T "1 Gu I) - JU3 - Vf GHK JL D'l'AJN PRINTS THF JVEWit THA.T is JYJ1S For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. AT I IV NG PRI0B3. Only $1 Per Year. Give us a Trial. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 2 1899. Single Copy 5 CtE DAHD. sat ;i m it - 5i ... ! SI .Til M it f KftWH 11 UU f3f m r S U T.TT.TinnTT'M f TTCT m la i .i ... ... t ra it leaves me mill, we are i proud of ita quality. Every yard Is is guaranteed. I If you find a defect In LILE- S T )UN MUSLIN that hnmin j? ti appearance or wearing qual g ;v, we want the iroods back. V'e want to give you perfect i i ods for it. ULEDOUN MUSLIN makes n' derwear, sheets, pillow cases, I tugs, &c, that wash easier, v. nr longer and bleach whiter tt in any other goods made. Hi VfUSLfM Th-i new mrulln and the bent. Kv.ry yard of LILKDOUN MTTftLTl? III su.mped with the trademark "LILE- lj()r N All nun cnttnn. thnrnntrhlv i ciwfcneu mua caruuu, naru twisted, ciotwiy f 1 wovfD and calendared to a aoft, Mnootb, ' Qowny nuiaa. J h flit on bavins LtLEDOtTN. If 7M.r dealer hasn't It aud wont gel It we til tend It from the mllla la 40 yd. bo' in or more, oarrtag prepaid. A L)l"' Min Muslin button bag free. Write nOORK COTTON MILLS, . Ty IomtUIs, BJ. C WITHOUT CONSENT. Soi- be red, stfl.et of A I:-.. Tho it reft in Co; hist h! The fit ties Family Take Tp Their bate la k Hum la Sold Hill-A Letier inmm Advlslnsr ike. Benter la Rid Ike Hons Else SnlTor the time eyo, it 'i;; no rewr.- Lfct their town had u )i i oily Trhocc r-mc pf t -o, 8 f'Xi.'ity ;i tho .jo? o w-ion .!. This family .T'i r,.o- oi .1, too, ft'iii tlie towr. hi iL vp off. Some time ago they moved to Nevr London, or. rather tried to trove there, haying wanted to ten one of Warren Coleman's honst there, tat alter eeeing that they were a low family, the house v?ae lefosed to them. They then tried to rent oca from him at Richfiold and fI -d. But when thy struck Gold Hll, Warren Coleman inform ne that they occupied one of bi bonnes without having even renUd from hi oi. It seems that the people of Gol ITiil wTl rery probably oust tbf family, too, as Warren Coleman re coircd a letter from a gentleman of the lawa a few days ego, asking tha. be please don't root to thfa) and i La t he make them tret out elo th house would rery pro'oabh ()) duet'oyed in Borne f ay. Th' gen 'Ionian did not mako thii threat, m the least, on hia own par', but merely advised Warren Col mn in time. Coi?man haa obtained sorce per son to go and try to matte the family Isave, but if they will not Vboa'e by n ason, the law will have to rum jfe them. A few Train to Be Put on the Southern 'J lie Southern's travel hng grown to unci) proportions that anothei in.ir. in needed. 1'b.o Charlotte, Coh.ubia it August, which oomoe in nt 3.10 p. m., brings several slof tif r, which are switched over to tiiC main line, at this point, be inj attiched to the vestibnle. Tho addition of these coaches mftkes f his train to heavy. To roitjuv the matter a new train is to be added, running direct from Colnndia, S. C, to Washineton. Tho truins will be known as Noa. 3;$ ft ad 34. Charlotte Observer, A Touffh Character. "K -t." E i Lit-k, the "boy ore. tor," rh ) was recently arrested fo. fjrj?i-ry, s still canfined in j til at Gruer eb iro. His fathfr, Mr. J C I.'-ik.'af Arnold, this county, visit ed b'm leeentlyaud endeavored to have h'm releftced on boad, but wbs tioih' ti justify for the required ano ;r,t. The evidence against the bpy ' 1 ".acher" is said to be con f.la and he will undoubtedly be cmv'c'. 'I. Tne DiepVch sympa thitv jf th the parenis acd relit tiv -if be boy, hut from, all eyi- det o i ) is undoubtedly a tough ebarn.