1 f-.TT r w 7 -i end it3 4.1. 00 and get this .r . 1 J A T - PS Ouiv '$100 PER YEAR: SEETHE CLUBBING;: R A TES - ON 2ND PAGE I 1 '1 h 1 v M Oniy $1 Per Year. CONCOKD, N. 0., T1IUKSJJAY, OCTOBER 11. IIXX). Single Copy 5 Cts. paper 1 year. 4 i -f, ii x ' TRUSTEE'S BALE ! Bvvirtue (if trti-t deed made to me bv W F Farrar acid wife M J rarrar and 0 K Teeter dated Nov. a, 1898, and reoordrd in Hk U, p. 278 Registry for Cabarrns Co., N. 0., and on account of default in the payment of the debt the roin secured I will rail on the 30th day of October. 1IM, (Saturday) at the county oourt house door id Cabarrus coui ty to the highest bidder for oaflh at 13 o'clock M., all that land in Cabarrus oounty, N. O , bounded and di scribed as follows: Beginning at a btone on the south edge ol the great road leadmr from Teeter's mill to llarrisbnrg and l)r W W Pharr's oorner and running N 21 1-2 E 9'J 1-6 poles to 2 persimruoms thenoe NW 4:) 2-5 polo to a large P (), CaldwulJ's line, thenoe 8 32 1-2 W 78 poles to a si one where a P O stood bjr small persi union, thence H 80 E 81 poles crossing the groat road to a dead Uy. by 2 IS. J. , Fharr's oorner, thonoe N 69 E 2 poles to a stone on the wont edge of the road, Pharr's comer, thi-noe with his line 8 39 E 40 poles to the begin ning, containing 29 1-2 acres. ; HEHIOT (JLARKSON. ' Trustee. Sept. 80, 1U00 . ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of LAND Pursuant to an order made in a oer tain Special Proceeding before the Olerk of the Superior Oonrt in the case of Michael W-SeoU, Administrator of A. D. Miaeubeimer. .deoeued. plaintiff, against Leah; Misenh aimer and Rich ard L.' 8ooU,u'dcfendnits, 1 will, on -Monday, the Stlulay of November, 1IMXI, t-!3 vJo"k ni: sell, at the conrt bona. d i.i IJiii.eord, .V(J , to the nighot bi-l'.or for -fi tha following tract of t :i.fri ri'd land iyin;? and boiug in No ft towuxhiji, comity of Oubarrus and (State of North (lar.lihiS and pound. 'ii rs fol l-r.va: . 'iri':LU. a bia'-khaw ou a . p in I sjdi , a ei.rt.i'r c; bit o if nim 7, and r:iue u itii tho liuc of No. 7, souil. II west ; ' I'tilos to a htr-.ke, con er of :o. ...!,'(. 7 on A Olino's line; thence with A (J iuc' line aout'i Wj west 2H poles to u finite in Ciines iield; U-cnce north ft4 w -t 12 iioieti :u a kc, corner of b 'o. 'j; thence witi: tuc line of No. !' 11 prth 11 oto-t ."4 poles to a dog wood on tiio line of No. 0 to corner of No. U, thence south 2 eat 33 polus to the be giuu!ng, containing eleven mid thro fourth acres, more or bs. (riven under my baud this, 27th da;, of 8ei 'eitL- r. ".' .MI;ii.Vr.L It. SCOTT, Adm'r. Lxscutor's Mo;ice. Pursnant to Hie atithnrity vested in mo as , vector ( ' b f . i is-j.ir. i !?; -oil ti!i I , ' la- :1 in in : .i i-"cord '.. v:.c .i.i.v o. :i e Oijri of'.'in.t if ' 'd'arr-'.K )nuiJ..-, North (Volii.H. ! V me "' j spe 3-0, and Drolt.u h :it day ol J et-rnary 11M. ), 1 . ;!1 on 'oudy, the it't day t AovuDibvr, !' at 1 'clock A. at th tlonrt ilo'-se door il Concord. N. C sell to the highest bidder, at Publi Auction, the following pieces or par cels ot laud lying and being in said county and oute and more partloularU described as follows : IS 1 . Beginning at a nine stump, Voil's oorner and oorner of lot No. 1 al lotted to Jennie, wife of W. B. Atwell in the divisions of the lands of John Blackwelder, and runs thenoe N 05 E (Hi poles to a hickory on Isenhonr's, form erlv (rallirrjore't line: thonoe 8 41 E i poles to a post oak, a corner of lot No. i' in said division: thenoe B 41 W 8-1 pole to a post oak: thcnoeS85 W 57 poles to a black oak, .lacoh Mlnckwelder a corner thence with his line N (i E 24 pol s to e stake: thence N 80 E 17 poles to a stake : thonoe H 87 E 8 polca to a stake: thence N 15 E 12 poles to a stake: thenoe N 6 W 4 J poles to a stake : thence W 3 pole to a stake: thence N nl n o (Miles to a stone above the spring : thence N (1 I IS poles to a hickory oorner cnt down thence N 8 W K poles ti Hie lie ginning, contiiuing 41 acreu moicoi leai. 2ND TRACT Reixinning at a bick ory, corner T. C. Htrieker traot and runs thence 8 55 W 30 poles to a