The - Standard e PRINTS THE AEWh tuat is NEWS , For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. The - Standard, G0.3-J0B-YQflK AT I IVINO TRICES. i Give us a Trial. TANDARD. Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1899. Single Copy 5Cts. JL iE El '- -Wv Mil Old Time Honesty In maklriK UT.EDOUN MUSMN we use tiio best modern uiaculnury and old-time lionesty. Every thread In MLKDOUN MUHLIN 1b pure cotton which we buy In the need from the planter. We Kin, card, pln and weave It and sell the flninhed muslin direct to the retail merchant. We save you half-a-dozen profits of com inlsBlon uieu, Bptsc-ulutors and Jobber, . fvfUSLIN hu the name on every yard. Ifyonrdpftler hasn't LILEIXirNand won't set tt. itend to the mill. Will iwnd direct, carriage prepaid. In 60 yd. boltn or more. A MLIX)UN button bag free. w rite for one, MOORE COTTON MILLS Jaylonvlll..N.C. ADMINISTRATOR'S sale of REAL ESTATE ! VALUABLE GOLD MIXING PHOP EKTY FOR SALE. Hy virtuo of a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County, State of Nor h Carolina, ordering a snfo of certain prop erty hereinafter described, and em powering aud directing me, as Administrator of J as. D, Lanier, to soil certain Real Estate of said deceased to Diuke rcnJ estate assets, and appointing mo for that purpose, I will sell at the Court House door in Concord, at public auction, to the highest biddor for cosh, at the hour of 1 p. m. on Monday, the G th day of June, lS'.H, the following described Real Estate lying in the Cnniaty of Cabarrus and described as follows, viz: An undivided oni -fourth interest in and to a certain pioce 01 parcel of laud lying in Cabarrus County and known as "the Fisher Gold Mine Tract" and containing ia the whole thirty acres, more or loss. Terms of Bale cash. Duted this, 24th of April, 1S99. LEE 8. OVERMAN. Adm'r and Com'r of Jas. li Lanior, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Nobth Caromsa, Superior Court. Cajiahuus County. ( Geo. F Rarnhardt, administrator of P V Dry, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Chas. Dry, jno. R Drv, Mary T Ross and husband, Cornelius Ross, Lundy C Rryant and husband, Jno. W ISryunt, Bettie Smith and husband, RL Smith, defendant. Ii appearing to the satisfaction of the Conrt from the return of J L Peck, Sheriff of Cabarrus County, N. C, and from the allidayit of Geo. F Rarnhardt tiled in the above-entitled action, thnt Jno. R Dry, litttie buiilh and husband, 11 L Smith, are uoii-rniden'H of this Stato, and ait.'t duo diligence cannot be found within the State of North Carolina, and are necessary and proper parties to the above-entitled aotiou, and whereas the plantiff above named has begun an action iu said Court to subject to sale the real estate of said P W Dry, dee'd, described in the complaint of the plain tiff, Geo. F Rarnhardt administrator. And wherras the said defendants. Jno. R Dry, liuttie uiith and husband, R L Smith, have an interest actual or con tingent m In irs it law of said P W Dry, deceased, in said lands, Now, therefore, the said Jno. R Dry and Rtttie Smith and huslmud, R L Smith, are hereby notified that unless they 1)0 nnd appear at the otlice of the Clerk of the Superior Cou;t of said county and ftnto aforesaid on or before tho 27th day of May, lS'.K), aud plead, answerer demur to the complaint of th plaintiff iu this action, that the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint and f r costs of aotiou This, 10th day of pril, 18!)!). JNO. M COOK, Clork Superior Court. COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND Under authority and by virtuo of a decree of the Superior Court of Cabar rus county, iu a special proceeding en titled Watt B irringer, adm'r 0. A Barriuger, against S. O Aloxander and wife and others, to wil land for assets to pay debts. 1 will, as administrator nnd commissioner, on Monday, the 5th day of Jnue, IS!)