aata.:MA' ,,. i i I, iif-nie-- '- ss iiiiiiwsi'iisiiijir. miinn i i sj imnen m t--ii wjsjsssm iprmaisi s snirisiiimmiTn " ;r" - i ' 1 iinu n i; J" r 9 i 1 r - . i t 1 y s ? The - Standard. GOOD - JOB - WOaK AT IIViNG PRICES. Oi re U3 a Trial. i the good, honest vlu In : JOUH Wiwllli a soon iu sbe cuts Into a pleoe. It la bard 11 tWIutorf. unsun anft flnlMh. tfl I ,..!.. I.H.ITfWITM ,j Mtulli lasts longer, irlll not tear, I Onft M ..... f I CI lilul a WWU1HU, Hum UU.BM mil ton it always comiDruDie, Weur lonrer, washes easier. l i es wnitar uian any otner Fl go-xM made. EDGUN MUSLIN H all para cotton of I para ootton of the t"it rr-wle. Tbe mill burs the raw cot bn p'-ect from the planter and sella the he shed muslin direct to tlie retail store, ' ivtnj the profit of specQlators, ctiuiu.eloii mon and robbers. You gut tbuhriiaBt. Ask your dealer for LI LE DOPN Aoospt no other. If he hasn't It, and won't get It we will send direct In VI j '. lolts or more. Carriage prepaid, A I.I I P.DOUH Muslin button hoe free. Writn rur one l,j fluORB COTTON MrLLa, 1.1 Tylor.llle, N. C. vaswhii A SAD WEEK. Th yen; ad gloomily began I jr Willo Weeks, a poor man's SUN (ii wan 1-enet with bill and dan, Ant La had verv little ' HON "Phii '! .tV'said he, won't pay my duos T e uoilunghere but ones and TUBS, A bright thought struck him and he said, "T ie ui-'i Miss Goldbriok I will WHD. whou ie paid his court to her, 8iie lipped, but firmly said, ''No, TH11B." "Alasl' said he, "then I must die 1 I'm dono I I'll drown, I'll burn, I'll Fit I. Thoy fonn 1 his gloves, and cont.and hut; The ooronor upon them PAT. "BOMF, SMALL SWEET WAY." There's no rer a rof o in all the world list makes green spray sweeter ; There's Beyer a wind in all the sky But niukas some bird wing fleeter ; Thoro'x uover a star but brings to heaven .Some tilyer radiance tender ; And never a rosy cloud but helps To orown the sunset splendor ; No ri bin but may thrill some heart, Kin dawn-like gladness yoioing; (tuo gi es as some smull sweet way To set tbe world rejoicing. Anonymous. lino niK i t. iv. I luvf ; OiU- lenton fac, sweet gill, Wit a r - ;: brow and banished onrl. Y . t : ic.rt glances, goodness knows, .'jOfi: fen f with your tur'ned-np uosc. Cbioago Eeoord. ) i ! r.' He disoovery of One Minute O i i .'i .ire, ministers were greatly l.et.-bu.' by coughing congregations. N o i- ( ' f for it now, J P Gibson. ' i i a re a liver regulator and I enn toeulnl' I le world," said a genius. The rl r i r e . I anded him a bott'e of Do "Vu; s L t tie Early IliRerc, the famout p'll J P Gibson. I'i r a quick remedy and one that is i"iftrtly safe for children let uv iwomrjiend One Minnte Cough Core. J i in excelent for oronp, hoarseness, tffk:ing in the throat and ooughs. J P Otl'n. A trw reason of the year when pnen moTiia, in grippe, sore throat, oouRhs, oold-s ( terrh, bronchitis and lnug tronl'les ire to bo guardid aguinbt, nothing "is a fine snbtitituto," will "anitirer the purpose," or is "just an p-ood' as One Minnto Congh Cure. Th;.l is (In) one infallible remedy for all lung, 1 lir- it or bronchial troubles. In lit tvi i f ntlj' npon having it if "some tbiut; el"i. ' is offered yon. J P Gibson. NOTICE. LAST CALL FOB TAXES. J i fo jctfully ask ODe and all who bit! i riot paid, their taxes to coi 'i fi i ward and do so nt onc or l" nl' ba oouipelled (o take IdKtl p-. c-'88 to collect the same. T .e.i-tf remember if you havo w. t pa'tl your taxes this is for )n. i! voir taxfs are not pniJ wi;hifi Uie next fow days you will b : vi ii.iid by myself or deputy notice which will in every SttW' c try cost with it. m I l"nso heod this callwnd save cum!. Very respectfully, M. L. Bnclianan, Tax Collector. l a'. ' !KFAM HAl.tif lespoaitlTnrmre. . -w dosMIs, Ills qnickly sbmirlieil. W .... in. Hi .' (TRlela or by mail ; smaplos lou. bjr msll. A mm fi''-aHiil'X3i Only $1 Per Year. BEiTiCR MAIL ilWTCS. An