. t J wt run ox EI '. The .. Standa j. Weekly Star, .,;.. ; Contains mere icr.a! news than any cy: ; .1 ii'i.uu luj uii I 'ill STANDARD. CI M Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 9, 1899. Single Copy 5 Cts- paper in tnis cci; RD. It J V THE METEORIC SHOWERS. What One From the Lowe CoiiMenalory Says About Thorn This jHuutli the Time for Tlu ia. - f-,' s In speaking of the meteoric showers which can bo seen on the nights of the 15th and lGlh of this month, the following is taken from a member of the Lowe conservatory. Of one of the periods in the past he de scribes it thus; "Not one was seen to reach the earth, though many were very bright. The sky was very clear and the moon absent. It was a rain storm without a cloud, . lightning without thunder. What made the deepest im pression upon my youthful mind was the death-like silence above and around me. Seeing" such a display of energy going on and hearing no noise J'.he silence wi s as depressing and solemn as in a room of the dead. "The shower was not visible in this country in 18G6, but was on the eastern continent. On No vember 15, 18G7, while the earth was passing through one end of the dense swarm, having the previous year passed through its center, I expectod something of a display, and was not disap pointed for I counted nearly 1, 100, the greatest number was seen in the southeast and northwest with very short trails. The line must bo sharply drawn between shooting stars and bolides, from some of which heavy masses fall lo the earth called meteorites, or meteoric stones. On tlio other hand no shooting star has ever been known to reach the earth, the encounter with, and friction of the atmosphere, intantly re ducing them to vapor. "Many meteoric showers are known. Prof. Denning, of Eng land, our best authority on me teoric astronomy, enumerates some 200 or more. This Leonid shower, as it is called, will re peat itself again, commencing a little after miduight of Novem ber 15, lasting till dawn, and not on tho 14th as some have pub lished. There is a bare possibility that it may bo on the morning of the 16th. It would bo well, how ever, to begin tho watch on the 14th. "Lewis Swift. "Lowe Observatory, Cal. Twelve Suililors Lost. As a result of Monday night's storm comes the news that the steamship Oolwell was wrecked and twelve of the crew were lost, Capt. Oaskill ale no be ing picked up after 24 hours of clinging to a sort of raft. The Col well was on her way to New York from Fernan diua laden with lumber. GLORIOUS NEWS Comes from Dr. P, I!. Curcile, of Washita. I T. Po wnti: "Four liot tles of Electric Littein hiiB cured Mrs. Brewer of mirofnlu, which hml canned her great Buttering for years. Terrible sorea wonld lireak out on her bend aud face, and the beet doctors eoiild (live rj' help; but her cure is complete ami her health ia excellent." This shows that thousunds have proved, that Electric Idtters is the best Mood purifier known. It'a the supreme remedy for eczema tetter, salt, rneum, ulcers, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidney and bowels, expels poisons, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 00 cents. Hold at Fetzer's Urna Store. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of authority vested in nie by a Deed in Trust or Mortgage, exe cuted by J. A. riniith and wifv, Mnty J. Smithy on the Uth day of i'ooember, 18K7, which Mortgage or Do. d m Trust its duly recorded in ItoiOHtcr'a oihVo for Cabarrus county, N. C. in Hook No. 8, pages 50S and 55!), I will sell at public auetion at the court house door fn Con cord, N. C, on thoSStii day of October, 18'J'J, to tho highest bidder, for cash; Baid J. A. Smith's entire iLterer-t tu hl father's real estate located in Vo. (I township, being by wiil one ninth of Matthias Smith, deceased, entire real estate, supposed to l abi.ut one hundred acres. (Kinou the execution of this mortgage the interest of John A. Smith I. as been set apart by met'R and bounds and is known as lot No. 5) and iB bounded as follows: IS ginuiin.' at a stone bv a d"gwool and corner lot No. 4 and runs 8. 