The - Standard. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. Fhe V71 - . M mm I gr fl Ea&j fi The first ' !, I wash 9 I. mikM ordinary fo I mulin II f look far worse than ' new. (V II UaMrwtOi X xijQt Stand A RD. . Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 23 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. A LARGE AUDIENCE The first makes ordinary look far worse than The first wash makes LU.8- r1 DOUN MUSLIN look far better than new. T nBia ffio arnnrri. chtnA H day and mucilage out of ordi- ' Mtialin I .-iirl i ( Uin and loosely woven. ' The only changes It makes In LILEDOUN is to wash out the name which is lightly stamped on every yard, and to help bleach the goods, UlLEDOUN MUSLIN Is not bleached at the factory, b mum factory blsaonlrja; weakens muaUn UnornfteeuDeroent. Itla ft all ootton, thoroughly eleaned and I brained and calendered to a soft. smooth and downy finish, Aak tour dealer tor LILEDOUN MUH 1N and take no other. If he does not Keep it ws will send it aireot from the nllla. fierrleffe tsAid. In bolts of M yards or more. A LUe. 'i UOORK COTTOW HILLS, TayloraTtlle, If . O. ONLYT A MATCH. Id Hi' Windsor Hotel Burns IS Dead and 35 or 40 Injured. A smoker lit a o:gsr or cigarette k he Windsor Hotel Friday, the 17i i, while watching the parade on Bt. Patrick's Day in New York, This unextinguished match oaaght ijire laae curtains. Soon the flames we t regit g and the splendid hotel was consumed while fifteen lives were lost and 35 or 40 persons were mnia or less injured. 1 he scene was one of horror. the panio persons threw themselves fio.m the window to be dashed death. A mother threw her child bufore herself. Of coarse both were lost. Some heroic rescues were made. ... The finanoial loss is estimated at flOOO.000. We have saved many doctor bills sinoe we began nmnsr Chamberlain s Uongh Jtimody in oar borne. We keep a bot tin ojien all the time and whenever an; of my family or myself besrin to catoi r id e begin to use the CoughHemedy, aid aa a result we never have tc swnd Away for a doctor aud inour a large dvtor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough iveraedy never fails toeure. It Is cer tainly a medioine of ereat merit and wortli. D. 8. Mearkfe, Goceral Mer- chant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford county, Pa. for sale by M L Marsh & Greets the Hypnotists on the First Night A Great Evening' Amusement for the Audience Mr. Stanley Warde En ters Into His Forty-Eight ' Hours' Sleep. A packed house, entirely too large, a honse turned oat Thursday night last to bear the Lees in their wonderful exhibitions of hypno tism. The house was bo crowded that the noise could scarcely he controlled. After a short treaties as to what hypnotism really Is, Prof. Lee called for a number of volunteers to come upon the stage. Quite au amount of time was necessarily taken in Kitting the number. Some of the volunteers were easily hypnotized, while others were found useless. This being the first night the sub jects were taken through only some Uaml7 supplies and of the most simple stages of bypno- cheapest meat we eat, IN FAVOR OF THE HOG. ue is umo Cheap Food How to Avoid Cholera and Hwlox iIiiK". J li Jordan writing in the Atlanta Journal lays it on well in favor of the hog aa a profitable return for the investment. II contrasts the hog of today that can be made to weigh two and three hundred pounds nt ten month old with the hog of some years ago that had to be kept from eighteen months to two years to get him to weigh about 200 pounds. The waste and swill together with soma vegetable crops easy to furnish go so far to raising a hog that little coot outside of the at tenuon is needed to make the it is the To tboso iism, euon as not Deiog able to open too, of vigorious exercise it is me eyes, unable to pull the hands healthful aa wall AR si VS ft ATI r . vrvi asOUlUK CURUD WaH T AAl I r w 1 given, two of tb subjects only be- , . 