!), sell to tho highest bidder for caih, at the court house door in Concord, N, C , the following do toribed tract of Innd in said county, on the waters of Clark's creek, viz, : All that troet purchased of Joseph Wallace by O A ISarriuger, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stone, tho old Joseph Wallace and (! A Harringer cor ner, and runs S. 70 V. 20 poles to a pile of stones, thenoo S. 8 W. 2t poles to a pile of stones, thenco E. 20 poles to a pine, C. A. liarririger's line, thence with said 80 polos to the beginning, contain ing two acres and 107 poles Way 8,18!)!). Watt IUrimjioKn, Commissioner. Morrison Caldwell. Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOT1CI Tho nndersigned being duly qualified as Executor ol tne estate ol r M how ler, doceased, hereby gives notice that rtll persons indebted to said estato must mke prompt payment, and all persons holding claims against said estate must present tho same for payment on or be lm Ue 101b, of April, 1!)00, or this no- tioa will lo plead in bar of their recov ery. This the 0th day of April, 18'J'J. J. A. Bahsrahdt, 11, Executor. ADM1N1S TUATOR'S NOTICE. Havin.'jiieen diily inalified as adminis trator of the estato of Hope M. Barrier, deceased, I hereby give notice that all persons indebted to said estate must make prompt payment and all porsons holding claims against said estate must present tho same for i nvment on or before the 23nd day of May, WOO or this notice will ho plead iu bar of their recovery ThiBMuy 2tth, lew. Wado Barrier, Administrator. MR. JOHNSON DEAD. COHNOtl!!! Ht I.RHl CUeS H I ncmn-ouly awirel.eit Behind A Member or Ihe Junior Order and Odtl Fellows. For some time it lias beon knowo that deuth was not far oil ;or Mr. Wm. Johnson, of Foreet Bill, who for several months h is been unable to fill his position in the Odell m'lls, where he had been employed for more than 15 years. He has had consumption for quite a long while, and for some time has been receiving a sicki bent fit fund euch wet k from the Junior Order of the United American Mechanics and also the Odd Fellows. Mr. Johnson was a man of good character, and was a man who had 'riends. He was reliable and had the rospoct of those above and below him in that avocation mill work. He leaves only a wife, together with relatives and friends, to mourn thedeath of a victim of the drea.d disease. He was 28 years ot age. The Junior Order and the Odd Fellows united Sunday morn ing at 1 1 o'clock and burriod thoir fallen brother with the honors of each order. The funnral was preached by Eev. J D Arnold in the Forest Hill Methodist church. A GREAT WORK. The Red CroHM IJlNtribiitos 83.70O.0O0 Worth to SullerliiK Cubans. A report has just been pub lished by the Central Cuban Committee, iNew York City, to the Secretary of State that con tains much information of a very interesting kind and illustrates the high rank of civilization of our nation it we do find things to deplore and complain about. When it was realized that peo ple in Cuba were starving at a tearful rate and President Mc Kinley made his call in Dec., 1897 for charitable aid to the suf forers, there was a hearty response e 11 over the land. Quickly Miss Clara Barton was on tho scene and the work of relief was taken in hand by the Red Cross Society. The people gave money and sup plies. The railroads and ship l;nes m arly all carried theso sup plies tree and even gave them the right of way over puil for shipments. Tho work of relief was bat just well started when hostilities mado it impractical and the Red Crosa people came from between the lines and fol lowed closely alopg with the America j adv mce. Some were conticated by the Spauiards, of course, and some had to be disposed of and tho proceeds applied in other way. Tho list of cash contributions printed in the report shows about 1,200 names of persons, churches and local organizations, the total contributions up to February 15, 18'J'J, bung $215,117.35. The con tributors o! supplies f rin a lit t of about 500 nam. a, with an esti mated aggregate value of $G8, 030.41. Besides thin, thirty-eight car-loads of supples, vnluod at $G6,C71.77, were sent from various cities. It ia stated that the entire cost of eclkctin, transporting and distributing the donations, aggreg.itiug