-t i and will receive no more th.u I ij just d.jserts. Davidjon DiHor-lo'', tent Mute Killed by a Train. H, r h rson, Fsb. 22 A deaf and dtitr - Uite man was killed on the railn "d between Bowen's Croesini; ard Ornystone yesterday mominp;, hy a trMiiht train going north. Bs-ft- Veing Henderson be went in'.'i h. rlwr hnn to have hU hair WITH TEE HUMORISTS. Mis Tend' Lecture at the flmatd chool BuIKHbk ThnrsdMT MKs. Miss Yendes' lecture on "Hnmor and American Hum orists" Thursday nifr.ht at the Graded school building was enjoyed in a degree of intensity rather than by broadness of num bers. The room was very comfortable and the speaker was in good vein, so that those who attended, availed themselves of a riob literary treat. As the bird flits from point to point gathering and interweaving sprig and spray into - a neat rotundity, a thing of beauty and of joy, and as tho bee gathers the nectar from various flowers and conoentrates the extracts of all sweetness, so the speaker culled and gathered from her fayorite authors, the gems of hnmor that made the lecture a series ol recitals m which the droll,rthe ludicrous and the pathetio were presented in characteristic style. The speaker drew the delica e line between wit and humor but termed them twin sisters or close cousins and showed herself quite at home in the family. A vein of the humorous doubtless aids her in scrutinizing the authors and giyes decisiveness to her favorit ism. Of 'the number quoted Mark Twain is qnit a favorite. !.'. is nse for waler ts one of his hret It wa-i in voi.';'rig Robert i', Pvrdot'" p-xpoii, in a sleep in : enr t'):t brou t down the uo'Hc and clival-!1. tl. i audience l'i u fiLtor to .ma s re sides. f'be rloMt-1 vritb D r'. BLoeke't "H.-iuati J-pS' !hit .10 fraught vith na'.hoa ihM lY.cxc is hardly anything like humor in it. It has a moral of a woman's peculiar ddvotion. on whose absolute self martrydom the husband was able to rise to the highest pinacle of political and social eminence only to look down and see that in elevating him she had been pressed to a lower plane than when they started as equals in li fo. Bat his eminence was not all of the world's sewgaw, for he saw in their social contrast the reverse contrasted in nobility of son, and his visions peered into the great beyond where merit meets its true reward and will snroly reverse thoir stations. The picture may have its counterparts but its presentation was so real that the henrer was wrapped in tne story, oblivions that it was recited as an illustration of the author's power at. fiction. Daily ol reb. 524tn. GEN. N I F0RKE3T. THE SUFFERER BLEEPS. Jlrs. swinlt Expires After Fourteen A Tale of the 60's From the Lost f ause. 1 Months of Pain. Mrs. George W 8 wink At the end of April, 1863, Gens at 12 eral Streight, an Indiana officer, was ocloeic 15 minutes p. m. tod.y designated by the Federal general passed quietly away in death from commanding the Arruy of Tennessee her long period of suffering. to prepare for a raid into Northern For about fourteen months she Georgia, the object be'ng to out the has boin the acute png of wasting Confederate communica ions by de. disease that made death the on y stroying railways and bridges, and cure. I to bnrn commissary stores and The deoeased was resigned at d above all to wreck the splendid arsos met death In Christian triumph, nl at Rome, Georgia. Mrs. Swink had passed her 61st It was calculated that Streight'i birthday. raid would require a march of. -some, She leaves a husband; a daugh 300 hundred miles. He was siren tnr, Mrs. B F Harmon, and a eon, pioked troops and supported by a .Harry, who bays waited at her bed large force for reooonoissancc,, to1 hide as long as possible the teal par side till the end. The funeral rites will beoon ducted at the home Friday at 8 o'olock by her pastor, Rev. C B Miller. Daily of Feb. 23rd. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. T the Memory ef Slise Lilly Hammer. pose of the inoursion Straight began his real operations on April 28. h, and by the 20th Gen eral Forrest, who had been ordered to pursae and biflls the Federals, was close at his heels Forrest was one of the wonderfnl men of the war. Judged by his re Wbereas, Uoct m nis wisdom sonroes and opportunities, no man saw tot on February I4th, 18yy, to who wore tha gray accomplished remove from this earth to the more, and an enemy who opposed Home above, Miss Lillie Belle him was bound to fight, cor quer, Summer, the assistant mnsio run or die. teacher in Hont Amcena Female The moment Straight felt t':e first Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, N. C, stroke of Forrest's hand, he nalired the faculty of the same do adopt that a tireless, skilled fos was on the following resolutions : his track, and for ninetysix hours, 1. That we submit with humble bJ day or night was the Fed resignation to this act of Provi- r' column at rest. dence knowing that our Heavenly Like some insatiate monster, the Father Dosessea infinite wisdom Confederate general followed the and works nil thinsrs tor-ether for Fpderal column, and, whenever and the good of them that loye Him. w&erever no:i there was a vigilant 1 rimfc w tBnrlor tn fa o relentless attack". In 104 miles bereaved relatives onr heartfelt " I0Unt e,nt Dattlea DT aaT DQ 1-1 1 ;. a ate sympathy over the brief eepara- lQree J n,al' "u m ,wo 01 tion from this loved one and bid ,a"er' wuere r""erJ w j them find consolation from the h,a m.en t0 within 100 f.etof the enemy s line, the only enide or Igkt was the flash of rifles aud the blase of c.iunon. otreight was himself a man of nerve and resource. Skillfully ar ranged ambuscades, fierre charges aud stubborn resistance met Forrest, and in a fuir proportion of the con. mots tne federals held their own 870, noo Per Ton, Colorido Springs, Colo., Feb. 23 The gror.t Uabella gold iniae bae orea'ed a third sensation Ij ens countering for ihr third time in two months nl'ra rich bonaci ore. In Dece.-nber a vein carrying $1,000 ton was opened in the nin h level of the Lee shaft. Oa January 27 a itre.tk in that vein was enouutercd which assayed on seleot sampler as high as $10,000 per ton. The run f the vtiin, inolndlug the streaks, has returm d as high as $20,000 from :he tint It r, The latent discovery is a vein tniuevhat larger, and from its loess titn it is believed to b) the famous tiuena Vista vein, wbose charaotr r ! vlv-uite. This vein pinohed ftf -ojearsiigo. While ft was baing no; ki d in a period nf IS mouths it netted the company $301,000 in ividend?, The vein rut encountered in the teuth b vel of tte old Buena Vista shaft. The management rr. nfies to dent or en-.fii m tt s strike or to state i he values as shown by a iVB. From a semi-f ffloinl source, however, it is learned that the valuf is 'as high ae $70,000 per ton. sure - hope of eternal life with a reunion ""of all those who fall asleep in Jesus. 3. That we sorely feel onr loss in being deprived of such an effi i - - cient and. oonsoientions assistant co-laborer, 'who had the promise by natural qualification and great aoibition of becoming eminently but they gra,t)y ontnumWed A fTL.l ii-r i 1 I ' we ael The fierce onslaught of Forrest, vUr.BuHQgrao.B, uer wvawe anu hi. ,mpetnous attack, his nnyield cuconu. umpuHHiou, uuu xier IDg tenacity and uncompromising many acts of love and friendship assaults, combined with his swift in the school which made her c ar.d rap:d movements, were enough lavonte witn students ana to Daralvz the stnutrst hrt teachers. make the bravest soul question the o. 1 hat ner association in the outcome. Like as a mighty and school has been ot the most help- tireless blood-hound would follow ful kind, and her memory will we the prey, so this wizard of the sad ever cherish, and in cherishing it die riKued the hard-marohing Fed will do us good. eraU, and never for a single iostatt 6. That tho-ie resolutions be in thvse days or nights was there recorded in the minutes of the other thought or plan bnt to destroy Seminary, that a copy be sent 'he invaders, the relatives, and that they be