war i' t The - Standard. !T"f?f - I ' r- l " ff T AND AS GOOD - JOB - WORK FEINTS THE .V-Stf THAT M jYLIjS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. AT LIVING PRICES. Give uga Trial. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 16 1899. . Single Copy 5 Cts. If " '"H"?H til). 1 THE NEW ELECTION LAW. Prvl- Pair of Hands; LIXEDOUN MUSLIN is made at a mill which bays the cotton direct from the planter and sells the muslin direct to the retail store. It is handled only three times. it escapes the profits of commission men. jobbers and speculators. That is why it can be sold so cheaply. It has double wearing value, double comfort. Washes better and bleaches whiter than any other foods made. All pure cotton, thor oughly cleaned and carded, hard twisted, closely woven, calen dered to a soft, smooth, downy finish. The name is lightly stamped on each yard. The first wash- ' ing washes it out. IILEPOUN MUSLIN fclp t(lrrt Irm Um villi In ify-jr& LUMOM QUUOU D DM, nr en. oobi cottoh bills, Tf7iortrlU, H. C s rr t, InOnlllae of Its rrlnclpnl Ions by .Neetloas. TLe new election law is in its main featnre a copy of the law in force previous to 1895. The bill provides : 1. That the election for State and county officers shall be held on the first Thursday in August and every two years thereafter. 2. That there shall be & State board of election composed of five persons elected by the Legislature for a term of two years. 3. That there ehall be CLOSED WjsDNKiDAY. The General Afmentui Adjoar Mart In 1BOO sosiri In lb Mi-time F.ra or God Prellnir The General AsFenhly oa Werlnn dav adjonrued till the second Tnes- dr.y in June, 90o. 1'iv four'a for wblch the lusiuhirs j-t no pvr, ar tee constitution allow py fir 60 days only. A mimbt-r of bill of a pma'e natnre were passed, among (hem ore to allow $100 for the burial of any bomber Lf tbe body who trull have died from siok- nt es conlraottd duriig .be sessioii. Thia is to meet tbe case of hV Dri ft county !.,;,. n'.,,,.,,,, .w,. nu board of elections consisting of to die of pneDInonia .uc prBuii8, appoimea oy me In the Seu.te . kind of l lbn i . i term oi : two iolification of son us and choruses ' ana txobanse of comn lmenu were That State boards of elee-Udoleed in. Refwcnoe , was made tions shall meet in Raleigh the to Lieutenant Governor R-jnoldg of nrst Monday 1b May, IBM, and his aavinz tbat if God bouU Kive organize by electiHg one of their hi m his choice be would nail tbla number chairman and another same body to order in 1901. He secretary. Another meeting shall said he was sincere in caving to for be held on the first Monday in be believed the Democrats would April in each election year, win and no finer bod could be opeoial meeting may be called elected wben necessary, t or their ser-l In tbe House Hon. bee uerman vices the board shall receive $4 1 Presented a silver set to Speaker a day and traveling expenses. Conner, the gift sf the body, in 5. That th nnnntw hnna token of its esteem . Spenser Cons shall appoint all registrars and ner in closing the seiaion, reaapituN h'udtzes of elections. Mnmhnra f Inted some of the ard .oug task bes the county boards may be re- fore the body oribinir due honor mover! hv th Hint hn.ni .j tne memo rs or tee nonse tor a uu .... the county board in turn may re- 'et work, not perfect but as nearly move any registrar or iudse of 80 88 09n,d be sard the en- olfi'nn vironmenta. and bespf-aking the 5. Tbat county boards must hert' "1 of tbo 1P: of meet not latflr limn tho. first. Mnn. ",b peoiuy m i auup-.or. KT1LL SDOOTING. TUe Xt'isro Inmnutl Kliool Even I hlldren. Raliiikh, Mach 8, The tonr of ti e Ttnth Tnimnnos throuijii thin State was markf d ly drunken rioting and shootitg at pecple, houses and cattle alung tbe rail road. During the few minutes tlmt the tr iu stopped here, there was drinking and disorder atnoni; the men. Several fchots wure tired at the ground or into the air. All alom the route their con