4. ... nmnmA article in 08 1 interesting is Lib "vs. I In order to show that hvono meetlD8 he fear of cholera and tixed person can be unperoeptive of 8w'ne plague which are two dis pain, a lady's hat pin was stuck tinct diseases but require about through the flesh in a gentleman's the same treatment. Both aro cheek and wrist. He was then hn.f.n.i ...i 1 hrnnrrVir Knot ln kt. 1 o e J .-J 4.1 u . iu vuuiera. auu rout vuiuugu me auaience ior inspection. It Host SoS Be Dne. A scientist says: "If the earth vue flattened out, the sea would be Uo miles deep all over the vcrU." If any man is caught l'a.ioning out the earth shoot him oq the spot. A great many of ns cen t swim. Tit Bits. It is very hard to stand idly by and s-o onr dear ones saner while awaiting ar ival 01 the doctor. An Albany. . X.) dairyman called at a drag store thi're ior a doctor to oome and see his cbild, then very sick with croup. Not nudinu the doctor in, he left word for Dim to oome at once on bis retnrn. tie also bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Uongh Hemedy, which he hoped would h've some relief nntil the doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, ving the doctor need not oome, as the fih'ld was Jnnoh better. The droggist, Mr. Ot so Bohols, says the family has aitiM recommended Chamberlain's (Touch Remedy to their neighbors and fru dOi nntil he has a constant demand r it f rom that part of the country i ur sale by at It alarsh & Co. IS The Worst or all. A Wake Forest ecbool rr spori sible ior this : Von oiry talk about your evils mad lots and taxation; ,ifu'! oads, sour bread, and poor lot, station, C''rJ; babies, spring poets and co- tdoationi l'.ui of Jl woes known sinoe the dawn of .-reation A. i l tterly without amelioration, T!.u v: ret is the fearful thing called viuxination. NO CUKE, NO PAY. That is" the way all druggists sell (trove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills ani Mslaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine In a! tasteless form. Children lovi' it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan ' 04 Tonioa Trice, 50o. M 1 Trenilent McKinley is enjoying h.e vacation at Thomssville, Ga, driving, fishing strolling, eto , bu cr -lly in that rare luxury of gel t!,tt iri when you pfease. the bacterie take hold of the stomach and A human bridge was made of Mr. mtestln68- In Bwine plague they Westover'e body, while hypnotized, talje told of the lungs. Coughing it naving hell bve persons securely, follows this disease. The remedy The way in which hypnotism is is largely cleanliness. He sayn praoucea Dy tne iimdooa wasBhown fti i,nr,H v,ava vaofo,; f 0 o,t. by Prof. Lee, This is when he suo-L. j . l .... ceeds in hypnotizing so many in I ,,.,. f.. , the audience. A good laree num. "UD u,mo uuvuloP "uu ber found themselves getting sleepy overcome the hB's vitality as and would divert their attention. any diseases do. These germ One young lady in the audience get into almost every thing and fell sound asleep. LITEItATEUKS LOST. Mm. O. C. ( nlllne of dreeosboro 1 heui. The Norona, an Amerioan yacht on which there were Ameiiuan liternteurs intending to write op CUBA'S CONDITION VERY BAD. Mr. Howard's Repoit of Ulelrooo-Re appeule far aid In the Some a Oar fins;. Jacksonville, Fla., March 15. the parts of the world as thty p'11" Willard Howard, general touobed them is said to have beon manaRor 01 me Lnban industrial lost in the Red Sea. Mrs. O. C. rtslleI lunt, r JNW yrk passed Collins ol Greensboro was one of tLronKh Jacksonville thin morn the Dirty lni? on bla wa? DOnie om Juba. lie goes north to purchase ogri eelllos; Fp me Koll. cultural imtilnmnnta Ei-8ner ff Buchanan has made the ue of the industrial relief'S-sof dulinq .ent toz-pay 8,ation , wbicb