'L-t . . rt t I- v 'I i GOOD --3 - - at nvi&o r-RicKs S Give us a Trial- ATLANTA IS GAY. Tli rrnldful Keci'lica a (Irani! lv. Hon mill .Makoi I cIIiuk Npeecli lo III CniierM Afcilitljr--tiena.Wliei. r and Young Kprak Alu. President McXinloy received a j'rand ovation Wednesday in At lanta. He was greeted with an i.rtille'j salute at tLe capitol. Jhe Legislature in joint eesflion received lam with Kieat entluifii- r.sm. Hie epeecU was a happy Lit. Ho tonobed the Sonthoiu heart oud brought streams from fc'outbern eyes with tbcro worde, "Every Boldier'a rav made during our unfortunate civil war it. a tribute to American valor, And while, when those graves v. ere made, we differed widely ' ont the futuro of this govern Ti.ent, the differences were long nt;o settled by the urbitramont of arms and tbe time has now come 01 the evolution of sentiment and l- sling under the I'rovidence of God, wbeu in the spirit of fraler ni-y we should share with yon in th-j care of the grave i of the Con federate soldiers. "The cordial feeling which now happily exists between the North and South, prompts thi.-i graciors act, and if it needed further jnsti hevtion, it is found in tho gallaot lo- alfy lo tbe Union and tho il ig, cocspicnoa-ly shown in the u-ir just passed, ty tho sous t-a-.l nvLsors of th-263 1 c-.-.ie d..l." Wen. he?Ie- v-ki called for and was roundly cheered as Lc dftid omous other t'dugq : "Tho a nay, in co-junction v Itt 1.1 .... . iuo navy, was ordered to att.-.ck an;1 destroy the Spanish force:; ot Bu, liago. In four v. u' 3 that or., jr was obeyed and its purposes r.ec implieLed. The proud Sp ,u uh nation stood suing f. r peace fro:n th nation winch a mo ith ''" t liad luld np to ridicule ana scrrii." Gail. Yonng respotidnd in a tdiort speech in which hr-aid t!i."t no troops in the world wcra Let ter, more regvda; ly fed end treated thai, were the troops in South Carolina and Georgia. The jubilee occasion makes an epo?1! in tho history of Atlanta. h v n -v. a ii I U 0, I ! Li . 4 "' -J F OnJy$l Per Year. Oa its 0:V FUlii, 'xiuumun lu Hit. -i,, ranaea ... ..uinat .,1 n nox i nr i.cil Hie lubima. tuVMu .IVrri.U, "'"' ln.ln-Alii.oit tvery hli, l.om. On Wednesday afternoon about 2 30 a. No. 74, a freight train wb coming from (Jharlot'e and had juet passed the bridge at Coddle Ortelf a Jhortdiatanoe, a '-fusts" as thun.B Culled, exploded ia the shanty, sup postdly from the (s-S)ive hrat of the room. K.inn tVi.-i t-V.. . ... n trtiu was coa CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22 1898. ig i'P grade at the nine the Cre was tot.ced. h u.re it ffOuld be utiaafe to cat '.ho caboose loose, boon a Ljx car adjoining was burning also. The two born 102 cars were Decoupled f-ota tie 'rain aud aa eHort msde to eaya the contents, but StunvJy te any aail. i lhe work tiain as quickly scut aowa there to bring the buruics maes bere, and fucesej.d in brirgs ing the shell. J t,et as tbe train nau reached tho swi ch here the shanty fall to piece.',' while the boi car fell apart near ihj bleachery. I he box car wia loaded with cot ton mill produote, only a few of which wtre gved. E'ervthicg in the caboose, inolaJic the dothiDg f tbe irninnca, reveito! Cue pigrol.t, bfl olothes, etc., wtre Laraed. .'.i.ii'o ii,-cK nm tne eremeer f the train and hU. 0cr O'Fer- rad the conductor VOUnU MAN SHO "if A..I.I .. T". . -IHc-P robnbly H . At lt 8 SO o'clock tbu (Friday) ', when w ithiu three cr four nuhvl jardgof Mr. Jco. Tijlot' t,fJond the dppot, Alhn O'trnP, of flantinn,ll t.ll 1 P eriopBiy if nat fatally '!t'i by the Hccider.ta! discharge t.r"3- 'rh Jfi!"cg ciau wne ' ?';n siuu p orepiratorj ;ri ia bia fnot slipped "''T ('f tha irnn oininb O -" n;c 'ucJi, :irjjf tho tii'.ira h:s let stnt won of atatj to f The THE ORGANIZATION. II.