87 1-13, K. 41 po. to a stone and white rock, it earns corner, then with his lmo-H 20, W. '.n'2 po. to stone on the south it of the great road, Hearns corner, then itli tho road as follows: 1st N. 5:1, V. 27 po. to . tnnn in the road, then 2nd N. ;)1. W. 63 po. to a stone on the south otLiO of j tlm road bv a V. O . Vt iden'iiMM' ' uU corner, then 3: d line on r ad N ;U. W. and public singers have bean B4 do to a small white oak on the north ... , , edge ol the road, then a d.viding line,! taught to make a half turn to N. 53 1-2, E l'6p. to the beginning ' tjl0 ri.,ht when they wish to iin cont lining 5(1 acres, more or less. , ,. Title to said property is suPP,.sed to press the audience. Tho left be good, but the purchaser takes such hand is more magnet ,ic than the title as tain authorised to oonvey nn- dor said mortgage. 1 right, and a glance from the left E. Bost, Tniftee. eyo nas a charm which tho right This 27tli day of Sept, ISM. i mi 4uiBinit. j i ii.-i iw.r Tl bora n n. fw .v. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, ITavinff been duly qualified as ad admin- istrator of t!ie esta eoi rioim m artin r. amuMiJ. I hereby give notice that 11 persons indebted to said ttateinust make prompt payment, and all persons i.ooi.iir piHimaauaint-t said estate must 3tK f.reavn.entonorbe - fore Oct. Hi. 'i''"' " t!'is notion will be olead Ui ''' f 'r r u"v' r ' Wm. F. Dry, Administrator, Qot, 10, I8a- THE NEWS OF WASHINGTON. The Line of Education of tlio Boys ami tifrls There The Study of Fashions Vice-President Ilohart Popular. From onr Regular Col respondent. Speaking of schools, we are now having the usual annual family row over tho public sys tem in this city. They claim that we are running too much to tho fine arts, and neglecting the good old three Ii's. It seems that tho schools here turn out plenty of girls who can toll you when Mars is in perihe lion; but very few who know any thing abuut helping their own "mars" with the house-work. A Washington boy, who is posted on international law, differential calculii, and all those primary studies, recently asked tho writer what a Senator is. Come to think of it, though, that is not such an easy one to answer. We all know what a Senator ought to be; and what ho would be, if we but wore the toga. But what Senator is well, that's another question to lay before the house Washington girls are evidently willing to help along the pro posed reconciliation between church and stage. In addition to other reasons, of course, they used to go to church to study the styles; but now they go to the theatre. Time was when the leading lady played "Ophelia" and "Topsy" in tho same dress and sometimes wore that elastic garment in "real life"; but now adays, stage gowns aro made in Paris and aro very gorgeous in deed. Washington is now recog nizod as tho very foremost "not night" town of tho country, and is just as proud of the fact as a boy of sixteen, when a girl of equal maturity alludes to him as a "man of the world." So' be sides going to the play to be amused, or shocked, or edilied, our indies go to study the fash ions, and Washington girls have the best of opportunities in that respect. Tho social side of the administration may suffer this Winter on account of the con tinued illness of Vice-President Hobart. Mr. Ilobart will hardly be able to resume his duties in the Senate until the latter part of January. lie is a lavish en tertainer, and is well liked in society, llowever, there is one house that will bo open. When you come to town, don't go to an hotel, but take your carpet-bag up to 1747 Rhode Island Avenue, for that's where cousin George lives. There is a little mild murmur ing over the scarcity of good oysters, due perhaps to the strikers at Norfolk. Dealers say that this will have the effect of gaining more recognition for the very excellent varieties that come from North Carolina. With Washington oysterless, life would be indeed a shell-fish exis tonce. The Ways of Crime. John Coleman had taken the vows of a husband, He became too intimate with his wifo's sister. His wife died suddenly and under .suspicious circumstances last February. There was prob ably a rude jar in l ho turn of illegitimate lovo and the sister-in-law threatened to tell. Colo man met tho woman and shot her dead and then put tho pistol to his own head and tired, thus placjng the woman beyond the 1 sower of testifying and himself beyond being e fleeted by the testimony. It oceured near Lovelace, Wilkes county, a few days ago. Both leavo children. Best Looking Side of the Fare. When women aro having their portraits painted they should re member that tho left, sido of the fucojs tiio best looking. Artists always put the host tiinishing off and the finest shading on tlio left 01 tll(' profile. Actors, actresses are a . ceptions, but these rules apply to ninety-nine out of one hun dred persons. Cincinnati Eu- quirer. i 1 CURE A OOhD l-N NE DAY Take Laxative li-oieo 'jtiinini- Tulilct.