duct was tho same. A dispatch from Henderson tonight says "lne lentil lmmunes, ne.ro troops, pussed today over the Seaboard Air Line. They, shot at private houses and school children. Several men were wounded. Tbe officers of the regiment seemed to have uo oon- trol over the men." Similar re ports come from other points be tween here and Weldon. At Richmond the train passing with them was sent aronnd on the belt line instead of throngh the oity. TRUE TO RECORD. day in May for organization, and for dividing theconnties into pre cincts and fixing polling places 7. That before the next general election there shall be an entirely of the Constitutional Daily of 9 b. tmendmentp. It'a Like Othrr Parts of Town. It is a pleasure to htroll abont over different parts of onr town land see the improvements that the carpenters are continually ruakinc. This time we refer to Negro Troaita elve Trouble and Oct tbe Warn of It. True to the record made in the lata military service by tbe negro tronpa, the Eighth Immncea, on be. ing mustered ont of service and lfaviDg Chstianoogo Tuesday began Qrlng promiscuously and about a hVf di z.n people will hate to corse won rid a made by the drunken wretches At Nashville, however, tbey met 'heir tTuterloo. Fifty policemen were on band to keep order and cap tare tome of the perpetrators of the outrage. Some resistance wa shown and the policemen's clubs were free ly used. Wben tuey arrived at AN INTERESTING SOUVENIR. The new York Herald of April 15, '6S President Lincoln Assassinated Richmond at the Evacuation. A sonvenir copy of the New York Herald was shown un today (Satnr- dav) bearing date of April 15.h 18C5. Tbe first page is draped in mo irnlng lines and the cut of '.he martyred President, Abraham Lin coin, is in a doable column eqnare. It is Indeed an interesting ienie new registration. Among ques wit.1 details of the assassination of tl0ns to 06 asked applicant is the President and the attempt on "whether he has listed his poll the life of 8ecrotary Seward and for taxation for the current year en. Indeed it has it tbat both were! in which he applies for registra- sappoeed to bs fatally wonnded. Ition and for the next year preoed IhaaBRsein of Seward was known but was described. Jefferson Davis last offiaial Droo- noil for taxation, he shall b lamatlon as Resident is contained guilty of perjury and punished field, as it were a year or two ago, pera till he had them all in the train and dismtches desoribinir the tor. La rr,WI hr l.w is now the site of a cotton mill rady to move eff and avoided rib fighting about Petersburg read 8. That the registration books nd er0 lonf? a Dumber o new trooble. Th.n they fired at by like fiotion. -ball be keDt ODen for twenty dwellings will be overlooking the slanders from the moving train a The description of tbe city of days and closed on the second Place" Tlie pay ro11 for em" " paf8e Vftrl0n stations. A .ftioumond the Sunday night of its Saturday bofore the election. On ployes of the mill numbers about 18 jearsold white boy was badly evacuation is real enoosbas we a,i n:. ' . j thirty at present. Already each wonnded by them as they moved know, being in a h.spital camp tllfl rflT,-srftr Bhft on ,n lhf nnl, . hand has learned its part to per- oat of Macon u . J u la. mu- I " wucro we wibuveouu tunuu ui iw iuv ii L 3 TV. - A I J me improyemenis maue u Louisville thev showed aims of their iepoi street. experience lees iollv than that at Every pieoe of miohinory is I nutt.nnoe. J 1 . 1.1 1 . 1. ! 1, ,. . . tot inc. And if any applicant shall uuw "-BU'V ,u "," us inm Xmmunes were must falsely swear he has listed bis "PP Daeaiy mlli BDU ODB ered out at Macon Wednesday but naruiy reanzo iuai iub au tne uoionel field the disobarga pa- can intr nlac.e to reffistftr vnten. On paeeia tbrilling with the Bnch dava the books shall be onen events of those terrible days and i; i, . - , I preoinct. There shall be no reg- wh le forLia a souvenir indeed. CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tak) Laxative liroruo Quinine Tablets All druRRists refund money if it fails to err.