The - Standard GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVJXQ PRICES. he 5tV;Arr l:r X'JtUBi O PrtlNH Tii jL'ws thai? i.i mrs j?or 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Give us a Trial. 1 nly $X Per ?ear' CONCORD, N.C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. Old Time Honesty In making LILEOOUN MURLIN w nse tbe bast modern machinery and old-time honesty. Every thread In LILEOOUN MUHLIN ! pure cotton which we boy In the seed from the planter. we gin, card, spin and weave It and sell the finished muslin direct to the retail tnerohant. We save yon haU-a-doseu profits of com mission men, speculators and Jobbers. .. lilLEPOUN MUSLIN has the nam on arery yard. If voortfssler hasn't LILBDOT71V and won't st It, send to tbe mill. Wlu send direct, ctrTUgsprepsId, In SO yd. bolts or more, A ULSUOUM button bag me. Write for one, MOORE COTTON C THESE WERE COLD DATS, RhsNi 1st Keply to Mr. S T Oowell With tb Anilior'a Nnspictoas. Mr. Editor : Replying to Mr. O T Crowell's inquiry as to the coldest day, the day when he halted at Mr. Jacob Moose's home to warm he does not say with what; bnt we guess a liquid that sparkled with age and roped when poared oat of a jug so as to make one reluctant to bite off, a thing that this age of adulteration knows nothiuit of we submit the following record made tlieD, which ooroborates his statement as to the degrees of coldness. This is the record : Wednesday December 29, 1880, snow fell to the depth of 8 inches. Thursday morning December 30, 1880, the ther mometer stood as follows : at 8 o'clock a. m., 21 degrees below zero; at 9 55 a. m. at zero; at 1 30 p. m. 30 abore. Next day, Friday, Deoomber 31, 1880, the thermometer stood at 8 a. m. 14 -legrees below; at 9.30 at zero. My record shows the following other cold days, iz: December 114, 1876, snow fell to the depth of 11 inches; January 1, 1877, snow fall to tbe depth of 4 inches. Wednesday morning January 3, 1877, the thermometer stood at 7 o'clock a. m. 4 de re s below. Friday December 29, 1882, snow fell to the depth of 8 1-2 inches. January 12, 1886 the thermouiet r fctood at zero. It is but just to say that when my thermometer rusted against the walls of the house, it reached only 14 de rees below z ro like most thermometers then, but when hun out clear from tonob ing any thing the mercury ran down to 21 degret s below zero on December 30, 1880. Very respectfully, Jon si Gook. Mt. Pleasant, Eeb. 17, '99. Aboat (he Weather In 1SH1, Mt. Plenant, N. 0, F-b. 1 6 U99 'Editor S'nndard : I began making (-hu series) observations January t 1887, und consequently hate ne record for 1881. I cannot, theres fore, be p Mr. Crowell. Gpt, Cook ays the temp-ratnr was 21" below I ro. ORP Miller sys it was 14 below. Both claim to have t cm pern tare bs indicated by therm-imser. A W Moose is under tha impression that it was 14 degnei be'ow 1 may be that boih are right, but made observations at different limes, n ! Our being sufficient sometimes tocuu-e a difference of several dts greel Very truly y- urs, H T J Ludwig. Has Taken Chnrge of tbe Horn Haass. On Thursday morning Mr. Frank Pbarr, who lately moved from the country to Concord took charge of the Morris House, which hotel has been shut down for eeteral weeks. In taking .charge, it is an agreement be ' tween the parties that the build . ing is to undergo repairing and to be furnished with some new furniture. As it is not yet a certainty that Mr. Pharr will keep tbe hotel for any length of time, he has not moved all of his household effects from liN house on Bell avenue. Pi 7 vii 17th. A WET TIME. Houses. I.enklnir Jladly Nome OaodM la Nlorrft Damaged Tbe Larc ripe al reiser's Task Bursts.: Thursday morning was a sur prise moraine to scores of our people. Many roofs proved insnf- ficient to keep out the fine snow, and by the rieing of of the tem perature made it a wet time for a number of business houses, be sides the leaking of a large num ber of dwelling houses. Besides Bell, Harris & Co.'s damages other buildings come in for their share of leakage. Quite an amount of Miss Mary Brachen's spring millinery goods are badly damaged. When she opened her store an inch or two of water stood on part of her