he haa jagt eetab, ..... umnllUMVW(Jlllln nuu , , , f i - n-. d. , .... . I w -" "v uiui-u, vuuitt 1X1 ronmncr rhfm ihuir I .at- nniius I ' R,.;iM. . ui u i ' Howard Raid, "The condition of ing his roll of honor f? and wm Cuba, so tar as my observations i . ... have it published soon . naTa Bone 18 real,7 we than it A good amount of the taxes are waa '118 tlme '"Bt year, when I yet unpaid more than were due made my first investigation. In last year at this timr. Similar to many rural districts, little has past years, one can find almost all been done to restore the island to of the roodip'i torn oat of the book. its normal condition. The il,M. of some of itae towoshipi while is othar townships bunches of them yet remain nnpaid. are vacant and the farmers idle The people still remain in the towns and cities where army ra tions aro issued to them. They cannot return to their abandoned farms because they baye nothing to return with. "Our government has done and doing nothing to enable farmers null sjirod bowb. Soma time ago the cffioials of the ohain gang attempted to move the rock crusher from here to their work out on the Beatty's Ford road. But the roads were entirely too bad and the cruther mired down in the road near Dr. Li ly's place beyond resume the oultiyation of their the dspot. As soon as the road be- ,andB- A tnat ' pretends to do oomcs b-tter it will be taken out. is to distribute rations through Tbe Bickn-ss of the members of local committees of Cubans. Gov. tneeuain gang is very much ims General Brooke and the officers proved now, ooly one being siok Under him rnaliz!, Unlv th inn. gang now numbers t wen '.y- h ftu;Q w tt, f give any assistanco exoopt food. T,er'' on Trinity. ..Qurs ia not a natcrrjal porern ..... .1 r D- rre iearn tnat tnere is a neat of mof w The five. condition of th blind tigers about the Tjlniu , . . , . , 6 .L . 3 widows and orphans of Cuba church community, id No. 4 town Will 1 1 XT a tYIOTlTf wtkf-tvitl-ifi in 1w. The last scene of the evening was finii Rn. th.t ara MB,BM,, ,, .hip. that is making itself . deoidad artrending. lhoro are thousands the putting of Mr. Stanley WardeL... t,., .. . nuieanoe. The hand r,f th i. nPon tliousandsof these poor asleep to wake no more until forty-1 ' . . will drou o the should, of .om J creatures ecattorod over the eight hours had elapsed. After be- oe .P1 of lhes; onIprita whun the. are island. They have no homes to ing sound asleep he was taken to "P" or s.x montn ,eMt tfa Then the, live in, food to eat, nor clothe, to fVla blliMar m rirlnn. f V f ftt. B. flma till flA ivorma InPM ... Jl 1 ..nn,uu,ullu,v,nuoaol ' win Whine at their fate and blamt r eizer uo., wnere ne remains until tuere. About the pens ker pit clean n . . . . I oaiuraay nignt. and sprmkk air-slacked lime. If ston th n(.frinn. v,n.,.. n. The evening waa highly enjoyed Lhnlfirn. hmatfl ont r,i,t Lny t,. ; i. k..t. rr,L. ,Vrr ? T .u u hg8 in closo P'ace and give chelce is with th. offenders, with the exoeption of those who -, , - Were BO badlv nrnwdnd. HHirtal " . vou An Enlorprlelna- Mroaa-let. il. -. . . ... i man rnnm ivdv tmm nn.nia it i rrii e . ,. me amusement, it gave nunareds r .-- ..vm .t lucre are iew men more wme light on the subject ot hypnotism, I no? dies of cholera burn the awake and enterprising than PB which was hertofore probably nn- carcass r bury very deep in the Fe'eer, who spares no pains to se Unknown. I nmnnfl Tl nn .!o!t . V.I oure tbe beat of evarvthinor In hi. J w.pjMww. i - i . ' 1 1 1 1 T s line ior bis many customers. They 6 ' cover them. One cannot think of 'hose whom they nra cntraging. To their future without a shudder. I am especially concerned for the little orphan girls who roam the streets soantily clad, asking ior a bit of food with which to keep their little bodies and souls to gether. What will become ot these