-. 25o. The genuin has U. ii, (j on cacu tamet. istering on election day, but voters may be challenged. 9. That on or i before the first form and the work h tnrned off At Griffin, Ga., the first section as nicely as Engineer Brantley of 'hem yelled like wild men and Miller's Corliss engine in which bou' 200 shots. The police he takes so much pride. rorK oouli not P" ltn them and In glancing toward the Miller tDe town w" Bt mcrcy till tt Park from the mill one notes the lrslu Pul,ea ouc new machinery of Mr. J M V bo Can Beat It T shall appoint two iudcres of eleo The Cordale, ;(Q.) Sentinel tlon for each precinct. s. m . , . I comes to tne iront witn tne :ol- 10. That to prevent disorder as lowing news item : manv a8 three BDeoial officers mav "Mr, and Mrs. R B Spicer have be appointed bv the reeistrars .1 .... a I O aometmng queer in tne form oi a ftna judges of electien. 1 1 (J 1 1 IT Tf ia IwaIva in.lino I 'mi ... .... j iuwuub ivu,i ii ruat rnere BUall pe one weighs two pounds, and has a full banot for ali gtate officers, ona tat oi Deard and mustache. inct;a f tho HrQm r.nnrt. nriA tnr momknr. tho Monday In J ulj the county board urrage, in addit on to hu eiesrant two-siory icmuoum that is being built. In front o the mill on Depot street is the site selected for Mr. J UJjip pard's house, while across the street obove the road leading to the roller mill is to be seen car pentera hnrrvine to finish the residence for Mr. Brantley Miller. Several trades for real estate A force was gathered in time for the next section, which came in with ho s rattling above the noise of the trmn. They held up at the sight of tho armed forces In waiting till ni'i ing out tbey fired and it was re turned, wben, unfortunately, a train man was ratallv shot. as could be expeoted." 3 A It.' -m lil if II ' J 1 1 if PiD JIKB-TBWTHS Of i all ths pain and sickness ( rom which women suffer Is caused 9y weakness or ierangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman Is not well these rgans are affected. Eut when they are strong rnd healthy a woman Is very seldom sick. MM mm km ieofC4P a officers and one tor township officers. That all ballots for each of these classes of officors shall be will tend still more to improve the eastern part of onr fast-build ing town. rbe Hat rin. a; Milwaukee girl, who was recently attacked by a bold, bad man, valiantly defended herself wiih 'a hat pin and comnletelv , - General Assembly, one for connty are DelI,K conteropuueu wn.cu ronted tbe ontaWi The villain when he approached, said, "Now I've got you," bat he was unable to make good his assertions, for his intended victim drew bcr weapon and jabbed him in the face. I he maidens assailant quickly realized that he had reckoned without his host, nnd he fusion board put up their oackn bo;U a hasty retreat. Jsut before and resign. The Sentind 116 esoapoa me qui ima badly punoiurfu nis rare ana cansca tiim fr ttr,l witli nnin ?nti .. -p, ... . 1 uiuu nun nuu (Jaiui tne ivepuunoHD county d Di8oatch. same size, on white paper and without device. The size of the! ut oar tn aoon Forsytbo is among the conutics whinti tbe laciNliitnre helnod nut ballots must be prescribed; by the k anointin five Demoeralic! State board of election. Tickets commili8loner8. Thig m,.ule the in the wrong box shall not be counted, 12. That the members of the several boards of election shall constitute the board of county says: "As crmmiasioners could net rule the canvassers, which shall meet at roo8t they decided to get off of the BLOOD PUEIFIEHSENT FB.EE the court houso the second day roost. e have no objection to nftor the elfiutmn. nanvaq tbe rn. ofler to their exercifse of tbl o,i ,ii n Dti ,i. J preroo.itive. I L 111 LID nitu 111:1,111113 lILiO 1 V.D Ul L Clb LI1C I Ml ,a naturs's provision (or the refu tation of the menstrual