Zc-Ad us 01.00 ft v Standard. and rjet thii paper 1 year. dl;h iii,! Ottlii) (Mn. PER Yi A SEE 7 HI: Cniy CI Per Year. CONCOKD, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 19,X Single Copy 5 Cts. CLUDTSING RATCF ON 2ND PAGE. HAirr.f: ;i:ii;;:: wan. Rumor JfaK It That Do Ik r'ljlnir From J!:s Fiiuiuil.il Trendies. It is reported in New Yor'c t';at Walter (J Newman- has disap peared, leaving n number of dis credited chocks and claims. His attorney denies tho rtport and says ho is on a tour with his wife and daughter to the Pacific const; 1 hat there are no claims against him except certain ones in liti gation. Tin; Salisbury corre spondent to the Charlotte (Jbser ver says the report is believed in Salisbury to the extent that all of his effects, have been attached. It is intimated, by some that the condition of tho Uni'm C-.p-per mine a'lairs make bis pres ence too necessary to "rximtt of his western '.our. C'apt. W. M. Wiley, the receiver for the Un ion Copper M ine lompnny, says Mr. Newman had been located in Chicago, bat that ho had since left for the Pacific coast. Jt looks i very much like Mr, Newman's reckless expenditure of money has led io jest v; li.it every o-j. j.ri:.-2:eto.l. iili -w imi . A f.fau-tVi! Aveyti .1. Jo.sie Noel, a sixtocu yenr old k'h'l and .Je-.sie M Nee: a seven teen year old boy, both cf Hesse mer, while aftondiii;r a miniate just aero:--; the South Carolina line took a nut ion they would per married, just, utter they had boardod the train and instead of getting c.!f i.t P.essenier Oily came o.i to Concord. After re mainin? '" ''''' sevc-.il hour;; they deeide.i :j to Salisbury. m I when they iv.'.i'linl ...h' plr.ee their isi-in"-. ian shot;. V iin this set;::'. on I'aein.r them, ttsoy decided to work for . vt.r:,l weeks ii. .id iley enuid ;:-'t il.e money to i.iaiv,' on, r.;j -eenrel board y.;v one of the mil's in 'Salh.!.);-v. !!:. the landlady that ll.e '..ere emies. A boa: this time the father ofirg:!i appeared on the store, ai d this moraiug th"y p:t3i. d t!;:. u,eli Concord, the father v. ith a sad and demure face, the girl care worn and grief stricken. It seems that there vvj.s nothing ignoble aboui the conduct and as piration of these young people. It was simply a matter of luve developed at too early an ago. Daily of 1 !jth. Officer C V Dunn a few days ago arrested here a colored wo man named Linsey Hootsey charged with whippingher child to death with plow lines in Northampton coeiiiy a year aire. The child was 14 years-old. Mr. Dunn carried her to Nurth ampton where she awaits trial. Commonwealth. Executor's Notice. Pnrfuant to the authority yet-tcd in me as Executor of Cub !i A. Fisher, deccawd uuder his last V'lll ;iud Testa ment recorded i'i the oflif o of the Clerk of Court uf CaliarrnB dainty, N'urtu Oaroliii'i. in Volume "4" l'n' 31(1, and probated on tlx? tut day oi I'chruary, 11)00, I will on Monday, tho ftth day of November, 1100, nt 12 o'ulock M . at the Court Hot-so door iu Concord. N. C, sell to the bitfliei-t bidder, at I'ulilic Auction, thii following eicoos or ear cols ot land l.yins! and o. inn .a nid county mid tiU and more particularly dHri('cd as tollows: Bfijiiiu nt ft nine tnm, Voil's cornor and cormT of lot N v 1 al lotti'd t' Jcuniu, ifo of W. 15. Atwi'li in 1 he divisiuim of tin) liind cif -lohii ill irkw lih r. anil runs tli"in N .V li nr. polos to i hickory on l.j.nl'oiu'a, furm erly ir dlinjove'ft lit..:: thenco 'II K 4'' poli'H tea i .out null, a noriior of lot -o. ',! in fiaiil Hvi-i. r : 1 lier.ee H tl V hi I'.'.li to ii i .I'.oi.k: 111 .1,'cSS , V, 57 iM.U-i'U' lihu'k . iirl., i i-i'l r-- 'or:i. r X .", h -'1 i.ol a i" a :? pjlra to a slake: !, H to a ctakc: tlje'.ru :i ,.t-.'e: UifKT N li Ue !.iiu:ire W -i H'Wf- tUl-llCe ttill. Ill" bi Rta'-.e: ' '-iTiee N .!! tv:,c- s: !'