I Straight fonnd friendly gnides published in The Mont Amcenian, 41,(1 helping hands amongst the The Concord Standard, The "don men and women of Northern Times, The Lutheran Viuitor, and Auburn ; but these coold not hide the Enterprise-Gazette, Sonoia, him tr0m the wle J of the smits Ga. Respectfully. In rm 01 lnose ""owing the trail. Henderson N Miller. Prin. Pr 8taj the Tenging hand that was TROUBLE IN MANILA. Natives Bnrnlne; tke rity aed Flrlnc Ob Our Holdlere. Immense damage was done to the city of Manila during Wednes night. The natives it seems tried to make good their threat to bnrn the city by sotting fire to it at different plaoes at the same time. The Americans in concert with the local firemen fonght the flames to great disadvantage. Ill dis posed natives wonld sut the hose till they had to be driven and corraled in open spacos to pre vent their mischief. Many shots were fired and a few soldiers wcre wounded. Whole acres ot the city were bnrded over. At latest advices the situation wnB under oontrol. Daily of 23rd, Makes the food more delicious and wholesome roy At tUKtttd owrn co.. mfw vomt. Virgie Shonp, Sec, Committee, ever uplifted in his rear. With horses dropping dead in the roads vtrB. been m'lth full" f.llmn I n . U - consciousness of Bleep from their a Ye. a la amI ;h lli.j. !:.,: need for over fifty years by , . ... . . 6 .-I. .h: a,.,, lu" P'Ja graep, jforrst For Over fi ty Tears Winslow's Soothing 3yrnp has millions of mothers for their child' en while teething, with perfect sno- cess, it soothes the child, softens be goms, allays all pain, cures wind ;olic, and is the beet remedy for Dutrrhoca, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. 8old by Irnggieta in every part of tli6 world, Twenty five sen's a bottle. Be sure ti.t H1 urn U il (' that hi ptrae Irnm ft . - neata I lie Klondike. Mr. A O Thomas, of Marysvillc Tti., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made te Klondike. For rears he suf fered untold ngnny from consump tion, aoccmpanied by bemorrbapep; and was absolutely cured by Dr. Hire's New Discovery for Cod jwr ption, Coughs 'and Colds. lie deo'arr-s that g"ld is of little value in comparison with this marvelous ourr; wou!d have it, even if it copt a hundrtd dol!ar3 a bottle. Aathma, Rroncliitifl and all throat and lucg aflictious are positively cured by Dr K'ng's N- w Discovery for Con- ' tlP'I'l'fLi. T: ll.i ufi t!l"i-l f;m 7" ")) 'Vi-.n''i dup ft i ! flrg'iUr t'.:. c k.:h a-jSfiOO TJuarsnUtcrt tc 'H- " i.rii-H rPlondi'vi. still buntei the foe. One-half of the command, on the third day, was killed, wonnded or broken down but still, with only 600 soldiers he hunted the Federal raiders, and, on May 3d, within twenty milei of Rume the objeotiye poiut of the expedition Streight and his 1,600 men laid down their arms and sur and ask for "Mrs. Wioslows Ponth. i ig Bjrop," and take no other kind, rendered to the Confederate general, who ooold then, after his terrible Mesiiltnl wireelors ConHrined. The 8tate Senate Wednesday co: Armed the following nominations for Monganton hospital ; Messrs. J P Sawyer, J P Cald' wall, J Y Dolt, J K Davis, Joseph Jcobs and E II ArmGald, and for the Central hospuai at Raleigh W B Fort, R N Speight, J D Biggs, R H Stancill and J,li Broadfoot. THE UB3X FHESC1UPTION POK CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonio. Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthies! jmitatiout.? Price CO cents. Toui money buck if it fails to onro. pursuit, muster less than 600 fol lowers. Every mile of the 164 was covered with wat's wrecks. Dead soldiers, mntilfted animals, wounded men and etricken beasts, broken wagons, abandoned trains and scattered sup plies told the story of the rclentleis aud pitiless assault. Nuaring the end, in forty-eight hours, four attles and ninety miles' marching and four hours' sleeping. Surely these deeds of the cavalry of the Army of Tennessee are not unworthy of Confederate valor. Ask Vour DBUGcilST for a generous O rent TRIAL HUE. CATARRH r.