more than $370,000, was on'v 2U per cent. About $7,500 will remain after all out standing bills are paid, and this sum wi l be turned over to Miss Clara Barton to aid-in the hos pitiil work in Cuba which thf President, the Secretary of War and Gen. Brooke have asked her to establish. Of outside charities which have sent supplies to Cuba thorepir mentions the Citizens' Committee of Philadelphia, the Associate Society of the Rod Cross of Philadelphia, the Orralia World Herald and tho Kansas City Star. If troubled with rheumatism. Rive Chamberlair's rain-Halm atrial. twill not cost yon a cent if it docs no good One applicaion will relieve the pain. It also cures sprains and bruises in one third the timo required by any other treatment. Cuts, burns, frostbites, quinsey, pains in the side and chest, glandular and other swellings arcquick ly cured l y applying it. Every bottle warranted. Price, 25 and 00 cts. M L Marsh & Co. HIGH SCHOOL CLOSING. N:lPHfIll HcIhIIoiim Silili(llilly in cited to n Full llouae of Dcllchlrd fcpf clMlors. The court house was comfort ably filled with ea-:er spectators today (Thursday) to hear the w 11 i endured program of tLe Concord High School. Rev. T W Smith lead in prayer. Mr. Thompson announced that the guthering was situp'y the closin? cf the Concord Hinh School and not a commencement in auy true sense. There were no pretentious to orations or essays but selections would be ricited by those who had finished the' ourse. The selections were found by the audience to be very cood in deed aud most of them were well delivered. "Responsibility of Young Men," by Ralph M Odell was rendered in a manner that indicated that the speaker may yet take high rank as an orator. "The Old Clock," by Miss Snther was a beautiful doliuea- tion of life scenes importing the thought food therein with the monotone of the old clock as it seems to say "Forever, Nuver, Never, Forever." "The Blue and tho Gray," by Miss McConnell was ot that thrilling strain Bo'deeply fiilin.' tho popular mind now, that in her way of reciting it, you were lost to all but the eu.o ions the words inspired. Miss Fisher recited "The Old Cinoo"in rhythmic flow but the ear of the writer could not catch all aud enjoy its strains as those iierer. Mr. Henry Craven leaned "Im pulse and Duty" wild an eaey, na'ural grace that eeeined. like h'8 cwn thoughts. The ml j ct wis well aoaUz?d and was truly niiifjiog and Ui j'-iya'uli". Vibj bhould the bpint ot aiorui Be Proud" waa recited by V.ise Kiui mocs with very good tuYct. She kerned to enter well info her sub ject, and beeide being gratifying it was promable to near. Lou? Ago" waa recited by Mifa Bron wku eta-: aud racifjinesa Our ear a so failed to cu'.cb all the sentiment, "My Mird to Me a K;rgJm L" by Misa King was eubhma in its depth of thought and evidently well euough said, but was broken into by our inability to keep the whola thread. "Tven'.j Year3 S.p" b Citt:8 13 wed eo like Ga dimii' V. tKser;ed Village and v.;i- trine-11- ia a ",' b.j natural anii sKr kf taat it would be u treat u unr us a e pt.'rtair:) )nnt. Hugh Piopst drew npun i he his tory of Ihe past ardtbeyi io" of he future i i his d !:ver of ' U ti Tta'c America," I', is doe to say f.s a v bol that h ixerciais inilica ed a (onrnr.t o;w v dre-8 unci upvanJu-'Siu the work of i be Concord hic'i r.h ol. !'bpr wir-2 rna'i, flwil tr;b:iia. The ebauoel was a flora! a rj and the ewuet srenm over the room euosewhat took the p!a?8 ot innnc. Wu will endeavor to get and give to ur reideri later tre exci lient r port read by Mr, Thopipeon. VV'e Oil also indeavor to shnw the Hr.f of f bought ( f Dr. Smith' i plrndid 'dries. IJtirkfoivti Arulcn iiivr, T: i'vit ijaiva in tbe sicrld for ..! . r;- i;ca, bores, Ul ra, Sa t '. ;-.a, Kever Kor?8, 'IHf- r hepped aaue, Chiiblaite, Corus and all tin Eruptior.8, und po.-iti?e!y cures iloe or no jay reqinr. d. It is isnu.tofrl to give tf isfatioii or ..iifT r?fi:rjl'l. Price Z5 ointi; poi ,i Kur at V B Fe z. 