. S ',. N 15 J". ".' reh's t. W4J f'-les t. )o a Make: tlionry X 01 I. fi l-s In a ttolin uli.ive ilii'. HUltlL' : tileliC.) N (it K r, p ln to a !aek l V eornur cut doa tli.-nec X I W 1 ! t "'''3 u,i jsinuiu;, cu.dni!i,' 41 acres mere ui less, '2ND TRACT rifSUiTUiiK at, abie,n ory, corner T. '. r-trieker tniet ur.d run tbeuee ;4 '.-) V ) ! Ick to n near the ci r:'er el ibe ",a line: then"' N 7:) V' I '.'i pelfs to a !tcmiioii oie'l'i'-H !!-.-: tin i" e " '.h bii- and C. A. il7ur'x I':...' ''' ' 1 :' I'"1' 11 i J "'" r amiu-1 .li!. i vt.n'a eon r- ti.-nee ::.. Ins lino X ' i II ' l"!lt; K V. Miie:M'.'fi e.'iLier: 'aon"n !! hii line V m ' ' 4" i-''l-t',!o a V tln.n.M! ' s Z ) wi '. V 1 tin nee viih ' In. lo r'., " I'm KUiuins cioitai 'J e..u:nate nor., mii'p oi alii) l ;: u' " a' a.e.tu.'r u .i lying hot .v. en K.id h 4 n.i". !'-' ' ; ,1'( Mill Cu'.eif. lM.iin.led I'.V t i la"'" i Sam V'io l'olt, CleH J.'hii mmi nn l iim dower land el M.uy lis irr. o. no.i.,ej about ail a io. All of the rue ;..i,ie tracts conMimte on" lan.-er tia-t "I 1 ... acroK more or 1om and tin'"" wid as one tri'H 4TIITUACT. Beixinnm:; at ii ht'.n on public r.iad iiml riniB in a wutti'.i dirootiol) about f'"'d 11 thonco in a wiuthernl.v direcl.e" 8!) foet to Btoiie: theneo in a nort ieiulv direction about liH feet to i-touo: tu iioo in a north nortorafy diriftu.a wn tuo public road t ) thu bo-inr.infi e-mtai-'i'itf about one-fomtb of an aero moro or lean , , , TI'.ltATS OF Sale: ?'.o0 cat.!) ,n d .l Bftlo. and tliee.ii'.i:.oer .f I iu- pnreh :-o tnooev to be. paid m th ;.' '-'!';''l ''; Kt.ilh...ei t on ft tiiiv f t yi . i ,t!. n tiiinci urtii i nil imrohnse ruouey ih nii'i : 1 l (lixTfti muliir mv luind Hunt. 11100. J. if. WHICH I. Nl.-i I. MM nT . sto's Ail Fligli NUMBER OF DEAD FULLY 5,000. Toil! lies the Heart of the Sutlon Funds Flon In Hiotcrs SuppresNoil Rob Iterti Shot Down Willi Kinged Finger In Their l'ockcts-Tblnts the City De stroyed Beyond ItecoTery. Nothing has occurred in tho recent annals of our history that rightly claims and receives so much publiu attention as the tfroat event, at Galveston, Texas. Mayor Jones ehtiinates the loss of J if o at 5,IHX. The property loss is estimated at from $15, 000,000 to sjtilO, 000,000. The situation, doubtless, 'beg-o-ars such description as to con voy au adequate idoa. To add to tho evils, rioting, pilfering characters must have the atten tion hthat is needed for relief. Throe riots have occurred but wero suppressed promptly. iTho polico force has been instructed to stiuot down the vandal caught robbing the dead and a dispatch says 100 were arrested, 43 oi whom were found guiity and shot by court martial and were found to iiavo fingers in their pockets, which they cut olT hastily with out yet removing tho rings on tlioni. Ears were also stripped oil for jewels. Their bodies were taken with three barges of the decomposing dead and dumped off in too sea, Tho relief funds are pouring in at a rato showing the depths of generous sympathy. Mr. Van Vleck, manager of the Southern I'aeific, gives $5,000, New Orleans has given $15,000 and a boat load of provisions, Montgomery gives 1,000, Sa vaenah gives 1,000, Charlotte irives ijrtoi', Norfolk 50, Atlanta contributes t?l,"71. The New ork journal has collected and -.sit I hi' '' train load and more l' tan ::'!i,( o. The Standard Oil Company gives 10,000. The St. Louis Commercial Club gives olt'.t.'oO. Gov. S'.iyers ha re eriived more than $100,000 as a relief' fund, and much has been .'orvarded directly. t outnander ra:;UT, of the sta tion, says he fetirs that Galves on is destroyed lieyond recov ery. Daily of 13th. The Galveston situation is be ing relieved as fast as possible hy the rolling in of supply and olo'hing trains and money con tributions. The latter has now gotten up to $.'