--J.iakjiiV V-nrHf In. Cirt Pr. flt( i t.rfii. XMjocteo !tiu So Escapes Are Being Blade. Some days ago we received a loiter from Mr. R O Bonfield, superintendent of the chain gang, in which be wishes to correct some statements that seem to be spreading that a nnmbor of bis convicts have escaped, some of them since court. Mr. Bonfield states that not one has made his COLO 'N HEAD e3cPe since court lie-re. Mr, Bennola seems to be rtintnug tLo nh.ia K-ua to tlim btMi of hit, ability, nod wifhos that some who tako pleusnre in finding fuuit will only let hid port of tho wOik The Old Dummy Car Fixed Up. To see the new car of Photographer Messe, now standing near the passen ger depot, one cn hardly realize that it is the old dummy passengor oar which at one time oarried our people to andfrom the dipot. Mr. Moose has for months been working on this car, having purchased for the pnrposeof making a photograph oar similar to the one in which he now lives. Nsw rolling stock has been put under It and it has been nioely painted and toe rooma re. modeled. In one apartment is his reception room, while in the other end is his photograph gallery, a sky light of considerable size haying been put in. Signer Rita has boen at work lately putting on the letters along on tba outside, Mr. Moose will not keep the two cars together One will leave soon for Kings Mountain while the other will be stationed for the present at Gastonia, Mr. Moose made the one that he now travels in while he w.is in Texas. This one is muoh larger than the dummy car, it being amply large for his private rooms together with gallery. Bob Burdelte.ta.Blarrjr. Robert J Burdette, the humorist, will be married before Easter to Mrs. P 0 Baker, of Pasadena, Cal a woman of wealth, well known en the ooast. Tha ceremony will be performed in Pasadena. The news comes out here because a Toledo dressmaker has been a lifo-long friend of the Burdette family. She has one son about the age of Mr. Burdette's son, Pasadena, Cal., Feb 23 It is settl.d fact that Robort J Burdette, renowned humorist, lecturer and divine, is to become the temporary pastor of the first Presbyterian chnroh of this city. Mi. Burdette will preach bis first surra on on Easter Sunday. As he is ons of the brightest men of the land and is a great favorite here, this will be a particularly happy bit of news for Pasadena, wbose people will feel as if they bad drawn a prize. Mr, Burdette is a Baptist, bnt it is more than Agreeable to the members of this large Presbyterian parish to have him serve as their temporary pastor. loledo, U., Dispatch. A Banquet to Gen. Gomes. Matanzas, Feb. 22. The ban quet tendered here to Oen. Max imo Gomez was a brilliant affair and well attended. The Junta Patriotica, which had charge of , the entertainment, refrained from inviting Spaniards, which dis pleased the Cuban commander, The Separate Car Bill. Alter the Ilouse had passed the separate car bill twice Tuesday some objections were noted and it was held np. An entirely new bill was presented and passed in that body Wednesday. The fol lowing is the bill as it will be The banquet was ciyen in the not changed by the Senate: theatre. The guests numbered Section 1. That all railway and 200 and 4,000 spectators were steamboat companies, as common present. The boxes were crowded carries in the transporation of free Fill Bond your address to H. E. Buck len & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effect ive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterions su balance and to be purely vegetable. Tbey do not weaken by their action, but by giv- ng tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25o. por box. Sold by P B uor. with ladies of the best cirole of society and the publio generally crowded the four tiers of galleries. Oen. Wilson sat on