Ladnv' i'.i nw -roy mixed Ik 8,1c lit The Racket, lii. in Craven Br. '"'V . ... 1 1 llt,t .,!ll.,.l a' Mrs. v;.)ia p.n.i two hi ltlj-i r., of Raleigh, arrived hero Sunday night. Pound calico at light or dark colors. L't. Tho Racket. Mrs. J L lVck spent Sunday with lior relatives in No. 7 town ship. , Cotton flannel Jc. Turkey-red calico yje, Outing 5c. L't, The Racket. Mr. D P Dayvuult spent Sun day at his father's at Barium Springs, ii you want a hood, or a cap lor tho clnldren, you can get it cheap at The Racket. 2t. Mrs. Frank Mabery, of McAd ensville, is visiting at Mr. J Jl Mabery's at Forest, llill. Miss Lou Cook, of Forest Hill, spent Sunday in Salisbury with relatives. Dr. II C Daniels, who is at present practicing at Gold Hill, spent Sunday here. Mr. Jas. Watson, c' Salisbury, spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. J E Smout. Mr, Quint Smith is at work these days surveying the corpo rate limits of our town. Mr. R CCrifhi:, whoso homo i.; near Monroe, has a position as a clerk in Marsh's drug store. Mrs. D F Cannon returned homo Saturday night from Char lotto after spending several days. Mr. W C Corn lot on South M; 1 is fixing hi: in street pre- pavatory to building soon. his ions." Zephyr, bright colors, as sorted, 5c. per skein. Em broidery silk at Sc. per skein, 3t. The Racket. The A. & M boys met a defeat of L'4 to (I last Saturday at. Rock Hill with tho Clemsou college football team. Walter Fink spent Sunday at home. Re and Waiter Hopkins are conducting a fruit and canny stand at Gold Hill. Her friends will be glad to know that Mrs. S F Stephens i-. gradually recovering now from her second attack of fever. Miss Carrie Slither has re turned home from the Slate formal college ou account OJ no typhoid fever there. Miss Dora GuiTey, who ha. been at the bedside of her brother, lias returnood to her home in Rowan county. Bishop Josephs Key, of Sher man, Tex., arrived hero today (Monday) to attend the confer ence. He is the guest of Mr. V J Freeman. Miss Irma Kimmons returned home Sunday nisrht from school at the Givo-.i.-.horo State Norm-;!. She will not return until the I'm'' day of January. It is hoped thai the new uni forms for our policemen will ar rive soon so that our town will make n still better appearance to our many visitors this week. Mr. Rhodes Guffoy, of Salis bury, spent Sunday here at the bedside of his brother, Mr. Pay ton Gufl'ey, who is sic': with ty phoid fever. Mr. Guit'oy's motner is at hi: bcusiee. Mrs. Ramsur, of Charlotte and Mrs. L D Duval, of t'aro leen, have returned t,o tne r homes after spending a week hero with their sister, Mrs. W G Boshamer. Miss Lillie Nussman left Fri day night for Clinton, Mo., ou a visit. Mr. L L Cress, of the county, also Friday for the same place last night. Salisbury Sun. Would you pay s '.," for a la dies' nice black sill.: skirt worth "i.Ony You can get if at The Racket. Get one and surprise your wife on next Sunday morn ing. ' it. Mrs. Laura Misonhcimor, of near Rimer, Cabarrus county, who has been visiting at Mr. W A Eagle's, left for her home Saturday afternoon. Salisbury Sun. Ladies' vests l,"ic. up; capes ,VV. up; men's undershirts ISc up; blanket.) .Vic. per pair up: wool hoods ."e. up; outing 5c. up. See our glassware, 2t. Tut; Racket. Mr. C W J louiiston spent Oral O.iys last Week" with his mother, Mrs. Milas W Johnston, at Concord. It., was his first trip to his old home since last April. Mooresvilie Record -Times. Mr. Wilson IVArmoud, of Charlotte, committed suicide Monday morning by shooting himself with a pistol, lie was a father oi Mr. Eugene DeArmond, who formerly came hero each day for tho Wadsworth Transfer Co. ""' Tho garden scene' of Faust Will be rendered by Die Iirehany Company tomorrow evening. Mus;e, tn.h vo.-al and -i ihe '.-("-;,- higiie: ! order. .i...:sio:i 75 cents. Do not mi.-..-, on.-, oppoi'iuiiify of a life time. New songs, new scenes pnd new faces. si oarlorsnow ll'Mill gll'l. r ;-,oVi;ll SIX .'liss Ella Grohj-'ii, of Rowa i I'uniy, is visitii'g.Miss Anni.3 H-khenl. Jas. I Cool; lell Monday night, lor New York on a busi ness trip. -ih, Bessie'Litlle, of Hickory, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Uiack. Mis.