!oo.OOO. More than $25,000 was raised in New York Thursday. A new horror and monaco to health has risen for those dis tressed people. Tho dead bodies that were taken to sea for burial are now being wafted up on the shores by the tides. They must be disposed of again. Thousands of barrels of lime are being used for sanitary purposes. The proablity now is that the city will again be built though many will not return to tho scene uf so great distress and loss. Daily or 11th. HACK WOM ATLANTA. Fa I JTei'tinir of Southern Hosiery Yarn SpieuiTS Association. Mr. .7 W Opinion has returned from the Atlanta Hosiery Yarn Spinner's Convention and re ports that they had the largest convention they overbad. 1 75, -0)0 spindles wore represented. Mr. Cannon is one of a com mittee of thiec io consider the ..ructteii-Hity of amalgamation vilh the Sotttliei n Cotton Spin ner's Asrwiation. The commit-;.-e v.;, s continued and aulhor- t.) :.'ll:l 1h" Cotton Spin-1 I:,-.-' , i.'i i. .veil1 i( .ii Oetobor and Hosiery Yarn ion in Novem- report, back to tin .-eene.ers' Conveii The Hague-McCorkle Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers. ' OREKNSnOKO, N, C. Drv Goods, Notions and Hats. j Y.'e solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at r.tail. it . i 11 . i K o cava ally invito all morcnnins io can on us wncn in Oecnsboro or see our t ravelling Nowhere. J. W. WOODBURN, Salesman AJIF.UICAX DISASTERS. Calventon and JohnstuWu ('(iniiaieil Oulvoton 5,000 Slain, JuliuetonD ,000. Tiie question arises, how does tho Galveston disaster compare with that of Johnstown in loss of life? We turn to Spofford's brief account and find it as fol lows: "Tho town itself contained some 20,000 inhabitants, and along tno uonemaugn river thero was a total population of about 30,00 when, on May 31, 1889, this busy, thriving district was laid waste by tho bursting of Conemaugh Lake and reser voir situated about ten miles above the town. Houses, churches anc factories were driven by the flood into a mass of .ruin which was flually piled up against tho railway bridgo at Johnstown and its destruction completed by tho outbreak of fire. Altogether those who por ished numbered 9,000." While tho death list at Galves ton must remain a more approx imated total, it will hardly reach beyond 5,000, which leaves the Johnstown far in the lead of sim ilar disasters. Worst Slaughter He Ever Snw. A Honolulu dispatch of Sep tember 12th says : Col. Meade, of theUuited States MarineCorps, who was in command of Ameri can forces at tho taking of Tien Tsin, arrived hero Saturday on board the government transport Solace. lie has been invalided homo on account rheumatism, but is desirous of returning to active field service in China. "I have been iu the business of war for thirty-five years," he tid, "and went all through the Civil War, but I never saw such slaughter as was iuCicted at Tien Tsin July lyth and 14th. " When wo finally entered the city there were dead and mangled bodies every few feot. "The dead lay all about the streets. Firo had rained into the city from the English and Japanese batteries, which had been placed on an elevation and the number of Chinese killed was awful. There wTas no special at tempt made to ascertain the number of dead. They were simply buried as quickly as pos sible, while the Chinese hurried along the road to Pekin with fully 2,000 wounded. "The battle began at daylight of tho 