-. druggists leiuiul money if it fulls to jmre. 'too Tbegouuiu has Li. 11. Q ' 30 ewU ubl,'t TO BE FURNISHED SOON. The Inspector General Pays His Visit Here Probabilities That Our Iiund Will He a iicginicntal Baud. Mr. PPHobgood, of Oxford, who is now the inspector -general of the State G uard, was here to day (Friday; on o Tidal business W hile he did not inspect the com party, he came to investigate the state of affairs to report accord' Mr. Ilobgood thinks that ere long the members will be equipped with their guns, and their uniform will come as soon as possible. There has been talk for several weeks that the Concord band might possibly got a place as the regimental band. Mr, Ilobgood was not cognizant that our band was an applicant and will mention tho matter to the proper ones. Mr. EliOoldston, who is cap tain of our company here, in forms us that he has rented the Patterson hall and will take charge of it the first of tho year, This will be a most excellent room for the boys to drill. The appropriation to the company will be sent in December. Our Soldiers and Where They Are, Tho following Washington dispatch of November 1st, an swers the oft rising question how many soldiers have we and where are they : "Tho annual report of Briga dior General Corbin, to tho Sec rotary of War was made public today. General Corbin sums u the military forces now in ser vice of the United States as fol lows: Kegular army, 64,580; vol untoors, 31,574; dotal 9U,10t, Tho regular establishment con sists of 10 regiments of cavalry, 7 of artillery and "5 of infantry Tho volunteer establishment consists of one regiment of cav airy, i!l of infantry and a Porto Kico battalion. The distribution of these troops up to October 1st last was as follows: In the United Slates, 34,23; Porto Kico, 3,363; Cuba, 11,17; Philippines, 31313; eu route to the Philippines, 17, O'J'J; Alaska, 499; Hawaiian Is nds, 4G(i. General Corbin adds tho following to tho summary: "It is cxpectt-d that by December 1st next all the infantry regi tnents, United States volunteers, shown above as in the United State.-;, will have sailed for the Philippine Islands. These, with troops now there, will give total strength of 2,117 officers and 63, G08 enlisted men, an a jregate of C5,723." The Ceniiiiiswloners Sustain the Presi dent. Admiral Dewey was promptly assigned to a department of duty soon after his grand rocop tion in order that tho nation might have his service on the Philipino commission along with Prof. Schurman, Prof. Worcester and Col. Denby. This commission will make a report during the term of Congress. It waited on tho president recently at his request to give a perlim inary outliuo to the report for aiding the president in making up his message to Congress. The commission is unanimously in accord with the president in his treatment of the Philippine subject. v m Doctors and the Morphine Habit. Dr. T D Crothors, of Hartford, Conn., road a paper before the New York Medical Association recently, says tho Philadelphia Record, in which ho said that ho had found by closo study of the medical men that 21 per cont, of physicians have tho morphine habit. He strongly urges igainst beginning it, for there is no cure. I'revontion alono is the reniody. Ho says tho doctor hut is a victim of tho habit "" forgetful, uncertain in his diagnosis and liable to make unsafe ventures. He may make a success, but is too liable to fail. He urges that no doctor take morphine in any form savo from the hand of a trusted brother physician. Used By Brittlsh Soldiers In AXrica. Capt O. O. Dcnui.iou is welf known all over Africa a ooruroand of the force tbut captured tliefiinioiib repel UulislM. Under duto of Nov. 4, 1W7, from Vry. burg, Bechuanaland, he writes: "Be fore Stirling on the last campnin I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera and Diarrhoea lion ed.v, which 1 nsed myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and bad given to my men, ind in every ease it proved most bt iieliuial." i'or sale by M. L. Jlarsh & Co. Slradnrhr, Mtojiix d In 20 minute ry Pt lllea' I'aw Flu. "'Jue coin a ikmo." A I,AM)MA!!K REMOVED. Mr. John Sllsenheiiner Passes Away Friday Evening