The - Standard. GO 3D - JOB -WORK AT LIVING PRICES. Give us a Trial. The - S ndard PK1NT8 THE JVEW&i THAT IS .YEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. The Pair of Hand UXEDOUN MUSLIN Is made et mill which bays the cotton direct from the planter and sells the muslin direct to the retail store. It is handled only three times. It escape the profits of , commission men, jobbers ana speculators. lnatlswnyit can M sold so cheaply. It has double wearing value, double comfort. Washes better and bleaches whiter than any other goods made. All pure cotton, thor oughly cleaned and carded, hard twisted, closely woven, calen dered to a soft, smooth, downy finish. The name is linhtlv stamped on each yard. The first wash ing washes it out ILEDOUN fl MUSLIN I r rocr 4mh Mi huh Id d tract froa i tract froa the mills In Bftj-jrd 't Mil H w IU or mora, otrrtMa rot gut, 00 US COT TO TtrWnniW, I. & Incorporation Notice. North Carolina, Snperior Court, Cabarkos County. j April 10, IRMt. THE MATTER OF THE INCORrO- RATION OF THE BALA COTTON MILb. D. F. Cannon, E. C. Barnhardtand J. W. Cannon having filed their petition in thin court, prayine that they be in corporated, and a license having been duly issued on the 8th day ol April, 18U9, under the great seal of the State by Hon. Cyrus Thompson, Secretary of State, granting said prayer : It ib now on motion ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that publica tion be made in Thb ConcordStandard. a weekly newspaper regularly published in Concord, North Carolina, notifying the pnblio, 1st, That D. F. Cannon, E. C. Barn hardt and J. W. Cannon, and their associates and assigns, are duly incorpo rated as a body politio for a period of thirty years from the 8th day of April, 189!), under the name and style of the Bala Cotton Mill. 2nd, That the capital stock of said corporation is six thousand and five hundred dollars, divided into sixty-five shares of one hundred dollars each, with the privilege to increase the same to one hundred thousand dollars. 8rd, That the principal object of said corporation is to manufacture cotton and woolen goods, either or both, to manu facture all products of grain that they may desire, to bny, sell and deal m foods, wares and merchandise of every ind and to purchase, on n, lease, hold, sell and oonvey real estate and personal property. 4th, Its prinoipal place of business is in No. 2 township, Cabarrus county, N. C., at the place known as the O W Pat terson Mill. nth, Stockholders shall not be indi vidually liable for obligations of the corporation beyond the amount of their subscription. (Jth, Btock shall be non-assessable. JNO. M. COOK, May4 Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTUATOK'3 NOTICE North Carolina, I srI, nnrt Cabarrus County! Superior Court. Geo. F Burnbardt, administrator of P W Dry, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Chas. Dry, Jno. it Dry, Mary T Boss and husband, Cornelius Boss, Lundy C Bryant and husband, Jno. W Hryant, Bettie Smith and husband, B L Smith, defendant. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the return of J L Peck, Sheriff of Cabarrus County, N. C, and from the affidavit of Geo. F Barn hard t filed in the above-entitled action, that Jno. B Dry, Bettie Smith and husband, B L Smith, are non-residenis of this State, and after due diligence cannot be found within the State of North Carolina, and are necessary and proper parties to the above-entitled action, and whereas the plautiff above named has begun an action iu said Court to subject to sale the real estate of said P VV Dry, deo'd, described in the complaint of the plain- tiff, Geo. F liarnbarilt a Iminwtrator. And whereas the said defendants. Jno. B Dry, Bettie iSmith and husband. II L Smith, have an interest actual or con tingent as heirs st law of said P W Dry, deceased, in said lands, Now, therefore, the said Jno. B Dry and Bettie Smith and husband, B L Smith, are hereby notified tha'. unless they be and appear at the olhoe of the Clerk of the Superior Couit of said couuty and State aforesaid on or before the 27th day of May, 18!9, and plead, answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, that the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de mabded in the complaint and for costB of action This, 10th day of April, 1899. JNO. M COOK, Clerk Superior Court. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned being duly qualified as Executor of the ettite of F M Neis ler, deceased, hereby gives notice that all persons indebted to said estato must make prompt payment, and all persona holding olairus against said estate must prevent the same for payment on nr be fore the 10th, of April, 1900, or this no tioe Will be plead in bar of tbeir recov ery. This the Otb day of April. 1890. , J. A. Barniiabdt, 11, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The nndersigned, having qnnhfled as administrat e of the estate of Mary Am Holdbiooks, deceased, hereby gives notioe that all erBona indebted to raid estate must make prompt payment and all persons holding claims Bgni'ixt said estate mnst present the same for pay ment on or before the Uth dav of March, 19"0, or this notioe will be plead in bar of their recovery, M. B. Btk'kxry. Marob 9. 1890. 6t. WANTED To bny 100,000 p ucds of old cast-iron scrap, de liver at the foundry at ortse. for which we will pay a fair price. No burnt iron wanted. alCtf. Concobd FoCKDt T Co. nil1 n u - i Nnperlor Coarl Work. State tb. Francis Phifer, larceny. Guilty, judgement sus pended on payment of the costs. State vs. Duke Dry, larceny. Nol proa. State vs. Paul Eudy and Obas. Eudy, forcible trespass. The case was dismissed by order of the court. Earnest Partoe, a negro, was found guilty of stealing wheat from Mr, R OS Miller, but not guilty ot stealing chickens from Mr. Jacob Earnhardt. He was sentenced to the chain gang for four months. State vs. John Bean retailing without license. Charged in two eases. Judgement suspended in 036 case on payment of the costs. For the other case he was sen tenced to the chain gang for twelve months. State vs. Robt. Dove, resisting arrest and carrying a concealed weapon. Guilty in both c&ses. For the first offence he was pnt under a $100 bond to appear at the term of conrt twelve months from now and show that his be havior has been good and thit he has not been intoxicated. In the other case he was fined $30 and the costs. In the case of Liddell Co., of Charlotte, vs J M Burrage, action on note, plaintiff demurred to defendant's counter claim en ground of want of jurisdiction. The demurrer was sustained and the detlndant appeals to the Supreme court. Plaintiff gets judgement for $172 and the costs. In the case of K P Craven and J S Q Brown, Executors, vs. J M and E G Ervin, judgement against defendant for $125. Trlpple Crime Near Wilson. A Bpecial from Wilson, of the 20:b, says Bob Turnage was mur dered in tbe store of his uncle, about 18 miles from Wilson, on Tuesday night. It seems the mur derer robbed tbn store and then set fire to it to hide both crimes. No clue is left and bloodhounds will be depended upon to discover the culprit. Has Purchased tbe Caaciwlnn. The Ealeigh correspondent to tbe Charlotte Observer says ! "J A Sims, who for two years has been the chief clerk to Audi tor Ayer will resign, and as soon as he does so, R C Rivers will succeed him. So says the Audi tor. Rivers was for some years the manager of Senator Butler's paper, the Caucasian, and lately purchased it." Joel Reed vs. W II Brafford, claim and delivery. Verdict rend ered in lavor of the plaintiff. The case of L J Curlee vs. the Western Union Telegraph Com pany was continued nntil the next term of oourt on account of the absence of two of the wit nesses. The case of J M Burrsge vs. Jno. W White, was made a velnn- tary non-suit. Arrived Willi 859 Badlea New York,- Ap'il 26 The United States transport Crook ar rived tod iy from Ponce, Santiago and Orantsnsm with 356 bodies if soldiers and marine! who were kjlltd ia b ittle or died iu Port Rico and Cuba, Oiptain Taj man, United S fates quartermaster in charge, re puts that the Crook bronfcht from Porto li co 98, S in i i ago 316, and Grantanamo 12, making 356. BLOOD PURIFIER SENT FHEE A Cure for Blood and Skin Dis eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, Cancer, Etc. If yon have tried sarsapanllaa, patent medicines, and doctered. and still have old, jresintent sores, pitnples.distresinps eruptions of tbe akin, painful sores on Lands arms or legs, ltcuing sensation, irritating skin troubles, eczema, sorof nla, ulcers, contagious blood poison, fever sores, mercurial rheumatism. catarrh, boils, face covered with little sores, cancer or any blood taint, then give ii. B. B a trial, because B. B, B. botanic 2) lood Halm ib mauo lor just snch cases, and it cures to stay cured thofe stubborn bl c d diseases that other milder medicine fail even to benefit. All above named troubles are evidence of bnd. diseased blood in tbe body, and u. u. u, cures