The - Standard. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVtNO PRICES. Give us a Trial. The Annual Report Made Ont. Mr. J ao. L filler, clerk of the town, has furnished his annual re port for the fiscal year ending May 1st. The following fignros may be of interest to a number : General fund, f 13 745 99 Disbursements, 13,005.4.5 Bal. on hand, School fund, Dibnrsfments, 14054 (8 62600 7,388 42 Sal. on hand, Interest fund, $2,81128 Disbursements, 2 080.00 1,237-58 Bal. on hand, 731 28 Bra. Goodman iBNAne. Mr. A U Newsom tells us bis daughter, Mrs. Bd. Goedman, of Cabarrus county, is insane at his home in this city. Her mind re cently fctcame unbalanced and she now requires constant watching, Mrs. Goodman has a little child. An effort will probably be made U have htr received at the State hot- pital Salisbury Sun. The The first makes ordinary look far worse than The first wash makes LILU DOUN MUSLIN look far better than new. It washes the starch, china clay and mucilage out of ordi nary muslin, leaving it thin, and loosely woven. The only changes It makes In LILEDOUN is to wash out the name which is lightly stamped on every yard, ana to help bleach the goods. UlLEPOUN MUSLIN la not bleached at the factory, bv ottuae factory bleaching weaken mufllin ten or fifteen per cent. It is all cotton thorouKhly cleaned hnd carded bard twisted, closely woven, bra shed and calendered to a sort, smooth and downy finish. Auk your dealer tor LILE1KHJN MUM. Lltf and take no other. If he does nor keep It we will send It direct from tbe mills carriage paid, In bolts of 50 yards or more. A doun button bag free on request. MOOKE COTTON MILL, Taylorsvllle IV. C. 5 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE! VALUABLE GOLD MINING PROP. ERTY FOR BALE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Bowan County, Stnto of Nonh Carolina, ordering safe of certain prop erty hereinafter described, and em. powering and directing me, as Administrator of J as. B. Lanier, to sell certain Real Estate of said deceased to make real estate assets, and appointing me for that purpose, I will sell at the Court House door in Concord, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the hour of 1 p. m. on Monday, the 6th day of June, 1894, the following described Real Estate lying in the County of Cabarrus and desoribed as follows, viz: An undivided one-fourth interest in and to a certain piece oi paroel of land lying in Cabarrus County and known as "tbe Fisher Gold 'Mine Tract" and eontaining in the whole thirty acres, more or leas. Terms of palp Cflfltl. Dated this, 24th of April, 18KU. LEE S. OVERMAN. Adm'r and Com'r of Jag. B Lanier, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Geo. F Bernhardt, administrator of P W Dry, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Chaa. Dry, Jno. R Dry, Mary T Ross and husband, Cornelius Ross, Lundy C Rryant and husband, Jno. W Bryant, Bettie Smith and husband, R L Smith, defendant. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from tho return of J L Peck, Sheriff of Cabarrus County, N. O, and from the affidavit of Geo. F Rarnbarrit filed in the abovo-entitled action, that Jno. R Dry, Bettie Smith and husband, R L Smith, are non-residents of this State, and atut due diligence cannot be found within the State of North Ca rolina. and are necessary and proter parties to tbe aboye-entitled action, and whereas the plantiil above named bns begun an action iu said Court to subject to side the real estate of said P W Dry, deo'd, described in the complaint of the plain tiff, Geo. F Bernhardt administrator. And whereas the said defendants, Jno. R Dry, Bettie mith and husband. R L Smith, have an interest actual or con tingent as heirs at law of said P W Dry, deceased, in suid lands. Now, therefore, the said Jno. Ii Dry and Bettie Smith and husband, R L Smith, are hereby noti lied that unless they be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Couit of said county and State aforesaid on or before 1 he 87th day of May, 1S'J9, snd plead, answerer demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, that the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint and f -r costs of aotiou This, 10th day of April, 1899. JNO. M COOK, Clerk Siierior Court. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned beiuK duly qualified as Executor of the estate of K M Neis ler, deceased, hereby (fives notice that all persons indebted to said estate must make nroniDt payment, and all persons holding claims against said eetate must present the same for payment on or be- fore the 10th, of April, 11)00, or this no- tloe will be plead in bar of their recov ery. This tbe 0th day of April, 1H!. J. A. Bahnhaiidt, fl. Executor. Tlutt Aam 6, I muslin a "-J new. II i cure' Only it Only $1 Per Year. GEN. WA.DE HAMPTON'S LOS8. How It occurred a Is Narrow Ee- eape-To Be Hebmldt Bjr Frleade. The burning of the home of the venerated and tbe gallant eld mill tarv. ai well ai civil, hero. Wade Hampton, brings a pang of pit and regret to his hosts of admirers Tbe best account we have seen i that in tbe Atlanta Journal, which we eopy below. The dispatch bore date of May 3rd : "The home of General Wade Hampton, 'Southern Gross,' was bnrned at an early honr yesterday morning. The origin of the fire is believed to have been Incendiary and (ieneral Hampton suspects a negro servant whom be reoently discharged for theft. The bonse was bails of brick taken from the Hampton nansion, bnrned when the Union army passed through. It was erected by the general's slaves and has been the home of himself and daughter! sine the war. Dnr.'og tbe night General Hemp ton awoke and saw a light shining under bis door. He at flret sup. posed tbe son had risen, but the light flickered so he strapped on his cork leg and went to the door. He fonnd tbe bouse in niorxi. He aroused bis daughter, who waa atill sleeping, and some servants. It was too late to save anything of valne eicpt the swords of three generations of Hamptons. These tbe old warrior secured himself. Dming the height of tbe fire General Hampton heard the cries of a pet collie d g, of which be and his daughter were very fond. It was in a room that was enveloped. Aitnongn over tigntysone years of age, he made a dash at the doer and opened it, and was driven back by tbe fire and again attempted to enter, when the flames licked about his face, burning off tbe bair. Speaking of it afterwards he said he had never made a more desperate struggle in his life. The loss he fee's most keenly is his library, which as probably the most valuable private colleotion in the South, one of his books being but twentysfour years younger than the printing preBS. Six thousand vols times, the choicest of his libraries, was destroyed. He also lost all his private papers aud an English sads die, the only one of its kind in the country, which he rode all through the war ana has need on every pas rade in which he has ever part o pated. 'BnV said he this evening", "I ill tide in the parado at the Con federate reunion at Charleston next week, if there is a parade. 'A trn.k contaiting family jewels was secured alter tbe fire, not greatly damaged. A rrovement is on foot to re- build the home at a popular (faring troin appreciative friends in the State. THE BK8T PRESCRIPTION FOR CHILLS and fever is a bottle of Qrove'a Taste less Chill Tonic Never fails to onre; Then why experiment with worthless imitations? Price 60 cents. Yonr. money back if it fails to oure. A Great Day rar Ibe Little relka. Pioneer Mill', May 1. The event f the season was a Mayday pie mo, given by Maggie and Urace Earnhardt, in honor of their visit ore Kate Hnps liobinson and Laura Q aery. The little folks, with Miss Ella Barnbardt as chaperon, went to tbe woods for tbe day with their baskets of dinner. All erj tyed the day, Including little John and hie wo goats. May their jonrnsy through life be as happy as that day spent. XXX. BLOOD PURIFIER SENT FREE Cure for Blood and Skin Sis eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, Canoer, Eto. If yon have tried sarsaparillas, patent medicines, and doctered, and still have old, preBistont sores, pimples.distresiiifrH eruptions of the skin, painful sores on bands armi or legs. Honing sensation, irritating skin troubles, eczema, scrof ula, ulocrs, oontngious blood poison, fever sores, mercurial