The Standard GOOD - JCB - WORK AT 1IV KO PRICES. Give us a Trial. NEGRO SHOT. The - Stands L PRINTS THE MEWS TUA.T IS JVEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. TANDARD. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 1899. Single Copy5Cts. The 8 1 Thru Vrtron rll ( Halt at Chief Uoer Command aaa aa a Mesa I One of Ins RcrM SataBbatia (be Rival Mid. On Wednesday night some little disturbance aroae amoDg the males uear the oonvict camp a Bhort distance out of town on the Beatty'a Ford road. By the order of some of the bosses, the trusty, Jno. Knox, who still wears bis tripee and chains, together with Henry Phifer, who is with the claiu pang, but who wears no stres and chains, went to attend to the animals. Near 10 o'clock that nisht three neroes were seen to pass the corner. Chiei of Polioe Boger was informed at onoe of the mat ter. II a started in pursuit of the cegroeB. When he was nearing tbeni he called for them to halt. This happened when the negroes were about in front of Mr. Gowan 'jDnsenburT's residenoe. Instead of halting the negroes commenoed to run. This ot oourse made the matter worse and Chief then had rt,K"on to make still more of an effort. After they failed to stop Mr. Boger fired at them, but this did not stop them. Just as they were turning the oorner at the Episcopal church he fired at them again. One of the nfigroes was cap tnred in front of Mr. Jas. Ervin's residence on Spring street, but the other two made good their escape. The'nRro, Prince Loman, who was captured, was found to be bhot in the right side but the skin was only grazed slightly and he was not hurt but bdly scared. This is a case where an officer, in trying to capture parties who were acting unwisely, hit one of the inou. It is strictly against the mien, if they are carried out, for the superintendent of the chain gwij to lot any trusty be out of the camp at night and this was sufficient reason for Mr. Boger to try to make the arrest, not withstanding the fact that they fled from his oommand to halt. The two negroes who made their escape, Jno. Knox and Henry Phifer, did not return to the chain gang Wednesday night. a publkTmeeting mt tm Taaetaara to Ra Held The KlftMin ar Mast nlh na Data Kryolr la lavliad to aftcaa Tho meeting of teachers to be held in Concord has been ar ranged for Feb. 11th. A most in teresting program has been" ar rangod. Subjeots that oome near to the heart of both teacher and parent will be discussed, among which are: "The Bad Boy," "The Patent and the School," "Love and Money in Relation to Teach ing," "Local Tax and Education," The Scholarship of the Teaoher," "What the Examiner Expects of Teachers." Good rrnaio will be furnished. Teaobera, parents, friends and enemies of education are alike in vited to be present. Programs will bo printed in due time. starrtsd la CUT Hall. Two parties, determined that married Ire should be theirs and yet that day, were here todaj (Thureday.) The parties were Mr. Martin Caaup, of No. 8 township, and Mrs. .Sarah Wagoner, of Nj. 5 township. Tbey at first wanted to be married in one of the stores, but their request was refused. The to be bridal couple then wended tbeir way to t!ie city hall, followed by score? of attendants, and Esq. Ad, Crowoll, a brother of our townsman, Mr. 0 T Crowell, read the ceremony to them. ?Ir. Canup has a family of eight and his newly wedded wife has three or four children. Mr. Henry Bout Maorh'd Just as day waa breaking ttday (Thumd.y) Mr. Henry Boat, whose fuca is familiar to oar piople, was knocked down by some person. The affair occa'-red near Corl's stables. Mr. Bot i not hurt a'd nothing ba bwu dona about the matter. Mr. Bet said that on of the horse drown anooked bim don. fakii an Wkaela Taa. C.nt W II Rimseur. who ii running ' North Carolina on Wheels' is going to add another car, being "Uub hi Wheels." Tba Captain hue iiiH'lu a great aasoeaa of his ens tefrice. (Vn nwV--s ont tick, wear? and Ritlcw. A 1: 1100 UNO AKFMR. LlTrrjmtn Black ul fiiilUlprj Saot Thrca llmra Wfdneiiaity Joba Foreman or Ballnbary ror man Caplnrxd By tba wuleara Blacfc'a Waanda Dressed aad Ha Is Mens Home Ibree bata Taka Ef fect la tba Body ar Black. Wtdneeday afternoon Messrs. J 0 Black and John Foieoian, both of whom are liverymen in Ualieburj, had a difficulty at Brown's stable". In the