girls? Their future for w4K.tG 4 IPflWDES mojMLtU as. a, i wiiK, Makes the food more delicious and wholesome sSSMftvitssssssssssssjjfjBBBB V1 aKtfffl POvTPB OQ., NfW YOPK. PiUMTh TI15, For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollt AN ALABAMA TOKNATO. the Mew Dray cifrM. My faith in the efiicacy of medicines has had a loarful shock a fituiitiuz blow frnm which it will bo lou? ia recover ing. In one cf the iipiutmout houses hero in town there is n drug store. Its proprietor is a young man, recently graduated from whatever it is druggists are graduated from, and ho keens the shop with tho assistance of a very young man, a brasb young man. ' OLD BliYAN BETTER. First I'nbllNbfd Inle. Interest. Ins; Statements on Politics. New York. March 13. Tho Verdict will print tomorrow a letter for the first time mado public, written by William J Bryan in to a Chicago editor, It is dated Lincoln, Neb., November 20, 1897, and Bo waa easing nt. the Hypnotised where there is cholera you are great danger of carrying the Jiunareas stood about the o-orms on vour shoes to vourown wmuow ana gazea at Mr. Warde, niaoa an(i to vonr nwn uul vu luu Tho followi government many gazed upon him. Probably , , - . , . i . t i iviuiuin to oniu vvj uo (uo uiUBl luib purson oecame CTDnotiZGd 1 .1 T. uimsen, tnougn. it was a noero Earl Fanny, from out in No. 2 township who is wanted for tak ing part in an anray. ue was taken to the county hotel. His Money Was Hover Found effective remedy yet discovered: PoundF. Wood charcoal 1 Sulphur 1 Sodium chloride 2 Sodium bicarbonate 2 Sodium hyposulphite 2 Sodium sulphate 1 now hae the valuable agenoy for l tb0 United St atee, Dr. King's New Disooverv for con- "Among tneso widows and sumption, coughs and colds. This orphans 1 have as lately as last is the wonderful rernesy that is pro- week seen individual oases of ducing such a furor all over the destitution and physical cmacia .!. ... I country oy its many startling oures tion worse than any thing that It absolutely cares Asthma, Bron- t fiveP Bw in Armonia dnri chilis, hoarseness and all affections In. l hit . . . n. , . . . the two years that I cave to tne inroat, unest ana Lungs. . . ... . . , . wu nb auuro ufujj Diuro II UU gel I rial btttle free or t regular for have the8e wreoks of b&mty 50 cents and $1. Guaranteed o 10 "ana ttna 100K nP to the tftrs oure or price refunded. and Stripes waving over their I -i i ii Three Town. Want Lawyers. U"J ul"l Blv03 OUB queer sensa rbe Winston santinel savs: A tion. The generous American One evening net loce ago an irascible man came in with a prescription. He wanted it put up at once, and he was one of those men who want whatever they do want very much indeed. The assistants was alone in the shop, and when he began to ex plain that delay would be un avoidable the quick tempered man made ready to leaye in a rage. ine assistant couldn t let the chance elip. He took tho pro scription, stepped behind the screen, dashed out the back door and ran to the next drug store. Hideous mockery of fate ! That drug store on the next corner was olosed because of somebody's death. Back ran the assistant. He simply couldn't lose the cus tomer now. He looked at the prescription. Only two words were on it intolliaible to him. "Aqua Pura" he made them out Quickly ho hel l a bjttle under a cold wator faucet, filled it, added a few drops of two or threo harm less drags, pasted a label on and moment later presented the bottle to the waiting customer. Ninety cents was what he charged for it. To himself he argued that the doctor seeing no improvement in tho patient, would chaage the medicine in a day or two. In the mean time aqua pura could not do any harm. He hadn't run after referring to personal matters, says : "As I think I stated in my letter to My Flower, I am iu favor of the initiative and referendum