floor, having soaked some of her goods that were packed away in pasteboard boxes. . Her loss is at least $300 . and very probably more. Tbe New South Ulub room is badly damaged. Tbe plastering overhead is ruined besides the saturating of the carpet in the one room. The Phifer hall ad joining is wet considerably, it having dripped through into Dayvault's store slightly. Cook's photograph gallery is badly damaged, hia negatives and prints being ruined. The Morris building leaked considerably in several plaoes. The Times office contained an inch or two of water un its floor, damaging things somewhat. The roar of Swink & White's store leaked quite much, c'a i a j ing their stock somewhat. Besides all this, and after the people had realized the state of affairs, the large pipe from Mr. Fetzer's tank on top of the rear of the drug store burst, flooding the back lot considerably and putting several leches of water in the basement of the drug store. Dr. Marsh,ODQ of our druggists, also has trouble. A number of bottles of shoe polish froze then burst, ruining some of his stock. A Wenderfnl deck. Prof. H Miller will at an early day install a clock in Mont Amocena Seminary only little less wonderful than the great clock at Strasburg, but probably more applicable to mod em uses. Besides the ordinary time keeping this clock will operate a system of electric call bells by which, with a system ot wires connecting, he can have the girls called from any room to fill one or any number of programs as the different departments of school demand. Having once determined the school programs for the depart ments and set the machinery it will announce by a ring of tbe bell at the same instant tor all the rooms in eaoh department and, without any confua on, will announce the program differently in other rooms as the depart ment to which the girls belong demands. At tbe closing hour it ceases to call but takes up its task next morning again. So, on Fri day evening it knocks off till Mod day morning. It will hns automatically carry on the calls for the session or ses sions till there is a change manii nrated, with nothing to do but wind the dock onoe a week. There is but one thing that it refuses to do it seems. It will dot have the time divided into smaller poriode than five minutes. The minutes of time must be divisible by five. This modern wonder is called Fricks utomatic program clock. Dr. Milleris to be congratulated on being among the firat to secure this very progressive iquipmont. Back From Ibe Hale. Three of onr stock raisers, Messrs A M Brown, Giles T Crowell and R A Brown returned Tuesday night from Lexington where they attended the big sale of Mr. Baxter Sbemwell's stock. Mr. Crowell purchased about a dozen of fine bogs and Mr. R A Brown purchased two mules. Mr. A M Brown took hie in a disc plow. Mr. R A Brown also bought one. Mr; sice-ll's Brelher Dea(l. Mr. Walter T Scott, of Charlotte, died Wednesday morning of con sumption, having been Bick abnut three years. He was a brother of i ... . Mr 'L K Scott, of this plaoe. BADLY DAMAGED. Tbe Fnrallnre Stack of Bell, Harris A Co., Welted By a Deficient Roof The Damage Can Sot Be Estlmnled, Without seeing one can hardly estimate the damage that Messrs Bell, Harris & Co., furniture deal era, have sustain d by the rain and freeze Wednesday night. The greater portion of the upper story of the building is wet. The furniture both upstairs and downstairs is wet from continual dripping during tbe night. The ordinary wood furniture is of course damaged besides the uphoktered work. Boyeral of their fine conches aie saturated with water. When Mr. Bell opened the store several inches ot water were on the floor at the front door, it haying run out under the door. The cause is, of course, the deficient roofing, together with the rain and freeze of that night. Scaicely any snow was found on the roof, a large amount of it having melted Wednesday. As for tbe dama.e done tbe stock, this can not be told. The furniture will all have to be rub bed considerably. As for the upholstered work this can not be remedied. One of the firm, when asked what he thought the loss would be, said "that he would not have had it to happen for $1,500 cash." Daily of 16th. The