fcuhsi'bo "or The Lzvzidixrd r The i - if J TAN c put your name on our list for Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, DKCKMBER 28, 1899 Single Copy 5 Ots. DARD. O crop ca grow with out Potash. Every blade of Grass, every grain of Corn, all Fruits and Vegetables must have it. If enough is supplied you can count on a full crop if too little, the growth will be " scrubby." Send for our booki telling all about composition of fertilizers best adapted for al crops. They cost you nothing. GERMAN KALI WORKS,o3 Nassau St., N.;w York. M. B. STICKLE Y Attorney at Law, Concord N. C. SFRblAL A'i'lkMlOS GIVE. 10 COLLi.LT 10SS. Office upstairs in King buildin. near Vostoffice. ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the Board of County Com missionors for Cabarrus County for the Year Ending November 30th, !!)!: Number of days in session Jno. P. Allm-m 21 days as Commissioner Jno, i Allison 8 days as Committee Jno. 1'. Allison 14 miles trayol as Committee 24 $ 48.00 10.00 .70 $ 64.T0 $ 42.00 8.00 25.51) M. 1''. Nesliit 21 days as Com missioner M. 1'. Kesbit 4 days as Com mittee M. t Nesbit 510 miles travel $ 7.) 00 Jno. S. Turner 2'i diys as Commissioner Jno. S. Turner 4 days as Com mute Jno. t. Turner "i04 uiueo travel s$ 41! 00 s.oo 25.20 S 711.20 No unverified accounts audited. I, W RJohns.m, I.egister of Deeds for Cabarrus cu.ity.ii-i certify tl) at tile above is it e.'r.ict st. temeiit of com pensation an hunt by tl.o lioard io tlie members thereof Rr-- riy. W. Ii .'ouv. s(jn, Register of Deeds. LAST CULL 1 TAXES. Io THE TiTERS OF CaBAKHUS CoUNTV: Hoction 57 of the scliool law of JS'orth Carolina says that tlie sheriff shall sot lo tlie scliool lax for Lis county on or before Oeoeniber 31st, of ench year and the law aim) says that the slieill' shall settle the State txes by the first Jay of January iu each year JSow in order to do this I will have to collect about 25,0!I0 between tins and the 31st of Deceuiberta ibis is no idle talk but it is solid facts that are looking us squarely in the face. tionie are coining iu and settling up but if you liuveu't puid your tax this is to tell you that you must do so at once. If I have to visit you it will be al your expense bo phase attend to it &: uucu and suve tost. Very respectfully, J. L. i'lii'K, bhenfT ADM 1 2$ 18TRAI OR'S S OTIC IS Having been duly (pialifu fl as admin istrator of tbe esta e of John Martin Dry, deceased. I hereby give notice that all persons indebted to said estate must make prompt payment, and all persons Laving claims against said ( State must present the mine for payment on or lie lore Oct. Hi, lt;i)0 or tins note will be plead iu bar of their recvory. V.i. 1''. Dry, oduiinistrator. Oct. 10, 1H.V.I. ADillMSTRATOU'S NOTICE. Having ipialit'ied na administrator of Jno. A. .-:.ntit. dt ceased, late of Cnhar ?us count.'.-. X. ('., thi.i is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said (h 'jeMsed to eun'oit them to the undersign- d on or before the Kith day of Xovon.oor, lDH), or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Aill persons mil- htrd to sed estate will pi use mane immediate payment. .Nov. i;t, lsil:). II. F. Bilks, Administrator. Ij. T. ITartsoll, Attorney. ADM I N la riiATOK'ri XOTT; !K. Having tpialiliNl at; the Administrator of the i state of A. J). Misenheimcr. deceased, :'!( p rsnns !ving said estate are liereey untitled that tlicynmst mike prompt, pnyin. lit, or huh will be brought. And all port-oils having claims against said estate must pve.ont them to the undersig'u d. duly ail' l ente atcd, on or la fore tl.o 27Ui d-iy ot November, l'.loil, or tl is notice uiil be plea-led in bar of their recovery. JIutllaHTj L SeOTT, Administrator. Nov 27th, !!. Ciddwi 11 A- Kticklcy, Attorney1!. ADMJNISTUATOH'S NOTICE. Having qmililied ns tho Adminintrators of George Moose, deceased, all iiersons o.ng paid estate are hereby notllied that they ninstniako prompt payment, or suit will be brought. And all per sons having