AgtMl 78 years. Another one of the ladnmarks of St. John's church and com munity was removed at 0 o'clock Friday evening, tho 3rd, when Mr. Jno Misenhoimer passed away in death at his homo. His failing health had ad monishod him for some years that the end was to be looked for at almost any period. But what is in death to be dreaded by such a citizen ever firm in faith, patient aud persevering in trial, conservative, genial and kind in all his bearings? Ho suffered much and death is to be looked upon as a friendly message. Mr. Misenheiinor had passed his threo score years and ten, boing 73 years of age. Ho leaves a wife and five liv ing children, viz: Mrs. G M Moose, Mrs. R C Boger, Mrs. A S Dayvault, Dr. C A Mison heimer and Mr. W N Mison heimer. WIRELESS TELEtlRAI'HY. A Practical Test Made at Coin nibla Mr. ( has. Boyd, of This Place, Takes a Part lu the Test. From the Columbia btate we see that Major Benjamin Sloan, professor of mathematics and figures at tho South Carolina college, some days ago had a practical tost of tho wireless telegraphy. He has a full set of instruments, which consists of but a few and very simple in their construction. Prof. Sloan invited a few op erators from the Western Union office, among them being Mr. Chas Boyd, who is chief opera tor. The experiment. was satis factory as to the telegraphing from two points in different parts of tho building, betwoen which were walls of tho build ing, but Iho dashes of the alphabet could not bo distin guished. But nevertheless the test of telegraphing without wires proved successful. Six New Cruisers. Washington, Nov. 1. Bids woro opened at tho Navy De partment today for the construc tion of six shoathed and coppered cruisors authorized by the last naval appropriation bill. These vessels will be of about 3,200 tons displacement, a little larger than tho Raleigh and Cincinnati class. Tho speed is to bo not less than 16J knots. Tho new ships will have twin screws and a battery composed of ton 5-inch guns, eight b-poundcrs, two 1 pounders and four machine guns, The limit of cost fixed by Con gross, exclusive of armament, is 1, 141, 800 each, and it is pro vided that not more than two of these vessels should be built in one yard. Among tho bids were tho following: Win, R Tragg & Co., Richmond, Va., ono vessel department's plans, $1, 027,000, Same company, bidders' plans, one vessel for $1044,000, speed guaranteed 18 knots. Two vos sols, same type, for $937,000 each Same company, bidders' plans, ono vessel for $1,073,000. Same type, two vessels for $1,027,000 oach. Samo company, bidders plans, guaranteed spooi' of 19 knots, one vessel for $l,Oo9,(K)0. Two vessels, samo typo, $1,039, 000. Study It Out. Hero is a higly interesting par adox, which may amuso or be wilder, as tho case may bo. It is supposed lo have been in vented by Socrates: A. snys that all Athenians aro liars. A. is an Athenian and therefore a liar. lhoreforo his statement that all Athenians are liars is not true, and consequently all Atho mans ten ino truth. a. is an Athenian, and hence tells the truth. Wherefore his statement that all Athenians are liars is true." Therefore ho is a liar and his statement false., and so on. While There Is Lire There is Hope. I was afflicted with catarrh; could neither taste nor smell and could hoar but little. Ely's Cream Ralm cured it. Marcus G. Shautz, Rahway, N. J. Tho Balm reached mo safely and thft effect is surprising. My son says the first application gave docidod relief. Respectfully, Mrs. Franklin Freeman, Do ver, N. II. Tho Balm does not irritato or cause sneezing. Sold by drug gists at 50 cents, or mailed by Ely Brothers, 50 Warren St., New York. A RETRACTION. The Stanly Enterprise Retracts from the Statement It Made the Week lie- fere In Reirard lo Some of the I'ylliians behaving lugentlcmaiily Hundreds of tho Knights of Pythias in this part of tho State most especially havo boon eagerly waiting for tho last issue of tho Stanly Enterprise to see what kind of retraction would bo made by Editor Bivins for his remarks about some of the Knights behaving ungentle- manly and being drunk on the train. Tho paper has been issued and contains the following words of apology: "Tho Enterprise published an article last week reflecting on the conduct of a few individuals sup posed to bo members of tin Order of K. of P. Tho Pythians individually and as a whole have joined in resenting the