because it torces all trie poison or impurity or blood humors out of tbe body, bones and entire system. To remove all doubt of its to cure, we offer to send to any sufferer a sample bottle or ii. li. a. absolutely free. B. B. B, is an old, well-tried remedy hence we know that itoures to stay cured for the people cured by B. B. B. years ago are well to-day and free from all blood impurities. Oarer, ftlemlliir, Callus Kara. Cancer of Nose, lip, face, earor neck, external or internal oanoer, bleeding, eating sores, are all cured by B. B. B., the most powerful blood purifier made. All drnggiHts sell B. B. B: at $1 per large bottle. For trial bottle of B. B. B , address BLOOD BALM CO., Mitchell Street. Atlanta. Oa , and sample bottle will be sent by return mail. Ueserine your symptoms ana free personal medioal advice will be given. me eoneord II lab Nrheal Kxereiea. The annual cloein? exercises of the Concord High School have come to be expected with interest by all citizens not only on account of tbe interest felt in the institu tion but for the high quality of tbe address, delivered by the chosen speaker. The high standard of the past is to be maintained tins year as Dr. Henry Louis Smith, of Davidson College, has consented to be present. Dr. Smith is easily one of the ablest men in the State as well as one of the most graceful and powerful speakers. We congratulate the school and people. Free Pills Send your address to H. E. Buck len & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and aie particularly effect ive in tbe cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For ma'aria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Reg ular size 25c. per box, 8old by P B Fetzer. Does Mot l.lUe II U "Slbbs." The Davie Record is a new Republican paper published in Mooksville. It copies the state ment that Governor Russell ' will not resign and will not leave the State" and says : "We are one Republican that will shed no tears at Governor Dan Russell's departure from Raleigh. We never met him but once, having called .to pay our respects to North Carolina's Chief Magis trate. For the same length of time, we had as soon be at the North pole scratching for fire." For Over Flity. rears Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing 3yrap has been used ' for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect suc cess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Twenty five eents a bottle. Be sure and aek for "Mrs. Wioslows Footh ing Strop," and take no other kind. Col. Hood Rick. Havani, April 2G Col. Duncan Hood of tho Second immune trgi m sat and a son cf in a old Cor.iYd era'.e, Geneueral Hood, ia violen'.l) sick with appendioitis. An op.-ia-tion may be necessary. Ashevi It Citizen. The Beat Salve in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises, Sorts, Ulcer., Salt Rheum, Fever tSorra, Tetter (.-Lspr.t! Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Stin Eruptions, and poauvely cure! Piles or co pay required, ll it guaranteed to give statists tier, or mcner refunded. Price 25 Ciii. . (Oi Kur -ale at V 11 FfSM-'t Un 4 I lore. A Ulslnke Hlna-nlar and Terrible. The most bingular and to all appearance the moat inexcusable mistake we ever noted was that of one Dr. Proudfoot, of Mon treal recently. A boy patient who had run a pen knife into bis eye was threatened with the loss of both eyes. The j hysician who is an occuliht advised the removal o( the wouuddd eye. The patient wis put under the influence of fu anaesthetio and the doctor, by mistake, actually remoyed the the wrong eye. Now the boy is tat ally blind. Tellow Jnnndlca Cared. Sufferljg humanity should be supplied with every means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish tbe following: ' This is to oertify that I wag a terrible suf ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of tbe bast physicians in our city and to no avail. Dr. Boll, our druggist, recommend-d Electric Bitter?; and after taking two bottle I was entirely oured. I now take grqat pleasure in recommending them to any person e J String from this terrible malady. ' am grate fully yours, M. A. Hogartv, Lex ington, Ky." Sold by P B Fetzer's Drug store. Avoid dry! tnhalanU, use that wliich cleanse and heals the membrane Ely's Cream Balm ia a lure remedy, cures CATARRH easily and pleasantly. Contains no mercury nor any other Injurious drug. It is t)ukkly ab sorbed. Gives relief nt ; once. It opens and I cleanses the Nasal p;ts- axea. Anays .tin am ma tion. t COLD