Effort Being Made for a Daily Mail for ThemSome Crops Are Failures On iocount of the Ke oent Weather. Organ Church, Maroh 3: Oar poetmie'resi", Mis. S C Klutix, 8 uektng an effort to get our post- ofBcti, Organ Church, conneoted with tbe route from Yost to Salisbury. xThi8 route has a daily mail and oonneo'.s with the great trunk line. The present route from Organ Church to Rockwell is only three ttinas a week, and it rues in the afternoon. Tbe mail has already paB-ed Kockwell when our mail ar rives, so it lays over at least eighr toen hours going west and twenty t yo hours going east. Oar farmers tell us that late sown wheat will be a failure. That it bas baen killed by the recent freeze. Peaches have been killed in the bud, they think, though the apple crop, being more hardy, has e-caped iijary. Red outs, sowpd last fall, hive been badly killed. Farmers are wanting to sew tbe land to spring oa(9 if the weather will permit We notice small pine trees along wa'er courses are also killed. Little Jewe, the son of M. David Jienve-, has suffered coneiderably with bronchitis, but at this writing 1 e is hotter. A 20-FOOT TUMBLE III Vnly Nlstem Ex-Holillors Were II art. Tho second battallion of the Eecond A. issipippi was mustered out at Al'iacy, Qa., Wednefday, a'-id on tl uir way hone fonr ecrs in which thoy were, jumped the track and were hurled down a 20-foot embankment. Strange to say no one was allied, trough 10 were injured. Let vie say I have used Ely's CrearM Balm for catarrh and can horouaiuly rccoramerd it for what t Cistnaf". Very truly, (.itev.) H. W. JJithawiy, E iz ibet!', N J. I triad Ely's Cream Dalai, and to all appearanoesa-n cored of catarrh. The terrible headaches from which I long suffered are gone W. J. Hitchcock, late Major U. 8. Vol and A. A. Gen., BlAMo, N Y. A 10c. trial size of Ely's Cream Balm will be mailed. Kept by druggists. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St., N. Y. ee Gold Found in Lexipgton. Mr. 0 L Leonara's little daughter iund a bur of gold somewhere in wn yesterday afternoon while out playing, that mtasu'ed 3J inches o length and weighed 7 our.cis. M Leonard will cot tell whcr3 ti e Id was found It is supposed to have been buried years ago by some Id miser. The gold is on exhibi tion at Smith's drug store and is oreating no little excitement. Di s patch. CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tiike Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. alio. Ibegenuin has L. li. Q. on eaoh tablet. 2VPoIobjb Teteraus Paid Off. France has paid ita last pension to Napoleon I's soldiers. In I860 a aw was passed granting S50 a year all non-commissioned officers and privates who bad served ten years in the armies of the first Re public or of the First Empire aud nad reoei'ed a wound. For the firs! year tbe payments amounted to 8C00.0O0; luet year the sum wee 50, and the last recipient is now tend at tie age of 105 years. Er, STATE OF OHIO. 'itt c ? Toledo, Ldoas Cot NTS, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath tha; he is the s nior rartuor of the firrc of F J Chiaey k Co., doing bueire r n the City of Toledo, C'ouiily and Stnte aforesaid, find that said 6m ill p-y the sum of Oe Hundred lobars for each and every case ol atarrb that cannot be cured by the jee of Hall's Ca arrh Cure- Frank J Cuenev. Sworn to before ine and miberih- d in niv presence, tho 6th day o' Decouibcr. A- D. If86. &.. WGLEASOM. Hot'irvPui'lio Ha I's Catarrh Cure is taken im tenia ly vnd aots directly on th blood tnd uiimoin autlea of the sytein. Hum) for fpRtinmnials, free Fi J, OHEiMiY & CO., Toledo, O. S (Id ny drugBinls, 755. If vou have a conii, throat imtatinn. weak lung, paiu iu the chest, dilUcult breathing, oronp or noarneneas, lot I1H suggest One Minute Oo gh Cure. A. way reliable and safe. J P Gibson. Not one child dies where ten formerly died from ornp. People havo learned the valneof One Minute Cough Cure and nse it for severe lung and throat troublos. It immediately stops coUKh ng. It never fails.