yt Mi TTm m .Willi i ia-hojwii , vmm. .wmmty t The - Standard GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. Th - StantJa-'t PRINTS THE A-EJTeV THAT ia tfEWi; For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar, OTANDAB Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. The D. A LEFOELIATOr.Y For Rerlh I'arnllna Kradnl-Aran TOTS HAD A GOOD TIME. CUBAN AFFAIRS BRIGHTER A OAB1BRUSITB A NEW BAY STEAMER The '77 Tha first makes ordinary I muslin look far worse than ' new. The first wash makes LILE DOUN MUSLIN look for better than new. It washes the starch, china clay and mucilage out of ordi nary muslin, leaving it thin, and loosely woven. The only changes It makes In LILEDOUN is to wash oat the name which is lightly stamped on every yard, ana to help bleach the goods. UlLEPOUN MUSLIN Is not blenched at the factory, be. eauss fketory blsaohlng- weakens muslin tanorflftMQ peroent. lus all ootlon, thoroughly cleaned and carded, bard twisted, oloaely woven, bruabsd and calendered to a soft, smooth and downy nnisn. ask onr aealer for LILEDOUN MUW- cot keep It we will send It direct LIN and take no other, imeaoes from tha aallls. mrrlaaa Bald. In bolt of 60 yards or more. A Mle doun button bK free on request. HOOHB COTTO-t MTIX8, Taylorsvftlle, Bt. C. I mih II Ttoa Eafertalnmeot Thursday Night. Regardless of the mud aid rainy weather, a medium sized audience was on hand Thnis iej night to witness the enter tainment in Ca ton's hall. Recitations, tableaux and solos filled the evening's pro pram. ' It was good, too. Mr. C T Colyer, of Asheville, who Is spending some months here, treated the audience to some violin solos. His touch is exellant and his tones are harmonious. His accompani ment was played by Prof.Kees ler on the piano. One of the bst tableaux of the evening v as "the new woman," v here the men diligently washed the clothes and tended to the kid" while the ladies of the home "enjoyed themselves" iii worldly sport. The troubles t f married life wero excellently rendered by Mr. Keesler and iflssStoner in responsive twigs first they were lamenting " of the day of their combining then all was love to end with. It was splendid and the pro gram was of good length. Nearly $20.00 was mad? from the entertainment which goes towards an improvement la the First Presbyterian . church . ppeaeHeltls Caused dy nittlna- rrass Lacteal - Another eminent physician bas come to tbe front. Ho nays that ap pendicitis the dreaded dieae that so often occurs now, is produced by ' the habit men have of sitting croKK lsgged. Tbisjde says restricts tbe action of the digestive apparatus, .od especially the lower intestine, causing stagnation and tbe stretch of the opening of the appendix. As proof be cities tbe fact that women seldom bare the disease. Moaroe Journal. Tbal llnlarky 13. The number 13 seema awfollv unlucky for Senator Qmy. H lacks that number of votes to keep in the United States Sonate and he can't make it till he gots rid of that 13. More ( bnng.'S At the Ucpoi. 0-ie oan hardly realize where tbe old waiting rooms stood now since the sldo-track has beon rot in on that side. Tbe station is torn away entirely. The railroad bridge is be in ; lengthened somewhat in order to g're ample room for cars cn tbe new dide-track. A large part of the bank on the west side cf the tr ek bas been torn away also. At Warn u sssiher Long- rase. fhe court commenced Wednes day afternoon on the case of E l O L'pe, executor of Wra, W Bost, vs. Alice Bost, executrix of L C Bost. This is a case of cmaid erable length. Attorneys Caldwell and Means are employed by Mr. Lipe while Miss Bout (now Mrs. Parher) has obtained Attorneys . Montgomery and Poryear. Before adjourning for dinner Mr. Caldwell closed his speech, which was tbe first of tbe pleading. This case bas been on the civil docket for one year. IHE BEST PKESCKIPTION FOR CHILLS and forcr is bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic. .Never fnils to onre; Then why experiment with worthless imitation