Hie - Standard GOOD -J02-WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. V -he Stand .rJ. PRINTS TUB .Vvfpvi ,TfAT J? JVi S For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. ftnlen for n Hotel. t nil a at'" " !! tU JL JLiU J J.; ) Only $1 Per Year: CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1839. tl i n , f i -v. i r- P. "'" rs ju..;.jiU v y t-' -;.x f Li le do un Musltn Is stamped vnn tue name MJJiieaoun, ' wuioa thi first washing removes. t very thread iatinecotum. Every 'ult Is perfect when It leaves the uiilt. If you find anything wrong i d the goods bark and we will n.uke it good to you. Mvery time you wash Liledottn M irsLiN you improve it looks uu tn itwnnrHnut. There is do starch, china olay or mucilage to wash fcjj ?! lAAvinv nwoak. thtnlvwoven f3 body like ordlnury muslin. It wears best because It Is hard twisted, closely woven, soft finish. MUSLIN VM may cost a little mora a yard, but 7es double wear and comfort. ' i r r saie oy an leauing ury gooas jt merchants. Ask for Liledoun and i'R nuircui W -.pt m does nt ipt no other. If your dealer j not sell Liledoun we will sup- it direct from the mills, car- Lhe milts, car- ; Its of 60 yard ' an button bag W MILLS, f n. c. A Pl rue prepaid, in doiih H or more. A Liledoun fr. Write for ono. P; MOORE COTTON f-1 Taylors vllle fltl Citiiltnl Puulsmiifiit mill Crime. At a hearing before a legist a tive coinmitte ia Boston on a bill for ihe aboi:tion of the death penalty, George L Patterson, of Cambridge preFentod statistics barinR on tho subject. He raid that lie tiad ut one timo mado a pp''ci il 6tudy of the matter, and lind ?o'lee'tiel con Idorable ma terin' from original sources. In TLt- .tan, whie:h was tho firl iStatti to abolish eipiUl pnuit-h-ment there were tliirly-seven murders in the thirteen jeais jiiTcceding the paesage i f the law iibolishing the denth penally, and thirty-one in tho iliirtecn years following its ab. !ilion, a knmll decrease or- the face of it; but cs the population had in the second interval increased about "0 p, r cent., the actual decrense in wilder was not more than 40 per rent. Rhode Island abolished tlx, death penalty in 1852, and ti e deer ase hid bee i h'jou J 3 pt r cent, from 1871 to 1889; and '.Vaine where it had been a'jolished and reinstated and uun abolished, the decrease had hue i about the same. In Iowa it Lbi! been abolit-htd and rciijstat el; but in tho four years from 1872 to 1870, while tbe penalty war. not in force, tin re was one iiii.i'der for every 1,200,000 of tbe in li sibilants, as against one mur oVr :'or every 800,000 in the four pv' oeodin;; years. r om sources not original he 'id gathered theao f .c!s: Iu Koi way, from 18(19 to 1879, 11 men were sentenced to deal!), and only three executed; in Auntiia from 1870 to 1879, there wfre 806 death sentences and only 16 X6( utions; in Denmirk from 1870 to 1380, 94 were sentenced and 1 exa cted; in England about 76 p r cent, of all the trials for of-ff'-i i (-8 not punishable by death iPMilted in conviction"; in tV U'.'ted Rtntes the nvi r-go t,rn 1 f ; each year was about 2,".00, h; d there were from 100 to 150, cc"i fictions. Holland has abol i ' ; 'I the death penally, mid ti. rti bas b( en a decrease in cr.i.8 formerly punis'icd iu that w;, . Tn I'ortugal, whii-h abol int rd tlie death penalty in ln07, th en.i bad been a remarka'di dr cn ;me iu homicidrp, as lie l.a l be-ci atenrpd by tho United Stale- ' i si: nt Lisbon, who had con-1 suit d ini'ive aulboriiii-s. It Will Plvnueiiia ONI iirrn. A bill has been introduced in Ih lower house of congress to erf ate four major generalships for IL, regnlar arniT, the places tobe lil't'jwith ruen of the volucteers Ui ieeo(jnition of their seivice in the late war and naming Gen. Y'! reler as one of tLo fenr. Ti e sident is said to bo favorable to it nd it is belieyed that the ..... will pass. It is understood thiit Gen. Wheeler will be pleased with it, though he gays so for ns ha knows it crew out of bis being RM.ed by a few friends whether ho ve n'd like a generals-Lip in the r j,rlar army, to which he frankly re: lied that he would. t I. ..'