as far as can be applied to our conditions, and assisted in the adootion of such a plank in our State con vention, but I believe an at tempt to give that such prom iaence as you s-em to give it means harm rather than ad vantage to the olher reforms upon which the people are ready to act. I may be miss taken, but such is my opinion. "In your letier you udd the subject of govermuea'; owner ship of ruilroaclj, a! Lough your circular does not men tion this. You are in eiror in supposing that I have advo cated the government owner- snip oi railroads. I have been so Dnsily engaged in the study and discussion of the questions which have been ini mediately before us that I have never had the oppoi Ca nity to examine iato the eil'ect of government ownershiD of railroads iu other countries Events have forced certain Is sues into the foreground and the people are readv to net Freak ur a Morm Tlint Nnrpt a N. burlt of Blrim-jli:iin. Birmiiif, A'?., Marci l'j rbe fiercer ', tcrnad j evtr kno-. i in t..:3 viuEi'v visiud the tovri of Avocdale, on the ( n'.rkirts of the c-ty, f" 5 o'clock tl ia ttcrnicg. It inme Uireuly from tho South, with raiu and ligh'nfif. Passing im mediate! in front f tho AvonWale Cotton Mule, it blesv down the ppgro Method! . church and t ' .crly demolished it. Tree new ft. i. hounes and a srcon.l ucgn 'hr-..j. a eh;rt did lance away, wc.-e t - detro.yed. Mrs. R C Fos'.er was ill in . and her huBbaad was watchir , her sidi. The house waa ts c- from over her head and the ' a steal bio wn 100 foot away. Sir; 'i 1 to siy, ilrs- Foster was not hart The negro school house and gro Baptist church were tort f pieces. Mrs Annie Johneoa 9 buried under her house aDd ha : to be dug out. She is badly cut od bruised, and is in a critical cor ' tion. Ar'hur O Hudgiis, a w te boy, was also buried in the wn :k. age ol his father's houeo. His a-'" was broken and hi was seric : 'y injured. At this houne four .- were blown away and a bad . tain ing three cl ildran left if. i j middle cf the room. The chilui . were not sevstchtd. The icjui :' boy was in an outer ?iag and t -main building crushed this ia. Southern Railwa: THE Standard zil 7 z of the SOUTH . . THE DIRECT LISE TO ALL roiMT", 4 iZs.A the risk of poisoning anybody, Lpon them. To inyite then As was reported in this 'paper An(;mflnv afjnhiHhY,.",i'on several days ago Dr. L M Arohey, timonv 1 1 IL.'. 1 al 1 t I " ' nn,.L.L. . ir--. 'I'te dose is one table-spoonful meeting of the executive commute people surely cannot understand The purse, he thinks, must have 0006 day 2 Vdi f Lg' ' th,,North crol' Bar association the condition of Cuba, or these lipped out of his pocket accident- fa " box. iooa. ii tne nog m n uu 0.BJ lo uec.ue upon the poor or6ature8 would betaken ally. He does not think that he 8 u a ea. lue-omPO ina P'oe ior tne assoc.atioa's annual oareof. ""j u.uuuou iuu nun. xu meeting, unariatte, AsbeviMe and arenon a nog never lay nim u.v,..j .j L. , .... I . ulu. mwtc 1U1JI.U IUH MUPUC 1 ifl bank no von ura hahla tn I . strangle him to death, but press "OQ' lu or tne meeting will the bottle between the cheek and P" eome time ,n Jine, July or the teeth and be will generallv AnR08t- Tbe exontive oommittee drink it down. Five drops of will select a non-resident member to oarbolio acid to the hoi? put in deliver the annual address at hi was piok-pockstsd. There was be tween 1700 and f 1,000 in the purse. It was not recovered. Ravins; Tronble. The Lexington Dispatoh says The American Telephone line be' nvcu uicimwi. .uu uriiuKiuu ineir annaing water is a now having trouble with tho rail. I preventive road aud telegraph companies. Tht latter oompanies have cut the wires of ths former where they crossed tl I railroad and Western TTnion wire near Jamestown. good Ex-eoretary Hhermsn Mirk. x-Secretary John Sherman was stricken with pneumonia a uireiing and five members of tbe association will be chosen to deliver other addressee. BLOOD PURIFIER SENT FREE. . Cure for Blood and Skin Dis. eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, Canoer, Eto. If you have tried sarsopnrillas, patent eaioines, ana aooierea, ana nun nuve row Over rl ty I ears Mrs. Wicslow's So.ntiing Syrap har CATARRH A I. . 