N HEAD Heals and protect the membrane, restores the tens- of taste and smell. Regular size 50c, Fam ily size $1 00 at I truKKt't or by mail tLY BROTHERS, .s6 Warren Street. New V or CATARRH OP PTMrn A FINE CONCERT. Tbe First K.irtmrat Bund Unve Too cord a Trent A l.itrge Crowd Pn Mt-C.urard RepreaeutAd In Hie Number Bl a Talented and Hbllled Performer. Our people tnrnfd out . well on Wednesday night in tha newlj con structed auditorium to bear the mo eio of the Firet North Caro'iua regiment band, nnd.'r the dinction of Prof. Chas. Coe. The programme rendered was of gnoi length and in every way pleas ing to the aadienoe. Their ma ic is of different grades tome to suit the ears of danoerf, the lovers of opera, and the devotees of Btrictly high grade band mueio. All bad a place in the program, Th expres sion observed by tbe members is vrrv noticeable, adding much to tbe proof of tbeir skill. One of the performers in the band Is Jay Sims, of this place, who bat now acquired marked skill on tbe slide trombone, which instrument he began to master after leaving here last year. Be went in tbe army as chief bugler, was made principal musician, and then laid aside his cornit for the slide trombone. In a number of the selections in the con cert Wednesday night be showed what perseyeranoe, together with talent, can acqnire. This is, without questioc, the best concert that Concord has tal atd well can the soldiers, together with every Tar Heel, feel proud cf the First North Carolina Regimental Band. This band will make a tonrof the principal towns of the State and will then accept an offer at some place, wbere the organizition will be k pt np. Three places in tbe State are now making efforts to get thrm. The following program was ren dered Wednesday night : 1. March Nibelungen ; E Wag ner. 2. Grand Selection The Bohe.. mian Girl ; Balfl. 3. Fantasia My Od Kfntncky Ilome; Herman. 4. Wal'z L Oituni j Botkolosi. 5. Melody Fond Heart; G Lange. Ictermiceion. 6. March Sinegumbia ; Volker. 7. Selection The Serenade; V Herbert. 8. MeloJj Ye 0!den Times; Beyer. 9 Ncgrj Oddity 'Poseum and de Coon. 10. Polka Old North State; Coe. ENCORES. Stars and Stripes ; Sonea. Ken'ucky Babe, arranged by C Coe. Alabama Coor, arranged by C (Joe. Dixie. Double Time, arranged by 0 Coe. Eqnesfrlnn fttatae to Gen. Urant. An equcbtriun statue of Gen. Grant was unveiled Thursday, the 27ht, in Philadelphia. His grand daughter, Miss Rosemary Sirtoris, pulled the chord, on tnat, his birthday, that dropped tb national colers in which it was veiled. President McKinley and wife and many of the cabinet and diplomatio official.) were in attendance as was also Capt. Cogblan. Tbe famous general's relict and second undthird generations were there to appreciate the Uonors bestowed. Negroes Ljrneb a Kegro. A negro mob lynched a negro man for the murder of a negro woman on the the 25th at Galenu, Kin. He hnd choked his mistre-s to death and when tbe coroner's jury found him guilty the negroes proceeded to the jail and, break ing it open, attempted to take hi in out and bun? him but he fought and they shot him dead. Nobody seemed to care a whit though tho State does not in flict the death penalty. The Ulitltcat II ok. The largest hog ever raised was recently ulaoghtered in New York. The animal was a Jersey red boar, two and one-half years old, weighing alive 1,009 pounds and dressing 1,300 pounds. This huge swine measured over nine feet from tip of its nose to the end of its tail. It measuicJ two and one-hulf feet across the loin, two and one-half f et across the ham and six feet in girth. Win ston Sentinel. NO CURE, NO PAY. That ia tbe way all droRKists soil Grove's Tosteluwi Chill Tonic for chills snil Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine iu a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. Frice, 6U0. CYCLONE IN MISSOURI. A Ileath I.lnt that may Reach OO Oodles Itecovered by Fires Ihnt llnrned others. At 6.20 o'clock Thursday even ing, tbe 27tb, a cyoloue burst upon Newton, Mo., and swept a path a quarter of a mile wide, destroying 400 buildings and car rying death in its fury. At 8 o'clock 25 bodies had been re covered ond it is expected that tho Lumber will reach 50 or even GO. Wires are down and total darkness prevailed till fire broke out in the ruins that, while they probably cremated some, made it easier to hunt through tbe debris for the others. Details ot the calamity aro yet meager but tuns ti.r it teems Newtou was by far the greatest sufferer in tbe storm. Bridesmaid and UroomNnmn from Here. Numbers from different parts of the State attended the marriage of Mr. Edwin Clark Gregory and Miss Margery Overman in Salis bury Wednesday evening. Miss Emily Gibson was one of tbe bridesmaids and Mr. Frank O Rogers one of the groomsmen. Miss Julia McGruder, Miss Nannie Cannon, and Mrs. Robt. E Gibson were guests also from this place. Forest Hill Items. A large reservoir is being built in the r ar of Mill No. 3. 