.rr Unlia the Tobneco B 1bi . ti I, J 8 Oarr has severed oih finrF'o iiii w;tti the Blacuwll Dors Mm T:b'coa Company. lit) will t v tiig nt ten Mon toother interest 'l It. " j'eo be it eiigsiid , WEft.Tii::R WEST. I'UE Tlie Colilom f hfcnao Has Know n In !!7 Veiim Iowa, WIconl biiiI lllln..: I,.oril 1 eiiimtiir- Knit I "It Iroui 10 MSI DeicrcM Kelunr Zi-ro. Chica-o, Feb. 8. Not sinco 1372 has Chicago experienced such intense cold as that which prevailed today. The lowest notch reached since the establish ment of the weather bureau in this city was 23 below. At 11 o'clock tonight it was 19 below, and when the weather oflico closed iho officials predicted that by to morrow morning t)io mercury wouhl reach 25 below. Reports fre m points in Iowa, Wifcconsin and IUinoiiJ ehow temperatures ranging from 10 to 31 deroep below zoro, the latter at La Cropse, Wis. Thoro is much suf fering in the interior towrjs amoni the pioor people. Ureal Lom of (utile Prrel Ipteil. Denver, Col., Too. 8. J W Springer, Becretiry of tho Con tinental Lnnd and Cittle Com pany receiveu woru trom up Montana and Texas ranches that the lops of liye utoek would be very p;reat as a result of the long and general storms and cold. Tbe loss, said Mr. Pprin;;er, will be : eneral throughout the Wc tern ci'tintry, from Moutani iio;i ti ron;'! Wyotuinp;, Color nlo, i;iv Mexico aU'l Tex-.s. In some iJ.ioos it will uwlouololiy rc !i 50 per cent., find it v. til i un rousfiout the countiy batwooa 10 P' r wllt- "Thp f - or cr",q is nounn to uuikc hig'i priev'-s during the year," lie Hyj. Fltrht lli'lntv. tJrOTVlniir 'ildfr nnil n O'll riiiimio I It rent II (Ml L 'xinton, Ky., Fob. 8. A coal famine is threu'ened throughout Kmtncky. T D Ca-Bi !v, of the foal agency reprcs'intintr 11 minep, says that to bis knowlodgo tbo coil supiiy will not lat Ion cr than 24 houis iu any town in Keuf.ck. T4io L.iii"s uvo flooded and it is impossible to got coal. The temperature in tins city is 8 below Z 'io ami it is growing colder. t'jly one oea vard lias coal, and its funplv is limited. T Worl to e.'omp. St. Piuil. Feb. 8. The worst of the almost unprocedcnt weather, it is feared is vet to come, file) highest the mercury reacheel dur ing the day was 18 below z-ro. At 7 o'clock it was 22 below and falling. Excepting Helena, all Nortowestern weather bur .'an points ropoited below zero weather. At 7 o'clock, Helena was 14 above, but Dulutli reported 18 below, Swift Current 30 below, Huron, Battlefield and Tiiucc Al bert 26 below, and Winnipeg 31 below. No I)nune to fl.iv Nlo-k. Omaha, Nob., Fed). 8 -Spe cials from points in Nebraska, western Iowa, South Dakota and Wyomiii" indicate tbat no se lions tbimag to live stock has resulted from the present cold wave. In ca-tern Nubraska, South D.ikota anil Iiwa t.ie tbemoineter4 has ranged from 10 to 30 below zjio, but to the westward the temperature has risen. Colili-sl of Iho Wlnlr. Iudianapoiis, bid., Feb. S I'b.' cold, i-l w-a b-r o? th. wirt was e x; n need te ony. . e niiiiimua b r pe r .:.(: w i.- C be low aero dim ti'c itjiiiean .his are for limi-h colde.-r veatlcr hy tniTiiirj. A piercin" w v,d n ci tin'; enow in !iente' a bii. u'.i. I'e cnupo of thi low mis pro'-s'iv there is uaiii h s"li. rin.' in tbe poor rjnarteis ot the city. Wi'T'nleen llrlim Zcho. Kausas City, Mo., F,.b. 8-Tlie body of a workini"r;i!'n t.bout .r)0 fars cf a.o wai found frozen iff iu tho west bottoms of Ivaueas City today. AtCVtilralia, Mo., it wi-i IS (eir,'0s bedow z; to. Many reooi ts of sull'ering to live; stock have beo'i received. AiioilMr Nnou Miirm III lli .