tak. near the corner of the old line: thenee N 72 W 132 poles to a stone on the Douglass line: tin nee with bis and C. A. wisher's line 8 10 W145 poles to a "tone, amnel Johnston's oorLer: thence with is line N 88 E 07 poles to a pine stump. E W. Kimmou's corner: thenoe with bis line N 10 E 40 poles to a liost oak: thenoe N 88 E 06 poles to a red oak : thenoe with Strieker's line to the be ginning containing by estimate 76 aorts more or less 8RD TRACT. Also another tract lying between said last named traot and Hill Creek, bounded by the lauds of Ham Van Pelt, Ohas Jubnsou and the dower land ol Maty Fisher, containing bout SO aulas. All of the foregoiue tracts ooantitute one larger tract of 137 acres more or less and these will be sold as one tract 4 I'll TRACT. '.eginid:i at e ,b n on l :iiie K-'ld ,.iid ril'iP in a 'vest ridy dirt;'.: i). ei noon! io t to a M.ct.c. the e in a m nl; ernt.v direction abo-it 9!t te: : ' f.totic: tl.enee iii a northeiniy din ( in li ii !.,'. t i;; i feet to --f one, the: -i in a eor'.'i we.oeniiy d pa'tnui itn t!u pn'.Nicro id t ' lw i.oc;einng coi.iainin:: about i.in .fivntii of i.u a re n.oro o: lliHf' Ti'.HM.S OF Sde: ?")' csh eu dav ol sal'i. ai:d tlie remaii der of the pnrcbast money to be ,-a.,l in thioe eouiLl in 8talliHLtH '.ii n t'.mo of sik, twelve and eighteen nKe.tiis Ti''e retitined nnti1 all pureha-e moin y n o"'d (liven under my hand this i:i(.h day kept, lHOO. J. V. WRIGHT, . . Executor, SVW'IAr-, LOW PRICED f. Ca:piif n Offer. THE. TIMES, RICHMON !, VA 0 .0?!-' nmm frP si. - r.-j.tl.:-', c iL . The Times, Richmond, Va. WANTED. Active man of good char, aoter to deliver and collect in North Cur '.na for old established manufao ti tou' wholesale hou e. 0IX) a year, suieiay. lionet more than exiiori ence required. Our reference, any bank in any citv. Kncloae self-ad-d-i-d stampel envelope. Manu'ao ti rers Third Floor. 334 Dearborn 81., i uicngo. "(inyhoy "Diil you ever' road th- story of Jonah and Hie wlue?" Miss Willing "Yes, inilood." Gnyhoy "And what do you Hiink of it?" MissWil-l-,,o-"vliy, I think it's true. 1 Litio id pvry word of it." Gay boy "Darlinp, you are the only fcirl I ever loved. Will you be jiiy vufc?'' Chicago News, PI III' I LI Addresses A Good Audience ThursJ day Night. Draws The Lines Between Party Prin ciples and Party Tendencies-Great National Issues Treated lloeful , Signs of Democratic Triumph. 1 Hon. Lee S Overman epoke Thursday night to a good largp audience. ; He was introduced by Mr: L T Hartsell in a short -but well rounded speech. v Mr. Overman paid his com pi i menta.tf,Mr, Hartstill doclarinp that no county in the. state was bettor represented in the last legislature than Cabarrus. He began the discussion by saying that long ago we held two elections in the state in presidential years but that money had been flooding the state to secure advantage to the Kepub lican party and it was concluded to hold the elections together, but when the issue of White Su ,remacy was to be fought,! it be rug purely a local issue, it was thought best to separate the elections. The matter wassottled he hoped forever. That was n nolitico-social question. The one before us now is purely poll tical and there has boen no more important national issues than are involved in this election. Ii is whether the principles foi which our forefathers foughl shall be perpetuated or whether the principles which they estab lished shall be overthrown. Ho here stopped srTort to say that he believed that Democracy will win this year. It is our turn. He noted that Democracy won in 1876 but was cheated out ol victory by Itopublieans, Tin elections have alternated every four years since and t'lis is our year to win. He eulogized Mr. Bryan com paring him to Washington. Clay and others who established the principles for which he stands. He named a catalogue of im portant cities whose late elec tions poiut tq the "triumph ol Democracy. He drew the distinctive lines between the two great parties and their leaders. Bryan like Thomas Jefferson is for equal rights.to all and .special privi leges to none while, McKinley, like