The - Standard. The The :ard TANDA GOOD - JOB - WORK Pit! Mi, T. AT IIVINO PRICES. MEW ii 'I'UiT zws Give us a Trial. Only $1 Per Year. For 1 Vr Send U3l Dollc.". It! nr ) m TA S F.N. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. SURGIOAL REPORT. tbc HT Old Time Honesty It making LILEDOUN MUSLIN we use the best modorn machinery and old-time honesty. Every thread In LILEDOUN MUfcLIN It pure cotton which ?9 buy In the seed from the planter. We Kin, card, spin and weave It and Mil the finished muslin direct to the retail merchant. We save you half-n-doeea protit of com mission men, speculators ud Jobbewt. miEDOUN MUSLIN has the name on erery yM. If roar dealer ham 't LailOX)!?! end won't get It. wnil to tfa. mill. Will Bead direct, oerrUMmprepatd, to 60 yd bolt. or mora. A LILEDOUN button taw free. Writ, for one, MOORE COTTON MILLS.TlylonrWIIt.N.C. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OP REAL ESTATE! VALUABLE GOLD MINING PROP. iUvTY iOK SALE. All 1 hinge Were Ready When Bailie I ante I S3 Died o( Battle, ol Dleaae. A very interesting official report bag tero made from the surgioal I'eparimeBt in the Philippine" cover :rg the period between February 4tb, when the Filipinos attacked the Americana, to March 31st. It laya he total number of United Statu troops killed or who have dud from won i da received since February 4tb is 182. The total number of wouou- ed dnring the same period and not included in the above is 847. Of the slight wounds many of the pas tients have retnrned to duty. The repert says the eff.ct of the battle was marve'oui. Many who seemed hardly able to do common dnty were on the firing line when the engagement became general. The worst of the wounded and the sick, who it was thought could not recover on tbe island, have been sent borne and tbe rtport expresses the hops that many of tbe latter will folly recover through tbe change of climatic influences. Tbe report says the surgeons were cot caught unprepared when the attack was made and were in entire Radii ess. "The medical officers of this com n and, saya the report, bad been making preparations for a possible attack en our forces, and when it did come were ready for all emer gncies. The first am packages have proven to be of the greatest possible value; indeed, our who! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan Conntv. RtiLta nf N"rth Carolina, ordering a sale of certain prop- equipment rtfleots the highest honor erty hereinafter described, and em- for oar department. Litters, pooches nowennar aud directina me. as u ucFi iujcu.. j "i H"" Administrator of Jus. H. Lanier, to sell and medical and surgical chests were certain Real Estate of said deoeased to : .,.!. .,ni.. make real estate assets, and appointing " "" r"r me for that purpose, I will sell at the of food, stimulants and water were Court House door in Couoord, at public L u j j ., .t,i. auction, to the hiehest bidder for cash. on nnd. and our ambulance ooms at the hour of 1 p. m. on Monday, the! pany (reaseemled for the wolk) did, rsor.oed Real' Iv n.' n The "d " ing excellent work Comity of Cabarrus and described as The Signal Corps put the hospitals tuiiuwD, via; au uuuivuiuu .uue-iimriu i . . interest in and to a certain piece oi ln commuaicaiion Wlia me troops parcel of land lying in Cabarrus Connty at the front and thus we were abl ana Known as (ue xisner uoiu iuiue . . ,. . ., Tract" and containing in the Wh0e 8end supplies at a moment DO- thirty acres, more or less. Terms of vice. sale onah. "Tho snnnlv of food for this com 1 il :.. nil) 1 -1 rAn I J - aiouuus.moiApri,, ha. hn o-onri f.ntn lh lirr.. LEES. OVERMAN. k. " rw" ' .. Adm'randCom'rof Jas. B Lanier. OI "'ying nere. ui course mere deceased. ' may have been some defects, but these were few. The issues for the ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. troops for ten days are : Fresh beef, I aAtron dues hnAnn tvn Hava salmAn KnnTn flaTJni-.Tw ) . I ' ' ' J ' 1 Geo. P Burabardt, administrator of p toea daily, 70, 15 and 10 