-tmtli-llil Denver, Col., Feb. 8. A snow Ptoim raniin,' in the mountains ajftin tied up the Coloriulo Hues to the west today. Nrnt-t for "rTrn .Ifrmorlitl Temple Mr. D W Lambs, who travols in the interest of alarteopera chair fictory, spent Monday nitht here, bavin "corxe to see Mr. W R Odell on busine:?. A contract wns made hy M.r. OJell for the gentleman's factory to furnish the chairs for the Craven Menr-rial Temple at Durham. The mini- Lcr of seats contracted for was COJ! 1024. j INFORMATION WANTED. it Feiloi-al rrlnonr Who F' " ippil 1 rom NiilHibury. , , Th ft .' ' i ..-i r g li.tUr bfta been recti- t-d ! l'Anuiietpr J H Uara say, of Salisbury. Anyone know ing li e partite mentioned will con fer a lavor by writing Mr. Fletcher. The let'er, as it appeared in the ialisbary S jn, reads: ltichmond. Kans., Feb. 2, '09. Sir: In the e pi in t; of 'Go I es caped from Salisbury prison, Minor i.ht or ten inibs (ai in ar ea I can judge south of there). 1 stopped ja house to git rometlrng 10 eat The owner of tho place wa1 a widow I uu y hy the, i,nuia of K.iraU Oroner, or (Iruwtie r. A vo inp;'r sin'pr wan liring with ber, aN-n Mm O'i little dau;;h'er, ab nit 8'iven or eiht years of ai?e. They kept me there about three weeks until 1 had gained seme Hirer-gtb. The n I s'arted for our line in Ea.-it Ten n. v my object in writing you is to fuifl out if any one by ti.a' name gUs t:mir msil at. your rflioe or if yoa know any one by tbat nanoa in that i' irt of tne country If so you wi!! greaMy nb'ie mr, by wri'ingto that eflVct oi any in-! formation ab-itit tbeiu. I bt-lif ve they wpth Gfrmans and her father at that lime owned a (ire farm or plan aiion betwien trail. bury a id Concrrd, Mopt Recp't Yorrj, J. V. Fl.ETCUKtt. Ii;e!iion, Kariac. NAiiid lolnf eiiilunl About the M i fc (Jrf.llt-r. ti-its- pub!4!"1;": r tl b er :rt'e tctiii (!.-, . ft ii a rir.si rft!nic F .-'chi-r, i' IVchtii ''ui, I'an.Jii i, wa ir O'liri i; for a Mrs. Sarb G coner. j wi-h W k' om f b iaidirfi in :ime of war. V i b: a s .'n.o ili jr .si i- If! i G nr.fr, of ii ia tie C:i ipu,:". -. a-t r. . n bo li v. -' " nf :)' i.bf. . t f "iv. i , a i 'f Mrs. Free' (lien--mrd', of !i':s eaun ii rear. U : r.i! 'A ',1 aiSf M i f t fvi 1 a Mis. Ivir ty, whi fii-pt I. nm d Dree -, h G rioau shceicd'-r. Slit iv.'i tbe ligb?"r of M'. J.-C!b Clir.e, a Gerriii'.n farm' r, rbo liynl ni'Ot;! fit-e mih ? ab ve tbi. p'fl"f I ids la'ly H a wrifow ;u-ri fi v f! p!' ir a , n ; i f a uiil all' VI C '11 n. " '- m:.". Tn 1 4r !,.': l.-'fl.S rfl.tVf.'f' fr ,r' b i- ' i i a ii, but i t ti'.ia kno'vn. b'l' v.n !-". Mr. ' r"j"i or 150'. she !-nm,j vpHtern i m i I in nut i ti ,d euteie . '!' i, ere n r G '-r ; ii ii r' i''j,ibi'H-.( he.ie, knew her well. Tuee Clines wi-re ai tti-rtnai people and were about the only pp'iv'e in that part of 'the country to wlinin be c mid talk in thrso tirurs before be brcarae able to m:'8te-r our lanciiPRe. Aromiil l lie llf'irot. F;r :fae convenietice of un'padii.f s out here, a eieck p"n ie being built in thlB S'de of the laiboad eonir 1 stance : bov" the bridge. I'rep -initions i.ie being mu;' to i.p ply the c-'in-ut n tbe iva'ka nrourd -i to b" e'a'.i'in, timb-r the p-c j-ciintr roof. U inJd ar.? a worK bhistit g out the reck near the bagijaz ' room tor fh forienience of wvgor.B loi'ing -i th it i-foro . F.ftyeit'h'. e .tirely r.ew eeftees bare ben put in bo'h wai.in;; nain. M are ii if hed in hurl oil, ami efpiij p I with nfct lv nickletl arms. hut Ahnul II ? There i-i a diff reuce of opinion as to whether Wednesday ui'ht was the coldest, ni,'ht that we have this year. Some, judging 'mm water freezing in their roomp, claim that it was while others think rot. F be !.' r,udwi7, who is tho Meit'Ti' in rver of of the S: ate i'.U with fie best i. is 'I 1 f thcr- 111' :V: r , .