rheumatism, catarrh, boils, face covered with little sores, canwr or any blood taiut, then give li. B. B a trial, because B. B, B. Botanic Blood Balm is mado for just such cases, and it cures to stay cured thore stubborn blood diseases that other milder medicines fail even to benefit. All above named tronblos are evidence of bad, diseased blood in the body, and B. B. B. cures because it forces all the poison or impurity or blood humors out of tbe body, bones and entire system. To remove all doubt of ittto cure, we offer to send to any sufferer a sample bottle of B. B. B. absolutely free. B. B. B, is an old, well-tried remedy hence we know that itcurestostayctircd for the people cured by B. B. B. years ago are well to-day and free from all blood impnrities. Oarer, M-rrtlrtr, Bella More. Cancer of Nose, lip, fsoe, earor neck, external or internal canoer, bleeding, eating sores, are all cured by B. is. is the most powerfnl blood purifier made. All druggists sell Is. ii. ii: at f I per large bottle. or trial bottle of B. li. b , address BLOOD BALM CO., Mitchell Street, Atlanta, Ua.. and sample bottlo will be sent by return mail. Describe your symptoms and free personal medical advice will be given. HP T T Y7? -XL., " a M-Tf A DEPLORABLE AFFAIR. l w Ilea Arraigned for Fast Driving -tin Indicted for Bratliiv Iamb Urate Vnmerelrntly Flue fr Their Vast Driving. . On Thursday afternoon two young men, M L Morris and Jno. A Ritchie, hired two horses and buggies from Brown's stables and took some young ladies ont driv ing. The attention of a number was called by their fast driving. Policeman Harris arrested them for driving so fast throagh the streets. They were arraigned be fore Mayor Crowell and each one was fined five dollars for the offence. Bnt the horse which Jno. A Ritchie droye was found to have numerous welts upon its back, showing that it had been beaten unmercifully. This young man, who is a son of Mr. Jackson Ritchie, was indioted for cruelty to aaimals. He was bound on a $50 bond for his appearance at nest court. In default of the payment of his fine and also a bondsman, he was taken to jail Thursday night. Tho horse which the other young man drove showed no signs of being whipped, but the back of the one which the young man, Ritchie,droye was corrugated from the strokes of the whip. Mere Abeat tbe Yaakla rawer. Mr. EBO tf ambley, Dr. Dillon Brown, and U B Kennedy, engineer, were registered at the Hearne Hotel Tuesday night. Dr. Brown says he will retnrn in Jnne to remain nntil frost. Work is to be commenoed on the eleotric power plant at tbe Nar rows in Jnne, and tbe company tx peoti to be able to furoiBh power to tbe surrounding towns within 12 months, and to distant towns in 18 months. Tbe enterprise is attract ing widespread attention, and the most inoredulous person should now be oonvinced of tbe oertainty and magnitude of the undertaking. The gentlemen referred to above went to Concord Wednesday, looking toward famishing electric lights., for tbe town, and Dr. Brown expects to let out all the oontracts for power dar ing tbe summer. Stanly Enter prise. "Mooaahlaer" Cnptared. The Stanly Enterprise says that Deputy Colleotor Bradshaw, of Salisbury, and their town Marshal, Mr. Ed. Agle, captured Tom Phippg n-ar Palestine, Tuesday, with eight gallons of "moonshine," taking him nnd hie horse and wagon. MoonHhlners and liquor peddlers are getting numerous, it seems, all over the county, some sections even ap pealing for aid. Raleigh can take care of such citizens better than we can here, and Messrs Bradshaw and Mills aud our alert olhcers will oblige us very much by taken them it now. All orTaem Are Cerdmlljr Iavlted. Mr. Giles Crowell wishes this to be an official notice that all fruit tree agents couiing to Con ¬ cord are moat cordially and urgently requested to pay him a visit when they strike town. He wants to talk with them and ht wants them to enjoy themselves. His object is to find out the rascal who took his order lor Rocky Mountain cherries and sent him huckleberry bushes. The little bushes are growing rapidly but the beautiful red hue has not made its appearance on the fruit. NO CUKE. NO PAY. That