The - Standard. The The - Stand rad. TANDARD. GOJD-JOB - WORK PRINTS 7 H R AT LIVING PRICES. AEW S t;ia r is ' jv2S WS Give us a Trial. Only $1 Per Year. Superintendent Mebane has sent oat a circular letter to the . county Superintendents with referenoe as to which are to be recognized as theox facto boards, the old or the new as appointed by the last General Assembly. In the case ol Sampson county Judge Tims berlake rendered a decision in faror of the old board. The case is pending in Supreme court. The State Superinten CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1899. Single Copy5Cts. 8UPKEMACY QUESTIONED. 4 Cmniiliia a fteaar4 te tne Herts Carellna lelleaV Qneeilen Me. Editob : I presume jon have oonsoled yourself with tbe idea that yon hare prod need sufficient evis dence to convince the moat skeptioil that Bjnod it inpreme and intensely sovereign. Mow I will make one more effort for the defendant and then I am done. Now, let ni analzze the evidence to gratify the prejudice of men frcm Tennenee, Virginia and 8outh Caro lina, who came here to pastures green bat in a abort time will not be teen within the border, of the N. 0. 8 nod. Mt. Pleasant had a right to expect better things. The inffratilude A FORTUNATE FIND. For 1 Year Send us 1 Dollar. MORE BUILDINGS. A Twa Tear' Term Heg-r Caplarcd and Bronaht Back to Ike Ckaln an Captured la Charlotte He la Duo Ike conntj Home Work Yer. In the Diner eat Parte or Tenn the Sonnd of the Carpenter' Tool la Heard Nome Be lug Bain and Oth re Contracted For. On the 20th day of laat October Joe Orr, a negro, who was sen- manifeited by some of tbe advocate! tenoeJ to the chain gang for two I erected, still eaoh week the col- of removal of the colls? ii too had years for the larceny of some lraotora Inform us that more work to ooniider. clothes, made his esoape one Mr. Editor; yon should hare night from the tent. quoted one other section of that Nothing was ever more heard sovereign making constitution.which from the negro since that time, ever, i,.t.r in . v n 'J M0nt by some officers, and some I are as busy as bees these days and to labor for the npbuildingV her 7aK Mr Benfield, cannot stop for hot weather, for our institutions of learning superintendent of the chain gang, h"w """" a piace to Bnei. T . . . ,. . ... . . I wu nnn t ... a r. I . ir is ngat, u it is honest, it it I """""" "" auowor- Despite the faet that numbers of houses, already .noted, are being is in the distance. One fact is no ticeable among the contractors now and it is that the price of lumber is on the inoreaee each week. Contractors Propet and Caldwell nMrlnAkil kw rkn ulantiW 1 am ikia dent says that in Sampson nd Me j county he recognizes tne old e.iden0B nrovna trvn mnnri Ynn board according to the deciss ,e libertI1, from the oon.tuution th. daflfir,nliftn V;;: ;; Mr.Ed.Clineis havingtwonew mat man oiaer counues ne ty, and then you introduce several , " , , - cottages erected on the rear of his recognizes the boards ap- practical illustrations to corroborate , J. 7 ulu,u m tHu"J '" - property on South Main street pointed by the General Ass the testimony of the constitution. H7 T T' '3 vnt wno remembered the ne- The new buildings are near the col- sembW and will continue to 1. That I F Patterson willed . "ww UODB- 1-n"e w gro well went to Charlotte after ored church do so till otherwise fixed by Synod some money, and said money fZv' J0 " " ii.. I u 1 nan Ail nnfc on mm t .. hri I TOUirOTtriJ mo courts, i a v. a - J i ; T i escape again he will be there for some WE MET DEFEAT. A Fine Game of Baseball It Was-The Statesville Boys Proved Too Much tor Us In the First Game. We will have to oonfess that we were surprised at the result of the game Thursday between our baseball team and the Statesville boys. But this is the first game of the season and our boys have not yet become familiar with each other's part to play, The battery for Statesville was Malone and Turner. Our battery was Mangum and Graves. It was somewhat a battle between the pitchers, Our boys made two runs, while the Statesville boys made