function. ! cures all " female troubles." It Is equally effective for the girl In Her teens, the young wife with do nestlo and maternal cores, and the woman approaching ths period known as the "Change of Life." They all need It. They are all !enefltted by It. to h iff NO T For adrtee In caset requtrfnff sp'il 'Irectiora, address, riving eymptemt. ih "Ucllel' Advlry Departnrnt," ' h Chitnnooo Mcdlciu Co., Clutta 'oa,Tona. THOt. I. COOPER, Tupelo, Wits., tnyn Mr ti rtr sutterts Irom ery Irrtoulir nd painful mentiniAtion and ftocinrs tula not relievo her. Wine of Card-jl ntlrelv cured her td afto hcioed mi -aouier urouon at vn&nyt or uio court house. The remainder of the act pro vides for canvassing the returns A Cure for Blood and Skin Dis eases, Eozcma, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blocd Poison, Cancor, Etc. If yon have tried sarsaparillnH, patent . if 1 .J..i 1 1 i medicines, and dootored, and still hnve old, presitrteut sores, pimples.diHtrexiugrs eruptions ol the skin, pmiitul sores on (muds arms or h fi, itchinfr sensation, irriliitluK skin trembles, eezemti, ecrnf tila, uloers, contKioii8 blood poison, lever sores, meronrmi ruenmatisui BnMlnens iseceenitry nnd lliinluea. Besides voting the $110,00J in linnrln to nav the Drofliate fusion t' viaes ior canvassing tue returns j . . r .. ,. .. & . , , debts on the penitentiary the f for State officers, Congressmen loii8iatnre voted $95,000 of bonds ana electors, piescnbes penalty wjth which to buy tho furais for non-rjerformarice of the duties which the State had creatly Im- catarrh, boils, face oovered with little i i .i . 1,1, i i x-Mtari ami nn whwh ir. hart I uuruo, ouurci vi nuj vnnjvt w.iui, inru options. ilie interest en these h0tnio Blood Halm-is mado for just donas IS to De paia 0V the pi n- euch oiines, and it cures to stay onred itentiary which it can do to nd- those stubborn blrt d diseases tlmt nther . j, i -i milder medicines fail even to benefit. yantage f.s it only amounts to .,, ,, mB,i troni.ifla am pvi.inr.. abont balf tbe rental for these of had, diseased blood iu the body, and Same farms. I B- B. B. enres bocauee it forces all tbe i poison or injpuniv or oioou iiuuiorr oui Nor Henlahnna. of tue body, bones nnd entire system. M. xt .n... ii . nio,uM .. To remove all doubt of its to cure, we r. Nathaniels Bhttkwelder tells om.r to send to any sufferer a sample ua that he kilbd a pi if Moudav bottle of Is. B. B. absolutely free. ... ...t. i . B. B. B. is an old. well-tried remedy wooae Dirmuay ne noieu wun u,e hencewe kn0wtliat itcures tostyoured oara of an ordinary 1 kl 1' and "that for thteople onred by Ji. u. b. years prescribed for officers of the eloc- Ition, and makes other general regnhitions of the election. Kal- eih News and Observer. Tellow iaandiee Cnred. SufTerlg buruanitv should be supplied with every means possible ior lis rener. it is w th n easnre W8 publish tbe followinc: '-Thia is to oertify tbat I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over sir months, and was treated by some of the best phyeicians in our city'and to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Electric Bittsrt: and after takir.e two bottlce ICE TO ROAD PETITIONERS. iIwaa etire'7 red- 1 DOW take .. Board of County Commlaaonera ' f"1 P,e,8urB ln Df ein special session on Monday, ' tnem to any person suflerinR from i7tb, to consider the petitions frr this terrible malady. I am grate- jrei aact the lormation oi new roaas tally yonrs, M. A. If ogarty, Lex- Bolrl by V li K'etzer'e t mi were before tho bonr4 nt its last lnBton Ky." u t ng. I'erHons especially interested . ' ' v ,n , .lease tukr. notice. Drugstore. " THE SfjTEF.IOK COURT. A Trial Held In the Concord Mlgn Arliiiol-I'roflli.ble nnd Enter Ininlnir. The Staud-r ilihi ith a good ly nuteber of oibers accepted the kind invitation to attend 11 e raimio court tricl at the Concoid Huh School Friday evening, This was of course the embryo of a giand