the right of Gen. Gomez and Cuban General Betancourt was seated on his left. A picture of George Wash ington was prominently displayed on the Wall. Gen. Gomez, during the banquet left his seat and 11 II J 1 m gaiiantiy onerea some flowers to Mrs. Wilson. lhe speeches began at 10 o'olock, Senor Laboetida, In the course of hia remarks, said the authorities at Washington wouid never govern the country against its will, a remark whioh was loudly cheerod. Tho house also cheered President McKinley. Senor Rivoro said Gen. Gomez would never leave Cuba. He was to bring his family here from San Domina and stay always in Cuba. The speaker referred glowlingly to Washington and was londly cheered. Senor Ouritz welcomed Gen. Gomez to Matanzas. Tho Cuban commander answered, thanking hia hosts and referred feelingly to the dark days of the revolution. Ho said his gratitude at the welcome aocord- ed him conld not express the doep feelings ct his heart. He made no reference to politics and wes so hoarse he could hardly artic ulate. Uen. Gomez has been ill for several day3 past and looks tired out. The banquet was over at 11 o'clock. Gen. Gomez was cheered as he departed. Critical Stage Beached. Washington, Feb. 22. A critical stage has been reached in the situav tion regarding the Army Rorganis zt'ion bill, and it ia more than like ly that tomorrow's developments will indicate whether an extra sea sion will be necessary, or whether a compromise bill can be agreed npon. Tonight the prospect is that such a compromise will be arranged and substitute bill passed at ouoe, possibly tomorrow, thus elf aring the way for appropriation bills and other mportant legislation. Whatever plan ia adopted, the Unll bill will be dropped and general army reor ganization left for ths next congress. In retnrn for this it is probable that L'emoorata will consent to an ex tension for two years of present conditions as regards tha line and staff of the army, thus givins the President the support he needs. If Democrats will oonsent to provisions for the retention of suflloient voluns teer officers to complete the regular organization, it is probable an agree. ment can be reached and a new hill passed . Full Blooded Stock. At Central Fall, K- I., there W88 born to Mr. and Mrs. Piorce Traham last week a boy who weiched over twenty pounds and five ounces. Tint mother is a large woman weighing over 200 pounds. The 'ather is more than x foet high and stoutly built. Hn weighs 225 pounds. Ex. "Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate tkeworld," said a genius. The druggiet handed him a bottle of Do Witt's Little Karly Risers, the fumoue little pills. J P Gibson. BLOOD CUBE SENT FREE. Cure for Blood and Skin Dis eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, Cancer, Eto. If you bnvo tried sarsimanllns. patent uif uiumt'H, unit (iuuici tni. ftnu buu nave passengers for hire in North Car- lina, other than street railways, shall provide separate, but equal accomodations for the white and colored races on all passenger trains and steamboats carrying passengers. Such accomoda tions may be furnished by railway companies either by sep arate passsenger cars, or by com partments in passenger cars which shall be provided by the railways, under the supervision and direction of tho Board of Railway Commissioners or the officers succeeding to their pow ere: Provided, that this shall not apply to relief trains in cases of accidents, to Pullman or sleeping cars or through express trains that do not stop at all stations and are not used ordinarily for traveling from station to station; to negro eornnts in attendance on their employers; to officers or gnarda trannportirg prisoners, nor to prisoners so transported. Sec. 2. Tha Railway Commis sioners, or the officers succeeding to their powers are hereby au thorized to exempt from tho pro visions of this act brunch hues and narrow gauge railways, it