four. We were jubilant over the pros pects when the telegrams came stating that Mangum scored us How I am done. uuio nor inoiinatien to enter into Mm -:c.j t.: j t n,K. . k: u.!..j i I- a vol WU MUUU UIU1 OUU 11C I - w aw aSVaUK UIiaiUDU 1UI all' on this question. waH nn n !,. , xv,i. other story on the nicker room at one run in the first innint. and i.i 1L -i . . I I - b-b "fs" "vj, . - . . . therefore Bvnod is sovereign. How 7. . . vuu,uu "uu and nnlesa hn mftVB. ia ..MnJu,,ll0,II"H' wort will be o'wsviiie oniy cipnerea. in Tree Fell on Him. , r thInk i. on will nonnlt tha mia I the question and by I . . . , , I commenced on this iob as soon I the second inning Caldwell scored Mr. EliiasHolcomb, of Surry .... ef 8 ' , -on will find that lhat rn,e not fonnd ,n th oonstitu- wm De mere Ior 80,116 as possible. us one run and Statesville tailed li .l J - - - . jTO J iL.i . a .1 111 Ilia )!.. I.. . I . oountT met wun a serious ana r.i,.j w "u ojuuoi taaicommanai mat . in tbree months from now oda to be in it ncraJn Unf ti, perhaps fatal accident Monday of ' . ,,.nh th.f we should do to others as we would He hai 7 PTen the county will scarcely realize when the tide turned and th Irll w. two months and twenty days of transformation of that field near the made a rnn. This mHt hftv u u MoAllister. nis valuable services and the road scond Presbyterian oburch took hn a tima -i, i, a I . 1 av UVU lli71AUU ObHllU maBiorwin use him for twenty- fairly shook with applause. From t.t J l. tt. u.4 .t. -j purposely to aisonarge leeany tnat . : w. o uu UOpFeu - - - - nave etners do to us. aown a tree wnion lodea on an- "" other and in trying to get it down right to disoharge, which is another it fell on him and mashed him so evidence of Synod's supremacy badly he is not expected to live. Winston sentinel, Why Capt. Phillips Gave Thanks. Congressman C B Landis tells the story of Capt. Phillips' devo. tion after tbe battle of Santiago in a new and and interesting way as he tot it from the nftntnin'a AFTER THE STORir. Pinned Down Then Droyned. Herman, Neb , June 14. At least thirteen persons were killed and as own hps. Mr. Landis had a long , , f a , . . 7 . . " i(vlo ... . , , tornado and flood which devastated interview with him in whioh the battle was all gone over when he this town Ia8t evenin- About 100 ventured to ask the captain otnerB are dangerously icjured, hav- about the devotional part. The 'nS Buffered broken limbs or bad captain was visibly embarrassed bruisee. Few, in fact, of the Mlin- andsaid: habitants of the villa k. i "Well, Mr. Landi?, it was this I without some injury. A cloudburst way ; 1 that is it was well, followed the tin r,f h .inj. storm, and tome of those who lost their lives wore drowned in the tor- if you drop your hat on the street and some one picks it up tor you, you say 'Thank you,' or if you full down on the street and some one helps you up. you al ways say thanks.' There was that boat, with a storm of iron and shot going on one side and then the other. Th rents of water whioh swept through the streets and among the wreckage of stores and dwelling?. There were persons who might bave been res cued but that they were pinned down in the ruins, and the water would fall in the water all around roee above them. us, and then there would bn a Five hundrod Dersons are home. periect cloud of them passing over less, hundreds are destitute and re- uui uouub, Bnu yet We Were not ief hftH hPBn bM nf th lo, W7I ii 1 i I oiiua.. Muoiiii'B ninr was oyer . f .u. a...- ir... . .u .ii . , , . i iuwuo ui mo QiBiB. iuobi oi tne a , "" t" myenwrj homele88 cftred for iuuliu mnb wo were not nun. Tenns le One efthe Elabi. . The son of Gen. Lee is one of eight who have been dis charged from vVest Point TVraa Their Weddlna; Day. . " I r "ii nr . ri Ntxt is the assertion that Synod "n. Wednesday Mr. Theo. one months and ten days yet. "V VD8 n a?on" 18 naT1D8 a this point our boys seem to have mb ... I-- niimaa Al hrinana hm 1 1 m n- 1L I sold lot and an organ in Leiing- Cochrane, of Mecklenburg, paid Joe has been in Charlotte for Tn . 