fisticuff Black got the better of Foreman and beat him somewbst. On Wtdnerday night about 7 30 the cracklDg of a pia'ol was heard near the oornar at the Natl nal bsnk. A crowd soon gathered) around and at tbe same time Mr. Black tan into Gibson's drag store uh wounds from a pistol. Mr B!ok's statement Is that bad started to Brown's stuble and was fired npon. There Is a difference of opinion aa to the number of shots fired but upon examination by Dr R 8 Yoong, assisted by Drs. Snioot and Bur'ey- aon, it was found that Mr. Blaoc wa shot three times once in boch his right and left ankle and once in the abdomen on tbe right side, Oue ball was taken from his ankle. The otber two wounds were only dressed sufficiently to give him no trouble in getting borne yet tbat night on No. 38. One bullet, as previously men- tioned, entered on the right side of his abdomen. On tbe left aid quite a dark, bine p'acc was found, bnt there was no opening of tbe ekic thai tbe ballet could have pataec" ont. This ba li t was not located while here. Tins is Mr. BlackV greatest danger front the shooting. If the ball did not enter tbe bowelb he is in no dinger. Just after the shooting occurred a man was seen by several parties ron n'ng down Est Depot street Chief of Police Boger, together with sev eral o'her officer a, pursued tbe man. hn they had gotten down abont Mr. Ot-o. Mnrr's property on that street they baited a man wbo wat fonnd to be Mr. John Foreman, whom Mr. Black hid a: firs', stated bad shot him. A 38 calibre Ameri can Bulldog'piatol was found on Mr. Foreman. Without a trial, bat npon the ad- yloe of Judge Shaw, tho mn was taken intooustody and Chief Boger, wbo made the arrest, tamed him over to Sheriff Peck. Mr. Fores man at once employed Jndge Monts gomery as his counsellor. After giving Mr. Foreman his sapper at a restnorajit he was taken to jail. The shooting took place nearly at the oorner of the Nitional bank between the central telephone office and the corner. An eye witness in forms os tbat Mr, Black was only eight or ten steps from tbe pistol when it fired first. B ith of tbe men, Messrs. Fore man and Blaok, are large men. Both are respectable people and neither one is considered of a low character. Mr. Foreman, at his own expense, bad guards about him at his room in the jil Wednesday night and was furmal ed a nioe room in the jjil in stead of being taken to a cell. Mr. Foreman is bruised consider ably on the face and forehead. From It. Whitehead, at Balis bnrv we were informed early this (Thursday) mornicg tbat the condi tion of Mr. Black was good. 1 he bullet was taken from bis abdomen yet Wedteiday night when they hd ta'en bim to the hospital . Tbe bill was fonnd in the left elde near the braised place as described above A preliminary heariDg wi g:ven Mr. Foreman tbis afternoon before Esq iires LIUl and Piits. The it neiocs were sworn and their testi mouy tken. Mr. Lnke Johnson testified that immediately after the shooting some one went running by Urown'a stable and called for bis horse as be went by. Mr. Tom Johnson, of Albemirle, testified tbat he saw tbe flab of tfct pistol and heard the bullet whizzing an quickly got oat of tbe way. Onief of hoi ce Bger testified thit be succeeded in arresting Mr Poremm end f.sund in hid pocket s 3-caiibre pistol. Wh- n arrested be sked the Ohitf whst be waa being arres'td for. Ue was to'd that it was for shoaling Mr. Bl ck. Mr. Fjntnin tbeo sad; "Yis, did shoot thed d rassal. Ih be hurt mnoh?" Deputy Will Johnson testified, corroborating the statements of tbe others, but in addition stated that some one came down Eet Di'pot street with a horse and said it wae for Mr. Foreman. The horse was sent bii'k to the s'ab'e. Mr. Foreman made no statement on trial. After the preliminary trial a bond was asked for by Mr. fore man's counsel. The bond was fixfd at $2,500. Failing to si-onre the bond be was taken back tc jail. Court rraeeadlnvM. State vs. Shakespeare Gilmei, assault with deadly weapon. Ver dict gudty and fined ten dollars and the cost. State vs. Oscar Lomax, in two cases one for taking Mr. Robt. Wallace's mule out of the stable and riding it, and for perjury. He was found guilty on both charges and sentenced to the pen itentiary for ten years. State vs. Nelson Garland, as sault with deadly weapon. Ver dict not guilty. State