claims against mid estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated on or before the 2nd dnv of December, l0, or this no tice will be plraded in bar of their rc ooyery. A. W. MonsB, J. A. 1'Kf'K, Adniiiiisf m'ors. I)eO. 1st, 1S0!. Hy 'l.l II .vK'icklnv. Attoni' vs. "SHU aiiSTbi what tho People buy t ie most ui. That's Whv Hood's Sarnaparillis liss the luigesl dleOF ALL MEDICINE. N AN URGENT APPEAL. The Major Calls Upon You to Bo Taccl nuted Wlthont Cost. Fellow Citizens: Dr. Lewis, secretary of our State board of health, says that he believes smallpox will be worse in this State this winter than ever be fore unless people are vacci nated. I take this method of caution ing our people not to wait until we have the disease among us. M ow is the time to act. Pre pare yourselves while you have the opportunity. It is said the law is so worded as to permit compulsory vacci nation only after the disease has appeared in a place. I hope the time may not come when we shall have to compel vaccination, but I insist that no man has a moral or legal right to endanger the health of a com munity by neglecting a duty, be cause he is afraid of a sore, or for any other trivial reason. I . therefore respectfully re quest that every man, woman and child be vaccinated without delay. Those who feel unable to pay the usual fee have only to call upon any physicians in the town ;tnd ho will act for such free of charge. Tho remedy is offered. Fail to accept and you may regret it. Respectfully, Geo. W Means Mayor. From Our Southeastern Neighbor. Georgeville, Dec. 21: At the bride's home on Christmas eve Prof. W T Albright, principal of Georgeville Academy, will be married to Miss Lizzie Widen house. Some of our business men are now busy building their new rol ler mill. We can boast of one in the near future. We aro looking for a full scliool after Christmas. Buck in the year 1874, the pro duction of tar was a favorite in dustry but we thought it had died out until two gentlemen from Mecklenburg county came and established the industry. They worked for quite a while and realized somelhing near a quart of tar as a recompense for their '.abors.-. 4 Given to tlie V- D. C. By Mrs Overman. The Dodson Ramseur Chapter of the U. D. C. were surprised and delighted to receive through their president, Mrs. John P. Allison, a beautifully decorated gavel made from the wood of the funeral car of our beloved Jeff erson Davis, Mrs. W H Over man, our State secretary, being the thoughtful donor. As it is assorted that this is positively the last of that material we are doubly indebted to Mrs. Over man for her kindmss. Mrs. D B Coltuane, Sjc Dodson Ramseur Chapter. . An Kveiiing of Instruction. All of the Pythians that were present Wednesday night to re ceive Grand Lecturer Jordan havo now a still warmer place in thoir heart for him since having him with them. They say his lecture was most excellent, full of valuable suggestions, and a thorough lesson on every part of the secret work. It is very probable that he will spend a week hero a few months later. Iseiihoiir-MorgKn Wedding. On Wednesday night at the homo of Mr. Jas. F Morgan at Forest Hill, Mr. Lou Isenhour rind Miss Cornelia Morgan were married by Rev. C B Miller. The groom is engaged in businoss here in Concord with hisbrother, Mr. Ed. Isenhour. After the ceremony refreshments were served to the invited friends. s Mollie Whittingtoii Dead. Oil Wednesday death came and robbed Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitlington, who live only a few miles below town, of the daughter, Mollie, who had reached the age or 'Z'Z years, She died of consumption. The remains were intorred in the old Lutheran cemetery here. Tnas Lost But Found. Mr. Henry Johnson, of Mt. Pleasant, spent Wednesday night with Sheriff Peck, and was so unfortunate as to lose his purse. Uo lost it while enjoying himself in one of the sheriff's rocking chairs. It was found later with the six dollars in it. Then and Sow, It was