Willow's Way. "Yonr trouble," said the liyely widow to the young heiress, "is that you don't understand this animal we call man. You wanted to mar ry Cokely, and as your friend, I left the field opeD until you admitted that your chance was hopeless. Now he and I are engaged." "He's a horrid wretch " "Thanks. But a month ago you thought him the dearest man on earth. He is, and he beloDgs to the 'strong oak' type. You didn't know enough to be the clinging vine. You failed to lean on him and flatter his distin guisning quality, xou were always trying t do something for him. I reversed the order and delighted him by having him do things for me. I made him realize how much he could be to me, and delighted him by my gratitude for the advice I was constantly getting about my affairs. To use the atro cious slam; of the day, I swelled his head, and if you know how to nse it the recipe will win the affections of nine men out of ten. It is the true love potion prepared by the cunniug alchemy of nature. Positively, my dear, you young girls weary me. Greensboro Patriot. A linen Dollar rire. The four story building at theBrookiyanavy yard known as Machine Shop No. 28 was totally destroyed by fire vVednesday night. The building is estimated at $350,000 and the lathes and other machinery at $403,000, while the models, patterns, etc , destroyed will probably bring the loss up to more than $l,o00.000. Tho origin of the fire is unknown. Rnslness luettoes Lady ( xcitedly) Ilaveyon fi le my application for a divorce yet t Lnwjer No, madam, bnt I am a work on tbe pipers now. Lady Thank fortnne, I am not oo lute. Destroy all papers and evidence at oncef p'eaee. Lawyer A reconciliation has been brought about between you and your husbscd, 1 infer ? Ltdj Graoinns, no I He was run over and killed by a freight train ibis morning and I want to retain you in my suit against the company for daoiKg SeliO'ed A young woman, who is very popular in Social life, was asked why she did not marry. Her answer will furnish young man. who are forming habits something to think about. Hare it is: "I have con siderable money of my own; I have a parrot that b wears, a monkey that chews, and a stove that smokes. So yoa see I am not very badly in . . 1 . .- - 1 1 J it (J. 1 nee'i if a bubband." Selected. CAPT. BECIILER DEAD. I'nssea Away Suddenly Tuesday "lib I of Heart Disease. We learn, with sympathetic emotions, that Capt. Jackson Sech ler, of Ch'na Grove, died tuddenly at 2 o'clock Tuesday night. He had been afflicted with heart disease of smothering symptoms His son was with him In the room and seeing unfavorable symp toms called his mother, but life was extinct before she arrived. Tbe remains were buried at Mt. Zion Keformed church today (Thursday) the 16th. Mr. Sechler served in the Confed erate struggle as captain in the 57th regiment. He was esteemed in military as veil as in civil life. He had attained to about 68 years of age. His son, Jackson, is now in Cubs in Capt. Hill's company. He leaves a widow and a number of ohildren in bvreayeme .t. Re Bejayed tbe Nlenllns;. The Greensboro Telegram says that a Charlotte gentleman who was in the city said he sat by bis window in bis residence Sunday and watched people carry off hie wood, of which he had about twenty oords. At least half that amount was taken off, he says, and he sat in eilence and enjoyed it unknown to those who were "sponging" on him. One of the takers, as he started off with all he could carry, glanced at the window and saw tbe owner. Immediately he dropped the wood and was about to depart when the gentleman raised the window and told him to help him self. And the lick almost killed "daddy." as A rire Rear Salisbury. In the Salisbury Sun we see that the residence and everything in it, almost, belonging to Mr. Chas. Wagoner, who lived neir Salisbury, was ourned early inuisday morn ing. The Sun also has the follow ing: "Mr. Wagoner's son, Wil liam, who lives in Concord was sent for Wednesday on account of the sickness of his father. Ue arrived that night and was at his father's when the fire ocourred. His feet were burned and then he bad to walk around barefooted on the snow and ice. A physician was sent to look after him." Trading; Wltu