r Prioe 60 oenU Your jy.w7 if i r W9- s mens 1st Its Favor By a Iady Wrller staael at a Iieoilos; of '" acrrnder llaok Inb. The following original paper was recently read by a member of tbe Jnlia Magruder Book Clnb, the subject for the meeting being "Living Questions:" "Among the living questions of tbe day 1 think there is scarcely one of more vital importance thn this. Perhaps not, apparently, one immediately interesting to a womau's book club, but certainly interesting to women in general. It is a question which has, or will, come before our State Legis lature now in session, and I for one earnestly hope that a bill may be parsed requiring nnd pro viding for the establishment of one at the earliest possible time. We are all eagerly interested in the improvement and extension of onr educational system, and moat jui-tly so, for education is the foe of ignoranoe which is bo product ive of lawlessness and vice. But our schools do not fnrnish all we need for the prevention of crime. And our jails and penitentiaries, howeyer indispensable they may be as a puniuhing agency, do not, I think, furnish the only, nor in many cases the bett, mode of cor rection. In the case of old and hardeced criminals there m.iy be no other or better tiffins of pun ishment as a mcasuro cf preven tion. But would not ' a reforma tory, wisely planned and ju diciously managed, greatly lessen tbe number ot old and hardened criminals. I am no sentimental ist iu regard to criminitls. "As ye sow bo Bhall ye reap," is a law not only inevitable but just and good. I bolieve it is riylt that punibbuient f-IiouM follow wrong doing. But even as tLe Divine Ruler temporfa justice with mercy, and oCers to his erring ehildrou renewed opportunities of repent- auoe and reformation before the last stern, irrevocaole fiat of con demnation is pronounced, even to I believe the sovereign State should deal with trespasser against her just and beneficent laws. In how many, many cases is the offender, young, thoughtless and misguided, rather than de liberately wicked ? It is rieht and just thut some penalty shall be niotcd out even in the lonst aggravated of those cases. But should not the 6tate seek to re claim rather than to severely pun ish these comparatively innocent offenders ? Should she not make a strong effort to win them back to good citizenship and upright lives? But is there any rational hope of doin; this under our present sytteiu? Tbe common juil, the convict's camp, tho peni tentiary, all filled with criminal.- more or less debased and hope lessly hardened ready to lead them on in tbe paths of wicked ness, to encourage by word and example in the downward path these furnish a weak agency in deed tor the correction and im provement of a poor, thon?htles, it may be, naturally, weak boy, who in a moment of temptation, perhaps even of sore provocation, committed a rash act, to recail which ho would fcivo ell in his power to give. But sentenced to daily association with men wor e tlian biuisi'li and subject to tlo hard, tyrnunioai discipline of oar county and State prisons, with little or no influence for good, it is little wonder tint he comes out nt the expiration of his term far worse in heart and feeling than when he went in. And feeling himself braridi'd with the indeh blo stain of dihgrucn be more readily fall into evil aeeocintions and reckless halite. Surely there must be sone means by which these terrib! t) resnl-s mty, in some cases at least, bo prevented. And if there he one, tho law-makers of the State are responsible before God for their neglect or misuse of it. "My object in writing on this subject is to try to arouse atten tion to and interest in it, and to sucrgest thtt we as individuals, or as a club, may endeavor by some effort to assist in this Rood work. We might appeal to our own representatives in behalf of it, and doubtless there are other members of the Legislature on whom we mitfht call to give voice, influence and vote to secure tor North (f.trolinn an