'ibis tank when fitished will hold eighty or ninety thousand gallons of water. Mr. J M Mabery gave a dinner Wednesday to hia eon, Marshall, ind a fow inylted friends. Aaron Kasiell was Convicted' It will be remembered that a number of months ago a barrel of oil was stolen from the warehouse of tbe btandard Oil Co. at tbe depot; Their agent, Mr. Jno. D Caldwell, said nothing about the matter until circumstances deycloped. Aaron Russell, a negro who had worked for Mr. Caldwell and who at times carried die keys to the warehouse, was convicted bv the court for stealing the oil bnt tho judgement was suspended tor certain reasons. That's Awlnl Plnylnar, Nnre. The Charlotte News of Thurs day contains the following show ing its despondent and down catt foeliuz oyer tbe fact that Charlotte can't play ball : "I3y the way tha News never heard from the team that went from Charlotte last Saturday to play the St. Mary's team. It is learned from a round-about source that the snore was 32 to 2 in favor of the college team. This is ample explanation for the silence for the Charlotte boys." Wouldn't It Be Uood Cbanee. Quite a number of people, after attending the concert Wednesday night in tho newly erected stables of Mr. P M Morris, have ex pressed themselves as to what a fine auditorium this would mako. The building is wide and lone, and if f quipped with raised seats on the sides wold be amply large to seat tbe crowds here fcr almost any occasion, and still give room for a large stage. Probably this will ciuie tbe matter to be investigated more and the man agement will probably decide upon sueh a plan. Wouldn't it be nice ? I bey Dislike the Trenimeni. Dr. D P Whitley writes us from Baltimore that the children who were taken there from Mil I ingport lor treatment for hydro phobia are getting along very well, except that they dread the treatment, which is by hypoder mic injections. lie scores all political parties for not having a dog law before this, and thinks if a lot of the people who seem to care more for feeding curs and bounds than tor protooting child ren and raising sheep and pork could see the children and hoar their piti ul cries while taking tbe treatment thero would be fewer rabid dogs. The suspense and at$ony of the two families has been terrible, but it u earnestly hoped by all that the children's lives may be spared. In almoBt every riei);Mr!iooil thoro is some one whose life hus beun Buved by Chamberlain's Colio Cholera oud Diarrhoea ltemedy, or who has been cured o' chronio diarrhoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a point of telling of it whenever oppor tunity oilers, hoping Unit it may be the means of savins other lives. For sale, by M. L. Mursh At Co,, Druggist. si&SSLUTEIV Makes the food more IKTyai ftAKTtefl ( OMMENCEMjiNr ENDED. Medals Awarded Exercises Compli meuted Tho N. C. C Boys Meet De feats An Old Votcran Dead. Written for The Standard. China Grove, April 28. Tbe ex ckea of Chios GroveAcidemy o'ossd Thursday evening with a concert bj the musical class. The school has had a profitable and successful year and promises much for the fntore. The debate was very gocd. The medal was won by Mr. Koesell, of Mint Hill, N. C. Tbe declaimers medal was won by Frank Patterson, of this place. Mr. Junius line, of Zeb, receiyed honorable distinc'ion. Tbe literary addrees by Mr. M is S ickley, Of Concoid, was excellent and enj yed by all. The North Carolina College boys came up Thursday and played ball with the China Grove boys. The C. G's were the yiofors in a score of 30 to 25 Mr. R A Corriher, the one-armed veteran of this community, died Thursday evening. The Town Convention Held. Lust Thursday night the delegates mot at tbe court bouse and held tbe convention for the town election, with Jas C Fink in the chair, and Jae, P Cook and Wade Barrier ae secretaries. The following nomina tions, as banded in from the differ ent wards, were ratified: For Mayor Geo. W Means. ALDERMEN : Ward 1. L D Duval and W R Odell. .Ward 2. D F Cannon and U F Coble. Ward 3. Chas. F HLc'iie and