- J I' Gibson. J Sheer, Sedolla, Mo., oonduetor on eleotrio htreot oar lino, writes that his little daughter was very low with croup, and ber life saved after nil physicians hud failed, only by naing One Mtnute " ii ' uie. -,h'.- i 'he Standard.. . , . . , , THE ICE FACTOKY Te Be Located A bare Town Work la Commence an the Bnlldlnc nt An Ertrly Date. For several weeks it has buen a question as to where the new ice factory to be built by the Con cord Ice and Fuel Co. would bo erected. It has now been definitely decided that it will be built on the property formerly owned by Mr. Chas. W Misenhoimor, above town. The distance there is over two miles. Work will soon commence on i the building which will be 52 feet long, 25 feet wide, and part of the building will be 30 feet high. The supply of water obtainable was considered in the selection of a 8 te for the building, a largo amount of it being used each hour. It can not be realized by some that Concord w 11 manufacture ber own supply of ice but when summer. comes the pknt will be there ready for your patronage. A, Member of tbe Artillery IMs- etaarged. Mr. Columbus Hartsell, son of Mr. Jonah M Eartsell, who lives near Loo, in Stanly county, has returned home after serving s iven moi ths in the artillery. being stationed at Fortress Mon roe, in Virginia. Mr. Hartaell spent Thursday here on Lis way homo. Rorao time ago Mr. Hartae!! was dis charged on account of the ruling that those who would not re enlist lor three yoars service. would be discharged. His parents insisted on his coming Lome and so he did not re-eulist. - Mr. Hartsell, with the exception of a liltle bit of hoiue-sickntssi vps pleased with soldier life. Come Along Boyii. Concord's baas ball cranks shook: themselves yesterday, deoidod they were thoroughly awake; looked around and learnod from the News that tho Phila delphia National League team was coming to Charlotte. Hav ing had considerable success in these diggings playing ball, the Concord boys, with this fresh in their mindp, began yesterday to discuss the probability of coming over this way and locking horns with the Phillies. Seemingly, having no foars of any club that plays ball on Charlotte grounds; with their accustom zeal mixed along with good ball playing, they think anything or any club will full before them. Come along boys. If the Phillies cannot interest yon, Mountain Island U not far removed. Charlotte News of 2nd. Ntatae to HI Wlllard. Gov. Northcott has signed the oill of the Illinois Legislature appropriating $9,000 for a statue of Misg Francis E Willard to stand in the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington. .famed t'err Building;. The naw dormitary to be built at the University has been named the Carr Building in honor ol Col. J S Carr who has contributed $1F,000 toward the building that is to cost $25,000. BLOOD CUBE SENT FREE. A Cure for Blood and Skin Dis eases, Eozoma, Pimples, Forof ula, Blood Poison, Canoer, Etc If yon have tried sarsaparillas, patent medicines, and doctored, and still Imvo old, presistent sores, pimples. ilistreniugs eruptions of the skin, painful sorea on hands arms or legs, itching sensation, irritating skin troubles, eczema, eoiof nln, uloers, contagious blood poiBon, fever sores, mercurial rheumatism, eatarrh, boils, face covered with little soreH, onueer or any blood taint, tlieu give B. If. B a trial, because B. li, H. liotanio Blood Balm is mado for jnM; such cases, and it cures to Btay cured thoFe stubborn bli d duieases that other irildor medicines fail eveu to benefit. All above namod troubles are evidence of bad, diseased blood in the body, and B B. B. enres because it forces all the poison or impurity or blood humors out of tbe body, bonPB and entire system. To remove all donbt of