is' the' way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it Adults refer it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. Price, 50o. r Be la IheHlete Jnrd. For some time Salisbury bai been makiDg an attempt to get into tbe S'a'e Guard, which is now beitg formed. Fifty-three members have been obtained and their c Ulcere elected. Mr. Louis Lichenstein is captain, James F Qaither first lieu tenant, and Max L Barker second lieutenant. A number who re cently returned home from Cuba, bave. enlisted in the company. Tbe name of tbe oompanyis the "Row an Rifles." The ancient believe that rheumatism was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of scia tic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the infliction is damoniac enough to warrant the belief. It has never been claimed tbnt Chamberlain's Pain liulra would cast out demons, but it will oure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to the truth of this statement. One application relieves the Pain, and this quick rolict which it affords is alono worth many times its cost. For sale by JU. U Marsh & Co. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1899. 3 THE PYTHIAN DINNER. A Jelly Assembly Beaatlful neeer- tloas Dainty Feaat Uoed Huale Eleqnenne and Wil. The 6th anniversary of Pythian tern in Cot cord was celebrated Fris day night and was a most brilliant aSair . Castle Hall was just com fortably filled with the gay and sprightly to tbe number of about 160 members and guests, embracing much of tbe elite and eleot of tbe town . The hall waa tastefully dec orated with tbe Pythian colors and the graoefully manipulated bunting gave a charming effeot. The helmet, shield and arms of the Knight were displayed, too, on the walls with initial mottoes. After all bad mingled in pleasant converse in Castle Hall till there might bave been seen just a bit of cornering toe chief knignt on that memorable night called the group into line of march for the Caton hall, where again a scene of beauty burst upon tbo eye and rich delicacies set the palatal nerves in a quiyer. All were seated olosely but not at all too much so for one so lucky as the writer, and soon were helped to ice cream and sherbets, yonr choice if it included both or a second round. The table was well fur nished with stands of choicest cakes, oranges, bananas, eta, (we can't re member just now what the eto. stands for.) When all had feasted to the full, tbat stately knight, the toast mass ter, Mr. B E Harris, arrayed in full dress suit and, looking his best which ii saying more than our words indicate, for for the last few years he is literally a walking in junction against batobelorhood and a shining confirmation of Solomon's wisdom when he said that "He tbat findeth a wife fineth a good thing," rose and made an address in language well oboseo, ohaste aud lofty, with a touch of humor in which he said this was neither a Perry Belmont $10 dinner nor a William JenningsBryan$l dinner but waa free as the advocates of 16 to 1 oonld demand. Whatever be the leanings of individuals to the great political theories he could see from the empty plates before him tbat tbe audience disagreed with Mr. Bryan on the one point at least. Thoee present seemed unanimous for ex pansion. He then introduced Mr. Jas. C Fink, who responded to the toast, The Conoord Lodge." This waa masterful tffort indeed and you'd be t irprised that he would be fallowed to tell so many secrets. He t ld of the Pythian goat, described bis boms, his beard and bristles, his cloven foot and his enthusiasm in tbe performance of his particular ptrt of the initiation. He hid bim landing his most ecophatio bntt snd about the centre of a fellows spinal calumn. He depicted him carrying the viotim np tbe mountain crags, Uon tbe precipices beyond and through the mirey bogs, all hissing with Gery serpents and made h deous with tbe echoes from the deep, dark abysses of myfsiosl re gions. Suddenly he bad this Pyth ian steed bursting forth into the clear open fields of glorious knighthood It was trnly graphio and grand, af fording the keenest delight, especial ly to those versed in secret order o remonies. Mr. rina toucaea tens derly upon Ibe