-.ll Ws-dccsiky Ut lad IiJ(,;e it UiC. ti p?rfe,:t Tba teiiSa roll SIX AEE DEAD. Ibd.rrat Tnk Collmxe I nnecoanf lle No cause has yet been discov ert 1 for the collapsing of the i-'e i. gas tank in New Ycuk city. It which conn non fm':,.,a fi waic were suddenly poured up m street?, dash'-no; cverytLieg in iia v.tj. Six denths are known to hayrt retdtjd. It was ever so :me';'y that many escaped who ivouli. otherwise have been dmv,--..od. It was said to be the hr.",t gas tatik ia tbe world. It ... ...iuihi mm, ma rinudation of tb-j iiumetise masonry gave way causing the collapse. a "n-'w or i.uiLbi. r-r tivncr b. r-mic.rl.ir, (cii-Tlit lislti itlon tilyca. Iu the filjsciilc night the a-ea$ '.-.; of Snij'hts ef II. t their orgMisit'O'i. do n'jmhrs 43 Oratd Rrorter Carlton pre;idJ oyer u- raectiDff. Th-re b-dtig too many to iuida' in or.e iuht, sud nest; petsoas eiogcharr lutiuber.i, 0;i1f cue niM.ib.-r was i,.k.-n thrpii?!i t'.e in ti itori Uipsr'.ai- n 'iv in ordtr so ix-.t: uo rs. . Ur. IVsj Fid j pleasure of ''riding lb; cae Den; nr, et tui ine-ntcrs present. TI-.P11 .v. ice ioiiow rs; ciiicers wtre e tot ed: Chaa. Craven. Hiotntor; Lluv BlackweltJer, Yice-D.c'ator; W A WilkiuaoD, Aeiistont Dictator; II ii Barrow, Financial Reporter, Dr. Sam Montgomery, Tieasurer ; Jno. C.-eech, Reporter. Tiu trusses are Mesarg. S L Montgomery, II M Car.- r w and W ti. Wilkinsoc. The organization will ba known aj the ''Cabarrus Lodt;e'' and ill meet on trie fi'st end third Monda5 uig,.tj id each mon'h in tie h.; n ar ifr. J Ua Creech'f, at Cannon W.le. loid in srort diatanr.a hl tha tl ;-'i in' the front r.r.rt r,f th ir. ono, l syior, who had hefnm hand s.urt.d oot to the bovs. nh i . , e ne yotui.? man toon Bfter the aemr ur. ifouiig was qaickh .uuueu, Biju uredted tne wouud Iiie WOULu Ijled mute r.nnsiili.ruhlv bat not co rrcfusji; bs if an arteiv The ycrng maa is a soa of Mr, If blume, of Canuonville. whn liv.. near tne u.ceju mills, and is only 17 years e'J. W hen he foil he asked th, m f rase mm torus, but whPn h 'ucu U,U1 ne W89 unoonar-inim. tie was taUn to J.'r. Taylor's house until ab.e to be biought hotne in tho i.f ternooa. Single Copy5 0ts, STILL MORE BUILDING rbnl la frubltjr I.ot NIUI of By home 'tvrnl Healrtpore nun Sew i-obi Chute lu Klgb.t-.Frtaon.nl. orcal Hill Coricsjioiident. A;gentleu)an with a family in this erjd of the city wants to buy a cord and a baif of Rood fat rabbits. for ppot cash. Mr. G P FrazierJbaa cone to Nor wood on business. CORN. from each of A ronmiiM .f I Him Pcrtaliiliiit to ur tireat Ciri H s Utliei,, 1 tlio City ru. a Nrhool. This stdk cf c m v;Lich I sec f,1i,-iTf j ii, r i. i,.... ti i ... '...n 10:;;;. u ur8 tl.i-iis joints g... v .; blf.de. ' TVhon thof j 1!: they aro need lov ' This stalk Lr. on It. At tho b'.'i Mr. J Corl has just completed a nice cottage on Simpson street, Mr, R F Early killed two fu.e porkers Wednesday, bnt the cats dredged ons of them off, tbe follow- ing night. Messrs. R F Coble and W A Wil kinson aro having a nnfuber of houses built on the Street leading to the UulTalo thread mills The Southern will soon erect oca: chute for No. 2 mill at this p.ace, coal being cheaper than wood and much lte3 trouble in handling, The many friends of Mrs. Samuel Cauble, who has been sick for quite awnue, will regret to know that she is not improving. Mr. Joe B Morgan of the firm of Morgan it Hamilton Co.. oi Nash. vilie Tenn., is a guest of Mr. WR Odell for a few days. lovji leaf or dried ."