13th, last all day and night, and on the morning of the 14th the Japanese succeeded in blowing up tho main gate with gun cotton. This made a broach and tho allies were able to enter the city. "Tho Japanese troops behaved with splendid courage. They are intelligent fighters, ready to go anywhere, and their discip line up to the highest staudard. Tho Chinese also did some hard fighting, for thoy inflicted a loss of nearly 800 men on the aides." NEWS CTLLINUS. A Brooksvillo special of the 1.1th to the Atlanta Journal says: "Hiram Lukes eloped with John Moates' sixteen -year-old daugh ter, from Pinovillo, ten miles from here, on horseback, thegirl riding behind. An old feud ex isted between the families and Moates and two sons, furious with anger, pursued them. Get ting near thoy oponed fire and killed both girl and lover. A posse is after the murderers, who fied to the swamps, . The Goldsboro Medical So ciety has requested the city school board not to admit any child to the public schools who has not been successfully vacci nated. News it Observer. I n.iHShiii.iu t-n iu i-iuk iuui MKS. B. N. II. MILLKK WKAD. After Six Months of Sullering ti'8 Husband and Seven Children. Mrs. B N II Miller, of Foresl Hill, died today (Thursday) be tween 12 and 1 o'clock after e lingering of some six mouths from fatal disease. Mrs. Miller's maidou namo was Miss Martha J Shinn, daughter of the well known Mr. Thomas Shinu. She was about 50 years old. She leaves a husband and sevou children, six of whom are married. She was a consistent member of Forest Hill M. E. church in which tho funeral will tae place tomorrow at 4 p. m and tho remains will bo laid in tho city cemetery. Our sympathies aro extended to the bereaved family in the sad loss cf home's chief value, a wifo and mother. Daily of 13th. Presidential Tickets. The country has a larger supply and a greater variety of presidential tickets than it was over blessed with before. An oven dozen of them have been placed upon the political bulletin board, and there may be one or two moro added. The list stands as follows up to date: Republican-For president, Wil liam McKiuley, of Ohio; for vice president, Theodore Iioosevelt, of New York. Democratic William J Bryan, of Nebraska; Adlai E Steven son, of Illinois. Silver Republican William J i3ryan, of Nebraska; Adlai E Stevenson, of Illinois. Fusion Populist William J Bryan, of Nebraska; Adlai E Stevenson, of Illinois. Mid Uoad Populist Wharton Barker, of Pennsylvania; Igna tius Donnelly, of Minnesota. Prohibition John J Woolley, of Illinois; Henry B Motcalf, of lihodo Island. Social Democrats Eugcno V Dobs, of Indiana; Job Harriman, of California. Social Labor Joseph F Mal loney, of Massachusetts; Valen tine Rommell, of Pennsylvania United Christian JFR Loon ard, of Iowa; Charles M Shel don, of Kansas. Anti-Imperialist William J Bryan, of Nebraska, no endorse' ment. National Donaldson Caffery, of Louisiana; Archibald M Howe, of Massachusetts. National Union Reform Seth Ellis, of Ohio; Samuel T Nichol son, of Pennsylvania. It is impossible to imagine why some of those tickets were nominated or what object their supporters hope to accomp lish. Bryan ana totevenson are backed by three parties, an honor which no other presidential ticket ever on joyed before. Of the minor tickets tho Popu list will poll the largest vote, but that will bo a more trifle compar ed to tho two big tickets. At lanta Journal. This Is Sense. Hon. David B Hill in his de nunciation of bosses is but adopt ing tho tactics of defeated men everywhere. If ho had won in his fight on Crokor ho would have been as much a boss as the victorious Richard, but being defeated he cries "Boss." No