per Cent W Dry. deceased, plaintiff, vs. Chan. I rvpnefiti vnlv. Two ouncea anh nf Pry. Jno. 1 Drv. Mary T Robs and Aaimoai aa riuHhoinl flnrnuliiia Honsj T,nn1v i"! I . ' ..... Hrvant and hnsWwi .inn w Hrvint issued when desired In lien of four Bottie Smith and husband. RL Smith, ounces of fresh beef on datl when cieiemiaut. fresh beef is lssuinir n appearing to we satisfaction or the .'Smallnni heraa to annpar in 1 ni. 1 - - a ( I " - r" .... .,A . ..I T T. I- Bheriff of Cabarrus Coonty, N. C, and" command," the report says, "about from the ailidayit of Geo. F Rarnnardt September the 3&. Since that time filed in the above-entitled action, that we have never been entirely free B L Smith, are non-re-ideats of thi;Kfom ! '"ongb our Cases greatly State, and aftor due dilicreuce cannot be uiminisncn loraseason. en found within the State of North Cnrolina, tire EighthCo' ps Ins been vaccinated ana are neoessary ana proper parties to 0,er anQ oyeT gg8iQ . Many of our tbe above-entitled aotion, and whereas , ,, , , ' . tbe plantiff above named has bogun an c&8es of smallpox hae been of tbe action iu said Court to subject to sale most vnulent type a.d althou, B the the real estate 'of said P W Dry, decU utmost care was lakeo of them death aenonueu in me oumpiaini oi me plain- nni. . v,. nrBranteH irf nni tiff. Geo. F Barnhardt administrator. WM n0t ,0.e Preventea 111 qui And whereas the said defendants. .Tnn. number. We tave every reSEOO It Dry, liettie Smith and husband, B L Dope for a cessation oi this disesce. U ... ,H, 1 . .. .......1 i , . . I qujiui, uaio in luuuioui nuwiiii kiz uuu. i oecanse onr surgeons wi 1 never deceased, iu said lands, oeafe 0 labor w'ib tnat ,n. "ew- The Now, therefore, the said Jno. R Dry total nnmhrr of smallpox ca?es lo and Bcttie Smith and husband, B L date is 151; deaths, 77: cases tf omi, are uereoy noiinea tnat uuiess ,ari0l0ld, 85 : deaths, none uur La mm an wui nil iiiic uiiimh ui l hi . . rw . . . . Clnrk nf tlm Hmwine Pnnrt nf ni,l " I WO nutarea BUQ nf'y-SIX county and State aforesaid on or before wounded Fiiipii o, including four the 27th day of May. l!li), and plead, women, were received into the hes- daring Ftbruaryand March. will apply to tne Uourt for the relief de- '"j "-ci lumuuiug a wu manded In the oomplaint and for costs of action. This, JOtb day of 4pril, 1899. JNO. M COOK, Clerk Superior Court. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND TJndor authority and by virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Cabar rus county, in a special proceeding en titled Watt B.irringer. adm'r C. A Barringer, against 8. 0 Alexander and man, died. - Tries peop'e received he b(st of cre and treatment and ifto to appreciate tbe iff rts made in their behalf," A. Eeeaped roaylct. Neuleaeed al WiBni.n. Last ' January on the same night that the Foreman-Black shooting affair occurred here, wife and others, to sell land for assets 00hn ACOX, one Of the negro topaydobts. Iwill, as administrator Lns :. ma(1 nia a0P.r,n f,nm and commissioner, on Mondny, tbe 5th day of June, 18UU, sell to the hiehest the chain gang. This is the time bidder for caih. at the court honse door . - in Concord, N. C, tbe following de- when Fohcoman Boger shot scribed tract of land in said county, t ii, j , i. the waters of Clark's creek, viz. : All luIDD ""K't,o Sbiibu oue i'18? 'mreha8ed ,f Joseph Wallaoe aide with the bullet. John Knox uurnugur, auu uouuuea an 101-1 . .. lows: iifginning at a stone, the old weni irom nere to wiDston and Joseph Wallace and C A Karrinirer nnr. , . ... ner, and runs S. 70 W. 20 poles to a pile waB aestea .mere a snort wbile of stones, thence S. 8 W si polos to a afterwards for stealing some pile of stones, thenoe E. 30 poles to jjne, C. A. Barringer's line, thence with money, Jle hag DOW been con- said 30 poles to the beginning, oontaiu- t.j 3 , j . . ing two aorcs and 107 poles victed and sentenced to their "ay, ibvv. chain cane for twelve months. Aa watt Barringer, , . . . , . Commissioner. Soon as bis