its to cure, wo offer to send to anv gnfferer saniplo bortlo of B. B. B. absolutely free. B. B. B, is an old, well-tried remedy hence we know'that it ourcR to stay cured for the people onred by B. B. B. years atro are well to-day and free from all blood impurities, Caneer, nieeriln. Kallnsr Nore. Cancer of Nose, lf, fno(,, eftror M, external or internnl chwi., bleeding, enting sores, arc all cured hy n. ji, j the most powerfnl blood pnrifler mado! All drngsrists sell B. B. B: at jM per large bottle. For trial bottle, send two stamps to pay postnere anil sample bottle or . iv, u win nn genr nv return mail. Address BLOOD BALM CO . ronr BVn,ptoms and free personal mediJ . .u'aw v,i. ot k.- CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 9 1899. BIG FIRE IN CinitLOtTE Thousands of Bales af Cotton Consumed Together With tUe 01J Freight Depot and Other Sheis-Almost Everjtalnf Insured -No Cause Known for tbe Fire. By telephone last TbmsJay we learn of a big fire which occur red in Charlotte about, 6.3J o'olock ;n the morning. When the firo was noticed it was in the midst of some very old cotton in one of the warehouses near the com -press. Soon the flamos spread, con suming the (Id freight dopot. which was used as a warehouse for cotton, also the cotton com press, which is valued at $50,000. Thousands of bales of cotton were burned, Tho number at this time estimated at nearly 4,000 bales. Among tho losers are : Saunders & Orr, 1,200 balet; VsnJanding ham,150; Heath Bros, 1,700; Heath & Ried, 135; R A Leo, 75; J W Miller, 70; J H Sloan 16. There were also smallf r lots of cotton owned by persons whoco names oould not be obtained. Quantitcs of fertilizer, which had been Btored away in the buildings were also burned. The wind blew the flvnrs directly toware'e tbe rrirainal part of the oity, rxaltirg ii vcrj da: gfro if, but theflimiS were at last controlled withont any further losses. Almost everything that turned was insured Sir. Nbuplng, Dead. tlie Wounded Man At 10.25 o'clock last Thursday night, Mr. A D Shupinp, of Salis bury who was shot by Mr. P F Hedrick, died. There had been no hopes for him, he having bem shot through tho lungs. Hedrick has been released cn an tS00 bond, and Mau'ipy is out on a $500 bond. Cnpl. Cbadwlek Dead, The Charlotte Observer informed 8 this afternoon of the death cf Capt. U S Chadwick, of tbe Chars lotte Mashine Co. Mr, Chadwick died at an early hoar this (Thuras day) morning at tbe Palmer House in Boston, Mass., he having gone there some time aito. Mr. Obadwirk was captain of tbe Charlotte oompsny In our First regiment and resigned a short while j ago. Daily of the 2nd. LATER. Ti e death of Cspt. Chadwick, B noted Thursday, was by hia own haod. He sent a 38-calibre Smilh & VV eBBon pistol ball through his brain and died instantly. Capt. Chadwick bad broken very im- pirtant business relations to go to Lbe war, and it is believed that buai ne'i adversity aggravated bis ner voui disorder. Hs had lite policies amounting to $40,000. He was 38 years old. He leaves a wife to whom he was married three years ago. Another tblrken right Held. Several from our county and town returned home Thursday from Rock Hill, where a two-da i oock-fight was held about three miictt east of that place. It was a hard fight, one of the hardest some of them have ever seen. Seventoer fights were held and of the seven teen cur delegation gained eight of them, but lost on the odd fi?ht con aiiierably. Several of the chickens were killed. The crowd from lien came back short of a number of dob la: a. Kwart to be Dropped. A Washington special of the 2nd to the Asheville Citizen says : "It is understood hero authori tatively that tho Pioi-idcut 'will not renominate H G Ewart as he has had two tr als before tho Eou ate. An effort wi'l be mado to day to reach a vote on confirma tion but it will bo fruitless. This is expected to on 1 all mineuvevs