erray of legal talont to make its powt-r ( It in days to come. It can best be depicted by that which is and has been. You fancy Jndge Ti-nbcrlake on the bench, Solicitor Hurry as prose cutor tor tbe State, tho great Osborne, lately making fame in New York City, defending Mr. Biggun and Joseph Sehoate and Charles Price seeing to it that Mr. Notbigha should reap the benefits of every technicality of the law. The de endants were charged with an affray. In making up the jury his honor found it neces sary to yield a legal point. Finally the jury was agreed upon and eight of the twelve were of the superfine grade, not more impor tant personages, however, than Miss Gould, Miss Wheeler, Miss Hobson, Miss Barton, Mrs. Senator Logan, Mrs. Stonewall Jackson, Miss Arnold(who started the Hobson kissing) and the Queen of Madagascar. It was as steel clashing on steel when those lawyers resorted to every degree oi legal strategy known to the profession to make it appear that the entire blame rested with the other fellow while the Solicitor scooped both into his list of desperate criminals. Wit nesses were unmercifully ques tioned, even twitted,and tho tcsti mony was somewhat tangled, as indeed the defendant of a bad cause always wants it to be. The patient and intelligent jury listened attentively to four speeches each iaibuoJ with a strong fuith in the the justice of his cause. Blackstone and Vance were quoted as authorities in law. We cannot reproduce tho flights of eloquence, the strains of pa thos nor the delineation of tbe fine points in lozal lode. Tho Solioitor,eipecially,acquitted him self well. The summing up and recapitulation of the testimony by his honor, usually called the charge to the jury was very clear and strong and, in view of the well-known fact that his honor is not a householder even if a freeholder, indicates foroibly that he is more expert at this than any other kind of courting. The jury retired undor the escort of Sheriff Quarter-of-a-bnshel and remained out some ten minutes when it filed again into the jury box. Clerk ol the Court Stew obtained tbe verdict in due form which was that the defendants are guilty. Solicitor Hurry prayed judgement and his honor pronounced that Mr. Biggun pay a fine of 1200 or labor on the chain gang for six months and that Mr. Nothighs be confined to hard labor on the roads for two years. At the solicitude of the attorney and in consideration of its being the first offence of Mr. Biggun, a poor man of family too, his honer re- ented as to labor on tho chain gang ana in tne evenc oi his inability to pay the fine he is to be hired out to some farmer who shall secure tho $200 fine, Mr. Biggnn and his lovely wife thereby tne spared grout humiliation and she from tho poor bouse. It being the seooud offenco for Mr. Nothmhs, the court was in flexible to all appeals and the sentence stood. The eheiiff then adjourned the court which was in reality, we think, quito nstioetiye and profitable to the chool as it was entertaining to the audience. If getting a witness to tell what he does not know and to forget what he doos know and to tell a straight story in a orooked way and a crooked story in a straight way portends great legal ability, there is some eminenty fine talent welling among ns. ."riii'f v ,r e " J a ACSQZSJIEBX sPt'KE Makes the food more delirious end wholesome rAt bk?j nnwnD r ltn 'or lne Winnie riavla Mtniue Approved. Itiuhmcnd, W, Marc'i 5. The dfsign of tee tU.uj to trec'eJ n Hoi! rfooii cer the era;a of Miei Winnie Duns, thj "Dttjcii'er o' the Confederacy," baa been ohomn and "pproved by Mrs. Davia. Tbe de sign, which is by Zjlvey, of Now York, is tbe figure of a sitting angel. It is to be of Italian marble and will be erecied by the Daughters of tbe Confederacy. Msklna; I'p Ihe Resnlnr Army. A Washington dispatch to tbe Asheville Gazette says that the re cruiting under the tegular army bill is going on at an unprecedented rate. Many of the volunteers as they are mustered onf oniis 5" h regular army. Ther : ' !o r n pressure on the part 'he u re cruits to be sent to t - -lilifv'ni-.