-, Ihumv Harris, of Me bane, has gone out to Mr. J S Harris' to visit for a while. Mrs. P f ; Fetzer returned homo Monday night from Davidson, whore she spent several days. ::,The Racket sell mens under shirts as low as lsc. They have better ones up to $1.25 each. St. Mr. W T Fisher, formerly of this place, who is now living ut Newberry, S. C. is here. Edgar Caldwell, who is em" ployed in Lynchburg, Va., is here visiting his parents. Ladies you can buy winter Vests at 15c of theHacket. 8t. Mr. Ed. Cook, of Spray, hsa accepted a position in the beam ing room at the OJell mills. , Bishop Joseph F Key will ar rh o here next Monday. He will be entertained at Mr. M J Free man's. Mis.--. Myrtioe Thompson, after spending a week here with Miss Pearl Brown, has returned to Salisbury. Mr. Robt. Walthall, who is now employed in Norwood, spent Monday night here with his family. Mrs. II X Wells, of Waynes vil'.e, arrived hero Monday night to visit her father, Mr. W A Smith. Mrs. Harry Fryling returned home Monday night from Albe marle where she spent soveral days with her husband. Mr. a-nd Mrs. F A Coble, of the Postal Telegraph Co.. spent Sunday with Mr. and MrJ. J A McEacheru. Abrain Paul, who lias been clerking for Mr. S. M. Gaskel. lias severed his connection with that position. Mr. C L Smith, formerly of this place, but who is now ; traveling auditor for the South em, spent tnis morning nere. Mr. Jos. Lee returned to Spen cer Prulay night. It will oi remembered that Mr. Le-j lost his wile a few davs ago. Mrs. Julia Misenhoimer, of isenheinier s springs, spent Wednesday herewith Mrs. 'from man at Forest Hill. Mr. Bascom Umbergor and wife have returned to Mr. H W Lud wig's in No. 4 township, af ter their southern bridal tour. Mr. W E Anderson, of States ville. spent Thursday night hero w'hh his son, Mr. McCree Anderson. Mrs. SE Allen returned here Thursday nitrht from Winston to attend tho hod side of her mother, Mrs. Ann Link. Mr. L P Hudspeth, of Rich mond, Va.. arrived hero last night to have a position in the freight department at the depot. Mr. W G Means and Judge Montgomery returned home Thursday night from Raleigh where they attended the Supreme court. Airs. S un CiJdwell, of Meck lenburg county and her father, Mr. 1! M Pratt, of Erie, Pa., Thursday night lu re on their remrn to Mecklenburg from Pennsylvania. Mrs. Cald well was formerly Miss Pratt, who taught school her.) a num ber of years ago. In tho football game Friday in Charlotte between tho A. & M. boys and the Davidson boys, there no score. It was a hard fought Initio. Mr. Thos. J Dunn, who is one of a parly of three from Now Yoii; enjoying theuislves in our en. dl fields near .ere, is tiie siioriil of New York. One of our prominent citizens on Friday night boarded No. ;t5, the fast mail train at Salisbury, and as a result he soon found himself in Charlotte instead of Concord. , jssie Strieker, who ha been attending .school at the Stale Nor.nal, has returned home on account of the typhoid fever there. Miss Emma Coble, daughter of Mr. C M Col.lo. who lives near the graded school, has rotunnd heme from school at the Greens boro State Normal. Mr. Corl's omnibus has under gone a repainting. Itaddsmuch to its appeari'uee. He had it iiris'vil in time for the confer ence comers to see n. Rev. C LT Fisher i-etumod lo Charlotte Monday night. He preached at St. James Lutheran church Sunday morning and night. Messrs. Itrite and Dees and SherilT Dunn, of New York, who have boon hereon a bird hunting tour, re'urnod homo Monday j KeV. J rone to j attends! i.T i.u ik. l 'ro os :m . n,n . or- . . enco at Friendship church this - . - ..... . .. Ji'ilor 'J'ovh''.oth week, c.i.CK.S!,((R'.) MiKJ.AJ. X JED. Two Deaths From Tjylioiil Fo T - Forty hi'lil Sick Hut) the Others : Home. m , The typhoid fever epidemic lias quite, for the time being, broken up tho Greensboro Nor mal college. Miss Abbio Dean, of Wilson, and Miss Daisy Cald well, of Davidbon