The - Standard. The T AND A RD. GOOD - JOB - WORK AT LIVING PRICES. ! Hie i.n V.ird I I-: IN i ; . ! : I I -F,r i V - Give us a Trial- 0nly $1 Per Year. , CONCORD, N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts. KOIIKIiT (i. IMiEltSOL DEAD. . Culled Suddenly Awiiy Willi Heart DIsciinc. Tlie great Robert G. Ingersoll died at his home on Friday the zzna ot heart disease. The end came with unusual suddenness. THE SECOND GAME. King Mountain Paled Before Our Boys As the Stars Before the Sua Score 15 to 2. The ball game between Kings Mountain and Concord Wednes day afternoon was decidedly Just before his eyes showed the 1th a mi,oct fvf f uv uuauu uuiiiiiittiuiis uj ui lliuscius that hnu hnor he said he was better which were his last words. His wife was tho only one present when he breathed his last sitting in a rocking chair, HOW'S THIS? We offor one hundred dollars reward for any cnee of catarrh that ran not by curod by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo. Ohio. . We the undersigned, have boys and they knocked him all known F J Cbeney for the last 15 to Pieces from the beginning played on our diamond this season. However, the visiting boys struggled through to the last, hoping that some turn of luck would land one or more men over the home plate but alas! they paled be fore our boys as the stars before the sun. ivings Mountain scored one run in the first inning on errors. but their hopes faded into insig nificance when our boys piled up eight runs against them. Shu ford was an easy victim for our REV. HOUE CALLED TO WILMINGTON years, and believe him perfectly reliable in all busiuosR transac tions and financially able to carry nut any obligations made by their crm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldirjg, Kinnnn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acts direetly upon tbe Mood and nucou mirface of the system. Price 75c. per bottle, Bold by all diuggists. Testimo nials free. LAND FOB SALe!" Miller and Graves did the bat tery work for the home team, and the easy delivery and grace ful movements of Miller elicited great applause. His work was amazing to the men against him He Has Made a Good Impression There In a Protracted Meeting. The Wilmington Star has the following: "At a conference of tho moni- bers of the Southsido Baptist cnurch held Sunday, the clerk of the church was instructed to extend to Rev. B. Lacy Hogo, of Concord, N. C, a unanimous call to the pastorate of that con gregation, his acceptance to take effect October 1st. "Rev. Mr. Hoge at present has a very flourishing church at Con cord, but it is very probable that he will accept the call from the Southside congregatior. He has just closed a very successful meeting at this church, and the congregation feel especially en deared to himself and wife for the faithful work done in this direction. "At the moeting Sunday the nand or fellowship was extended to twenty -eight new members of the church as the result of this j meeting referred to." ATTEMPTED ASSAULT. T wl .., : ivji tmu;i was iuiiDiJiuuuua xur , v..-- v.. v 1 1 5 aviollant if ryr fin anrrrA I 1 He's a winner at all times. Reed has no peer as a first As No. 12 train was pulling outirom the station Thursday hncoman and Viis ninvincr ia oi. 'evening, the 20th, the peopl Caldwell at short stop and Wn will sell at Pioneer Mills. N. Con Tuesday, August 8th, the following Tftlualilo real estnte : The lot, about 8 noros, and dwelling, barn and out houRes, known as tho J. 0. Baruhardt feature worthy of special men tion from that side. The boys Fjsher on third were on their metal and held their good repu tation at par, or above. Mangum, Card and Dr. Paul Caldwell did what little outfield ing there was to do exceptional ly well and won fresh admiration from the spectators. Kings Mountain made one double play on second in the fifth inning, which was the only reHidcncti: also abont 100 acres of land ndjoiniug the same; iod meadows running wnter and timber on it. The lots will be sold separate.. Terms, 10 per cent cash and two notes for balance, payable Januury 1st, 1900 und January 1st. toot. Will sell also one Electropoise in goodorder. Juo. A. Earnhardt, Tho M. finrnhardt, Executors. July 5th, 189 ). ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE! were genteel In their manners and everything - passed off pleasantly. Wyatt, the catcher, was over come towards the last of the game and was relieved by the star, Johnnie Ferguson. Mr. Mclnnis, of Kings Moun tain, umpired the game and was fair and positive in bis decisions Following is tho score by m- nings: Concord - -80300220 x 15 Kings Mt'n. 110000000 2 Batteries: Concord, Muler and Graves; Kings Mountain, ihave been a very thrilling ex perience for the news boy. The boy had been on the graded walk selling papers, and as his cus torn, it was his intention to catch the coach as it came by, but just as he reached for the railing his foot slipped and he fell under neath the train. His escape was wonderful, and the blood ran cold over those who saw him The boy rolled off on the outside the rails and was picked up by policeman uruse and a stranger, He was uninjured and his train stopped to take him on. Valualile (ield Mining Property For Sale By virtue ot a decree of the Superior rVnvf if R.tvnn f'.intitv Sfntn nf Vntth Carolina, ordenns a sale of certain bhuford. Wyatt and Ferguson property hereinafter ; described, and era- Hits, Concord, 15: Kings Moun powering ana directing me, as aamiuis- ; o r'D r.,nn.A . real estate of said deceased to make real Kings Mountain, 7. Struck out, estate assets, and appointing me for that Minor y, 'bhuford 0; bases on purpose, I willjaoll at the court house door in Conoord, at pnlilio auction, to tho highest bidder for canh, at the hour of 12 m on Monday, the 7th day of Angunt, 18!)!), tho following described real estnte lying in tne county of Cabar rus, and described as fallows, viz: An undivided one-iourth interest in and to a certain piece or parcel of land lying in Cabarrus county, nnd known as the 'Fisher Gold Mine Tract," and contain ing in the whole thirty aorea, more or less Terms of sale cash. Dated this, URt of June. 180!). LEE H. OVERMAN, Adm'r and Com'r of Jas. B. Lanier, deceased. NOTICE. North Carolina, cnr:nr r,i Cabarrus Count)' Superior Court. Manie JF. Davis, plaintiff) vs. NOTICE. J. Mack Davis, defendant) The defendant above named will tsko notice that tin action entitled as above, has been commenced in tlie Superior Court of Cabarrus county for a dissolu tion of the bonds of matrimony exist ing between the plaiutiffund defendant; and the sunt defendant will furtuer take notice that he is required to appear at the next tei'm of tne Bimerioi Uourt of said oouuty to be held on the fourth Monday in July. 18!)!), at the oourt limine of said couutv in Concord. N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the conrt for the relief de manded in heroomplaint which will be filed before the said term. This June 181)3. Jso. M. Cook, Clerk bupeiior Court. Cabarrus County. balls, Miller 1, Shuford 3; earned runs, Concord 10; Kings Mountain, 0; three base hits, Dr. Caldwell and W. P. LeGrande; two base hits, Card, LeGrande, Graves, Caldwell, G., Fisher, of Concord, and Ragan, of Kings Mountain. Time of game 1:59. Mr. Will Johnston scored. North Carolina. . Snperior Court, Cabarrus County Nellie Koonce, plaintiff, VS. Edward Koonce, defendant It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court from the return of J. L. Peck, Sheriff of Cabarrus county, N. C, and from thealli Javit ol Nellie Koonco, tiled in the above entitled action, that the de fendant, Edward Koonoe, is a non-resident of this State, and after duo dili gence cannot be found therein, and that lie is a necessary and proper pavty to tbe above entitled action, and whereas the plaintiff above named has begun an action in said Conrt relating to real property sit uate in said county, which is the subject of said action, and in which defendant claims an interest, and the re lief demanded consists in exoluding him from said inierest. JNow, thereforo, the said F.dtriird Koonce, the defendant above namec", is hereby notified that unless ho be and Bppnar before the Jndgo it the Hnperior Court of Cabarrus conuty at a Conrt to be held f r said oouuty at the Court House in Conoord on the (1th Monday before the 1st Monday of September next, it being tlie 24th day of July, 18US), and answer or domur to tbe oomplaint which will be deposited in the ollioe ol the Clerk of said Court within the first three days of said term, and let tho said defendant take notice that if he fail to answer or demur to said complaint within tlio Hu-.e required by law, the plaintiff will rpply to the Court for re lief demanded in the complaint. 