- The new organizatic lar army will censis' of 120 men eac' regiments ol 13 com to tne company, . t.vr. regiments oi miai - t7.,.v companies each and 112 men to the company. There is be side hoppital and signal corps, be side bands and comaaiaMoned stafl officors. The whole array is to con tain C5,000 effiorrq and men, GEN. LUDLOV APl'EALF 4 w f 'h I n fieri i be n nx In HsTsna Krrdlnx (bailir. Gen Ludlow Lai sent an appeal to the American people of cbarit .. Ul - .7.- , . . . . . disposition to f.ia in tjivinj; relief to many snffevjrjg people in Havana that must die of starva tion if reliof is not furdshed. There are hundreds of women and children whose husbands and fathers have been lost in tho wsr that are absolutely dependent. Employment is given to many men to clean up the city who can thereby provide for their families but even this is a great burden to the Gonoial on account ot the nncortain revenues with wbioh to vav th"!..:. 'I , r K -,. CHSEE YOUB PSLLOW-MS. If you fihonU see a feow-man 'Ht trouble's ila unfurled. An' lookin' like ho di ln't Imye a fi nd iu the world, do np nn' slap him on tbo back ".n holler, "Hotr d'j-on ?" An' grasp bis band so warm he'll know he has a friend in yon; Tlmn ax him what's a-hurtiu' him, an' laugh his cures away, Don't talk smveyard pulnyer, bnt any it ri?ht and lond, That God will spriukle sunshine in the trail of every clone!. -James Whifoorab Riley. Orlitlnnl Observations. Love is the great lever tbat light ens all the labors of life- 8'ildiera fed on embalmed beef is wbat'U bring McKinley to grief. We never attempt to strain sweetnees by kissing a girl through her veil. The rich mea np north show their lie-abilities when they swear off their taxes. Worry is the double-shovel plow that makes the furrow of care on the human brow. The nhotorrnaher cives yo f ce To Open t'p In Ilie I.ltnkor Bnlldlnir. Messrs. Arthur Pridmore and Chas Wood, of GafTney, S. C, have arrived hero and will ron dnct a buaimes in the corner Litakor building. They have just returned from northern markets where tLcy purchased their stock. Hoth of the pcntlo- men are Known oy a tw ol our poople hero. Mr. CIirs. Tnrkor If end. For a week or tvo it lis3 been realized that tho doa'.h cf Mr. Chas. Tuckor, who lives several miles below town, in Nd. 11 town ship, was not far off. He has been suffering for some time with Bright's disoaso. Mr. Tucker was badly wonnded in the leg during the war and had nevor recovered from the wound. On Friday ho foil aoloep to suffer no more. He was a man of about CO years of ngo. He loaves a wife and soveral childron most of whom are grown. WU1B, ouij tUO lt ULlJ kliiu ueneral says there is nothinc they can do and ho nppenla for American women to como to tho rescue. Mrs. Ludlow is docplv interested and will gladly aid' in distributing food, clothing, etc. for them. for Over ri ly Tear Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrap hat been used for over fifty years bj millions of toothers for their child ren while teething, with perfeot sue ceos. It soothes tbo child, softcnt tbe gnmo, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and la tho best remedy foi Diarrhoea, It will relieve the pooi ittle sufferer immediately. Cold b) druggists in every part of tho world. Twenty five sen's a bottle. Be ssn and ask for "Mrs. WinBlows Footb ing Sjrup," and take no other kind. Nmnllpox In W llullngton. The Star of the l(Kh sajs Wi miig'on has a gennine o iso of sail's pox. The ceceesnrr quarantine pre cautions are being taken to avoid tbe spread. 