only two years ago last March that Grover Cleveland left the presidency. William McKinley succeeded him, The two men are in essential respects not only different but almost antipodal. Their policies and administra tions, therefore, stand in striking contrast to each other in many respects. A glance at the expense of the government during the last year of the last Cleveland administra tion and the estimated expendi tures under the present year of the McKinley administration ib interesting, if not pleasant. Here are the figures: Objects: 1890 Legislative 8 9,460,000 1899 0,930,000 257,000 Executive Departments: State Treasury War Navy Interior Postoffioe 230,000 1.759,000 2,:33,000 76.150,000 162,171,000 63,898,000 190,113,000 29.208,000 76,470,000 160,003,000 174,661,000 8,127.000 4.683,000 2.906,000 4.806,000 164,000 173,000 Afrriculturo ljaoor Totals 332,442,000 $614,629,000 We see here that "state" ex penses have been increased in two years by nearly $400,000; treasury expenses by over $85, 000,000; war expenses nearly $138,000,000; navy expenses by $47,000,000. We have a total of six hundred and fourteen million dollars which the people of this country must pay for one year of McKinley rule as against three hundred and thirty-two million which they paid in the last year of President Cleveland's admin istration. And what have we got to show for this enormous increase of expenditure an in crease which the secretary of the treasury himself tells us will go to many millions more next year? Atlanta Journal. Tbe Second Daughter Dead. Miss Evelyn Bailey died at the State 'Normal Wednesday. This is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T B Bailey of Mocksville to die of this terribly scourge, tho other and older having died three weeks ago leaving these parents childless. The mother, too, who lay on a cot between her sick daughters tenderly nursing them as only a mother can till the one passed away and the malady seized her own frame is now at home. What the result will be is not assurred. The deepest sympathy goes out to this bereaved pair. v Typical Mormon. The Hon. Brigham Harem Roberts, as he appears before the House committee investi gating his polygamy, is not an edifying spectacle. He is dodg ing the issue. He refused to go on the stand as a witness, and he will not own up to Louisa, No. 1, and his six children by her, nor to Celia Dibble, No. 2, and that pair of twins and those four other children, nor to his mar riage with Dr. Maggie C Shipp, No. 3. It is bad enough to have three wives, but it is w orse, hav theni, not to own them, and stand by them. Mormonism is a sneaking, snaky, slippery, treacherous business. Take it away. Take Roberts away. Charlotte Observer. . Blaze at Florence, S. C. Florence, S. C., had a destruc tive fire Monday night. The water supply failed after some flighting and the town was at the mercy of tho flames till the main business portion went into ashes. Christinas Day on a Monday. Christmas day this year falls on Monday. Tho following is an ancient poem of unknown authorship: If Christmas day on Monday bo, A great winter that year you'll see And full of winds both loud and shrill; But in summer, truth to tell, High winds shall there bo and strong, Full of tempests lasting long, While battles they shall multi ply. And great plenty of beasts shall die. They shall be strong each one and keen; He shall be found that stealeth aught; Though thou be sick, thou diest not. A Powder Hill Explosion Hehioves everything in sight; so do drastJo mineral pills, but both are migls y dangerous. Don't dynamite the delicate machinery or your body with caioraci, croton oil or aloes puis, when ur. imgs rew jjiie mis, tiicu tre RBDtlil as summer breeze, do the work perfectly. Cures headache and ooneti gatioul Only 25o. at Fetaer'a Drug NntnOvl . fiiT.lEt. roi'miralgia. Ont Dr. Mllo litKlatOoaoiw.' a Out THE AMERICAN BUFFALO. Some Enormous Figures -How He Was Annihilated. We are inclined to give a