Alexander Hamilton, would rear an aristocracy conferring favors on the fow and laying burdens on the many. It, was Jefferson's contentions that pre vailed and gave us the constitu tion. North Carolina was und over is jeaious for the rights ol the common people and would not enter the union until the 10th amendment to theconstitu lion was passed when she joined the compact in 178'J. Democracy he said had stxd for equal rights to all from iio earliest history. She goes iown before hT enemies some times but comes up again and combats the wrong always. He. declared that the whole course of the Republican jiarty has been ono.of spite and hatred toward the south. . L'ncoln said he looked with hor ror upon turning loose upon the the southern people 3,000,000 of their former slaves but the Hth 11 The Hague-McCorkle Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers. GREENSBORO, N, C. Dry Goods, Notions and Hats. I " Wo solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at retail. IW We cordially invite all merchants to call on us when in Greensboro or see our Travelling Salesman before placiug orders elsewhore. J. W. WOODBURN, Salesman, amendmont came and then the 15th and now if McKinley be elected the whole force of the party will be directed to undoing our late victory for White Su premacy. How stand you my fsllow citizens, said he? Will you. vote for the party arrayed igainst. what you hold so dearly? What any how has tho Republi can party ever done for the south but evil? i Hef declared that Democracy stands for the constitution, for equaJ justice to all and special favors ! to none, no entangling alliances with other nations, small army for defense but none for conquest We do not want to rank as one of the powers of the earth but be ours the land of the free and th home of the Grave. Republicanism is for cenrali zation' of government," milita rism, imperialism', colonial ex pansion, monopoly, industrial slavery, misery. He declared that we have ap proached dangerously near to the abyss of ruin for the greui principles established by oui fathers. Ue declared that the only plea of Republicanism is prosperity. This he said is not due to Mc Kinley. He did not bring the abundant crops in America and the famine in India, the gold o. Klondike uor the war in Africa. Prosperity ebbs and flows am; its blessings have been abundair in Europe, in all ctviiued coun tries now f. r yi ::i'n. Hut is iio: the greatest strii.-e the world c er knew on now, tl: effects f tr si aud monopoly n. thods V Ho said that tl. :idmin: r: i of McKinley had cost fJ'M.OOO, 000 more than that of G rover Cleveland. Who can conceive of the sum. If the amount were in silver it would take a wagon train reaching from here to Raleigh tf haul it. He said trusts were pushing iug men out of business, raising tho price to the cpnsumor and reducing it for the producer ol raw material. McKinley, said he, has a law but will not got a lawyer to prosecute tho trusts. If Bryan be elected he will find a man to executu the law. He retraced the history of our relations with uba, Porto Rico and the Philippines, declaring that those people had been im posed upon and deceived. The Monroe Doctrine is good, said he. It gave to the ' entral and South American States the right to be republics .against any for eign aggression. We should be guided by it in our relations to uba and Porto Kico. The Fili pinos have many educated men of the highest type. They should be free. We paid $20,000,000 for what ? Tho land was not Spain's, the people as subjects wo do not want. They must be citizens with us or subjects to us. and Mr. McKinley must be their pres ident or their emperor. Ho claimed that Dewey took Agui naldo as an ally ami that the lat ter made due apology for the (he lirst Filipino wrong hut was treated to volleys as a resenl ment. He related Rome's history aud Napoleon's downfall as a warn ing 'against colonial aggression. He read from "high Republican authorities and enumerated many more whose warning voices are raised asrainst oor ierideiicies !o ward an ini:.ri; ; form of gov ernment and dec.ared that the God of nations w mid fn "u i.m on us. . He gave a gri 'tic aeeo n't t ' North arolina troops at G Uy- burg and how they closed in their ploughed through ranks aud carried the flag farthest in battle. 