I eBIUMt! The - Standard. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. The SicA.dcrl PEINTS THT5 AEWb THAT IS .YEWS For 1 Year i Send us 1 Dcliar. TANDA Only $ljPer Year. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 30 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. THE 8 RD. .Yard J of Liledoun MrsLiir ti stamped with th name "Liledoun," which tho first washing remove. Kvcry thread la hue cotton. ET6iy bolt is perfect when It leaves th mill. If you find aiiythiug wrong end the Roods back and we will make it good to you. Kvery time yon wash Liledouw Muslim you Improve Its looks un til it wears out. There Is no starch, ehina clay or mucilage to wash out, leaving a weak, thinlywoven body like ordinary muslin. Jt wears best because it is hard twisted closely woven, soft finish. DOUN (VfUSLIN may cost a little more a yard, but gives double wear and comfort. For sale by all leading dry goods merchants. Ask for Liledoun and accept no other. If your dealer does not sell Liledoun we will sup ply It direct from the mills, car riage prepaid, In bolts of 60 yards or more. A Liledoun button baa; free. Write for one, JHOORK COTTON MILLS, Taylorsvllla, ti. C. A UOBIUBLE DEATH. 91 r. Wm. H. Br..noi el Durban ts nlded to Ucnlb By the Banting or a Nteam flpe Nnpvrlnlendcnt KAlbea flerloualy Scalded A horrible accident occurred at b cotton mill at Durham 'Friday b fore noon when a pipe coming fron a newly erected pump burst, fllling the room in which Mr. W P.anson and Superintendent JJ thos were in with steam. So full of steam was the room that the door could not be opened. Air. Branson, during his suffering in the room, broke out a window gluts and called for help. At last tbe wall on one side of the build in tr broke and let out the steam. I. ut it was too late to 9 ive the lif ) of Mr. Branson, whose body was badly ecaldcjjj. He died that aft' moon a few minutes after 5 o'ebok. Tbe condition of the enperintendent was reported very Eflv'ous on Friday night. 1 he sad news in regard to Mr. Jlrsnson came hero that day, 'lev. ral difpatcbes having been um? ived by Mr. J M Odell at different times. Beside being a shuck to his friends and acquaint ances the death rests heavily on the families of Messrs. J M and V I Odell. Mrs. BranBon 's a siRt )r to Mrs. W R Odell and tbe love and care of a' most a father lint; been bestowed upon the ...c .ased by Mr. J M Odell. V.r. Branson was one of the Lid enterprising mill men of ou i State and ho held a . position h'oh wi'l ba a hard one for his successor to fill. BI.OOD purifier sent free. A C ure for Blood and Skin Dis-in-ses, Eozema, Pimples, Borof v 1 a, Blood Poison, Canoer, Eto. 1 f you have tried sar. apartllaii, patent nioihoineH, and doctored, and etill liave old presinteut sores, pimples. distroBinps rn lions of the skin, piiiufnl Bores on ham's arms or li rs, itching sensation, irritating skiu troubles, eczema, sorof uIm, uloera, ooutaKioiiB blood poison, ft.'v.r sores, mercurial rheumatism, ctarrh, boils, face oovered with little sot. 1 cancer or any blood tiuut, then .we 13. 15. B a trial, because B. B, B. Jjotunio Blood Balm is mado for just .neb cases, and it cures to stay onred Ukim) stubborn bit t d diseases Unit "tlior mil ler medicines fail eveu to beneilt All above named troubles are evidence i t bud, diseased blood in the body, and B. II Jt. cures becauso it forces all the poison or impurity or blood humors out of t! e body, boneB and entire system. To remove all doubt of its to cure, we otii ' to send to nny sufferer a sample buttle of B. B. B. absolutely free. H i'.. B, is an old, well-tried remedy Ijcice wo know that itcures tostaycured or 'he people cured by B. B. H, years r.:o are well to-dny and free from all 1 imparities. . i.xrr, nirodlBc, Enilns; Nr. C.' i ncer of Nose, lip, fnoe, earor neck, i tternal or internal canoer, bleeding, Cuti. g Bores, are all cured by B. B. B., tin' muBt powerful blood purifier made. All . riinttists sell B. B. Bi at $1 per lurn bottle. For trial bottle of J!. IL B., address HLOQD BAJM CO., Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Oa., and Ki'uiple bottle will bo ent by retnrn tiii,il . Describe your symptoms and f en personal medical advice will be U 1b very hard to stand idly by and Si .