1. , . tw . L . . n ji .11 HU 1- was jail mourn ana r- uajs ou b,Hod im,mritius. are well to-dny and free from all when it made ita last tqneal. In Its toas'e with tba ate Itaid pea t h Id that bulb op to tbe 253rd notoh. m as. JOHN P. ALTjISCN, tlrailache stopped In SO minqtos $jr Dr. It is ascertained now that the late General Assembly passed 1,107 bills and adopted 79 resoln-tinner Csarer. Iileedlnsr. Efttln Seres. Cancer of Nose, lip, faoe, earor neck, external or internal eanocr, uieeiting, enting sores, are all cnred by B. B. R, the most powerful blood purifier made. All drn(?Kista sell B. B. B: at $1 per large bottle. For trial bottle of B, li. B.. address BLOOD BALM CO., Mitohcll Street, Atlanta, Oa and sample bottle will be sent by return mail. Oescriba yonr symptoms and free personal meuioal advice will be eHen, It is very hard to stand Mly by and see onr dear ones stiller while nwaiting tlie arrival of the doctor. An Albany, (N. Y.) dairyman called at a drag store there for a doctor to oome and see his child, thon vory sick with eronp. Not finding the doctor iD, he left word for him to oome at once on bis return. Hp also bonght a bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Kemedy, which he hoped would (jive nome relief until tbe doctor should arrive. In a few hours ho returned, saying the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. Tue drugf?istt Mr. Otto Scholz, says the family has since r commended Chamberlain's Coueh Remedy to their neighbors and friends until he has a constant demand for it from that part of the country. t ox sale by At ii mareo uo. STATE OF OHIO. City op Toledo, ( Lucas Cocsty, ( Fniik J. Cheney nkos onrh tha he is the senior partner of ihe urn of F i Cheney & Co., cJoinu husioeut in the City of Toledo, County nnc3 St ite aforesaid, and tbat Hfiicl fiir w ill pp.y the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case oi Catarrh that cntinot he cuied by tbi uko of Jlall's Catarrh Cure. Thank J Ciieney. Sworn to btforo me ad subHcrib ed in my presence, fhe 6th day o' Dccenibt r, A- D. lSiiO. )sealT( 1. W OLEASON1, ( ) Notniyl'uUU Ha ,1's Catarrh Cure is tukon i;i ternaily and actB directly on thr blood and mituoin aaricei of tbr sytom, fcenf for testimnnialB, free , d, Ctli.AKi Jc CU 1'oledo. O. Sjld by druqgits, 73o, Month America n Nutcide Wln.1. In Brazil and other parts of South America the natives know and fear a certain eon dition of the air which they call "suicide wind." It is not a snperatitioa, but an agtual oonditioa of the at tbe people to madness, an.! during the continuance sel itilucteO. deaths are numerous. criminologists rnd scientists -.n Kver tue world are inter escea in taia pecnJiar atnos puerio lBHuence, which is in dicated. by a soft, moiaf.. wt.rr air that settles iieavily on the r;uim. me climatic condition Known as (lie "Enicids wind' U greatly dreaded in that par of the country. et.,(;a,, . ... jiiove teat uni ,lUu uiuer crimes occur together or in waves as they ucotuueu. LjX. ange, Va., Observer. Southern 1- r We're GrrnlrNt When nart. It is related that when Pud yard Kiplina: was thought to ue luiany iu a run was made on all bookstores for his nooKs, and that people who naa neyer read a line from Kipling took an eager tnrn at it. Thia proves that the nearer (leal a man is the bigger and greater man he becomes In the eyes of the American reonl And when he dies he is greater man wnen lie was nenrlv dead. If Mr. Kipling had crossed tne mystic stream there would have been such n clamor lor his books that many additions wouH have been reprinted. V,it m ?,. Kipliug is getting well InHl have to sharpen lm Faber and write some more. Greensboro Telegram. Kineton Free Pres.? : About 1 30C peop'e ravn neon vaccinate, a' Weldon, Mr. O T B.inoy inform: 0.8. lie eays there are severul Ctee of smallpox there, hut tbe authori ties have tbem thoroughly lpolifed. Th Lincoln rhiilr Brlnua 8 ;, A chair whicli Lincoln ined in his litime, a.nl which ha? been a drawing card during tlie WJiittieysTieman auc'tion ale at h West Twent v.Ei;rhri) street, was disposed of day for $27 J. A man who re fused to give his name, bnt who is be;i-veJ to have bought it for the Lincoln Club, of Chicago, was the highest bidder. He