College, have died. There aro now four pro nounced cases, while there ar-forty-eight sick-in tho institution with much fear that a large' per cent, will develop the disease. The young ladies not sick aro of t-ourse ail gono home and tho greatest sc'.eufitic research will be exercised to find the cause. It throws a gloom over the community. Every effort is be ing mado by the citizens to render aid and comfort to tho patients. MKS. JAMES UKKillT DEAD. Ti-irtl Stroke of Paralysis oil Fourth Anniversary of First A Mont Exem plary Character. Mrs. James Wright, of near Enochvillo, whoso serious illness was noted a few days since, died at o'clock Tuesday night. Just four years ago to tho day she was stricken with paralysis. Some two weeks ago she suffered another stroke which admonished all that the end was near. The final stroke ended her sufferings on Tuesday. She was 05 years old. Sho leaves a sorrowing hus dand and four children viz: Prof. E and F E and Mr. J A Wright and Mrs. J Allen Sloop, Mrs. J C Dealon and Miss Nellie Wright and also a brother, Mr Ephraini Ovorcash, and sister, Mrs Susan Deal, to mourn her loss while they cherish the fond memory of a most exemplary and lovable character. She was a shining light in tho membership of St. Enoch Church wliero her funeral will take li'laeo on Thursday at 10 o'clock. It is well with the righteous when they die. Marshall Mabery arrived Tuesday night to spend a day or two. Miss Sophia. Paul returned home Tuesday night from Gas toiua. Mr. Jas. W Cannon left Tues day night for a northern busi noss trip. Mrs. Leon and two child ren arrived here Tuesday night from Winston to visit at Mrs. llartsell's. Mr. D C Dayvault, of No. 2, is in iw front rank of the turnip brigade1. Ho brought us in two hue specimens, one weighing 5$ and tho other b pounds. Mr. C A Wood, of South Caro linn, formerly a business man here, arrived Tuesday night on i visit. He is soiling shoes now Dr. W H Wakelield, of Char lot e. N. C. will bo in Concord at St. Cloud on Friday, Dec. 15th or.e day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Mrs. J F Smoot and Mrs. T A Smoot, of Salisbury, aceom pained their husbands hero to attend conference. They are stopping at Dr. J E S.uoot's. Miss Laura Wheeler, of Wil mington, who has been spending a while with her brother, Mr. Robt. Wheeler, has returned home. Eighteen Methodist ministers are registered at tho Kimball house and 10 at the St Closd ho tel. Theso are the guests of citizens of our town. Mrs. N D Felzer returned homo Tuesday night from Wins ton whore for several weeks she has boon at the bedside of her mother, who was very sick. Her mother is much improved now. Miss Nannie Archibald, tho ac comodating central telephone operator, returned home Tues day night from Dunn, where she spent more than a month with her sister, Mrs. Hooks. - (icu. A D t'ow lt'H Dead. (Jen. A D Cowles died at Statesvillo at 1 o'clock a. m. last Saturday morning. Ho was 43 years of age. Cen. Gowles untimely death is a second stroke for Statesvillo in quick succession. Before tho r. imams of young Mr. Long were buried tho death of Gon. Cowles deepened tho pall of goom. Ho was popular and beloved and will be missed over tho state in c ;nnection with military affairs. Fancy Ids chagrin: Be was writing to his girl and to. his washerwoman. Got tho letters mined. The latter was sur prised at tho sweet missive and the other well how would she feel at reading, "If you "don't epjit wrinkling up my shirt bosom I'll try someone else." lO CUHS A COLD IS ONE DAY !..l,,i r...Tufi. It . . ft. . . . n .1- ..'".r cure. c. Tbe geuuin hat i,, ,, u. u,ruIHU 1-HI111111 ni.ttijiu if .1 f;i. 1.. .... --- it iniia i eaou warn s: wial vf.mke diuvs. The I'rlal of H:I Jifds land Our for 1 1iuixliiy - til. l!-t' (.' 