- our dear oues suffer while awaiting tin arrival of the doctor. An Albany, Y. ) dairyman oallcd at a drng store tiii e for a doctor to come and sue his 0 1, then very sick with croup. Not iug the doctor in, he left word for i ;n to come at once on his return. He . bought a bottle of Chamberlain's lb, Hemedy, which he hoped would ,., some relief until the doctor should n i e. In a few hours he returned, ig the dootor need not come, as the v I was much better. The druggist, V, Otto Soholz, fays the family has in i r-commended (Jhamborlaiu's I , i ;h llemedy to their neighbors and ir i tin until he has a constant demand f - i- from that part of the oouutry. ,' fi!i- by U :i ... i. i Co FEAKFUL ( ONDlTiOU. Crime and Keirltmiluu la 4Kmm Seveu A'rgroes l.jacbed Little River county. Arkansas, it in the throe of rxjitement. It eemi that a negro called Gn. Uu( kdtt ws a leader n cocspiracj agsinit the whitei. lie murdered a prominet planter, James Stockton lust Saturday. Ou uVing be told other that be bad killed one white man and if they would follow him he noald kill mote. He was captured by the e vil offi cers and waf being taken to jail when mob of 200 men took hiis aiid returned to the to ne of thi murder, wbera he oonfedSd lb or me and was ljnohed. It then leaked oat through friend It nerots that a plot was tntered in to to kill a n timber of whi e men, The retail waa a hotindlnj down of :hera one by one and the; were killed. The Kreatest excitement pre vnile. The DoipblH to Blow It Aj. The gunboat Dolphin Las been sent to blow up and destroy a wreck off the North Carolina Coast. This wrecked vessel has been struck several times and being in the path of vessels sail ing along the coast is a public menace. A eeorgtr Cblrkrn Niory. Mr. A. L. Diz, Troup's popnlar tax receiver, savs that tbe chickens belonging to an old Degrees who lives a few m leg above town ft(n to death during the reoent cold, and tbe old d rkey, to recoup her loss decided the woold pick them . and save i he feathers for h. r pillows. So oat to tbe hennery ehs went, brought in the o il rooRter met and palled tbe fea' hen from him by tha handfulg untill all were off. When ehe fin ished him sbe laid him down on the heartb and went oat to get another to pick, hen lo and behold! on her retnrn tbe unfeathered bird was standing op before the fire flipping bis naked wings and crowing as if it as Christmas with him. Colonel Dix givps the name of the darker and tells h re she lives, and save it was a common I'roup country ch eker. Savannah News. If troubled with rheumatism. Rive Chamberlaip'g Fain-Halm atrial. Hwill not cost you a cent if it does no good One applicaion will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the time roquirod by any other treatment (Juts, burns, frostbites, auiusev. pains in the side and chest, f glandular and other swellings are quick y oured by applying it. Every bottle warranted. Trice), 25 and 59 cts. M L Marsh & (Jo. tttnwlj One Hundred Yearn old" Mrs. Tolly Jones.'an annt of Dr W, Jones, died at ber borne abont 3 miles northwest of Mocksville on the night of tbe S2ad mst. She bad attained tbe great age of 09 years 1 month and II days, burn g her life ehe had scrce'y ver sullereo aryticknesa. Her remains wi re in terred at old Joppa chnrcb near her borne, in the tame o metery in bich repose tbe ancestor of Colonel Daniel Uoone. A. It. De Fluent, editor of the J onrnal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. He says; " My right arm at time was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Fain Balm, and was surprised to receive relief almost Immediately. The Fain Balm baa been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails." For .sale by M L Marsh & Co. II Was Capnred Bal Keleascd. i'oliceman Harris caught a soldier beating a train Friday night. He succeeded in captur ing tbe fellow. Tbe soldier was trying to get home and after beg ving most pitifully Mr. Harris released him after the train had passed. Two other persons were with the goljior but when tbey saw the "cop" they put to their heels. Taken toAnllHbnrj for Trial, Oj Friday night Deputy Sricr fl Monroe,. of Salisbury, came d wn after Mr. Ed. Boat, tbe man wbo was captured Friday at the bleach ery, and wbo is accused of dealing almost a driath blow on Mr. Jno Bostian. Tbe affair occurred on Thursday night sear Saw postuffice, in Rowan county. c la speaking of tbe affair, the Sal isbury correspondent to the Cba lotte Observer, says that there were about 25 or 30 eminged iu tbe mix up, and rocks and knives were used promleououBly, resulting in tbe in jury of a number of people and s man named Carriker and bid son being badly cut. Tbe occasion cf tbe gathering is said to have been a school entertainment. The carpenters have been making some improvements in tbe store of Dry & Miller. NO CURE, NO FAY. That 1; the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for ohills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine In a,' tasteless form. Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter, nan sttUiig Tunics. XMcc, SOo. To Build I p me Hliieeorr Properly After nnieliing their eight new residences over toward the Buffalo mills and tbe residence for Mr. Cbas Suther on Foorth street Messrs. W A Wilkinson and It F Coble intend building five rest dencea on tbe property known an the Wineooff lot just below Mr, Lvi Moore's onNorth Main street, Two of these residences will be bnilt facing Main street while threo of them will face Chnrcb street. Hra. Bnrkbond to Build Komdeore Mr 8. Durkhead has made contract with Mr. Denson Cald well for tbe erection of a dwell ing house on her lot on West Depot street. The present house will be rolled to one side of the lot and will also be remodelled somewhat and repainted. Thb new one will be bnilt on the end of the lot next to Mr. M J Corl xne dwelling will contain bix rooms. In It tor f nlrleen Day. Two miners, Charles Rouss and Bnrt Troy had a singular ex penenoe in a ijeaaviiie mine recenty. A cave-in near the top of the shaft had them cut off. A large pumping pipe was not broken and with dynamite they blew it off and communicated with the people above and received sustenance till a shaft of more than 200 feet was dug They were in prison thirteen days. On tn Hontnerr Mr. Jno. Morr, who has been suffering several months with rheumatism, has again gone back to his railroal work. lie is flagman for Capt. Ed Patterson Engineer Walter Parish, who runs on a through freight, haa been tranr.frred to the local freight tor a few days, Mr. Will Kizziab being off on account ot sickness. CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAI Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to onro. S5o. Tbe gennin has L. B. Q, on each tablot. three I.jrncbed In MiMlnalppl. At Silver City, Yazoo county, Miss., three negroes were taken from officers last Sunday. Race hatred seems the trouble. Two of them had waylaid and attemp ted to kill a citizen and the three were pig-leaders of a riot. Their bodies were . weighted and thrown into the Yazoo river. Baenien-a Arnica naive. I he Best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kbeum, Kever Soras, Tetter Ohanoed Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all S fin Eruptions, and positively cnrei rile or no pay required. It it gaaranteed to give etatisfaction or monev refnndsd. Price 25 cents per tox for sale at r" ti retzere Drug i ore.' Far the Benefit of Farmers. r armors would ao well, says the Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotte Observer, to take ad vantage of the fact that, simply by the asking, they can have sent to them every month the Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment station, containing an analysis ot fertilizer, and a registration of guano. The labor reports may also be had free of charge, merely by writing to the Commissioners of Labor. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOB CHILLS and fever Is a bottle of Grove'shTaBto- lesa Chill Tonio. tfever Jfails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 50 cents. Tour monev back if it fails to cure. A Kentleman shot a magpie to nave his cherries. In bis craw he found a few oberry stones and the rest crammed with large blue-bot- t'e fl sp, who deposit their epgs in meat. Black birds do some barm in tbe cornfield while there on their errand for grub worms, cats erpillars and army worms tbat wonld, unlees interrupted, destroy more corn tban the birds. So with thrushes, wood-pickere and dove- Tuee Stock and Farm Journal. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home, We keep a bot tle open all the time and whenever any of my family or myself begin to catch oold we begin to nee the CoughRemedy, and as a result we never bave to send away for a doctor aud incur a large dootor bill, for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy never fails to cure. It is oor- tainly a mediome of great merit and worth. D. S. Mearkle, General Mer chant and Farmer, Mattie, Bedford oounty, Fa. For sale by M L Marsh & Cv. BLOWING UP OF THE MAINE Ha the .Kr j board fey Wntch It Waa Done'Been fonnd. Cincinnati, March 21. A local paper bere prints a story tbat the location of the keyboard by which tbe Maine was blown up in Havana harbor has been found by an Amori can engineer ofGoer. The story that Capt. T L Hu ton of the volnteers, who entered the service from Cincinnati, end wbo has been assigned to tbe duty of cleaning