1 Disease, A ui attic Affection. NrMrn' but a locel rKilr -f chiiiw ol Cti-na'c 11 cure it - a well koowD epe.i'ir. ILY-i CREAM BALK - i w . :k1y ihsorbed lv tr' 4atonre. ( )pii. ind cloniet 1..;;; Eiisiioo COLD 'n HEAD ft, f,-rt1n hrcmtnhrr, rv?trTrji the r-t an! 9jftf J. ro i i- j ute, n" n ei t m v. , i.iliUfT rull wirss jOL, iuais I oi If y rflatll. I MM lr-a r id. yt mk 1 fii-Vt1!!, old, presistent sores, pimples.distresings been used for over fifty years b erupuouoo. asm, painiui sores on millir,. t nt.h. r. f, thi, h,1A. ham a nnnl A. I. .a ,1a iim. ... 1 uii.i.vuh v ' " ' " - ' - ' ' ' ' irrititting skin tronl)los, eczema, Berofl la, nloers, contagions blood poibon. fever sores, mercurial rheumatism. catarrh, boils, face oovered with little sores, cancer or any blood taint, then ive li. li. 13 a trial, becanae li. 13, B. lotanio lllnnd Hnim in niftiln for inat such oases, and it cures to stay cured those stubborn bl ocd diseases Unit other milder meaioines fail even to benefit. AU above named tronbles are evidence of bad, diseased blood in the body, and B. B. B. enres because it forces all ths poison or impurity or blood humors out of the body, bones and entire system. To remove all donbt of its to oure, we oner to sena 10 any snuerer a sample bottle or a. . iJ. aosoitiieiy free. B. B. B, Is an old, well-tried remedy hence we know that itcures tostayonred for the people eured by B. ii. li. years afro are well to-day aud free from all blood imparities. Cancer, Mleodlosr, Katlna; Mores. Cancer of Nose, lip, face, earor neck, external or internal canoer, bleeding, eating sores, are all enred by B. B. li , tbe moBt powerful blood purifier made. All drnpKiBt sell B. B. B: at 1 per large bottle. For trial bottle of B. B. B.. address BLOOD BALM CO., Mitchell Street. Atlanta. Ga.. and a snnplo br.t'ln will bo h..-M l.y rjm.ii Uinil. rusirilie Tf'r syruiitums and "lerannal uvdioal advi ce mill b"! John L's Opinion Ibe old pugilist. John L Mollis day or two ago on an excursion van says Aguinaldo is a "fresh kid' trip at the island of Martinique, aid the only way to establish peace The latest is that he is bettei . A iu (he Philippines is to "ex'ermi speoial boat will bring him to the nte tDe "hole push." lc begins to United states. look like Sullivan is about half right, hot t;at is tot a huaane country's idea of "war for hnmani- y." Greensboro Telegraai Would it not be well to send the ren while teething, with perfeot sue ulu fusion -rug- over to exieruii robs, xt sooines tne cnua, soitent naie tne ' tresnkiur' They stem tbegums, allays all pain, cures wind robe about on a par as fighters to ooi 10, ana is tne best remedy rot fr Bg words en Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of tbe world t wenty nve sen's a lo'tle. lie curt and ask for "Mrs Wioalows Pootb ing Hyrop," and 'ake no other kind. On ido Way. "Well," announced Mr. Per- kasie to his wife, "John and Mary have taken tbe first steps towards divorce." "You don't mean to tell me What on earth is the matter ?" "They have got married." Harper's Buzaur. Roy riyler Knot. Rev. U Plyler has just iernd that bis son, Koy, who is a member of the 22nd infantry, regular, was shot on tb 3rd of February. Roy, with his regimen', was two days out at sea, going from 8an Fraucisoo to Manila, when a com rade accidentally shot him while loading a pistol. Tbe ball entered his right arm, went through bis i ody and was taken out at the left hip. Salisbury Sun. THE FOB CURE A COLD IK ONE DAT TV Laxative Bromo Qninfie Tablets. All druK!?iU n fnii.l money if it fails to euro. 2Vv Tlie gcuain h. li. Q on eaohitabltil. BEST ritESOBIPTION CHILLS and fever Is a bottle of Grove's Taste- lots Chill Toulo. ffevor fi.ils to enre; Thou why experiment wilh i:u'Mion.