'i'r'e 1 Tt l'sy Hip Damages. Tho "Salisbury correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says: "The November term of Rowan Superior Court convened Monday morning, Judge Robinson on tho bench. A .large part of tho morning was con sumed in drawing a special ve nire of 75 for the trial of Will Edwards and Tom Carr, tho two negroes charged with tho murder of Policeman Kerns, in Concord, the case having been moved to this county upon proper affidavit in behalf of Edwards. It was pointed out by Messrs. John S Henderson and A H Price, appointed to represent Carr, that he had never made tho necessary affidavit, but the court found, as a matter of fact, that he had adopted that of Edwards and was bound, by it. Messrs. PB Means of Concord, and Lee S Overman represent Edwards. Col. Means moved for a severance of tho codefeudauts, stating that Edwards' lLie of defence was incompatible with that of Carr, who had done the actual shoot ing, as he would be able to prove. This was rofusod by tho court. The case has been set for trial Thursday. Solicitor Rush will be assisted in tho prosecution by Mr. W G Means, of Concord. This will bo tho first of the three murder cases on tho docket of this court to bo tried. All the defendants are negroes. Ed Host, the participant in the fracus at Concordia church, near Enochvillo, last spring, who did most damage, splitting a man's skull so badly that for a while In was 'expected to die, pleaded guilty of a simple assault and judgment was suspended until tho November, 1900, term of the court, upon condition of his giv ing a $200 bond to pay tho in jured man's doctor bill and the costs of tho action before the court. Will Not lict ii ru To t'oncriHii. Manila, Nov. L'O.-Genora! Wheeler has decided not to re turn forCongress. He has writ ing a letter to President Mc Kinley with a request that it bo forwarded to the House ot Rep resentatives. In tho course of an interview with a correspond ent of tho Associated Press, he said: "Congress, if it occupies the first day of tho session in passing a resolution declaring in unmis takable terms that tho sover eignty of tho United states is to bo maintained in the Philippines, thus dispelling Aguinaldo's de lusion that tho anti-imperialists can assist him, will be perform ing a sacrod duly. Such a reso lution wouli save the lives of many American soldiers and of thousands of deluded Filipinos; would avert famino, suffering and desolation from those islands, and would render unnecessary the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars.,,' The people of Cotta Bato, on the southwestern coast of the island of Mindanao, desire the establishment of Amorican gov eminent thore, and havo address ed a petition to General Otis, asking him to send troops. In relating how they had ap pealed to the Dato to protect them against tho attempts of Aguinaldo's officials to collect excessive taxes, they say in the petit'on that the Dato, having compassion for our sufferings and in tho interests of pence publicly beheaded half a dozen of theso o facials. A Law Daily lErokvn. A gentleman who came in from New York city this morn ing says ho saw 6ne string of 500 North Carolina partridges ft'ered for ssdo in that city yes terday. The birds were shipped from the eastern part of the State and of the 500 not a single 0110 was shot all were trapped birds. In this immediate section, hun ters say that the country people are fast getting rid of tho supply by means of the trap. Thore is a law ou tho statute books imposing a severo tine for shipping birds outside tho State. While it is daily broken, if an offender now and then was made to pay the fine, such cases would not be of such frequent occur- enee. Tho partridge is. jlho gamest bird of this section. Sportsmen derive more real pleasure in hunting them than any other bird and the laws that tho legis latures of recent years have passed for their protection should be rigidly unforced. If they are not, tho supply, espo pin v m t his Koet.inn wi Rnrn ho . .. ... .. ... . j cut off. Charlotte News. imn.UM; i:rKM:n. Tiie . v. Sro.uc of J A,nl It rni d 'ninoM.b FastVitnri n- ?J!!il ' (' Knov n for l'.ie l ire I nlcss '1 we the Moik of An Inci'iKliary. List' Saturday night a short while before o'clock nuinheis noticed a tire over, in tho direc tion of the Coleman cotton mill. Numbers of porsons