Bentence is complete Morrison Caldwell, Att'y. there he will be bronsht back here to work bis remaining three months. He was sentenced in county for nine months tor gambling and carrying a pistol, and worked six months. m t m , Tbe nitre I.aUrlppe Cure, There is no nse suffering from this dreadful malady, if you will only get ibe right remedy You are having pain all through, your liver is out of order, have no Appe tite, no life or ambition, have a bad cold, in fact are completely ueed up. Electric Bittes is tbe only remedy tbat will give you prompt and sure relief. They act d'rectly on your Livr, Stomach and Kidneys, tone up the whole system and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cure or price re tunded. For sale at P B Fe.zer's drug etore, only (0 cents per bottle. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned being duly qualified our as Exeontor of the citato of n Al JNeis ler, deceased, hereby gives notioe that all nersons indebted to said estate must make prompt payment, and all persons holding claims against said estate must present the same for payment on or be fore the 10th, of April, illOO, or this no tioe will be nlead in bar of their recov ery. This tin 8th day of April, 1899. . J. A. Barnhar'dt, 11. Executor. M. B. S TICKLE Y" Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. &FLUAL ATlkM ION (72ti 10 COLLtCTJONS. OClce upairs in King buildint near Postoflio That tjtime Hark can he rurett wlto J.JiUea'MiUViil n.AtTEB OuljjSBO. LAYING OFF ROADS. The Jurymen Appointed by Sheriff Peck To Lay Off Roads-Thetr Reports To Be Handed to the Commissioners at Their Hext Meeting. Sheriff Peck appointed five per- ns as jurymen to lay off the route of tbe new road from the lands of Mr. Robert Phifer to Mr. Robert Holdbrooks, in tbe northwestern part of the county. The jurymen performed their duly Wednesday, but at present the report has not been handed in. The following persons compose the jury : Frank lin Faggart, E K Misenheimer, j Kobt. Uline, Wiley Earnhardt and W L Morris. The jury, wkioh laid off the pro posed new road from Pbarr's mill to Rocky River Wednesday, were the following peisons: J W Morris, M M Gillon. A F Hsglar, C C Cald well and J W Blackwelder. They made the following report, which will be handed to the county com missioners at their next meeting: "Commencing at bridge and striking old road in front of store and following old road to Frank Teeter's, running between his home and barn and then straight to a large oak on line between Mrs. Vir ginia Prwin's land and Mrs Plott'e and with their line to Mr. Wm. McEachern's and through his land to Mr. Jackson Linker's shop and straight to place for bridge on creek and then with line as surveyed to, agreeing to allow Mrs. Erwin ten dollars damage." JOE JACKSON HANGED. Protested Ills Inuoceace aud Steele Death Wlita Keaignatleu, Joe Jackson was banged Thurs day last in Charlotte for assault on CONCORD WANTS COLLEGE. A Uood Larire Aanembly- t'nanlmlty of Aenllment Committee Appointed According to call, a goodly Minnie Brown, near Croft, in that number of the the citizens of Con- connty, last September. The pe cord met in the Conrt House ouliarity in tbis case is that Jack- Friday night, May the 19th. son was resigned, cool and fairly On motion Mavor Goe. W cheerful while protesting his innos Ueans wa8 oaIIed tQ ide &nd oence to the last. Indeed, as reports , R. ... . , n were made secietanoa of the meeting. The chairman asked Rev. C B Miller to explain the object oi the meeting which was in substance ed, Jickson acted and spoke as one would who actually was innooent The finding of the court, however was that ha was the man and his philosophical way of treating the matter seems as strikins as it is commendable and convincing tbat that North Carolina College did tffere may have been an error ia the not enjoy tbat degree of pros finding. perity at Mt. Pleasant that it was desirable that it should and that at a meeting of the board of Craven Bros., one of our f nrni- directors