institution so greatly to be depired," Sergeant Hope Barrier Beys Ha Es- Jered Ibe Trip. aorgeaut Hope Uarrier, in a letter to his mother immediately after their return from their march last week, writes that he enjoyed the trip yery mnoh save a little tire like that of marching for ten miles in a path bo narrow that they had to go single file The grass was higher than their beads in places. H writes thtt they visited four rr five towns wbose.namcs he could not rcmem bor aud could not spell them if he did remember them. Some of the scenery was very attractive, lor instanoe a river runs through a town and then dips into the-earth and is invisible for six miles where it bobs up again. They t amped two nights at San Antonio de las Banos. Now any old veteran can imagine them sitting round in groups re hearsing their experiences and re calling points of interest. Saved by a In be la 11 la Brain. By a surgical operation unique in American medical science Joseph Sepie, a butoher, has been rolieved, at Mercy Hospital, of an inpanity-prodnoing tumor on his brain just over the right eye. 8epie has hertofure "seen double," suffered from awful bradaches and at tempted suicide. By trephining bis skull and incertino; a tube that drained off tbe tomnr the drclors hsvo cured bim. Chicago Die pa'ch. Nomlutulor for Dtroetora. We see that the Democratic cau cus nominated as directors for tbe penientiary, ae follow: J H Wed dington, of the 1 lib judicial dies triot; W H Osborne, of the 6th; Dr. M A Morphew, of the 10:b; James F Lee, of tho 7;h; E L Travip, of tbe 2od; J W Perry, of 4th, r,nd A B Young of the l).b. rtiey Qnnrferpcl m ic court ;ftc n. Jtather unnsnal vns ibe can of i.r8(la 7 nliernoofj, hcn the jury on the c ise of Mr. Ed Lipe vs. Mrs. Alice Bost Parlior, after hearing tbe pleadings oi the at torneys, and before receiving their charge from Judge Shaw, asked that they be allowed to stay together during the night. Their request was granted, and Judge Shaw ordered that their meals be furnished them. They stayed in the court room Thursday night. Not yet having been charged by the judge as to the different points o! law, nothing was before them for the niaht. Disousnions of different kinds, mostly relig ion, interspersed with some side splitting jokec, were beld. The charge was given them as soon as conrt opened next morn ing. tbe ciso having been piven them about 11 o'clock today (Fri da- ., . ., Llp-Zlot Case. Ended. At the afternoon, session of court today (Friday) the jury re turned to the couit room with their verdict in regard to the case o? Mr. Ed G Lipo, executor of Wm. W Bost vs. Alice Bost, ex- eontrix of L O Bost. The follow ing is their answers: Is tbe plaintiff the owner and entitled to the possession of any of the articles of personal prop erty specified in the complaint? Answer: "No." Dd L O Bost wrongfully and fraudulently cotvert lo ber own obp the $000 or any part thereof belong-. log to the estate or w w rsost, as allt'grd in tbe coirplaint ? If in, wbatrnm? Answer: "Y'S of $470." .V ba', damped, if any, bas tbe plaintiff sustained ? Answer: "470 " Is tbi plaintiff's cunss of aotioo birred by tVe ftn'uU-s of limitations? Answer : ''Yep." vwelllns; House Borned, The largest fire Binco the old jsil burning that Alht marie hes bad within her borders was tbe bnrrlng of Mr. J 8 A'.Line' two-story rei- dense, Oil Hecaud stifet, ait Friday nmraing aUor.t 1:30 ..'cl; k. Wi'iiia lufcs tba r hour after the first, despite ga::ant wors trom the bucket brigade, the bouse was a m88 of ruins. The origin of the fire ia not known Mr. Atkins lost everything save piano and furnish ings in the parlor and silting room. His loss is fully covered by insur anos. Stanly Enterpriao. Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Skin Diseases. These are immediately rolieved and qniokly enred by Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salyo. Be ware of worthless imibi tlons. J, P. Gibson. Oonghint; injures and biflitmos sore lnnga. One Minnto Coogh Cure loosens tbe cold, allays coughing and heals quickly. Tbe best ooufib core foroWl-dren.