out the fortifications of Havana, had discovered in the gun room of the Cuartel de Fuerste, a wooden box or hut, in which he found a gutta percha tube contain, ing one large copper wire and sev eral small wires. He also found evidenoeof a keyboard having been torn away. Captain Huston had confided bis discovery to Mr. War ren J Lynch, the newly appointed passenger agent of tbe Big Four, who was visiting Havana, and said he was about to trace tbe wires to prove bis theory that the Maine was exploded from tbat point. Tbe wreck of this vessel can be seen from tms gun room, not more than a hundred yards distant. The room itself was in a part of the prison tower, to which access was only al lowed to a tew officers. rrlvate reatal Tarda. Washington, March 21 Under a law passed by the last congress the printing; ot postal cards is no longer a government monopoly, and a number of printers are go ing into the printing of private postal cards, so-called. The size fixed by law is 3 1-4 by 5 1-2 inches, and the weight six pounds and three onnces to the thousand. In color they must be white cream, light gray or light buff, while on the face must be the words, "Private mailing card, anthorizd by act of congress, May 19, 1898," and in the upper right hand corner must bo left space with the words "rlace a stamp here." The practical effect of the change is to increase the govern ment s revenue and at the same time enlarge the dissemination of postal cards. The government's revenue is increased beoause the users of private postal cards pay the same price for circnlating a card printed by themselves as they would pay for circulating a postal card printed by the gov ernment. Tho government makes the difference. The estimated number of postal cards required by tbe govern meet during the four years of the prese.it contracts is 2,075.000,000 of which 20,000,000 are double or reply postals. By the printing of private postal cards the number manufactured for pnblio use will be still further extended Only One rtpnnaer and One Bald Atlanta, March 22. General J B Gordon has issued an order that only one sponsor and one maid of honor from eaoh congressional dies trict will be sent to the next reun ion of et. Confederate veterans at Charleston. The circular Is in re sponse to a resolution adopted at convention of the United Daughters of tbe Confederacy, held at Hot Springs, Ark., November, 1898, re questing the United Confederate Veterans to "limit tbe number of ponsors and maids of honor to one of eaoh from each State and Terr tory where there is a camp of United Confederate Veterans because the Confederate reunions have of la' years been an entertainment for tbe ponsors and maids of honor instead of the veterans." General Gordon desires that the original custom be adhered to, nnd requests "tbe appointment of aspon or by general department, division and brigade commanders, and by every camp, with as many mami of honor as desired, but with the nn standing that the reunion committee at Charleston will only entertain and provide for one sponsor and ote maid of honor from general depart, nient and division headquarters.'' Tellow Jaundice Cured. Sufferiae humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is witn pleasure we publish tbe following: "Ibis is to certify tbat I was a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our oity and to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended Flectric Bitters; and alter tailing iwo Domes I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from this terrible malady. T am grate fully yours. M. A. Hoparty, Lex- 'nuton. Ky." Sold by P B Fetzer'e Drug litore. THE CONTRACT GIVEN. Contractor Prnpat to Build Filly Tntee Uwelllnic Heunca for Mr C has. Wngoner- Nome of I hem Twe Me rlea llluh vtblle l here Will Be lee Collages Work to Commence ' at Once. It was stated about a week ago in this paper that it was very prob able that Mr. Chas. Wagoner would soon let out a contraot to a cot tractor for the erection of fifty-throe dwelling bouses. Contractors have been at work putting in their bids for the work. The contract was given to Capt. A H Propet. Besides tbe other building tbat is always being done we now know tbat this means a good amount of it in that part of town. Of tbe lot there will be fifteen of them two stories high, ten of them having five rooms, and five of them six rooms. The other thirty-eight will have only one story, twenty- five ef them having four rooms, ten having three rooms, and three having five rooms. Work will commence at once, and will progress as