'Give us only citizen soldiers when emergencies arise and not great standing armies. Let. North Carolinians, too, get together for 1 he triumph of principles taught by the fathers. As a peroration he recited, My Country, 'Tis of Thee, etc., mm thrilling effect. The speech was punctuated by great rounds of applause and there was evidenced n degree of awakening to interost in tht campaign 'that has been dosing so serenely. II GRATIS CLU3 Indianapolis Gay f(O0 Clubs Per l)uy- 2,000, 000 Members. The convention of Democratic clubs was held in Indianapolis on the night of the 2rd. It was a gayaasembly. Chairman Jones said that during the last two or three weeks Democratic clubs have been organizing at - tire rate of 5m) per day. Tho mem-1 bers now number 2,000,000. t'uliai niM tu Iio; Ki'iireseii'i'd. Winston will have a five days semi-centennial street lair begin ning Oct. 30th. The association desires the presence of one lady representative from each county in tho staie. a hurs-l,u k ride preferred. There will be a casti ing about for one of our fair if dies tin', will r- presi-nt-Cabarr't and the name ',v ii be unnounci-i; I'MON OH'K VUVrS HIM Y.vr,s iv to en: i!..c -.tii.1 ii tlio A!" u ' (-! . . . s a '','' f P. a: ' ton. ( ' t ; troiil '- t: thoo who refuse to v t:i ura . from tho in. ion can consider themsolvos discharged, aud giv ing such operatives until the 15th to vacate the houses of the mill companies. The notice follows: "Whereas, recent develop ments have shown that this mill cannot be operated with that harmony between the own ers and the operatives thereof winch is essential to success and to tho interest of all concerned so long as the operatives are subject to interference by outside parties, this is to give notice that on and after tho 13th day of October, 1900, this mill will not employ any operatives who be long to a labor union, but will be run by non-union labor only. All operatives who object to the above and will not withdraw from labor unions will please consider this as notice and vacate iny house and premises belong ing to us which they may now occupy on or before the 15th day of October, 1900." Had Sequel for Solillern. A Washington dispatch of the 4th says: "General MacArthur reported to the War Department today that five soldiers died In the mountains of Laguna province after having made 'their escape from (lie insurgents, by whom i'V had been capluVeil; The date of Hteir death is unknown :ind ro detail., are furnished as to I he nia'iuer of their death. It is supposed, however, that they perished from starvat.on and exposure having lost their way m the mountains in their en deavor to return to their con: rades." - -- iKiniiur Stnl.ti in t!iu !vii!li. A Birmingham. Aia., dispatch of tht i'h says: ' 'A si i ike , i en a 1 i I'm i: ton. a mining town I I milt s southwest of this city, find ti.e mines of the Tennessee (Va!, Iron & Railroad uicaii.y,.(. line rs, d 1 1 v pvyiii: : and over l,oni p men. 'are ' s: I r ; : 1 1 1 : , of the coi eiii-' ml oi' of th acjei le i !:l . riMi- . 'M,"'1 il th- re I'll I '-''Vt' b.l'b V t h (M.il ru; Mess. e,l into ,c t: i e .:tw. miners and the company early in July when tho annual contract was signed after a long confer ence, and the company claims that in quitting work the men are violating the contract in that by its terms they are to continue at work until the naticual execu tive board can pass upon any differences that might arise. "It is understood that the mat ter has been referred to Mr. Mitchell, of the United Mine Workers of America, through tho district officials." Ntiitc Normal's Opeuintr. The State Normal opened on the 4th and the Telegram says about 350 young ladies are present. Agd 70 Yar Leares HuHband aptl Four Chllilron-Meuibur of Mt. Mlt- oliill M. E. l.'liurth. Mrs. Martin A Propst, of No. 5 township, died Friday morning at an early hour. She was af