'This May loth, mm. J NO. M COOK, Clerk Superior Court. ADMiNIS rilATOR'3 NOTICE. Sensational Durham. A correspondent to the Char lotte Obsorver writes the follow ing from Durham : A deaf mute, C. C. Martin, has boon arrested upon the charge of seduction under promise of mar riage. The young lady in ques tion sues for 10,000 for breach of marriage contract, bho is Miss Ella Fuqua, also a deaf mute. Martin's home is at Ruth erford. He was employed here in the Durham Hosiery Mill. He is out on 1,500 bond. He is in the custody of Sheriff Markham, but has not been placed in jail. Mar tin denies his guilt so far as se duction is concerned, but says he did promise to marry the girl on condition that she should go to school two more years. This she promised to do, but failed to carry out the promise. A few days ago a well-known railroad man parted from his wife under sensational circum stances and now it is said that divorce proceedings will be the next move. A well-known young business man is named as co-respondent in tho case. A drain of Wheat in His Ear. Dr. L. M. Archey was called upon to perform a very delicate operation this (Friday) morning, and was successful in his under taking. While threshing whea at Mr. Liuthor dine s in jno, township, a grain of wheat jumped from the machine and lodged in the ear of Mr. Colum dus m. uoodman, who came straightway to town and had removed. Mr. Goodman suf fered no pain, but was very un easy. Or. Herring Having Chills. Dr. Herring, who has been spending some time in the east ern part of the State, is home and has had several chills since his return. He's ordered The Standard to start at once. We surmise from his eagerness to got the paper that it is warm enough to break up the chills, a thing he very much needs as indicated by the chatter of his teeth wThile delivering the mes sage. w Sunday Hours. Manager McConnell, of the Western Union Telegraph office, has received new orders and they give him longer Sunday hours. His office hours on the Sabbath day will hereafter be from 8 to 10 a. m., and from 4 to 0 p. in. Badly Bruised I'p. Mr. George Murr, an employee at the bleachory, is laid up at home on North Spring street with several bruises on his arm, hip and ankle, as a result of a fall. He is not able to be at work, but will be alright when ho gets well. List lull I cprained my left The MocksTllle Picnic. The twenty-first annual Ma sonic picnic will bo held at Mocksville Thursday, August 10th. It will be conducted, as usual, in the interest of the Ox ford Orphan Asylum. An ad dress will be delivered by Dr, Chas. D. Mclver. Special ex cursion rates, good on all trains, have been secured from Concord and other points. Notice to Veterans. Co. F 1st N. C. Cavalry: You are hereby reminded that the second Tuesday in August (the mil) is the day of your annual meeting. You are expected to meet at the court house at 12 o'clock, noon, on that day to transact necessary business. H. M. Goodman Pros. Jno. Freeze, Sec. - StranieU Iter Ankle. Mrs. N. F. Yorko, of this place, who has been spending a while at Misenheimor s (Springs, had the misfortune to sprain her ankle late Wednesday evening. it was at first thought to be a bad sprain but nothing serious resulted. It happened at the spring and she had to be carried to the hotel. Caalrj For the Philippines. The' government has decidod ti send a pretty good force of cavalrymen with their horses to the Philippines. The greatest worry that tho natives have given our soldiers was their run ning away. Theso troops will be expected to be ready to oper ate in the races when the rainy season is ovor. Boats Btlaaaika. Mr. A C Thomas, of Maryeville Tel., has found a more valuable Havingheen duly qualified