vs. Jumes Gamble, Will Ludwig, Mose Jameson, Ed Isen- hour, Will Oannon.DaveDuBoise, Jno. Gilmer, Chas. Moss, Geo. Eos', Step Gilmer, Dan Cannon. The charge in tbis case was for a riot. Found guilty and judxment suspended on payment ot the costs. State V3. Wilson Garland, car- ryirg a concealed weapon. Fonnd gnilty and fined $10 and the costs, the pistol to be retained by the conrt. A credit of five dollars, which was paid at the magistrate's trial, was allowed on the costs. State vs. Jno., Oarr, larceny, not pros entered. State vs. Frank Roid, carrying a concealed weapon. Found gnilty and sentenced to the chain gang for three months. State vs. David Hannan, assault with deadly ' weapon. Found guilty and sentenced to thd chain gang for four months. State vs. Wilson Garland, as sault with deadly weapon. Not gnilty. State vs. Lem Jenkins, forcible trespass. Guilty, and sentenced to the chain gang for twelve months. State vs. Bcttie Jenkins, tres pass. Defendant discharged. State vs. John Johnson, lar ceny. Gnilty and sentenced to the chain gang tor four months. State vs. Jess Taylor, stealing a gnu. Gnilty and sentenced to tho chain gang for twelve months. State vs. Al Colbert, carrying a concealed weapon. Found gnilty and sentenced to the chain gang for four months. State vs. Jno. Enox, larceny ot a coat. Not guilty. State vs. Charles Ehaukle, car rying a concealed weapon. Found guilty and judgment suspended on payment of the costs. State vs. Will Jefferson, steal in? of articles from D D Barrier, guilty and sentenced to chain gang for eifcht months. A Kplenrtid Ncbaol. We are pleased always to hear of prosperous school work in this or Any other community and therefore we learn with muoh pleasure tba the school at Patteison's Mill's is in prime working order, nnder tbe management of Misses Gourley and Cameron. The attendace is nearly one hun dred and the sobool maobinery is working without a creak or jar. Tbe patrons do more than msrely peek the kids off to school, they manifest an interest. They furnish the warmth that some of us in former days got from tbe birch rod by supplying good fuel wood ready cut. Educational friends, especially from Concord, are inyited to visit ihe school. A Bone Fractnred In ilia .e. Between th hours of 7 and 8 o'clock this (Thnrsdsj) morning, Mr. Nelson, who has been here seys eral days i'h a drove or horses, met with an accideut up at Forest Ilill while he was leaving town. While talking to a mm he was kicked by one of the animals. The boae was t first thought to be broken but was fonnd to only be fractnred be tween the knee and ankle, lie was attended to by Dr. Caldwell and whs sent to Oiinrlotteon the train. Nbaotlna Near Havlton. A special to the Charlotte Ob server from Davidson says Mr. John Ilolbrook was returning from a party Wednesday niht when he was shot in the abdomt-n by a young man accompanying him. It was a 33 calibre pistol. Dr. Mnnroe extracted the ball and it is hoped that there will be no fatal results. Thawlna; Dynamite Kxplade. At the city quarry rear Ashe ville Borne workmen placed 20 . y, ,t: ,.f ---;3 by tho firetc iinw, i i p't 'led resulting in " dfalli ui iit Hurjora and (l.o ;i iu . r f Jolin -veeny aud Will AUGUSTUS n. GARLAND DEAD. Hrlckrn Willi Apoplexy Wbll I'leiidlnc In anprrmo Ceurt. Augustus II Garland, President Clevoland's Attorney General during his first term, diod sudden ly of apoplexy at 12:25 o'clock Thursday in Washington. He was addressing the Supreme Court in logioal but unimpassioned tones and apparently without ex ertions. He placed bis hand to his head, tottered and fell heavily to the floor. He was removed and cared for, but died within ten minutes. Gen. Garland bad made a repu- tation as a most able membeir of the bar, and had declined a place on the Supreme Court bench. He was serving his second term in Congress from Arkansas when President Cleveland called him to bis cabinet. Sinoe the expiration of his term he ha resided in Washington. Die Supreme Court adjourned in honor of tbe distinguished ju rist and statesman. ANOTHER MILL Ta Ba ;BolU by (ba Odall Bannfa- Inrlnc Company A Weaving Hill. Foreat Hill Correspondence. Superintendent R F Coble, of the Odell Mills, put a force of hands to work Thursday clearing away and digging the foundation tor bis new weave shed, which will