man can bo a boss without the consent of his party. As soon as a man establishes a repu tation as a successful political campaign manager and party leader he becomes a boss, ac cording to tho envious ones and the defeated aspirants for leader ship. We have no patience with this "boss" cry, since no party and no people need bo bossed a day longer than they are willing to be. Tho man with the quali fications for leadership will in evitably load, until tho people object to his leadership and over throw him. Danville Register. A woman exacts lovo from a man as duty and confers it as a favor. Atchinson Globe. Town Literally In Ashes Worst Since the Civil War-May Iteuch 2(M,(MK Duninire. The town, of Washington, N, C, suffered a terrible tiro scourge Thursday. It is said to to be worse than thatby tho "Yankees' during the Civil War. Tho loss is estimated v from $150,000 to $200,000. It started from a defective flue about 1 o'clock and raged at E o'clock. The town is literally in ashes. Mr. Franklin Sherman Arrives to Snc cecd Mr. Cooper Curtice. Mr. Franklin Sherman, the fie wly elected State entomologist, arrived this morning and will immediately assume his duties in the agricultural department. Mr. Sherman is from Halifax county, Virginia, and is a gradu ate of Cornell University. He comes highly recommended by the prosident of that, university; the State entomologist, of Mary land and other prominent scien tists. Mr. Sherman succeeds Mr. Cooper Curtice, who has bt:on Stato entomologist here for the past two years and has done a wonderful -work. Mr. Curtice came hero from Now York and he now returns north to become professor of biology in the Uni versity of Rhodo Island. Commissioner of Agriculture Patterson, in speaking of Mr, Curtice this morning, said: "We regret to lose him. lie has done a great work in North Carolina iu discovering and preventing disease among cattle.'' Times- Visitor. The Winston Aldermen have passed an ordinanco forbidding lawn watering and street sprink ling on account of lack of water supply. Miss Mabel McKinley, Presi dent McKinley's niece, and Dr. Hermanus L Bacr wero married Wednesday at Somerset, Pa., tlioir home. John B Stanch field was riomi nated by the Democrats of New York for Governor. Mr. Color's namo was placod before the con vention, but he was defeated. Mayor Powell of Raleigh called a meeting for 5 o'clock this (Thursday) evening for the purpose of soliciting aid for the Galveston sufferers. The Truth-Index said Thurs day morning that the Salisbury Cotton Mill would close Friday evening and remain closed till Monday a woek on account of lack of cotton. A New York dispatch of tho 12th says: "During tho preva lenco of a high wind today, a mast sustaining ono end of a po litical banner suspended over Broadway, was blown down, killing Charles Duntield. of Bir mingham, Ala., who was passing with his brother and a friend." Governor Russell Thursday ro spited Modlin, who was to have been hanged next Tuesday at Dallas for the murder of Mr Brown, and fixed the date for Modliu's execution for October 18th. ' This is Medlin's third re prieve. It was for the purpose of securing clemency for him that F I Osborne, Esq., of this city, went to Raleigh Wednes day to see Governor Russell. Mr. Osborne returned home yes terday. Charlotte Observer. Twenty Years Proci. Tutt's Liver Pills kee p the bow e!s in natural motion an J cleanse the system of all impurities Ar absolute cure for sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stoma,:h, con Jtipation and kindred diseases. "Can't do without them" R. P. Smith, Chilesburg, Va. writes I don't know how I could do without them. I have had Liver disease