-ICS aro 'At. .1 i eij.tiiecc loav of tho stalk is 1 b:srs the , which are r. iLrrugu Tins r as U.A the foa-J' for being arranged TAX NOTICE. The Town Taxes are now due, und the books have been placed in my hands with" instructions to cal- lect J. K. V A TTEHSC X Towr, T.x Chct:.r - m Dry & Jlillu's slua iC.'l '.' ::-'i 4i pfEl'W Itorc Utiol .Sriiool A'civn. We are delighted to learn from Mr. Holiaud Thompson that this session of (he Cor coid Iligh school 13 the bpst in numbers, and successful work, siuce fie lias been its pnucipal. Mr. Ihompson is booktd for a epeeca at tne coming meet- iogin Ilaleiglr of ih Asso ciation of Academics. lie ia to tell Lis fellows how h col- !o-ts the en'ire sums of tui non. it h:- hr.i a pb?J 0f universal a plir :ili ..), ve should say it woti'.d h,'. worth coming from IVxas and Maine to hear. We lravn that it is a tact that the MUivrDs of the tlo tassel. Tho t..w floirers of tho ; li,n dark purple in c.dor. About tho mi Idle of the stalk we find the ear ...f corn. The or i? af out ei'iLt lu.rlies long r.ud is covered with fci---k.i. tho m-ftina . , o gtu n rowa on the cob. It is iulen-.-,!!i!ir to kuow that tbe grains tre always ar ranged in even nnuibers of rows Corn is usually idauted in the spring of the year. It comes np in irom three to sevon days after being planted, and is then culti vated with hoes and (.lows. When ripe it is cut and placed together m chocks. In one tLotk there are usually from ti-Ay to one hundred hills. Corn is usod for feuding horses and hogs, and making bread. If wo should to nptho Mississ ippi river, for miles and miles we would seo notbiug but corn. Iu the United States nioro than ruiseu PCf? ?M yi t; Concord High td-ool p - .h tuition bills in ii.JJ, a r 1 i- dr-aniulrmted n tbo-iwnl i... (m w:ti n i'j llrr.oit infaiilliiti 'rr f-.j!TilIcs p.v, dir.nr.fl.ti, li fiai Ik'coiiio iho It.u.iuj' reunniy tliH ehj) nf iroublst. 'it x,:r: iTOUdarliiliy liliur, sirciiK.V-t-i an,l i.-.e!hinf; ineuf ur, nn( a l.ir nieiMtrUHl n-i-;vn. It, rrii,t hil-"i,rtf:,.'.lf e the wi.iuli. Jk , topi OooJiiig ai.J rollcvuB uj- py encouragement to y their ae haji a care- ! burdened td t clue a ror. J ' il1 and Plnfnl menatrnaMon. ''lo. It Ii bunefloUl f- .Si 'tt ."' . ho"' b" amictfrt women. Wh m jeruln relier wuhin rr.cbt ittlaalyoardrugatord. "rr"" j"cjic"m c- fL'; SMITH. Csmltn, SC. ' J 1 I Tylor Woil s: i.itim I-,,. Mr. W II Weddington ai,d Miss Alice Slirewalfc went to Charlotte today (Thursday) to attend the fuuoral of Mrs. Taylor Weddiuf- tic, ho died there Wcdnpsdav and who is known ty quite n number o' relutivt-s and frirndsin Cabarrus an 1 Cimicoi-J. Mm Voddin;;ton was a ei ,. t r of Mr. D C Cobby, cf No. 3 township, and whs tho mother of Mis. Jno. Foalks, of Csnnonville. She leaves a husband and several children Mr. Weddington end family once livod at the Odell Mills. two billion bushels sro yearly. Ia tho eeven Rtntes nlou,; the M:tsi!-sippi river, Loni.daua, Ar knraas, Missouri. Til 1,,1. rn. ,. l ir- . .' nj, j.ciii.n ai,fO HUH iUlKSlhSljipi, more than ouo billion bushels of corn aro raised yearly. Our fciate HoJucea about 30,000,000 luisli.ds of corn annually. If we should put all of the corn raised in these States iu wa.ous. f,iitr L.-iol.K , i. .ii -t . ' vunu3 ui ciieiieu coru in utili wngoD, drawn by two hoi.-es with their dobos riclit behind the Other WfiCOIl. nunna l.nur' f.,, U would rench. ' . Now rnpposo tliat the hoisos could walk on water just as they do cn land. The corn cf these States for one yoir would reach around the e.uth sis licit. And it (in 0f the corn m tho Ui.itdd States' cov.ld bo put ia wagons it would -o around the earth twelve times. ' Oat of every twenty bnehels not more than one. is fold to oth.r countries. To End this corn wo rauet en and look iu the ban;s of tho farm ers. Ibcyted it to their hogs and cattle. England and other countries elo Tu Inhe nCourne la Tbeajaey. a.ov. J J raysonr, the former pastor of the Baptist church hero, edorms.'us that he will leave North Carolina between