watched it before tho alarm was given. The alarm was needless as it was too far away for the tire companies or others to reach in time to save anything. The dwelling belonged to J A Lankford, a colored man who is a machinist at tho Coleman mill. It was a two-story building and had been finished ,but a short while. He was using one room in the building where ho slept. Tho building was on the road leading tc the Bala mill not very far from the Coleman mill. No cause is known for the fire jnless it was the work of an in cendiary. Tho owner of the building didn't save anything from in the house and the build ing burned completely. A Fine Hanjo IViTormiT. Mr. W D Raymond, who for some time has been on the stage with a company, spent Monday night hero. His company was compelled to disband and he is on his return to New York. He is tho finest performer on the banjo that has ever boon in Con cord. Ou this instrument, which is an excellent one, lie makes some of the most beautiful tones one has ever heard on any in strument. TIip W liulo (iaiiR Has Skipped. That was an unfortunate trip Deputy SherilT Townsend made down lo the washout last Satur day afternoon when tho negroes were being paid for their services. Quite ii number have failed to come for their money and tho others have left. Out of a gang of forty-five only two have stayed at their work. There's Activity In the Philippines. Operations in the Philippines seem to be brisk beyound con ception in view of the terrible hindrance. Rains keep the streams swollen and the roads impassable for wagons and yet our troops sweep on, the cav alry dashing , upon towns and villages' capturing subsistence and the infantry holding it. While Apuiualdo has probably escaped it is believed that most j of hisarmyare inside of ourlines Many of these, will hide thei sruns, doff their war goods and play frjendly. It is different with our lack of complete maps to understand th movements but our troops an certainly not waiting for tin approaching dry weather but are proceeding on the idea thai tho r;. hi and mud retard the re trcater as much as the pursuer , B Vice-President lloliart Dead. A telegram was received today (Tuesday) at 9:30 dispatchingtho sad, but not unexpected news, that V ico l'resident liobart is dead. The world know that the United States Senate must los its popular presiding officer a cancer of tho stomach had marked tho beginning to the end. It has been but a flickering of the lamp of life .by which slight improvement has been reported for some days and weeks past The American nation mourns under this providential stroke The State Has a Donanzu. Wadesboro Messenger; Capt. A Ramsay, who has finished surveying the lands comprising the Anson State farm, reports that ho has discovered thereon, in unlimited quantities, an excellent grade of roofing sla'.o. If this be true, and wo have no reason to doubt it, it may be that tho State has come into possesion of a veritable bonanza, in the purchase of tins farm. . m ' Tragic Affair In Mitchell. A very tragic affair occurred in Mitchell county last Saturday in which Senator Poitchard's brother killed a desperado. Ho and Jacob Blayloek attempted to arrest a man by the name of Honeycntt who some time ago murdered Grier Phillips. Hoimy- utt resisted and shot ulayloe.k whereupon Ex-Sheriff Pritchard killed Honeycutt. A (liuntre of Schedule Next Month. On tho 10th of December a new schedule will go into effect on the Southern. There will bo a change in tune of arrival of Nos. o5, 7, and 1G. The1 school at the China Grove icaiiemy closed Tuesday on ac count of the illness of Prof. P E Wright's mother, wbo lived near Enochvillo. i THE CA1.I, ACCEPTED. X. C. .lexaiider to Leave Con Kinl To lie l'.c-tor of Maryland Awi : I'r til te' i.ui Church. On kJui.d.iy morning Rev. V C Alexander mado public his decision in regard to tho call ex tended to him a short while ago from tho Maryland Avenue Presbyterian church of Balti more. .After deliberation over the matter since he was there two weeks ago he litis decided to accept the same and will