flicted with an affection of 1 a paralytic nature by which she was attacked about a year ago but had almost recovered from every symptom. She was in town only last week but was attacked again with something of the nature of congestive chills. Mrs. Propst was "0 years old last August. Her maiden name was Miss Krimminger. She was a member of Mount Carmel M. E. church, where she was buried this evening at 3 o'clock. - K She leaves ' to mourn her de parture a husband and three soils, Messrs. Will, Worth, and v harles I'ropst and one daugh ter, Mrs. 1'eiiick Query. Daily of nth. UElilSTltAliS INDICTED. Itiiln found Aciiiiit S in the Federal ( onrt-Tlm Cliar?es Set Forth Ilol tiu in It. A Greensboro dispatch of tfio Itii says : "The fraud jury in the United States District Court today re lumed b. lis against the follow in:: peivoms .-charged with 'he J 'r.va'iou of the rights guar u t'- d bv toe Cons! it u; ion of the '.'V-d ,st,n. . Hanlev L Wall ;ison, of Winston ; i .d. R. O J-'i-y, o: .i.Ti'iVif. .' : ill : ''' ! lie I'V. H el 'iilial): ;uunty; J A J'errj Powell, of Burke ;ounl ". ''! ' indiei :e " on ' ' '-".a: '. ai el-'.io' "u i otiier .Slate i members of ! he 'ssc ,'orii- ihat day .:, Ms!, for ''ov.-rmv,' ifiie.ors and for reueral asseu- blv was held at each voting pre cinct iu North Carolina, and that tho registrars unlawfully and wilfully refused to allow the per sons named in the bill to register for the said election. The bill charges Thompson with turning down twenty -four negroes; Wall, twelve; Roper four; Fry, seven ; Perry, seven; Powell, nine. "The names of the negroes are civeu, and they are all hero to sive testimony, accompanied by a number of others. cJreat in terest is manifested in the mat ter, and most strenuous efforts will bo made to convict the reg istrars. It is believed that Judsje Boyd will inflict heavy punish ment if they are convicted." The Morning Post says edi torially : "The indictment of the Win ston, Morganton and other regis trars by the grand jury at Greens boro on tho 4th is not conclusive by any means that these officers are guilty of violating the law. It is merely the attempt of At torney Holtou to use his negro witnesses now with the hope that the registrars and other election officers will be intimi dated next month. And this pa rading ine negroes, ana using them to secure the indictment of these officers will be worth thou-. sands of votes for Mr. Bryan.' hi a oai'tis iti sense' Mr. ' 1.1 ol) on: has rendered the " Democrats a great service; bul it is a disgrace to his office thr.t such use of. it should be mad.', let the benefit of it be what it. may." A later special to tho Charlotte Observer says : In the Federal Court today tho cases against the six Democratic registrars wre called. Tio cases gainst Messrs. Fry and-'liopei', i if Montgomery county, were continued until the next term; iiiimi agam.-.t Messrs. Powell and ret ry, of Burke, were also con 1 lined, being transferred to Si.r.'sville. The cases ' against Messrs. J T Thompson ana 11 in !er Wall, of Wilist'in, Were set Tor !i".' 1 M':ui:.v. By many it. is n. -. I- liev.ti tl a; they will be tried at this ion. I. Meh-rs. Thompson and Wall will He . i ires- 'ed by :!on. I-'M .S.I..1- . ; and '.i --rs. F .('.! mi, C'.-! .. i.i '.laiiYy i: .d.I ' Buvon, v! I of vh .hi a re luce. iu this correspondence yester day it was stated, upon informa" tion, that practically all the members of the grand jury at this term of Federal Court were Republicans. An official of the court said today that there were eleveu Democrats, nine Republi cans and oue Populist on the jury. k9.m ! FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Mrs. Wiiiglow'8 Sootliinu Bvrnp boa been nsed tor over tfty years by mil lions of ru others for their children ivLi.e teething with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, all ya nil pain, euros wind colic, and is the bint remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by driitfirista iu every part of tne world. Twenty-five cents a bot. tie. iio sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win slows