Geo. W Brown. Ward 4 G T Crowell and W L Bell. school commissioners: Ward 1. Jno. B Sherrill. Ward 2. D B Coltrane. Ward 3. Jt,o. A Cline. Ward 4 D P Dayvault. At large Dr. D G Caldwell and B E Harris. Tbe following persons compose the executive committee, together with Jas. C FinK who was elected a member at large by tbe convention: Jno. B Sherrill, Jno. W Cujk, Joe. K Patterson and G T Crowell. He Continues to Shave Them. Last year a young man, Mr. T J Brown, enlisted with tbe members of Company L, having gi-a up his position as barber here. He has re turned here with the boys and fas now opened up a shop in tbe Corl livery stable building, where a col ored shop was formerly run. Mr BrowD, when not on drill, was kept buRy a good portion of his time "sleeking'' the faces of the soldiers. Sir. Calvin Smith Dead. Mr. Calvin Smith, who lives in Mecklenburg county, i ear Arling ton, died Ihnrsdty night of con sumption. Mr. Smith wts known by quite a number of our ci'iz'ns. Ha was a brother of Mrs. R P Leniz, of this place, lie leaves behind two children, his wife having di"d some tine ttgo. Speaking: of Chickens. Anyone not in the business would be surprised to know tbe number of chickens and eggs shipped throuch Greensboro from Wilkfsbora, Mr. Airy, Sanford and inttrmediata points, to the northern markets. The Southern Express Co. sbipf! an average of 100 crates or 2 500 chickens daily or nearly a million yearly. At lo cents tbis would amount to 8150,000. As for egp,f, strange to say, they are even mare numerous than chickens. Fifiy crates daily, 30 dozen to tbe crate, over six million yearly, 12J coots a dozen, nearly 8100,000. Verily, the pullet and hen berry business is considerable in this ec tbe tion hnd it looks like one or other would bave to give out. Greensboro Telegram. THE BEbT IN THE WORLD. We beliovo Chaiubcrlaiu's Conuh Remedy is tho bunt iu the world, ' A fuw cold mid a troublenome eolith, and hay- nig read th. ir advertisements m our and that wuie Jn p0rt at Charles own and other papers we lmrehased a r bottle to see if it would eflect us. It onrod lis before the bottlo was more than half nsoil, It is tho best medicine out for colds and couplm. The Herald, Andersonvillo, lud. l or sale by M. U. Marsh & Co., Drimgist. Annual reunion of the United C m federate Veterans at Cbarlea ton, S. C, on May 10 to 33, for round trip. oi on ' lPURE delicious and wholesome nnwnfq co. , MFW yobk, The ('OKhan attnlr. The government through Sec retary Long has reprimanded Capt. Cogblan for his indiscreet utterances. He claims that he has not been accurately reported and that he meant no disrespect to the German flag. Dr. Von.Hallen ben, the German diplomat, has called at the White House and in a friendly spirit has set the matter down as closed. The fol lowing is part of the cable mes sage by the New York World's correspondent : "Admiral Dewey is certain that Cogblan could not have said any thing calculated to place the ad mirai in a laise position, lie showed the World correspondent a letter from Admiral Von Died- richs, of the German navj , con- gratulating him on his deserved promotion,' and also his letter in reply, which closed with the words, 'all of our differences were of newspaper manufacture.' "Admiral Dewey also says he is on the most friendly terms with Prince Henry, of Prussia, who succeeded Von Diedrichs as com mander-in-chief of the German fleet in Chinese waters." Where Nnta Come From. Hickory nuts are an American product and we export them in large numbers to Europe, wbere they are found good eating. Pecans belong to tbe hiokory family. Coooanuts come from the East Iodies, the West Indies and the islands of the Pacific near the equator, Almonds are found in Asia, Bar bary and Morocco. Those we gtt are imported from Malaga. Walnuts grew originally in Per sia, the Caucasus, China, North America and Europe. Hazel nuts grow in Europs, Hub sia, Asia, North Africa and North America. Filberts are a spscies of hazel nuts that grow in Greece. Pistachio nuts come from Syria, and th 3 Greeks were very fond of them. Chestnuts form a portion ol the d.iily food of the Mediterranean natio js, though in America they are not ground into flour, but are eaten simply a nuts. Daily Record. More of (arr'l enerolljr. We S'-e thut Col. J S Carr has proposod to pay half the railroad fare of every Confederate veteran from the counties of Durham, Orange, Person, Granville, Chat ham and Alamance who will at tend the reunion at Charleston on the 10th of