-. i' I I'T t'O'.i .in e i.'owa D.iilv ejf tii" 1 II i, '"l'(!:.S. t 9:'u. .t i-viilfe-n lozpn "Irilt lor Jtfarhcl. Ii r. Ifamptcm Enrr, who l.vos on!' n fe.v nrlh y. from L-en-;' L"V. 1, in fjtui'y Cniuty, rjei! WdliiCR.biy n:, lit here on hi. way to Chariot! '. Ho had in a largo 9' ek ey tccu eli. z-ni i irds, which were enr ; .d r.t tbat p! ice. Ho nays t'ii'.'t lie and his bn ther bad killed t b' m piuco Honda v iiiorniii'. IIo rets ninety cents per dozen for t"om. 1 iK'j'rc e n i:i:oit. Tho?) v. hifa-v II o i"uion 'fgit 'atuv'i r.f tv-ri yr.. i'? i cb't-ibi 'If t in in t''f T."f.-.;. '.- ' p.', R:l'i,ii upr pi)''-) the Cull .ra '. Iiiitead of K -..1; -,r- Kl.' j-h'-o...- v iS II ill. -11,1, , a ! i r. ; wi .cc. an crjir'y, elyii G i '.oily el gentlemen trar'Ucc'ti;'' bu inc wi'h d- c?cy aid d:t4pii:cb. It's pafe to 'ay th,it m"re Rvruiue buei nrsn in !'.e i'l a day than thr foraier crowd did in a week. The Record dropped in on them yester day and the difference in what w? eeen on this occasion and two year." ai-o at once eneested itcelf. And without ptre'ehing the blanket it can p!mi be paid tbiit they are a most hand o ne set of rentlemen.. G-iijLi-'PiJ: r"JC t", i'j;oroRED ME XT. AMEND- Tt of the Hfcahore Agreed C'linii l7 Hie DoHiftcriitlii f.eulMlntlc Chiicii uini4iiiy iiiki u he fniiiniiitoii to' Toto of the rfMiplv. Section 1. That articlo 0 of tho coiibtitution of North Carolina be, aud the same is heroby repealed, and in lieu thereof shall be pub stitued tbo following ariiele of said constitution : ARTICLE VI. Suffrage and Eligibility bi OCiee Quali'icatif.iiB of an Elector. Secton 1. Every malo ponon born in tbe United States, and every male person who bas been naturalize d, 21 yoars of ago and pofsessii.'g tho qualifications set out in thi article sha'l be ectitTed, to vote ut any election by the people in ths State, except herein otherwise provided. Section 2. Ho shall reside iu ihe State of North Carolina for two years, in the conuty six months, and iu the precinct, ward or other e lection disttiet in which he offers to vote four mouths ui xt preceding the election; prov'ded. that rem-val tr.'iu eno prec'ne', W;,rd or other election district, to another in same county, shall not 'pf-r.ifo to f'eprtv,! any pevs n of the ri:;ht to v.jb' in ta. I n e-'n , ! Iw.:rd o- ot'.er eh ti.i i dis'r'. :, , from which he bir murviv un'. ! four mouths af-.e-r rh?H leim-v : No person who ha.', bjen -, vie'--' ed, or who bes t on'esn'.l bis g it'll ill open court upoi ind'"'.L .it, 1 ' it' y crime, ibv uiiis'.mt'n , of wiiich is. or may berea'ter bo im pi'ls )n'n'nt in tbe Stide p' i.-on, f !: i'i bo ieriuitt 1 to ute i .iliss the said pt-rson nil b : iii;-t re etorod to citiz-.'tship i i the ine.T uo" ircK."iiiio.l by i .w. Section l-'very pe's. oil'. tilll..: ug to vote shall bn at lb i-.n' r a ;. i .'1 .il. i' .1 ifltr petcib' I I y i'i.v, a id ii.-. Qeueral Asstmi !y ot North ( r,-i'-lina shall enact general r (.;..( y.. tion biiv to carry into (-lT;e't tbe pr.'i isio'is ( f t:i:s .irtic! 1 Seciiou i. Every perron pio sonting biinself for registration shall bo able to rciid anil write any section of tho constitulion iu the English language; and, iu ad dition thereto shall have paid on or before tbe first day of March, of the year in which ho proposes to vote, his poll tax, as prescribed by law, for (ho pievioii" year, and be siio.ll 1'xbibit bis receipt there for when he offers to vote. Foil Taxi 6 shall be a lion only on us ee ;sed property, and no process sludl be issued to enforce tho col lee tion of the same except agaiust assessed property. Section 5. No malo person, who wns on January 1, lS(i7, or at any time prior thereto, entitled to vote uneb r the laws of aDy State iu the Uniteel States wherein he then