rapfdly as pos sible. As to the location of these houses they will be built en Mr. Wagoner's land towards Cannonville. Some will very probably be built on De pot street on the vacant lot oppo site Scstia Seminary. These houses will be used mostly by the operatives of the Cannon mill of the new one which will be built this year. General Wheeler's Heeerd. It is exasperating that a man wbo rendered such distinguished services to his oountry as Major General Joseph Wbeeler should be oalled upon to defend his conduot in the Santiago campaign from the a'.tacks of irresponsible vilifiers. He ba, however, felt called upon to put on record in the war Depart ment evidence tbat be did not fight the battle of Las Guasimas in dis obedience of orders, and tbat be did not want to retreat from before Santiago on the nigbt of July 2nd. All observant readers of official and other reports on the Santiago cam paign will recognize the truth of Governor Roosevelt's remark tbat "General Wheeler was the backbone of the campaign." Gen eral Shafter's dispatoh, showing that bt contemplated retreat on tbe eve of viotory, and escaped disgrace only through the braye persistence of his subordinates and tbe aooom inodating disposition of Admiral Cevera, baa been on record for many months. The efforts to make and unmake men without regard to the merits of their services were very conspic uous during the brief war with Spain, and the army itself seems to bave been lnteoted by the War De partment. Fortunately for the truth of history, ; these efforts bave conspicuously failed. Gen eral Miles and General Wbeeler bave been proof against assault, and General Shafter came back from Cuba with less reputation than be carried thithar, although he was given every opportunity to distinguish himself. It is time for tbe War Department to put some authoritative end to the backbiting and misrepresentation that have marred the history of our brief struggle with Spain; but no reform ia to be expeoted as loDg as Alger remains at its head. Philadelphia Ledger. Another Bpanlah Boat, The Spanish gunboat, Baracoa, sunk near Guantanamo has been raised and added to the Ameri can navy. It is said to be a very good type of patrol vessel. It is now said that there is hope oi saving tbe Christobal Colon. Acted on the false Report. The report of Ex-Secretary Sher man's death was received with full credence at Santiago and tbe flag was floated at half-mast on Morro Castle and Mrs. General Wood sus pended ber reception till the con tradiction came. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs Ada E Hart, of Groton. S. D.: "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough set in and final ly terminated in Consumption. Four doctore gave me np, saying I oould live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Savior, determined if I oould not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My bueband was ad vised to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drng Store. Regular size 50o. and $1 ; Gtmrnctp.d or price refunded-. ! i 41 A J U3 Makes the food more Chanted With Selling Whinner. Sheriff Peck is now gathering in the lawbreakers for the com ing term of court before tbey go off on a visit of several months. In the last few days several have bee n registered at the jail. After con fining Earnest Partee Sheriff Pock also captured Eli Partee, the boy's father. Eli ia wanted on the charge of selling whiskey in several different cases. It is 11 lih.i.i! i - n i vuougu. lan ms arres. wm onng out the news of some other despredations. Tho Heat found. Our readers will remember eeo ing in last Thursday's Standard where an amount of meat was stolen from a man in the neigh borhood or Clear Creek. It was also stated that the loser of the meat succeeded in capturing the horse and wagon of tbe thief. Tbe news now comes that the meat haa also been found in No. 11 township only a few miles from here. The thief has not been cap tured, but he has lott his horse and wrgon and also his meat by the theft. no's Off for Cuba. Secretary Alger is on his way to Cuba accompanied by several officials and business men. Ilia object is to visit Porto Rico also and learn from a near standpoint the situation and wants of the islands especially the sanitary bearinga. Ho will pribably be gone a month. Fire Powder KxploHions. Five powder mills were blown up at Uarney 1 oict, JN. J., on Wednesday. Two men were killed. It is not known what caused tbe fir.t explosion which was followed by tho other four. Which to Plant and Aot to Plant, A. G. O. writes to the Stato Ex