The tan da nV rA4 CI t:ndard. i (.: yo v uxui TtETVii TUT IS r'A?tS i'or 1 Year Send us 1 Do11. it. Give in a Trial. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. "For our Ji bt fu lotion, w' lob i but for a mr-men', workub for us fjr more xe (.ding end etarnii weight of glory ." Tina world is full of suOriug; aloti the utiuruful ir Tbe nolie of ra 1 complaining an singing everywhere Lore ohieldeth not ir.r idols fron' death's upaparing darts, And the whoia widee.rtb is teominf with o.-ushed arid br ken boartr. Yet wf r 3 co clouds of ti now mount our potLw.y driun, Tl a world would be a par.'idiir v vfcuid l ot ;!-,& in of bei.yfii I Ti ! -ning heart to to purify is nam the chfis'eriii'g rod, To ciecipitne Ibn rpirit aiid draw i nigh to God. Wtt ere bid to bow in rneeknrsi li the lo-ss of tbi)9'- w1 love, Aid are pointed to th- mercy of I Providi ECe above, To ra'se the heart to heaven with metjk and holy true'', Acd (ilenie i! rt pioinca that have bowed it to tbe dust. We amy tint 2f the parpoea wbj our hearts are pain d anu rivsn, Y"' witb a faith ntidoobting, let nr e'ill b.'ik up to heaven I Thil life i f ti 1 1 of trial, yet wa know tbat Oca i.-0'.o Look-i ever I'lOVin iH'-.n ua itb i Bvffipu'.L'lB.Bff lo,!) r.d p'.-u-wi our ir-f -mities, though o;;j. r: may d -tl 'e, For 'ho V.--art bath lot a sorrow by LI.! b he wl tried . On, 1 t Lb -In n Id pm.ient ! be me A, tr.d mu-Ciur 1:0 J iorijjL r 'fin! r.r.d ginom andshd. o.v jiiriti.nd our earthly lot; And Uu Le Un n pinetb, think of i. vat ?itd- O j.i Wli.i kly b swl, In rin f r u.i 0 crew 1 1 Wt k u.v tba. v ' !(. ! li! I 0 P H e ;,i .' Lih mysferut ; li i.ii designed t r.'iiush'cerce on th J ; But . 11 ti'- i ' '; raiifomed, mC 1 i d feun 1. '1 'jpei aledj Tbe u.iiii ',':! kin. lafinitj bad al. will bu rf ,.i . Tarn L't i 1 uce Ua anchor of our cot. t'i!fiDce arid tr ist On the uiighe of the Creator, thi On a 'potent, !' Jus! Whoui)w;'le nriy cot q'teatioB, tor tie hiddrn n:otive id, Yet rett in the a stirunoe tbat "lie do-lb !1 tilings well ." Vt'o Imve U-en blown . letter froto Jir. W O Sir n-ic'j, cbtiir 'tiuu of tbe rxccntire f;orumittee of tbe N'jrt'i Caioiinri. Soldiers' Home at liuit.-.'n'', li.Ulrossecl to JIU'S Hotio IItirrin, ttcasurer of tbe tlf Chapter of Danghturs of tbe Confederacy, ex Iiretising his tbiitil.a to the Chap ter for tnuir l -'iiuUrti ce of $25 to th Ho!iro' Llof 11. The gift waB highly f.'poeirtt m1. 4koitl la 4'.m(Mfr. It A Dodd, no well known liorH Utiiilu, ill p. -11 a onr load of bortoH and runic at auction on Ttifil(y, tbt" Jilf t, nt the st.ible of Mr M J Coil, on Enwt Depot street, at the ol J tni-rble stand of A N McNiiH'l . wj20 5 jW ti 9 It v. b'ioi'T(, It- iiiijt rrfiuetiy for 1 ''it etaf- o! rfu, ts. I'. oxort ft wmitif rfi.i 1 r h.'n'n , st.nili-enii-ir e 'us; !i laoneuToa 1 ! . pr-n-r! funl pftnif-.i nsnstrnitfon, V-.r Li'? it ia tb bet n-'.iriiia ttiftip. JV bentic(i d'M'i otflffn-'!, end holpt to bfn,( cUlldr-n nt'J homti bmrett (01 ypuDi it i ir'no'itM, ntlmu ln n, M! tl.''-m tl t wholo "r n t-t r?Ti. tW i.i fiflOTcd . . ..11 .iTtTi-ri w im. .1. Why wM ., .1 hTir U1 loi l.hln rftitbT j ' c l(ir. ' t qiti sjtrUt ' - Hny tym , rui. ,1.S.C. w-tl 'f) ut'.d wtnt n C -r 'V. v tnr la;in Jl t. t' '"' ctttlri 8 iil n: ni:',v f o.'io.i mill,. 