take charge of the work in his new field about the first of next month. A congregational meet ing of this church will be held next Sunday. Numbers of people, besides the members of his congregation will regret exceedingly to loso Rev. Alexander and family. He is a minister who is popular with his people as well as an able minister. An Evidence of Their (edit. The officers are still on the lookout for sorao negroes who took such an active part in the festival over towards White Hall last week and Deputy Townsend spent Saturday afternoon down at the washout, in order to view tho negroes as they were being paid off. But about twelve or fifteen of tho negroes, strange to sry, failed to come in for their money. One negro, Henry Johnson, was arrested and brought here, but ho was not convicted. The pay master has saved tbe railroad company some money by the festival. Was ,loli a Palmist; Madame Elrado's hand road ing is exciting no small degree of interest and is proving to tho community that palmistry is a science' full of interest to tho in vest iirating .mind. Whether or not Job referred to palmistry in the U7th chapter and 7th verseis not so clear as that tho hand is readable and that many charac teristics as well as the events in life are noted in tho hand. A Miiflinir Engine Here. The Southern Railway Co. is now beginning to realize each dav the volume of business doro here at their station, more espe cially in the freight department. It has now become necessary to place a shifting engine here in order to place the cars in the different parts of tho yards. The shifting of cars delays the local freight train for hours each day. The placing of tho shifting engine hero is only temporary hut probably the plan will be made permanent. llisl ncli- Dead. Mr. McCree Anderson, who handles the ticket department at the depot, left Sunday night for his home at Statesville. Ho was called by the death of his uncle. Mr. Morris P Anderson, who died Sunday afternoon. Con sumption was the cause of his death. He has boon sick for some time. The Child Found Dead in lied. The two-months-old child of Mr. Jason Furr, of No. 9 town ship, was found dead in bed to day (Monday.) The littlo child was well on Sunday afternoon and no cause is known for its death unless it smothered. The remains will bo interred aftc the preaching of tho funeral at SI. Martin's Lutheran church. Ml. l'leasaiit Has a Scare- Last Saturday the news was heralded about that there was case oi smallpox out at Ait. Pleasant. By that time the was past there as the ru mor had been investigated and amounted to nothing. Tho vie ini of the supposed disease was a negro. He's Callinir for Taxes. In this issue tsherin i'ecLc is calling ior our tax-payers to ease come forward at ouco and pay their taxes, as ho will be compelled to meet Ins bills the ,t of the year and unless thore i big increase in collections he will be not able to do so. Road what he has to say in his ad. Trophic at the Flying Gallery. Last Saturday night there was atrial in the mayor's office of some trouble at the "merry-go-round" between a small white boy and a negro woman. As a result the white boy was given a genuine whipping and tho negro was con fined in jail over Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Stevens, who have been spending a week here e!t Friday night for China rove where they spent the iiigLil ana lliou j eiui ueu to inoir home in Ashoville. rlhoir dwell ing hero has not yet boon rented. RE..TE. Concord t die Ministers of Western North Cur, duu-I'roccc J ings of the Moniia; Session Tin Past Year Filled with G'hmI Work. Just nine years ago the Meth odist conference of Western North Carolina was organized in Central Methodist church at this place. At 9 o'clock todry (Wednesday) the conference be gan its annual session with Mishop Joseph S Key, of Sher man, Tex., presiding. After tho reading of the Scrip ture tho regulation hymn, "Are We Yet Alive," was sung. Rev. Wm. L Sherrill, of Le oir, is secretary of tho confer ence, assisted by Rev. J C Bald win. Rev. Staples was elected but