of the institution, said ture firms, some time ago ofiored board had asked oi Synod to a beautiful Junior range to the take some decided action for the girl under 14 years of age who well being of the College and that the North Carolina Synod had by Little Bins Prime. iKntn UlbKon Oeii tbe made the most words out of the words "Buck's Stoves and Ranges." The little girls have bees puzzling their brains to get the largest number, and the figures below will show that they a vote of 35 to 4 deolared it to be the sense of the Synod that the college should be remoyed to some other point. In pursuance have been laboring diligently, too. of this idea the Synod had ap Misses Laura Leslie, Fauline pointed a committee to invite pro Means, Mary Louis Harris and positiens for the location of the Fannie Hill acted as the commit- oollege. He stated that thisoommit tee to decide and they rendered tee was instructed to make cer THE any endorsement that the CoIIocr D has. Rev, Miller replied that hiteen thousand dollars had been secured by individual bonds that specified that they were fo.t North Carolina College, that some 14,800 had been paid in and let out secured by real estate mortgages. Mr. M H H Caldwell thought it not well to split too many hairs in the minutia, it was desirable to hayo the College, its benefits would be oi untold value to us and that if we wanted the College our bist efforts should be put forth. Salisbury, said the speakor, is not questioning but acting and boasts that she will have the College. We want the College and we enjoy great ad vantages by which to get it. Capt. Hill's motion was then unanimously carried. The'oommittee nominated and elocted were as follows : Ward 1-Dr. R S Yonng and W R Odell. Ward 2 D B Coltrane and D F Cannon. Ward 3 Jno. A Cline and M H H Caldwell. Ward 4 G T Crowell and Jno. L Miller. On motion Rev. C B Miller and Mayor Means were added to the committee. l'EACE fcSEEAId NEAR. It Is a Certainty Now. It ia now a faot to be depended upon tbat Concord will have btr cotton seed oil mill and ginnery, ss the subscription list is now almott oompleted. The amount of the stock is $30,000, and $27,000 has been subscribed and there is no doubt bat that the remaing $3,000 will be subscribed. Tbis establish oaent promises to be of the most up to-date make, being equipped with tbe latest of machinery. The time will soon be here when farmer can bring his cotton lo town and after giving bis horses rest of fifteen or twenty minutes will be leaded with his cotton al ready baled for the market. Seyeral persons are making bids for the machinery, and tbe contract for the machinery of the ginnery will be let soon. Mr. Nesblt Receiyes Injuries. . Mr. S R Nesbit, carpenter has been at work for some days on Mr. Knox's new bouse on North Brevard street. Wednesday morning he was tandiDg on his ladder at work, when the ladder slipped, throwing im to the ground. His fellow workmen ran to his assistance. He was picked up and examined. No bones were biokec, but his injuries ere painful, and Mr. Nesbit will kely be laid up for several days. cnarlotte Ubterver. Mr. Nesbit Is from our county and is a son of Mr Nesbit, who is tbe miller at Pharr a mill. Roeky Stiver Kprlnae Opening I'p. Rocky River Springs is putting oo new life tbis year, and the pro prietor is starting out determined to show the people the excellent ualities of tbe place as a health resort, not only fjr its pleasant tnation but for the medicinal ualities of the waters there. A ouble half column advertisement in tbis paper tells you more of its dvantages and of its location. .-e-- le Forearm Torn Orr. On Wednesday at China Grove, Pleasant Ketcbie, son of Mr. Milas etcbie, met with a bad accident. His arm was caught in the belt at the corn mill and was torn off bove the elbow. The wound is not thought to be fatal. BLOOD PURIFIER SENT FREE Cure for Blood and Skin Dis eases, Eczema, Pimples, Scrof ula, Blood Poison, Canoer, Eto. -If yon have tried aarsaparillas. patent medioines, and doctored, and still have old, presistent sores, pimples.distresings eruptions of the skin, painful sores on hands arms or legs, itching sensation, irritating skin troubles, eczema, scrof ula, nloers, oontagious blood poison, fever sores, mercurial rheumatism, tarrh, boils, face covered with little ores, cancer or any blood taint, then ve a. a. a a trial, because is. li. 11.