1 he l.li2'irlN A' M:i-n!j' nm 11 fiiclnr- lS' 1 ii;jiim i-tn.ii i liil.i I ll -I-DMI 'tL.v llf fl.!mi'i y Ih Ait flu mt Plrd To tv I nuit'l u nl LtHHt In Werk or I wo. Not u.any months ago c tnpntj was organized to bnild a cotton 1 in the eastern prt of Conoord acroes fron? the ("abBrrUi Roller Mill. This coin p toy bears tba .'tms tf tbe Lipprde & 8bely tj'oDipuny acd tre lona the bu"n of the rpicdles will bo biard as in 63T- r3l other parts of Coreord . The erg;ne and boiler has bei'n planed for some time and baa already -tartidon its long j b of aoik. Tin boiler isSO-borsa powtr, while tu ngioe, an us'cdate Corlide, is 125 bene power. All of tbis m-cbinery 111 tbeeogine room is entirely ne. As siated in thin paper heretofore, tbe lnpper room is on the test twl of tbe buildir.g u joining thu lauin room, while the engine room is 1st bet ind ui on the north tide of tb baiidin. The mill maobinery is not entire y new tome of it having been rut not more than six mouths while dome of it bag been in nee for a couple of jeiirs, yet it was picked from different mills in liortlic-rt States by Mr. W P Sicaly, and only tbe best oiacbincry of be mills war ;k' n out. The' inventory of the machinery 8 aj follows : Of the Lowe II mnk-; of mauliinery there are 10 carUe, '3 sp'-ederfl, 1 clubber and 2 fpojlers. Of tbe Wi iiin maku there nri t spinning frames oa which me 240 spindlea cuch, 4 drawing beads with four deliveries each Thera are alB" I laiipers in tbe mill of tbe White. had & Athtrtou's inauufuc'urs. All of tbe machinery' his comt nd been placed in iu position tin ) evtry pt is now being made "true." Before another week pasees it IB thi intention of Mr. Shealy to tak omo onttrn thronh the mHchinert f:om one end of tha mill to tin uuir. More than the aJji.slinij of pulleys eto , th&y will be reidy in h few d-ij!. No I0C018 will be run in this mill, their only work being to make ekain yam fri'ni 14i to 21i. If tht business jnstiliei it seme time in tht future, the build:r. will be enlarged nod more will be done than by even the present oapi'al stock f $50,000 MONTflLY HE! OUT or me Qmded Kriiool for l tie Monlti or ueeruibor Honor lloll AImo. Oentral Building. Boys 173, girls 171, to al 344; per cert vt aitendunce 94 ; lardy 71; i-orporal punishment 9; truaucy 0 visitors 9. Forfst Hill. Boys 44. girk 42, toul S6 ; per cent of 86 ; lardy 17; corporal punishment 4; trnanoy 0; viaiiora 0 Oaom nrille. Bjjs 40. K'rlt 43, total S3 ; pel aent of attendance 3 ; tardy 11; oorporal punibhmeiit 0; truancj 0; visitora 1. Colored Boys &5;irld 113, to'al 198;pi.r oeut of at'tadanci 90; tardy 14S; icr;crsl punisLmnt 19 ; trnaucy 1; visiters 8 Totals: Boys 34i, girls 39, of ill 711. Honor Pull. Wr P-'yFf8'ie Pctud', Oil e Vmner, Jjln Wrtldicg'0.1. L' tira L B '.e Sim ley Monttf'im r, jijrtlc! Dyvauli, h e Jvhaccn. llidi LiuK Obarl Forr.r. Mud Miai a Oluri i ce !i itfel. Mis. Lu l !.'atn;e Wilscu, V 'rnii 3'umo. Miss Slriokr Fracoif Ooodno , E-M;iy IJj'OVfu, E ina Cone!', Mary 'loTinon . M.iu Harris t.'anie Pj!rr-a. Mi. g i)idm A-mie ''('oke, V?flj ie II titirix, ft;y Pa tsisoti, Lathe' '"prnneld . (,'alcri d School. A E Ureely Ohndni.' tli-ir, Itlatidi iJeis'or, E1U McOree, Outoie II '.ni. Kiiitnn li .eooi'. L vi Obrirtian L'lura Hill Mamie Turner, li'.dit Shenp. k. CSt! 'er, Snpt. HIU Mill nt Mil folk. Norfolk, Jan. 10. A silk u-ili will be rslublibbed at Lamlx-rt's Point, in t'.e suburbs of Norfolk. A company with $400,000 capital has been orauizsd and the money secured. A vaeni't tuctory hire will 1"3 IcuSdJ al ouie, oud i,i tLiu local labor will bo trained during the erection ot a pertuuueiit Imildiug, which wi'l tt.iu i.biit .Uay 1st. A I'lii'iougli investiga tion (f ciiiuntio cond'.tioiif; horn to Itw belief tiiat Noifolk vns ho l)fnt poiat in thin' t:t untry for the purpoan. This will ba tho Hi t large ei Ik mid ia tin) iSu'.th. ritfliLlnjc curiuriiliou. We hiv) of;uu wihhsu to eiiape our te itimeiit i:i ndfqna'u wcrda the t: k e top;c. Tae iViluiit glon I-!o-r.ii; j St.r h:vi saved tig the labor at..; Ll - u i : is : Coore ia i cei tuiu c'as tf po'i icians tbiso nntiy wbo .eui lo think the sum of utasiua sbip coaoiils iu Qbting corpuiuonc and making