-? Prioo CO ceuto. Yrcr uinnev ttolr if it fails toerro. "I do not speak of the sick, the infirm, or those who hobble abont with loathsome sores, result ing from starvation. I cannot speak of them for the English language is inadequate to the task. They should haye been cared tor in hospitals long months ago. Why it has not been done I cannot un derstand. The condition of Cnba is a reproach to the Amerioan people, and a bolt upon civiliza tion. We are going to do some thing to improve that condition and we invite all lovers of human ity in tho United Stales to help us for the good name of the Amerioan flag. Our feelings should moan something to these homeless, helpless orphans and destitute country poople. Money for these orphans or for our in dustrial reliof work should bo sent to the Continental Trust Company, 30 Broad street, New York, marked "For the Cuban Industrial relief Fund." and possibly the second prescrip tion would be presontod later the thought of another ninety cents oheered him up considerablv. rhroe days later the irascible man came in again. "Say," he said to the proprietor, "that medicine yon put up for my wile the other day was great stulT acted like a charm. She wants another bottle to keep on hand." Then the assistant said a few words in private to the proprietor and showed him the prescription. He had not judged it wise to refer to the matter before. The customer carried homo a bottle a bottle cf the $1 25 size. The proprietor himself filled it, and well, I shan't tell what was in it Come to think of it, I believe the proprietor left out that part ot story. Washington Post. Ths Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kbenni, Fever Bores, Tetter (Jhapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S tin Eruptions, and positively oures riles or no pay reqoireu. it it guaranteed to give statisfaotion or monev refundtd. 1 rioe t cents per box For sale at P B Fetztr's Drug tore.' WANTED To buy 100,000 pounds of old caet-iron scrap, de liverud at the funnitry at ouc, for which we will pp.y a fair price. No kjnrnt iron wnuU I. alCt.f, Concord Fousury Co, , Nine negroes Nhol Palmetto, Ga., March 16. Early this morning a mob of masked men stormed tbs little house doing ser vioe as a jail here and shot nine ne groes. Four were killed outright. The other five were badly wennded . Tho negroes were awaiting trial on the charge of arson. There havr been three fires in town since Janu ary, whioh almost destroyed it. The mob rode to tonn abont 1 o'clock. The guard was called out ti turn over the negroes, but he re. fused, and awakt m d bis assistant. Tbej were qtiickly overpowere ', however and with a push the nicb made for thd prisoners, who wtre awakened by the neid? outside. Tl e n' grois began begging for merny bur were shot down. Tbe greutost excitement prevails . Nearly everybody was aroused, an i most of the people fp nt the reoiaii:. ing part of tbe night on the s reeti?. Au outbreak of the nrgroea in the vicinity is feared, Many threats to avenge the shoo! ing are made by the negroes . Governor Chandler was called on this morning for troops 'o be sent here immediately. Dispatches from Atlanta say that two hundred mili-. tiamen will take charge at once, The trouble arosi originally over the enforcement of the prohibition l The r.eprors, sher. are-b 1. were carrying loUlea cf nhihpv. In ! .'oturu ih;iy tbreateued to s,,':i ti.f I to:i. to pass over these questions and take up new ones will be a confession that we were wrong last fall and weaken the force of our arguments. "I note what you Bay in re