was unwell. Rev. K M Taylor was elected tho statistical secretary. The report on books and periodicals was read and referred ) Rev. K M Taylor. Report of '.. leral Board of Missions read nd referred to Dr. Jas. Atkins. port of book agents read i.i.d "ferred to Rov R M Taylor, .import of Board of Education ferred to Rov. M A Smith. Re port of Sunday School referred to committee. Report of Ep worth League read and referred to Rev. Goo. L Hackney. A very bright and encourag ing report from Trinity college was road and referred to Mr. W R Odell, who is socretary of the Hoard of Education. Tho re port of Davenport college w in road and referred to same com mittee as was also the excellent report of the Greensboro Female ollege. At this juncture Rev. J C Rowe arose and spoke of the typhoid fever which has got ten into tho State Normal col lege but assured all who have daughters at the Greensboro Female college that there is no danger of tho disoaso in this in stitution. A special committee, consist ing of Revs. J W Jones, H M Ulair, and J H Dotw'ler, was ip pointod to transfer tho property of Rutherford college to this conference. Assistant Superintendent Rogers, of the Oxford Orphan asylum was introduced to the conference after which he made a pathetic appeal to the confer ence for ix'A for the inmates of this asylum. Rev. W E Towson, of Nasville; Rev. J N Huggins, of Marshall, Mo.; Rev. N M Jurney, who r .presents the Craven Memorial hall, were introduced to the co- ferenco. Tho twentieth question, "Are all tho ministers blameless in their life and official niiuistra lion" was then put by Bishop Key, and tho names oi tho pro siding elders called. Tho pro siding elders are Rov. Daniel Atkins, D D of the Ashoville dis trict, Rev. S B Turrontino of tin Charlotte district, Rev C M Campboll of the Franklin district Rov Frank H Wood of the Greensboro district, Rov Jno W J.mes of the Morgauton district Rev H M Blair of the Mt Airy district, Rev Jno R Brooks, of tho Salisbury district, Rov Win K Ware of tho Sliolby dis trict, Rov. W W Bays, D. D., of the Statesville district, Rev. T ! irrof the Waynosvillo district, a jl Rev. P i J Carroway of the mston district. Rev Jones wa. ( .pellod to give up hi.- v vk during some ol t i past year on ac c .ntot ill health and was suc ceeded by Rev. W L Grissom, who made the report. Rov. 11 M Blair was absent ou account of ill hoalth and his report was ottered by Kev. b L Townsond. During this part of tho work Mishop Key indulged jokingly. as ho does accasionally, to tin great fruit tree raiser, Dr. W Bays, who has a reputation in the conterence lor good work on sinners and troos. In Rev. Carroway's report he referred to the recent loss by death of Rov. W S Creasy. No report of the presiding elders was more encouraging than that of Rov. J R Brook's, of this the Salisbury discrict. Ho asked tho confer ence for a new charge at Salis bury near the Kestlcr mill, also asked that Albemarle bo made a station and also a circuit. Stated that a $1,000 church had boon erected at China Grove, a new parsonage built in Salis bury and an old dobt had boon p;fid on a parsonage on the Lin- wood circuit. All of tho roports were good ana showed active work during tho past year. the names of the superan nuates were then called, which were as follows: Revs. C M Anderson, J W Bird, V H Coop or, T II Edwards, S II Helsa biick, W B Lyda, R W Pickens, Z Rush, M V Sherrill, J CTrov, I C Thomas, T L Triplett, J W1 Wheeler, J A Wiggins, II F Wiley, J F Craven, A R Long, and J F Wilson. These names were referred to tho committee on conference relation of sup erannuates. Those of this num ber present rose and mado short talks to tho body. Rov. S M Davis, who has been in very bad health, reported that now ho is iblo to report lor service. Rev. Lyda said he had been doing some work but was physically unable for effective work. Rev. Pickens was present despite old ago and bad hoalth and had been able to preach several sermons during the year. Rev. Z Rush, of this placo'was present." Rev. i i iplot was present too. Arte, the