Spain. It is quite surprising to learn through a Washington dispatch that Consul Agent Mertens did not leaye his post at Valenoia, Spain; during tbe war. Most of the time he exercised his functions without disturbance, Now, though we have no trade treaty with Spain, be has managed the delivery of 4,000 tons of wheat from the United States. A 20 per oent. tariff bad to be paid on it and yet trade is encouraging. fteventeen Were Bnrned. A breaking out of fire has been one of the most dreaiful contempla tions daring the cold weather. Fur oatelynot many fires have occurred but at Yankton, South Dakota, f building in which the insane were cared for took fire Sunday and 17 of tbe unfortunates were lost in tbe flames. With the thermometer 23 degrees below zero, tbe water supply was unavailable. While receiving by telephone the particulars of Mr. Jackson Secbler's death at China Grove, we wero in formed also of the death of Mr. A rant, who lives just out of China Grove at Mr. Will Goodnight's. Tbe cause of his death was pneumonia Efe had reached the age of about 50 or ou years, tie died about o o'clock Wednesday night. A nan frozen In Mecklenburg. Sam Puifer was found in the road some milbs east of Charlotte Tuesday, standing by his buggy frozen to death. His horse was nearly dead, too, and had to be prised out of the freeze Tlie Nitre t,nOrlii fare. There is no use sutfering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get the right remedy. You are having pain all through, your liver is out of order, have no appe tile, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely used up. Electric Bitters is the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act d'rectly on your Livr, Stomech and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price re funded. For sale at P B Fetzer's drug store, only 50 cents per bottle. if m As tbe season of the year when pneu monia, la grippe, sore throat, conghs, cohl b, catarrh, bronoliltis and lniig tronbles are to bo guarded against, nothing "is a fine substitute, ' will "answer tbe purpose," or is "just as Rood'' as One Minute Cough Cure. That is the one infallible remedy for all lung, throat or bronohial troubles. In sist vigorously upon having it if "some thing. W is vjurod V'Ti. -J J" Gi'so-j. THE AMENDMENT Of Ibe Town C harter Which Hm Been Nens to Ibe Present ueneral Assembly for Its Enactment. As has been advertised for the past month an amendment is to be made to the town charter. The following is the amend ment as sent to tbe General Assembly some days ago : Sec 1. That in all cases where a defendant is adjudged to pay a fine or cost or either, and failing to pay same, it shall bo lawful for the Mayor to adjudge that such person be confined in the jail of Cabarrus County for a term not exceeding thirty days, and that they be worked during tbe period of their confinement on the st'ecta of Concord or othor publio works of said town, or on the public roads or other public works of Cararrus county, till at fair and reasonable wages they shall have paid such fine or costs or both. Sec 2 In all cases where a defendant is found guilty of violat ing any ordinance of said town, tbe policeman or officer making tbe arrest shall be allowed one dollar for making the arrest, to be paid by the defendant so found guilty; and in all cases tried be fore the Mayor for a violation of an ordinance of said town the Mayor shall be allowed one dollar for each defendant so tried by him, and by the town of Concord in cases where the defendant is found not guilty. Sec. 3 That whenever a defend ant or witness or other person shall be adjudged to be im prisoned by the Mayor of said town, it shall be competent for said Mayor to sentence such per son to imprisonment in the County jail of Cabarrus for a term not exceeding thirty days, and to adjudge also that such person work during the period of their confinement on tbe publio utreets, or on the publio works of the city, or on the public works or publio roads of the County of Cabarrus. Sec 4. That chapter 94 of the private laws of 1897, be and is hereby amended by adding at the end of section two (2) the following ! On all persons or firms who buy, sell or trade horses or mules