""ST' IP'S .. lf-.-V--SBtaMSi"f-f?W The - Standard GOOD - JOB - WORK AT UVfNG PRICES. iHie - Stand, d. f ; A 1 IPn s 3 i I J .TP J PRINTS THE JJPFa!) THAT IS JVJSirtf For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Qive us a Trial. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C; THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. OS i KJ GOOD NEWS Again Come From Ang-nallna-.A B rd UboI Kitfffts:d In Becovarlng from the Bod Weather. Brief tas been partly mowed tin- dor, but at tbii writing neirly ever; vestige of tbe msgio action of the fretiiug department of nature's myi terioas aerial water-works has been diapelled by tbe refulgent smiles of venerable King Sol, Tt e ground it drying nicely, and oar little village all aglow with bems of ocmplaoen cy radiating from her modest, grate. ful brow, ia preparing to celebrate tbe happy turn of events by the erection of a new dwelling plaoe on her pinesoreeted eastern border. By a reoently negotiated deal Mr. J, L. Tocker transfer! bis aaw mill plank to Messrs. Tnoker Bros, of 8ui.1t. Mr. Pavid Long mores away this week, bating accepted a fl ory po sition in Mr. J 0 Long's grist mill on Goose Ureek. It is sagely intimated by the ob servant that some of onr patient long suffering magistrate may yet be able to enjoy tbe toDgoetickIing lnzary of taking "sugar in yer O' flee o," as some of tbe rudiments of several petty litigations saem to be in an advanced phase of develop ment. Bird-catching by various de- yices now affords tome amusement to tbe pportingly inolined. We, our self, served as tbe ''third puhson" in a trio that wont on a nocturnal depredation against tbe featherly tribe. Our offensive and defensive weapons consisted of a pine torch and a thick-branched bush for each ep rtttuan. The birds well, they we e ex peeing to be dozing quietly in neighboring brush heap, and to come oat promptly when we knock ed at the doors of tbetr various lodging plao-s. This being oor first bird hunt in years and years, we trubt that the sympathetic and a-prec'ative editor will pardon as for me itioning tbe matter, especially as we are not quite sure that we, ourse'.f, seriously injured the phyatv cal health of any birds, although flying feathers were greatly In evU denoe at times. Brie', Jan. 18. Atjqubtikh. An OmiHlM or Tnroo Mama Teolcr. In getting the result of the stockholders' meeting ot tbe Ca barrus Savings Bank, onr in formant failed to giye us all of the names of the stockholder. The names of Messrs. L J Foil, Dr. JJ W Flowe and Jas 0 Gibson were omitted. This ia another one of ihoBe times when a re porter gis s bad reputation for correctness, when the blame rests not upon him. But that's the way it goes. lrB.tel to Sunderland Hull. There now hangs in tbe chapel at Sunderland Hall a beautiful, al most life-!ie portrait of Mies Laura Bunderland, to whose memory this hall was built. The portrait was presented by Dr. Sunderland and is of ooUrse greatly ' prized by U e institution. A Dumber of nloe pic tures were received pom days ago from Washington for the Institu tion alco. Two Awfnl Denlho In Kowan Coonty. Mr. "Don" Josey, of Kowan comity, was taken with, an ep ileptic fit Thursday noon while standing before the fireplace. He fell into the fire, burning himself badly, all of his clothes having been burned off of his body down to his knees. A phjsician was called to him, but it was. too late, be haying died a'ter several hours ; He leaves a wife and two children. The fiye-yearsold daughter of Mr. Geo. Black welder, who lives C miles' east of Salisbury died Thursday frt m her dress i -In;, canght on fire, Before 0 e 11 imes could be extin guisuri all the clothing, ex cept bundd, had been burned irom her body. tfO CURB, NO PAT. That tsj thej' way all drucrftita sell Orove't Tasteless Chill Touio (or chilli and Mttluia.? lit siniplj Iron and ,i,ii ino lu oj tasteless form. Children Jove it. Adults prefer it to bitter, nan utl:i6iTuDioa. Price, BOo. The Ewaricaae still Bangs fire In t'.ie United States Senate, with i ,-. 'M-Jg of fl chance of corfirros A BIO INCREASE In I bo Ainouul of Smloen dudo By the Coborroo ttiivlna Bnnk " Ihe Paul Year-rue Old Jlrcior Eleeled A tain Olber OUSeere ! Be Kleeied Later. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Cabarrus Sav ings Bank was held in their office today ( Thursday). The re port of ti e business for tbe past year was shown them, which is in every way not only satisfactory but pleasing to the holders of the stock. During the first year of the baDk'a work, the amount of busi ness done by thorn amounted to $1,550,000. .This year their re port of the volume of their work is $2,450,000. Tbis shows that daring the past year there has been an increase in their business of $900,000. Tbe old director, consisting of Messrs. Jno. O Wads worth, O W Swink, B 8 Young,J W Cannor,L J Foil, Dr.D W Flowe.J 0 Gibson D F Gannon -and Martin Boger, were re-elected to their offices. On aooonnt ot tbe direotors not all being present, the electbn of president, oashier and teller was not held, but will be made soon. me rabarrua: Jtllli lo rnrnixb Ihe Waier. As soon as all ot toe pipes are laid and the tat. k built the U ibarrot miils will furnish tbe water for thi eog'nes of the Southern at the de' pot The pomp bouse now used will be kept ready, thoogb, for inv mediate rise in case anything wen to happen at the null. This o lunge relieves Mr. Sam Rilob, wbo for mny years has had charge of tbe railroad pump house. For nony years Mr. Ritch has been in the employ of the f outhern and has given satisfaction, no tioubt, a all times, as he has been fukbfal tc his work. The Southern has off red biro a similar poeiiion in Charlotte. As to whether he will accept it it not yet known. It will be hard fo. Mr. Ritch, after living in Concord for so man; year, to leave this plaoe. For a long number of yean te bud charge of the section of track along here. Tbe Flret Yarn la Undo. Mr. W P Sbealey is now carrying about in his pocket the first sample of yarn made at the Lippards & Sbealey cotton mill, which was made todav (Thursday). Itis what is called "16 yarn." 8o now ih mill is In running order, and no one need ask when the new cotton mill will begin . Propoaed Labor Bill for Bortfc t are Una. 1. During public school term no boy, under 12 years old, shall be allowed to be employed for wages, and no girl, under 12 years old, at any time. If this law is violated the em ployers shall pay f 10 for each oase eaoh time and the parent or parents shall also pay $10 tor eaob oasn each time. 2. A legal day's work shall be 11 honrs, provided that 66 hours in one week may constitute six days work of 11 hours eaob; pro vided also that nothing herein oontained shall be so construed as to prevent the making np of lost time, or the necessary clean ing np of the machinery and mill after the running hours have ex pired 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or person's to entioe or en deavor to entice the employes of any cotton mill or other factory or any household or farm to leave any stated regular employment. Any person convicted of so doing shall be considered guilty ot a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be punishable with a fine of nt exceeding $50 or imprison ment for not exceeding CO days. 4. Enoh employe of factories, households or farms workiog for daily wap;es on regular woik abal be required to give two weeks' notice of an intention to quit, and should any Buoh employe leave bis or her employment without giving such notice to bis or her employer, he cr she ahull forfeit one week's wages, whi.-h shall en ure to tLe employer by way ot liquidated damages sustained by manner of such leaving, and the employer ia authorised to retain tbe said amount ont of any money in his hands due such employes. Such forfeited wages may be col looted by Bnch employers from the mill company to which tl fttui!y goes at the first regular pay day after they begin work. 5. Any f armor, storekeeper, factory superintendent or li.otory overseer who shall nse profune or lewd latitude to or in the pres ence of any employe during thd hours of employment, or any em ploye who uses profane or lewd language to or in the presence of any farmer, storekeeper, factory superintendent or overseer, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and npon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $10. 