paid cash for it. The chair is said to be one of the two presented by the Illinois Oentml MaUm-ui to Mr Lincoln and to (Jov ernor Wentworth New York Times. THE . . . Steind&rJ Railway cf the SOUTH . . . THE BISECT LIKE TO ALL POIIITS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUZA AND PORTO RiCQ.i Mncny 1 lust class Lquipmcnt on ill Thro ...li anj Locr.l l'rjins; Putlatutt Palace Slcoring tars 011 all M, Trains; rait ana Ss:c SciiwJuks . . '. . Tra'el by the Snulhorn aid you are aFsured n Safe, Co:n lortablc and txrcJitious Jot:N ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tablcai Kates and General Inlormatloa, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. - Asheville, . C-, No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CL'LP, W. A. Turte 3rd V,P.&(..en M rr, Irai. Jinn., G.Pii rt'ASHnVG iO.V. D C, TV HABTSELL. ATTOKNEY-AT-L.VT, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt attention piven to all sosineBs, Oflice in ALrris buildic i?posito court houpe. M. B. S TICKLE Yi Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SI EdlAL AllhMIOX GIVkl 10 COLLtClIONS. Office upstairs in Kinir hul'.dinu near poutoflicj. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M ,L. Steven... H I) Ora. CALDWELL & STV.l:::s. Concord, N. O. Jffice in old foat office baildirg ppoaite fc't. Cloud Hotel. Phone No 4.TT0BKIY AT LAW, coxoord, n. cr Oflice in Morrin baildinj,' 'pposi; Goiir- bone. If tronbled with rhenniiilifm. cive Cbamberliiin's ruin-Hidui a triul. It will nnt. inst' vnll A Pont if if (liH nn fnnrl One application will relieve the pain. It also cures nirnius nnd lirnineB in onn. third the time required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinnoy, pains 111 tue side and chest, glandular aud other swellings are quick ly cured ny applying 11. jt,very hottli warranted. Price, 86 and 00 eta. M h klarab A Co. feiir TIiuiiniiihi livltitr llnuuiice. The Southern lost in the 'ierce case in the Snnrpme court eome days ago. which case was brof t;ht in Salisbury ou account ofV boy being killed by a switch engine. The de cision of the loer conrt was alhrmed. The damages for the company to pay is $2,000. This, together with the Parks casa makes $4,000 that the corns pany has to pay in this part of the State from the decision of the Supreme conrt. Mow's Your Grip? Not getting along as well as vnn pt. neetetl mat is tlie wnv i-fin acts wln it is nut takon in hand iimi ilrivt i (. it of the system at once. Vn tMiwiMi 1 'fc by the grip germs keep rightou destrov iug the lyitnlity aud undermining tho heiilty, l'on lose yon appetite for food and what little you eat ems to do d j good, Your nerves end unstrung, you became weak and exbnnstcd anil flnaly you aio overpowered by eomo chrouio disorder which takes you to an uutimly 51 arc. Why (should von lot the grip run ur.t.I it pots such a hold ou yo 1 when a f bottles of I'r. Miles' Nervinn wnnl.t fl you up all righfr II is U10 crenb-sii nerve medioiue and henhh restorer bvul know and thon aids of siip'n victiniH are hndiDi; in it a safo and sum mean-i of reira-.u u- lost strun-tu and vitaiitv. 1 loniid mjself wi-h a very Wea'-, stomaro. and eviry tiivo I tried to ear. 1 would bocomo nuuseatoU, somotimeH iHlehiiiK wind and freqncnt'y tindliur to mi only after vomitins. Hy u.tvch H-camh affected and X was almost blind lor several mouths. Fiual I bepau ufiiiSUr. Kinss' Nervine; and when 1 bad used eno bottlo I was greatly iio proved. After takins two more 'bottlo my tt(.mnchtr .ubh-;was entirely -one. ua 1 Uave had no ruturu of the' symp toms in over thrco years," JUw L U .... , (ir envillo, Tud. fJi. Packages of lr. J!,l,' fav.mi!,, treatment for the ip.m,W(ti.. ol 1)r. iM !Sj,,,,r,v'm,t. ,r: .R!it"' Aoti Pain uiMi 1 r. iUiiOrt ,(.it( ,i.l T i..u. 1 I a II... . f.. ' "."""I'ltwy free of cost nd , m,H Caril,l ,ro,"!03t'S the aaruple. Address Or. M.les Medsl Co. . Kl kh

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