memories of two of the deceased members. Key. Alexander responded to the toaBt "Pythian 8ister." The speaker was 'sptcially happy in his vein We oan't reproduce his witticisms but will compare it to tbe expert stage driver of long ago tbat would flour ieb tbe tougue of bis lath loftily and gracefully . You watched it's curves admiringly and knew not where it wa going to descend. In this case Messrs. Chal White, Frank Smith and Charles Harris in turn each had a welt raised. The speaker came down from his vain oi humor ana paiu me moet beautiful tributes to bis subject. Proftstor Petty then responded to the toast "Tbe Future of Pythian- iem-. llfsaer you ve sat ana watcn ed tbe shadows on a sunny day when nimbus clouds sweep over tbe fields . This, in short, describes the vision of this son of a prophet as he sees Pytbianum spreading from Maine to Texas, from the Atlantio to tbe Paoiflc, 1 ver the Cordilleras of MexU co, across tbe deep, over Albions hills, across tbe Cbannel snd sweep ing tbe continents of Europe and Asia. Mr. LI) Duval, being railed, said he had been Informed before hand that be would be exptofed to make an impromptu speech. It was tbe height of bis ambition to uiuke an TANDARD. after dinner speeoh on some grand occasion like tbat, he said, and raise great applause. The jolly audienoe came to lime and tbe speaker could just barely tell that he had lately watch-d the des'lny of Lis friend, Ubannoey M De ow( who was made U. S. Senator on acsauct of his rec ord for after dinner speeches and he concluded that ha would ta&e warn, ing now as he resumed his seat. Mr. J D Len'z had declined eey :iil hours previons to make, aa im promptu speech and eltctrified tbe audienoe in telling bow he wen Id not mske a speech. Oar article is too long already but the solos of Miss Cstor and Miss Caldwell, as announced, were tbe spice of tbe occasion snd. were round ly cheered for their excellence. Long live tbe Pytbians and many be the annnal dinners if this writer is to be honored with a plate. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES r Sena Carellaa Callece te Be Held Inls Month-Hnbjects el tbe Grndu ntlnn Class. The following is tbe programme for the approaching commencement at North Carolina College : Sunday, May 28tb, 10:30 p. m. Bacoalaureate Sermon, Rev. R 0 Holland, D. D ,8t. Mark's ohurcb, Cbailotte. Monday, May 29th, 3 p. m Contest for Deolaimers Medal . 8 p. m Junior Orations and Cans test for Orator's Medal. Tuesday, May 30tb, 10:30 a. m. Address before Literary Societier, Hon. Theo. F Klutiz, M. O, Salis bury. 3 p. m. Alumni Address, Mr. Jno. M Cook, A, M., (Joncord. 8 to 11 p. in. Campus Illumina tion and Promenade. Wednesday, May 31st, 10,30 a. m. Commencement Day Exercises. The members of tbe graduating olass will deliver addreisea as fol lows: Edward Fulenwider, Monroe, N. O.) snbjeot : Social Tendencies ; Jacob L Morgan, Poo'e, N. D., sub jeot: Ii Religion on the UeolineP; Charles A Phillips, Oonoord, N. C subiect : The Modern Novel ; Victor 0 Ridenhonr, Mt. Pleasant, N. 0 snbjeot: The Anglo-Saxon Race. Mnsio will bs furnished for all the exercises by the Davis Orcbeetrt, of Charlotte. I'nlvemlty Hummer School. The sixth session of the Uni Lversity Summer Sohool for tench era will becin on Jnne 20th nest and olose on the 15th of July following. Tbo faculty will in clude more than twenty promi nent and successful teachers who will give daily instructions in all of the. primary and academic studies. Among the North Caro lina instructors who will take part are Prof. Coker, of Golds boro; Supt. Graham, of Charlotte; Supt. Mangum, of Wilson; Supt. Mesos, of Ealeigh; Supt. Grims ley, of Greensboro; Prof. Claxton, of the State Normal and Indus tral College; Dr. Linscott, Dr. BaBkerville, Dr. Mangum, and Piof. Troy of the University. This faculty is the best ever assembled in the South for Summer School work and teaohera wishing to de vote special study should not fail to attend. The charges are low and there will be reduced rates over all railroads. For circular giying full particulars apply to M. C. S. Noble, Supt., Chapel Hill, N. C. Mr. C A Pamplin, of Asheboro, and his friend, Mr. W J Armflsld, Jr., attended