for over twenty years. Am now entirely cured Tutt's Liver Pills Chii)H'l Hill's liluze. A special of the 13th to the Morning Post says: "Chapel Hill was visited by i destructive fire this afternoon, the t jta! loss being about $t5,00( or $7,000. "The fire originated at 1 o'clock in a two story frame residence occupied by Editor W U Thompson, of the Chapel Hill Nows, and owned by W O Peck ham, of New York. It was a teu room building and in a few i minutes was a mass of flames. The building was worth $1,500, covered by insurance. Mr. Thompson's loss by firo and breakage is about 200; no in surance. "The fire next caught the new store of J D Webb, a frame building. Tho stock was valued at 5,500. It was partly saved, but damaged about 50 per cent. Tho building cost 2,250 and is a total loss, with no insurance on stocK or building. In the second floor of this building wero the halls of tho Masons and Knights of Pythias. Both were de stroyed. The Pythians' loss is 350; insured for 225. Tho Ma sons' loss is 150; no insurance. "A two story frame building owned by Mrs. Julia Graves and occupied by P L Herndon's un dertaking establishment was also burned. The stock was saved, but damaged; insurance .")00. Tho building was worth 1,200; not insured. "Hard and heroic work of citi zens and students saved half the town being burned. Soon after the fire started Mayor Barbee wired Durham asking for help. hi thirty minutes two pieces of apparatus and thirty men were ready to go on a special train, but a message came saying the tire was under control." - l.ove Your IliisincsH. A man can no more be suc cessful iu a business he does not like than can a man bo happy with a wife ho does not lovo. Enthusiasm is the power which impels men onward in any and every vocation. WiJiout it men are lethirgic. They will drift. But to pull against the tide they are as unablo as thoy aro unwill ing. Drifting, however, does not win the race, either in business or aquatic events. There must be tho long pull, the strong pull and the pull with vigor. Men in business today have no easy task. There is a great deal to discourage and very little to encourage. There are foes with in and foes without to contend against. Undor such conditions it is no wonder so many either fail altogether or eke out a more ex istence. Tho antido'.o for despair is en thusiasm, and tho germ of en thusiasm is lovo for or pleasure in that business or vocation in which you aro embarked. Therefore, if you would suc ceed, get in love with your busi ness. Selected. Criticise Judiciously. It is always ;fair and right to presume that a public officer is doing his duty, and is acting rightly. If there is any cause of complaint let it be aired in the proper way, not by a curbstone or cornerstoro jury, if ho has erred seriously let him be im peached, if his fault lies in not thinking as you do, then let mat tors rest until you have an op portunity of electing some one nearer vour ways ot tmnking First, last and all the time, do not undertake to criticise or con demn any publit: officer by indis criminate charges on the stieets or cross roads. That sort of thing has a strong tendency to weaken the effectiveness of any man's work, no matter how good, to cheapen public positions and to set a low staudard for others who may be filling public posi tions, or who will in time to come fill them. Florence Times. A woman listens to the advice of her husband, but sho inva riably does as sho ploases just the same. Aurora News. RELIEF ffii IE CtMIMITTEKN HAVE CALVI.'SOV J HANiV Provisions are Distributed -Rcnali-lnp Proceeds Money tue tireutest Xt;eil More Than 81,000,000 Kuised-Moi e Tlinn 5,000 Dead. Decidedly