it as diflioult as possible for the corporations to live. The fa t tLat it is a corporation is enough for them, regardless of what itc'iisor does not. But there are Jitfiit'Ct kinds of corporations, and tvh'lu nume of them dedere fighting and thrashing, there are olberj which, instead of bard knock?, de dei f j support Bud encouragement, a fait which ia not always duly ojus eidered. VVheo corpora ions com biua for tho purpesi of tecurin; monopoly of ooiamodi .its in com moa uce, especially of tbe necssa ries of life, destroying competition and then advancing the price ot commodities to extort from con sumers and make unreasonable pro fits, they become .public eneiaits and put tuemselya beyond the pal of generous treitment. No one who is not pecuniarily identifiVl in feme way with tucli a combination wJl defend it. Th' re are other corpnri tionj which are publio benefactora, although public benefaction waf not the inrpiratiou of theii crei'ion. I'rivae gain iris ha iuepired them, but in contributing o private gain they became public betiefiiC'.orit, bicatis' they eju'du'i dl. the former without doing the latter, altheugh thoy might and often do the latter withou-; doing ibu former. Oonspioioua, and the moat oon p:cuous, nmong these corporations arc tba railroad i, wbich fur t tu reason havebeccute the pet Bitision of a certain class of politiouua w bc aajiire to be connidered ataeameu. The Populist p .rty sprung iuto ex idtence with aotai-otiiciu to tialreads is iti principal atnek in trade, wbib if it hrdu't been for railroiids eom of their loudefltvruou'h SBJailantn vrotild uev,jr have ben (liecovered inaide of the poli icul arei a, for thi country that many of tb m repre sent would still bs a wilderneca. They didn't carry their antagonism o the extent the o'd fellow in Mis tour! did who wanted to pull up the rails of the firt railroad built in that State beoatue the locomotive fright, e eJ bis cattle. Tbe lend the old felloiv cwred wa worth about b'x or eitjht dollars an acre, sad cow i' is worth from two hundrtd to fiv fintd ed dollars an acre and t!v railrond which frigh'euod his catth ind worriidhim eo nooh did it. I'bey Konldu't do liko thit old rua '10 tear up tbe rails, because the recognized tba fast that they are pubiio conv, nieiice, and of some u -e; but ihey would taka thi m away from the nif-n who owned thi-m if :by refund So acoipt the price of fireJ and run them as a mere ao oomaio lation( and os an annex tf t epulitcd party which happened to b? iu power wbtn goveinm.-nt control was secured. There is iioi as unch of thai kind of uoi.sousn talkvd new as ttwe wi s i few yeHrs ago, for thfl pi op'e have :ttn tbe gmzy ('emagofjy of he a'e.-men bo wore on', tfcrirora'cry oa trie rauioa anu inma tu tnui lia rort.'s oii'at to h..ul them a( bos" ,-.ves, and giva tliem piricrs oir 'iCOLiumooa loos, -oo : out enr he tear oa raiiroda eoi'S on, not fot be purpose of mak tg them ca tionu! tr S a'e property, but for the purpose of bumpering und reatri ;t- irg tut qi 'o Jie dJt ut sotnt!uja cf ineking it unprofitable to run tbtm nod (nfi)ioir;; a rii,id economy iu operati g th..t luipaiis their Uiefol ofss as p'lb'x serval.ta iiud cnitncu earn ra it it oo a not no o'ut. h bmkrup- them. Ibat kind of m Uoniew iJ even more ('aneroue than t .e Pi pallet meilfl cf mu f ire wi', b ciu e its probable tff.ct is no' eo a; prent and hsa politics i p- ptar iu it, altlionh there m-j be a good deal. W-ilo all 0'" portion- which bold pib'ic fiatictn8C3 ar.d obtain privi. le;eij by law, and pcblia protio i , should be hed under piojier restric tion', they sheull be given every enci urigement consistent with jus tice 'o the people from wham they rtceivs tleir franchises and pro'ecsj tioa. Thi is