as adminis trator ot tne esiaie hi ""i' ". '.""",1 , iw.ri.nv tri vh minus lukl nil I . . person;.n;i."i.tedto" -aid estate m8t drnggist recommendod me to try nrompt pavment and all persona Cnntr berlaio a Pain Calm. I holding claims sgainst said estate mnst t,le( J Bn(J opo-balf of hip while handlir-K some heary discovery than has yet been made or xea. ine aocior i caned cn said at first that it was a slight strain and would soon be well, lint it crew worse and the doctor thon said I had rheumatism. It continued to crow worse and I could bar lly get around to work. I wont to a drug store and the in the Klondike. For years he sul fered untold agony from oonsump' tion, aocompaoied by hemorrhages; and was absolutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this marvelous cure; would bave it, even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma. I Bronchitis and all throat and lung if of a 50-cent afleotOD8 sre positively cured by tirely. I now , Dr King-B New Discovery for Con- P?,tr.r??Lio: ? " , ; 1 bottle cured me en this notice will ho plead in bar of their , recommend it to all my friends. BOmptlon. Trial bottles free at P b i a uaococn, Jrte, ra. it is Fetter's dru store. Regular sixe 50 for sain by M L Marsh & Co., cents and tl 00. Guaranteed o druggist, pure or prioe refunded, ThfUTrBV 34th. tf0 Warle Barrier, Administrator, A Vicious Negro at Albemarle llriitlslily Overpowered and Threatened a Little Child of Mr. William Humidors. About 2 o'clock Thursday af ternoon when little Mary Saun ders, the 10-year-old daughter of Mr. William Saunders, of Albe marle, went from her home to the railroad trestle noar the pub lic road, to change the cow from its place of grazing a burly and vicious negro, Henry Hyatt by name, approached her and drew from his pocket a pistol, and after making his wishes known. brutishly attempted to criminally assault her, at the same time threatening to kill her if she gave an alarm. Mary's little brother had accompanied her, however, and when he learned of the negro's purposes he began to scream. The agonizing cries of the two children attracted the at tention of Mr. Lowder, who was passing, and as he came in view of the scene, the brute let go his hold upon the little girl and fled The negro was foiled in his hellish intent, and succeeded in eluding the range of bullets from Mr. Lowdor's pistol. The alarm was spread over the town and community in a very little while, and within a short time quite a posse of men wore in pursuit of the negro. At 3 o'clock this (Friday) morning a trace of the negro was found in a corn field and several shots were fired at the would-be rapist and murderer, but the shots went wide their mark. Hundreds of people from Nor wood and all adjacent towns and from all over tho county joined tho posse at day break this morning and are scouring the country From a party direct from that community the Standard learns that the people aro indignant and that if the negro is captured summary punishment will be his lot. The child was uninjured except being rendered prostrate from fright. She is of a highly re spected family. The negro is a son of Henry Hyatt, a one armed negro who lives at Cottonville. Daily of 21. THE HOIK) DOCTOR. THE JiEGKO CAPTl'KEl). A Man (nine in on the Itlinil, Mas Caught and us Easily Escntcil. When No. 38 pulled into the station Thursday night it carried a passenger on the blind in the person of one Dr. Moore, of patent medicine fame. The doc tor was booked for' an engagu meiit here on that night. When he stepped from his perch he was taken into custody by spec ial Policeman Kerns. Instead of coming up town with tho officer Dr. Moore asked permission to speak to Conductor M. P. Kuss, and he was granted that privi lege. His business was to escape the law, and as he approached the conductor, tho doctor (?) said: "What is the faro from Charlotte to Concord?" Ho was told s((l .00, whereupon he passed the. coin to the con ductor, and as a consequence Policeman Kerns let him go. Dr. Moore took the next train for Salisbury and is now doubt less in more congenial company than he would have been here. Will Assist With the Ohio