Christmas and New Yoar for Louisyille, Ky., where he will spend a session cr two in the Southern Baptitd Theological Seminary. Ilia wife will accompany him anil thav mill very probably make their home prefer several years at le'mt, ihic ib a seminary where ministors o.tca-timos, after servingiu their profession a number of years, take auother course. CHANGE TO BK MADE. i. um or HnNlnvna Hlille wtlierH thaiijie ,hi,.re Hnonia nml Auaiber I Inn In i, lu-Kiu Bimluenx Several changes will be made Concord the firgt cf tbe cominT year, that will be cf interest to our pto- pie. Mieg Nannie Alexander will move h'.r millinery parlor from in ti.e Litaker building to the store rnoai now occupied by Mr. Boe'iau's Ohrigtiaag gocd, ecu door to Johns son s drug store. Me-ro. II L Parks Co. will en 1 il.: . . ii j uieir pri-eect DU'ine"", rcc.ipy. iDg Dolh rooms in that Inildin? making a hall way from their pr.'ss ent store to the room now occupied by Messrs. Lrvin & Morrison. The grocery firm, Messerc. Ervin & Morrison will move from their present p'ace to tho room dow occu pied by Mr. T 0 Suicker, next to uibson & Morrison. Mr. ctricker will go out of 'tbe grocery business the first cf the year. a new flam rare gtore will le opened op ia tho store room next to tbe Racket cow occnpied.bv Mr. 8 M Qaskel. The name of this firm wi 1 be the Ritchie Hardware Co. Kr Chas Ritchio, who nas had twelve rears experience in the hardware business, will have the oversis'ht cf ,t, I....: . . '" uunueua, as to ins employes and the other members of the firm, he ig sot definitely decided yet. Mr. S M Uaskel, who hai been la the store room for several ninntts running dry goods and r.oticrs ougiues has cat yet delected a piajj cf bujiejs for the future ye-r. a n Makes the food more delicious and wholesome flWHq POWDFB CO. , Ncw V09K. TRINTS TIIE JVEWb THAT 13 MEWS . For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. tally as there was reasonable bono that none would n tmn "Now York only needed to call on the newspaper warriors, who always sniil the battlo from afar. Immuues, many of whom were acpuiEted with men who had had tho yellow fever, and of when not a fw actually had the croup and survived tho elemcntarv cam s of unripe fruit, rushed to the front. "Democrats and Republicans. gold-bugs and silver loons, und even tbe 1'opulisU, came Iroai heir poetical pravev, aiid all for got party, currency, section and animosities, and stood for the country. Even tho women. God loss them, volunteered, and wore then, an now, tho mainstay and hope of tho infantry. A NE ,V BROTHERHOOD, "I lieSrrvlre Men or the Mpuntsh W OrKniilzetl at Atlanta. Out of the Atlanta Peace Jubilee hat grown a new order known as Ice fcemce Men of the SoaLieh War." It ia to bo somelh-'ng on the order of "The Grand Army of the Republic" and "The United Con federate Veterans Association." As these lutter are to perpetuate patriotism along with the social re. latious of the participants on their respective sides of the great cocfiut so th,8 is to perpetuate and fostor alonir with patriotio chivalry tne auumi relations of a reunited aid sectionless- brothdrhood where the memories of fellow feeling in the late signal triumphs shall bo made a sooroe of perpetual enjoymeat. Gen, Wheeler stands first on the list. "Ouo thing, Mr. Chairman, was I T" m h.i: a. riTiT in tne iia.. thoru in the flesh of the State IJ A BroWt'f. juat oom govern merits; tht was the phy-j1'. - musl 8ctojl of litt!e sica! examination the volunteers g:rla.' S!l9 reC(,nt,J decidedf to give wero subjected to. Nothing but go. J medal to the person STATE OF OHIO. City of Toledo, AjOCAS COUNTY, J Frank J. Cheney makes oath t he ia tbe senior partner of tha fir of F J Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that