periment Station asking advice as to planting walnuts and peoans on some lands too hilly for sgricnlture. Prof. Massey encourages him to plant th6 land in walnuts, planting tbe nut where he wants the tree. He advises to plant in rows 6 feet apart and three feet in the row, thus crowding them and trim out later aa the body of tbe trees reqnire. The trnnks will have better shape and be more valuable. As to pecans be says, let tbem alone. Tbe men wbo are making money off of pecan trees are only the men wbo are sell ing them. Prof. Withers reoommends such lands sown in yellow loaust for posts, eto. A Kemnrhable Cow. The Marietta, Ga., Journal has this : "Mr. John O'Neill, a former Mariettan, and a brother of Mrs, D White, of this place, now lives in Texarkana, Ark. One month ago his Ht'stein cow gave birth to four calves, two spotted and two red Tbe oow is four years old and gives six gallons of milk a day. Mr, O'Neill had a photograph taken cf the cow and calves, and one being in possession of Mrs. White, we got a view of this bovine family. So many called at Mr. O'Neill's home in Texarkana to see the cew and calves that he has had to hire a neero to stay at tbe barn to gratify the curiosity of the callers." -p. Diversion or sei leiy. Hosress "Mr. Ferguson, we are going to piny a game in which some one makos an original pun, and those who don't sco the point must pay a line. Can you give us a name for it ?" - Mr. Ferguson "How would 'Your Money or Your Laugh' do ?" Chicago Tribune. A Ki ol Uratttudoj Mrs. West I suppose that you have heard that our neighbor, Mrs. Tingle, caught her hueband kissing the cook yesterday ? Mrs. East Yes ; bnt who can blame him P It's probably tbe first time he ever had anyone in tbe bouse that knew how to cook, Boston Courier. A writer in the Popular Science Monthly says the nerves which con vey pain are rather slow in their power to convey information, but any body who ever stepped on a cat's tall with abrupt suddenness will be likely to entertain stalwart views in the opposite direction. Kst'b,! A delicious end wholesome i Should Sutler Ihs Penalty, The prompt conviction of W E Breeso, who wrecked the First Na tional Bank of Asheville, and the sentence of ten years in the peni tentiary, is a cause for congratula tion to those who believe that crim inals should suffer for their mis deode. No just man will rejoice at Breese's downfall; but because he took advantage of his position, his standing in the community and the onnfTnnna lnlaft.A in film In I oli Vi ' -ii w eratey rob tho8e who trujjted hlm is the greater reason why he should suffer the full penalty of a broken law. lie is a worse man than the ignorant and vicious criminal, who has had none of the advantages which made Breese a respected and trusted man and gave him the op portunity to steal. He knew his duty and did it not and he should be beaten with many stripes. Let us hope that, in the interest of jus tice he will, notwithstanding bis appeal to a higher court, finally be made to suffer for the wrongs he has committed. Statesville Land mark. Discovered br n Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood tbe severest tests, but her vital organs were uns dermined and death seemed immi nent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and waa so much relieved on taking first dote, that she slept all night; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cared. Iler name is Mrs. Luther Lufz. Thus writes W C Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottle free at P B Fefzer's drug store. Regular 8ie5Ucand 1.0(1 Every bottle guaranteed. i JHoCali'a Ataiaslne.. McCall's Queen of Fashion mag azine has found its way on our desk and with a spirit of senti mentalism more common earlier in lifd we glanced at its beautiful fig ures and a few good love stories in keeping with them. Some lady of renown ia charged with saying that there is a satisfaction about being well dressed not even imparted by the Christian religion. It's a won der that the lovers ef the tidy do not all get McCall at 50 cents per year, but it is absolutely despoiling to the young man struggling against the fascinations of the fair set. nalcldeln Bock Hill. Mr. John Barrett, a young business man of Rock Hill, died on Monday morning at about 2 o'olock from the effeots of an overdose of morphine. Ho had been on a protraoted spree, and took the morphine Sunday night, it is supposed, preparatory to sobering up. Jt is not thought that be intended to kill himself. His people live in Union county, N- 0., and his remains have been taken there