tbe anniversary oi tbe Knights of Pythias. Baa Located Ills Hersc. Mr. Pratt, of Charlotte, who about a week beforehand lost his horse, was here Wednesday. He has succeeded in finding bis animal. It had strayed to Mr. Marshal Dorton'a in No. 10 town ship. Mr. Pratt had sent ar order to Mr. Dorton to let another entleman bring the mare to Charlotte, but lest there niifcht be some crookedness about the mat ter, Mr. Dorton would not let the animal go until the rightful owner comes after it. Avoid dry! inhalants, CATARRH use that which cleanse. and heals the membrane Ely's Cream Bain is a mre remedy, cures CATARRH HAvrnr. S yl easily and pleasantly. Contains no merruty nor any other injurious drug. It is ijukkiy ab orbed Gives reliet ai I f once. It opens ami demises the Nasal pas- saKes. Allays innamma COLD 'm HEAD lion. HmIs nnd orotects the membrane, restores the tenses of taste and smell. Regular size 50c, Fam ily size fi 00 at DruKRist or by mail- ULt llKUriiii SO waricn onset, inrw ivi in A STRANGE CASE. A Blow on tbe Head Makes the Ealr Ca pricious. Mr. W M Wilson is well known to many of our readers. He bas un dergone a strange experience lately. About ten months ago he accident ally struck bis bead against a post. He was looking in another direc tion lrom the post when be ran against it, consequently tbe shook was great, although at the time no serious injury resulted. A few weeks after tbe aocident his hair, beard, eyebrows and eyelashes be gan to drop out. This continued until ho was as bald as an orange. A little later on his bair began to grow on his head and instead of the natural color it was white, not gray, but white as cotton. In the same manner his beard, eyebrows and eyelashes were white. He remained i this way until a week or so age, ten months after be received the sbockt when his hair began to assume its natural color, a dark brown, and in a month or so Mr. Wilson will, in all probability, be the same as his friends knew him a year ago, Of course tke white hair changed Mr. Wilson's appearance. Very few people recognized him here, where he was well known. Ooe time he went into the bank here and it was with great difficulty tbat he made the cashier identify him. If be had wanted to get money out of the bank instead of making a deposit he could not have done so. High Point Enterprise. Friendly BelllKerenl. "We Clip the following from an exchange that looks rj much like it but we wonder how the two friendly sentinels happed to be able to understand each other. Let it go, however, it is good reading ; "In a letter to an Ottawa oounty (Kan.) paper one of tho members of Gen. McArthur's brigade writes from Manila: Night before last I was on picket duty all niht and yesterday morning I found that the negro picket was within a hundred yards of me. After a little talk we both laid down our guns and met between the lines and had a little visit. He said the peopLe in their army did not want to fight ns but they had to or their officers would kill them. He also said that he had not had a bite to eat for three days. I gave him what hardtaok I had with me, and it did me more good to see him eat it than if I had eaten it my self. When we parted we shook hands and, he cried like a baby." I'Rrbcl" Wiped Sat. A graceful act on the part of Admiral Phillip, late commander of the battleship Texas, is record ed in a recent dispatch from New York. "The North and South are united and there are no more rebels," said Admiral Phillip re cently, pointing to a relio of tbe civil war which has occupied a place OB the grass plot adjoining tbe commandant's offices. This was part of the ram Mississippi. For years on one side of it there appeared in white letters "Taken from the rebel ram Mississippi. "2 "You see," said Admiral Phillip "that word 'rebel' has been wiped out. I did that several days ago, because there are no more rebels, ana tne wora seemes ouc oi place." Progressive Farmer. Wtae aja There' Me Luck- Councilman J R C McAliater, of Philadelphia, presided at a ban quet last Wednesday night with which the officers of Cruiser Eal eigh were honored. The council man is very fond of clams and this was the first of the