7. ,7 , hsd a11 ther could do to hold tos. Kbe did collect money from Concord a visit a visit such as several months, but says that he m c ,"" their opponents down. In the the church and took private subs I he nevor naid ns hnlnr. TTa stavad ahnnt. C,nmnrA in o . .. fourth mniucr the enemv cainnd Oae is then a two-story building and tbe other the two more scores. But now came the beautiful part of the playing, the fifth and sixth innings He I stayed about Concord for a weok anvinfinna mnA Knnfrhf a lisf akn rl an I i . . a .....I ... I B1 wa,M oame to meet the joy of his heart or more after he esoaped ArrM i ft I Jl'ln ntAn anlth an BlABT Af I I - "- v. -d t l,nrr;.,1 J-M , U,. want. f 1 lAnll. AAomirnn , t . . . parsonage of llev. I Q MeLancrh- Vireinia. as soon as the neeessarv bills of - aim UHimtuK nuuuooui wonuip, ,. I " 1. u I nmnnntmn in nnl'n , 11 she discovered OI i"reeKCnQron wbere They Wed onthTsamelaTT L Z " Z JTT ' . hrl trffIl tn v" th A TWa aV.Tlfan VoH A Ann fTL I I " v " 4 VUUJUIOUWJ UU kUD ICB1" aawVy VUVU . uuo. mi TB , ,, am I J t u. T t,- u. - 1 13 -" - ' """r " "'v uouwui mi. jdo. ijesue on vesi iiu soiuujj unjiuiiiK oui "'"" aunwiu, rf u"XwMknown here both of whom boar. Denotstrefit. Th nlana h C Dhera on tlm annrarV hlr Tn ir. 11 , , . I I 1 a- v vuu - wvaa err. alA 1 1 nn r Ann ariar 1 ii ura 17 1 an vr aayaj m ah as a an 1-. 1. . 1 1 1 - v twu vu. nuu iviUTDiii, 1 uauvaivuuuii VUUillY, WUU llttB I 3 i Hr O j. n li Anmn a fi.M.J tL!. t .n a nl,ll. ll.- Oi.i oeea spending seyeral weeks married Wednesday. The one was building will be one fair to look scored their last here with Mrs. M C Query. Mr. lrue White, of Greenville, upon. of deficiency. Twenty-Six Sink With tbe Ship, The British ship Loch Sloy was eluded but after a year or so i that the organ was about all the lost recently near Kangaroo Island, There were thirty people aboard and bat four members of the crew esoaped. PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS. The marriage was partly a sur- not know to possession of tbe lands and she Endeavor Convention meets wanted to sea ner interest ana tne In the matter of Superior Court. James Maxwell, Cabarrus County Apprentice. ) June 8, 18M. The above namnd, James Maxwell, is nereoy notinea tnat w V Kitchie bag filed a petition before me, the under signed Clerk of the Superior Court of Cabarrna nonnfv. ankintr that (ha hi-tmla of master and apprentioe, made by this question at issue was oould Synod conn, oe aissoivea, ana tnat tne said ..11 wrl,t ,, ..1. v.j : nrnanant Eitohie be released from the bond MI1 wnat ti9 0nlT B,a ,n PPeO1. euted by him as master, and that said and the court decided she coo Id and TVrdXxw'ell i. further niiflfi 'b.r.fore Synod ha. a right to legi. that unless be appears and answer or late for the church without any in. uwuiur iu nam pennon on me oin aay 01 July, 18'JK.atthe office of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court 01 Cabarrus eounty, tbe prayer of tbe petitioner will be granted. Jxo. M. Cook, rnereiore sne is sovereign ana nas a right to command the churob and the ohuroh must obey, Again, Mr. Blackwelder willed Synod some lands, to get possession 0' after his wife's death, if I am not mistaken. Mr. A D Misenheimrr married the widow and was usin of Mr8- Ed Oorrell, of this place said lands. Synod did S. C. and Mr. Jno. Craven, of Tin ifm Rt-ri n rra Ala TViia io nn. I prise w some 01 tneir relatives, other one of those singular occur- out tneir admiration has been rences. known. Mrs. S C Alexander making preparations to have a nice residence built on Mill street almost opposite tbe home of Mr. Manlus Goodman. Work has not yet commenced on boys run, neither side having gained a run in the is also last inning. The groom is a brother t Try it Kain. The baseball teams of Spencer and Columbia ara onina in teat, aoah Tnethristam convention. other's ability fleain on tha21stand Mr- Geo- W Brown's two buildines hn (ami kaln.. alia nnlil itnma tn IT1L. r .. . . . . loO..ft . U : . .1 m 1 . nn Mnnth Main at.a.t ui iuiii romt mi v. n- inn 1 ninrnntinnn