good doal of credit to what we read in the Scientific American, though it bo a selection. We find, how ever, an article by Charles Fred erick Holden on the bison or American buffalo that is almost incredible. He is now practically extinct, and roves no more on the prai ries of the West and South West. A few are kept in parks and pre serves. The amazement is that as late as 1872 they went in dense herds that no one could fairly esti mate. An army othcer in 1807 is quoted as saying that at one time he was surrounded by them and that from the top of the hill he could see nothing but buffaloes and was in the greatest danger of being caught in a stampodo, such being irresistible. One Col. Dodge records an experience of traveling 25 milos in the groups .that formed 0110 general herd. Sometimes they would move out of the way, but at other times they would sweep past and around the wagon when it, team and all would have been crushed had he not gotten them to divide by shooting into them In one day ho killed 26, not for sport but for safety. This herd was ascertained by others to bo 50 milos wide and was five days in passing a given point. A train on the Kansas Pacilic road in 1808 passed between the towns of Elsworth and Sheridan, 120 milos through a continuous hord of buffalos. They became so compact at times that tho train had to stop. Cars were sometimes doaailed by their charges. One instance is noted when they made a charge in from while the mass approached in tho rear. Tho engineer stopped and blew tho whistb while all fired into them with guns and pistols. They toppled over cars, and one buffalo hung with his feet down through the car win dows as it lay on its side. Those groat cows weighing 1,200 and the bulls weighing 2,000 pounds apiece, stampeding in great herds could be hoard for as much as five miles and the earth tremblod beneath them. It is truly wonderful how rap idly this great family disap peared. In such vast herds they some times stampeded over pitcipices Two thousand were lost in tne quick sands of the Platte River in 1867, and at another time a whole herd was lost by break ing through the ice at Lac Qui Parle, in Minnesota. . But greedy, reckless, wasteful hunting has subdued and ex terminated the buffalo. Here are some of tho records of destruction beginning at about 1820: One cans: of 020 men. in two hunts killed 47,770. Fivo expo peditions record an average of 118,850.' Five others roford.MO, 250 slain. From 1K!5 to 1810 212,550 wero destroyed. One Capt. Jack Bridges, hunt. tng by himself, made a reeort 1 of 1,142 buffalos in six weeks. Buffalo Bill got his name by contracting to furnish tho labor ers with buffalo meat while build ing tho Kansas Pacific railrosul. In 18 months ho brought in 4,- 280. He received .)00 per month as wages. From 1872 to 1871, 3,158,780 were slain, half of them being wasted, killed for their hides chiefly. In 1882. it was estimatod that 1,000,000 still roamed tho vilds, but in 1883 the last 10,C'0 were slain. Proper legal restraint would have perpetuated a g feat, source of food suimlv. anL 111 uch of marketable products. Tho de struction of buffaU icb is i well called the crime of t'no cont.ury. His Life Was S aved. Mr. J E Lilly, a proir unent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately 1 md a wonderful deliverance from a frig fttful deatu. in telling of it he says; " I wastaken irith typhoid fever, that rart into pneumonia. My lungs became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't even ait np in bod. Nnthinos helnerl ran. T Axrtected to SOiD die of oonsnmption. when I heard ' Dr. King's New Discovery, 'ne bottle gave great relief. 1 continued to use it and now am well 1 md strong, I can t say too mnoh in its praise." This marvellous mediaine is the surest and .uickest core )u the world lor all hroat and Inn er tronbta. Kegular sixes 50e cents an d tl 06 Trial bottles free at Fetzer's .Dinar VUnre. Every V .1.1. 