same. Wo published it believing it to be true, and believing it to bo our duty. ' Wro meant no reflection on the Order and could not soe how our words could bo so construed. However, we are instrumental in bringing about a state of affairs lhat wo did not anticipate and for which an apology is duo. Rev. N R Richardson is onr in formant, and while our article was stronger than ho would have written, we based our words ou what lie had to say. He spoke from evidence given him by his wife, supported by evidence from four other parties who were passengers on the train on that day. "From the light of all that is before us and after consultation with our informant we wish to say that our evidence shows no conduct on the part of the Py thians that was more than a jolly set of companions on a picnic occasion wiUld have carried on; and besides, proof is not conclu sive that the disorderly ones were Pythians, nor that any of them were drunk. Wo think our article was harsh and unjust to the Pythians as a body, and thero is no evidence against any omi individual. Wo not only retract from the article, so far as wo aro personally or otherwise concerned, but hereby apologize to tho various Lodges rep resented in the brilliant organ ization hero. J. D. Bivins, Editor, Mrs. Sarah Miiiitironiery Dead. For only a few day has Mrs. Montgomery, tho widow of Mr. Jas. Montgomery, been sick at tho homo of her brother, Mr. Denson Caldwell. But she passed her 80th year last March and her body easily succumbed to death's call when all pain coaseth. She died at 9 o'clock last Thurs day. She was the widow of Jas. Montgomery, of Mecklenburg county, who uioa about a yoar ago. Sho has threo brothers liv ing Mr. Denson Caldwell, of this piaco, and Messrs. Jno. M and Win, L Caldwell, of Meck lenburg county. Three Traln-Ilcater Pulled. Policeman Cruso pulled threo white fellows at tho depot this morning for boating thoir way on a train. They were tried be fore Mayor Means and in default of Iho necessary amount they were taken to jail. Two of the party aro Irishmen. Additions to tho lienor Roll. Tho following names were omitted from tho Honor Roll of tho graded schools: Miss Dodson: Margaret Wood house. Miss Strieker: Nannie Crow- oil, Maggio Hendrix, Robbie Morrison, Ncvin Fetzer, William Bingham. Critical Now In South Africa. Thero is a crisis in tho South African seat of war. News dis patches are somewhat conflicting, but thpy warrant tho goatost English solicitude for General White. Ho is greatly outnum bered and tlio Boers aro aiming to get in tho rear. Indeed, com munications were cut off about 2:80 on the 2nd. Tho Boers aro said to be bending their efforts to destroy tho bridge at Colonso, which is General Wrhite's only moans of retroat or of reinforce ments. Important events aro probably transpiring today. Even the dress makers of Con cord are, like many other busi nesses hero, crowded with work OIT IN FI LL FORCE. The lieethoven ( lull Met Wednesday Evening The First Program of the Season Treated to Luscious Fruits. Written for The Standard. Tho Beethoven Club met with Mrs. W R Harris Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tho members were ot in full force, and all were anxious to hoar tho first program of the season. Our efficient secretary, Mrs. W R Harris, read a paper on "Mu sical History," and to say it was well written and full of good j thought, is expressing it lightly, i JNext on the program was a piano solo from Bach by Con cord's pianist, Miss Lucy Lore. M iss Van Wagner showed her self to bo master of the piano. By request sho rendered, with much expression, a selection from Paderewski. The last on program was a vocal quartette, sweetly sung by Misses Rose Harris, Mary Lewis Harris, Willie Richmond and Alice Sims. After enjoying a splendidly rendered program wo weie treated to tho most luscious fruits of tho season by our charming hostess, Mrs. Harris. The Beethoven Club adjourned with pleasant memories of the afternoon to meet with Mrs. M II II Caldwell Nov. 15, 18'J'J. A Mad Dei; Scare. La to Wednesday afternoon there was some excitement in tho neighborhood of Brafford's mill below town when a large yellow dog, "with" symptoms of hydrophobia, attempted to bite several persons and also to bite a mule. Several persons fol lowed tlio rabid animal and succeeded in ending its life after shooting it several times. For tunately no ono was bitten. Fa(.r!;iii't-Kiiiiiiii)iis Weihllnir. As was mentioned in these columns somo time ago, Mr. Ar thur Faggarl, of this place, and Miss Nina Kinimous, daughter of Mr. Mack Kimmons, of No. 3 township, were married Wed nesday afternoon, tho 1st, by Uov. J Y Love. Mr. and Mr.