fim will pay the gum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that canrot be cured by the uie of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FiiASt J CVevey. oworn to beforo tue and bubseribs ed iu mr presence, the r6th day of December, A-D. 1836. A. V7:OLEA?0T, (rrtrV. . , Notary Publio. iia 1 s Catarrh Clara i iRl,n im. ternaily and acts directly on the blood and ruuooua eurlees of tbe sytem. Send for teatiruonials. free. f . J, CHENEY & CO., 111 , ... -ViVUW,! old by drug?isti,.73o, U atUigi(i-.u.teaajia Siiily.Quickly, Permanently Restored IIHe to Cure Insumri.a. Fits Il,.7ir,e u.,.. Vcryotu Debility, Lost Vitality. Smniil L ,'.? Failing Mem.nr the result of Over-work Worrv' t' lcness. Krrnrs of Vnlllh nr lu...i.l..l ?rice BOc. and tl ; S bo,-s 15. tor quick, positive and lasting result! In Seluat VVeakneta, Iiiimwi, Nervous IVMktv aad Loat -lUlity. use YtLlt fV LaatL SHr fililT rentrth will give strength anH tone to every part met e.tect a permanent cure. Cheapest ani bet- o Pi.li la; by mail. FRFF A bottle of the femnn. tn.n.u T f. Pellets will heeiven with a it hox or mor. nu. Qe ti' Nervine, tree. Sold ouly by M L Mareh & Co., Aeente. Con. cord, N. C. llrlnhlnir Pnlqtte. The making of pulqne, tho na tionaId;iLk, is an enormous in 1 -i tm a .lusiry in iuexico. The natives look upon ifc as an essential partot their diet, and its consumption is universal among all classes cf people. The intoxication pro. ducod by pulque is thorough and apparently satisfactory in all es sentiala, if one can iudp-e by the slumbering forms often seen in the gutters adjacent to tho pul qnorias or pulque shops in tho City of Mexico us the night mows i -i tj oiu. Pulque is made from the ma !v, a species of century nlant. TI . . . " x.iu i tojs gamer tho sap from tne plant by a rough siphon and . lu a pigBKin. it is passed throngh a simple process of fermentation, and in twenty four hours ft ia fit for use as a beverage. When fermented it has the appearance of iced butte milk, which it somewhat rosem bles in taste, though to one nn accustomed to its flavor it mawusii and repugnant. This distaste soon wears off, and a liking for the drink is not long in assorting itself. It is said to bo a sovereign remedy for kidney af ,,lu'J"i ""u inere is a saying that if a man from the North who has spent noarly all his money in tn ing to cure kidney trouble has enough left to carry him to Mex ico and will drink pulque for two n,0!it,bs he will be cured. A gcod maguey field is a profit able piece of rronertv. TV,.!, i . . well-developed plant will yield from 100 to l.",0 pallons of sap. The sap is gathered daily for sev tral weeks before it ceases to flow. Mexico City aljne consumes 100, J pints ot pulquo a day.besides 1 .';() quantities of mescal and I. quila. These are very intoxi- c .ting spin's obtained by distil 1 .lion from the heart and root ot U ) maguey. Although to the i Hilary person to drink them is nnshnnil and Wtre Dend. There is a peculiarly sadly be reaved family in China Grove, says the Salisbury Sun. La;;t hnday Mr. Peter Weaver, of that place, died from some old core plaint which had worried bim for a long time. He was buried on Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday evening his wife died, her death beiug caused by fever. She was buried Monday. Mr. Weaver was 6!) years old. The couple leave a family of seven children the youngest ot whom has fever but is improving. WITTY ENOUGH. Oov. Johnaton Keapond, lo 7oMl tnd flakea It l.ivrlr. There was much of the earnet logic, pathetio olonUOnco and gnshin? enthusiasm in tho speeches at tho Atlanta Peace Jubiloo, but it was left Gov. Jo seph F Johnston, of Alabama, to shake tip tho celebrities with his splendid wit. After a beautiful perfection irs? r,dou'-:sible. A man ei .