State Institute. Prof. C. S. Color, superin tendent of our Graded Schools, who has gone to Ohio to spend tho remainder of tho vacation, goes to assist in tho work of holding their State Institute. This is an organization wherein every teacher engaged in public school work pays one dollar toward the State organization, thereby making it possible for some of the principal educators of tho State to be amply compen sated for their services. Prof. Color has for several years been in this work and is compensated by a good salary during the time else it would be inexpedient for him to go so far for this work. I1EK SOTEltlXiS ENDED. Mrs. Fred Cline Passes Awiiy ui Death. Death came Friday evening tit (J o'clock and relieved tho loni protracted sufTerinars of Mrs. Prod Clme at her homo in fo. 4 township. For many years ai invalid and a most resigned and exemplary Chris tain, tho death angel come none too soon and bioiiinit no terrors to her whoe sturdy faith illumin ated the dark shadows of the grave.' Mrs-. Cline loeve.-; her life com panion and four children SHORT LOCALS. ; one of sons and two dr. lighter each of whom is married. The funeral services arranged for 1 o'clock- p. day (Saturday) at Center E. L. church, of whie deceased was a valued member, conducted by her pastor, Rev. W. B. Oney, and the remains laid to rest. " Tis well with the righteaus when they die." The street sprinkler is at work again. A new house .is in course of construction on the property of Mr. J. A. C. Wackwelder, on West Depol. street. The large water-oak that, has slood in the comer of Mr. W. A. Smith's lawn for nearly a half ceiMiry, has been lulled, Mr. J. X. Hell wa in thuci'y on his way to Coddle crick, where ho will spend several days at his old home. lie clerks at the Bee Hive nvlfot store in Charlotte. Mr. S. E. Sloan will occupy a two l suit of rooms with Mrs. McCon- Seiad ns 1 Dollar. til ii 1 V. MVS THE .11 IfV. Julius Alr.rtliil', Cn'iifeil, Augiist f'.ir derail1' Mullis. Charlotte is to liav hanging. Julius AlexamVi". i ol found guilty in 1 ! court at Chariot le ,-' foul outrage upon Mi !', liiinir O.i Mrs. !, was minul v of Julia Minus, a 1 inti t fi" years1 out. From t he first . i t was evident that tlie testimony was corvine ing and it took- t ln jury o;nv Is verdVt. r,idg,. re; wen in. to Crovc h the A KI XAWAV TEAM. One Mail unit Two Children Cruised I'p and OthenvlM' Hurl. Wednesday afternoon, the lllth, V til Cannon, of Poplar Mr. Superintendent MiitheH Here from Dur ham. On tho 24th day of March our readers will remember that a ter rible accident occurred at Dur ham, .resulting in the death of Mr. W. H. Branson and almost the death of Mr. J. V. Mat lies, who was superintendent' of tho mill there. Mr. Mathes was ter ribly scalded and life seemed to hang only by the smallest thread but at last he revived and is now About Duvliirhl the Oflleers Broncht OTablo to again be at his post. He Neero to AJJieniaric Evidences of Trouhle Honry Hyatt, tho negro who attempted assault on Mary Saun ders at Albemarle Thursday, was captured in the neighborhood of Ansonville Friday afternoon and has boon lodged in jail at Albe marie. The officers arrived with him at Albemarle about daylight to day (Saturday) and he was taken before tho little girl. The girl is of course almost overcome with fright and did not have anything to say when the perpetrator of tho crime was in her presence. I here were some evidences ol trouble even in daylight, some persons having laid hands on the negro, but the officers carriod out tho law and quelled the more excited persons. He was lodged safely in jail. t'ersons who live in Albemarle fear yet that there is trouble bruins before this matter settled in the court room. There is no doubt as to the negro and every one there knows him. He has confessed to the attempt of assault and of having throatenod the life of Mr. Lowder, who answered to the screams of the girl. Daily of 22. Filipinos Fall In an Attack. A sharpe fight is reported near iloilo where 4u0 natives sur prised Capt. Byrne of tho Six teenth Infantry and got into very close quarters but failed to roalize their hopos and left 115 of their number dead on the field. New York Strikers t'se Dynamite. Now York has something of street car strike in which dy nam i to is being used. ' No fatali ties have occurred yet and it is hopod that tho striko will not assume serious proportions. A Marraw Escape. Thankful word written by Mrs Ada E Hart, of Groton. 