Soothing Syrup," aud take no ' other kind Li lluililinir Burned ThurwlayMornlug An irrest Made. Gold Hill had a fire this morn ing at 9:b0. Tho building owned by Mrs. Martin aud occupied by Jim Howell's restaurant and Jim Lontz and Cicero Ludwick's store, was burned. Tho building was a combination dwelling and store house and stood next to the Methodist church. While the fire was in progress the church building caught sev eral times but not much damage was done to it. It was claimed that the fire was started acoidently in tho kitchen of the restaurant but there was suspicion that it was of incendi ary origin and an arrest was made. Tho young man arrested was given a preliminary hearing but up to the hour of going to press Sheriff Monroe had heard, noth ing from the trial. Salisbury Sun, of the 4th. The Sext State Fair. . The next Stale Fair begins Thursday, Oct. 2i'ud, aud ch if.es Saturday, October Iilt.ii. This fair wet k will be a gala day for the Slate. The farmers will leave their fields to come and ex amine this aggregation of the Stale's best products, aud the merchant, lawyer, doctor and oilier professional men will leave their oftices and strive to be present. Every effort is being put forth by those who have the matter in charge to make this the com p'efest exhibit of the Stale's re sources that has ver been given More (nan sii.tioil will be given, in cash premiums in the differ ent contes'.s. lieMiles this, manv special oiler.-, will be made. News and Observer. Mrs. Mom null .Imkiuii. Balt::uoiv. M J.,-.October 3. Mrs. V -ry '.lit.-, -fac, son, widow x ' Oe. ra' Su ewa . Jackson. ! .. "ivoii hei tl. s a.'enioou at i j ,i -,,.!.- ... .,...,, tf :.. slated, lor eye ; rouble. She is the g jest of thi Church Home and hirhm.irv, Uroodway and Fairmouut Avenue. She is un der the care of Dr. L McLane Tiffany, aud will probably re main at that institution for sov eral months. Owing to indisposition due to the journey, Mrs. Jackson could not be seen last evening.-- -;"N or did questioning avail anything, the officials refusing positively to answer, except that she was present, it :s probably not only lrom her eyes that Mrs. Jackson su Iters. After consulting eye specialists here, with the result that an operation was found unneces sary, she put herself under care of Dr. Tiffany, one of the emin ent susgoons here. "For three days and nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus lironirlit on l.y eating ououm bers," says M. E. Lowthcr, olerk of the district oonrt, Oenterville, Iowa. "1 thought 1 should snrely die, aud tried a dozen different medicines bnt all to no purpose. 1 sent for bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy aud three doses relieved me entirely." '1'his remedy is for sale at Marsh's Drug (Store. Characteristic Outrage. A Columbia, S. C, dispatch of the 4th relates an outragious act by a negro that caused the death of Mr. J II W Maybrick. Mr. apd Mrs. Maybrick. were return ing from church oh lasi'Suiiday and .suddenly and without notice, they were run into by a negro who was driving at a furious rate. Mr. and -Mrs. Maybrick were ruthlessly thrown to the ground and the hiisbjuid never ruga i nod consciousness. Mrs. Maybrick soon recovered from her injuries. The negro simply drove on and lett them in then miserv. Yon numini- uii rink when yon buy Chnml"-riiiiii's Colic, Clielcni ami Dinr rhoiin i.emedv. .M. I.. Jtursh will tt fiiinl y. ur Meiiey if yon are not Hutus fied a':.r using it. It is everywhere admitted to lie the mont buccpsmIuI ri-m-eily in u e for bowel complaints uud tin! only one tlmt unvi r fuils. It is pleas ant, sut'e iiu l ri hiibio. Iii-l Ki'iNniii llliml. The or-'at i:iilaiiihropKst, Charles Bruadway Uouss, has withdrawn Lis u'Tor of 1,000,000 fur the "est.e-at'-et of his sight, l'yiel- ;t" ne i evil. Silo fate of l ' ia:ui nd 1 -'e remainder of Secret of Beauty s health. The secret ofhealth is he power to digest and assim late a proper quanity of food This can never be done when he liver does not act it's part. Do you know this ? Tint's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys p jjsia, sour stomach, malarr constipation, torpid liver, piles jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills ANOTHER GREA'i GIFT. Vt'sHhlnirtun Duke Ag-aln libes 9101),. M)0 to Trinity College. Mr, W Duke has given another $100,000 to Trinity College, bring ing the. sum of his munificence up to $500,000.' There were fire works and suitable jollity among the students Friday night. The day was taken as a holiday with speeches in theeveniug. About Registration. "In answer to numerous in quiries which have come to this oftjee, I will state for the benefit of the election officers through out the State that registration for the November election will commence ou Monday, the 22ud day of October, and that regis tration will close at sunset on Saturday night, the 27th day of October. On Saturday of closing the registration the registrar must attend at the polling place with the registration oooks so that persons may register there if they desire to do so. On other days he may register persons qualified to register, at any place in his precinct. Tho same poll holders and registrar whti held the August election ''are require' to hold the November election and tiuy vacancies are to bo filled exactly as they were tilled in that election. In a!! respect as to time and place ot holding tni election 'n November Hie .-'fur law prevails, the polls '.."ir, opened 8t s'.i'irise and closing a sui!--et, and the voting being d m :! t' e prese-.t ot'"." ici".' unlcs they are altered !,y county board of elections. "- Kaleigh Correspondence to Ciia'r lotte Observer. Robbetf the Grave. A startling incident is narrated by Joi n Olher, of Philadelphia, as fol lowe : 'I whs in an awful condition. Mu slim was almost yellow, eyes miukeu toiigi'.o coated, pain continually iu bad- and s. lies, no appetite, growing weuEui day hy day. Three physiciuun hau given me np. Then I was advised to uso Electric Bitters To my grer.t joy the first bottle made a decided im proveuient. I continued their use for three weeks, aud am now a well man 1 know they robbed the grave of an other victim." No one shouldfuil to try them. Only 50c., guaranteed, ut Fetz er's Drug Store. Col. Waddcll'g Ancestor. In the course of a class room lecture on North Carolina colon ial history Monday, Dr. Battle brought out an' interesting tact "nrconnection - with a ; University graduate and on an eminent citi zen who is now a candidate for Senator. He stated that Col. Al fred M Waddell is a direct do scendaut of Sir John Yearn an the Barbados planter who made a settlement on the Cape Fear in 1677. The colony moved thence to the present site of Charleston. -Tar Heel. Questions Answered. Yes, August Flower still lias the larg. est sale of any medicine u Uie civilized world, lour mothers and grandmothere never thought of using anything else for indigestion or billionsness. Deotore were source, and they seldom heard ol apiendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, etc. They need August Flower to clean ont the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulatd the action of the liver, stimu late the nervouB and organic action of the system, ana that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with head aches and other aches. Yon only need a few doses of Green's Angus Flower, in liquid form to make you satined there is nothing sarioua Ue natter with yon. ror sale by all dealers in iviIiEd eouniries. . (JmI Opening For The ruiveiflty. The State University has opened this session with 475 stu dents. Tho Best Prescription for Chills Aud fever if'u bottle oi '.rove's Tiifto less Chill Tonic. It if simply iron nd rpniiine in a tuneless form. No euro no mi-, I'r'.e 5".!. " IT 1 now have the Tax Books for the year l'JOO and will be at the following places for tho purpose of collecting the taxes: Rocky Bivor, No. 1 township, Monday, Get. b. 1'oplar Tent, No. 2, Tuesday, Oct. Dewse, No. 8, Wednesday , Oct. 10. Cook's, No. 4, Thursday, Oct. 11. Mt. Gilead, No. 5, Friday, Oct, 12. J M Faggart's, No. 6, Satur day, Oct. 13. Reed Misenheimor's, No. 7, Monday. Oct. 22. Mt. Pleasant, No. 8, Tuesday, Oct. 23. C F Smith's, No. 9, Wednes day, Oct. 24. Bethel, No. 10, Thursday, Oct. 25. Old Field, No. 11, Friday, Oct. 2G. Concord, No. 12, Saturday, Oct. 27. Respectfully, J. L. PECK, Sheriff. Sept. 8, l'JOO. AGENTS WANTED Live, active men ami women can eara from $5 to $10 a day by canvass ing for Frank G Carpenter's, book, "SOUTH AMERICA: SO CIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND PO LITICAL " The book is just out and ij havlag an enormous ..ale. Bverybody wants it. .,As it is being sold by subscription ouly, we desire representatives who are hu .! r.