in their judgment the enforcement of this act bo unnecessary to secure the comfort of passengers by reason of the light volume of passenger traffic or the small number ol negro passengers traveling on such narrow gauge or branob lines. boo. 3. That when any coach or compartment of a car, for either race shall be completely filled at a station where no extra coa"h or oar can be had.and thain creased number of passengers can not be forseeD, the conductor in charge of such train is hereby authorized to assign and set apart a portion of a car, or compart ment, assigned for passengers of one race to passengers of the other race. Sec 4. That all railway com panies shall furnish first and sec ond class passenger accomoda tions. Sec. 5. That any railway com pany failing to comply in good faith with the proyisions of this act shall be liable to a penalty of 1100 per day, to be recovered in an action brought against such company by the Railway Com missioners, or the officers succeed ing to their powers, in the county To be Tried for Their Flghtlnr. Deputies Townsend and Johnson tpont Wednesday in the nortlnvest ern part of our county and were part of the time over in Mecklen burg oonnty. Their business was finding the nc-groes who are wanted for engaging in a big row about last Christmas up in No. 3 township, at which -time some on almost killed a negro, Neal Cowan, who is just now beginning to recover from the wounds inflicted in his head by the negroes "crowding" on him. The warrant calls for Neal Cowan, Al Ruesell, Israel Harris, Jim Mahew, Cicero Grissom and Cal Black. All of the parties were found by the officers and were made to give bond for their appearance on trial here Saturday. Solicitor Rush got out this Indict ment at the last term of court here, one of his prosecuting witnesses being Jim Coon, who is now on the chaining. Daily tf 23rd. Something Original. The following was oompufed by a Greensboro boy, and is to be lung to the tnn'". "br Was T.rvZ 'a Old Kentucky': : She was on,i; l ii oU I. ri r.icny UhewMrio tc ew (ci-ons. Ske was euro beof in C'likai.o, And in iSostoii wai h:.jed li -ar-s. In New Vi.rk iho was renin old corn. In I'hi!al-,ttli!a sLo waf, Ion: In Milwitiikp? hug pa lnr beor- In Ureaiisbc ro--iur ..na;try . Urr-jL-'hr ,i T.4 --:,m. Southern Railway. THE th of Wake, and conveyed into tate treasury. Sec. 6. This act shall be force from and after its ratifioa tion Standard flntlw-iy of thj SOUTH . . , THE Bii-UCI iii:!: TO AU. PtBjns, TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORilfA, CUBA. AND PORTO RICO.' Strictly F;KSr class r.,jiiipn.;ot on all inroufi and Leval fnios; fur--a:i Palace Slccp'n Cars co all ct Trains; --- and Sale S.-frcJnic. t TYa-vl s-. (.. :.;.)-, liter.-, J yuu .i - n ,.,iii;,l ;i S-ie, Com-!-. 'i iic .via Exi'jJiitous ion.-. BtV , . Apply to Tui.ct ,Vpcui4 tnr Time TaNs, Kates ana t,e.iJ-V. Inioi roaMor., er Address R. L. VEHMi;-:. I . R, u,',R:; v, T. P. A, t.l'.ii.,i Charli.tiv, v. C. AshcvUlc, a. C Wo Tr to nwer Oucsil'.-a. FrankS.Cj.-";,- , J. ;. CL'I.i'.W. i 1 :!-, 3rd .PM'Jn M'gr, I'df. Man. G. 1 4. fr ASiiiJiUi'Utf. I). C. L. T HARTSSLL. ATXOi:.;: EV- IT-LAW. N C. t'j all CONCORD. - Prompt fiUenlior: business. 0.i : m if toposite lourt ht:w. !7en ,itdlL3 M. B. S TICKLE Y. Attorney t:i Lftv, Cvncvrd N. C, Office 10 up, CiJLLt C 1 10 .V.c, :.( p'Sto!lioe. D. G Ctldwa . h .i. Drs, CAT.lr-,1;;,, lH0e ill O't. ; OS jpposite 'if. ; ' d a i. .1. " . o 'Mx lV; IS. MOKH y, i -i I : .... '. :..i. MM! ELY'S CREAM BALM contains no cocaine, mtrcury nor any olhei iiuurlona rim..