- otanio Blood Balm is mado for just uch cases, and it cures to stay cured ofe stubborn blood diseases that other milder medicines fail even to benefit. All above named troubles are evidence bad. diseased blood in the body, and . B. B. cures because it foroei all tbe poison, or impurity or blood humors out of the body, bones and entire system. To remove all doubt of its to cure, we offer to send to any sufferer a sample bottlo of B. B. li. absolutely free. B. B, is an old. well-tried remedy. hence we know that itcures to stay cured for the people cured bv B. B. B. vears ago are well to-day and free from all blood impurities. laneer, Hleedlar. Eatlnarsllerea. Cancer of Nose. liu. fane, earnr neck. external or internal cancer, bleeding, eating sores, are all cured by B. B. B., the most powerini uioou pnriner made, Alldrnggista sell B. B. 13: at.t per large bottle. For trial bottle of B. 1). U., address BLiVVV BAiiAl CO., Mitchell Street. Atlanta. Qa.. and sample bottle will be ' sent by return mail. Describe your symptoms and frde iersonal medical advice will be givon. the following figures : Ruth Gibson - 4,133 Nellie Herring . . 2,851 Julia Alexander . - 2,870 Julia Barrow ... 2,309 Burtha Hill ... 2,145 Carrie Potrea ... 2,015 Mary Louis Bingham - . 1,630 Agnes R, King . . . 1,538 Ella Bell Widenhouse - . 1,386 Ophelia Fisher ... 1,180 Carrie B Graober . . 829 tain propositions and guarantees which would be set forth alter the meeting of this committee in his study on the 27th. This com mittee, said he, will report at next regular meeting of Synod or at a called meeting for this speoial purpose and that if any proposi tions are made the Svnod will The Junior range as shown by consider these propositions and the figures, was awarded to little occept that which the Synod Miss Ruth Gibson, daughter of doems most advantageous, pro Mr. W W Gibson. vided that the offers should be Tbey Dime to nee Concord. I SUlllClenC inducements, lllO Dieet- Two railroad officials, Mr. J II ing tonight, said the speaker, is Drake, of Richmond, Assistant to ascertain whether Concord de General Freight Agent, and Mr. sires the College located here. G R Browder, of Raleigh, Divis- The chairman asked for an ex- ion Freight Agent, spent Wednes- pression of views froifl a number day afternoon here. Knowing f gentlemen. from the reports going through Mr- 1 M 0de11 thought the town their hands that a good amount wouiu Uo wel1 10 Becar0 lh Co1" of business was done at this place, eBe and ahta resolve to secure they came down to look at our j1 8td do 80 bJ offering- such place. They yisited Our different lniuooments as would anect its busy parts and expressed them- lotio" selves as much surprised as to m ,,. - ? T T .71 ... : . i... Odell s views and thought that tne Bi,e ui mo piace. , . , . . I wuuum nuuiu miao a Ji ou I up- neUUntou a Bona nnrtntiitv if obo rllA f It- -..j . wuv wiu uiu hvh aw an to secure that institution. He was arrested a week or two for felt that the College was within running a retailing whiskey busi- the grasp of Concord and that we ness up about Uuflalo mills on should reach out and got it, Sunday night and who was sent to Mr. D B Coltrane felt that jail to await court.has been trying whenever the North Carolina hard to get a bondsman, and has Synod really offered the location at last succeeded. His brother, of the Co 11 ego to us we should by who lives at Thomasville, went I all means get it. By no means on his bond for $100. which bond let the College pass out of Ca was justified by the aid of another barrus. party. Mr. Wagoner is now loose Mr- P B Fetzer thought there and left here for