'a Pruj? it., Mis 'omosllloii. Tho small boy who wrote the fol 'owi.ii compesiiioa shoss eip,r:s of becoinicg a great, historian: ' King IlrnryAte was thegreatest widovter tba ever was. lie wa horned at Arniu Dun i 10 in; the year 100C. Ha hid 510 wive-9 and tbousandu of children. He were fir-t beheaded and afltrwards esecutid. Ilcrry At1 wu succfed( d to the throne by r,v preat giandmothor, tho brauti fj! Mary, Q ieen of Scots, earns times c.iile.d the Lady rf ti e Lake or the Liy of '.ho List Ministerial." -Ex For Over t'l ty Venm Mrs. Winelow'a 8oothiug Syrap hn been ustd for over fifty jer.ra by millions of mothers for their child ren hi!e tee'hing, with per'eot 8uc o;na. It soothes the cnild, softeiis the gums, allays all pair., cure2 witul colic, end is the best remedy for Diarrhoea, It will foliev the pooi li'.fle sufferer immediately. J'old b;, druggist in every part of the world. Twenty five senta tot'le. He BF.rt and a?k for "Mrs. Wioalova f-'ooth-ing fjrup," and take no oher kind. DR. SMITH'S GREAT SPEECH. WIUB f IKI.IH OPEH TO HIE VOUSO The Nonlli DcniMda Thorooitlily Kqiilppral TniiHV Talent Indnatry Bnl lomplPte EiIiickIIod Mccemiary to Bine In Ilie World. Concord was treated to a gem of piastical thought at the close of the Concord High School Friday by Dr. Uenry L)uia Smith, of David son College. The speaker makes no attempt at oratorical flourishes but pours ont a stream of thought un imbelliahed with aaght but faots put iu plain, good English. lie took for bis subject, ''How to R'se in the World." He weuld not bave come to Con cord but for the hops of addr aaicg thejouDg. Ha was sorry for anyone coute ted itb bis or her attainments ai d hie obj et was to iuppirs ambitions among the young for the highest proficiency in any catling. Ha decland that tb! young in the S;uth have better opportunities thriD anyabere in tbe world. The day wan wbeu the world de nnmded tho.;e of rver age to fill tbe pu'pitc, to exercise the judicial tunctioua, to occupy political posi tion?, to manage grand mercha-:tile and industrial en'erprisia, to be at the heid of g'eat iDatitutiona of learning aud to command grand aroile?, but not sa now. All tbiuge ties being qua! che young man is prtforred. Young Dien that can t sport a mous'ac'ie are found at the head of vast enterprise. It is a youn -; raw's era and cyen more a youn? woman's era. Kvery avenue ia open to the young especially in the South. Gradually, even tbe iffJce of pres ident of ibe Uui et 8 atei is being fiiied by joungiT men, and that, too, from tiia humbler wa'ks of life. tie contrasted the opportuuiti s bere with those iu E-irope. A hotel waiter in Ejrrpe iB the b-st in tbe world but he is bom and bred a waiter, tit 4 ancestry were waiters, ub his posterity will be, but here tbe waiitr ai:ibiuoiS loeuueeei will yet ow the ho el and ctmnmiid otheis. Tub worthy heroes of the great civil wur were long idolized and were practically the leade s atjd dio tatoiB in the South. They are now tilling honorable graves and there iste no conpicuou8 leaders. No bets fir opportunity ever existed for reat political talent to forge to the front. E'pecmlly is this true from the fact that politics in the Sontb is unsettled aud uns'eble, with to P'edominent issues. Tbe Democratic party would now drop into actional fragments but for the race problerr. E?e:y manufacturing establish ment is a staudmg advoaeof tbe , rotecuve eys e n. There is a field for some towering t olical talent to bl'ze the pathway i l tbe S,uth. Tbe pheonominal grow h of man- i fac'uriag in the South opens tbe v,y for many to use to positions of dignity and emolument. We need iiofesLdonal iuduatry. The field of literature, once pracs icilly c.ojed against Sonmern luttorp, is wide open and Boutbern ittera'.ure from Southern authors Is more eagerly sought today than from anywhere. The population is growing denser Hid ere long journalism will reach i higher stage and must have tbe more advanced talent. Great Imc". ing journals will b: needed to mould tbe advancing thought in the ex panditig development cf the Sontb. Colleges and schools are multi p'yiDj and must have able beads and i ffioient corps. There is room f r all and the