- I'aggart will at present stay at Mr. S E W Pharr's until his resi denco is finished. Wo welcome this now couple to our city. One Whipped and One Jailed. On Wednesday night Mayoi Means had heloro him a negro boy, Robt. Ellis and Mary Cham bers, for a little affair. It takes two to make a quarrel and so two were punished. Tho boy was rolasod by his mother giving him a genuine whipping, which scene was witnessed by Policeman Johnston. Tho girl was fined for her conduct and ordered to bo confined in jail ton days, They're Dr. Marsh'sTrouhles. For months our friend, Dr Marsh, has had an aching for a dog, so about ono month ago he purchased ono from a negro, paying him threo dollars for it, Since that time ho has been pay ing tho butcher s bill for pro perly boarding the creature, and ilso administered to tho animal while it had a bad caso of dis temper. After all of this trouble mil care, it enveloped Wednos lay that the dog was tho rightful property of Mr. John Earn hardt, who lives in tho country Claim and delivery papers were issued, but it was unnecessary for Dr. Marsh saw that ho was sim ply short of tho dog and linnet told the man to take his canine and go his way. Henry ( hnmbers In Trouble. On Wednesday night Deputy Marshall tiampion, came here and arrested Henry Chambers, a negro who is wanted for retail ing whiskey. It will bo remem bered that Henry has served a sentence on the chain gang for retailing and now tho United States has him in hand and will have him on trial at tho next term of Federal court. In do- fault of a $200 bond ho was con fined to jail. A?aln a Newspaper Man. Tho Winston-Salem correspon dent to the Charlotto Observer says that F S Starretto, a news paper man of Mooresville, went toKornesvillo Thursday evening to arrange for the publication of a weekly paper, the first issue of Which will appear next week. HE FOOLED THE SUHGEONS. All doctors told Keniok Ilamilton, of West Jefferson, O., aftor BUHorinK 18 mouths from llcctul r istiila, tie would die unless a oostly operation was per formed; but he cured himself with five boxes of huekku'd Aiaica hu've. the surest Pile euie ou Earth, and the host Halve tu tue World. 2.0 oeuts a box. Hold at fetzer's Drug btors. PROSPEROUS FAITH. The Volume of Ihisiness Not Known to Numbers of People-Mr. Wyatt ( notes a Mill-Stone to the Orphan Asylum. Written for Tiie Htandard. Faith,Oi:t 31 Faith is growing f.is,fer this year than over before. There is a largo number of peo ple here who don't do anything brt work in the granite quarries the year round, when flu W' Mier is not too bad. There : thousands of car loads cf y line granite all over tli's : (', ion. The rough granite i ; valuable, but the wo;'!-: ':putoiiit to get it in the proper shape is what counts. Tho contractors do all their busi ness by mail, writing and answer ing letters.figuring on jobs of dif ferent kinds and telling people what they furnish certain kinds of work for on board of cars in their city. Lots of people pet granite from this place, and send the money for it, and never see the man or men that they deal with. They hear of them and know tl em as business men and granite dealers. Tho mail route along this way is a great blessing to this section of the country. Large packages af newspapers come to our otliee for tho people in this settlement JT Wyatt, of this place, is 4 year? old today, and in order '0 remember his birthday ho u,: natus a 3-fool mill-stone (now cut ready to ship) to the Oxford orphan asylum, at Oxford, N. ('. If they, or any ono interested, will sell it, the money can go to the asylum, all except one dollar to pay for hauling it to the Salis bury depot from Faith. If Faith had a railroad she would grow into a city in a very short time. The people make horso troughs, hearth rock.