iu favor of Ewart. Million Vlven A way. It is certainty gratifying to tho public to know of one corcern ir the land who are not afnid to be generous to the needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ton million trial buttles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing it has absolutely oured thousands of hopeless oaEes. Asthma, Bronchitis, UoaraenoK and all diseases of the Throat Client and Lunga are surely onrer! hj it. Call at I'. li. Feizer'B dine . j fj.u.... D. ular 8',zs JlM' nu.l- livery bottle gunrim?, r r"- t"4 WHERE IS HE ? Samuel McDan.'el of Cannonvllle Left Home Over One Month Ago and Hoth- Inf Has Been Heard of Him Since A Myster'ous Case. During court week in January, on the 25th day of that month according to his parents recollec tions, Samuel McDaniel, the 1G J- ar old boy of Mr. J II Mc Daniel at Cannonville, after doing several turns about the house told his mother that it was time he was going. His mother only thought that it was a trip he and father and some others were going to take, and asked him to wait until his lather oamo and they could all go together. He would not wait though, but said that they could come on later. The boy left then and nothing smoe that time has ever been heard of Samuel MoDaniel. Thinking that the boy wonld be home soon, and looking for him eyery day, nothing was made public about the matter, but as it has been over a month ainoe he left it is new beooming a source of griof and anxiety on the part of the family. This boy, so his father tells us, had no roaming disposition and was not of a wild nature. Having had an attack of pneumonia once it settled in his leqs and ho al ways had a stiff way of walk"ng. Ho always carried his huad Jo vn, : too, and walkod with his foosi tnmod in. WILSONS EXONERATED. lb Let Inlnl lire's Jolul-IIeotluK Ilowus the Governor. At 4.15 p. m. lat Thursday the Senaio entered the hall of the flouho and the great criwia of the Wilsoi i' chae waa ruaohod. The body nut as a high .'judical court to consider tho report of the so.mnilteo. Tho governor vis represented hy J.nnes Hi MoJl'io. Major Wi!.ou Mas iep;ose.ited by Robt. O Burton and P, H Battle defend S Otho Wilson. After a full hearing of tho oase which took till 3 o'clock Fiiduy morning tho vota wa3 takon and tho Wilsons were exonerated of crime whioh means a rebuke to the spiteful governor. The vote t-tood in Major Wil son's case 83 to 50, and in tho oase of S Otho 78 to C4. The body thon accepted S Otho Wil son's resignation. Foot Broke Kit I.Ike a Pleee or Wood. Wni. Catoe, of LaucaHter oounty, S. C, went to Kej shaw on Monday of last week and started for his home near Taxa haw, about nightfall, but ho be came bo benumbed by ths cold that he lay down by the road side, where he was found on Tuesday tnorninp, in an unconsci ous condition. In attempting to take off ono of the unfortunate man's shoes a toot broko off at tbe instep as if it had been a piece of wood. Both feet and one arm had to be amputated. It seems unreasonable that a man oould live lying on the snow for ten hours with the thermometer ten degrees below zero. Monroe Journal. Bit Leg Broken. Mr. Henry Petrea, a joung man in the ti'i.loy of Mr. J J Br ireer, of io. 6, had tV misfortune i.o fitta 1'Z hrok;.'n j'.iat abovo the inkle last Tt:ursdai J nior.iir.s;. It set "'8 that bo was driving; a team ana was sitiingon the horcds cf the wi g u when tho whfi?l dropped into a deeo rut and his lg wae caught with iho abo?e rsnlis. nlrlke W hile the Iron I Hot. Those comities which hive ro ceived legisbitiva authority to vote ou the qucKt on cf issuing bond to improve the public road should vote on the quts'ion be fore the roads set diy, for, when tho road i are ood, like tho house of the Arkansaw Travulbir that didn't need re-uhingling whon It weren't raining, the crying de mand for a bond issue may not be so apparent. After they shall have voted the bonds, however, and sold them, it is to be hoped there will be no kicking against the taxation nco essary to pay them. Raleigh Post. For frost t)iti)fl, burns, ini'olent sores, eczema, nkin disease, and especially Piles, DeWitt's Witoh Hazol Salve stands first mid best. Lookout for dis honest people who try to imitate dan counterfeit it- J''8 t'16'1 endorsement of a good article. Worthier gooils are not iruituicd. Oet UtWitt's Witoh Hwql rllve,-.IP Gibson. r I fTX.