May, provided that as many as 100 will go in a body, and as members of the R F Webb Camp No. 818. I.Ike the Richmond DUaater. At a sale of agricultural im- plimeuts at Goldesboro, Pa., Thursday, the 27th, the floor of the building gave way anl hurled a hundred men into the cellar severely injurying many, some probably fatally. It reminds one of the great Richmond dis aster in 1870. It Would Be Nice. L'he Wilmington Star of recent date says : "An enthusiastio veteran sug gested to a representative of the Star yesterday that an economical and at the same time an enjoy- ablo trip might be arranged. with permission from the proper local authorities, for the Confed erate veterans of the city who de sire to attend the reuion at Char leston in May. His plan is to secure from the government, with deference to the wishes of Commander Morton and the division of naval reserves, of I course, their splendid crusier, the Hornet, and maKs tbe trip by water, spending a day or two in Chaileston and returning by the same means. He estimates that nearly COO persons could be accommodated as passengers and ton a number or those who desired could secure lodginirs on tbe boat. CURE A COLD IK ONE DAY Take Laxativn Rromo Ouiuine Tubleta. All drn.Tttists refund money if it fails to oa each tablet. TBE RED CK03S. They, ti o, have heard the drumbeat, They follow the bugle's call, Tiiese who are swift with pity ' On the field where brave men fall. When tbe batt'e boom is silent And the echoing thunder diet, They haste to the plain red sodden With tbe blood of sacrifice. Tbe flag that floats above them Is marked with a crimson sign, Pledge of a great compassion And tbe rifted heart divine. That once for man's redemption Knew earth's completest loss These to the field of valor Bring love's immortal cross. And so they follow the bngle And heed tbe drumbeat's call, But their errand is one of pity They succor the men who fall. - Harpet'- Bazar. Southern Railway. THE . Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL P01MTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Nignt Trains; Fast and Safe Schedules .... Travel by the Southern anl you are assured a Safe, Com. lortableand Expeditious Jour, ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Rates and General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DAr ' Y, T. P. A., C. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. Ashevi. ., f. c. No Trouble to Answer Questii is. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. Turk, 3rd V.P.&Gen Mgr, Traf. Man., G p:a. WASHINGTON. . C. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING to collect your old horse shoes and scrap iron and send to K. L.- CRAVEN who will PAY CASH for any amount you send be fore April 15th STEAM and SMITH ooal always on hand. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD. - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building roposite conrt house. M. B. S TICKLE Y, Attorney at Law, Concord N. C SIEblAL ATILMIOX GIVhi 70 COLLtCHONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postofhoe. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M X. SttveM. U.D Dra, CALDWELL & STEVKNa Concord, N. O. Jffice in old post office building jpposite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone No 37 MORKiaON H. CALL) WEI A ATTOBH1Y AT LAW, CONCOBD, N. CT Office in Morris building, ppcsSt Court house. "Saved Her Life." MRS. JOHN WALLET, of Joffuwoo. Wis., than whom none is more highly esteemed or widely known, writes. "Id 1890 I had a severe attack of LaOtippo and at tbe end of four moutlia, in Bp! to of J1 physicians, frit-nds and good nursing could do, my lunpi heart and nervous system wero so completely wrecked, my llfo Wi3 de spaired of, my friends piving nic up. I couM only sleep by the use of opiate). My Iuiikh and heart pained me terribly and my ewh was most aggravating. I Could not lie In one position but a .short tinin and not on my left sido at Ul. My lmsi;tmi brought mo Dr. Miles' Nervino mnl Jleart Cure and I be gan taking them. When I I :id Ukrn a half bottlo of each I wa much 'tetter and contin uing: perbisiently 1 tHilv a unit a doen bot tles and w:is completely re- t, .n d to hen I r h to tho surprise of all '' p"1- !r. Mib le Mites' gists under a pos.i n J, . . guarantee, firt '.'itlu VQClCUCP' beneliui or money re funded, li'wk (.n !. Ocntor M cases of thy heart unti ( nerves free. Address, DU. M1J.ES MKWCAL -J.. fclUlWS litj

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