1 1 1 isnim guBiituHwa. Iloty to Preserve Wives. This special sort of preserve might prove to bo an invaluable household article, did tho many conscientious and well meaning men who bolievo in the propriety of preserving their wives under stand the culinary art required for their best preservation. The following method, if carefully adhered to, never fails to give satisfactory results: In tho first place, wives are a fruit which should bo selected for quality, more with regard to their flavor than thoir ap pearance, which will result in the agreeable surprise of tasting better than they look. They should never be placed in an dfcrthon agate ware pot of any old dimension or shajie, but into agenorous loving cup having a true heart shape. Cover with wa ter judiciously flavored with pure grape sugar to keep them sweet and palatable. That thivy may bo kept thor oughly warmed, place the recep tacle on the back of the stove in which must bo used for heating purposes tho free burning coal, never gas! Do not make the mistake of submitting tho fruit to a varied temperature, as it is apt to impair its flavor and ex tract an uncertain bitterness. It may bo necessary to stir it occa sionally, but this should be done with a heart-shaped spoon. Throw into the loving cup now and again a handful of herbs, sweet violets and lragrant mag- nouette. You will bo surprised at their preserving quality, and the deliciousness of tlie aroma which will permeate tho atmos phere will prove most appetising. A few gold coins drop ted gntly at the right lime into the water and allowed to simmer during tho process of preservation will tinge tho mixture to the -king's taste, New York Sun, Koine lii medics. For sore throat try a compress of cold water. For bilious colic try soda and ginger in hot water. For sick headache rub pepper mint oil on the temples. For nervous headache bathe tho back of tho neck with hot water. ' For cold in the head try snuff ing powdered borax up the nos trils. A hop bag wrung from hot vinegar is a quick relief for par ache. Snuffing tannic acid is one of the best remedies for a- serious case of bleeding at tho ,, nose, Dissolve the acid in water. Tincture of arnica is tbe best application for sprains and bruises and equal parts of tinc ture of arnica and spirits of camphor make an excellent lini ment for rheumatism. If an artery is cut tie a small cord or a handkerchief tightly bet ween it and the heart. For legache and the "growing pains" of which the children complain, wrap tho leg in salt wafer and then in flannel. For neuralgia try wet cloths of alcohol and water, or pare goric, or laudanum nnd water, laid on a hot water bottle and the affected part steamed over it. No Rifht to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but ouo who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly aud all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. 1 f she has consti pation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will oau.se pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Klectrie iiitters is tho best medicine in the world to regulate stoinache. liver aud kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, origin c.ven,tmiuoi. velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 5(tc per bottle at Fetzer's Drug Storo. Small boys are acqur .sxockiiigs. Ex. ing large Volcano Eruptions Are grand, but Hktn Eruptions rob life of joy. ISucklen's Arnica Slave, cures them, also Old, Kunning and Fever .Sores, Ulcers, I5oil, ielous. Corns, Warts, Cuts, Uruises, burns, Scalds; Chapped Hands. Chilblain". Uest Tile cure on earth; drives out Pains aud Aches. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at Fetzer's Drng store. .. . The doctor realizes that prac lice is better than theory. Ex. ii It wilt not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with good qualities of Chamberlain'sCongh llemedy, to know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating 'heir exerience iu the use of that solenlit medicine, and into ling ... . a. 1 t 1 . , 1 tlie lieneill uuy im.e icuuiycu siuiu it. of bad co.es it nas curea 01 H?rcnt.nned attackt f phenmonia it has av ertcd and of the cuildren it has saved frtim attacKS OI croup anu wuoopmg con'gh. It is a grand, good medicine. For sale by M. h. Marsh & Co. A Pointer for Boys. Another thing which led me to mako up my mind never to touch liquor was the damage which I saw wrought by it upon some 01 the finest minds with which it was ever my- privilege to come into contact, and I con cluded that what had resulted injuriously to others might prove so to me. I have seen, even in my few years of professional life, some of tho smartest, yea, bril liant, literary men dethroned from splendid positions owing to nothing else but their indulgence in wine. I have known men with salaries of thousands of dollars per year, occupying positions which hundreds would strive a s lifotime to-attain, come to beg gary frtim drink. Only recontly there applied to mo, for any posi tion I could offer him, one of the most brilliant editorial writes in the newspapers profession a man who, two years ago, easily commanded one hundred dollars for a single editorial in his special field. Tho man became so unreliable from drink that the editors are now afraid of his articles, and although lie can to day write as forcibly as at any time during his life, he sits in a cellar iu one of our cities writing newspaper wrappers for oik; dol lar per thousand. Ladies' Koine Journal. "This 'Gates Ajar' des.gn is a handsome one," said the 'oieb- stone man. "It is just what I want," said the widow. "He never shut a door in all our married life with out being told," Indianapolis Journal. Mr. Jno. M Fries Denil. Mr. Jno. M i 'rie.-died suddenly at Spencer Wednesday night at 7:30 o'cljek. He was alone for a few minutes and was found dead on the Moor with book in hand and spectacles on. Mr. Frk-s v:s r. well known citizen of Mt . Pleas ant for many years. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quiuine Tablets. All drnggists refund money if it fails to care. 25o. Tbe genain has L. li. Q. a each tablet OS For Ovftr riitv Veara Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrnp has been used for over fifty years by 'mil lions of mothers for thoir children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all jin, cures wind oolic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Bold by druggists iu every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," aud take no other kind Every man may carve out his own fortune, but he needs sharp tool. Ex. NO CUBE. NO PAY . That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for chills and Malaria. It is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children ove it. Adults refer it to bitter, nau eating. Tones Price. 50c. Sympathy dosou't always fill an empty stomach. Ex. THE BEST I'"ESCItIPTION FOB CHILLS and lever is a bottle C- Grove's Taste less Chill Tonio. Never fails to enre; Then why experiment with worthiest imitations? l'rioe 50 cents. Y. ur money back if it fails to cure. The landlady and the htinlx't dealer are addicted to board bills. -Ex. To accommodate those who aro partial to the use of alomi zers in applying liquids iiuo the nasal passages for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Ely's Liquid (.'ream Balm. Price including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by man. The liquid embodies the media nal properties of tho solid prep aration. Cream Balm is quickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions, but changes them to a natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers. 56 Warren St., N. Y. Marriage is often connects a man with strings. Ex. a Vie that his apron My sou has been troubled for years with chronio diarrhoea. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of Chambererlaia's Coiic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea llemedy. After using two bottles of the 25-cent size ho was cured. I give this testimonial, hoping some one fitnilarly alllicted may read it and be benefited. -Thomas C Bower, Glencoe, O. For saio by M L Mash & Co. Druggist. Notice. Bring all your second hand bags to the Fenix Flour Mills and got 3 cents in cash or trade for each. This is $30.00 per thousand. Don't let them lie around and go to waste. They must be in good condition, tf G T Ckowell, Prop, Jlradnrhn mtopped In SO minute tjy pa lUus' Yai Piu Ope ct)0 a do IT HlOFl 'lfS. 0 I am siek of what I am! of all That I in life can ever hoi 10 to be; Angels of light, be pitiful to mo, And build your white wings round me like a wall; Angels, save me from the though of what has been In days and years I have no pleasure. in Disabled, stalled in habits' deep worn rut, My labor is a vain and empty strife, A useless tugging at tho wheels of life, When 1ho vital tendons all are cut; I have 110 plea, no argument t make, Only love can savome foi love s sake. The evil I havo done -I do de plore, " And give my praise to whom il cloth belong, For each good do -d that soomoth out of wrong An accidental step and nothing more; Treasure for heayenly invest ment meant I like a prodigal havo spent. I am not in the favor of men's eyes. Nor am I skilled immortal stuf: to weave; o rose o'' honor wear I on m sleeve, To ohec" t!n ;'!otn, wh.w thai pi.v bo.ly i;..s . n n n t it.'fcl ait.k t 1 ro' 1, s r ! ::e''s ford The ( few of mutinous senses overuoard. Thy wat.h to stay what si ml 3 1 bring. O God? The lillies Thou 1 -ist clothed Thy love fenny. But I alas! not. even with t ' 1 y Saintsdare sa . 'Simply to Thy cross 1 cling!' I fun undone, lost utterly, un less . ' Mv sins Thou buriest in Thv tenderness. -By B . Com ixr. A little dog barked at the big round 1110. in Th;,t siii'lri' 1 1 the evt long sky, And tiie i!iigi..H.rs smote him with forks- and shoon; But still be continued hisrageful lutie, And he barned till his throat was dry. The little dog bounced like a rubber ball, For his anger quite drove him wild; And ho said: "I'm a terror, al though I am small, And I dare you, you impudent fellow, to fall." But the moon only smiled and smiled. Then the little dog barked ata terrible rate, But he challenged the moon in vain, For as calmly and slow as the workings of fate Tho moon moved along in a manner sedate And smiled ht the dog in dis dain. But soou 'neath a hill that ob structed tin- west The moon sank out of his sight, Aud smiled as it slowly dropped under tho crest, But the little dog said as he lay dowu to rest: 'Well, I scared it away, all l'iirlit. " Puck. A fit' BIT.IFK. A maiden :'. within the door And siin.' a-, many times before. A mini to e'aky 'i! passed by, Xo love or pleasure lit his eve. But wLei. iie heard the merry SOI..!.' lit! whirled as he went along. A woman by the window wept For one who iu the churchyard slept. But when upon her heiving fell That tune she knew and loved so well, i lie lloon ot insnr.n:.' tears waa stayed, And soon a sunt! lief lips es sayed. Her neighbor heard the tender strain, And softly joined tin.- sweet re frain. Thus, all day lomr that one song bore Its joyousiiess I mm done to door. i a .1. DllN'I'l N. Wo'-tlty Sympathetic Movement. Gen. Lawlon. wiio.se fall was so unexpected and is so lamented, had purchased a home iu Cali fornia. Half of tho amount is yet unpaid and is secured by mortgage. A volunteer associa tion has been formed to raise by contributions tho necessary amount to liquidate the debt. About $25,000 will be called for. Mrs. C W Trice, who has been spending a while here, has ro turned to her homo at Lexington " A hVIV,: CURE 1011 CROUP. Twenty Five Years' Constant Use With out a Failure. JThe first indication of croup is hoarse ness, aud in a child subject to that disease it maybe taken s a sure sign of the approach of an attack. Following this hoarseness is a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given as soon as the child be cimas hoarse, or even alter the croup appears, it will prevent the attack. Is is used in many thousands of homes in this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. We have yet to to learn of a single instance in which it bus not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record in twenty-liye years' constant use without '1 i'a.lure. For bale by M L" Marsh A Co. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber Iain's Pain Balm is gaiuinr a wide reputation. D li Johnston of Richmond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment sinre lHCi. In speaking of it he says: "'I never found anything that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with mo. My foot was swollen aud paining me very much, but one good application of I'ain Balm relieved 1110. -For sale by M L Marsh Jc, Co. Dr.-s-rit. Trustee's Sale. Bv authority vusted in me by a deed of trust or moitgage executed by Charles Loup Mid wife, Mary Long, on the isth day of January, 1897, whioh mortgage or deed in trust is duly rec orded in the Register Olli se for Cabar- r..- e.eljrv. ..X, (.'., 1:1 Jlelok Xo. II, ' e ,u ,1 . ",, I wid sell at publio ,u. . -.. i.t t'u- vtirt bo-iK! door in Con .... -. 1 :i .-'i-ii i y, 1st cloy of t -, . ., , .0 tlie Ijiyiic.st bidder - a si..u.v and lot situated in - ,-. ii.'ty, X. 0., and bounded , ' i : J, vii. : near iho ra.iroad ,1, ;(.,)' 11 ( rc U, on northwest . ,1 .1 :;.iel:y J i v r Toad, beginning at I ,.'.,:ie on .. e. hiil.- of Rocky .1 -. I, ii.li nsS 'I E. 4 poles ,,. ia ; ; tl.. 1.00 ft. s i E. 7 poles. l'J :ii ,.s to an ir- 11 stiike, a comer -of land claimed by ba-lroad company; thence X. II V. 2' !".'. s to en iron stake, Heed's cone r: 1 ..ei.ee with Reed's line s. 10V W. 2 ... poles to the I oginniug, containing one acre morMjr le-is. Title of -aid property is suiposid to be good, bet the purchaser M.ly tak js said tjile.is I am authorized to convey meter san: niort'-age. ' his lib d iv of December, 1M. M. vr Coiu.f Trustee. C -r , '1 v ASF 1 'rfy ilva: THE . . . Standard Railiva. of th? 50UT11 . . THE DIHiiCT LiKE TO ALL POINTS. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly FIRST CLAliS Equipment on all Tiroush and Lucal Trains; Pullman Falace Sleeping Cars on all Kight Trains; East and Safe Schedules .... Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Sale, Com fortable and Expeditious Jour ney Apply to Ticket Agents for Time Tanks. Rates and General Information, cr Address R. L. VERNON, F. R. DARBY, T. P. A., C. P. fc T. A., Charlotte, N. C. Ashevllle, . C. No Trouble to Answer Questions. Frank S. Gannon, J. M. CULP, W. A. Turk 3rd V.P.SiGen M'ffr, Traf. Man., G.P.A. WASrANGTON. D. C. MORRISON H. CALDWELL ATT0B5IEY AT LAW, CONCORD, N 0 Oflina in Morri-j budding, ppoait Court iiouae. sfMAV 60 YEARS' Jl'Y' EXPERIENCE I sjT ' ' '4 Trade marks 'I'kO Designs fVtV Copyrights Ac. AnTonftBondliiff ankctch and fleserlr-Mnn rimy (Tiilekl? necorfitlri nur opinion free whether an Invention ih pn.tiftHy puf cntiihlo. ( 'o it: m mil ra ti' i.isiri.'tlyi'i ttft ici'Mnl. D'uni'i'-okou I'nfuiita ,. I .( v f.. -.'I"' 'Iltf P'ltoMn. ' i'uo..'-i rit-,,11,1 m , (0. rui'ulr 1 -. i . , 1 f .:- liV'1, ill tin v vi ....... . I'- i i; 3 iViiiii !'.ii.'iV 1 ! y 1 r.t c.l ,i-iklj'- I.tirnept rir 1 1 f in . - ti ' rc 11 -u i!. 7 iTtiiH, f ; a ' m .. f . liyull T,ewe'iiakTK. .. ' ; vvi(.i3ro... fyjy Yfjrjr tt i u.c at i ! 1 i;i., .; Fof tl.r...-. ,-.'. r:i Lorn heart .!- :. C i in t le CR ir.) - 1. 'c :i 1 i'i:iy S;xl"i ." ' .it '. i ts my heart Wet .-. -i t o -i'. Physi Ci." 1 f. : iar,- 1 Medi cines I ''.c-i tc u.i tne any e-xd, but thr-ii K.uki of Dr. MiW Heart Guf made me a healthy rr.an. J. J. V..nCj-'. Cor-i 1 ft Lit ; - f v f . i .7 a ... l. , I --rt-.'-,t ' r .'1 J : ... . Is sold tic all (1 re Patau- rn fcuurr- Mv flint botljrt twnelH 01 !-. ... e-irk. Hut.koa heri and ut-r. . i.hioc .A Pr.WIlM aHJkttJ Company, tlkftart, l4 T" 1 I id t 7 . 1 il 11 u a if1 -M"!-sauUi.

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