course. When he took the first clam in his mouth he bit kown with a relish but struck something very solid and gave about the smothered groan that one does when he closes down on a gravel. lie took out the nnclammy substanco and found it to be a pearl for which he refused $5,000. Capt. Co?hlnn asked to be allowed to christen the pearl which was granted and he called it the Raleigh Pearl. This name is destined to stick to it henceforth. -- KrHldenoea for Houln nnln Nlrret. Arrangements are being made by Mr. George W Brown to have two residences built on South Main street. They will be located be tween the residence of Ml, M L Blackwelder and the road which leads to his house. After these are oompleted his present residenoe will be moved np nearer the street. Single Copy5Cts. CUBANS NOT PEOMISING. Infer urnnt Knjn They Are Wet Fit for Seir-Uevernment. Mnjor Grant, paymaster in the U. 8. Volunteer sarvice thinks the Cubans a very unpromising peo ple, altogether unfit for self government. He has had oppor tunities for studying the Cuban and the Porto Rican and finds the latter much the higher grade sf being. He thicks Porto Rico a valuable possession and promis ing fine development. Mure About tbe Jncebe ivare, Washington, Miy 3. A large hol'lor of cigars purohased from Jacobs & Kendif, and bearing counterfeit stamps, made personal application to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue today, to modify the conditions contained in his recent circular letter re quiring innocent holders of these cigtre to pay the tax before re leasing the same from seizure, and this was urged upon the ground that the government was for quite a period of time aware of the existence of these counter feit stamps and their use before the guilty parties were arrested and their factory seized. The Commissioner said that the relief thus claimed was based upon strong equitable grounds, and said that he would grant it if it was in his power to do so, but that the law providing for the forfeiture of these cigars left him no course open, but that of accepting a compromise, which should at leabt include the pay ment of the tax by the holders of the cigars. He suggested that these claims appeared to be so strongly grounded in equity, how ever, that it would seem but just and proper that the holders of these cigars should be allowed to file chaims for the refund of the tax they wcro required to pay, with the view that these chums should be called to tho attention j of Congress, through the Secre tary of the Treasury, with a full statement of all tho tacts and that such leg'slntion should be recom mended as would authorize the Commissioner to refund and pay back the taxes whioh should be exacted from these innocent hold ers of Jacobs tfe Kendig cigars. Where Veil Can't Uet;t Wile. Adam Peshta was arraigned in a Ten'-pylvania court recently und corftvsjd to Judge Lynch tbat he Led ilcut treaty wives in differ par'p of the country. His Inst was a lf ye:-, re Id riirl. The parents ol thefcir! prosecuted him. He was fouri J guilty and eeatenced to the penitentiary for six years, the judge remarking when he passed sentence, "Wbtre he can't get a wife for a while. Col. Ftinaton Marie Brlgndler. Col. Fucstou, of the 20th Konsae, is the star of tbe American Army in the Philippines, it seems. His valor and skill has been marked at several plajes but he did some crowning feats at Calumpit that read more like fiction then fact. On the reo ommendations of Generals Otis and McArthor the President has pro motel him to be Brigadier General of volunteers. . Uen. Wheeler te Wed. We see in a number of papers that Gen. Wheeler is to be married soon to Mrs. Geo. W Ohilds. The fbila delphia Times announces it as a fact but Citnot fix tbe date as the Gen. and Mrs. Child stem to prefer secrecy . Another Hew York Murder. Another murder case will create lively interest in New York. Jame Neale Plumb shot and killed A!ex andtr Masterton at the Burlington hotel on the 3rd, inst. It was pre meditated and deliberate, it seems. Both are prominent enough to be noted. Plumbclaims that Master ton had hounded him for years and had injured him. Sugar and lea In South Carolina. Secretary