man well equipped is perplexed to ohoose among his opportui ities. Tbe means by which to attain th ee desirable ends ara industry eioipped with education. The spaker aeea'led village lsz' nee?, tbe barging around tbe soda fountain for a five cent drink that it Wk'S four hours more to digest. There should be no idlers and at taiumpnts ebould embrace a com p'.ete mattery of the line of industry engaged iu. The South demands rojre industry und education than formerly. The speaker s.n 1 that A p'eton's biogrpLicbal encyclopedia con 'aius tbe names of all n.en of marked eu :cees in life in our C untiy. There are 175,000 gradu a ci on tbe rolls of our colleges einoe the birth of the oa:ion. Five thousaud of tbet.e, or 1 to 35, bavt their names in the cyclopedia Of about 100,000 000 of men thatba'e livel in the Uni td Sta'.e beside, bat ten bons.iud, or 1 to erery 10,000, bave wen places iu this cyclopedia. Among pbysicans the thorough J educated havj nintceu cbaucei i f i niinence to one of those ehort of a coin pie e college course, as :hoi-n by the cyclopedia The speaker was impressive with ihe idea that here ia too muoh eaas aid idleness that hiudua ednca licmvl ard iu'iustrial progress wbicb tbe Houth is demandiug. The speaker stroDgly urge! that no one who will equip himself well wil lack renuiLerative place "o fill in life. CLOSING EXERCISES. The Urndeil Hrtotl Enlartalna Claad Music-Wlnnlnc "Tots' edirylna F.y and Bacllutlon Diplomas I'rfurnleU. The annual commencement of the Concord Graded Schools held in the court house Friday night was a pleasurable occasion. The chancel was decorated and the class motto "To Be Rather Than to Seem" was suspended gracefully oyer the five girls who have just finished the course. U)v. 0 B Miller opened the exercises with an invocation after which the program was rendered without announcement. Proi. Ktebler presided at the organ and that whole enthusiastic band of singers seemed in the heights joyousness as they sang to perfect time and great unison of chord. It is always a treat to hear these childrod and watch their expres sive cdunterjances as they sing. Miss Harris' band of little "tots" were just bo cute, lovely and sweet in their charming little mo tion son-B that the aged and staid could but descend fiom their grave and dignified mien and in sympathy be "tots" too, again. The essays of il iss Daisy Bar rier, subject. "Henry W Lionir- fellow," Miss Nina Dayvault, sub ject, "The Value of Books," Miss Olie Fisher, subject, "China and Chinese," and Miss Flossie Pounds, Bubjeet, "The Friend," were all of high and edifying order. Miss Mary Strieker re cited a poem on the great snow clad natural cross in the rnoun tains of Colorado entitled "The Mont of The Holy Cross." The tones, the emphasis and the enunciation were up to the average of the same number of speakers in ' any performance. They showed good training. Mr. D B Coltrano the president of the board ot school commision cra presented diplomas to each of the class which is a new feature in the Concord Graded School Mr. Coltrane extended - his re marks in the interest of all the children of the town as invited and nrged to attend tho Oraded School. Tbe class then sane; their "Farewell to the School" whloh was the only feature of the enter tainment calculated to briug a pang of serious reflections. Rev. B L Iloge closed the ex cises with prayer and benedic tion. Thus ended a most successful session of the Graded School and the exercises as well as the gen eral atmosphere of the school shows it to be at the high water mark of proficiency and progress Mr. Prne bile to Harry. We learn through a letter thafflroken. on the 11th of next month, Mr. Prue White, of Greenville, S. C, who formerly was a freight clerk here and who was liked very much by his acquaintances, will be mar ried to Miss Lula May Gibson, of that place. The bride and groom will pass through here on the night of the 15th, and will stop over here on their return home. They will stop with Mr. and Mrs. A 8 Day yault, where he formerly boarded. Three Nutas an Their Way Home. On