resided, aud no lineal descendant of any such parson, sh all bo denied the ritht to reg ister and vole at any election in his State by reason of his failure to possess the educational qnalitl catiors prepcribed iu section 4 of tide milch; provided, ho thall I'.'iTe re : s'c:i d in accordance ''it tho t'-rm of this article pi io" !o ) lei il cr 1, l',)(', ai d no prr iin ploi'l bo entitle 1 to ro. i-sot cie'er Mii' seet'f'U af! r that d do. The ''.' -neral A-'sm'ib'y p.h'.ll !. ill fir t "-sion after tho ndopfifii of th.'ii Mnondru"nt, proyiiie th" i lenriiT : .i wL'el t'io c!i sr o' oc ions provided for iu t-'.ii-i ic tion shall ret;i t-." r. Section. 6. All olect ions by the pe i le shall be I y balli.', ar.l all eb'eilotn bythe (i..n"ra! As?- o.bly shall be viva voce. Secti'Hi. 7. Every voter in North Carolina, except at in this nrtiele o .pialibed, sball be eligible to office-, b" .'.'irn e-nt, 'ring tip in tho duties of th .1 ofli.'O bo sh v.l take and subspi ,bo tbo fo'lovin,' oath: "T, -, do solemnly swear or nli'r.ii tb 't I will s ipport and tu .ir.t v!;i l'-c coestil ntion and laws of the United Stntea and tho constitution and laws of North C.irolinfl,notineonsi6tent therewith and that I will f.i thftilb dischargei the duties ot my ofiloe as . So help me God." Si tion. 8- The following chipset of persons thill be disqualified for edlice; First, all prisons who deny the being of Almigbty God. Second, all persons who thai! have been convicted, or confessed their k',".il; on indictTOBt ':r riding, nnri TI1E whether snntenc-.l or not, or t and or jueT-comcnf. intpenei; of i any treason or fcioi y, or nr.y j other crime for which tho pnn-! isliiiient may be riiionriti'ut iu the peiiiteij'i.ii'V, sineo be COlldng citizens of tae Unit d State?, of porruption ajid u. dprnctice in oliee, nule.-B such pi r-on tlm1 bo reftored to tho rights cf citi zenship in a manner jircscrlbcil bv law. Section. 9. This a, t force from mid after it: dial! ratification. THE Gl;l)l.I S . Min:.. Tilt' Report r,,r llto vtoiilh Pusl onic JfiMirovriiiclili to III' rl 4 Snuufn t ons mmlo liy Ihe Siiiiertinoiidfiit. fjentral BuMing. Boys 172, gir's 107, to'al 3:!'.) : atfeuda C" 07 percent; taiely 47 pjniehed 5 truancy 0, v'siti rs 11 . Foreet lb". Biyt 40, eir's 41, tola! P4 ; at tendance !)j per cent ; tardy 0, uas i bed 0, truancy 0, vieiioru 0. Caunnnvi'le. Hoys 41, g'rla -13, i.tci! S-l ; a' tendancc 03 per tin'; tardy 11, punished 0, truancy 1, uti ord iJ. Co! reil. Hot s 97, girl, 113, 'ics! SM0 ; t'uilance 'j3 ner cent : tsrev 14'.) pi.l i a-;, tin .-, l.n B Z'i'.i, t 1,7 0 V : J ' a.. 4 ! 13 ,1.) 10. 111 ! CoVd T. 3aO 07 - f) ira e - 1,1 . ti i T . th o '. ar) Ij'oi .ii-1 I ae ti lie Colt ; ' Y i'f 1 . i, i' e IV;. -he ! C Mi 1' i.'i.iiiaii. ' ill'.!- V. 1 11) AilHf I" A iie II eie U'l'n Vl-3 . : US' U, ,oi.ie .-i . '1 b o - . I iek'-I .;i.T . . i :v I'm I. ... .!,,; Li J.I .1' ; j 1 IT 1 1 r, i I'. ;.;' !)... : . Cio;;", ; Ibteh e, La ra'.'.ersoa fi Hoover E Cr, I', A 'r , V : fi hi. K ty Qiont it i. : -i Ora ', P 11 V, i. I,':,.i L .'ii.r'ii , i C f T tiiihl l.b I'he T-'J r'.o ; . i v Johr ny : u,,e. I'i ii' Mi -j r. Ci. I (ire, 1 Vr! A 'ilo a r M. Fiei'ni s Tnr Lii'u Jet k t: 3- Ma A i r, Au'.oe Murphy, rah Wa -', Jol-'u Lor jr. Note 8. Thin endd the fi.'th mrtr.th . 1 widh wemig'it have km tardi n.'f.i. dry jyting up si o i-i. 15. ya nd ir's who are iu tne b-.lut eif hein.' ta. dy at sshool e.re bki iy u he t ody in bu.einetjs and loo' a j b or f ,il e,f BiicccBi. Schod Ubiui- Ut-FS A hmcheme terre tial eolp bt-i-recenoy tio-en parcba-ied foi iue in the rc'ioole. Ii,iiirove'i"'n8 are Boon nileiiM'b- to a ii f i Hie com: or: e-: t'eV r.-v m TI" ei.'a h ar.il nin:h f ie'.i ri'tjtmg fXCi O'.! '? every "(. b t- A. Srnini.l Kill 1 1 ;i On an rr C i la Meevoe s'oo, .-a !'li:ir.