8. D : "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lunge; cough set id and final terminated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me np, sayiDg I oould lire but a short time. I gave myeelf up to my Savior, determined if I oould not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ODes above. My husband was ad vised to get Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It bas cured me, and tbank Ciod I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at P B Fetzer's drug Store. Regular sire 50a. and tl. Guaranteed or price refunded. Mr. Chal White has resumed work at tho Cannon & Fetzer Co. store. Mr. Harvey Cline, of Colum bia, S.. C, passed through the city Thursday on his way home, at Ulasses, to attend the bedside of his mother, Mrs, Fred Clmo. was here today (Saturday) on a business trip. His hands a re yet very tender and his linger nail are beginning to come off togiv place to others. Only apart of one ear yet remains and his fac is considerably marked. Mr Mathes can but naturally .feel afraid and uneasy when around the pump house where ho almost suffered death and where one of our State's best men and his own best friend met a most awful death. Mr. Mathes has boon connected with tho mill there for over fourteen years. lent, was returning home and when he reached the bridge over Austin's run in Xo. 4 townhip. his team became frightened and ran away. Two small boys of Mr. Henry Lilaker were sitting on tin; railing of the bridge and as tin; wagon struck the bridge a wheel caught tho railing and threw the boys off. One boy fell underneath a mule and the wagon passed over his head bruising him badly and cutt'm his upper lip through to the teeth The other boy was considorabl v bruised about the body, but not seriously injured. Mr. Cannon was thrown from the wagon nnd was hurt, how seriously is not known. None of the victims are fatal hurt. Sluing street furniture and having fixture.-- Hall at the and children tonie of M J Hall's father Yellow Jaanrflee fared. Sufferljg humanity should be supplied with every means poeeible for its relief, it is with pleasure we Dunlieh the following: "this it to certify that I was a terrible sul ferer from Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the bt physicians in our city and to no avail, ur. cen our druggist, recommended Electric Bittere; and after taking two bottle? I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in reoommendinp them to any person eanering from this terrible malady. ' am grate fully yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lex ington, Ky." Sold by P B Fetzer'e Drug store Col. John S. Cunningham has resigned his office as president of the State Fair Association and Mr. Richard II. Battle becomes his successor. The only comfort in losing this efficient head of t he State Fair enterprise is in the fact that the presidency goes 'in to experienced and not experi mental hands. . V- . t ree rllu Send your address to H. E. Buck IeD & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King s isew Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. Ibese pills are easy in action and aie particularly effect ive in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guar anteed to be porfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giv ing tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tbe eyetem. Reg ular size 25o. per box. 8old by P B Fetzer. - Flour Tumble. Flour took a tumble in Chicago of from 4.20 to 1.00 per barrel, which is lower than for some time. $50 REWARD. I will cav the above reward for tbe safe delivery of Charles Bar ringer to me in Concord. He is ot dark Ringer cake color, about five feet ton inches in heighth, weighs about 1G0 pounds and ged about twenty-one years, He escaped arrest here on July 1, 1899. Any one hearing of his whereabouts will do well to cap ture him. J. L. PECK, j5. Kherifl. Mr. WiNi ii to Assist In the Sclioii!. Mr. Jay I). Lent;; has seeurr Mr. W. S. Willson, of Catewood. uaswetl county, to assist him nv conducting the Concord Ui'h School the coining session. Mr Wilson was a schoolmate of Mr Lentz and he comes highly re commended from educators whoso testimonials are of much worth and have "weight. 