irntlill ui win ujuuiu. i lie names . . win db played at Columbia. Sev 10 era! of onr hnva nlnvad with lb a Detroit, Mich., July 5th to 10th. Spencer boys in their other game Clerk Superior Court Cabarrus County. North Carolina, . n . Cabarrus County. T ""P6"0' 0, Nellie Koonce, plaintiff, vs. Edward Koonoe, defendant It appearing to the satisfaction of the Clnnrt f mm tha rafurn .T T. T.wilr Sheriff of Cabarrus eonntv, N. C., anil from the affidavit of Nellie Koonoe, filed in the above entitled action, tha tbe de. lendant, i,lward Koonoe, is a non-rest dent of this State, and after due dili. genoe eannot be found therein, and that e is a necessary and proper party to tbe above entitled action, and whereas tne planum above named baa begun an action in said Court relating to real property situate in saidoonnty, whioh the subject of said action, and in whioh defendant claims an interest, and the re lief demanded oonsista in exoluding him from said interest. . , , Mow, therefore, tbe said Edward Koonoe, tbe defendant above named, is hereby notified that unless he be and appear before the Judge of the Superior uourt oi uaDarrns oounty at a Court to be held for said oounty at the Court House in Concord on the 6th Monday ueiore tne 1st Monday of (September next, it being the 34th day of July, and answer or demur to the complaint whioh will be deposited in the ollioe ot the Clerk of said Court within the first three days of said term, and let the said defendant take notice that if he fnil to answer or demur to said complaint within tbe time required by law, the piaintin win apply to tne Uourt for re lief demanded in tbe complaint. This May 15th, 1809. JNO. M COOK, Clerk Superior Court structioni whatever, but tbe last inclneiye. Miss Mamie Bays who is on the program for tbe occa sion, informs us that one fare for round trip has been secured.. irom unariotte tne fare is against the Palmetto State boys. free fills Send your address to H. E. Buck, en & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy No doubt this was one of tbe most enjoyable games that our boys will take part in this season, though tbe score should have been reversed for us. It is cer tain that neither side was playing "rotten" ball. This is the kind of bnsoball the grand stands likes to face. Daily of 16th. NO VICTORY. it seemed to me no mom than fair that we should say 'Thank you,' so I had the crew called on deck and told them so. Every man took off his cap, and you could have heard a pin drop on iuai ueun, ana, alter it was over and I walked past that crew, 1 saw tears on the laces of many an temporarily at Blair, and the railroad company has run in a number of box cars to house the destituto for a time, bringing provisions from Omaha. A Mad Ceuimentarjr, It is possible that money will not do everything for a man, but it is a old sailor that I supposed did not d8a cer'ailty that there are men who will do everything for money. St. Louis Star. Southern Railvc' reference to Synod's authority oersl $21.80, Salisbury $19.40. tainly fixes her supremacy beyond a doubt. She recommends to the various churches that they oon. tribute to a . Home Mission fund, whioh is used to aid weak congrega tions or mission points to build houses of worship eto. ' Now it happened that St. An Preparing; ferine Feartb. Misenheimer's Springs, June 13. There will be a publio mission- in action and are narticularl v effect ary meeting held at Bethel Lutheran ive in the cure of ConstiDation and church on Sunday, the 18th inst., Sick Headache, for malaria and at m gn nii, . t. o : , . ... Board can b had at 11 M nr . .T" lroODleB e? ben r i irons tna Mt. N aiiini naatnm a will I j : davlntnanlf. Tin.. P. . . ... 5" ' ""Mr" mva.uuu.e, 4 j . . suo 0 Wttn 1-astor l.tnn. an teed to be nerfeotlv frea from furnish badges at 15 cents each. Mr. Brantley Plyler's houseLVflfV "L'." " m," T1.