-:J;o f.'iiie, r !' :i C to .io) ". si i ui e loo'- n ' i . i" I ; f) ing rJ, oct villi a fe'v br.i'i-'i! j 1. I ' Wi. g g"0u:i.. ! I)'? iv! '; i; i ! . 1 P o: o . in m. d 1. iv Tight i t.) '.'a' I. not knuving w! f ho i'i ; kdh.i. Ho bro'iL.dit if hit r: .lay l for soectators. It it !li, is ere bun !i ft soil (O'V II. Cowl which frequents t'-c co .. ' , bet it iu EOiiioiliir.g extraordinary that it bhoui.' drii't thir far fnmi 'ho ocean, li is a l earj:iftd !.': ', iivolv f.. .thi-.rjd, and mo : iovl. lioi .oof 'i-.-.c i tbo bp; fo i;-i.':, r;- It ;s v.'t b-fot f vd nn t b is a I !ar to tV t ot tor eiii1 ,ovyl:i it sun. t.rlp'n 11iivhi. Ilo.ioit.il. So much mini rv nml ro ira'-v death' have liei'ti cuuied hy the (irip, thc.t every one tilnmld kin.wlm n wmide I'inl reiucdv for this miilmly in found in l.r. Kiint'slNew lJise ivery. ThaJ elritreHsiu Htuliiinrn coiiijli; that intliiiii-s your throat. rolis yen of --lecp. weaken your nystt-m nml naves tho way, for Coiif imii t'iouiaq'iieklv itoipeil hv thiiunitelile;-s cure. If yoa hnvi' ehillg nvd fever, puin in the buck ot tan lica.l. sorcticsM m bones ami iiiu-cIoh, sore throat nml Unit ! conirh timt or'ns your Ihront like n vii'e, ; you need 1 'r. imiiu' h jjiscnvery ioilunu cure y.mrCnn, nml prevent I'lieiim.-tiet, , J.y Will 's Witch Tlieel Hid,-e. orCnsmiielioii. I'rioi) Wtotn. and SI M-1 - , v. ur, i,ls, iHutioi.-i.-J. Honey buck if not cured. A tnal bottle . v fr0 at V. 1'. Fi'tiV-T'? I""'! Slturn I (Jibs, in. RlcIiCS t?:o focJ mere h, j 'PIIK 1 N'VI The ('oiiniilllf.f. IUH'M .Irtl ffHNl.'.lll till- :.ii;iit!ni.(i iii. i vaftii- ci'int e, i u 3 !n i.o- a -f f PI if 'l'i ilm ha f v to -M an ! til ii i'. i o;; ii'T .in 'i r.- ltel 111! ;v c - emerri e.cv Oh oe'::,! ! e; - 't. .' and ! '.: :'. C "l'l ' o;ie If. i C il fltJi'SiCe' U ;.'!i- ' r ii J, Tiiev f.u..o n wa? room ' r l ien : i Knrai ii.K i' e : :!l..t " 11'! fuc I . .! b ' " fa lit. : d his hub i i : i a' ei fuiUilii! end till ;ie ;o It the circ-i "-j '0 df'ien oft" iu-' tn c 'e.;n cr a', n i il);'l wl ; I'll :u ' e, t- I i I t i le w t rv Il ' c A'.', r Ge.i. I'or I..nllxt'il n ImitrlfM The sf-.,ti.iifu' i favor ot a i , -I'll '..- i-'1 : tl a 1, ;'.eo o,0 1: . I 111 Li 1 Ci. .a v. A ney ; " ! oy i uu. t ', e. 1111 i-e t ti I no ih. ''i.e .le! Ci:. 1 be j i ! ner.'il g in t'1 ' r proie X nine i Poll act of fit; Ihgul Veil , inru.-liCil. 1 ' Wi t. an - 1 ( :.i 'i i me t ijeuo-i I ' lil t I .-. 1 iv i v.l. i il iaylle tbo beM ', piiniiunsj mi i ii pe.iucipr.tej in jioldi a: me a iu fof'.i'C fill1 lie iilfl 1 and of lho State ind 7h-erv:r. r iiiit, Ull i Hi; li in rutfinp r-'t r- sot.! ( I !i i-. cpe. il, h Nevis Imj. .Iilliev. '1 V I " I . I . 0 r 1' of i .. i.'vhs, (his o r;j r train n tii.' grade, our-. Tio ,a-!y frieht I ut what r'll he wa. a. wrc i c :: l n ' a I'ol v e - I i ' i i re t 1 o or ' n Sp oil: h enpi L"".f rl, and cat: i r r-oii-. il ii): i: Hi t r.d n r:C e j ffii'-mad-i - liiii'm. i ' : IK. se! r-T'i: g. ni'iii up t-.ek il i il. hi -i li ::'; do: '.!.!-. ? i' hlj e'-ciii(. j i h'O, wiieif., ' e '. iitrj io fi .A e ii ! ;n no if ..,-k to hb . I V he CO.M- rc- el t hut i) i ; o F r train in d try and. !-:.t ! l:o v ;rr i'. ' -ft. tt.d, When him h' hen" fl ai it ti e j waH i , i i il a v f y f xp'a'tK'd to r mi's -! the- r- (jiU! .4 h- l h : y : of I ap t i V I 1 1 I OI : - v ho know h'oij a elii vo eh.'it b.o 1 ., 1 i'i the hi I i bis two yi in li'-l oro us I 0-C : thos to (li-. of i i ; i 1 e Ch I c. p '! 00 ",' hill 1'j.lVi the 8th. -CI ;" i lie. j ro l1 of N1 ( Clill, No r IV. That, tl;ii voi.y nil iTi;:;"i-l -II (Itovo'h Tie.tol- !-s Chill 'IV ie f " mid Malaria. It is simii'y Ir.-n mai (Jaiui io in n; tu.;U less J..) in. e inl Ircu love it. Adoltd ref. r i! In bitl'T, nau- i-eutiiiiL'Touics. T'lii'i', r'Oh. , rinirini' D ini.i:i'l -r "i v ci oiuc-cct by Til, s .Skin I i-i -an h.C Tin-he aie roli. veil and.ipiichiy cured 1'.