11 a young man of unusual strength of character and ambition and will no doubt be a valuable dition to our town both teacher and as an associate. ad as The Score 10 to (t. Charlotte's game with Kin; Mountain Thursday attoriioon on the Charlotte diamond resulted in a shut-out for tho visiting team, the scoro being It) to n Messrs. Lodrando, Mangum and Card all received special mention lor the excellent ball t.'iey played. Concord is quite proud of the record of her players when assisting the weak teams of this section of the State. I'liLriiK' Off the Truck. Friday evening about 5 o'clock while Conductor Ed. Patterson's engine was doing some shifting at tho Odell mills, tho big steam horse jumped the track and sank one of Hie driving wheels into the ground. At 8 o'clock the work train came in from Harris burg and the force soon jacked up tho engene and pulled it into its proper position. The local freight was delayed only about four hours. Thoiisniiils t Utile Pish. The mud holes at Brown's brick jard near the station have nearly dried up and tlie top sur face of tin! slimy looking mud is lined with thousands of liltle fish. Men and boys have had considerable fun during 1he past few days catching the little fel lows. Some very nice porch have been picked up. A Nen Mere Itixiiu, Tho Messrs. Cline, at Forest Hill, are preparing to build an other store room on their vacant ot between the ones now occu pied by Mabrey & Son and Mr. J. H. .Waddell. The work will begin just as soon as tlie lumber can be obtained. Mr. Ohrlen Succeeds Mr. Plant. Mr. M. J. Obrien has boon looted to the presidency of the Southern Express Company in ice ol the late Henry Ii. t'lant, deceased. Mr. Obrien is thor oughly well equipped to take the ilaco says tho Commercial and 'iuancial World. - Cow llos and Indian. Cow boys and Indians still pet into it m the est. hwilt Bear's band in South Dakota were committing depredations and the cow boys pursued, giv ing them something ot a battle, according to dispatches of the 20th. No serious casualties have been reported, though at one time six cow boys seemed in danger of a Custer affair. noli, on moved li already, f. Mr-i. Will pre visiting Sam Murr, Mr.- 1 In y will spend a month or mol t here before returning to Sumto.,1 S. C, their home. The foundation for the resi dence of Mr. R. Iv. Black, on the corner of Spring and Mill streets is laid, and the workmen will push tho work to coinplct ion in short order now. Capt. W. E. Howard, a promi nent wood-workman of Albe marle, is in the city, and will have charge of placing all the frames and wood work at the new addition to the Cannon fac tory. Mr. Chance lias moved his unity from the Cabarrus mills to one of the' Wilkinson houses on .North church street. lie has secured a position in one of the card rooms at the Odell mills. The three convicts that escaped1 from t he chaingang last Monday were captured bv some 1 Cowan men, near Salisbury, on Tues day, and had succeeded in getting them as far as China CI rove or, their return when the negroes overpowered them and made good t heir escape. Messrs. Frank Cannon and Clarence Brown spent Thursday evening at Pioneer Mills, in re sponse' loan invitation from Miss Ella Ban. hard! to n.eot Miss Mario .Mil lev. of Rcr'1,- Kiwi-. anuiMi.-i i.,o s om , ol h;nv hcevillo. (ia.. who are vi.-iiting there. :u;nu;c-, t, HaUie : ,.., counsul to h'ni to jire; is no oir. then designate the day for ex n. le r ti . : i ; 1 1 1 vised there . lie as The Iiiiaur nt' Thrift. Mi-. P. M. !.. -;!. 1, ill a stalk of cot l oi tod: (lay) on which there of drought, though he biiason is so dry that it (lor that everything parched. This partir i is of very ordinary lie: two feet, but it is vigorous and contains is bolls, blooms and squares. It is of the Hawkins Prolilie variety. It is the image of thrift. no says the is a won is not ar stalk ;lit, iut no no r.vv. That is the way nil drui:-trf sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tunic fur chills and Jlalarin. It if simaly Iron, and Quinine in a tasteli'.