brighter dispatches are coming from Galves ton. Committees have the work in hand. Provisions are dis tributed systematically and re lief from immediate suffering seems afforded. Mayor Jones in a dispatch of the 13th says : "Our most urgent present needs now are disinfectants, lime, cemont, gasoline stoves, gasoline, charcoal furnaces and charcoal. Near by towns also may send some bread. For the remainder of our wants money will bo most available, because we can make purchases from time to time with moro discretion than miscellane ous contributors would exercise. We are bringing order out of chaos, and again offer our pro found gratitudo for the assist ance received." The weather is fair and favor able for those in root'ess houses. Carpenters and other mechan ics aro busy roofing the uncov ered houses and making various repairs. The wharves aro less injured than was first supposed The rej.ef fund is now more than i,0'JO,uOO. The estimate of the dead, how ever, docs not diminish, but is placed at more than 5,000. Sat urday's IViik. The Best Remedy lor Stomach and Bowe Trouble. "I hftve t5en in the drn? hnsitiesi for twenty years mid Imvo koM most, fill of the proprietary medicines of any n;to. Among the entire list 1 hnve m-yer found anything to etjiml Cliatabc rlein's uuao, Glioient and Kmrtueea Lomeily for all stomach and 1-owe! troubles,'' Mnys O. V. Wakefield, of Oolunihnfl, Oa. "This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family mil I have reoouimcmled and sel.i hundreds of bottles of it to my custom ers to their entire satisfaction. It iffords a quiak and snro cure in a pleasant form." For sale at Marsh's drue store. Col. Waddellto Speak Octoher Jst. The following appointment are announced for Col. A M Waddell in his canvass for tho senatorial race. Newton, Monday, September, 24th. Taylorsvillo, Wednesday, Sep tember, 2Cth. . Statesville, Thursday, Septem ber, 27th. Salisbury, Friday, Septem ber, 28th. Albemarle, Saturday, Septem ber, 29th. Concord, Monday, October, 1st. Charlotte, Tuesday, October, 2nd. It will be noted that Col. Wad dell will bo here on October 1st. WJe ". 1 V".-- e . ,: -, .; V ! "' V ,. ' il- ',' "When I l,e.rr.! th cures peifoi n.'.f hy .Vs Nerviu? 1 dropped ill mi nt. Nervous pr. -f;:;1.; r it fi-i ' !..'", f e tV'.VUVrf'jl ' Re.-.t .r .:i"f i tiler (n at :n and c-'n-,.'. riiorts of the best ph) ii.-i.'.ns i t Uih section. The first bottk of Nervine brought relief. I continneJ using it together with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure until helth was again restored." Mrs. C. W, O'mited. Kickapoo, Oklk. Dr. ifiUw' igervsno U ftold by all dnicists on puaranlee, first botlle benehts or money back. book on Dean ana nervet sent ire 1 - Or, MIIm Medloal Company, Elkhart, In4 V J ' Pn si.li nt Krnirer IK parts -(Jen. IJotlia Negotiating fur Surrender. Late dispatches indicate that open resistence to the Uritish in the South African regions is about to end. Officer lieichman who has been with the Uoer army telegraphs that events have required the departuro of the attacl les from the Transvaal and he requests instructions. President Kru.gr r has q lit tho scene it is said and it is reported that, Con. JWin.tho commander-in-chief of tno Uoer forces is negotiating fur surrender. The indications are that tho war is over unless there should follow some bush whacking. Daily of 13th. - . - Cured ot Chronic Diarrhoea After Thitty Years of Sufierlng. "I snfl'ered for thirty years with diarrhoea and thought I was past be in? cured," says John S. IlalloWay. of French Camp, Mips. "I 9poiit so muoh time and money nnd miffurcl so much that I had given up all hopes of reoovery. I wus so frehio from tho effects of the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of labor,' could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle oi Ou'iuV rhtin'n Colic, Choler ur.d ):u r.,,,oi iioiuedy, and iftci takins; pi v : 1. 