-. A - Brat mm! Makes tho food more A STRANGE CASE. Living Wltb Two Ballet In DI Head In Spite ol the Doctor' Verdlet. Nelson Mackold, of Waukesha, has lived since May, 1897, with two bullets iu hie brain, either cue of which, so the doctors say, would have killed anybody else. During that month a horrible crime was committed on a lonely farm near Waukesha. A man named Pouch killed Farmer Alex- ander Harris, put two bullets into Maokold'a head and left him for dead. He then went to the house and, after Mrp. Harria bad given him breakfast, he shot her and her daughter. The hired man revived suffi ciently to crawl to a neighbor's house and give the alarm. Tbe whole country was aroused and ome days after the murderer was found in a pond, where he had shot aad then drowned himself. The grasp of Mackold upon life wp.b rr:rV;:!riUR, AU the d.iotore s.i'd hs would die, but instead hi oi well, and by ti e end of the Bummer vaa able to woik about the farm. Ia tbe interest, of HcieLCf Mackoi-i wn-; brought to this city and an X-ray pl.o.opraph taken of his brain. It shows that one bullet is lodged at thi b:ne right over the Bpinal co!v:!nn and the other is in the root of tho orbi;. Phyniciani jay tr-at, acc rd; to every physi cal !a'rv, be must jf necessity d it from the ff ctfl cf tV3 bullet-) ic thoir prwfctH petition, yet the man live-, in inron? and woll, foeh no ill eft'oo' i irom ;.':e bul.'ets and is af Mnfl as iie ever wes. Chicago Chronicle. Ntate Ntinvlity Nvliool lonvenllon. Tho noit Aununl Stale Sunday School Convention is called to meet en the 14th to ICth, inclu sive, of March, 18'J'J, in the First Presbyterian church, at Salie bury, N. C. The citizens of Salis bury aro inakiDg cpecia! arraDg- nents to take care of a very lare dolegation of visitors. All dolo gatcs contemplating being prosont, will ploaao Bond thoir names at once to 1 li uarner Chairman of the Reception Cota mitte, ao that homos may bo the more readily provided. Tho Reception Committe will meet all trains and conduct visitors to their homos. Lot each one interested in Sunday School work throughout tbe State do what he can to make this the most pleasant and profit able meeting hold so far in tho State. Fraternally, W. L. Kluttz, Ch'm. A. L. Smoot, See. Committee of Invitation, A Coneord-Hallsbury Wedding. The Salisbury Sun says i At the residence ot and by tho undersigned on the evening of Feb. 28th, Mr. Harvey Bnrrngo, of Concord, and Miss Emma Chufiin, of Salisbury were ni-ir-rkd. Immediately after the ceremony tl cy wcro driven to the depot to take tho southbound train to Concord, tho home of tho bride groom. Lovers seldom appear more beautiful and Iri'bt, than when listening to thoir marriage rito. . J. M. Brown. Cher JiiHtlee fthephtint t:boen. Tho board of tiudiees of tbe University on Weduendity elected es-Ciiic f JiiHtico James E Shop herd to tho professorship of law made vacant by the doath cf the Into John Manning. But one unnie was prcaonted and tho elec tion we s unanimous by acclama tion. B.iekien' Arniea nai ve. The Jiest fcuivo in the world for Cuts. BruiBJ-s, Korea, Ulcere, Sa'.i Rheum, Fever SoreH, Tetter OJPied Eanda, Chilblains "t'ornl and U S tin E? uptioao, and posi tivoly cures pjes ot no rV required, It ia irnarfttitood to gifo aUtiafaction or monev refunded. Prioe 2B cents per box For sale rit f B Fetzer'a Drug liore,1 en J, -m r. m i e Jk m a Single Copy 