-'-J. T QibsoBr Uea. Gomes Arceple tbe (3,000,000 aud Co-operafea With Gen. Brooke The Cnban Army lo Bo Disbanded. Like a burst of euasbins in olondy day comes tbe news that the Cuban complications are greatly simplified. The tender of $3,000, 000 to tbe Cnbani to bslp them to disband and retnrn to oivil life and home permits has been accepted by Oen. Gomes and be has agreed to go to Havana and oo-operate with Gen. Brooke in disbanding tbe army. Oen. Gomez dcclintd to receive tbe money bimelf but wiabed Gen Brooke to keep it in charge while he would aid In its proper distrnbn tion. He said it was not enoogb bat that he would make it do In starting the men in civil pursuits again. The $3,000 000 Ip onr money will be (qnal to over $4,000,000 of tbe money tbere and will amount to about $100 per man. It is under stood that this amount is not a part of tbe wages of soldiers but only an aid to a dissolution of tbe army and a starter in life. OoDuMeno In tbe high parposes of the United (States seems to have taken a new bold on On bans and it is hoped that ntw progr 88 wtll be made to get tb Cubans affairs In shape. , , , A Had Dos; Senreln f no Country. On TLursday morning at tbe home of Mr. Jno. R Black welder, abont 5 or 6 miles east of here, a dog with good symptoms oi hydrophobia, came to his house biting at liici and h?a brother and several dogs on tbe place. After working with tbe dog awhile and finding that death would better fall to its lot he Bbot it. The dog bit two of Mr. Black welder's dogs, too. Mr. Black welder, fepring that some tronble might result from it. aluo killed bis two. The dog that caused the tronble be- longed to Mr. Foil, proprietor of the .Arlington hotel in Ol.arlotte, htvii g beon broupht over the day before. Mr, Foil bad I een offered a nice sum for I113 dog only a week or two ayo. I It is feared that soverhl dogs In the community may have possibly been bitten by the dog. Chansea Abont tbe Depot. Mr J A Kirkman.of Greens boro, has arrived here to ao cept the position of night operator at the depot, to take the place of Mr. Chas. Kim ball, who has been promoted to chief clerk in the freight department, which position was formerly filled by Mr, Ballard. Died at 119 Tears. Caps Wruthttn is tbe name of an old t olored woman who died In Wil mington recently believed to bsvt attained to 111 rears. She claimed '.o have belonged to the Washington f-mily and liked to talk of early life scenes in which ''the father of his country" figured. "I," Baid the orator, "am an American of the good old stock, rooted deep in the soil " "The only stook 1 ever heard of that rooted deep in the soil," said the farmer in the andienoe, "was hegs." Indianapolis Journal. A Collision at Hoa. Tbe schooner George Olark w' lost at Ocean Viw Tuesday nigbt by a collision with the Steamer Richmond. The latter was injured but not fa'olly. The Olark's crew all fciped. Mes" What ntrnek II lm Moss. When Cervera was asked by a friend what struck him most in tbe San iago naval fight, be answered, "The 8-inch sholls." Ha Gone lo Rirhmond. Mr. Ernest M Harris, of Nor wood, has accepted a position with W J Blalock A Co., of Rich mond, Va., and left Wednosduy for that place. Stanly Lnter' prise. Mr. Harris is known by a number of onr roadors, having been the nightwatchman at the bleaoherv for a long while. Por Over fitly Tears Mra, Winslow'i Boothing 3jrap hai been naed for over fifty years by millions of mother! for their child ren while teething, with porfeot mo. cess. It soothes the ootid, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immediately. Bold bj druggists in every part of tbe world, Tt nty five senta a bottle. Be sare and ask for "Vfn. Wiaslows Sooth ing Syrup," and take no other kind. What stops aTeuraJfW pVOe fatoffOt In Tesiis Write n Lettrr Conmtnlnir Interesting; Hews or Their Work In Those Paris. Written tor the Standard. Alsdorf, Tex., Jn. 31 : Mr. KM tor I will try to give your renders a few dots from the Lone Star State, as it has been a long time since some of them have beard from me. I m now living in E lis conn y, one oi tbe finest farming counties In all north Texas. '1 be soil here is frt m fonr to lix feet deep. It teems to be bitter adapted to cotton tban any thing else, as that is abont all tbe farmers try to raise. It seems that the farmers don't try to raise their own supplies here as mncb as they do in North Carolina. It's a 3ne Oiuntry for ra'sing hogs bnt the balk ofjwheat is shipped fiom Kansas Ui tv and at. Louis ana sola at a high prioe to farmers in the maimer and fall, on oredit of course. Well, for myself, I am doing a mighty good deed feeding the hungry. I am running tbe board ing outfit for Bethnue-Crantv Con struction Co., at one of their gnmbo pits. Well I guess I'll have to ex plain best I can wbat a gnmbo pit is. Well it is a place where the soil is about I I feet dsep and just as black as coal and as sticky at bees wax. That dirt is ploughed up by machinery. It ii mix-d with slack stone co .1 and set on fire and it burns just as they burn brick in NortbCsrolina and after it is burned it is taken cut of the pit by steam sboyels, leaded oi flnt cars nnd htirtU-d on op the railroad and used for bailor , ihe same as they nse gravel or r ck in North Carolina. As tl.ere are no noks or gravels in this part of the State tbey nse this instead. I am on tha Texas Mid land railroad, which U owned and ope'atod by one man, Mr. E H R Ort-ea, son of Mrs. Hetty Green, of New York, the richest man I ever saw and bas his heme in Terrell, Ttx. Well, ai I expeot this will Bud its way to the waste backet I had befer top for tbie time. I would love to vifit yonr town and see the many changes that have been made since I left tbere fourteen years ago. Much suocobb to Tbe Standard. Yours, J Wesley Walter, Free I'll Is Send yonr address to H. E. Bock ten & Co., Chicago, aud get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will oonvlnce you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly efloot' ive in tbe cure of Constipation and Sick ITeadache. for malaria aud Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be Durelv vegetable. They do not weaken by their aotlon, bnt by glv ing tone to the stomaoh and bowels greatly Invigorate tbe system. Reg ular sise 25c, per box, 8old by P B Fetser. A Doggone Good Tblng. It is our oandid opiuion that s speoifio tax on dogs, say of $1, would be a "dog-gone" good thing for ibetp husbandry and tbe State's pnree. And thongh the Legislature is doing some good work and exs hibing a tolerably stiff backbone, tbey might get more "doggedly" at thu matter. Windsor Ledger. NO OUReTnO PA. That is the way all drnKfrfsts sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. It is Bimply Iron and OniniDe In n tasteless form. Children love it Adults refer it to bitter, mm- Bootin&;Tonio, Price, 50o. ie- Nome FororaxiH. There i a roapect that the mer chants put r e tax will be removed and a tiar'uited tax be imposed by the legislators instead, beginning with $2 for a stock of $500 or less and increasing with the amount of opital. Mr. Clarkson's textile school bill, it. is said, will not pass but tbere will probably be a textile attachment connected with the Agricultural and Mechanical Collepe. These are dangerous times for the heitlth. Oronp, oolds and throot troub les lead rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Conjjh Cura nsod at tho rinht timo will prosorvo lifo, health and a Urea amount of money, rienwvnt to take; ohildron like it J. P. Gibson. A Local Disease, A Climatic Affection. ltmninr dot s toes! rented? or change ol climate will cuts lb Get a known eciAo, ELY'S CREAPl BALM tt Is qulcklj absorbed (S res telle at once. CATARRH Opens srnl cieanro the Nasal 'a'KSuooCOLD lH HEAD Heal and prnterta theimembrane, restore the crises of taste and smell. No cocaine, no mercury, no injurlout drug. Full ilxe 50c; Trial ii 10c, at