Thursday three children, who have no sense of speech or hearing, arrived here from Morganlon on their way to their home at Locust, in Stanly county. Tbey were of the same family two girls and one boy and are the children of Mrs. Mary Hartsell. They expeoted their deaf and dumb brother to meet them, but he tailed to be here and they spent the night with some of their friends at Forest Hill. Ills Fine Was I'ald. On Thursday night Police Boger caught n white boy beating his way on the train. Ue was captured aud brought up town and confined in for the night. Next morning at trial Mayor Means put on his fine and costs, as he dots almost every day, but a number of persons made op a purse for the young man rather 'bun see him go to the chain gang. Ue was from Kowan connty. Dir. Eihralin Maunejr Head. Gold Hill lost one of its oldest and best citizens Wednesday in the person of Mr. Ephraim Mauney. Mr. Muney had lived to see eighty-seven years pass by and leaves several children. He was an unole of Mrs. J L Crowell, of this place, who was in Washing ton at the time of his death, TajfiY'EE CAPTURED. Tba macro Wna Fired at the O nicer Naturdnjr Slab I Now on tueThaln trniiir for the Bntislaelioai ef Iba Town Tba Ntate's Warrant Contin ued The Oilier Captured and Fined. It will be remembered that on Saturday night, tbe 20tb, Mr. John Lonirj, who was a ipcciil pj iceman that night, attempted to catch two negroes who were tnougni to oe in the crowd using snob, profane lac guage. Tne negroes too k cneir heeli but at last one tamed and shot several times at tbe effioer, the shots being returned by the (flioer. Nothing was done about tbe mat. ter until Wednesday tbe two negroes were brought btfore Mayor Means. Sim Gray ia the name of the negro who did tbe shooting. Ue was ars rested on tbe State's warrant but the tows alsi had to settle tbe matter with him. Mayor Means pat a fine of $60 on the negro together witb tbe o sre, which will satisfy the town's part of the matter bat the State's partis continued, and the ne gro, after finishing his work on the chaingang will bave to give a bond for his appearanoe at the next term of oourt afterwards. The other negro, who pioked up his feet with such agility, was named Robt. Gray. He was fined $2.50 and the costs. This will no doubt learn Sim Gray that it is a dangerous pieoe of business to disobey the command of an effioer whea he is to d to halt and that it is still worse when be tarns and fires on theefficerof the law. Wanla bam Fsa-ed. The "Fire-Baptized Holiness As sociation" have erected a large tent here on the lot of one of their con verts, and are holding meetings three times a day. DiBpatch from San ford. It is a most deplorable fact that the are some men in every com munity in the world who are ready to accept any kind of "ism" that the most depraved lanancism cud conceive of. If the snake-eaten of Africa were to send missionaries among us we believe they would find some supporters. These "Fire Baptists" to whose unhallowed ends tbe sacred name of religion ia perverted, should be egged out of the State. Greensboro Telegram, If no one attends these meetings then ther would oease. Let the people absent themselves from such places. CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. The genuin has L. 13. (j. on each tablet. Urn. t attle withdraws Mis Knit. Gen. A D Cowles has withdrawn bis suit for $20,000 damages against tbe RaleigQ street railway coaapany and has paid the costs of the action. It will be recalled that in Kaleigb last summer Gen. Cowles, then lieutenant colonel of the Second Regiment, came in collision with a street car while riding horseback. His horse was thrown to the sround. falliDg on him, and aa a result the general's ankle was He promptly entered suit but has withdrawn the suit on ac count of proving negligence on the part of tbe street car company. He prefers to withdraw now rather than risk losing tbe case in court. Statesville Landmark. Bennle Levy Improving. On Tuesday, May 2nd, Bennie Levy took lockjaw from runnings large splinter in hit foot. For sev eral days the boy was at the point of death, but he will bow recover. His jaws are open a little more now than when he was seized with the affection. He has an exceptionally good appetite and eats almost any thing he wants. For weeks be has been sucking his victuals through a tube and now he can put bits in bis mouth with bis fingers. This will be an extraordinary case. NO CUKE. NO PAT. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau seating, Tonica. Price, 60o. The Pleule Postponed. The picnic at Rock Hill Saturday to be had by tbe operatives of tie shops at Spencer has been post poned on acoount of tbe inability to secure cars just at this time on account of tbe heavy travel, so the Salisbury correa pond ant of tbe Ob server says. I oonsider it not only a pleasnre but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell about the wonderful cure effected in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I.was taken very badly with flux and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few doses of it effected a permament cure. I take pleasure in reoco mend ing it to others suffering from that dreadful disease.J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. This remedy is sold by M. L, Marsh Co. SOMETHING BENEFICIAL. Ihe Nlala Hairy man's association and Nwlne Breeder's association Both to Meet Hero Hex! Month fiomeiblna; ef Interest to Every As Well Aa to Every Cltlsrn. Cabarrus county can well be proud of the fact that on the 27th and 28th of next month two Associations will meet here, last ing two days, when every farmer in Cabnirus county as well as every person interested in stock any way should attend. The State Dairymen's Associa tion and the Bwine Breeder's Association will hold their meet ings here. These meetings are held for the purpose of mutually benefitting each other and awake new interest in the work. These meetings will consist of lectures by local dairymen and those interested in the raising of stock, together with lectures by two experts from the Experiment Station of our State. Numerous apparatus will be on exhibition, such aa those showing the mak ing of butter, testing of the qualities of milk, etc. and all of this will be free to the people. In tbe afteinoon of these two days the Swine Breeders Associa tion will meet. Let the people tarn cut to these meetings and let no improve ments in these lines escape the eye of our good-living farmers. The Christian Held Baofe lab closes for tho Season. The meeting of the Christian Reid Book Club witb Mrs P B Fet zeron Saturday was one of unusual Interest. Mr. Holland Thompson was present by invitation and made an address which will long dwell in the hearts and minds of those pres ent. This meeting brings to a close tbe second year of the Club's life. Tbe members of tbe Club are to be congratulated that it has been crowned with success a season of growing interest and literary work. The attainments of tbe past will doubtless prove an inoentive in a future which is full of promise. Tbe Club will resame work in its third series in September. The members of tbe Christian Reid and Julia Magruder Book Clubs will join in a picnic at White Hall next Tuesday afternoon when in inter change of happy thought which "breaks through language and es capes," they will spend a pleasant hour. The ancient believe that rheumati&m was the work of a demon within a man. Any one who has had an attack of scia tic or inflammatory rheumatism will agree that tbe infliction is damoniac enough to warrant the belief. It baa never been claimed that Cbamberlain'B Fain Balm would oast out demons, but it will cure rheumatism, and hundreds bear testimony to '..the truth of this statement. One application relieves the Pain, and tbia quick relief which it affords ia alone worthmany times its cost. For sale bvM. L.Marsb & Co. ' eoad Koads ror (Inlirard. Greensboro is taking hold of the good roads movement in a way that it woald soem would be a decided etimulus. There is a good roads olub of men who agree to pay certain amounts per mile for 40 miles of macadamized roads to be made in the