as a business for profit, and on all express or tele graph companios an annual tax not exceeding twenty dollars. That all laws in conflict with theBe amendments are hereby rcpoaled. That this act shall be in force from its ratification. sjonTcnlra mt Front Cnba. A nice collection of curios is to be seen now at Dr. Fetzt er's Drug store. Quite a num ber of photographs taken in and around Havana are in the collection, showing the beauti. fnl side of Cuba and also the dark side. In the number is a photo of the plaoe where the bones of human bodies are cast after the flesh has de composed. The fancy work of the Cubans can also be eeen. A macnete, tne weapon of war, is among the exhibit, also a Spanish sword. It Is a nice collection of curios and one of which the owner should be justly proud. To Bonn. Work at tbe Harrows Dr. Dillon Brown, of New York Cithy, treasurer of the North Carolina Power Com pany, has concluded all pur chases for tne property on the Yadkin river, known ns the tt arrows, about forty miles rom Charlotte, for the purpose of developing a water power at that place for electric trans mission to Charlotte, Concord, Salisbury and other North Carolina towns. Ladshaw & Ladshaw, of this city, are en gineers for this company, and will begin next week. Spar tanburg Qerald. Not one child diea where ten formerly died from croup. Teople have loarnod the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately Btops cough ing. H nover fails.- -J P Gibson. If you have a cough, throat irritation, weak lungs, pain in the chest, difHoult breathing, croup or hoarseness, let n suggest One Minute Cough Cure. Al wuys ruUubleaud tmlo. J P Cibouu. j w jJWJWJrUTEET .VURE Makes the food more deHcious and wholesome SOVtl f!KIW1 Tbe Altitude Torward the Philip pines United States Senate ou The Tuesday 14th gave expression to us sentiments wim regaru to me Fhillipine lalandu in the follow ing cullod tho Mcbnry resolu tion: "That by the ratification of tho treaty of peace with Spain it is not intended to coerce inhabit ants of the Phillipines into citizenship of the United States, nor is it intended to permanently annex said islands as an integral part of the territory of tho United States; but it is the intention ot the United States to establish on said islands a government suit able to prepare them fur local self-government, and in due time to make such disposition of said islands as will best promote the interests of the United States and the inhabitants of said inlands." The vote stood 20 to '22. Damage KKHKBTarnted. Jacksonyille, Fla., Peb. 11. The most extravagant reports have been sent broadcapt through out the country regarding the damage dono by the cold of the 13th. Pieports recoived torjight by The Times-Union and citizens from all sections of tho orange belt indicate that the cold wave did not do much permanent dam age, and utterly refuting the statement sent out to the pross. uutside ol tne tenc r raring growth on the ornnr"? ;ree ', the trees remain uniuj ad knd in the lower belt it is red'c tod the orange crop will ije Urger than ever this season. .Reports from the vegetable th's stricts say that truckers have gone to work with preat energy to replant, and the spr'ng output ot market vegetables will bo equal to any season in the past. Wonld Kill Her Children Jastioes II H Iloberts aud M B Uarbee with Dr. James W McOce, Jr., yesterday evening held an ins quisltioD of lunacy of Mrs. Sweeney, wife of Patrick Sweeney, Eiq Mrs. Sweeney has been in exceedingly feeble hral h for some time and ber 1 mind gave v. ay some two weeks ago Djy bt fore yesterday she became uns managrable and threatened to kill her children. Night before last Mrs. Sweeney got np and threw her three year old dangbter out of the window into a deep snow bank. In leaviug the win dows he turned over a chair which awakened Mr. Sweeney . Ilesawthe window open and missing the child went out and got it. Mrs. Sweeney was removed to Central Hospital last evening as a patient ,Kuleigb Post of 16tb. A Burrow Escape. Last Saturday night about 12 o'clock, Mr. J A Harris was inter rupted in his slumbers by suffoca tion, however he awoke in time to eava the lives of himself and family and to save his