for interment. Mr. Barrett was notqaite 21 years of age. Yorkt vine, a. u., inquirer. It Will All Come Ont Right- Whatever is a cruel wrong, Whatever is unjust, The honest years that speed along Will trample in the dust. In restless youth I railed at fate With all my puny might, But now I know if I but wait It all will come outright. Though vice may don the judge's gown And play the censor's part, And fact be cowed by falsehood's frown, And nature ruled by art i Tho' labor toi's through blinding tears, And idle wealth is might, I know tbe honest, earnest years Will bring it out all right. Tho' poer and loveless creeds may pass For pure religion's gold; Though ignorance may rule the mass, While truth meets glances cold I know a law complete, sublime, Controls us with its might. And in God's own appointed time It all will come out right. . Selected, 4 Another of the burning questions of the day is proper fira-escapes and water attachments to hotels, Philu TV Dispensaries Established by t!i L.ffls latttrc. The Legislature established dis pensaries in tbe following towK Greensboro,Guilford county ;Clay ton, Johnston county; Madison, Rockingham county; Smitbfield, Johnston ceunty; Clinton, Samp- son county; Whiteviile, Columbus oouoty; Warrenton, Warran coun ty; Lexington, Davidson county; Jackson, Northampton county; Franklin, Macon county. Dispensary laws for the folic. 'ing towns were amended: Rutherfordton, Rutherford coun ty; Fayetteville, Cumberland ccun ty; Monroe, Union county. To submit dispensary question to popular vote : Morganton, Burke county. Sale of liquor is prohibited in the following counties: Cherokee county, Jackson coun ty, Mitchell county, Macon county. Sale of wine and cider regulated in Robeson county. Sale of bitters prohibited in Pop lar Branch township, Currituck county. Sale of liquor prohibited in Jack son township, Northampton coun ty. Sale of liquor regulated in tb town of Beaufort. Sale of liquor at the Atlant: Hotel, Morehead, permitted dux.'n certain months. Southern Railway THB -3 Stand&rd Rs.1a9C7 of the SOUTH . . THE DIRECT LINE TO AIL POISTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO.- Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on a! rnrough ana Loc;'l trains; Pullrmia Palace Sleeping Cars on all Nli;, i Trains; Fast and Sate ScheJulos . . . Travel by (lie Southern lit. you are asaur cj a Safe, Con. tumble and Expeditious Join uey Arply to Ticket Agents for Time Tablei-, Kates and General inlormatlon, or Address Ft. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A. C. P. St. T. A. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, U No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CU LP, W. A. Ti! r 3rd V.P.&Gen M'gr, Traf. Man., CPX WASHINGTON, D. C. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTORXE Y-AT-LA V7, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt attention given to a' business. Office in Morris buildm ; loposite court hou:e, M. B. STICKLEY. Attorney at Law, Concord N. C SFEdlAL ATI KM ION OIU 10 COLLttllONS. Office upstairs in King building near Poatoffice. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M X. Stcveu, M.D Ors, CALDWELL & STEVJSNB, Concord, N. O. Jffice in old post office building opposite SU Cloud Hotel, Phone lio 87 MORKiaON H. OALDWLLL ATTOBNIT AT LAW, CONCORD, N. C Office in Morris building, pp'U't Court house. From Extreme RerOusnesc. m m if AS. nT no one reructly cun contain tli,1 elements necessary to cure ail uj-u. -eg, tea fact well kuowti to everyone. Dr. Mlloa' System of Keamrutlvu lt.moillm constats ot seven distinctively di'fervnt preparations, each for Its own purpo Mrs. L. O. Iinmley, 37 Henry St., u utii. erlnes. Ontario, writes: "For years 1 . uf fercd from extreme nervousness aiel annoy ing constipation, developing Into pal ill i Ion and weakness of the hcaru 1 waunai k'ti sleep, suffered much from hen i;ich.'. j : t In my left side, palpitation ur.J a ci n 'i -feeilntf of weakness and prostn'i m I i using Ir. Miles' Ncrvluo, lte.,rt t ni. Norvo and Liver I'tlla aud the An -r.. Pills to relievo tsudden puruxy mi;, m" j, . . and headache, lsoouf.lt much impruv. a and the pains and acnes and woarincu It ft. mo. I then took lr. MHoa' livtor i:i 'o Tonic and am now rtor, to f, - " good health." prT,? w Dr. Miles' liemedic-s - 'V Q, '. aro sold I j all druir-,V j gists under a positive IC jvmes y guaranwe, first tottloij3gjTiOC'JCS"-i benetlu or money ro- fe p i funded. Book on dis-F' Tf"0 J ' eases of the heart and' Health !

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