Charlotte. was no question but that Concord a iior.eTbT7rtjTimi7e7 00uld Ret the College and that Chief of Police Meredith. of she needed it to put forward the ' iit. in.i... i i i Monroe, arrested a negro last . ,, , .,, , a i j . . , onwardness parallel with her aaiuiuBj uu auttpioion. xne . r business progress, man was riding a good bay mare Dr. jj 0 Herring thought it not and had a set of burglar tools on a question whether the means for his person. The horse has been securing , the College could be advertised and the man is in jail, raised but how it should be Prisoner and property will be raised. A few names in the call kopt until May 25th unless there oould secure the College by their are further developments, gays "n ability but he wished a pop- tke Enquirer. u'ftr interest taken and some i means adopted like thai of the Tbree Iralnbeaiera DlHFbaraed. , .... , . , , ,, , .... uunuiiiK nuu mau system uy Three persons have bid the nU man ' chaingang an adieu hoping never bfl yaluab,e oontribulors. to see i again All three were chairmaD MeanfJ oommendcd pnt on for beating the trains. One jjea who bad been sentenced to ten m, Wm. Weddinrton said he days paid himself off by Belling wa8 aniious to get the College his wateh. The Swedo served his anii that Concord's temperance 37 days, and a negro also served record marked her as a suitable his sentence ont. They have gone piace t0 locate College, their way rejoicing-that they are Cact. Edward Hill moved that Off o nnm m it f nf tvn mm aanli w wu .swwva ortv II SUA VUV11 J1 the four wards of tbe town CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 20o. Tbe genuin has L. B. Q. on each tablet. A Kealy to Poet lllion, The Standard has received the following poetry for publication from Mr. A J Malone, of Lancaster, lex,, which is written in reply to roe. iixon, oi near Mooresville: There is a man ia North Carolins, To hint my bat I'll tip. Avnlnnlfln SemlN t'o'iii l .ioiK-ro Aaeln lllTKlrf In Broko,i enl JI Weep Uul In Alj 1I to KairriKlrr, The prospects are now better than ever for an early poaco in the Philipincs. Another set of commissioners have been bent to Gen. Otis and it is undurslood that the general's demands will be acoeptod. Dispatches say, however, that Aguinaldo is broken in spirits and is weeping over the calamity that ho has broufrbl ou himself and the country at'd fane to surrender. ajohi mere do Dad laitu or a possibility thatdelay is sought our troops will not be idle but will reconnoitre and be in reudlia to strike at any time. ' Greit confidence is felt, bow ever, that the war is practically over. Daily of 19th. t .irei (lie Pficoiitl tiiiltal. a.i litkeu IsiJro capitui and NO CURE, NO PAT. lne I0,,r waras oi tne town be That is the way all druggists sell authorized to solicit subscriptions Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills for the purpose and to inquire ii is simpiy jron ami jto tho fpftHjl)ilit,v of ft hnil,lin and Malaria. Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults refor it to bitter, nau seating Tonics. Price, 50o. Heme Big rolton BUI. The new cotton mill Olympia to be built at Columbia, S. C, is to have 104,000 spindles but will stili lack 8,000 of being up to the Pelzer mills at Greenville which is the largest in the South. THE BEST PRESCRIPTION EOR CHILLS and fever is a bottlo of Grove's Taste less Chill Tonio. Never fails to cure; Then why experiment with worthless imitationh? Price 60 cents. Your money back if it fails to euro. and loan style for the contributors. Pending discussion of Capt. Hill's motion Mr. D B Coltrane asked of Rev. Miller whether the board of North Carolina College had taken action necessary for removal. Rev. Miller answered him no but that the board is the creature of the Synod, that it had appealed to Synod for decisive ao tion and that he could assure Mr. Coltrane that the "board, would acquiesce in any action the Synod would take in the matter. Mr. Coltrane asked what about Since 1 read that piece so shiny xie wrote up