be located on the north side of tbe present mills and about one hundred feet distant. Tbe building will be 211 feet long by 125 feet wide and will contain 500 looms. At present the steam plant will be sufficient to drive 1,000 looms. Mr. Coble has four sample looms ordered, which will arrive in a few days. These looms will be put on trial at once and a selection for the new mill will likely follow. air. Xobn Foreman Beleaaed, Mr. John Foreman, of Salis bury, who waa taken into cuss tody Wednesday night on the charge of shooting Mr. Black, of Salisbury also.was released Thursday night about 8:30 o'clock. His cousin, Mr. Will Foreman, of Charlotte, came over that night and gave the necessary bond. Mr. Foreman left that same night but re turned today (Friday). His bond was decreased to $1,000. Mr. I'nlbam Brought Bare lo Jail. A deputy brought Mr. Fulham here today (Friday) from the western part ot the connty. Mr. Fulham is the man who is charged with shooting Mr. Jno. Holdbrook, of Hnntersville. A bill has been found atainst the man already. At the last time heard, Mr. Hold- brook is in a bad condition, the bull having struck him in the ab domen. As Mr. Holdbrook will be unable to attend trial while oonrt is in session here, Mr. Ful ham will have to stay in jail a long while if he is not able to find a bondsman. His name is Na thaniel Fulham. A Bnnnway Attempted at Jit. Plena- ant. A funny little occurrence came to pas8 over at Mt. Pleasant Thursday night when Miss Laura Eoneycutt, the daughter of Mr. Jno. A Honeycutt, excused her self from hor parents. As soon as she loft the house she began to carry out her past plans whereby she should gain the one whom she loved. She went to another house some distance away where her in tended husband awaited ior her to don her bridal garments pre paratory to starting on the jour ney in a buggy. But by some means Mr. Honeycutt, the father of the girl, "smelt a mouse" and went after his daughter, caring not for the absence of foot ap parel. He roached the plotting place just in time to stop the jonrnoy and brought bis daughter back homo. But mind that Mr. Lindsay Voss's love does not yet terminate in this happy marriage. Ambascador Cnoate is credited with saying many pleasant and clever things. Ones at a dinner party be was asked whom be would like to be if could not be himself. He paused a few seoonds, as if thinking over the list of world's oelebrities, and then his eyes reBted upon his wife. "If," he answered "Iconldnotbe myself, I should like to be Mrs. Choate's second husband." Ex. A Boom Along- ibe Yadkin. Mr. Palmer, of Stunly county, who abont a year ago cauvasspd Ca barms count; in the interest kf the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance, ar rived here Thursday afternoon. 11 informs us that the land along at Pdlmersville, is boing bengbt al a bith price by the northern capi talists who intend to constroct a large electrical plant. He says tbat the company is paying cah for their land, too, and are paying good prices, some land tbat coma, un til recently, bave been bought for two dollars per acre has been sold for twenty dollars per aore. In tbe Hew Depel For the first time the passengers took thir plaoes in the new pas senger depot Thursday night to await the trains. The omnibnses bave selected their stands, as has tbe express and baggage wagons. Tbe station is nlsely lighted up both on the outside and inside. Tbe wbite people oooopy the north end of the building while the oolored peoplo have charge of the south end. Tbe arrangement for Tioket Agent Bingham is moch nicer now, a ticket seekers from each room are Just ia front of him an improve ment on toe old depot wnera one window was always to bis back. Jno, Mnrpba Bentenee rbnngad. Judge Shaw had sentenced Jno. Murph, the young white boy who was found guilty ol retailing whiskey, and which case was no ted some weeks ago, the boy hav ing had In his pookets several empty whiskey nasks, to the chain gang lor three month, but about 3 o'clock today (Friday) another ludement was civen. Ihe tudg ment is tbat he pays tuo costs ana that he be bound on a $100 bond for his conduct during the coming year, to be present at the January term of court in 1900, when it will then be ascertained whether he has conducted himself well during the year. Another