true in a general ay and npp i(3 to all par's of the coun try, but it is enioifily true cf the .irrh, tiii.nh has entered upon a a-w in itJd1 .iul caiecr, and ia to be not only a great arioultaral bat als so ft great munufantnring eeouon, although we have scarce' y orjswd the tbrrrh Id y.'t. Kea'uing this, it U lu' v'aiijed, lib rid legi .1 .tion lj it i? nt'ed'"', an I l'oue of thenai li Hthi-d, iii tuag ''gU'1, hiru icip- pii'C, enterprise-H.nolberiuj; brand. Vile ftii'iim i tin?, wo have lu view all mJi;4iri"l entr-prises tl.' riqaire co rp iauju or ipi'cial lu yentuieiit of tap. til, and tk M orixocrier.ce, to oprrnte, wa iiiv tncu eq-ro uliy in viewou; ruilrouJe which more frqucntly than other enierjiiistpj and almost coutii ddub ly, a.e tbeflulj.'otR of legifU'ivt. propositions or cf Irgisla'.iys action . North OaroMns has not ytt one-half of the railroad mileage she needs, and North Carolina must Dot get the nama tf being unfriendly to rail roadp for that will retard their con' strootion, and by doing that will binder development and prevent tbe establishment of a multitude of othsr industries which railroads make possible, whioh could not be established or oonld not be kept alive if they were established, without railroads. There are portions of North Carolina now in which tbe ivbirr of machinery is never heard, which would be alive with it if the; had r dlroad transportation, as there aie portions now which two de cades ago were almost in primeval state, in whioh there are great maui ufacluiing centers because they have railroad transportation . What nature does for a country by applying rivers wbich become highways of transportation, oapital dots in a better, more reliable and more expeditious way by supplying -ail roads, whiuh, unlike tho livers, go whete men want them to go, snd are always under the direction and control of win. They cross the valley and ttie plain, and the moun tain, and neither droughts nor raine nor fret z-s make them ncelecg for tLe time being. While exercising due diligence in protecting the Commoni3alth and 'he pt-ople, our 'er;ialutlou to encour age enterprise and tho inves.nient of capital in such enterprise as have a tendenoy to develop our resources build up olber enterprises and cons tribu'e to the General prosperitv bou!d bo 1 road gauged and liberal." Let ttie InvrntlKatlon .Be Tlioronsli. Mr. J K littery, recently ap pointed superintendent of the State farms, is quoted as saying tbat he has finished an inspection of all the farms on the Roanoke river and that he finda only one, Somerville, in good condition; that there are Biz thousand barrels of corn yet uns gathered on the Roanoke bottoms, and eight hundred bales of cotton unpicked. This is one view of tbe lack of btimnecs management tbat has pre- rniied undor the Smith and Mew- borne administration. The people ouht to know every fact conneoted with tbe penitentiary, and the in vestigating committee ought to use a net that will catch the rascals and inc impotentb "a-coming and a-go- iog" Tbe committee ought to be com pelled of tbe ablest and fittest men in both Houses men who will have tbe time to go to the bottom, and if they cannot get all the facts by the arij lurnmentof the Legislature they ouht to be empowered to finish the investigation after the adjourn ment of the Legislature. Their pro ceedings would probably give us "Fraud Report Number 2." News and Observer. A looil Nuifif -ntlou. A board of pardons is very badly nee Jed in North Carolina, and is a matter which the Legislature should attend to. It is too great a reepon- nihility for any one man, as the Governor doos, to exercise the par- power. The pardoning power is ofteu abused and or.e man is more krly to it than would a board of