Druggist or by mail. bVV VVsrreo. STfort. pe ),. Bust r w msE wirvu&a wmm&flL eV"". Makes the food more SOVAI SJHOSO Two flewteneea Lessened ly Jndg-o now. Before closing the court today (Saturday) entirely Jndee Shaw, of his own accord, after givingtbc matter considerable tbonght and fearing that the sentence might, in some way, not have the best of effect on the oi iminal, saw fit to lessen the sentences of two. Lem Jenkir.s, a negro who was tried for a forcible trespass, was given an eight months sontonce instead of twelve months, as had previous ly been iven him. Oscar Lomax, the negro who was found gnilty for a number ot offencon, was brought from the jail to His Honor. After talking to the ne4.r0 for some time, en couraging bim to amend his ways and let this be a lesson to bim, bo lessened the sentence in the peni- tentiary from ten" years to seyen ye8r8, 1 A wm.row Kseape, ure. Tom Dooly, a negro at Spenoer, got bis hip dinlocatei, one thuijb bad to bo amputated, and he was otherwise brnised np and ent Thursday evening. ' t escaped with bis life after all. The Salis bury Sun says that he full between the rails and tho coac'i pssed over him. TLe tender cf the en gine, which was backing, also passed over him, as did most of the engine. The engineer stopped the en gine while Dooly was under tbe pilot and be was pullod out. Ilad tho pilot passed over him he would no doubt have beeu killed. millions Ulvcu Awajr. It in certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in tbe land who are not arrnid to tie generouB to the noedy andgnfler. ng. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cougbs and Colds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of tbie great medicine; and have tbe satis faction of knowing it has absolutely onred thousands of hopnlees casea Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and alllfdieeases of the Threat Chest and Lung!) are surely cured by it. Call at P. B. Fotzsr's drug store and eet a trial bottle free. Reg ular size 50o. and (1. Every bottle guaranteed, or price refundod. Playod Ont. Senator Marion Butler is not only politically dead, as he do- serves to bo, but be seems to bo suffering from woakened mental faculties as well. 11 is motion in regard to pensioning Confederate soldiers was strangely out of tune with tbe times. It was calculated to npsot the cordial feeling that was steadily growing between the two gTeat seotions of this country that promise to become once more united. Bnt Southern soldiers were not slow in making known their want of appreciation of what this renegade Korth Carolina Re publican proposed in their behalf and he had to drop his soheme. He managed, however, to allow his amendment to remain in Con gress long enomh to get off the labored speech he had prepared to prove that Bonth Carolina had a right to withdraw from the Union and North Carolina did not secede nntil tho war was forced npon her. This is about ic dop.ilosl ;.' t,u; r ilrvl politician oould pofsibly bit u;on. It baa been settled by tho hipuest ot hu man conrts and whllo the world kives tae Kouh full crotlit for honesty oi purpose ana uprignt intentions, it has been dco'drd that we had no right to withdraw. A far more profitable just now ia not whether iu ISfiO South Carolina bad the right to with draw from tho Union, but ia it riubt, in 1899, to tnke into the Union a lot of uncivilized ihlunds on the other side of tbe earth. Spartanburg Herald. tiuekloa's Arnica naivo. The Best 8alve In the world fov Outs, Bruises, Sores, UIO'OT, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tutlcr Gbapptd Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Stin .Eruptions, and positively oui'si. files or no pay reaulr.'d. It w guaranteed to give ijtatiafadtion m monev refunded. Fric !( cent' per box Vor sale at P B Fetst.'s lirnf tors. ('Rating- Pearls Holoro Nwlno. A remarkable find was made at Eltham, Kent, recently. A nnm- bor of pigs were being slaughtered for tbe Christmas market, and in the stomach of oneof them a pearl of groat value was discovered, in an excellent state of preseryation. London Paily Cbroniole, delicious and wholesome PffTS M. , NFW WHK. Twelve Years of His Life Lost. Twelve years ago Charles Bur roll was struck on the head with a brick. Since then, nntil today, be has been insane, and for a nnm bor of years he was an inmate' of the Eastern Illinois Insane Asy- lum at Kankakee. Yesterday Dr. W G Stearns, at the aylnm, aided by the X-ray, operated on Bur rell's ekoll. Today the cloud, which had so long obscured the light of Burrell's mind, had passed away, and he began life where he left off twolye years ago. When bnt a boy Burrell bad a quarrel with a playmate, who threw a brick at him. He was dazed by the blow and never res covered from its effeote until the operation of yesterday. Dr. Stearns put tbe young man in a chair. With the Xray a skiagraph of tbe skull was taken. This showed a I tbickrning of the bone near the top rf tba skull on tbe left side. Tbis was removed in the usual mar.ner, the foreign matter excised and the pa'tect wa put to bed. He awoke today en'irely rational and bis first words were; '.'Why did yon bit me? Barrell had bat a treg'ed In a Wisconsin asylum nnd his ctso wits pronounced incurable. lie hud been in Kinkakee Institution sire? 189?. Uhioi.go Dispatch, 1. I ke Heart of Amerle. Edward W Euk, editor of tbe Irtdu't' llmie Journal, pays this trib ute to the South and Southern people : "The most wholeonee American ideas, those ideas upon trhich our government rests, are towbero so prevalent as they are at present in tbe Sontli. Tbey do not question Divine laws in the South ; Lhl(y aocep, ftnd perpetu,te them; intellectual progress tiers goes band-inbandby a strict adherence to the accepted beliefs of religion The Southern mother does not ex plain the Bible to ber obildren in tbe light of so-called 'modern teachings'; shs places it in their bands as bir mother gave it to ber. And with tbe fundamental princi ples of religion the Southern child is taught patriotism and a love of country; hence, religion and patri otism etand side by aids in the edu cation of a Southern cidlu. "The Southern poople believe in progress, but progress along healthy, rational lines. Theories which mentally upset find no sympathy with them. They are content to move rlowly, but sanely and suroly. And some day wh- n tbe vast ma jority of us who live in other portions of this country get through with our camping-out civiliation, when we drop our boantful manners, when we got old enough to under stand that tbere is a stronghold of conservatism which stands between tyranny and anarchism, our eyes will turn toward tho South. And we will see there a peoplo who are American In ideas and in living; a people worshipful, progrePive, earnest, courageous, and patriotic- people who have made their land, sgainst defeat and prt judioe, 'the heart of America1' " The.Tooiporntnre to tho Flnttoni. The present is an intensely cold period in many prrts ol the con tinent. At Winnipeg the ther mometer reKitftered 22 degrees be low zero. In parts of Montana it has been as low as 45 docreos be low and the mountains are cov ered from 1 to 2 1 2 fent deep with snow. At Denver Wednes day the tlierrnomet'T fell 49 de crees in 21 hours, and it was still growing colder. It is bclinvod that the mercury will get as low as 2o do.rees below. h.ven in Texas the temperature ha3 been bolow zero and some loss of life lias occurred and much tliiuiagoto htoek is reported. Russia po-sessis t;ia largest Stinds ing army on earth. Every year some 280,000 cocicrirts join the Kua?ian forces, which in time of prace nums ber J 000,000 me n. On a war foot ing this risei to 2. COO 00'J, and sail ing out the reserves would increase it to 6,947,000 well trained aoldiars. Should neofsaity arise, the militia would be called ont, bringlnir the Czar's forces np to' 9 000,000. N. C. Christian Advocate. tri'Dt-jrF, 'tlTUl. nre tne cures r; Sis' !i-.;u.:'i. v.r-aptiriil'i, and