bouse. The fire originated under the bouse by a ppark or coal falling thiough a craok in the hearth. By beroio ef forts the fire, which, had gained conniderable headway, was extin guished. The floor was burned al most into a coal. Mooreeville Times. For Hps Only. Ladies please skip this para graph. It got into our columns by mistake and we have asked the printer to set it npside down ; . . xj 'pvotj jnq no pmnsri pr jqn jj ftoqaraos ?i i pino ona my 8 pnoi Xpneipj si( en eaoid niqx mIop u o 8iiso no ,oq 'iiofj .ttoqg u jo pni5 v,.i or; .i3 aqa j ttoq eraog no )! pnn 3tIEI VI uo- lnfl 'Jion 0 jou jqtfno oqn ifunftotaon h,?i miraoA 9iqnoj; itq Snnfl.Cnu SI OMqj JT For Over Fl'tr Venra Mrs. Winslow'g Boothing 3ymp has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child' ren while teething, with perfeot suc oess. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Syrup," aud take no other kind. ffaTWlv bava Npmraftrfn. Opi, nr. MtlrsJ !''! tnjro in-uijlaia. -utio ( PlWrq CO., NfW YHHK. Eiponnon vm. Income. TTT 1 ;v v nne our country la taming cut mpn nf fnrfcnr,Pfl in aroaf nnmWa fuch the ter t of oar o0r)re are hard at work dei-in- . one theme how to livi. It is tb story of a lifetime. H We start out In life with the ono problem that most be faced and it lasts ns through l;fe. Some succeed fairly well in an honorable way, iti other words they sacceed ; other make a failure. One of the secrets is that yon fine1 the successful one watching expendi tures and he makes them conform to hia inoomeJ no matter what sta tion this is in life, it applies to all. To do this one must live cheaply. This is becoming more and more the invariable role. Prices of all the great staples are high. Eents are enormous. Fashions are exacting. Wants multiply while resources di minish. Uow to make ends meet if the problem which presses ou hnn dredsof people. It is what is done to keep up appearances tbatdestroye the equilibrium between income and expense? and makes life a drnc'gery and vexation. How to live cheaply is a question easy enough to answer if any ono will be content with cheap living. Substitute comfort for ehow. Pot convenience in the place of fashion. Study simplicity. Refuse to be befoiled into a style of liv:ng above what is required by yonr poBitioa in eociety and is justified by your rrsonrcs. 8et a fashion of simplicity, neatness, prudence, ?md inexpcnei'-eneni wh.ct. o;n H1 be glad to follow and thirk yix for introducing. Trar'i ynr.vnc'' t', do withoitja thouiand ptctf; an' showy things which wealthy peo.)'- pur oaase, and pride yonrself on being just as happy without them as your rich ne.ghbors are with them. Put to much dignity, sincerity, kindness and love in your simple aud in expensive home that Us members will never miss the costly fripperies aud showey adornments, and be hap pier in the cozy and comfortable apartments than most of their weaitcy neiehbors are in their sumptuous and splendid establish menta. It does not follow that in order to live cheaply ono must live meanly. Tbe best comforts of lifa are not costly. Taste, refinement, good cheer and wit are not expensive. Southport Standard. BlaJ. J. w. Wilson Exonerated. Raleigh, Feb. II The special committee appointed early in the session of the North Carolina Legii lature to investigate Governor RufsoH's suspension of J W Wilson and S Otho Wilson, railroad com missioners, from their office, met tonight and decided that tbe evi dence before the Governor did not warrant the suspension of Major J W Wilson. The case of S Otho Wilson is still under consideration, Major Wilson will hardly be ex pected to resume his duties on tbe railroad commission, as it is the in tention of the General Assembly to abolish tbe statute creating the railroad commission and re-create it, with partially new powers and duties, and Major Wilson's term ex pires with this session of the Legist lature. The clause of the railroad otn misuion act wuiun governs in canes like that of Major Wilson dclares that in any case of suspension the Governor shall fill the vacancy, and if the General Assembly shall de termine that the commiwioner sus pended shall be removed, then the appointee of the Governor shall hold office until hia successor