATTENTION I RESTAURANT J. I.. BtXllH, Proprletar. I am still in the rincr, feeding the hungry at my old stand In the Hrick ltow near tho post otlico, where yon can get a good meal any time. Oysters stewed, fried or by the quart. Bird on tonst. I will have my same old cook, Wils MeMore and his wife, tbe best restyurnut cooks in the city. When you want anything iu my line call and I guarantee yon will be politely treated. Any one wishing oysters for Christmas will please levo their orders with me or at the restaurant. I hope to receive a part of your patronage. COAL! The delay at'the mines is now over come and I have four cars which have been delayed in transit. The railroad superintendent now assures me that he will AfOXCErush tha cars to their destination, so I hope to be able to sup ply the trade iu a very few da vs. The d lay on my part has been wholly unavoidable and I thank the people for their patience. K L CRAVEN. MULES & HOUSES FOR SALE. We have one car load of nice young MULES and HORSES for sale. Cad and nee (hem. M. L. Buowx & Bio. w de.13. dit. Concord, X. C. M. B. STICKLEY, Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SlEblAL All KM ION QIVKl 10 COLL&L1IOXS. OiEce upstairs in King building near f'oetotlic-'. ATT0HMY AT IAW, CONCORD, N 0' Odice iu lly-rli d n, .ppoeit Conrt house. L. T. HAPTSELL. ATTO KN R Y-AT- LAW, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt aUentiorj given to all !)..isine?3 OHlce in Mo;'ria building .posite coort hoose. U. G Caldwell, M. u. M X. Sttvens, M.D Dra, CALDWELL & STEVENS. joncord, iN. O. Jffics in old iost effioe building jpposite SU ('toud Hotel. 1 Phone No 37 Southern Railway. THE . . . i Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . TIIEDIRECT LINE TO ALL PIHNTS. ; TEXAS, CALIFORNIA",! FLORIDA, CU3A AND PORTO RICO.i Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Through ana Local irains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all night Traius; last and Sale Schedules .... Travel by ,the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com tol lable and Lxpedillous jour ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables;- Kates aud oeiierai iniormation, or Add less R. L. VERN0M, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Ashevllle, . C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Cannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.kGen M'pr, Traf. Man., G P.A. WASHl UT0N, D C. l-m Blnm Korvousness. THAT no one rcn yy crm contain tlie elfnipnts ncrc- -y to cure all dlseu-c..isufiu-t will kno-fi to everyone. Dr. Miles' $u$tcm ot Kestonitivo RemetJtes consists of seven dis1i-tivjly (HITemnt preparations, each for it- o.vn ; 1 ; p'e. Mrs. I. ('. Bnin.'ey, 37 Henry -t., St. Cath erines, Ontario, wriios: "l-'or cars I suf fered from extreme ncrvoi: -'v.-: and anury in;r const pat ion ilevelnptir: intl palpitation and we at ness uf ihe l.eart. I unable to sioep, suffered L!;:.'h fro;ji tieati iclie, pain In my left eide, unluitaii.ia and a ctnstan feeliiu: of wa'nne-s ad p usini; l'r. Mile' Neivin Nerve and Idvt r Pills n ;trat;-tn. 1 began , He. i t Cur; and nd tho A'itl-l'aln it y -ir: of p:titi ; i:.u h liiiproved r 1 wt-arlness left . , ' ' ii.'siorau ve Pills to relievo "eid.-n v and heaflaehe. I sm f-1: and the p.vns nd aches lt! me. I liit a : Tonic and a:.i lu.v r-:.'i 1 u r-iy f'Te- good heaitl lr. Miles' V.v Dr. are sold t y : : I pista U'hi-. : a i guarantee, fir t beneiiM er I'. :i funded. 1- '. t. eases of the 1 nervt-s free A . DU. mili.-j -;i crtore .7 L K.ku til, lud. Every womau uwda Dr. Mile' Pain rill