6. Any man who shall work Lib children for wages und himsolf remain in idleness wantonly, wLile liviDg npon the wngos of his chil dren, shall be deemed guilty of BJ misdemeanor, and on conviction shall be put upon the publio high way to work for a period of not more than 90 days for each off ence. Provided, that those who may be incapable of work in con sequence of sickness or the in firmities of old age shall be freed from the operations of this law. iee Mo Flora for la Tbeae Tlmea. Without knowing, quite a number of our people ask why it is that Concord never has any opera troops topping here, or that no traveling companies, sucn as minstrtie, etc., give Concord a stop. It is for the reason that the tuxes are eo higb that the audience nsually obtained here will not justify or even piy for their stopping here. The lax for each night's performance is $23 $10 for both the connty and State, besides a tax ot $3 to the town. Otherwise than pay this a license must bs taken out amounting tc 100 and the town uiu.t be paid itt $3 for each pcrformauc; besidiS. The hall will simply not justify tbe paying of such prices. A a arerage audience with the 35 and 50 cectf admittance will amount to i.boui $25 00. Badly Billon Ur a Cat. We are informod of the biting of the little child ot Mr. Iliiaii) Sherrill at Forest Hill toduy (Thursday) by a cat. The child has since been sufforing very much and was thought to have been having spasms. Itis thought by tome that the cat has hydro phobia, Colored Women II are a "Ml.l p." E-q Hill bad a oase before him in the city hall Wednesday night that was interesting and amusing from beginning to finish, all of the accused persons being colored Sam Black and wife, and Alice Harris and Kate Harvey were their names. One of tbe married women l.ad been accused by another ono of wearing a cape that was given her by some other person than ber hus band. Tbis is what oauued the women to "fit." In the gentral fupsing and "scrapping" Kate Har vey wa" bitten on the thumb and breast by one of the women. No deadly weRp-jn was used, and bo the matter was stopped by tbe four togntber paying the cost of the pa per1, wniob auiounu a to nearly ten dollars. The affiir ocenrred near Broad street in their par', of Con- oord. MUle Child Realded. While near the fire today (Thursday) the little child of Mr. nd Mrs. Jno. Cauble, of Forest Hill, was scalded. A kettle was sitting on a piece of wood in the firei'laoo. The piece of Wi od broke, throwing the kettle for ward. Llf for Lift-. " Private JoBeph Buckley, Com pany Hj Wecond Lousnina Volun teers, who killed John D Hughs of the eame oompany on January 7th, bas been court-martialed at Ma nano, ana it is unaersinoa mat tne iath penalty will be inflicted. Vcar amirera tleccvd. At a rueetirjg ff the mi mbe:s of he NdW South Club the other night, the following officers were elected for the coming year : Chas. F Ritchie, pr sident; Chaf. Wag goner, vice-president; Holland Thompson, sreretnry; L'star Cul tranc, trensprer Jamea Booker Unnrrtl. James Booker was hanjed in Raleigh Wednesday fir the mur der of Mahala Lite, a young negro wojm!?, whose head be nearly " blew off two years ago with an old musket. lie took angels' wings and flew to heaven (?). A Firo In Hew York. New York had a $750,000 fire V.'c 1.:s.Jny ni. V. 'ih,' tore of A J C meyor af 91 f ' ". Sixth Avetm: , 'm I Keen I'iinetfm.'l and Tw'ititinth f.',rei't ;, m ilnmst de stroy C'i, I GEX LEE 3 BIRTHDAY. ' he JfiiiKlitcra of ftie Conlmlerncy 1'ajr Tribute to Ihe itj-DM Olriceta Ke-llloeiFU A ! litU'n! noclnitf Pursiuiit to Le tcsfzestion'ai.ide by tins org!Liziion o.itLe '.me ago tie PaiivuWrs of ibo Ci:.!eiierut;y met TLuriday tftemooi with Mr Jas. W Cannon. Ai a tnbu'.e to Uen. Lfe, whose bir'h dty comes on that date, tbe annual election of officers Wi.8 L.'Id, A gtodiy uumber cf tbe members were pr'eeeuttd mid the meeting tis a duiightful and p'e.sant o e. It wa decidel that hereafter the annual eUc'iou of officers of this orgiviiiz iiion, tbe 1 odson-Rtiraeur Chapter, be held on Oen. Lee't b rthday, trie 19 h of January. The tfficvrs, wdo durirg the past ye-r terv, d faithfully, were re-ekcts ed. Taey are a follows: Mrs. Jno. P Allison, president Mrs. Jno OWadS 'orbj vice-president ; Miss Rose Earns, recretary; Mrs J D Arnold, historian. The manngrc are Mesdanes A B Young, Jno. B Sherrill, H M Barrow, J M Odell, R A Brown and Misses Mary Dod. son and Laura Leslie. Tbe Florida Semoa Open. The opening of the Florida season will be signalized this year as ueua1 by the placing in eeivice of tbe 'New York and Florida Limited" between New Yora and St. Angus', tine, Fla. This is acknowledged to be the fiuest train in the world, in its appciutmeatf, luxury and detail of finish, and the first t f th Be t reli ef II j i oh, and the first of these truice was constructed by the Pal mau Company fcr tbo use of ihe Presi dent of i'ue United S'atee on ollio.t.1 tours . "Tbe New York and Fh riihi Limited" leaves N'iw York except IJ'inday, at 11.50 a m. vii. the PtaLjylvani Railroad, the S,:u'h em R.il-av, Florida Utn'ral & Li'uscilar R R. aud the Florida EjsI Coast Railway, a-id reaches tii. Au udtire at 2 20 p. m. tbe following day, making the run, which c-xsasdf 1,000 mites, in tiut little more tlan twentysfour hours. No train bai attracted ao much attentron, and Up fume hi.s been heralded hereyor railroading ia known. It Is coins posed of Pullman CompartmentCars, each room being flnished in different woods end supplied with priyate lavatory aud toilet; Pullman Draw ing room Sleeping Oars of the latest pattern and finish; a royal Club Car for tbe gentleman j an Observation Gar with a handsome Drawing lbom at its reur opening on to a wide plu'orm; a Library (-'a1; and Dining t ar, in which the service and tbe cuisiae rank with the finest New York hotr s. lira- Rupert Nlch at Connelly aprlnga. Some days ago Dr. Stevens, of this place, was called to the bodside of Mrs. H V Rupert, who is known by quite a number at tbii place, aud who is now critically ill at Connelly Springs in the western part of the State. Mrs. Rupert's disease is catarrh of the stom ach. There is hope for her re covery. Mrs. Rupert is one of the members of the board of managers of both Sunderland Hall and Sco tia Seminary. I but lleaiitllnl Tribute. A Thur day was celebrated to va'ious degrees in memory of Gen. Leo, of wlioso birth it is tho anniversary, it is especially in order to rocall Hon Hill's beauti ful tribute to tho South's immor tal hero: "He was a foe without hate, a friend without treachery, a soldier without cruelty, a victor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring. Ho was a public officer without vices' ; a private citi.eu without wrong; a neighbor without reproach; a Chrit-tian without hypocrisy, and a man without fuilo. He was Csusar without his ambition; Frederick without -his tyranny; Napoleon without liisselfiblmess, aud Wash ington without his reward. He was obedient to authority as a ser vant, and royal iu authority an a truo kin. He was gentle a3 a woman in life, aud mo list and pure as a virgin in thought; watchful as a Roman vestal in duty; submissive to law as Socra tes, and (rand in battle as Achil les 1" R A Dodd, the woll known horse dealer, will Bull a car load of horses and mules at auction on Tnceday, the 31st, at the stable of Mr. M J Corl, on East Depot street, at Ihe old mftrllo stand cf A N MoNinob. 'wj2f,E'.i;h7s about 1.'? yen :ii. ABOUND STACK. A rrnlti,.,,, fr ,,e itralua of tie Intlirtiiallclnnw Tlie WlNnnsacll Milla Have Not Only Home hl;is. Nertlcnblp, rtul NuuielblnK lo Lsoli, C'n. Mr. It A Brown, our brink con tractor, who is foreyer building Rmnp.f.liinir nnf. i1 mini liau rfl. .g . , . centlv fiijinhed a hiirh brick smoke ! t-tack for the Wiscassett mill at Albemarle. Those who wish to test their arithmetical qualities can make p. calculation on it, aa several have already triod it. The foundation cf the stuck is 20 et i quire and 7 feet high. Froa. he top cf the foundation to the trp is 119 feet, with a diameter of 65 incbts Now how mang brick woald it tnke to till this flue on the ineidi al'.ewinu 18 brick to the foot P Eaob time almost th.it Mr. Browa buildf a large stack similar to this he givet tome pencils a chance to calculate. Uis counsel for suoh work is Prof, 11 T J Ludwi, of Mt. Pleasant Prcf. Ludwig calculates that the ho e will hold 35,340 brick. Super intendent "Billy" Cole, of the Oa- barrua mills, made nearly the eame calculation. Tbis must ba a fine thing to look upon a brick tower 126 feet feet high with a cap-like structure at the top. The .whole number of brick ned in it was 204,000. Rob rbrlNtlnn In Trouble. Sjoio of bis folks have received a letter from Macon, Ga., stating that R jb Christian, one the negro boyt of tbe Third North Carolina regi orient, had violated the military rules in some way ana that be would ba tried by a court-martial' This is the negro commonly called "Cabbage," who drove Dove & Boot's dolivory wagon. Rcclde.lly lu Erroi. "North Carolina did not have a single lynching in 1898, but with January little over half gone two have occuredjin the Stale in 1899."-The Ox ford Ledger. It is rather wonderful that the Ledger should drop into eo great aD error. It is to be regretted that it is and error as to the record of '98, but facts are facts. We have not the record of the lynchings be fore us, but we have an unmis takable impression of two. J Wreck at aCroaNlns:. A peculiar wreck took place at Pembroke crossing Thurs day, says the Maxton diss patch. The Coast Line freight and the Seaboard Air Line freight were nearing the crosss ing at the time. With great presence of mind, the engineer of the Air Line threw on the brakes and reversed his en Kine, causing tne coast .Line train to strike his train he tween the engine and the ca boose. Thereby no one was hart, but there was a general crash. Dellulilone. Silence is a still toise. Bushfulness is ignorance afraid. Conscience is our private secre tary. Economy is a Crat mortgage on wealth. Prudery is nothing more than ooqaetry gone to seed. Pleasure is like a hornet gener ally ends with a string. Flattery is like cologne water to be fiui'dt of, uotswa'iowed. A 'Vntlewun about town" 19 one who paja emu for everything ixcfpt bis deb'9. Kumor ia like a awaria of lees the more you fijjht tbi ui the less ou get rid of t! em. Anxiety is miik'ng a kicking htifer with one hand and holdiug her by the tuil with the other. Fortune is the aggregate cf re spoueibilitits a Roddaia whom cow.irds court by s!ea tb, but whom brave men take by s'orm, Dily It. fleeter. Two Bad Hen Dlapoacd f Nashville, Tenn.. Jan. 18, George Call and John Shaw, both colored, and who boro a bad rep utation in the community, were shot and killed by unknown per sons at LyncLburg last night. Both had served terms in the ponitoutiiry for robbery and had boon whippod by white caps and n out cf torn. Pcth rohiriH In Total Mokes the food more Qvt Mtrnrfl PROGRAM RENDERED Ry tbe l ltiliih nod nintb Grade or the Vradcd Nobool Friday Alter, noon. The following program was given Friday, Jan. 20th, by the literary society in the 8th and 9th grades of the graded school : Song, "Od Black Joe." School. Reading, "Not so Stupid as Ho Seems." Campbell Cline." Declamution, "B'-Bsie's Letter." Jerry Hall. Reading, "A Bridal Trip." Alice Foil, Declamation. Buford Corl. Essay. "Colonization ot North America. Anna Ritz. Recitation. "The Schoolmas ter." Ellen Thompson. Song "America." School. Reading "Jim Brown's Sister's Wedding." Mamie Lentz. i C. Events John Weddiupton. Recitation "Tho Witness." Oliio Fi.-her. Roadinj. "Small Boy in a Dime Museum." Oliio Cline. Recitation "So Wa3 1." .Lou ise Means. Song "Dixie,." School. Ho i'enalona lor Descrtcre. Senator Pritcbard ht.s introduced a bill for tbe purpose cf construing tbe ant of June 27, 1890, granting pensions to soldiers and sailors who cere iccap.citaled for the prrfor manue ot manual laor and provids ing for pulsion to widows, minor ohiliiii-u E.1.1 dep.-mleiit parents. The parpow cf Senoior IVitchard'e b: 11 is to so construe the law as to inol ade. all persons who jorved for 90 dayu in the nv'I.ry or naval service of the United B'utes duiing tho lato Civil war and who have been honor ably discharged thertfrcni, provided that it shall upply to those who served in the first, s. coud, third, fourth, fifth and s:x:h regiments of the United States volunteer infantry, who had a prior eiryice in the Con. federate service, who did nrt enlist in the Union service prior to De. cember 1, 1861. Tbe bili has been referred to the Senate committee on pensions If the bill of Senator Pii chard is enaoted into law it is e stimatea that it will place thousands of Dames of citizens of North Oaroliua on tae pension rolls who are not under the law as it now stands entitled to pen sions. This is a deliberate attempt to pens'on men who deserted from the Confederal a; my long enough be fore tbe surrender at appamattox to allow them time to serve 90 days in the Union army, and to our mimd is monstrous beyond expression, and if it becomes a law