- It la quietly atiambed I r.ivH r.licf .... w It opena and cleans, tne nac.il rassAfres. Allays Inflamation. nraip Mini in. mmihr.n., mtnrr. the ...., ... run m tri.ililTe 1. L 1! HfcHS. y, U arrea Rtwt, NVw Vwk Before tlw ilii-on- nry of One Minute Coi' i.'ura, niiniHUiri were- prently disturbed ly o. utr'u.iir conertatioLS. J'u exoow.'or 'Vat-J P Oib;.n, For a quick remedy "and oue that perfootly Safe for children lot us recommend Oue Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup, bourseneHS, tiokling in the throat and oouhs. J P Gibain. As the season of the year when pnea monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs, ooltis, catarrh, bronchitis aud luug troubles are to bo gunrded against, noijiillK ''IH R ft " T'll'.ttitut' ,' sill "aniwnr tlie pnii"-.-' or h '')ut it po'ul" ns One ,",i iiiri) :!, H Cure, That l the oun -'rjfii I .. ! rew.'-dj fj U hi uk, tiirunt oi lirvr..,taal tr.'.bka. In ?ikt vi't'ori n.'dy ha vini it 'f "some-. tipgelse" ii ' ifc-Kdv'ja.J P (3!lfcn. J old, nreaintent sores. iiiuiiili's.distroBiiiss rilMllIJM Ol Hlilll, I'llllllUl eurtiH oil hiiuiis nrajs or Ii frs. ltolunjr eenBation, lrntiitius bkiu trouuitiB, eczema, scrot um, uioers, ooutHRions blood poison fover sores, mercurial rheumatism' catarrh, boiln, fuce covered with little soros, ennper or any uiood tniut, then givo li. ii. li a trial, because li. li, B. Jiotnuio Ulood lialm ib mado for jtis-t trntru cii.-ifn, ami id L-ltres 10 stay cured thope HluOborn blc d (lisoases thiit other milder medicmos fail even to lienctlt All uhove named troubles are evidence oi nan, diseased ulood in the body, and U. li. B. cures because it forces all the poison or impurity or blood humors out of tho body, bones and pntirn nv.1, To remove all doubt of its to euro, we offer to seud to any sull'orer a sample bottle of 13. li. li. absolutely free a. u. is, is au old, woll-tried remedy hence we know;that itcurostostiiyourcd for the peoplo cured by il. li. li. years jk are weii lo-aoy auu iree from all blood impurities. Oncer. Blredluc, Eallus; Snri. Cancer of Nose, lii, fnoe, earor neck, external or internal cancoa, bieodin;;, eating sores, are all cured by Ii. B. li., Vim mo.4 nunrfii! blo-l rni iit r I All i1rtivr;:ibt;i tv..l li. 1'.. i . at $1 )Nr j lir;-u t.fi.ilo. i i,t triul b'iMlo, m-'iA (wo jbunps to pay pvfiUiijo und a sunpl.. i,ottUi of B. J.l. li. -Bill in: sont br rel irn 'mail A.lfUcsi HIM it) HALSt (X itciii li;,-iirei t, .fi-t!. (ia. Pe.-vii,? onr vmp1 i ,ud fripi.'rBonal ine.: ' oal advioe w;ll be athu. , I Wrkoii Land or Kahblts. Chatham county .has the reputa tion of boing a great county ft rabbits, aud many have been sold during the past few years on the various markets. But Chatham not the only rabbit county, iu fuct if anything is hardly in it. .Mr. 11 L Smith, of Gath, Orange oounty, was bere today with a whole wagon load of rabbits. He had be tween nine hundred and a thousand of them, which he has been stllirc A fowl more such slaughters of "Molly Cotton-tails" will cause thorn to become Bomewhut ccarc. Durham Hun. Applies Anywhere. We hope that the farmers have determined to make plenty of "hoe and bominy" this year. Farmers can t prosper if they don't raise provisions at home. Raise plenty of hogs, poultry, potatoes, etc , and have a large, well cultivated carden. Ki nston Free Press. CO 'COUD. Office h ra Court ho.;-.. rrisj be i id 1 tr After the h You tho .. i grip and v mi but somen, -iv expected. niuhts and more exJuvH. You are in d. no appetit,- f about in a 1 . , way, and tc- do soems t : that you n; prostruti, i uevii it mo i. t: n .1 rt-,-i ii'..-.- v -ti grip whs at i Hair. y -i T.-nr-, Nervin- ie i erne you can i k t 1- shattered norv;-, .,.,1 wtir(f Btriiiij.-.' . !(.!, i O iy .11'. :t'.'i y.-,. j did wlien !i. - b-.lt "Wh-IJ ,V . the w ' i - i o. Utility tri"' ' . u au; uliier .1 )U, u- ',. ' - s Oh t ';rdl t,'hi-"i"o; I'lect.. t i :)' .$ :. sound Bice nerves the-r i. appetite ki -,i srives heall .ii restores Im.io "It was - altogether to eet my weak and i leave niy ' taking Dr. y. to improve ii. short time ru.v storod." A trial vi - treatment r Miles' No l ii!. ir. d I'lll'-l. M... t,. Bhy pi-- l':- a J OH' A. l in. n ;. t : d. -i t i 'j I nirih' i l:!l- J i