-i .... .. .. o; '''' u "je, oven it it wero tin! !,., .1., . .. . lu - eye, or wun a iiiis.sing KaKrr or too nuch or too litlid ciramnf.-rciico, was not in it. The only way Shnftor ftnd Wheel er could bar-. j0fton into the ranks would have be9a to have themselves nixed up arid made ' TeppeTaoio men. 1'itz L..hi could i . ver h.-vo lauded ths loin c-th a private, ebI Napoleon Banpp-.rto would have been t'.irnod down. "I'ortuuatoly co teat was had as to bruins, and consequently a hu so number of ofiieura of high rank were abio to got in. "I'kpeiiwico obtained from our late family disturbance had taught us that tho men who wiu the bat tles carry tho mutkets, bo we were extromoly particular about the privates, and quito indifferent f s to tho officers. The consequence was that wo had the best pnyatts ever afsembled m any army and some of tho fattest genera!;!. "Iu conclusion, Mr. Chairman, if tho States had encountered as many tlifhcultica iu getting up tho quotas as they havo in tret tin-' back tho monev exnondml w,i in each oae of her two classes who made the greatest improvement in playing the scales. The contest was hsld, and of ths higher class, Miss Kira Dayvault proved the moat tfiicient, while honorable mention was also given Misses Myrtle DuyvnnH avd Lizzie IVoost. Ia the second claes, the medal was awarded to Mi.-s Mary Lilly Sherrill for her excellent improvement, and Misses M. B. STIOKLEY- Attorney at Lw, Concord N. C. SFEdlAL All EM ION Onhl 10 C0LI&L110S&. cps'airg in King building ii-ar 'oB '.office. Office ilOltUioOiM ii. oAl.UWiil.Jb ArronsiY ai iaw, COXCOKD, N, 0' Odiije in Mo.-ria bailding, .ppoait Slu'rlow Kr.nlA I T . T . I . , .nuuuutcrjf auu j una liar h uourc noure. row were worthy cf honorable men. tion. 1lioerai Work l'lnlalied. A final settlement wag made Frk day with Messrs. Dowd & King fcr tae buildiaz of our sewerage ejstera here. The cost of the work, os per contract, was $2,300, and was to have been finished in ,60 days, but on account cf neceteary delays tie force L. T. HAPTSELL. ATTORJsEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt attention given to all bueinesa. Office in Morris building nposite court house. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M ,L. Stevens, M.D Urs. CALDWELL & STEVENS. Concord. N. 0. iEce in old i,ost ctTice buildiag was k.pt here 80 days. Tke line is Opposite Bt. Cloud Ilctel. now complete and Concord can I Phone No 37 boast of having at least two and one half miles of sewerage. Southern Railway. allusion to Henry W Grady ha said in response to tho toast, "Tho btate Government's Answer to the Call to Arms:" "I congratulate tho President rtn hia l,f.,'.. ..II, i- t ... .o Liuiuj. uuio to maKo tii:s trip to Atlanta with less discom fort and apprehension than one ho undertook some thirty-five years ago; and I am euro he tire fers the kind of hot timo he will have in tho old town tonb;ht to the kind he expeiiencod then. Georgia is distinguished in many ways, chiefly ia tho fact that she lies next to Alabama, and somo partisan nowbr,anors and political prophets. Alabama is of c6urso tho greatest of all tf nffla it. lw I 1 . - k . " uuuuuanco nnt va riety of her resources, but Geor gia has two things wherein sho is pre-eminent, both foitig out into many Statee; one nppeaW to the tenderost recollections of preda tory boyhood, and the other in spiring the most patriotio hope of no lutiiro her watermelon and! her 'Constitution.' would now be on the cvo of tho :acjpaiou. Alleu IMiiiuo Dea.il. Beforo we wert to prcs Fri- d ly afternoon, tha romr.ins of Al len Elnmc, of Carinonvillo, wore brought from the placo of tho ac cident beyond the depot to the homo here. Ho died a few miu ules after 1 o'clock that afternoon The funoral was preached at the homo of Mr. J F Piame this (Sat urday) afternoon. For UTrr.rtitrlVenrs Mrs. W'inslow's Soothing dyrnp has been na for over fifty yearj by minces cf mothera for their child- ren while teething, with perfect sue- I TUB . . .1 Ooss. It soothes the child. Rofton. c- . .. , . :i ri rt vri t . . ., u i..it n uy of the SOUTH . . . 