Excitement Tbaraday After noon. Home little excitement reigned here Thursday afternoon when a re port was started that some persons had, in a snupioioos way, obtained some money, $2 50, from onr townss msn, Mr. Jas. Dayvau't. A warrant was taken out for the persons by Mr. Dayvanlt andofBors sent in pursuit of the men. They were captured at Glass and brongbt here Thursday nieht. The case was tried before Esq. Pitts, Attor ney Means defending tbe horse- traders, Messrs. Jones and Osborne, and Judge Montgomery appearing for Mr. Jas. Day vault. It was a que-r o8t. While the men showed no arms and claim that everything passed off quietly and peaceably bis tween them, yet tbeir actions seemed auspicious to Mr. Dayvanlt and he shunned them as quickly as possible. Tbe case was suoh that each of tbe twe accused persona ware bound on a $25 bond for tbeir appearance at oonrt They had the money themselves and put it up. Mr. Chas. D Cobb and wife passed through Concord Thursday nieht on their way to his home at McLeansyille, near Greensboro. At 4 o'clock that afternoon Mr. Cobb was married to Miss Lolia Cook, daughter of Capt. J onas Cook. It was a quiet home af fair, no one scarcely being present except the family. Mr. Cobb is conducting a school at his homo at McLeansville. He is an esteemed man and has a number of friends in our countyi having graduated at the college at Mt. Pleasant. A lady with a more lovable disposition, pos sessed of more friends, cannot be found at Mt. Pleasaut than Miss Lelia Cook. Tho bride is a sister of Mr. Jno. Cook, clerk of the conrt here. Tbe Sldre Family ousted. A body of White Caps raided a bawdy house kept by George Sides (white) on the outskirts of town Monday night, giving the inmates just fortjveitht hours to leave the county. Tnere were about tea n groes in the house when the raid oomnienoed, and they Had like wild eats when tbe Brit shot was flred. fbeie Regulators did net leave Sides very mach in the way of house fur. mailing, but they have relieved the town of a great noisance. This same family once lived in Concord and bore the worst kind of name while here. Not a more low-down, disgraceful and vile family ever lived here, and Albe marle oan well be prond that they have lost this family. Cotton Adyaneea. Cotton has advanced in New York aa muoh as $1.00 per bale in two days and $3 60 in Liverpool w'thln a k or si?. ff3 Absqwihx Makes the food more delicious and wholesome DOVH BAKfWO POwnf W OO., HfW VOOK. A PLEASANT TBI P. Qlvaa tba roldlera or Ibe First Bat- tallten Oar Hoya In It A Hewpa per t'orrenpondent Aeeonipanlee Tbeni A Fire at Marianne 0mp Columbia, near Hivana, Jan. 22, 1899. Fob The Stakdakd : Garrison doty in Cuba is not so homble a task aa was tupposed by the boys bes fore leaving the States, and since the aotiye servioe has begun, the operations giye tbe soldiers ample opportunities for a considerable amount of knowledge concerning tbe resources of the famous island, The first and famous batallion of the First North Oarolinn regiment, com panies L, of Concord, H of Waj- nesville, E of Raleigh, and E, of Statesville, left thia (Sunday) morn ing for an extensive maroh over a portion of tbe provinoe of Havana, and will DDCamp on the Bonth side the island on the Carrabean sea coast for six djfl, and then return . Ma j r Smith, of the first battallion, is in command. The boys were in a state of high glee when leaving camp this morning, each man carry ing his blanket-roll one.hdf thel ter or 'dog" tent, one blanket, one poncho, one change of underclothes, a gnu and twenty-five rounds of cartridges, together with the haver sacks, canteen and meBa outfit. The band accompanied the boys as far as Monte del Jesns, a Email park place near Havana at tbe interseo tion of the main tboronghfare or pike which lends toward the moons tains. Kodaks, writing materials and nrovim'ong were taken in irreat quantities and the trip will be qnite a pleasant one to those who were fortunate enough to have been called out. About sixty-five of the mem bers of each company were taken, leaving a detail in each street. L'eut. J F Goodman, Corporal Williams, Marshal Mabrey aod H P Ueaton were left in charge of quarters, to look after those left bthind. Hill lead tbe line of maroh. One week Is supposed to cover the time they will be absent. The weather