5Ct... kmtt& delicious and wholesome J A Memorial Picture to Her Tribute. On the wall in the housa of Mr 3 J Hartsell, of No. 1 township, will hang a memorial picture to tbe memory of Emma Hartsell, who was murdered last year, wording ol which is as follows : "Gone, but not forgotten. In lov- ing remembranoe of nay dear daughter, Mary Emma Hartsell. Was brutally murdered May 20 tb . "98i aged 12 years, 8 months, 1 days. Weop not for her, who is now at rest, Whero care and paiu no more annoy, lias reached tho heaven of the blett, And realized immortal joy. Iter spirit smiles from that bright shore, And softly whispors : 'Weep no more.' ' Ones s Member orcorapanji I., Mr. P F Hedrick, the young man who it seems shot Mr. A D Shnping in Salisbury some nU-its a0 was formerly a member ol Company L, wa are informed. He spent seyeral days here be fore tho company left and Mi'.yoi Crowell tendered h'm a placo at bis house while w-dVn' fcr the company to go to Ra'oih. He was discharged from tho company on account of his bad healt'.!. For Iho C'onfoderate Veterar. Senator Tillman eocurod the pasHKge of a resolution Wednes day authorizing tho Socrotary of war to lotn to tbe executive com tnittoo of the United Confederate Veterans 10,000 cots, 10,000 mat trcBtws end 2,000 tents for the reunion in Charleston in May. The Army liill l'nel. The House on Wednesday pa' tied the Army Re-organization bill and has mado it unnecessary thereby for tho President to call an extra suasion. We underdtan. tho bill to givo volunteers thoir option to return home or to re main in the service. Illunon to Live, But in 1'rlnon.; Gov. Rusaoll has commuted tho sentenco of Jasper Hinson, of Mecklonburg, who killod Jim Crauford, to life imprisotimen: instead of execution. No Fleer for rrlvate. Havana, March 1. The Anuei can military authorities in Cuba are stopping the sale of beer at poet exchanges and closing the bars in Havana and Marianoa fir selling beer or wine to privates or con commissioned officer?. The proprietors of such places are fined 8500, but are allowed to re open sf'.er three days on giving bond?, The private soldiers, ea pecially yolunteers, think it a great hardship that they may not buy beer when the cfiicers of their regi ments are unrestricted. larted In a Dream, ' is now one of the new songs that will probably go tbo rounds, com pawd by Halbert Hoard. Tie words tell of the parting of a brave American soldier from hia sweet heart. At Sr.ntiao at the name hour in which Bhe dreamed of Lie death, he full, asking her beforo dy ing to wear for him a roeo. The sentiment of tbe ebr j U ' aiitul. The oomposer is a e in i,' Ms-Governor Hoard, of Wiecoii'dn. Our AmlntM-H'lor in londo,', London, March 1. Thu Uni ted titatea Ambassador.Joseph H Choate and party, arriyed here this eyen'ng. There was no formality in the wcicome extended to Mr Cb'ate at the station. At Southampton where the party dihembarked from thr St, Paul an oOicial welcome was extended the new Amb'is-j sador. The mayor aud other officials bourded thrf steamer in theT robes of oflice, and a number of happy epeiephea were madd and many-things said complimentary1 : to Ameri ca, g Particuliir stress was laid on the friendship existing be tween the two countries. A corset saved the lilo of a New York woman, whom a drunken man waB trying to stab. So even the muoh abused corset comos in handy some times. Of oorsetjdoes. Morning Star. . nc Stand, if -J i " PRINTS TUB i. nii ra4T is .YEWS I for l i'r Sond us 1 Dollar. . II xsicnlil no Treated ralily. to Si 'i! hoc lu have bui ona " ii bird in dealing with its cit.'xeas, ill ever their calling, occupation, jr tiurinesj may be. Justice for ;. farm.r and meobauio should la . ;lce fir the profeaeior.il man and .i ifalist. The State aion'd le i rung enough atd juat enough o treat all cl ifi.:9 alike and previ nt them from injuring one tnothtr. None should be so