pardons. Monroe En quirer. ftrnflerl Meliool Ilulltlliiff Burned. Tno Durham graded school build ing for the colored was destroyed Wednesday night by fire. It is be lieved to ba Incendiary. The build ing and equipments coat over 87, 000, Tbe insurance was $4,500. It will be rebuilt at onco. faciei of Beauty j health. The secret of health is he power to digest and assim late a proper quanity of food This can never be clone when .ho liver does not act it's part DoyouS;nov this? Tuii.'ti Liver Tills arc an abso lute cure for sick lieacl.UiiC.dys j.epsia, sourstoir.ach, malaria .onstipaLion, torniJ liver, piles j.iuf.uice, l)i)tou:i fever, bilious iH'b.s ami kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills A nORRIBLE DEATH. A Ynanv lirnliiiifin'H t'oni Nil Uhllo ( iiiipiiuv iiih In tlie (tinr luiie YHrn Rudy Horribly JKnu (lid. Au uwfnl death did Mr. M Enoch, of Htokesdale, titokes 'Utility, incut in Charlotte Thuis day Li;:bt --lii!o roupling cars ia the yard. Vriul.j just in the act ol making the coutiliuj.;, bin foot slipped and the wheels pafsml over his body, crushing his, thigL, mushing bin arm bniliy anl cnt- ting bis right lcjj. This hnppenod j about 8.30 Thursday nilt ntul the young man, amid the most awful suffering, lived until 11 o'clock, each moment begging that he be relicyed from such pain as he was enduring. He was a young man and is of course known by all of tho rail road men, bis run as brakeman having been between Spencer and Greenville. btlll Blnklnff Improveoienla. A force of hands are at work at ' tbe depot preparing for tbe obange I soon to be made tnere into our new passenger elation. Tbe walk along next to tbe main line is being grav elled. A big job is boforo them changing the pipes to and from the water tank which will be placed near the ,. engine room of the Cabarrus mills. Pipes are being tuken out at son-o places, while new ones are boing put in at othor places. The water lank near the bridge will be torn away, aa will also the etandpipe now utanding near the crossing. Two new Btaadpipen will be put iu. The dopot, with the exception of putting in the seats and changing the ticket cflioe aud telegraph wires, now awaits its "christening." It seems to still be a question as to whether the telegraph operator will occupy the new room or stay in the freight office, as heretofore. I'rubnbly Htw Collon Mill. In the Salisbury correspond ence to tbe Charlotte Observer, I we ace that Mr. Julian A Hall, of Danville, Va., chief engineer of the Cona Export Company, of Greensboro, accompanied by three directors ol the company, loft Sal isbury Thursday for the Bhoala in the upper part of that county. Thoy went for the purpose of closing a deal for the Fisher Fall property, and it is their intontion to build thore the largest cotton mill in North Carolina. Theyj .,, . . f I 1 f - will have from tho wonderful fall of water at this point a Lorso ; IMHj,. a ca.ivass of the Seunta ex power of 12,500 for the operation pect not n ore than a dozon votes of their mill. There seoms to be , no doubt about the promoters putting this enterprise through. Ttie Ureal rim. Memphis had a fire Thursday night that consumed the large dry goods establishment of J Street a republican form of gov- Menken & Co., to the value of $750,000. A fire destroyed half of Bridge- water.Navia Scotia about the same time, including 68 stores. The residence portion of tho town was narrowly saved. Losses were about $250,000. Krv. C. Miller Klected Eriu'Velim. At a meeting of the homo nii3- sion board of the Mecklenburg Prehbvterv some davs aco. I.eT. C Miller, who is now pastor of Rocky Iliver Presbyterian church, was electod as evangelist for Stanly county. It is not known whether he will accept. If he