-17J human1 nn th. RiH W .10. . ' . . .. . utfKuuiou, ou mo uiamonu. u .i.uDTuicra nro vo Unye , ' ' ' - De purely vegetable. They do not paper called the "North State """"B "as savea. ine lamuy weaken by their action, but by giv Endeavorer" as an organ of the baV.g0.t0. neighbo,'a hoU8e in ing tone to the stomach and bowels society. It will issue soon from 'n " nlgnl Mr. 1'lyler s greally invig0rate tbe system. Reg- The Concord and Statesville Teams Fall to Gain a Victory from Each Other Not as Good a Game at the hay Be fore Some Trouble Arose, Our baseball team returned They are guar- home Friday nicht from States perfectly free from villa after playing a two days t 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 . D drews church was a mission .point L Grange, N. C, edited by Rev. " " u,u' "uu " " eaa nlar size 25c. per box. 8old by P B COMMISSIONER'S SALE OP LAND Under authority and by virtue of a decree of tbe Superior Conrt of Cabar rus county, in a speoial proceeding en titled Oeo. F. Barnhardt, administrator P. V. Dry, against Chas, Dry. John R. Dry and others, defendants in the above entitled action, to sell land for assets to pay debts, I will, as administrator and commissioner, on Monday, the 8rd day of July, 1809, at 43 o'olook M., sell to the highest bidder, at the Conrt House door in Concord, N. C the following oescnDea iana in saia oounty near Cold Hprings, viz : About 100 acres in No. V townsbip, Cabarrus county, adjoining tne lanos oi unaries bo, Keed Alli son, Wesley Caasell and Henry Bost, the same being the lands upon which P. W. Dry lived, less the 29 acres of said tract allotted to barbara It Dry, as dower as recorded in oflioa of Clerk buperior Court, Cabarrus oounty, in book orders and deorees, No. 4, pages 413 and 415. Terms: One-third cash, balance pur chase money due in 6 months from date of sale, interest 6 per cent, per annnm, with approved seonrity. Uao. i . Babnhardt, May 81, 1808. Commiss'r. Morrison Caldwell, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTIOK. Having been duly qualified as adminis trator oi tne estate oi nope m. isarrier, deceased, I hereby give notice that all persons indebted to said estate mnst make prompt payment and all persons holding claims against said estate mnst present tbe same for j syment on or before tbe 22nd day of Ittay, 1900, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. . This May mh, 1P90. Wade Barrier, Administrator. fenee-f aud that St. James t Concord aided J S Williams, this mission to a considerable amount, and St. James was not as shock to her. The 'phone is now in operation eivlng Trouble Yet. in the hotel SSlas Paltle nnankle Married. We hear some comolaint still There is eleven hoarders at thi. w8 notice in the Stanly loyal to Synod at that time as some on North Main street on account writing, and more emscted Enterprise that that town had of its members would have every of the offensive odor ariHintj from dy. They represent Charlette, a marriage on Tuesday morning, other Lutheran to be row, and in a the sewerage. It is also a source Salisbury, Norwood, Wadesboro the 13th, the parties being Mr. C uvu.1,.vw...Va u...,u,uvu.i!in!U 0, oo eagnra lo lhA ntl ana conoord. I a A,maf,ff i Tm. j. K j i. r Aorth Church street. We foelL lner w,u 08 P'cnlo at the Fetzer. Our boys were defeated in tho game on Thursday but on Friday neither team gained the victory, as tbe score stood 11 to 11 The following scores were made by innings : la the first inning Conoord scored two runs, and Statesville gained one rnn. In the second neither scored, neither was there a run scored in the third inning. Tbe Statesville to giye her note to St. James for tbe amount claimed against St. Ac drews, and now Synod owns St. An drews church. Maybe she does, if so, n tbe same line of reasoning she wntSt. James, too, and St. Marks at Charlotte and St. Johns at Satis bury, and every other churob she has individually helped to build Well, I an. thankful she does not own Holy Trinity at ML Pleasant, old St. Johns in Cabarrus, old Orzun in Rowan or old Frit den in Ala or anos, notwithstanding the treasurei of Htnodjwent down thtre and said he did. but he ome back an be a of at tha Th.. I present t i . .. . .... i anriB&Tfl inn 4in nr jiiiv connaent tnat tbe matter will be 7 ! . . '7 ' . . Montgomery eonntv and who i show anvthinz, win u a uanu oi music tners, 11 it I " I .. . looked into. Homewbat Uneven. can be obtained, also a speaker of an Australian by birth, and Miss 90MS not. The ladies of tha m a. ineoolored teams of Salisbury sionary society will serve refresh. ana concora had a great game of I mente on the grounds. oaseoau Wednesday evening on our diamond, but tbe Salisbury team was handled easily, resulting in a score of 23 to 3 in tbe Conoord team's favor. Beats Ine kuadikt, Mr. A C Thomas, of Marysville has found a more valuable rwy lexnasiouna a more va uab e u uu8 uut lor luo D.;... m g.u nf ih.Khtin.m d Mjd discovery tban:;has yet been made vemenco of the persons loading RhtjDnii FeTer 8oreg Tetter Chapped honest econgU to censure their m ana xviuuuiae. r or years ne sui- uu uuiuuiug ireiizut, ub uanus. unuoiains. corns ana an i u a i I lajoia 1U1 DUUU UUUUUUL Piles or no pay required. It if Widening- Ibe bridge. For several weeks transportation across the railroad bridee has been prohibited on account of it being unsafe on the other side. More of the large embankment has been dug out for the con- At this juncture a row ensued Fattie Shan kle, daughter of Mr. by a young man of the States C A Shankle, of Albemarle. The 'llle team calling one of our boys bride is known by quite a num- something that is not admired and ber of our readers, Mr. Shankle tna Iredell boy experienced the having lived at Mt. Pleasant fnr blows of a young man who is a number of years. The affair probably skilled in bag punching. took place at 7.30 o'clock in the A- row followed and somewhat of morninsr. a disturbance ensued. We are clad to know that onr bovs had'. ,,-. . , w . r " - - arnien native. I , . Tii. R.t i. tho -niA reason to compiam aiiu even adopted tbe constitution that ma her so intensely soveieign md gives ber power to override State laws, abolish charters of incorporation, oommand churches and cut tbtm off from the boose of Isreal for not obeying her commands. he didn't. Well. 1 cneii those old 10 e -"cu:e. For years he suf- unioaaing ireignt. ine Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all churches were bnilt hofore 8vnod fered Dntld agony from Iconsump- bridge on the other side will be 8iin Eruptions, and positively cure. I i j t 1 r ii t t ii ma I Pilasi ni nn ronnirarl u- wwui -.wuiupaniea gy Demorrnetrpp: i lODHinenea cousiuerftDiv. iu Wi " r-F .- . ... I and was absolutely cured by Dr. carpenters are at work on it now. nS" bangs New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous oure; would have it, even if it cost a hnnrtrad dnllaro a Knltla Aalkma Mt. Pleasant being outside ot the Erftnnhit. Rn . R thrn.tnA , ' Holy ftffACtinnN fir nnnifi va)v nnnrt K Trinity and did not a.k or receive Dr. King., New Discovery for Con- a;d from Svnod or antnna alaa and I . m, .. ... . . u i , ' '.. """F""". 1 rial uoines iree at 1" U T.ttal fftI T cnr.inad mv lnft thanHsheis free and can do like Fetr'e dm., tn Ru,,i.. Kn ".ABI A?n mj. left , i . i o ,mw uiu wiiuo uuDuiiEK some neavv t. James a few vpars airn. ir nsntovl j . , . I. r n - .. . J " iirauio a,uu vi w. uuurauieeu loiuoies. ine aontor a In the fifth inning both sides scored several runs, and in the end of the sixth Concord had 9 and Statesville 6. No runs were made in the seventh. In the eighth Statesville scored two and Concord followed suit, making us lege and who intended spending posed of what property he owned 11 to 8. But in the ninth innlne i . . .i . i ' j nis vacation mere, nas accepted on West Corbln street. Mr. Jno. M the Iredell boys made three runs .inai Ii n.i l.a.nliMn Ia. It.. I U.J.! Wo. nnv.lianD l a Ini ... I ... .... . . . ruo.uuu iuj iu uouuiiA una puiuuoocu vua lu.juoi aDd neither could claim the vio iiaaaTraveiina ieitiun. box Ivor sale at r B Fetzei- s Drna Mr. Julian Smith, of Charles- tore- Inn 1A.i - - ..1 I.J I vu, nuyj lin jour ttlliciJUUU I Dftg b Dlrl. SCnoOl at JNOrth Carolina CoK Mr John P Alliann hunnvi. know how to cry. aaaaa Called from Wllnilnilos, Kev. B Lauy Hoge, pastor ot ine uajnist etiurcti here, has just received a call from South Side Uaptist church of Wilminoron. Pastor IIoe, of course, has not given ine matter consideration. For Over rillvi rears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their child ren while teething, with perfeot sue. oess. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind FLORIDA, CD colic, and is thn boat remedy for L47V3 PHPTf) I rx: I r. ..I x uiarrnoea, it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.. Sold by druggists in every part of the world, Tt i e . . ... a. wruij-uye genu a ooitio. ue sare and ask for "Mrs. Winslows Sooth ing Byrup," and take no other kind THE i . . Standan v of theSCH THE DIRECT LINE TO , TEXAS, CALI1 . American Tobacco Co. M a L Buch- rfsidoncel ary, for what she conoeives to be right, withdraw from Synod until that (overign body reoognizei ber rights. You say Concord should be Mt. Peasant's second choice. Now what cure or price refunded. had below the home of Mr. anan and will build there in the fall. is now living in the house pur chased some days ago by Mr. D B Castor, has bought the house and lot where Mr. R lives, tory. The tie was not played off nn tlio hnva hnrnlv bail limn tn Mrs. Cobb, who , , . . Our boys are not much elated over the treatment reoeived by ii i .1 -1 i i H Griffin now rueir uroluer P"y" wuue in lll?S 1 Ii 111 Hh will not move into her Qelr uala8. Dt neyertneiess J J . IV.'.I. r .. "D .vuuic I nuuoru jou w imua iin. i can t thoucht by nbvainiar,. tn , in , , I ' ' 1 J w w oonoeivo. 1 Deiieve i can asser', an advanoe staaa of ronanmntinn without fear cf inccessful centra- A few days ago he coughed dd a fa a m. ST diction, that N. C. College would tootn. me theory is that about have been on a railroad long ere this lwe?lJ 7rs ago wnen he had ...... . .t. . teetn extracted while under the bad it not been for opposition by fl . " ,. . . . ., , , iiuuuvuvd u an BuaeBineuo tills argam.jomy of tbe business men tooth B68ed into bi. ,.. ..... of Conoord, some of them deolering unconscious and unable to resist. that tbe peop'e of that section should I it. It marks the period of his corns to te n in their wagons for pain in tne lung. the next fl''y years, and who BOW I fTJT T7 A niT 1 T VT nvn a v would in robbing the people Take Laxative Bromo Ouinine TahlnU of Mt. Pleaiant and vioinlty of Of tv I AU druifgists refund money if it fails to thousand dollars and more of values oaeaoU tablet 8 " oalled on said at first that it was a slight af.rnin antt wnnl1 Bnnn a ,all Baal a Teetn In His Lnng. . . .. wnran atirl ll.a rWtnr A singular experience is told then said I had rheumatism. It by the St. Louis Globe-Demo- continued to crow worse and I hnnne for pome time vet. as she will every effort will bemadetoget crat of one Joseph Hatfiold. He could hardly get around to work. Tieit her relatives for some wo ks. them here and they will be treated a lung trouble and was I went to a drus store and the I n,o Kn maAa M I l I I UBU DiCl I Ullll lM UIUUU .1-. C..4 Ji i I A CarA nf ihankc. I u.uKK.n, .eUUU.imuiuau m iu iry , " Vu Tt i i to feel that they are at home and Chan-berlain's Pain Balm. I I wish to say that I feel under ' . , , , tiled it and ono-haif nf n fiO-nent lasting obliirations for what tbat "rooting has no place ex- botlle cured me entirely. I now Chamberlain's Cough remedy has oept on tbe diamond. recommend it to all my friends. done for our family. We have F A liabcock, Erie, Pa. It is used it in so many cases of for sale by M L Marsh & Co., coughs, lung troubles and whoop drnggist. Another Casey's Army. Carl Browne, the ragged, alms- seeking "colonel" of a division of the notorious Coxey's army, which a few years ago tias-ed thronoh Fredrick on its march to Washing ton, is reported to be organizing another army at Wiohita, Kan. The new army is called the "Sover eign Knighls of America," and will be even larger than the original "Coxey army." Browne has been quietly at work on this organization for the last twe years, lirowne rented a farm near town and started out to gather in "soldiers " Already