yet th rchiii:pl.aiiit naiiimi. nonu sunrw I jtrilla mtki PURS BUCOSV York River Lino Will Have Aaoiliet Vessel The onlrarl A wardett. The Baltimore, Chwpeake a id R cbmond Sieamboat Coni;a y, batter known as the York R ver L'ne, yenterday award .d the con- traot for the ontraclton rf a steamboat, which will be tbe peer of any boat now plying on tbe Chesapeake Bay. Tbe decorations will bt artietio. When completed and furnished o November 1, 1899, she will have cost 8350,000. ,v Tha new steamboat, tha naae for which bas not yet bsen selected, will be 2G0 feet long, 48 feet beam and 15 feet draught. She wl! te fitted eat with the latent dealgn of expansion engines, and will make 18 miles an hour. She will bave accommodations for 300 papsengers, and ber dead-weight cargo rapaoity will be 700 tons. Onr Boys Inimnee. DiBpa'cbes say that there are 169 cases of email pox in Havana. Our soldiers have been io well vaccinr.'ed though that tbay may bt regarded as immune fiom tha disease. Rev. YT H Btnblebine has re signed tbe Salisbury German Re form church. M. B. STIOKLEY Attoi ney at Law, Concord N. C SILUAL ATJLhTIOy GO 20 COLLECT IOXS. Office upstairs in King bnildng near Postofiio.-. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M .L. Stevens, M.U Drs, CALDWELL & BTEVJi&'S. Concord, N. 0, Jffioe in old post office buildia.? jpposite St, Cloud Hotel. Phone No 3 1 MOKK1SON 11. CALDWEJJ- ATT0BSTEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N. CT Office in Mama baiidm,' ippos t Conrt honfte. Southern Railway. THE i . .3 Standard Ralltva y of the SOUTH . . . THE.DIRECT LINE TO ALL POHKlaV. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA' FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO.l Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on ail Througn ana Local Trains; Pullmtb Palace Sleeping Cars on all Trains; Fast and Sate Schedules .... Travel bythe Southern Mid you are assured a Safe, Co n fortable and Expeditious Jo sN ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Taols'- Kates and benerai lniorraauo.T, cr Address R. L. VERN0H, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A. C. P- & T. A. Charlotte, N. S. Asheville, - f No Trouble to Answer Questions- Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Tr n 3rd V.P.&Gen M'gr, Trai. Man., S.) T WASUIKGT01T, D. &. L. T. HARTSEL' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD. - - N O. Prompt attention given to VI business. Office in Morriti build poaite coort hoo38. WASHiHSTOr. Gonquerf;). OIUP TAKES THE CITY IN i t'S IKON UKAbi'. Oovernmont Muohinery Almost ' Standstill t,normotia 1'eroenl. n of Eiupldyes Stricken Willi La Grippe Capitol nt tho Mercy of the TJagne. Tim Grin etii.lomo ia rneinir in ti f Capitol City, ami fully ono-third ot 1 Kovernmeiit euiployres are sick v sutTering from the dreaJ dis i o VuilHiit boKdaohes, foyer and ol'iiu snoeziuff and rnnnintr nt the eyes u J iidho together with the bone-racst-u: itches and piuus and a general ciii .e lion are the rnle rather tlian the ei ce ttou. The best way to fltht the': i is to strengthen tho nerves and buil l iu the roBistive powers so as to throw o. tho deadly disease germs, nud not Li; will do this so quickly aud sureh' . Dr. Wiles' Nervine. It bas ten health to thousands of Grip siill r ' after every other remedy hod fail i "When the Grip left nio I w - i broken down wreck, both mentnl . ' pbrsii'al. My nerves wero oouiil -:. niistruug, my appetite failed, oouli sleep and becamo bo oVnHmdiut tl despaired of ever getting well. 1 1 to improve with the lirnt bottle of Miles' Nervine aud when I hud Beveu bottles I was completely 0 Have boen strong and well ever and weigh more thim lever did bet HAMHib F. 1'tLsoN, Htuuntiim, All druggist itie authorized to Dr. Miles' Nervine ou aguitiu ite 1'irHt bottle benefits or m ney red: lie sure mid get lr. Miles' Nerv liooslet ou heart and nerves sriit Address Lr. Miles Medical Co., Kl I ml. sobon, , -t1uav Nettrslfcli tim Pr truu (Ijualstia suvvv