accepts his headquarters will be at Albt marlo. A Npeelnl Kdlllo'n. Mr. C Beauregard Poland ef thin city is prepariug to publish a haud- Bome souvenir f dition of prominent North Carolina Democrats, in honor of the grand fight for white supre macy by the Democratic patty it the ncont oampaign. It ia Mr. Po land's intention to make this edi tion one of the ha ndsomest ppecia' publications ever isaued in the State. The cuts ot representative Democrats to be ned in this publi cation will be handsome baJMone work, exeouted by one of the lead ing engraving firms of tba oounlry The edition will be appropriate! illuetrated, and will contain artieh by the mist forceful writers In tl 3 'ate. When completed, thi edition w i. ba about (10 pages, tno 1014, printed on handsome tinted paper. It will bo o , publication that one w'll iak pleasure la rem ding. Raleigh Ponr- R3ake9 the food more delicious and wholesome (tO'H flWM ICE FACTO KY ! Cnneoril Will Tail lit Line hi liure lee Mill l Mmlo llilnre lw-l -?tip' Concord Ire anil r'nel Com ;iiiy. Another entmptis? bun ioiu for Coccoro, and this titno i i ui.. ico factory. Before tto moiilLis have parsed ice will be made riLt hero ii- Concord instead of boir.2 bonghi from adjoining towns. Beyond all doubt all of tbe ma' ckinery, corsisltDg of engine, boiler condenser, eto., hsve been ordered and i!I ba in operation by the 15th of Fthruary . The fir;n name will be the Oon- r.,n jM 0 i Fael Company. Mr. 1 Jay vault, whose merits are w 1! knu j 'iifor enterpr'se aDd go a! .-- '. v, i!l be the Bole proprietor of the ejti-.iil , huient. Ood and wood iu luroe 'i jsntitiis will be handled fn connection with the ice factory. This ia an enterprise of which CVior or I ciin well be proud and ihich will put it in line with other tiiWtig . . m fomo calibro. A pliort iilit. Hit t'iroe tbin3 are ceo. In - i-;r-', hi-O'vltdgr.', tctnpi;r atid time. !' 0 : ' - Mi . Men r. ;rratle the gods in r.othitig r-o mviili .it doittr; good to thour fel low c; .t't..-:8. Cicero. Tl: . sr.; few wild beasts more to he dri'-dd tu.ia a talking man hav ni nothing to say. Swift. i --ro Urs.i and sure the hand of stri'iiia when it obeys the wstc'if 1 1 rjc cf caution, 1'Lompi WortiH r-.e lika leayrp, an t wbtro tbe mn-.t, nbonnd nmcb frut of aonai- bue nth is rarely fnd. N !' ) tfton cn brines cullant and iiol-m nuurts in weak liosoms, o'triT'ht, 'lod bless her, in woman's bre'i t. - - Dickons. T", l.nti caessbaanother plitpue atf.-i in' 1 t- it, even curiosity, for lirat i j v i-h to hear much tbat t io) H..M have much to sav. i v.: . ?'-r. . lonr's Auu niliiieat. Oitlio Demoeralio side i;;l i ci tjn Senators will onlv yoto I1L.-W .ML I.IIJ lULLULIULilI UL IL1I7 lv, ( f Thow .ho . ,i ii;n.. ,u unoLoer unnus amonditiei-t offered by Mr. Hoar will roceiva a larger support on both sides of the chamber. This amf-mlinei t i? a declaration aca": i policy aud principle of territorial expansion, it declares that it is the purpose and the in- teiKion of the UDueu estates to iiumniit m tiie I nilippine Islands, and t ) voluntarily withdraw its power and authority an soon as the people of those islands are cap tblo of managing their own rifl-iire. It expresses in a lew wouIh tho policy so eloquently iid ii tiod by Mr. Bryan ajid other euiiuetifc men, and while thi ro is uo in, liability that tun peace t'ei iy v, ill bo amtiided, because tint; would necessitate tho reas- iseuiblinj.: ct tho runs commis uioi crs. Mr. Hoar's aiumidineut nvil. l-e ohoreet as a soparato prop OBI th. eei .in to be voted upon txtore 1 itaiy is ratilie.d and will re e tho support cf nearly ail ihe D- t locrutio Senators and (jure a anmbcr of llepublieans tl.iu ni i unwilling to ast;uuio tho ri "-ponnibility of u pomianent gov yiii nel in tha Philippines or a coa ninl in hey nun here, iu,: u Corret-pondeiiOtf .! ( I'l'-l. -Wabh Chicago NOTICE. Tin 'lrl i toeLhoIders of tho O W 'ii Miinufiicturitig Com- pa.