-., bases, steps, door an! window sills, cemetery and street curb ing, and building stones, and many other tilings out of gran ite, and it will last until Gabriel blows his horn, for we quarry hands to all como and take rest. The Hallowe'en Party. V'ritten for Tho Standard. Tlio Hallowe'en party given by Miss Jennie Smith to her niece, Miss Cassio Watson, was a most novel and delightful affair. The Smith house was trail formed into wonderland. The sr ,s presided over the party a their ghostly silence was ' impressive. The evening v, 's one continued surprise, and .lany tests of fortune kejif t . .mpany in a high state of delightful enjoyment. Tho All-hallowe'en was car ried out in the decorations of the table. At supper each guest was given a candle, tied with ribbon, on which was told their fortune. It will long be remembered by the merry guests as an event in Cher lives, and All-hallowe'en will ever bring charming memo ries in its train. Mr. Quint Smith and Miss Jennie showed thoir wonderful talent and resources in entertain ing. He (nine Here After His Son, For somo timo a young man named S E Hoana, of Anderson, S. C. has been at Forest Hill working in tho mill. Tho young man aas several times run awy from home and on Wednesday his father had Policeman John ston to go to Forest Hill and get him. Mr. Johnston found him at tho company store and both wore ready to get into the buggy end como down to tho mayor's oflico whon the fellow put to his heels. Ho was chased through backwards and gardens and at last captured. His father took him back to Anderson Wednes dav nisrht. Tho bov vowed he would not stay at home, thoug So Sjinpalliy to lie Slioiv. Mr. II J Overman, of this city, representing the two Salisbury .uid tho three Charlotte lodges, K. of P., telegraphed Mr. Jim Hurley, who is now in Albe marle, that those lodges had no mpathy to show Editor liivins, and that they would bo content with nothing less than a full re traction of tho charges made by his paper. Tho lodges in Charlotto phoned Mr. Overman that they were him in this sentiment and I back him up. Salisbury yr ueprttaaveNonrarglft. Oevrr. MHpa VAliAHii-S ( K Mill As llcvealed in Life in This t'omitr and LKcviIk iv. A Philadelphia v.i an -or.: I. or rival poisoned kv ci-.-nn. A New York woman ha'"' he. sv cethei'rt arrested fur theft ami married him. An A'ehison man wife for divorce found her exan.iiii. s suing his '.cause ho mourning flyl. s. The divorced wif .n , J- r-y Cit;: man is now tl,.' i-, , in U" employ of Iter '. 'i-nnne's seco'i.d wife. W 15 Pile married Mrs. Vanli. -van inIudependenco. l'-n. i washer fifth trip to the ait.:, and his third. On the evo of his wedding to mother of a New Jersey ma .i kidnapped him, and no on kuows where they are. An Australian sen' hii sweet heart money to pay iier passag" from England. On her way over she' fell in love with a passenger and married him. While in bathing at Atlantic City a man proposed and was ac ci)ted, inula preacher mo-nn the beach, they were ;r , -.. ., In their bathinir suits. WhiltJ a London ci.u:v on fire a bridal party . . ,:- i'.d insisted upon beip - the parson tied the km'' lh (''.'itice was in !1 inn -,. A NupoVon (O.) coup'.' v. . married a few days a."o ofer ; -engage neat which e.Me ';! tu, broken over a period ct i The man b0 and the ; . -years i 'hi. Nov.- York Express. Southern Railv. THE . . . Standard I'n.t of the SOUTL: 'ay THE D1KECT LINJi TU AIL S. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strkt'y I IHST CLAS J-j"', mc ThruUfc'b and local Tra-'as; iu falace Sleeping Cais o-i all Trains; last and Sate SciKuuks ail .nail !jht Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Sale, Com furtablcand Lxfcjitlous jour. ney Apply to Ticket Afents for T!rne Tables. K ites and General ir.r.-.-matlf.a, or Addict R. I. VERNON, l .K. PA ;:!?. T. P. A., I P.; 1. A., Charlotte, N. C. Aslievii'e, ... C. No Trouble tOAUSwti t'...;;ka Frank .G?r.non,J. If. Ct'I I , A. lui... 3rd V.P.StGcn M'gr, Tr.if. Mar., U 1' A. WASK'iiGTu.t. 1). C. D. G Caklwell, M. u. M,'.l.. ttev'-ns, M.-.' Ora, CALDWELL ft fcTL t HiNS. Concord, N. 0. Hlc8 in old oat oilic" 1 aililiE ' opposite St. tUoud Hotel. l'hor e No 3 M.OItKlSON' H. CALDWELL attobe; at taw, OOXCOKD. h r Oflii'3 ia Morrid "bir 'tiiag, pyvti'. Court iicu.je. M. B. STICKLEYj Attorney at Law, Concord N. C . SFLUAL AT1LMI0S) . 10 COLLht'llOtlS. Oftco aj;;Uira iu Kin? L near Ponloflicv Stets ?r rr Wiv '-T i hrre year ar do- , -we.' , . JaJ.?, ' tion, rr - . iny b ten r . . gf ner-.Ll -int a... I l r Miles' Net- u. fc! Well 2 " cv. r, t-Tru. St.-:of JU. o s L. n f . r l i. 1(1 1 v nil 1: hrst bntlle Lclci is -r liouk ou tn;art au.t r.ci . - - Or. MiW I r .r.ia . t In i. - J m r.. ir'.rf fcnf

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