on ia grippe. They say bis name is Dixon, Quite a poet, too, is he, I guess I had as well be fixin' For I bet be will jump on me, But to beat him I wont undertake, a or iear l make a slip, For that man be was wide awake In his write-up on la grippe. He suroly did guide bis pen well Just with his finger's tip For the whole truth he did tell In his write-up on la grippe. And when he mentioned the qui nine pin, I could taste it on my lip, Forget it ? No, I never will, Because I took it for la grippe. No doctor need to come around, lo put in any lip. For Dixon surely could turn him down Concerning the la grippe. I like the piece, too, mighty well, He wrote en Crucifixion, Such things I can't get off so well Like tbat man S. L. Dixon. With me snch things are put te nignt, My mind it goes to mixin', And so you see I cannot write Things up like S. L. Dixon. They say one time he wrote a piece mat was worth noting down, But its circulation bad to cease, For it was on Smiley Brown. But I cant write a little bit, Neither am I a fixin', Because I have not got the wit To huck at S. L. Dixon. AN EPIDEMIC OP WHOOPINO COUGH. Last winter during an epidoniio of whooping ohongh my ohildron con tracted tho disease, having severe coughing spells We had used Cham beriaiu's Cough Remedy very succoslul- ly lor croup ami natiirallyturucd to it at that time and found it relieved the cough and eHbeted a complete cure John L ClilFurd, Proprietor Norwood House, Norwood N. Y. This remedy is for sale by JI. L. Mursh k Co. True to the Neettt. The well trained blood hound is doubtless of great value in tracing legbaiicriminalR. Another instanoe is noted from Chata nooga, Teen., where Jesse Hatlley an 18-year old negro boy assaulted Miss Bessie Sparks and escaped. He left his shoes and the dog took the scent from them and soon had his teeth in Hafily's leg. He first tried to exonerate himself bat came down to a straight contession". The sheriff spirited him away and saved him from the usual fate for the usual provocation. For Over Fl ty rears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing 3yrup has been used for over fifty vears bv millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfect sue- oess. it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Sold by druggists in every part of tbe world. Twenty-five sents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Byrup," and take no other kind. Looking BoltiT In Cnln. But a few days ago the Cuban situation was regarded as ominous of trouble The follow ing dispatch to the War Depart ment puts decidedly a hotter color to appearances : "Havana, May 17. "Adjutant General, Washing ton : "Gen. Wood reports as a result of his recent trip through tbis department that everything iti quiet and peaceful. Iteporta of brigandage are absolutely without foundation. Tho peoplo are working everywhere. Similar conditions prevail in other departments. Brooke, Commander. Dispatches say tbe Cubaus are cooling down decidedly and are counseling moderation. Loadeil at lloih Eiidn, This is a snake story rigl.t, but unlike most Buake stories, Ibis is a true one, fur a reputable niun, Mr. A M Hurgett, of Faulk vicinity, vouch s fcr il, Mr. Hargett's son was iJoH'iii ;i fW days ago and turbi d u:, u aimill green snake, wliicL. to bis utter surprise, bad two head.', .one on each end. The head at tho tail end of his snakeship was n little bit smaller than the other one, but just as perfect, with eves, mouth and all. And what's mure, both heads were "lickin.;- out" their tongue. If anybody can beat this its time for thorn to come forward. Monroo Journal. This is a case which deseryos pity on tho part of all. Nature has performed a rems.ikiblu frak eithor on thia man or the coiling animal. What would you call that a snake or tsnake3, brother ?J The ancient believe thut rheumatism was tho work of a demon within a man. Any one who bus hud an attack of scia tic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that the inilictioa is djiuohiac enough to