-y ct heibby notified to meet .it ill) o flice of G W ratterHOn, and Treas., iu Concord, on Wediif-sday tho 25ih diiy of Janu ary, iSO'.l, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for tbu tranwaetion of impoitant ne?8. l''urther notice is kivei; (he t application will be made tojwa8''iiooked" of !m Clio-, k of the bupenor Couit1 ! t ibi-.i rua tfcunty to amend the ' ,iu: i tho'eompaiiyfi'.l; Hie ex i ..ti of thirty days t'r.-uu thin , J n. 1-1, lAti:' Ti' P. K.'.vdi.kv, Jdl'wfli President. i.,,";. !lj..V S'W- u-.i'ijivi; -," MHG PftwnPK CO., NFW YORK. IlllSUllEVI NrAIKNIIAN UKIU. JMr. Ilinuli'y 1'nnMeii Awhjt nt 10:3il Frfiliiy Alc-ht--Uri mid Pnenuio nlM Hie Cnuiie. CougresHman Dinley died Fri day Lijbt, tho 13'h, at 10:30 'c!.ck. Ilis sieknets da'.is from D csmb n 29 h. Ha took la iripjie, ttiul opening do:r to every kind cf malady, aiid ptiPitmonia let ir, against which modiol skill battled in vr.ip, II was nearly G2 years old, and of course ouiy in tho prime of life as to statesmanship. He vr?s the father of the present tariff bill which is a monument to bis financiering ekill viewed from the Republican, or protective tariff standpoint. lie served Lis native State, Maine, from '73 to '75 as Governor, and has been jn Congress since '81. An Aged 1'Hdy I-anties Away. Mrs. Leniz, the aged mother of Messrs. William, Eliind Crawford Len'z, and several married daught' era, died Friday night at the home of her son, Mr, William Lentz, of No. 9 township. Mrs. Lentz was 81 years old. She was a widow for many yeare. Mr. I'rotiHe Exonerated. We inserted the dispatch as we saw it with regard to the suicide of Miss Plonk, of Lincoln county. It was Baid that it was probably a love aflair that caused tbe resh aot. She was engaged to Mr. Jno. Crouse, with whom it was said she had quairsled at a party. Crouse, it seems, was away, and the quarrel Could nut hove occurred. lie wan at her burial greatly distressed, and eays he was off trying to get the means to bj ready to marry her. lie Wauled the l.nrjcor Olrl. liev. Huvner, before returning to bis home at Newton, went up to tie jail and talked to Mr. David Uan nan, to induce him to give consent for hia lawr girl to return to Naw ton with him. It was the intention of Rev. Havner to take her to his own home and keep her there. Mr Hannan would not giye his consent though. iM A Tonnif Acffro Iloy Indicted. Aleck Martin, a young negro boy, was tried before Eiq. Hill today (Saturday) for the stealing of some birds iroin a conveyance in the back lot in roar of Enppen field's. When Deputy Townsend was about to arrest him, the nogro started to run, but Mr. Townsend has a reputation for swiftness of the fcot aud soon succeeded in grabbing the coon. The little negro tried to shed his coat, but another grab wa3 made and the law had him. He will appoar at tho next term of oourt to answer the chaige.N Ho encceedod in getting a bonasman. Cilncntom Invited i Probably next," to an election law tho General 'Assembly's next most important - law will bo the school law. Henator Smith stated Fnday that there will be a joint ineoliiit' on iloudav niuht, the 2llrd, in tho Bountu clamber at which it is desired that educators aud nersons interested in the cchool work ara nioet in vited to be nresent antl oiler counsels and plans. A lllnnlilt-il Haliller. Jos. McCa'lum, a disabled sol dier from the Fourth U. S. Cav alry, lauded here aud spout Fri day night, no stated that ho was stationed near San Fruuciseo and was hurt by the runaway of his horse, his fcipiuo having been in jured, so much