1 - i Diarrhoea. It will rel!i tHo .. ' - : 11 nt , I ui.e euuerer lmrac-amteir. !io db revtr . . . . f viwii w.-yAVJi.-J FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. drugiatg in every part of th? world, Iffonty-fiye eenta bottle. Be ssre and aj!t for "Mrg. Winsiowa Pooth in Syrup," and take no other kind. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on nil Throiiffh and Local trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Nit'lit Tiains; last and Sate Schedules . . . Saw Clorka for the I'.olltlni-a. vauitou ia v.-orsicg oti'e zte I'rug store. .moo, a uimiu ruuer una .Lizzie Eoatain Lave baen added ,j the Hat of oierka at the ii .ckei. Mitd I'.dhr ia in the ni.iin sto.e, H biiu ilitfi Bos- tain id ill tha In,.',..!: ! Mibi no (jiuuoh huu. ''iry Skinntr, c.d Mcirs. viu Ua'eLet atd Kuluh Cline dfp.rimeit tt Gijwn'g are in the to; dreg stere. Travel by .the Southern ana you are assured a Sale, Coin, lortableand Expeditious Journey Aeriloa Practice. "I learn," aha said reproachfully. "that you were devoted to no fewer than five girs before you finally proposed to me. How do I k now that you d dn't make desperate ArP'y Ticket Apents for Time Tables. i , ii ,., utrHporaie Pates and General inlormatloc, leve to all of them. t,r Address "I did," he replied promptly. R. L, VERNON, . F. R. DARBY " i'ou did !" ehe exclaimed. cilrine fj r kV A- i,r,,, , , . , tnariotte, N. C. Ashevllie, . c. Certainly," he returned. -ou No Trouble to answer Questions, clout euppote fur a minute that I rntc r T , wouid be fool onou.h to try for llTtk: man a pr;z9 as von urn n-ii.hniif practicing a little firth do you ?" Commonwealth. WASHINGTON. D. C. Her liczilh stored Aa ri' tliko to buy tho com, so we hko sawalloning a fiery furnace.to Paaat'd In Twculy Minnfra. The pension bill paed the lownr house of Conirregs on Thnrtrio within 20 minutes afti r beina nn- "nted. It currica an increape cf $1 000,000 making the nppropria'dun ror pensions ?I15,23.'JS30. . ra.ten tne hogs with it uud BLip the meat cf tho hogs away. Mure than one huudrod thou sand hoga are exported from this country yearly. Myhtlh Dayvaclt, Seventh Grade. Miss Laura Leslie, Teacher. j pain to of the peon they aro as ndeful as would be the softest of . f "old Scotch" to i Northerner. 't'W Or lilii yriro i'lmite. Covernor Russell baa appointed Mr. Beverly Itoyster, of Oxford. Adju'ant General of the Btate Guard, vice Mr. Andrew Cowles who resigned. Mr. Uoyuter has been connected with the military companies of tbe State for several yearc, having been iuoptctor of some of the companies. Ansa Catarrh quickly yields to tr atmnntby Ely's Cream Balm, which is agreeably aromatic It is received through the nostrils, cleaiites and heals the whole surface over which it diffuses itself. To test it, a trial s;z9 for.10 cents or the larg , f ir CO cents, is mailed by Ely IlrotLi ,y, 56 Warren Street. Now Yor.;. Drujrgiste keep it. A reme fo: I a.-id Catarrh which is drying or eliciting to the diseased naem brant ,- ould not be used. Cream JUalujj in ncoguized as a epeoific, """"K my texr i can say ii.