gard to the desire of those whom you represent to supi port mi in 1000. I think 1900 too far ahead for us to know who may be most available at that time. We are entitled to the most available man, who ever he may be, and the events of the next three years-will be needed to aid us in selecting him. Those who are Irvine to o overthrew the reign of plu tocracy inaugurated by the Republican party will have to do the best they can, each following hi? own judgment. and I trust that onr forces may concentrate upon certain re forms held in common, rather than divided, when the next battle begins. "W. J. Bkta2." i.v:e: itore An Expert. The othor day a young insn applied for a position in a lo cal drug store and the follow. ing conversation InnL- "Ever work in a di bfore V "Yes, sir," "Where V "New York." "How long V "Five years." "What were you doing '." "Turning puplaut into Turkish rhubarb.'' He was employed ou the spot. Cli veland Plain Dealer FLORIDA, CUA ANDPOQTO ix'CO.; Strictly VVKT CLASS F..lvlTTV::it r-n a Through and Locnl Trains; TulUr.a I'a'.-Ko SUeplng Cars mi all M' Trains; Fast and Sate SchJulcs . .". . Travel by the Southern an. you are assured a Sale, Com lortableand fcxpeUltious jou uey Apply to Ticket Agems for Time Tables katcs ana General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P- A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, . C Ko Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. ST. CULP, V. A. Turk. 3rd V P.kUen M'irr, Truf. Man., G fV WASilLNulO. D C. L. T. HARTSEL. ATTO RN EY-AT-LA V, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt attention given to eI1 business. Office in Morris buildup oposite court house. M. b. stickl: Attorney at Law, Cot w 10 - Oflioe np3tt.:iv near Pustoffice. O. G Caldwell, M. u. M .L. Slevenj. V O Dm, CALDWELL & STKVUNS. Concord, N. O. ffice in old t ost office build z jppoaite bU Cloud Hotel. Phone Ni. .!.' SiOitKiSOX II. C.VLDwIy: ATTOBSiY AT S.A. W, CONCORD, N. O' Offioe in Morris baildiu..-,' pposi; Court house. Doirrvluit Death. "1 have coma to kill a printer," said the little man. "Any printer in pariiclari" asked ths foreman "Oh, any one will do; I would prefer a email one, but I've got to makw some sort of a bluff at tiht or leave home, siuce the paper called my, 'v?f9'P pink K-i a 'swill ai, iu," --- Indianapiilii fourr-il. i LaGripD's Lejraey. Worn out and exhanb d iu bo l- .:,' mind, with sbattor.-d utrvea J": i. pnlpitatiut; heat: no J.w. ft,:- f, . lilt v to dJ'O.t it; iinnbie I.) sieeii dav or uiK'd tliid is LnC.ii , U-Kuey. T.i'iitf alter 1L0 erip troriu., ...v. , been ti.'.vru out iLe poiH. ns v.Jujii u L . roatcd reumiu in t.'ie blood, tho heart tho lu-.ig. thostiim'ich, weali.-Miiir tl.. , rve. and loworins tho U;i'..t ot t;.. dvot' in. llmre is our yay of delri-y;. tho seeds of disease dca: :i ' aro au inheritance from (.-rip, lr. '.: Xorvtno will do it. It givexui-ah..!-.. 1 uervos a rout and lielpb tin m t i rteov thoir strongtli. It anuiiil.n. tlie up; .,", tito, sti'onu'tlicns tho t.-i.i.kli, u.-.(. . assimiUtiou ami li'la tho bluud with l . -vital clement., of lite. "Two yeii!;, uuo, ufi'er a sew: e i., . of tho i;i'ip, 1 was overcouiij ..i - yous prostratiuu, heart UouMe a;.d ;:( vous dvspeiMia. 1 wiu so lv lUat could not bear to bo to. a..' during the m-rvous spHHiiis ui.ich freiiueiitly aull'orod, lh'id mi control 1 any ot my orKauf. Kverv re.'.i, kuowu to mv Dhvsiemna . ,.h without BUCC08H aud ther. u.y . brought ruu u bottle of I r, n, , . vine. After UHimr one I '-ttlo 1 . speak a few word.". At tin: end ,.f ii:.-, moaths 1 could talk quite a'tturuHv -m i now I am completely cured ot Ihu trouble." Gi.o. A AyuiiEw , (neat Harriii;t.i'i, l.if.i. A i'iirkn'es of I'r. Mden' fi,v ulo treatiiii ut L i the . eouniotiu of i 'r. i s Nerviue, Dr. .Mile, f ; vt bb. bit tie -nT7 ,nvi :).ivi Nr'irii