warrant tho belief. It bus never been claimed thut Chamberlain's rain Balm would cast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, nnd hundreds bear testimony to tho truth of this statement. Ono application relieves the Pain, and this quick relief which it affords is alone worth many t imes its oost. For salo bv M. L. Marsh & Co. A funu built in n (Ih . Mountain View, Washita county, Oklahoma Territory, is record breaker for rapid growth. On Monday the 0th inst., it was a mere forest but it was surveyed and 800 people settled on it the same day. A niflyoi', alderman and treasurer were elected and all the municipal machinery was set in motion. Tho explanation is that it is williin a profitable mininu recion and most of these people- were in onmo near the place thev selected for a town and when it was laid out they made a rush. Hbot IIIniM'll li ell iiiui. Clement Smathers, of Waynes ville, this State, a boy of 11 years died recently from a wound madw by a gun in his own handn. It w i accidental. When the Railway Tw graph Superintendents' anHocin. mtuis in Wilmington next Mr. Mayers, Jr., will givj a dtxor.sira tion of wirelesa telegraphy. T';p experiment will consa t ol sending messages from Wrightsviile b to Wilmington without tha use yf wires. Ex. n l.ikAiHt t: Gen LaA'toii the second I'liipiuj is pressing tLa .Oiy before Liui and they innttt soon take t j the nicaulu!ns where food ia Lwdly btainable or surrender. Indeed many of the wealthy are returning home aud laborers are returning o their nto Ju'ds. These bLow Loir soon i'siou i.nd refpejt to he Am-oiieaus by tukic.? oil their bats s the train pn:j3 along. T'.io fewest nu'-iLer of casualties ii:ive occurred ii: the lata opera tions. Daily of loth. lfoin r. 'rilie Hero. New lurk City, it eeetua, is going to ep'ind at biv.'t $150,000 t3 giva Adciiful Dewey a suitable reception. The I reeideut has the jeweled sword locked up iu a efo ready to present to the hero at a suitable time. l'atnl t yt'ldiip A cycloci g!i'uck Caleshurg, Iowa, Tue.'day aud beside doing great damago to pmperty idled three perfions and seriously injured four, some of whom will probably die. tows l( the Pasture!. Gen. Ludiow has issued an order that will tuovfi the cows out of the residences i i Havana and put them in the couutry, where tbey can pro duce healthy milk. Southern THE . . . Slani'crd of the SOL THE MI; XT LINE 10 Al TSXAS, CALIF, FLORIDA, CUL and ; r;; :r Strlcil .; . ., . : Til, -i. . ... . , . ... i . ' l'a,, i. r., Traiii : . . hve.y . ...N iS. iVM, CO, : all man .girt .lei vtulher-i )i,U ll:i" ii ey and . .).. red a Salv, Ooi. -. !...d L:,p cj!tlous..,ou - Apply Ui Ti.kct .Veins l')r i :mc TaMes. Hates una Ge.ieral liilomullo.:. ii. I. Vl:Rr;uN, -. K. LiiRBY, i. ;. a., c. ?.r. a., Ch-r: jile, .V. C. Asheville, X. C. Ko IruuMc !j .-uivA'cr Question. Prank S. Ga.-.i:on, J. M. CVU; W. A. Tui Jrd V.rUtien M','r. I rat'. Man., G. ?,A. WASiil.niN. 0. c. iT Wild. CO,-: to collect Si.OlJ iXL.C Bend to ii T VO!f NOTHING your oil horse e-cruu iron and . l: CKAVKN who w il I'A . C A.Sii. for icy exsunt you sonU be fore Ariril lo :i LTEAM and S.M1TI1 ccal always on huud. L. T. HARTSELL. A'i VO L Y-AT-LA W, CONCORD. - - N C. l'roa:pt h'.ttitioa given to till buuin-eid. OiliCe in Horr:3 building npoaito court bouBe. D. G CU1.VC,;, M. ii. M .L. b:t.e:,s, M.U Drs, CALDWELL & bTLVJiNS. Concord, N. O. )ffice in old joat ollije building jpposite bt. (Uoud Uo:i'l. riiciie iVj 37 filOlatlSOiN U. CALUWKLL A 110 il XI Y AT LAW, CONGO iiD. N. O' Oii'ce iu Movrid bus Court iiout! diu.' :ppcs't Nlnaalnr CniiHe ol' ltit(li. Prof. Wm. Hale, of Mc!'i.jri.e, New York, died suddenly ,'eJ.iw day under singular ciruuuistauecu, His great merits were recognized and he was offered the prefe; -j.-ebip of Materia Medica iu Cornell Medical College, with a euhvyof 810,000. He was greatly lijli-iiU-.d with it and his emotion developed a dormant trouble of the hear! which proved fatal. v "V.'hi'n a Navr J. i'iatv ! l-.M i- Or. Mile Meuical tO)is;urf.