is elected and nualiiied, bin if be General Assembly shp.ll detn"H'ne that the suspended oo:im:: wntr shall not be removed fro a h.'s oilice, then the effect shall be to reinstate him in the office. The prpctioal effect of the report of the committee, if adopted, as it doubtless will be, by the Legisla ture, will be to enable Major J V Wilson to draw his salary from the date of bis suspension up to the present. Another NeaKttil raptured. Only a few days after Mr. Mon roe Ritchie shot a seagull the other week, Mr. Henry Vanderburg, of Cannon ville, captured one. Mr. Vandeiburg only crippled his enough to catch it, and was trying to save its life, but it died from its wounds. He had intended to The Duel IIetween.Hr. Nliott anv r. Holt. A duel sras lately fought in Texas by Hiram Shott and John SNott. Nott was shot and Shott was not. Id this case it was better to be SL; 't than Nott. There was a runn r that Nott was not shot ai i Shott avows that he shot Nott, which proves either that th shot Shott shot at Nott, was not shot, or that Nott was shot notwithstanding. Cir cumstantial evidence is g t always good. It may be nun' e to appear when the trial comes off that the shot Shott shot, shot Nott, or as accidents with firearms are frequent, it may be possible that the shot ' Shott shot shot Shott himself, when the whole affair would resolve itself into its original elements and Shott would be shot and Nott would be not. We think, howeyer, that the shot Shott shot, shot not Shott but Nott. Anyway, it's hard to tell who was shot and who was not. Judging from the number of towns that are petitioning the Legislature to establish dis pensaries, the sentiment is growing rapidly all over the State. Daily Reflector. Southern THE i . .1 Stan dard R,cM va y of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL ro;ST. TEXAS, CALIFG'kIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO ?Cr .' Strictly FIRST CLASS Eaulpm, i t 0:1 i Through end Local Irani',; PuUn Palace Sleenlr.?: Cars on ail Ni Trains; Fat and Sate Schedules . . Travel by the Souilieui you are oauicJ a Jdi'c Ci loi lablcauj Expeditious jo r uey .......... Arr'y to Ticket Aifcnls for Time Tab -Rates anj General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY. T. R. A., C. P. Si T. A. Charlotte, N. C. Ashevillc, X No Trouble to Answer Questions. I-rank S. Gaanon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Tr.rvv 3rd V.P.&Gen M'gr, Traf. Man., li.l WASHINGTON. D.t. L. T. HARTSELL. A TTO RKE Y-A T-L A W, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt attention given to 6.1 business. Office in Morris buildi ;j loposite coort house. M. B. S TICKLE Yj Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SFM1AL ATI LM ION OIVH 10 COLLtOlIONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postoffice. D. G Caldwell. M. u. M ,L. Stevens, M D Drs, CALDWELL & STEVEN? Concord, N. 0. )ffice in old post office bnildirg jpposite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone Nu 3T MORK1SON H. CALD WELlt ATTOBH1T AT LAW, CONCORD. N. (J Office in Morris building,' ipra.. Court house. la nAT no one remedy c;wi Cint;i.:i elements necesVury to cur" u.l ; i es, Is a f;wt well knowii to fv, .--( Dr. Miles' System ot K. 'orniivr he: , consists of seven distinct lvoly di'" n -l preparations, each for Its own pu ;t -. Mrs. L, C. Itrniiiley, 37 Henry St.. r-- t:)i erinea, Ontario, writes: "l-'ur yi'.irs 1 b f fered from extreme nervousness una unn y lng coutipation, develop I lis; IriUj pal il tat : .1 and weakness of the heart. I wn?. u;i i l sleep, suffered much from jo, p.iitt : my iift Mo, pnlpltatlou ami a .'t.n-i feeling of weakness ami prost rat Im. I 1 t using Dr. MiU-m' Nervine, lie.irt rv ,l. Nervo and Liver I'V.U n: I tin -I':.. Pills to relieve su-i-iei: , tr. y . - f l i and headache. I - n ' . t r,u .i ::: ;-rvv. and the pains ami i. - a mf w-'ir::.--- ' ' me. I then Ui It. .Mlh.V K Ton It an! ar:i row ivr t..; t, y good health." W i It. M.h -' K. i,.. ,!.r- : Dr - . are s.'!J hy all ... , ; gisu under a j. OHlc . iTiMrantoe, Ur.-t hultle (JvCrP.COCi beueliu or m..iiey re-f r Ro(ifcvr3 funded, liixn od tlli-i. -, u , . , n or v tig free. Address, aC " ' ' f - - - ' . " . 1 4" yzmhiil