talk made by Rov. Wheelc th. Winn, "Blessed Assurance.' sung. Most pathetically, br lging tears to the eyes ol , did Rev. J C Troy poak of ds liability for service on AXM '" M. r count of his physical ondition and also of the recei hiss of his loving companion, leaving bo hind only himself and littlo daughter. Tho hym 1, "Amaz-r-ig Grace How S'vun-t tho Sound," was sung. The name of Rov. A K Long was called but since the last meeting of confer ence ho has answered death's call. The following statistical secre taries were appointed: Finance, Revs. W F Womblo and C A Wood; Statistics, Revs. Ii G Tuttle and II K Boyer; Sunday school, Revs. M H Vestal and B D Sherrill. After the close of the morning session tho appointments were made for the different committees iu tno different parts of town. Tonight there will bo a moot ing held iu the interest of edu cation. Rev. Hammond, D. D., of Nashville, will deliver an ad dress in the interest of th Uventieth century movement. A liOI.I.KK MILL. ii uruevlllo Looking I'pward in a Busi ness and Educational Y ayMarriage (itlore. Written for The Standard. Georgeville,.Nov.18 Every thing is lively about Georgeville now. We are making arrange ments for our Xmas entertain ment. We anticipate a nice time then. Mr. Geo. Flowe will in a short while occupy the;, home recently made vacant by Mr. Lewis Black. Mr. Flowe realizes the educational advantages here of fered by our high school. Messrs. Shinn & Widenhouse have bought and will soon erect a roller mill at this place. They are working at it now with the energy well known of George ville's citizens. Tho public school opened at tho academy on Monday, the 13th. The opening was very en couraging. It appears that Madame Ru mor's report as to the marriages will prove true yet. On Thursday, tne 10th, Mr. Sam Furr ami Miss Laura Smith were married at the residence q Mr. Caleb Smith, J. P. Wr Con gratulate the happy couple and wish thera abundant sit "ess. Wo predict that there will bo more marriages in this part of tho county soon. About one hundred and fifty uf our citizens gave tho pastor of hi.s circuit a "pounding," which was very much of a success. Everything in the line of some thing to eat was carried in. ITS HAM) Ill'IlNED. Mr. Augustus Klutfz's Son Falls Into the Fire Th Public School Open In That Community. Written for The Standard. Organ Chukcii, Nov. 21. While playing near the fire last Sunday, littlo Orin, tho 15 n juths old son of Augustus lvluttz, foil into the fire, burn ing his loft hand quite badly. Dr. McNairy was called and dressed the hand. The child is doing right well at prosont. The Sunday school at Organ hurch last Sunday decided to have a Xmas tree on Christmas day. The ladies of tho Missionary Society aro going to sell a fine quilt at Organ Church on Christ mas day at 1 p. m. Thero will bo a Union Thanks living Servico at tho Lower Stone Church on Thanksgiving lay. Revs. Cox and McNairy will make addresses. Tho public schools opened up last Monday, Mr. David Lentz teaches at the Kluttz school house, Augustus Kluttz teaches at Parks, Johu Lyerly at Sloop's, John Sloop and sister Emma at Faith. Walter Sifford, of Man ning, fills tho pedagogical chair at tho Fisher school house. Arthur Bost left last week for China Grove, where he has ac cepted a position as salesman in tho dry goods department of F. V. Host. Rev. Troy to Start a I'aner. Rev. J C Troy, of Jonosboro, who is here attondiu;v coufer- uce, and who each week writes in the Charlotte Observr over th . signature of "Troiau". will jout tho first of tho year start a paper at his town. Tho uann of tho paper will be "Trojan's Notion." Secret of Beauty !s health. The secret of lie bth ii J'tc power to digest ami .i-sim-ilate a proper quanity of food. Tiiis can never be done when the liver does not act it's part. Do yen know th Is? Tint's Liver I'iiLi arc an abso lute cure forsiek. he.nLiclve, dys : "sia, sour stomach, m.ilaru, .tipation, torpid liver, p h s uiidice, bilious fever, bilious, uess and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills T