i-' U . run !..t . I 1 i A LMJ tu.. ,l c C' . (Jet LOCAL NEWS THAN ANY OTHER I' VITlir IN THE ' l f r t i r V ? . -Sil t 'i t Liu U ' t'JUK. ili'Jf Q ft y Yea r.? Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1899 Single Copy 5 Ct si 00 Stand a rd. u0TT0N Culture" is the name of a valu able illustrat ed pamphlet which should be in the hands of every planter who raises Cotton.' The book is sent Free. Send Dame And ftddren to r GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nuuu St., New York. Cut to l'i.( t's Fuller Car b !:-cU. A in an was killed on tho Southern's yard at Charlotte Fri day night. Ilishoud, both logs and one ar:n were severed from tho body. He had not been recognized yot when tho Ob server went to press and nothing is known as to how the accident occurred, save that he was run over by freight train No. 50. M. L. M irsh ,fc Co. truirauteee very bottle of ' m.iiberl ii'i'n Cou;;li Rem fjy r.uT will refund tho money to any Olio w ho is not. .a tidied niter wniug two t'lir Is of t!,e cutout ;, This is the brat remedy in tiio wot Id f r la trippe, eo'"ruK, e ! !. croup i-au whooping cor.s-u hd1 in pleasant and safe to tnkt h:i 1 preveu'ei any tendency of a cold to return, ia pa ,'iv.ivma. Kicktil I! .; Wirt' io Death. Jacksonville, iIn., litis nn ugly sciisal'.ou to the effect that Jno. D WiltVens kicked his wile f:-o brutally a-; to caiivo her death. He is under arrest. Working N.jlit and lirj. The busied. ,nd rvAgh-ii-nt ltwie thins ttnt PVer w f tl. de H Or. llltl?' Xew Lf i Pills. I.vc ry i i 1 is a r'nxtr.foih tl e! '" 1 ' f tii-.t 'res wen',. .i .tit" t-t'-' it.-! 't, ii-;t!'1 :?nt'MS juto ener. . h- iiti-t ;, ii.t." tt'Oli ti p '.f '. Tin '.e roui!"tfnl m b'tililiup rp tin. lict'i (Vt'i- '.',n j r li.i. ?.m1 by l et.ti : Dt; ' ott.re. ."!( pit Husband "V.'lint yov, d" v.'nenl. le.rv y. i? ' C;.y ; iiii i wtivc young widow 'Le;i i: me how nmh ?" Li.. I'.id fb.l lii.LU. To t::i: TiVi Ks or CABAnrs Corsir: bt'i'l'"ti f7 of r'ie f-i l oot law of Xortli Cttroh. n Mits tl t tito hiiuriJl hIjiiII 6ut )o tbi! Hciitiol tnt for his comity on or h'-foro I'fvjtibor 31t, of each yi'ar and t o law also cat i that tho shoilf shall fu t'l-" the Kretn t txm by the first lay of Ja. nrv ' ioJ yecr. Is.iw in odcr to . o t' I will have to collfct uliimt '?"', fl'iO I ttvoen this anrl tint 81at of Deoembi i la 1 bis ia no itiio tall: biif it ittgolid facU l u.it ar looking uh i")8it;ly in tho li.co. rotin' arc cumins; in and setting up but if yon iinvcn't t'ltid yonr tn li t- it to toll you thitt yttn inUNt ii" ao at tnico. If I have to vinit you it will b. i't your cxpirnne bo pUuMO atitnd to it at once waOl save cont. Very rcfppctf ally, ,7. Ii. i'KCK, SlioriCf. EXECUTOR'S "NOTICE. Having qnabliotl tt5 ex.-cuti r t f Alox anilur Vo.-t, tli.'ot .ife l, Into of Vuliarrns county, X. 0.. thiH is tn notify nil por. Hone liviu clif .i . nnint-t t .m 'ato of Mid ili ci'iimtl tj i-xiiilnl u.i ni lo tin untl-rsiK'toil on or !). foro tho S lid any of NovomlKT, l'. HI ur this noii 'O will bo plfud i.-i fur of thfir n-rovcty. A!! ptTHons indiilil 1 tu Huitl ost'ito will plt uHr? nt'ilf iniii.ciii ito pn tntiut. This 17. h tiny t f Nov. T. Jl. I't 1ST, Kxt cntor. AUMlXISTHATOIi'B NOTICE. IIiwiiiK boon duly qijiililiott an admin i'ltnvtor of tiio ontnioof .nilin IVmrtin ITy, tletvns.'d, f in n l vH vo uotioe that ad pt'isoi.iM nh'l't-I1 I" sal t ci-tntc nint Oh. j trtti'.t i t.yo.i r', and all pnrtns L'tv.L r'liiiit. ; iiii i -itid t ttd nut-' r'-ffii1 ijiiumi ' i. r put niei.t "U or oe f ,f) 'In, Hi, 1:' ") "i t.'f out'' will be pluAtl in i'ttr ol th 'ir n v. ry. a'm. L ltry. otliiiiistnuor. O't. 1(5. 1HIII. . In itiVl !)!:'.- NO TICK ipilii.i"' d 118 e III. ill!! ''.'il'.or of tlllli. ti O0I.S- d, '. 'O of t sbar. :", N. C. if in notify all v'lii fiaiois. i-LMiMHt liic est tut ,im; I .. edm.it Hi. in ti, t!;o , on or .)-. f -rf. tin) 1 ji.lv duv b t, 1 v.i, o ihiu noiittn " ill n l arof slioir r c.vi-ry Aill ,.1 ' tut t" e tatt w 11 !iu ioiiii.' .i:;il.' pav.iitut. , l tl.l. V Fit's, Aont-ni-'rotor. liavii". Jii". A. inn pon.. vera. m i Of Mlif! t':' u iio rMii-f o! Novi'ii bo p'o id J l"M.'ll , Jit II l Nov i L. T. TTi. H v 1 . of t o door .1. an: l. 'f ; j rm... Ami ail p liuid t ! Ull'lori,;;: In foro ' i. or'this :r. tboir !'. ,.iai!r. '! a.- t' c ,' i nil.!"' oil i ,'o i i A. i. ;t.-i nli. i :. 1 -ilpor-.o: invitu; siud 'r o.' i. ., . i l' -I tiio' inn iii.ik. ' i t. t.rti-it will ) lii...;'ht. .1.11.1 hiivinij elm Of a;,'itinnt' tll'". ii'ttut ' :0 in t" tho ' . .I. duly mm;)) iitieiittd, on or ,,,!, ii .j ui N'ovt i ;' r, i;,fO, 'i nillli' p1 r kd in Ur of , .-rry. i Jlll'lUI L b S' l'TT, AJiuiiii.tr ttor. !' :). A- f .ixtklty, A lti,rnoy. Caid s II AO'-H f -S nT.VTO!"- NOTtCIO. Ifavi.i o'l lil'ed uh tho Admini'diiitoi (i,.. 'I.,..- j, i.; .-if itlpirKini owink' I 'tu r aro hor.-Py n-.f iti.-.t that Ono miii t. mute prompt payment, or sii't .w'h bo bioiiKiit. And nil pet- hi iih iiii vm ela.ms airninnt tHid eafitte Em .t piTii :i' ti'om to tlie until isifcnod, I duly ainli .11.1 mli "1 Oil or beforu tho 2nd dav i t !K-riiri':)i', ;.IH), or this no tice will he t b if.lod ui oar of their ro coyery. A :-)- ;. J A 1'iv.oc, Adiui.iintrutu ' i. J'ee. 1st. ( III. by C'a'drtoli & b'iekloy, Attoruo8 . j .i i r- SiU'tPiR l i tho riiiliiipines. Dispatches continue to show progress in the Philippines. It is sad to noto that Capt. Varwick of the Eighth Infantry and ono private were killed on ! Nov, 26th in the Jloilo Province j in gaining a substantial victory aad driving the enemy and cap turing munitions of w;'.r. The following culled from Con. O'Js' reports of Doc. 1 are ' very satisfactory. I "Dispatches from Lawton indi cate Eayc muoiig was captured on they'll inst. Both trails-over the mountains are impracticable for wheel transportation of any kind. Tho troops have subsisted on rice, and scant supplies at that. Mac-Arthur's troops have had coverul minor engagements, c iiituring men and riilcs. Bell's capture in the mountains includes 14 modern guns, all in good con dition. Over 50 pieces of ar tillery were captured by the troops of his corps in the last throe weeks. The Oregon brought in 106 Spanish prisoners from Vigan yostorday. Ninety four were received by rail the previous evening. Young, with three troops of cavalry and March's battalion of the Thirty third Infantry, should have reached Vigan yesterday. "Conditions in Zarabo.mga are satisfactory. Additional ordin ance was surrendered, consisting of four field pieces, 17 rifles and a quantity ammunition. The i fives of adjoining towns are . jailing the city, and native miii i 'y bands aro serenading the iioops. The thh'ty-first Iufan-I try leaves Manila this evening to garrison several stations on the Mindanao coast; no difficulties are anticipated." "Gen. Conon surrenders 800 officer and men with rifles, sev ere Americans, and 70 Rponish prisoners, and tho ;;arri--.m c. !Jayi-nibong, province of Nuova Vizcay, to Lieutenant Monroe, with 50 men of tho Fourth cavalry." A AVnshington dispatch of Doc. 1st says: "Word comes from the Philip pines that the two companies of Maccabebo scouts, under Captain Batson, aro doiug so well that it has beon decided to organize a full battalion of those natives. The additional two companies will bo very useful in the present campaign, in tracking the flee ing rem ants of Aguhiaklo's dis- org.mizod army." -- . Criticism of Jatlge Ib.hlnsiin. From some attorneys and other citizens wo learn facts which makes it mild to say that Judge Ilobinson is wholly unlit for tho position ho holds. His nnjud.cial temper, his low and common, pbki wit, his unjust and prejudiced (lings at others, his assuming the role of attorney for ono and against another, as his prejudices dictate, are such as to wholly disqualify him as a judge. His action here, as far as mis demeanors woro concerned, was the same as it was last August, when ho encouraged crime by suspending judgment or lining a penny upon payment of costs, Liking away tiio peirihies, and making the enforcement of tho criminal law a farce. But in the case of John Farrow, he out Uobinsoued Robinson by Out raging the sense of justice of all j ro nearly all tho members of the j I. r and of many good citizens, ' v. lien Lo took tho case from the j.i. j and apologized to the slayer ol tho poor negro woman for sending Lira to the penitentiary j for only ono year. I Taking Juilgo Robin-1 .,on all in all he is cortainly un-! loi'iunaioiy unique as a judge, ilol'.i Mie bar and the people iiopo they will never soo him nor his like at another term of iiowan Superior Court. Salis bury Index. The- oldest college on Ameri enn soil is St. Joseph's college of Manila, established in 1505, be "iie Yale or Harvard, or tho (v-mmou schools of Now Eng land. flu r 1 i n g t o n Ne ws. Bis nack's Iron fierce Was Ibe result of bis splendid boallh. Imli.mitnble will and tremendous euoruy nrv not found where Htouia -h. ,!, Ki.bii.ys nn ! lio.vels are nut it i-Til it ti ll want thoi'- rpialitie- nd th '-n. res tli.y b'iti(s, o.ie Ur. l.iuK'b Ne b ii I i. is. Th- y dev. Ion i very power o( luaitt and body. Only '.Oe at Fot,er' truii i-tore. MK. JOHN HOMiniKiOKS DEAD. l.anrippp aatl rHt unionia IVove Fatal Two CuniiiaiibniH Froeetle Jliui ami Four Cli! !tl re ii Kunlve Him. Mr. John Uohlbrooks died at his homo in No. 5 township Thursday afternoon at 8: '10 o'clock. lie had been sick of lagrippo nnd pneumonia for about a week. Mr. Hoklbrooks was M years old. lie had boon married twice, both companions preceding him to the grave. Ho first married Miss Kate Correll, who fell dv-ad amid her culinary labors about 20 years ago with none present but ono I child too small to . realize the conditions. She left two chil dren. Later ho married Miss Mollie, the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J J Barringer, who bore him six children. Sin died four years ago, leaving five children, the infant quickly following the mother in death. The funeral services were con ducted this (Friday) aftoruoon by his pastor, Ilov. S D Steffey, and tho. body was laid to rest in St. John's cemetery. I impart! Jliil News. The following is clipped from tho Textile Excelsior: "E A IIoll, carder and spinner at 1he Lippaid and Shealy mill, Concord, N. C, has resigned his position there to accept an other in the i'uo Dee No. 2 mill, Rockingham, N. C. "Will Horubuckle, formerly oveivoor wearing i.t Odeh Mfg. Co., Co.u'Oid, I.-.. C, and Lynch burg, (Va.) col '. .ui mills has boon made night overseer oi waving in the Cabarrus mill. N. C. I'rWaj a lLg il i ..y. Not for several ' eks has Con cord's streets beui so full of cotton wagons as it was on Fri day. Ono side of (lie street was lined up with the v a, o. as thoy would get m line. t keiit Mr. L'ropst busy mo;it of tl.o day. His score was L'7U bt.les. It ranged at "bout 7.75. Diilu't Knott uf ilor llr.ilh. Mr. Valentine Stirewalt, of Davidson, reached here Friday aftoruoon. He came to see his sistor, Mrs. Ann Fink, but had not received tho news of her death. His daughter, Mrs. Pals- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Baron Pressly tnd Miss Julia Stirewalt also at tended the funeral of Mrs. Fink. .ii. Story oi a Slave, To bo bound hand ai d foot for yenr by f.haiuH ofdioas" ia the worat form ol slavery. Coore 1) Williii.n;, of ilanoheator, Aiich, tells how sueh a alave was matin, free. He ius: ".My wife h.ta been ao In Iplesa for tivo yearn that she omild not t.uru over in bod alt.no. After itolll two botlli'R of Ulr.ftrio Tultors, alio ia wonderfully im proved and ablo to do her own work." 'This auvrt'ii.o remedy for female iIik- eusrH (put;k!y euroa tiei'Vousiit sh, elerp lewsuoss. Mi'lauoht.h', head.tolie, baek- io.fiiiiitiit!'ai;d dny.y apellH. This mir acle woi'Iuiiij modieiuu is a irousoud to weak, mekly, run down people. JO very bottle RHaruiituod. Only OUoeiita Sold ttt Fetsser's JlruHtore. . . Worth Sticklns a Toff by. Do the best with your littlo du ties. They contain the principle of true service; (hoy are the make-up of most of our lives; and' by them we shall bo judged at tho ki.-.L. We will not be jodgou by tho great things wo iutoiiik d to do. Just lo do cheer fully, f.ulhfuiiy, obediently, the little every-day duties that come to us, not waiting for something gi uat or high, this will go far towi.ru making for us each a ' dippy, rick aad contented life. Dr. Ihdlock. Tt, will not bo a surprise to any who sro Ui nl htm 1 :r n:th irot.tl tpialitirs of Ciii'm'.t i lion'. :h lo-mody to know that pe.ij.lrf- " vv here take ph aeure in relu'iup: tut ep. v'.-iire in the un tf that H.ilerdid u-i (lirine ai d in to linir of tho bt'iielit they have rtooiyed from it, of bud 0.1 N it him enro l, of thrt ai"n.il att iri. J f pin un oriia it lias averted ai d of I ho children it bas saved from attucks of eroun and whoopinff i'iiiiD:i, Jt if A rrii'.il, ;-)l medicine. Tor ...tie by Id. Lj. AiarsL ,t Co. The boss turkey so far report ed is roaniiiig aroiiii.i on an Illi nois f u'tr.. Ho Mii?ds five tVet liigli and weighs sixty-live pounds. Ho is too big to tackle, and has the joke on the smaller fellows. Wilmington Star. OLOIUOCS NEWS Comes from Tr. 1). li. Caruile. of Wntihi'a. I T. He writes: "Four bot tkis of Klectne 1 iftera has cured Jlrs. llrevier of aeroliilu, hich hail canned her trreat wifl'ei ina; for years. Terrible sores would break out on Iter head and tace, and the bout doctors could give no help; but her cure is oomplote and Iter health is excellent." This shows that; t lioiiHitnils have proved, that lOleetnoi letters is Hie b at blood purifier known, j It's the suoreme remedy for eezema, ' tetter, wilt rli '"in, nt'er. boils and tun- ' nimr corei. ft st:uli r. liver, kidneys and bowels, cools pel: "lis, help diges tion, builds up the strength. Only 50 oeutd. Bold at I'etzer'e Liru Store. 1 CALLED MEETIXn. ; President C t ..Uiler ChIW the '. C. StnoilofthcK. L. Church to Cennlder the College (ueKtlon. "Kev. Chas. B Miller, of this place, president of tho Lutheran Synod and Ministerium of this State, has issued tho following notice to the members: The committee appointed by tlioN. f. Synod tj solicit bjds for the location of North Carolina college, have suggested call meeting of the Synod at an oarly date The same has been peti tioned for also by the required number of ministers of Syhod. "I therefore call tho Ev. Lutheran Synod and Ministerium of North Carolina to convone in St. Johns Ev. Lutheran church, Salisbury, N. C. on Tuesday, Decembor 19lh, '99 at 10 a. m. to consider the roport of the committee appointod bySyuod to solicit bids for tho location of North Carolina college; and the general interest of the college. In view of the importance of tho matter in hand, lot no mem ber fail to bo present unless providentially hindered. "The lay delegates of tho last annual mooting of Synod will be members of tho called mooting." C. B. Mll.T-KK, Pros, of Lutheran Synod and Ministerium of N. C. L. E. Bl-kby, Secretary. ENGLISH VICTORY. The ltiiioi'ie-t of ltitttles at F.nslin -Ten Fours Fiir'itiiij; I'uder a Hunting Sun. The British troops gained a decisive victory over tho Boers at Enslin (Gras Pan) on tho ? 'odder river on Tuesday, Nov. the L'bth. Tho Boers were en trenched and had aforcoof about S.000 troops. The fight lasted ten hours, having begun at G.SO a. m. Gen, Molhuoii says it was one of the bloodiest, and hardest fought battles in the arnals Oi hlnglish warfare. Ho l xioivod a wound inthe leg himself.. Through ten long hours of fight iug tho troops were almost without food or water under a burning sun, for the davs are hot, the nights being cool. Ladysmith is holding out, well fortified, cheerful and confident according to latest dispatches. The Boers seem to be not making any headway airauist Kiiiiboiley and Mafeking. The Dlfroronoe In the Cotton M.uket. Air. Nat Johnson, ono of No. 3 township's good farmers, has yet his bill of the first cotton ho ever sold on the Concord market. While selling his cottou this year he brought it along to town and showed it to us. It was in the year 1851 that ho sold it. Tho bales weighed about 340 pounds each and ho was paid nine cents per pound. In 1870 ho sold another lot, one of the bales weighing 568 pounds, and ho was paid 17.30 for it. This lot was sold toPhifer & Cannon, which firm did business where D P Dayvault is now merchandis ing. For his 1899 lot he was was given 7.75. So those are nearer the days of '54 than '72. The Semi-Annual Election of Olilcers. Tho Knights of Pythias at their somi-nnnual election of officers Friday nijjht oloctod the f dlowirg ofiicors: H M Wroir, C. C.j Robt. P Ben son, V. J.; V atlo JJarrier, 1'; It L McConuell, K. of R. and S.; C L White, M. of E.; Albert Frie::o, M. of F. ; J W Toney, M. at A.; W L Robbins, I. G.; H L P irks, O. G. The Knights also took Prof. W S Wilson and Mr. Paul Parks over tho mysterious paths of the first degree. No doubt it's only a fancy that when Nature ono fall s;iw tho bare limbs of tho trees siio im mediately r.ado tho chrysan themums a kind of bloomers. Philadelphia Times. Millions Given Away. It is certainly frratyinir to the pnblio to know of nutt cancer in the hind who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suflerintf. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, have civen away over ton million trial bot tles of this frront medicine; and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely I cured thousand of hopeless cases. Oie best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will Asthma, bronchitis, Hoarseness and all relieve the poor littlo sufferer immedi tbsenses of the 1 bruit, Client and Luuuh uU ly. Sold by dru'frists in every pur' are purely cured l,y it. Call at Ftzer's of the world. Twenty-five cents a ; ot. 1 riiK lore ami ffet a free trial bottle. ! tin. Bo sure and aait for ''Mrs. Wiu lteKiilar size fitto. and 1. Every bot- slows HoothuiR by run," tuul.tajke no te viiiruuteid or price refuadid. i othor kind IS DEATH'S EMBRACE. Mrs. Ann Fink HIch After Miilnltrht Thursday Xitrltt-IIenrt Trouble the Chum of Her Heath Over Seventy seven Tears 0M. For several weoks tho condi tion of Mrs. Ann Fink, who lived on West Depot street, has been gradually growing worse and she, together with those around her, realized that the body must soon yield to tho disease. She had a heart trouble and has been confined to her bod for several months. On Fri- d.'v at 12:30 o'clock a. m., she breathed hor last. Mary Ann Stirewalt, daughter of Jacob Stirewalt, of this county, was born tho 8th day of September, 1822. She was first marriod to Jno. Wilson Miller by whom there were threo children, two of whom, Mrs. W. D. An thony and Mrs. S. E. Allon, still livo. Tho othor ono, Bottie Mil ler, who married Mr. A. E. Lentz, has beon dead a num ber of years. Uor second mar riage was to Dr. Jno. Fink, who has beon dead thirteen years from Thanksgiving Day. By her last husband there wero born five children. Of this number only ono, yot remains. She loaves behind her three children and eleven grandchildren. Mrs. Fink was a good Chris tian woman and not an enemy doos she leave behind. Every body who knew hor thought woll of her and sho loaves a largo circle of friends who much re gret to hear of her death. The funeral will bo preached at tho First Presbyterian church tomorrow morning by Rev. W. C. Alexander. Thnnkirivliiir Manintre Licences. Two couples in tho county, besides the otlnre mentioned elsewhere, roultl not lot Thanks giving Day pas without ap proaching the hymeniala'tar and promising to love and comfort each other. Tho ono couple was Luther Goodman, son of Mr. C M Goodman of No. 6 town shin, and Miss Ada Barnhardt daughter of Mr. II W Barnhardt The othor counlo was Mr. C W Uerrhigton, son of Dr. Jno. Hor rington, and Miss Bossie Donuy of this plaai. Carolina Ahead In Both (JaniN. In the football gamo at Char lotto Thanksgiving Day between Davidson collego and South Carolina collego. tho Old North State boys came out with victory of 5 to 0. On tho samo day tho Univer sity teams of North Carolina and Georgia met in Atlanta and the Carolina team made tho same score. North Carolina is rapidly ascending tho football ladder this year. A Runaway at a Late Hour. Oil Thursday night, between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock, while Dr. J E Smoot waa at tending to a professional call in town his horso, hitched to the buggy, got loose and started homo at a rapid rate. The top first fell off and when the horse was just in front of Rev. B Lacy Hoge's the buggy struck an electric-light polo, badly damaging tho buggy. CrohH-Piunell Wedding. About .5 o'clock on the after noon of Thanksgiving Day Rev, T W Smith was called upon to wetl Mr. Joo Cress, who is ein ployed at tho Cabarrus rollor mill, and Miss Sallio Parnoll daughter of Mr. Jno. Parnoll of Cai.nonville. After tho mar riago tho couplo drove to tho homo of Mr. Cross' parents in No. 6 township. Still Ckasiiijr ant! Caphu lu. Tho Americans aro advancing and pressing the Filipinos. Dis patcnes ol Nov. ilUtli announce tho capture of several points. uoi. jJeii is m the snatiio and is chasing them relentlessly, cap turing artillery, small tnus and various property th at the re trea t ors drop. It is hoped to get Loutonant Gilmore in the dash Tow Ovr PlttT TtrM Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Svrnp 'bfis heen used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teetlunpr. with perfect success. It soothes tho child, softens the earns. al'itvs all pain, cures wind colic, and is THE HLET1I0VES ( LIB. llayilu nnd Mozart the Subnets of Study Their LiTes nuil Achieve ments Cno of tho most dolightful meetings' of tho Beethoven club during tho saasou was hold at the pretty homo of Mrs. Jas. P Cook on Wodnesday afternoon, Nov. 9, 1899. Quite a numbor of members responded to their names and two visitors, Mrs. Wilson, of Winston, and little Miss Miriam Don a van, of Vir ginia, were present with us. Mrs. Caldwell, tho president, ) was detained at home by sick ness in her family and Miss Lore, with grace and dignity, presided over tho meeting. Tho program committee had set apart this afternoon for the study of tho two famous musical masters, Haydn and Mozart and after tho usual routino of busi ness, tho following program was excellently rendered: "Life of Haydn," a woll writ ten and instructive papor by Miss Alice Sims was listened to with groat intorost by tho club. Piano solo, "Gipsy Rondo," was executed with ease and ex pression by Miss Van Wagner. Vocal solo, "Spanish Gipsy," was sweetly sung by ono of Con cord's favorite singers, Miss Ad die Patterson. The charming manner in which Miss Mary Lewis Harris told the incidents in tho "Life of Mozart" from youth to manhood proved to us that ho was a man of noble character. Tho closing number on the program, "Mozart's Tenth Sonata," was rendered by Miss Lucy Lore, in her usual graco ful manner. Mrs. Cook, our charming hostess, thou served tho most delicious and dainty refresh ments, and after thoroughly enjoying those dolicacies, the club adjourned to meet with Miss Lore De;. 13, 1S99. X. The r.rvin-Erwin Mi;rrin:rc. On Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, amid a numbor of rela tive ' mil most intimate friends. Mr. Sam Erviu and Miss Sallio Belle Erwin woro married at Mrs. Virginia Erwin's on North Main street. Rev. W C Aloxandor performed tho cere mony. It was a nico homo wed ding. Tho bride was dressod in a beautiful traveling suit of cas tor huo. After the marriage the couplo boarded tho southbound train for Atlanta to spend sev eral days. Some Secrets of Success. Many of our men who have roared high uionumonts of busi ness success havo formulated principles in words that wore as sign boards or beacon lights in the pathway of life. Tho follow ing are accredited to Andrew Carnegie: 1. Never enter a barroom, nor lot the contents of a barroom en ter yon. 2. Do not use tobacco. 3. Concentrate. Having en torod upon a certain line of work, continue and combine upon that lino. 4. Do not shirk; rather go bo yond your task. Do not let any young man think ho has per formed his full duty when ho has performed the work assigned him. A man will never riso if ho acts thus. Promotion comes from exceptional work. A man must learn where his employer's interests lie, and push for theso. The young man who doos this is the young man whom Capital wants for a partner and son-in-law. He is the young man who, by and by, roaches tho head of the firm. 5. Save a little always. What ever bo your wages, lay by some thing from them. 0. Never speculate. Never buy stocks or grain on margin. 7. Never endorse. When .you enter on business for yoursolf, never endorse for others. It, is dishonest. All your resources and all your credit are tho sacred property of the men who have trusted you. If you wish to help another, give him all tho cash you can spare. Mover endorse, it is dishonost. NO CUKE. NO PAT . That is the war all drnciHsts sell Grove Tasteless Chill Tonio for chills nnd M.Uana. It is simply Iron and Qjiuino in a tustoless form. Children sove it. Adults refer it to bitter, uau loitliBii Toiiign. Vruxi. Wo. THE SF.WS OF YV ASIU.VLTOS. Admiral; Dewey Still Havliitr Hi; Troubles The Schley Fund Iucrr:u Ititr Preparing for the Y-lg Ttiris Show. I'lotn our Be ular Correspondent. Washington D. C. Cousin George, has his littlo troubles. The neighborhood of the Dewey homo continues lo be a much frequented section, 'in fested by .ill sorts of people anxious' !o tret a glimpse of the hero and his bride. They do everything that is annoying, ohort of I'X'ually peeping througli the front key-hole. On ti no days, passorsby find that part of Rhodo Island Av enue moro attractive than other st roots, and hand-organs, suc ceeding each other, keep up a continual serenade. People have even boon known to camp on tho Admiral's door slops, with tho evident determination of waiting, Micawber-like, until something turned up. The ser vants have instructions to re quest theso parties . to move on. Uneasy rests tho head that wears an Admiral's hat, would seem a fit paraphrase of tho sayino-. The Schley homo fuuc i.-, still lively. A committee of one bun dred, comprising about every body in town who wautshisnan-e in print, has the matter in chare-, . All sorts of schemes for r:'.is'"g money aro. afoot, and a nr.inbc of donations are coming in. Tho loss of the cruiser "Char loston" is of course tho. c.m: e E much regret, but it is a 'urv . gratification that no v v. ; v. .-re lost. On Tuesday, tho Cabinet mot and examined tho map where tho Charlot.ton wnt down. Everybody was exui' r.red, in cluding the sunken r .-.' which was tho cause of the wreck. Tho big show in Paris next year will be well supplied with exhibits of Americf::! grain. Samples of wheat, grain, and cereals aro coming in rapidly. Tho government has rented a big warehouse, where, in con noc lion with the Agricultural l.ii partmont, samples will be as sort"d and selected for shipment to Paris. If you havo any prize cucumbers or pumpkins, now is the time to sond thom in. The Industrial Commission is still busy grilling 'em out. Mr. Andrew Carnegie, a Pittsburg gentleman, has very kindly promised to appoar before the commission and deliver a little I'v.tnro on tho subject oil "Trusts I Have Trusted." Mr. John Wanamaker is also slated to ap poar boforo tho tribunal shortly and tell what ho knows about combination stores. This will wind up the show and tho roport of the commission will bo made to Congressional Trust early in January. This commission has piled up a mass of testimony, but what good will como of it, if any, has not yot boon mado exactly cloar. Maybe it was only a tempest in a tea-pot, but it was a hard "blow" for cousin Coorgs Dewey. The old sea dog, admit:; himself that it was the nastiest sailing ho over encountered. Anent the transfer of the Dowey homo, ev erybody had something to say, particularly those who did not contribute to tho original fund. And lo tell tho truth, tho bul!c of the comment was very uncom plimentary to Cousin Gecrgo. Even the mention of his otic idolized name was received with hisses at ono of -ho local theaters. Tho fact is that socio'y has had a quarrel with Dowey for getting married at all.' Y.'i; lijnglon girlies expected to ha vo no .emi of fun baitine Che' Admiral this winter. No public hero c.iii t-ih-v unto himself a wife without get ting himself dislik'-'d by all th other women. They simply bottled up their wrath hi waiting for a suitable excuse. Admiral Dowoy knows now that not only kings, but even re publics may prove ungrateful. There is no doubt that the' gossip cut tho old sailor to the quick. He scorns to bo a sensitive man, but aside from that, the storm of criticism was enough to pierce the hide of a rhiuoceros. Brother-in-law McLean got on his ear and offered tho dissatis fied contributors their money back. But of course tho affair did nut go so far as that and tho troubled was t f ',dlf have grad wty quloled down. It is all very much to bo regretted. ' Admii-rl Dowey claims that it was intended simply to transfer the property to his son. A good many people think tho young i ".en is lucky to got it. You "l;i ys your money and takes your choice" of the two views. Tin; fact remains that twice S3 much was spent for government t, tamps on the transfers as was necessary. But then tho govornment needs the money. Two tlore Fever Victims. Two more are numbored with tho victims. of fover at tho State Normal. Miss Sarah Bailey, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. T B Bailey, of Moxvillo, diod Thurs day morning, aged 19 years. Miss Fannie Turner, a matron in the iiist'tution, after heroic l ervice in nursing and caring for tiio unfortunate girls, took her bed to bo also a victim of the scourge. Sho diod Thursday niobt. She was 25 years of age. She was a niece of Hon. Josiah Turner. Miss Bailey has a eistor terri bly ill in the college, whieh is ne-: n f -ver hospital. 'J.to responsibility for thita la no ble condition at tho State's i:is ituiien has not boon placej on any one, r.s far as the public is informed, but will probably be forthcoming soon. Lathi;: Since the above was written, wo noto that another, tiio seventh young lady has died. She is Miss McGotigan, of Rob esoi: covisey. Wo a'.o note thai Dr. Ander son'., bacteriological test has fot. 1 I;.', wells in the yird uso.l by t!. . young ladirs to be l .... I . s : . t i ; .1 . 1. . . 1, 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 : . ' 1 - ; . I'V.'M I 1 1 i null. the solo e ise of the disaster. The Greensboro ffater supply is goo: .1. If r i3rr Railvay. TS1E . Standard Rallwa of the SOUTH . . . THE DUtECT LINE TO ALL POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLutVDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRSr CLASS tquipaicut on all Through aud Local Irains; Pullman Palace Sleeping tars on ail liint Tiaius; Fast anil Sate Schedules .... Travel ty the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com lortableand Expeditious Jour, ney Apply to Ticket Affents for Time Table, rales and General Information, or Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBT, T. P. A., C. P. & T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Ashevlllo, fl. & No Trouble tu Answer Ouestlot. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. fir 3rd V.P.&Uen M'gr, Traf. Man., tPA WASHINGTON. D. C. iiOiiiitSOrV H. CALDVBLCi Anoiivrir at io.w, CONf'OUD, N C O'Mf i ia M jiri ka ..itsij, ppasii Gon t noutj. M. B. STIOKLEYI AUoray it 1tw, Concord ff. C srr-.MAi. AiikMion Qirn '10 CQLLhL'llOXh. Cui 't ue.iura in King building tusr PoatofEce r?b.tfi Restored &T H II ' i l t y of sitM-pk-Mnflda cn on t haj't:', ' 7 ''i-.-r who havo ox dot i- rrfO'l ;t. -. : -.u.-.iosn, fl I ocelot !!? r, ; ;i";:.- Mid that n Ut-ruMo fUiitf oi .. , cun - ..J t-iy bo cun hj D. 8' i' " i,f."viiKN fJo eortola to Dr. MHqsoi iliU r.ctU at ail druntlat &f ikUlliori.ed to f ..vl : n ii tor lh f!rfl bottle tried, TV iui: it ,1s n. bouoarV M rs. Iknry i--"u:is, who of tho w.-ll koowo bhu-kMtli a Oertnd Junction, Iowa, atif n 'l mis tro'i nods, liefuT i variuu ad .mi plaint j bos..' pltTBit.'fiifis, u i KtiHS-' C.U? 71' latli" Ciiu-I ff . I n.'.il n. r . teeUuiunlal 1 l rvh:c i:tti rt!'fr ii :..l I ; p!tl) ftlcPploWOCPd, BCTTOUt ,J tTi s'tilar menstruruioai lu'ry f-. r yom. I tisixJ mn un.iiT tho care of lcal t f hjlp. 1 notl.Td In ttt, . -:nt tiio toNt'jnunl.u Off m .tiie hini'.l kf tfl "rr! arwl . -.4 -m r:if V 1 V i.,-. iof ; r. i i -' r n t, . N for IT :vUc'P."nrMSi"i. ftru soid N flrc gist muter ft fni bemuli or nont-T funded. 15(wk uu tl! nerTM fren, AddrnBw ' V .