several hun dred rather respeotable looking per sons bave arrived and gone into camp. They will all mobilize at Wichita and start on the march to Washington on October 1. In an nterview Browne said ; "The idea is to present to Con gress a petition to show popular indignation against the encroach merits of these trust monsters upon the rights of people. The provison ng of the army has received first consideration this time. The farm' ers are great eu flare fa from the trusts. Oae bushel of wheat from only a small per cent, of them will carry my men through. We will march overland to Washington on the same route of the Commonweal Army in 1S94. I propose attacking the next Congress. I have secured a farm near Washington, where the army will camp while making our de mands on Congress. There will be no violence. We want more money and less misery; free coinage of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, bust the trusts and abrogation of impe rialistic policies." If the army ever comes East it may pass through Baltimore on its way to Washington and favor the citizens of Highlandtown with an other visit. Fredrick, Md., News. Strictly FIRST CLASS Eq ! ; ., inrougn and Local 1 , Palace Sleeping Cars . ,i . ;i' Trains; Fast ajid Safe ! . Travel by thi tn- . you are assur. . ' i lortaeleand Expeditious jour ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tables, Rates and General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk, 3rd V.P.&Gen M'gr, Traf. Man., G P,A. WASHINGTON. D. C. L. T. HABTSELL. ATTOKKEY-AT-LAW, CONCORD - - N C. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Morris building loposite court house. M. B. STICKLEY; Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SFMIAL ATI &M ION GIV hi 10 COLLjlCIIONS. Office upstairs in Kins; buildine near Postollicu. MOKK1SON H. OALUWJiLJLi ATTORNEY AT LAW, CONCOBD, N. 0' Office in Morris building, Ipposit Court house. D. G Caldwell, M. u. M ,L. Stevens, M.D Ors, CALDWELL & 8TEVJSNS. Concord, N. 0. Jffice in old pojt office building jpposite St. Cloud Hotel. Phone No 3? HSSSH E3QSQ r - ' w .5. : ' -. If troubled with rheumatism, Rive Chamberlain's Fain-Bulm a trial. It will I A A it v Inaa Ttf nrim1 ingcoogh,anditha8a way8Riven Qne wilI relleV6 the .pain ae m081 J"3?. "ouUi we . onresfgprains and bruises in one- THE BEST PRESCRIPTION FOR feel greatly indebted to tne manu- thlrd tIl6 time roqired by any other CHILLS I raciures oi inis remooy ami wisn treatment. Cnts,; burns, frostbites, and fever is a JbotUe of Grove's Taste- tbem to please accept oui hearty quinsey.r poins in the! side and oheBt, glandular and other swellings are quick ly cured by appiyinir it. Every bottle less Obill Tonio. Never fails to cure; thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. b Then why experiment with worthless Dot', Des Moines, Iowa. For imitations? Prioe SO cents, Tour sale by M L Marsh & Co., drug money back if it fails to cure. gist. warranted. Priae, 85 and.50.cts. M L Mortih Co. The Stale Has Inaiher I.) ncliing-. Another lynching has been scored against our State. W Weeks was murdered last week and Lowis Patrick, colored, was put in jail charged with the murder. A mob broke the jail and took him out TuokJay night. The mob was followed and hunted for. Patrick was hidden on Dog Island during dav lubt Wednesday and that nisrht about 11 o clook he was taken near the scene of the murder and tiddlod with about 75 bullets. There is general ret ret that the law was not given its course. f. i. S. ' rti vS;. ' .r- ' r 1 s'4. vii',;M'i umiirOC'. "I am positive I would not living' today tut for 70 jr wonderful renic4y,l?r. Heart Cure. I h.-d hart dii ease four yeau doctuii failed to help r:x. When I be gan taking tfiis rtmc jy I was unfit for anytlifnu'. but for sis months I lnvs Mt pcr.'cct! Well. 1 V..'.:. off. f. '..laml Furu, M nn. VI A ".I ltrt.l.Zj In HO.d by nil drii-'sris-: ( . flrKt I; U (wtii-ii . )'- ; book uD lttJi,rt Hit., utrvc Dr. Ml lei Modioli Cumpitny. ki 111 ll 11'. Elkhart Intf. 1 a i ('''

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