ia quite favorab'e, it being cool and pleasant. One battallion of tbe Sixth Missouri regiment has cone on a similar trip in a different direction for the same length of time. Tbe North Carolina regiment was yesterday honored by a visit from Mr. W E Christian, tbe famous story writer and newspaper corre spondent. His mission here is in tbe interest of the Washington Post, Raleigh News and Observer and some New York peril dioal. He was the guest of Major George E Butler last night and thia morning be donned a uniform and accompanied the first batallion on its march North Carolinians may expect some excellent stonea about tbe famous First from the versatile pen of this prominent writer. A yery disastrous fire oocurred at Marianao on Friday night the mark et place having burned down. It ia said tbat the soldiers who are there doing provost haye enough cigars and tobacco to lust them muDj months. There are othurd less for tunate, howeyer. At this piirtioular season the en tire lBland where cultivation is not ia process is covered with tbe most bemtiful and fragrant of flowers. Tbe predominating flower ia a d generated specie of chrysanthemum bearing a yellow cast, and from every hillside one oan see acre upon acre covered with this beantiful blossom and with a fayorable brei &j tbe air is odorous with their delicate perfumer In speaking of flowers recalls the fact tbat tbe floris s raise their pot plants in reed or "cane" joints, soma of which are as large as ordinary water pails. There are many rare and pretty flowers culti vated here, and nearly every home haa a oourt or conservatory. Sugar aad molasses cane la now ripening and tbe harvest has begnn. From every hill from milea aronnd great volnmea of smoke can be seen arising from molasses mills and augkr refineries. The poor, des pressed Cubans are beginning to Cheer rp since tbe indications of re Powder .Pure turning prosperity and buaUees. The sweet-potato ia one of the principle products of the island, but the vegetable has very Iktle near ishment. 1(8 meat ia whito and mealy, thongb vo;d of taste. Camp Colombia was aroused from its nBual quietude tonight abont 9 o'clock whun tbe great water tank on the Havana Murianao railroad toppled over. The crash and aplash waa heard for several mi ta and sols diera gathered about the sotne in about tbe si me atate of exuitement as they did at the Harriebur wreck.. Fortunately the train had jjst passs ed and as "weary Willies" do not hang ont there no livaa were lost. Some of the boys have pretty sore arms from vaccination, but others wise all are well. Rexpeotfully, Harry P Deaton. THE EDUCATIONAL MEETING A Movement for a New High Reboot UnlldlDK- Aa per call of Mayor Crowell aome twenty or more citizens of the town met in the conrt house Friday night to consider the matter of ads vsncing the school interest of the t wu aa it pertains to a course above the graded School currionlnm Mr. Thompson, whose labors here have proyed so highly satisfactory has felt the need of more room and all persons intereated in bis splendid work bave doubtless wished for bim a better house. It ia a need of the town and a legitimate desire for tbe principal who pnta himself into the adncational work. Since tbe presenile in oar midst of Rev. James Lipptrd the subject of greater high sobool facilities has been agitated and Rev. Lippird con eluded to make a proposition to tbe town to the effect that tbe citizens or the town aa such erect, instead of the building now ta d by Mr. Thompson, a suitable bnilding of modern adaptation costing abont ten thousand dollars and he would undertake to condoot the achool. Rev. Lippard hopes, too, in snob event, to aeoure an endowment f nnd of $35,000 from abroad. Tbe proposition waa listened to with muoh interest and a number of persons expressed their views. In the matter of improved facilities for high sobool work there was per feot unity bnt it seemed Impractical to do more than to further ascertain tbe general wishes and formulate a practical plan by which to accom plish the great end. For thia purpose the following gentlemen were appointed a com mute ; viz., E King, D P Dnyvnolt, J C Gibson, W O Correll and J C Lippard, FAITH PREVAILING. Haw Mllle Boy Portable Corn mill For Monts. Carolina.. Peeler Bros, and J W Frick haye bought a new saw mill out fit