it will nflct upon tbe whole people, North as well bs South. Nothing could be more distasteful to a true Southerner than to think himself axed to pay a pen sion to a man that deserted bis eauee I in the hour of its di feat and turned bis gun on h a owu people and his own home, and no Wortnern man, having a prop;r conception as to what, constitutes manhood, to sai nothing of patrioti-in, could ever be indued to vote to I e4ia now paying i tbece meu for ti e tuachery of 3a ytars ago. Ashevil e (;"IZ " HiieU I r DillllBBe "O Lliurm.er. VV'e learn that lav. T J Uattis, ol the M E. church ha instituted mil agiinst Dr. JU Ki'go, Messrs B N Uukrf and W II Hrausjn, ct uur hum, una our own eitiz n, Mr. W 11 Odell, for daring? to his thura.'ter through libol atd sl-nder in the !a'e controversy lot. en Pr. Kilgo and Judg.i Clark. Th' par ies btv. been ennimotied t.) a; neji- in Oxf rd on Monilay, the 30 a m '.ant. bt plaintiff claims $100,000. Only WclKlicd 610 I'onuda. Mr. Jno. D Wulker, if No. 8, killed hid runt of a ebo'.e on Friday, the 20 h. It on'y weighed 610 pounds. As Gen. Wheeler said he thought be would soon be old enaugh to make a good soldier sn Mr. Walker thinks that by perse vering he will yet be able to produce a big hog. 1,)rs.,j(j' i'r, atium' r:.i ivu. delicious and wholesome pfiwrf R CO. , NFW VOBK. EESIDENOE EURNED. Xenr Albemarle LofcaAmounfa to One Tbouaiiud Dollar-A Real liatatr Dual. The Sianly Enterprise has the following items of importance : An important real estate deal war nude here last week. TLe Ctntra tlofel, house and lot, with 70 fee frontage, passed into the hands of Mr. W T Hnckabte. The piopert of B O Blalock, deceased, was re oently apportioned atnmg his hoirs the above property falling to Mrs. Minnie Crunp and Mrs. Phrons Slunkle, daughters of the deceased. It Is a moet desirable p"ece cf prop erty, and Mr. Hucl-sbel ii fortunaU in securing it. The two -story residence in which Captain John Leonard and his son and their families have been living for some time, 4 miles east of Albe marle, burned to the around Sunda) night. The Captain managed to save nearly all of his furniture and goods, but that if his son w,.s lost. His son has been married only s short time aud bad purchased forni tare and commenced housekeeping just a few days before the fire. Tht origin of the fire is uukuo n, bat is supposed to have bsea s;ar!ed ty a matob( kindled by ratd betweea the cjiiing and weaTbertoardirg. L was the building formerly owned bj W S Ingram, and which p spjd with the sle of bis land to the Crawford Mining Co. There era) no insur ance. The loss will amount to $1,000. TrtO Dfahunorably IHacuargcd. The following is tak.n from Mr. Gordon Cilley'i correspondence in the Charlotte Observer ; Privates Phillipi, of OVmpjoy M, aud Dixon, of Compuny K, haye been dishonorably discharged bj court aiurtiiil, and Puii.ipj Reti time months in prison for selling government property. Dixon wl sentenced to five yearo' imprison ment by the court-martial but thi part of the sentence was remitted b) tho reyising authority. Tbe Uelly lirlp. Is again abroad iu tbo land. Tbe air you breathe mav be full of its fatal (Terms! Don't neglect tho "Lirip,' or you will open tho door to fneumoiiia aud Consumption and invite death. Its sure sign aie chills withfover, headache, dull heavy pains, mucous dikcharjies from tho nose, soro throat and nover-let- ooukIi. Don't waste precious time treating this oourIi with troches, tablets, or poor, cheap syrups. Cure it at once with Dr- King's New Discovery, the iufullibloremody for bronchial troubles. Its kills the disease ircrms, heals the lungs and prevents tbe dreaded after ef fects from the malady. Frieo 50 cts. and fl.00. Money back if not cured. A trial bottle free at P B Fvtzer'a Drug .Store. An Arm and Tbuuib Krone. On Friday morning while at work in the Cannon mill, Mrs. J A Caudle, of Cannonville, slipped in somo way, falling upon the door, resulting in the breaking of her right arm just above the wrist and also her right thumb. Tho loft hand was badly Sprained too. For Over Fl ty Veara Mrs. WiuBlow's Soothing avrap has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for thvir child ren while teething, with perfect suc ocbs. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the beat remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve, the poor little sufferer immediately. Hold by druggists in every part cf the world, I thty-cye sents a bottle. He eare and atk for " Hrs. VViuslowa Sooth iug Hyrup,' and take no o'her kind. Tbe rhlludelphlu to Samoa. Again we have a little rumbling and janing about Samoa. Tho bruequeuess of tho German char acter is in ovidenee acain on the isltind, and the cruiser Philadel phia has been ordered there to see that tho treaty regulations shiill be conformed to or kcow tno reason why. Prevention ( ;ctter than cure. Tutt's Livfr Pills will not only cure, but if .aken in time will prevent Sick Headache, iyspepsia, biliousness, .nalaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS e$0!UTF'.Y WBE. A YOUNG MAN DEAD. Juo. II. Itov, e Expires Conauiopilon the niiliKly. Juo. n Rov.v, tbo 2u-year-' Id son of Mr. Henderson Rowe, of CanuonvIIl-.', died this (Saturday) morning at 3 o'clock of consump tion, with which he has been ; in hering for some mon hs. The fu neral will be conducted at 10 30 o'clock Sunday at St. Andrews by Rey. W B Oney, and the remains will be buriod in the old Presby terian cemetery. Daily of 21. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS and fever is'a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonlo. Never fuils to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitationb? Price 60- cents. Your money back it it fuils to core. Tbe Little ifr In Trouble again. Alock Martin, the little negro boy, who, on Saturday, the 14ihj was arrested for stealing two birds from a buggy, and who will answer the charge at court, today (Satur day) stole a pistol from the buggy of Mr. Henderson Wineooff in the back lot. An eye-witness from up stairs saw him quickly raise tbe lid of the buggy behind and then com- meccsd to run. Some persons started after him, but his where abouts now ere not known, aa he simply ''flaw." The pistol belonged to Mr. Tom R jgers at Glass, and had just been taken from the re pair shop. CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. S5o. The genuin has L. B. Q. on each tublet. Spain has tbe comfort of believing that Bhe saved the bones and the ashes of Columbus oat of the wreck. L'he supposed remains have arrived af'adiz, where the casket was opa ened and abont 30 bones ere found. Tbey will fi.jally ieat at Scv.lle. SO YEARS' tf EXPERIENCE Trade Mark i. DCSIGNS Copyrights Ac." AnTone pending A sketoh and (Ifsciiptlon may Qnfofely ucertAin our opt n ton free wnetbor ail Invention t probably patentable. Ooinmunlffb tlona BtrlctlyoonQdentlal. Handbook on Patents tent free. lUdest agency fur nocurmg jaf eutc. Patents taken through Munn A Co, rooelr wpertal notice, without, cliitrgo, in the Scientific American;, A hnndflnmetr fllnxtrated woeklr. Iinrost ctr- eiilatlon of any noluntiflo journal. Terms. $3 MUNN & Cu.381BrodmNew York Urauca OfOuo, G2& F St, Waablutfton, IX C m 07 an newaapaient. M. B. S TICKLE Yi Attorney at Law, Concord iV. C SlEtlAL ATlhMION GlVl 10 COLLUC1IOA&. Oflice upetaira in King building near Pcstoffioe. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M X. Steveni, M.D Drs. CALDWELL & fciTEVJsNS, Concord, N. O. JrDee in old post effice building jpposite Et. Cloud Hotel. Phone No 37 MOKK1SON H. UALVWElh ATToa-VlT AT LAW, CONCOBD, N. C Office in Morris bu)lding, ipposit Court house. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTOENEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD - - N C Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Horns buildi w lopoaite court house. Southern Railway. THE . . -3 Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE.DIKECT LINE TO ALL I'OIWIS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on ! Through and Local Trains; 1'ullir -n Palace Skering Cars on all Mj;.'t Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules .... Travel by the Southern nnj you are assured a S:ilc, Cora lortable and Expeditious Jour ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time TnM-w, Kates and oenerii iniormatio.;, cr Addiess R. I. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., CP. iil. A., Charlotte, W. C. Ashevllle, N. C. Ko Truublc to Answer Questions. Frank S. Cannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, ir.l V P.&lien M'ifr. Traf. Man., U r A. r"