-, at ol. e to in troduce the -s ork in your terri tory. -Most bher.il terms. Write today for ten i lory and full par ticulars to The SAALFIKLDPUIi. CO. Akron, Ohio. Strikers Do t Accept Terms. Dispatches with regard to the probable end of the miuers' strike are so conflicting as to loave the matter with practically no new light. There's little doubt that if individual action were taken mines would soart up on the. 10 per cert advance offer, which it is said is all that will be offered, but as a solid compact there may be no acceptance and the end does not appoar. . - . A Thousand Tongues , Co, ild uot express the rapture of Annie E sjpriuger, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's New Discovery cured her of a hacking oough that for many years had made life a burden. 8he says: "After all other romediee and doctors failed it Kuon removed the pain in my chest and i on.! how sleep soundly, something I nv; - 'amoly n-memner doing before. I kit MiinXug its praise through oi t.i 'J inverse." Dr. King's Hew b o.o'ery is tfuarunteod to cure all troubles of the Throat, Chest or Lungs, 'rice 5o ami $1. Trial bottles free t Fetzer's Ir:.g Store. ' . Ituslucss Ibistliiiir. Tho'orda:. e factory is again ruuniue on fu'l time. The s sh and blind factory, is running at full force about tiiree ror.ilis b'.'hind orders. New l.i.:- a or. u ;-,i:n.ly Enter- pi is . "V , .V-.vo siha of good ohar- act'.'. ( J . ver and, collect in North Oarolinu 1. r old eatublifheit mauufao. taring whoics.de houe. 400 a year, sure pay. 1 ouenty uore than experi ence required. Our referenoo, any bank in any city. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Manufacturers, jBrd Floor, ?.4 1oarborn ;t., Chicago,- Enthusiiistic at liulu. Mr. M H Caldwell addressed the Bryau and Steverjson club at Bala mills Friday night. A good-degree of enthusiasm was manifested and tho interests we are told is quite commendable. They will probably organize to a mau out there. Wh 'n yon cannot slurp for ooupuioff it is hardly nooesary that any one should tell von that yon need a few doses of Cha nbrhen's CorT'i liemedy to allay ti e ;:ri t u of th : ijroat and make sleeji poHsuiio. It is good. Try it. For sale ut Murh's Drugstore. Chupel Hill Win I iuy Virtrinlu. An interesting fact to the en thusiastic of athletics is the as surance that the University of Nortn Carolina will again tackle Virginia in a game of football. It will be remembered that af ter Carolina's victory over them in '98 on account of a misunder standing atheletic relation be-. tween the two colleges were de clared off but we are glad to learn that these, relations have boen restored and our boys will tackle the Virginias, in Norfolk on November 14th. For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chambef- 1 en h 1 am Kami, lryit. tot sale at Marsh's Drug Store. The liniment of repentance is the best remedy for a sprained conscience. Orange Obsorvor, li t-;.' ...JiA-i vv-k' For three years I suffered from heart disease. CouU not lie i on my left siJc, hai dizzy spells, and at times my heart would skip a beat. Physi cians and proprietary medi cines failed to do me any good, but three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart Cure made me a healthy man. J. J. Vandsrrot. Cornell, ML ft ti?. mars' RJF i. -;'f hwld P nit t-". i i n un rrn.'0 flmt bttl N-io "' .-r in. mi. , 1 m K. buota uo btiiirt ai.'l u. rvd t. ut Ur Qr.fttllM HJieJ Companf, tir In MM I 7 Si PY

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