'tin i am en tirely cured if t: it t.-.'ut'!. I am so plea.ed w.t'i lie. r. ot flint t am anxi .!' I'm 't ' :a : .el. .f :ll Mho sailer as i hu.'' Ki r .' at ' r .,L's drug sturt Save Your Mom-; . The ciivus u coaling and it is a rii'st elr.sB ono, Forepaugh and Sell Bro.-:. They will be here on the ICe.h of October. Tho tents will be raised on the McDonald property just above the Odell factory. uestii'!!S Answered, Yes, An.-ni-t riowc-r still has tho larg est sale ? any nuilicre ij fne civilized world. enr mothers nu l p ni 'idniotbers never tl; i hl of nsin.; uiii-thirisr c-i.j 'or iiuli;... . ion or biiln. in. i. 1 )o-itori were sei.r ale! they held' ::i le ard ! f aep';nii'.jii :s, nTyees pri.-''!i-''tn or lieartliiilure.i l.'. 'il.r v u i ! August i'lower to ck id out tiie sv.toni fctnp fe"'iji iti'in a of ''i.d;:'!': ;ed f.jo.';, rocuJ'it.) t"2 ncl'on i f too lirrr, f.t. nu-lat-i the n-rveiw al or.iann; nation of ti'ti yf--r , : i i nil ' ' ey t-iek when i !t..j; .e.u Lad w di Load- flchfn an.! eri: r 'ic.:.e".. Von o'.ly need a few do.-i-H of Gu-'iii'i Ar.jnist Flower, in liqai.l h rm to make yi sat! lied thero is nmbiii-.; t-.erious the nutter with von. Fur ki'o by all tieaK'-a ia civilized Ce'U.irir i. iiw 9 m I'latM There In Is:!'). Mr. Jim Tirown says that tho old elm tree that was cut down in front of the court house yard tho other day was placed thero in b-vj'j, and that he assisted in putting out that ono and the rest of the row that stands along there. Endured Leaih's Amnios. Only a roaring 0ro mablcJ J M Garrettson, of Sun Antonio, Tex., to ho down when attacked with asthma, from which he buffered. for years, lie writes his misery was often so preat that it seemed he endured the agonies of death; but Dr. Kins'tNewDiscovery for con sumption wholly cured him. This mar velous medioiuo is the only kiiownjcnre for asthma as well as consumption, coufihs and colds, and all throat, chest and lung troubles. Price 50c and 3L0. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free a Fetzer's dnig stow A woman's idea of studying a man's charhcter is to hint around to try to find out if he has ever been in lovo. Ga!ves:o;i News. A PoviCr : ltemf.vca evr ry'l (Irnstie : ;.:-r- i ' i:fi'i-.ite yi"i I.w: Pilii .i :h pei feot'y. ( i . tion. Ouly .'. store. ::?:X5lti':.i ia ; .,:l.t; so do X.. :i"oJ to dy N n ! t icing's New -. .j.l. r ' e-isily and ...iu!nei o, constipa--ts at Fetzer'a drug Helen (louM, Cod bless herl No sooner did the news of tho disaster at Gal vestou reach her than she ordered 50, 00') ratious homed lately sou t to the sufferers. Shi :s a veritable angel of mercy, and verily, will receivo her reward. - Morning Post. 1: .F. M. ' News, 'n r thnt in- ! Lu ;ri':' 1'iVt id 1'.. ho!y Care Fe(7e.-'i ' linn'l- .tor's Awn. r ; : c'rj f.'l r '. r re.'; ;-,.!:' 'V.-f '-' .v rl '. 11: ' -a ''a!.; .1 oif:J :. , th V : b. .t.' .1 i u I 'tr-uan.'o to . 1 y .v. M B Stick. : president of the ley i. lub, and Mr. c hainnan of the County Executive . O W ;upr. : our Wl.l'.' A i: U.: i.n i a tic. Cotniaittee, ex ir.eiubtn's of this club who de.-ired to vo for Hryan and Stevenson a -si .Med in tho court house and 1 l ee.i a Bryan-St. iveiis'.n 1 1 : 1 . i ei, eight men were en;-,,;.,.,; ,., , , hers, and nine ' i eii.ii.i, :, shown dui i:i'r i oe im . , . ; the club. '1'h.. i:.-t " , , .... .;: be helil on Fr'd.iy i, : . 2ist. im i: sti. : vi ... , . i pref.idi ,'H..l ( . Navy, Exeontor,