- r. 3 u vttd.fc deZzouz end whoSesomo ' ALOU'JAN QUKKLV iiKDuCFL). Wi s hl'llf 1 ey tho fftoni'-ilnorle. r -nifa, Fib. 10, 7 40 p. m. ihe Aim r eioi fnrc-. p at 3 40 'his it'll o n a e a 'ornbii'ed a'tnek i ri. Ci'o osii ioi-l redncrei i; in art on.'. At a cii al from tbe 'i 'er if ih Li L'in;ei -h the Uait'd S a'li.' e'ouhie tern ted moni i t .iio-.u.'n c': op ni fi e from the b .v, wi h ti'c big g its of i r fore iu. let on i hp fa'tb woiloi, witb fri-t i ff, c. Sn ii hf i-rwiod ir U an I'ott-ry hf rnberdej i be plaoe fintn h" ;ai d 8'de. Ti e releUie- i- ! nciI t i r fir. uioil ihe boii.b&rdi r.,e; i c. njid, wh n they fi.,d toU leys cf nrtakt-uy as tiin Montana K'inieni aibancidoD He jungle, li e Kitisaa R-g'uient, ou the ex r. m b ft, with the i'hird Ariillery (leii'oyinz io thf rii-'ht, charged ii- :n s Hi - on n aud earn"'! the eo:l-. . its fli e Hit n-ider a h re. S .i r i. t.Pil ny 'he at til ll. e cioiich, ; fca tr." p fur vii'iiil. !rivipi? ir.e enemy, i v iy fr.t, i'i''-.r, j u to the : . '.n : l er -'re e ' -o ibpiei- o 1 l.ii rid i h-- Fdiipir.o 1: p. no I t,o e neinj B '; .ii ei.'. iu i'r j ..j e, on the 1 ,o.:!' on the it.! 1 O' un"; le c r -.yl v "! rrj. ;''. t but the "ty t'arap-. nain re . ,Vi the . , bnr of el . 1 v'.i W-. re , L.tit :!:e - 1 fa n ! t I 1 1 ! W . t. & 1 In. 1'lcti' c iini 'ins i . ot toe ii e- t nt v.r. V, of Jvv; '. who ' r a o 111 wi . :, ai'.s '-i "V u'.-.ta' ' i. rn .'iv.oi : been given o of the spinn' cb;p art ,iiont at uigiif, which rd.ieo until recc nlly was filled by Mr. Wi'l i i:-j!ii,;,jH. Mr. Wiloou will movo hi) taiuily here, having two daughters and one son. His sou, Mr. Iiobt. Wilson ia n band man a bari- touo player and will very prob ably add much to our Leovly orv'inieii bond. - . . - l or tlvor TI Ir lrmi4 '.. r . W'-.usio'f'e Scot. nil x ij i'-o h.,s b: "ii usi'd for over fifty ;r irj by nii!';';n.i of mothers for their ck. li ra wh'ie tenhiii;;, i:tii p.-ii.'C! sao-o-'-di. ii to itlies tho ot.,;d, eofteus tn t'io ;;, al'ay.' ail pvin, ccud wind co ic, ...e l 13 th !v.t l etncdy for fh .rih.,1.1. It will olieie the poor h ih i!iif..Ti r imur.d.aLL:v. rohl by Irtif;!'.e iu every par: ui t!v- ?crld, IVfiiiv '.lye tien's u 'jo'ie. Ia fire ami nek for ''.-irs. Wiuslon Sooth i ii 2 s.-ri.p, ' and take no other lint!. II ill i'uheH Limx Time, A Havana correspondent to Chavioito News has the fol lowing : Sergeant DentoD, of Company b , is still workin : on his dis c Virgo. His lir-il a,-,i!'C ition we a pn.en'ed bi.--t Auenst iu Jnck s i.vil ... 1! is a i lunch iu the 1 - . k a', po" et.t us at ti.at time. '. Mauls Fome one tottlltiiiu how beg ii will tako f ir a rcgi m. lit to p- 1 oiu ,,f sorvicrt at the r.i'o 1,; ili.-.chai is poiig. aii'iis .'iiilli'rH. .i ; o eon (.-spondee t ! 'o :.' o Charlotte O' 1 ! t J ii I ;o Shaw 1 no I Felni.iihr fby if ciiten pi of coiir, 'O lo "i fr in : ii... (-r ill.1 h e 'T 'U V V.'-lS u:.We-i! U!iO l .1,:. f nil) wilHi- -' ! fort f h ' in o : h.. . ' .t ;i,o i i( rve-r says Mr. II C )ll.i:'-i for .1 ssed Mr. 'i"-y, un- I'lllt 1 n ti.'Si' it ii. MtliO C( .i I V ' ! conoii i i some " -'. : lit ir . " i no place - il i n -; ... iVr tho pctif j' lli - t i ho!-! their deliberation? ilitrlnsi tai;' I'oiJ vcothcr and for I to ! '-ther matters. It is hoped ! I :' i 'i utks yill lie or fruit. j He had c mi o u, o a I i r Jczinjj I nrtWiioflS. mi' ". lie u sue wr.. . v., she acce :. "W. H," h the i. nip re. i l e,i. (! hi;. i of Ci",!. in.; a hic.i aid, ' I .vol a 'ni 'hit "'ion w .. i to j eT ili? 0 b I . id fed cue .it'ie kliii.'' tile ex' 'aie i d ii.diuunt! . O.'f- !' "I counted eih Anderscu lun i f Te I woke i p." i ilieucei-. A M .