strong is to defy its laws; none should be too weak to be detied th-sir protec tion. With theee principles ia ticw, we oaa but regard the pr position to impose a speoial tax ou tho gross receipts ef railrcad corporations doicg lusineea in this State as ni jaa. The railroads are alre' .y taxed on their road-bed, rolling stock aud other property as DVich as any other interest in the State and to put a special burden upon them is simply claea legislation of the baldest kind . Tbe Weeklj'a attitude toward tbe railroads ia too well known to be misunderstood. We regard them aa indispensable factors iu t':e State's material upbuilllcit t.n-1 would not put any obstacle in the way of their auoceas. They are gtol servants, but bad maa'ers. '.Vhefa one raises ita head in politics, it honld be promptly forced back to its proper plaoa. Special favora should Lot be granted on the one hand nor unequal ba dtna impof d on the other. Webster's Weeit.ly Southern THE . . .3 Standard Pliway cf tho SOUTH . . . THE DIR2CT LINE TO AU POIHT. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CULA ANDPQ" "(CO.; Strictly fisst "" jui.r Through ai - ..,' Palace Slc. js ...... Trains; Vas! j-ij S. vi.-. . - - Tra-,s.i Lj l . -1" -you are ossurcj a Safe, Com torlablcanj txjiidltlousjojr ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Tims TabUs, kates and Ge.-eral Intermatlon, cr Addiess R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARB7, T. P. A., C. P. & T. Charlotte, N. C. Ashcvllle, M. 0. No Troubic to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. iff. CUi.P, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.saicn M'gr, fraf. Man., G.PX WASHINGTON, D. (. L T. HARTSELL. ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD - - N C. Prompt attention given to a'l onsiness. Office in JUorris buildixij inposite court house. M. B. STIOKLEYi Attorney at Law, Concord N. C SILblAL ATI EM ION Gllf 10 COLLt-LHOXS. OtBc? upstairs in King buildJDj near Hoatomc-. O. G Csldwell, M. u. M X. S-en i.il Ore, CALDWELL & STilYJsNS, Concord, N. O. 'ilice in old post office building jpposita St, Oloud Hotel. thone N9 3? MORK1SON H. CALUWKLL ATTOUXiY AT J.iW, CONCORD. N. 0" Office in Morria bnil-Jin,' Ip'Of Court bonae. Do '.'i Experiment; Wlif.1 erii attaeks a pore--"! of nerverj temperament thero ia nun ally a r.jut Avresswu of spirit:!, th i-aticiit is .luuged into despair, :in,i uo amoinjt or raillery has any e: t ou his mjaery. The man or woni'iu whoso noryos be. oonieBO HhatteiT.r that it w a tortura to remain iu b a, and the ui'ht is pmist'il in a vaio n'' ni-t to got a httlo sleep ia on the d '-vu grade to unrvons prostra. tion, infi.ii'y nud death. Thero is no time'theii to experiment witu new and iii.tr-oii reniediut. JSegloat or delay iu this rcisiioct '-uay prove a fatal mistake. Dr. Jl ''Ida' Is orvino is tho ben of all mod'jiues for tho neryous. tired out and sleepless victim of t.Uo grip, just us it i.i the best remedy for all other wi a'; nesaea and disorders of the nervoiiH nysteni. It, attacks tho rutnutn gei-.us ot impurity oluatered iu tue blood and thorougM' touts them, out of every hntaeu curate of the body, "I was extremely neryona aud at. thoush I dootorod with several phy-u. oiausloould uot gam strength. Jfy nervos l. oamo so completely nustrunt; tl rt I could scarcely sh op at til, ,aaj l thought t should surely die. 1 began taking Ir. Miloo' Nervino aud iu less thunawookl was fooling very much bettor- After taking six bottles I was completely restored to health." (J. V; xIai'KRTt, tireeo, n. i, Atrial trackage of lr, .Miloa' favr'to treatment for tho grip, oou,-,iHtiug of 1 r. Miles' Autil'aiii 1'iUa and Dr. Mdi-V Nervonnd Liner IMlla, wJl bo (cut absolutoiy free of cost to any porwu sending name and addref-i ou a postal e ird, ruinesting thofwouplo, and men tioning the uamo of b us pai r. Address Ot, Miie-i MedloaV Co , Elkhirt, iu'.