-f furm l.'tiiidreii aove it. Ailuitj rcf-r it to bitter, nan- loiitinj; Tumi's.' Price. .",u,.. Southern kail way. Tun of the :our ,.ay ike d::V:Ci line io am. . . TEXAS, CALWriNIA, FLORIDA, CUJ.A AND PCX TO RiCO. OKI; AN TONUS. Olrl Ilirthilay Dinner A lie ul ami th Man nf The Standard Invited. Written for The Standard Kev. Goo. JI. Cox preached the second sermon on the Ifitli mst. ol a series ol sermons on the life and character of Moses. Mr. James M. Filer, one of our Organ Church bovs. who has been doing a lucrative business in Danville, a., for live or six oars, was visiting his parent.-, ast week. Geo. 11. Cox, Jr., who has boon rking in the Company store it China Grove, came home Sat urday, the 1 ."tli, sick. Dr. Me Nairy is attending him and is ai'fuJ he is taking typhoid fever. Arthur Bost. loft on the InIi for China Grove to attend school. Daniel Yates moved into Ciia r y Host's house last week, lie going to farm some of Mr. ,'ost's land. Mr. C. E. Bost is all smiles a twelve pound boy at his house! Miss Dora Bost is visiting at China Grove this week. August Dili will be tlie tifty- sixth anniversary of Kev. G. II. ox's birth. On that day there will be a family reunion. The congregation will give the aclier a birth-day dinner. A lime is ant lematod. I he edi- r of The Standard is most cor- iallv invited, and urged to at- nd. Mr. Jacob Curler's now rosi- ence in Hearing completion. oil see our "burg" is not on a loom, but only a sturdv growth. Our farmers say they will not make a full crop of corn on ac- linit of t he pro! racted drought, is so dry they can not plant rish potatoes. ALMOST TOO IIOIililHI.i: TO TCI.L. Strictly I !'.. 1 1: r . ,;; l-alacc y Iiaiiii; l.i i I; l-.TUc.Ie a l.cj . . 1 . ; : ..r -I 1 : a a 111 JH);!ll 1-.S .... i '-rr, and Sic, 7 0 i1 : -u .i . ;-.u . Apply to TicUt Ae-cii:.-. lor runj T.tics, Xiltei anJ i;... . r.i ' t;i,a a; U,-.;, ' or Add! i.' R. I.. "i:RN.'jk, v. h. tunny. T. V.A.. C. i& I. A., llinrlntle, K. u MiKviiii.1, ,. C. No Truiibk: to Aiisvcr(M,'cstii)n.;. Frank S. Gar.iMU. .;. CVIV, W. A. Tur 3rd V.P.&Ucn M'jrr, l,-.n'. ;.iii., I, . WAs;:'M,ro:;. d c. 17 rn Bi pn bn. t 1 ArtiiiLt. i SfP.UAL Aili..- 7 0 CO 1.1 Ofti..c U ;..r!l'H Li no ' ttno i. b;:.- a 1 1 1- MOiii-iisu.s :i. ATT0K.T1Y Al ' Office in II rr:s bu'li Uuurt he . i:e. L. T. HARTSELL. AT10ii.NEV-.Vl-!. ,'v, CONCORD - - r-i : Proaij.t Biteutiwo ?ini i busineee. Otlici.' :u i' n.' l-n i ;,; npoaito ouur; ho.' je. vu Nciviim'h l!h a Man anil Ills Wife mill Then lluiiiihite Hit liefiire His I'ycs. The most revolting crime that news currents venvey is reported n Deor.t ur county, Ga. 1 no torvisthat two negro toughs robbed one Mr. .1. I-,. Oglotree, a ito merchant, at the point of pistols. They then mad.' linn al in in up sta rs to win-re ins wile was and obtameit lour clot- tut worse t ban all and to !i;eof manhood that did in tin- eu'orl to protect i on;.' in I urn outraged the i woman, one covering linn Willi a pisioi an mo winio. Gov. CliaudUr has offered ."' m reward for their delivery to the sheriff and the whole force of the community is in pursuit. It is needless to say that if caugln and idontitied then' will bo quick retribution and nobody cares a whit. AVhat will be tho public verdict against tho husband that- he did no! t.ell his own life at the high est possible cost in defense of his wife is yet to be learned. U. Calr:, .!. Ur.i. cu.nv, (.'(iiiconi, idiue ih o!.l j :.' Jno;i!;i Sr. r : v L.. Me. n-i T..VK- Ml: 1 farf1 v ti'' th-.'r 11- lOl da- her.oacl helldes:- -v. tl For three y. heart di: m n:y !- h ,::; Is, anJ : WC1".!J '!; I-.... i.. 1 t. g.:od. Dr. JV v.. i to -thrc-H--.t thy liiia. J. J. V u-.i-r.--v-, r, (V . I- vei l .v t M rir"t :s oi t ti'Tfi nl' lir.. t .t iA li.-n m( i ,.r i i'.ii-1 I 9 - liook un Iumi Hud nerve d'-nl fti- Or. Wlle Wejical Company, Elkhart, In a.

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