- i? honacri c. tiai cruly fii.:i'i, d thee ruii.i: bo. ol -350 (r week. M- a's e:. . Bret!; fast at fi:, .i n r t t, Siip.ii re,, even. (eu 'At- are refj".i-jBted t. o t ti) a, . k to the du.iih waiter. Gue. ts wifbing to get up wi l being ca!!"d can have self rai it flaur f . r supper. Cine 'i wipbir g to di a little dr'o.'ln,- .vi'i! find a hemorw arid nails in the cibrri-f. If y our rn m ;r"'g too warm, cr. n the wiada m.d tee the fire eci cape, II you're fond r,f athletics aad liksgood jampinp, li t up the mat tress and sis the bed fptin;i. If your lamp ge,es ou, tale a feather out of tbe pllhm; tbnt'g light enough for any n f -m. Any one troubled with night mare will fiud a halter on 'bet b'f' pos'.. D i .'t worry shout paying your bill; the house is supported by the foundation. Nsariy everybody einok? in Ma. mi '. Ii is a common sight, after so ciiowi-, tostoa father eat for a s roll with In wife and obildrenf and em.1 oi e if tntm oer the age of 5 jei a mi -King a oigarette. Duraam vun. Southern Railway. THE t . .3 Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE D!PJ:CT LINE TO ALL HHr'T,. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, 1 FLORIDA, CU3A AND PORTO RICO.' Strictly PIRST CLASS Egulp-.ient Cf II llirnuri and Local .'rains; Fit.. ,i I'alacc Skerli'ir Curs on ail S iit Trains; .lit and Sate Schedules .... Travel by the Southern ni you are ass.ircJ a "afc, Cn. liirtabie aud Exrcilltiousjou.' a ;y An Iy to T'.c'.ct Ai:enH for fiir.e T.iM i .'atcsau.1 Cciera: Intormatloa, it AuMioss R. L. VI F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Ci-arlottc, tf. C. Ashcville, fl. :. No Troceic tu e.nswcr Questions. Fr .ink S. Ga-Lniin, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk-, 3rd V.P.&eicn m'kt, Traf. Man., li P.A. WASHINGTON, D. C. L. T. HAPTSELL ATT0uNliY-A I'-LAW, CONCORD, - - M C. f'rmi.it at'oo ,, en to all in f iorria buildtns . on 'ipii" fl'iiiri Ii ';a a. M. B. S TICKLET; Attorney at Law, Concord N. C SIEblAL ATI hM ION GIVKl 10 COLLI CT IONS. Office upctair3 iu King building near stoffia D. G Cnldell. M. u. M .L. Stevens, M.D Or. CALDWELL PTKVJiNS. Concord, N. O, )ilic.' in old i oi 'ffi" bnihiinjz, r p mite bt. Cloud Hotel. l'hone No 37 M0hi:i'oU.i 11. OALUWELIi ArroHffBY AT LAW, CONCORD. N. (7 Office in .V--i:t:j biiiJmg. ippcsil Cl""f hi L'l " GRIM GRIP'S DEADLY MARCH Deals Death and Destruc tion to Man1,-. Bo.tou, Kcw Yi rk, Philadj'.uhi.i Washington, Louisville, Ve.-vo i:;odbthe Awful Sooar.r .i ' tho Groat Centros of Popul.! T Af foe tod. The d. ih'cVilt f 1)' . W of t..e po'e : eiidennc of i r i r.f nppni.nt i ' . v.li.-re. '!':! ; n r. eieiKH, li'muo' lileelell. ie -. la- .Tern, rirciccr i. rv, cl ijel col'l .i. police oilicers au'l c , tin. di'." i'i nil iiiiuinU victims tiy -. i.ii'idr. An remedy yet elisc iv, r il Ii . o'-iidts eipi. i to Or. Mills' 1: nt, i t, -SiTviuo, It ipiiekly overcomes tie- e cessive exlnui-tiiiu. invit'orat, s thru 1 let ilo and ar'siiTs nut it re tt, tiir.iw t deadly microbes from th sysa-iii. 1 tmes of epidemic 1 i.e tiie present should be talieii its u l fveiit itiv, disease. ''drip hail left mo a phisicn! wi. e weak, lielol' ss ami mis(. ruble. I con not cut. could not sleep; could not s; i any st-i iii.'th, und hint ii'tvuis i-rn ' t o 'ii of the worst kind ( ur hi'ine pi..' (''..in ce'lid Hot helo Ii, e ami 1 C"' in. r.ci .1 usinj; Or. .Mih s' Nervine. '! hi st night's sleep that I hud h-ul in f. in. iiiths came us tic result of tu,i li doses. When I had taken two I . 1 1 1 felt better tloui I hud hiO. ro iu yer end eoutiu'ir I to impMVL i.ntd 1 entiii-iy curod." lilil Wi" iliAKTI, 1'!'.' iO h, I All di ii-iLi'sts nro iiuth.o i. it !r. Mih v Ncivlmji'iu a l"i ..-ioOi t ti r t liel; le In. iielits io Mo: y nl ili- sun- aad 'ct L 'r . .Mdis' No li '..I. let on hunt and Nervt-d seiu I Address Dr. Mii.es Mkuicat. ( 'o . L khm t, Iin