of Agriculture Wi son has made a trip to South Carolina and seems greatly pleased with the manufacturing progw ss of the State He is strongly of the opinion, too tbat beet sugar and tea can be pro duced in the climatic belt of the State to good advantage. One of Those Mishaps. Runaways are getting to be some what common these iM.ys, Mr. W F Goodman's team took a run Wednefday evening, resulting in the dumping of a barrel of molasses near Gibson's corner on the ground. The barrel burst and the ground was made to look like a small boy's naola&ses bread a plenty thick. The - Standard PiUNTB THE MEWS TUAT IS JfEWS For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. Work 'jat Connterfeltere. Complaints are made in different sections of the city tt at counterfeit half dollars are being pasted on un suspecting victims in more than the usual quantities. The coins, strange to say, are made of alumin um and are a clever imitation, tne only perceptible difference being in weight. Tbat the counterfoils or their agents are systematically ply ing their nefarious trade in tbe city is evidenced by the fact tbat on counting up their money on Mon day night each of the street railway conductors found a spurious coin among tbe receipts for tbe day. They were unable, however, on ac count of the volume of the day's business, to locate the swindler. Wilmington Star. ' ...... t In the Home for the Aged of tbe Lutheran church at Washington is a man S3 years old, who when in prosperity built and supported a Lutheran church which is now self sustaining. Is it not a glorious thing that such a man can be well cared (or in bis days of need. Church Paper. Southern Railway, THE . . . ' Standard Railway of the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POIHT. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; I unman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Sate Schedules .... Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com lorlable and Expeditious jouis ncy Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Kates and General Inlurir.jllon, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P.itT. A.,. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, M. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, ira Y.r.fcben M'gr, Tral. Man., (i P,A. WASHINGTON. D. C. irWILLCOST YOU nothing to collect your old horse shoes and scrap iron and send to K. L. CRAVEN who will PAY CASH for any amount you send be fore April 15th. . . -. . STEAM and SMITH coal always on hand. M. B. STICKLEY Attorney at Law, - Concord N. C. &ILUAL ATIbi7I0X QIVLi 10 COLLJLL7IOXS. Office upstairs in King building near PostofEoe. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD, - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building lopoaite court house. U. G Caldwell, M. u. M .L. Steveu, M.O trs, CALDWELL & STEVENS, Concord, N. O. Jflice in old post office building opposite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone Mo 37 MORRISON H. CALDWELL ATTOBNIT AT LAW, CONCORD, N, a Office in Morris building,' .ppofltt Conrt house. At Four Score. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores HealtK. mm UNCLE FZEKIFL OREAR, aswwsor nd tax collector, Hoverly, Mass., who b-ta passed tlio N)th life mil 6 tone, tuijt: "Dr. Mii?s restorative Nurvtne baa dne ft great deul of flood I buffered for years from eluoplusMieiis and uitvous heart trouMo. Would ft't 1 weary and used up in tho nurn Inf?, had no umMtluii aud tuy wnrlt Huo ind burden, A friend reconiiuemh d lr. Ml Ion' Nervine, und I purchased a bottlo undtr protest as I had ' ri d so n.any remedn un ucceHsfully, I tiiouLit it no uo. I'ut It gavo Hie restful aU ep, a iud upx. ti'o au l restored uio to eii'rteiic h-ulth. It Li a gruud good metllcltie, aud I Kill L-l.nlly writo anyone lnquirim:, full part leu ';tM of n. v tt Is factory exniTlcncr." fy Vc. MtVs;' i.eie.iint I are sol ii 1 y ail dm-J RL-tH uml r a positive I - Mile' gu.LranUo, flrht hot Up 5 nervine n benefit: or ruout-y r -funded. Jkx.k on ii i eusosof thobeari anJ rven free. Aihlrtr.s, I Heatorea i Health fH t& MleUB UfiUlOAL tU, lud. 'il I t

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