so that ho a n not walk erect. He was taken to the hospital, but wus discharged after recovering sufiiciontly to travel. At YV'uHhinglou, at which plaeo ho was applying for a pension, he his money and wni on his way to his home at Montgomery, A'a. A purae was mitdo up by Houid of tho young aieii hero r.n.l ln wojtt ol lo ChBi'lott;'. Co -v u liii.'i f about .10 years of ui'o. I - I : . Jltind-i 'I.e.' . W'ii. i ' (),' I" i V From Aumou to fubarraii. Tbe following locals ta'ten from the Waleeboro MrBe iger aad 1 1 til .igfticer : M. 0 II German and f rrdly, cf Morven township, have moved to Concoid. Mr. 0 L:po It as sold hii land in BdruBville township aud bis inUrest in tbe Fountain Hill ginnery to 3 D Kits &, Co. and has mcvid to CaUr- rua county. To meet m Norfolk in Jnne. Agent Dusenbury, who has just returned home from the meet ing of railway agents at I$i lias wick, Ga., toils us that tho next similar mooting will b v hold in Norfolt, Va., on tho 2nd day of June. The National AgrwWJon ulso meets there on tho 3rd of June, so will bo crowded with railroad agents. Dering the visit to Bri;iwick, Ga., the amenta were given trips to St. Augustine and Jackson-villa and plact a of special intercut. Concord Mill Biewm The Textile Excelsior Bays ; "F D 8 Savage, assistant ovt rseer of epinninjin Elizabeth City (N C) Cotton Mills for nearly 12 mouths, hta taken a similar petition at night with Cannon Milk- Coauord( N. U. "J R West, who has been run ning the Odell roller covering r.bep at Concord. N. C, has decided to go into business for himself, so h-t hag purchased a machinery oaifi. for coveiing spinning tolls, anu wui cow open up a shop at Eibertcn, Ga where he has fine proi pect: fer succ PS. He Won Ihe Prise. The following poetical effusion won for its author, tho editor of the Eocky Mountain Call, the prize of $1,000 for the best appeal poem to subset iboi s to pay up their subscription : "Lives of poor men oft remind us honest men won't stand no chance. The more we work there grow behind us bigsrer patches ou our pants. On our p.mts once new and glossy, now a stripes of different hue, all bei .aso sub scribers linger and doit pay ns what is due. Then let us be np and doing; send in yoar mite, however small, or when the tnow of winter strikes us we shall have no pants e all. 1 Drofltnlte Hot A rural subscriber uiks" "Do hogs pay ? We know that a good maay don't. Thoy take tiio paper several years and have the post master send it back marked " 're fusod." ' Such a breed is usually two-legged and unprofitable. Kansas Journal. 60 VEAB3' EXPERIENCE Tpanf HrlmDWtt AnTrme ndlniT oketch and tnrriptu.n may qoloklf nfliort(n our opinion tre whi-u i-r an ii rnntion is probably pntentAbln. Ojiunninlir fe.oDnntrictlrGnnfldonttaL Hand!- vkon ruri'M ut free, umest aHoncy ror t-ai. IffcUil nAtct, without chariN), li. . inn thou I AA44iflr TIM ' ft? " 4 A hnndsomrJf llliiifnfd wppIj I.t w-f "ir. riiliitU"" ot any MCluiiLUlc JnuriM 1-rn. , f ,.fir: f.nir moTittis, fL Bold by i : n-f Irrs. I Unocli OIUoo. Of Ut, Wu. .1. I . u L. T. HAPTSELL. ATTORNEY-AT-LA V, CONCORD. - - N C Prompt attention riven tn a.! buiiiuees. Office iu Alt i's bn.Umg lojiosite court house. Southern Tim . . .1 Standard Rail. t of the SOI TV . . . THE.DIRECT LINE TO A.A ! vti I v TEXAS, CALIF.-r-FLORIDA, CUBA ANDfORTO RICO Strictly fTRSr CLASS Equl ... r Througa and Local Tr ii ; . Palace Slceplnsr Cars i a Trains; Fast and Sate Sc . . Travel rjyttie .. ,,3 yi" are s!ir -i s furMeie an J 1.x ney. , . . Apply to T'cki." Al'-"(-i , -.1 I . ..i i-r A H. I. i.H-:- n, 1 . ", A . .".l.H l.ltl J, f) i. r u Ti'u jbie .o -Cue I r-ii'k S. 'I.tTiii in. ,J. L,t.I F, V. 'rj i,l'.j-j.;i M kfr, Tr ii ,Y n , VashiNuPJ."!. It l,, I. u. o r 41 EiJ I