and will run it near Misen heimer Springs, on a large track of pine timber land they have jnst bought for tbat purpose. Francis Boger died of con snmption near Faith about a week ngo and Mr. John Fosperman died of the same disease Jan. ID. His foneral was preached by Rev. J M L Lyrley at Bothel chuich, where he was laid to rest. The church was crowded with rela tives and friends. lie was abont 25 years old. He leaves a widow and a large number of relatives to mourn his loss. .1 T Wyatt is putting up a port able corn mill atFaith for one of his customers in South Carolina. The two steam saw mills here are kept busy sawing lumber for people who live on the granite belt. Many people take tho Conoord Standard around here and keep posted on tho news of the day. VENUS. Faith, N. C. Tbe Slew Instruments Have Come. Without letting the people know that the band had reached that far a point, the instruments were ordered a short time ago and have row ar rived. The ahipment aa received oonsisted of one clarinet, one alto horn, and two tenor horns. The next step that will be taken will be the obtaining ot the music. The first makes ordinary looK lar worse man new. The first wash makea LILB DOUN MUSLIN look far better than new. It washes the starch, china clay and mucilage out of ordi nary muslin, leaving it thin, and loosely woven. The only changes it makes in LILEDOUN is to wash out the name which is lightly stamped on every yard, and to help bleach tho goods. MUSLIN la not bleached at the factory, ba. oause factory bleaching weakens muslin tenorflfleenperoent. Ills all cotton, thoroughly cleaned and carded, bard twlflted, closely woven, brushed and calendered to a soft, smooth and downy finish. Ask your dealer for LILEDOUN MUH LIN and take no other. If he does not keep It we will send It direct from the mills, carriage paid, In bolts of 50 yards or more. A Ule. doun button bag free on request. MOORB COTTON MILLS, Taylorsvlllo, N. C. ZBL1 The Martin Case Tried. Mr. Q V Martin, the tobacco peddler, had a hearing today (Satnrs day) before Esq. O A Pitts. Thia ia tbe case where Mr. Martin wm at Srst acoused of an aisanlt with in. tent to rapp, but after the te-tirrvny went before the grand jury tbe Hu ler part was stricken ont. The court de. reed then that tbe mat'er would be tried at a magiatri'r'a trial. The case waj tried and i'r. Martin waa fined the Bum of Ave dollars, tie waa defended by At tor ney a Crowell, Montgomery and Caldwell. ARE VOV ' BAMKRUPTirbealth. conr.titiilion undermined bv cx- travararice in eating, by disre garding the Iavs of nature, cr ohysica! capital all gone, if so, " NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Tills v. ill cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipationr bi'iousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. M. B. STICKLEY Attorney at Law, Concord N. C SIEUAL AT1LMION QTVtA 20 COLLKLHON&. Office npBtaira in King bnilding near I'cBtomc;. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M .L. Stevens. Ii O Ura. CALDWELL & STKVifiNt. Conoord, N. O. Jffice in old oet office bnilding jppoaite fit. (Mood Ilotel. Phone No 37 MORK1SOX Ii. OALUWKLb ATTOBS1T AT LA.W, COKCOBD. N. (7 Office in Morrii bnild'n,' ippoi: . Oonrt honsf. Southern Railway. THE . . .1 Standard Ralttvr. y of the SOUTH . . . THE,DIUECT LINE TO ALL P0i3i6. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, , FLORIDA, CUBA ANDPGRTO RICO.i Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on al! Tlirougn and Local trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all NlgU Trains; Fast and Sate Schedules . . . . Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com tortable and Expeditious Jour ney Aprly to Ticket Ag-ents for Time Tables. Kates ana uenerii lniormauun, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY', T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Ashevtlle, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Question?. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turi-, 3rd V.P.&Gen M'pr, Traf. Man., G WASUIMU1UN. U. L. L. T. HABTSELL. ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, CONCORD. - - NJ C Prornnt attention riven to all buaineaa. Office in Morris bui'diog nioaiW cour! bouao. v'. I 1 wasll ta I muslin f 1 llLEDOIJN i

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