county outside of the oity limits. The subscriptions run from $200 to $4000 and aggregate thus for $6,600. This is to be given to the oo anty commissioners as the work progresses. It certainly displays much earnestness in a eoad cause. Cotton I p to Time. We learn with much satis fac tien from one of our leading farmers of No. 3 township that the cotton crop is in better con dition at this time than it was at the same period last year. Though planting may have been a little de layed by the late Spring,the season has been favorable to a prompt germination and growth so that to oar pleasant surprise the cotton crop is well up to time. Engineer Tonstall Wets Uaniacee.' Mr. W B Tunstall, tbe engineer who was on the northbound fast mail the day of the Harrisburg wreck two years ago, and who was injured, brought suit against the Southtra in Alamance oounty's ceart and bag received $8,C00 damages. Rev. T. W- Smith President. In the- withdrawal of Rev. C F Rankin, the presidency of the Cabarrus CountySunday School Association was made vacant. Rev. T W Smith has been duly elected by the executive committee to fill the vacancy. Preferred Barbed Wire and Nwamps. On Thursday night two "hoboes," both oolored, jumped from the pass enger train, to escape tbe officers. Mr. Lecke Parish, who was assisting that night, chased the negroes bat the front men went to regions at molested by officers. They went down a large embankment and landed in a barbed wire fence. After paying their respects and several pieces of clothing to this impediment they passed hurriedly to the swamp where they took slow and cautious steps, for the mod was over a foot deep. Bat after all they escaped the thirty days sentence to the chaingang which does more than tear clothing ad bary knee pans in mad. Patient What are your charges, dootor ? Doctor My terms are $5 a visit, madam. Patient Is that for both the rheumatism and malaria,? Doctor Yee . Patient Well, times are hard now, and money does not fetch the interest that it used to. Suppose you let tbe rheumatism stand and onre only the malaria. Harlem Life. Southern Railway. THE Standard Railway ot the SOUTH . . . THE DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLASS Equipment on al! Through and Local Trains; Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars on all Trains; Fast and Sate Schedules . . . . Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com fortable and Expeditious Jour ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tabh Rates and General Information, or Addicss R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, Jrd V.P.fcGen M'gr, Traf. Man., G PA. WASHINGTON. D. C. M. B. STICKLEY Attorney at Law, SlEdlAL AT7&MIOX 01U' 20 COLL At I IONS. Office upstairs in King building near Postofiice. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING to collect your old horse shoes and eciap iron and send to K. L. CRAVEN n. U III DIV CACTI uu mil X A X VAUU 1U1 any amount you Bend be fore April 15th STEAM and SMITH coal always on hand. L. T. HARTSELL. ATTOKN E Y-AT-LA W, CONCORD - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building loposite court house. O. G Caldwell, M. u. M ,L. Stevens, M.D Ore, CALDWELL & STEVUNS. Concord, N. O. )ffice in old post office building jppoeite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone No 37 MOKK1SON H. CALDWELL. ATTOBfJlT AT LAW, CONOOBD, N, a Office in Morris building,' !pposit Court house. Dropped AH Other Treatment, "When I heard of the wonderful cures performed by Miles' Restorative Nervine I dropped all other treat ment. Nervous prostration and gen eral debility h id nailled the efforts of the best physicians in this section. Ihe tirst bottle ot Nervine prount relief. I continued usine; it tocilui with Dr. Miles' Heart (aire nut, I health was a.ij.iin restored. Mn, O. W. Olmsted, Knk.tpoo, Okla. Dr. Miles? Kcrvinc is told by all dniiis'i "i iriiiirannr, first bottle benrlin or in mi. v h.n l. Buuk on heart anil nervr scnl lice. Or. Mils Medical Company. Elkhart, Ind, 4Bv:

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