-. .1. . .. - i mat mo projliiiuatiou v war fjund all tbe States ready; not one in tho sisterhood but had her 1 I a , lamp trimmed and glowing with patriotic light; all difference us to the rightfulness or expediency of tno war disappeared, and once more the iriou of tbe North and of the South wero ready to couient tho Union with their commin-iliug blood. "Tbe conditions wore not the same m all the Statee; some had wen-organized and efficient troons i . . . i roauy tor instant service. Goor eia was peculiarly happy iu that tne call upon her never reached such proportions but that it could be filled by ilio colonels on the staff ot tho Governor without any fuuiuiuiiiijr evue missing, or pos sibly regretting thorn. Ohio had only to take a titho of her lato dieappoititod candidates for Fed eral patronage and her quota, was full, and everyone happy, oi:poc- Iliry H. iiK inbcri- l I :i; Vi x ( oil i !,. O,,o of tho iiie st ccci dons ia oui !-'. iai circles fur a wbil.i i; - " i. ijay iiif,Lit ot the raarnagc of :U. aud Jlrj. 11 L liar- no at their r. ii l.o.eo on N.irth Main street, alter ei-j..jir.g their marriage 'dfs since Dt.cereWr lCvb, IS' i.igatt en In.-.ds ivere invited. The fi'atura r,f the evening was the drawing of one of our most useful animals on a evoked e'a, using me i;p oi their h.-...(,r. Mr, H.hai.d Then p -Viii'3 ability at t':is work Was soon rtaliz d and be gained tl. superiority. A sumptuous supper was served alter nards. A ii mini ost-r Supix r. St. John's congregation will hold their annual oyster supper under tne auspices of the Woman's Horns and Foreign Missionary Society on fnday evening and niaht of tbe 30th aj tho old Grange Hall. E very body ia invited to participate in tbe pioa?uros of tho occasion. In Sute JlanUH. A . I . . . ikiattiiU.s euuor tnus an- nouEcedan important event in the oca! newspaper world: It id with f.ehajj of distress that we retire I from tho actiye control of this pai per; tut we leave our jiurnal with a fii titlemm who ig finnucially better ab.e thau we are to haudle ir. The gentleman is welUknown in' this community. He is the sheriff. L X " v. ' V 5 v.5t rrj.. el A I 1 rIIE rol.KTy of sliwph-ssuena coo only b roallied by tlioso who hare experi enced It. N'ervousnosa, Blccplossuti, -'r-5,3 tri'T "eanacnf3, ncunuula ana that mlserabli, ISVUi I i- heihl tecluft unrest, can surely he cured hy Vt. ''If-Jlt'll Miles' i.tni-.ti K-ri o . Dr. Jhlos ot this fact that all dru.'cists ara authorized to refund prlco pild for tho Crnt douio tried, providing It dues not beueUt, Jlra. Henry Uruiis, wlfoof tho well known blacksmith at el rand Junction, lo-.va, says: "I was troubled with sleepksHii.wa, tit rvous ucss, headache find lrre,;uhirnn'iistruatoni eutruriiig untold misery for yc.irs. I uhhI various advertised remedies for female com plaints besides beinjt under the care of local physicians, wl.hout helii. 1 nolle, d in or. Miles' advertenieut the testimonial of a lady cured of ailments similar lo mine, and I shall never cease to thank that li.iy. 11, r testimonial tij,tuted h e ti. use Pr. Mili-' Nervine and Nerve un.l l.i v r fill t. a I, ,. I. ARE YOU RAM! constitution uiuk-nnincd bv ex '..-.u aganoo m eating, Ly tlisrc s''irding the laws of nature, or 'ihysical caal all g-ono, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tiitt's Liver ri!l:; v. ill cure you. For sick 'io-ad.ichr'. dyspepsia, sour stoiricfi, inaJaria, torpid iivcr, constjiiatiors. biliousness md all kiiieLx-1 uisenscs. an absolute cure lis h'V.i (! !'.( fit PfHo.ircguaraw.i'il toD-tl a-.-iiiii u.Iiiihw "Otxceut, ttdp--. 111 llo 'hem pine tilm Hew ai.tl ltcileil ".:u i r: r s l'i Kuvxt-ariii . it ;r I , itac restored mo to 1; for tir.Mllcs'Kc.. I'r. Miles' Kernel, s are srcl 1.7 all !:: .: . piLs under a poMt ive guarantee, ii, -t tu t 1 le ber.elittf or n.ouey re funded, llooli on dls. oasosof the htart and nervaMfreo. A.l.lress, h. I , :,nn.,t se y ,! :li tf f.octoro xv I. '. 't. . ! Dii. M1LE.S MfcOroAt, CO.. tlalurt, luu. j tvory womaa nuod Dr M1W HaJo I'llhfc A