SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 1 i.-icv' a;:- 1.00 v this paper 1 year. STANDARD. mm Only - $100 PER YEAR. SEETHE n ft JLJUL i1 U CLUBUIN G RATES'" " A, on oMnPAnR inly $1 Per Year. CONCOKD, N. C., TUUJiSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, HW. Single Copy 5 Cts. DA ED. Mixed liurriiitH, notation Kanies. A double wedding occurred in Boaufort county last week in which the groom was 61 years of ago end tho bride 21 years. Tho son of tho groom, 21 3'ears of ago, married a tirst cousin tf the bride, who was 24 years cf age. The groom of tho tint party by a former marriage hai nine sons and throe daughter.. The boys' names all began wita J, and tho girls' names began with L, tho names of the girls being Laura, Lena and Lizzie. Another son, some years age, married a sister of the present brido, so that father and soa havo married sisters. New Bern Journal. Endured Death's Agonies. Only r. roaring firs enabled J M Garrottson, of San AntoDio, Tex., to he dovn when attacked, with asthma, from whioh he bufforcdjfor yours, lie writes hU misery was; often so great tbat it seemed he endured the agonies of death; but Dr. Kiug'sXew;Di8oovery for con sumption wholly cured him. This mar velous medicine the only knownfoure for atthaii as well as oourmnption, ooukIm and colds, and all throat, cliett nud lung trouiibu. Price 50o and $L(X . C'liarautt'iui. Triid bottlas free at FeUer'a driig ittoro It i.i a disputed question whether there is a man ia th3 iijOou, but wo arc dead sura thero is ono in The honeymoon. Ex.. ' Job Couldn't Have Stood It If ho' J hadjltehing Piles. They're ter nbly auajyiii,"; but Fwklen'a Arnica Salve will coin the worst fatje of Pilos on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, fnfns or bodily ernptioua it's the beBt salve iujt'ae worid. Price 2Bo n box. Cure guaranteed, bold at Fetz er's Drug fctore, COaTiunSslOirKIl'S BALE OF LAND Having been duly appointed Com missioner by the Superior Court, of Ca barrus county in the special proceeding wherein D. C. Cosby et als, ha e peti tioned the oourt for sule of lands for partition, I will, at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 8d day of De cember, 1U W, at the . court house door iuCoucord, N. C, sell to the high est bidder be following denei-ibed real estate situate m Cabarrus county in township No. 4, and hounded as fol low, viz: living on tie wtes oi Mill creek and beginning a: a post oak, Stirewait's coiner, ar.d runs thence south 111 poles to a stake in old tield, Steel's corner, thence north 80 emt 10 polos to a small pine thence south 6 east M poles to a water oak, said (Steele's oorner, theno6 north 40 east 1? poles to a stake, oorner of the 60 aeros which were sold oil the above mentioned traok, thence north with the line of said 68 acres 172 poles to a corner on tho old line of said survey and cor ner of said 50 aores, thenoe north 65 west 53 poles on the old line to a stake, formerly a black oak, ' thence south 8 west 40 poles to tho beginning, contain ing 67,a,cres, more or less. Terms of sale cash. A. M. Fbeuzs, Commissioner. Nov. 1, WO, Btato of North Carolina,) In Hnpnrior v Court, before Cabarrus Cuunty. ) the Clerk. J. E. Broom, Administrator of Henry Oarmond, deceasnd, vs. Dnrant Oarmond, Mack Garmond, Wil lian (larniond, Kobnrt Garroond, . John Oarmond, Brantley Keid,James Oarmond, A Ii Garmond, Maty Ki zor. Charley Oarruond, bilas Gar mond, the heirs of Martha Keid, and the heirs of Wesley Garmond, sum mons. The heirs ot Wesley Garmond, being the children of Wesley Oarmond, de fendants, their names being unknown, will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been coiniucucmd In the Superior Court of Cabarrus county, be fore the clerk of said court, by J E Broom, administrator of Henry Gar mond, deceased, to soil for assets the real cstute of the above-named intestate to pay the debts of said deceased; and the said defendants will further take notice that they are her. by summoned to appear in the aboye-nieutioued cause, before tho Clerk of the Superior Court of O.ibarrus county, at the Court Horn in Concord, N. Cut 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, the 17th day of December, 190;), aud answer or demur to tbo peti tion tiled in said oiiiifce, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor tho relief de manded in said petition. Th's October 31t. 1001. Jno. M. Cook, Cloik Superior Conrt. Armfield & Williams. Att'ys. for PHI The Standard (WEEKY) 18 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. SUBSCRIPTION PllICl'!: Three months Six mouths . . Ono year 25c. &0c $1.00. The Weekly is always full of local and other good news. The Standard (daily) PUBLISHED EVEIiY DAY (SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: Oueweek ...... . Ono month Ono year lOo 8ic $4.00 Delivered to any part o the city by carders. Give us a trial order cm your next Job Work. CARE AND HIS WORKMEN. AJTribul to VU Service as a Man and HU Generous Treatment i an Employer. The following letter, a special to tho Charlotte Observer, does not cause our choice for senator to waver but is a tribute 60 handsome, and coming as it does from employees, deserves to be dissominated in justice to the subjoct as well as for the whole some effect on the relations cf capital and labor that it is calcu lated to promote: "Much isbeing said and written about the merits of the senatorial candidates, a short time since a letter from some of the former employes of Gen. J S Carr, in which we did not have an op portunity to join, was published. Having been in the service of Gen. Carr for 20 years or more, noxt preceding his sale of the Bull factory, we desire to speak of his servioos as a man and bis generous, humane and fair treat meut as an employer. We served as raanagors in the var ious departments, and no better feeling ever existed between employes, from the least to the greatest, and employer. Good wagos were paid, and the treat ment of even the humblest em ploye was always so fair, so hu mane, and so just that a life long friendship for the hoad of that mammoth establishment was im puted in the breast of every one who worked therein. Gen. Carr is the true and tried friend of tho working man under any and all circumstances. This let ter is written without the knowl edge of Gen. Carr or any of his campaign managers, but of our motion and in defence of that groat, find good man, who is being injustly and cruelly as sailed. If every working man in North Carolina knew him as we do, they would march to the polls in one solid phalanx and vote for him for United States Senator. W B McGary, H M Smith, W E Turner, J G Piper, W P Rol lins, M E McCown. Durham, Oct. 31, 1900. From Saturday's Daily. Stanly Enterprise Items. At a call meeting Wednesday of tho Albemarle Telephone Company they decided to put in a telephone Exchange here and will begin work at once. Rev, N R Richardsen is assist ing tho Methodist pastor in Mt. Pleasant in revival services. Mr. Pilmore Whitley brought us an interesting corn stalk on Tuesday. It is rather phenomi nal. Tho stalk is well developed, has six separate and distinct shutes with six full grown oars of corn thoreon. On next Tuesday the voting takes place. While we can safoly predict a quiet election in Stanly, we also confidently look for a lnrge vote. This county will give a large majority to Bryan for president, and will go at least 80 per cent, for Sim mons, judging from the present outlook. Might Have Been Bad. Mr. M L Blackweidor had an accident Thursday that was re, markable in its froodom from much seriousness. His little daughter was left in the hack in the yard, which is stoep. She gave a slight pull of the line, and the horse got started to backing and soon had tho hack bottom upward ovor tho child and tho horse itself prostrated. The child was but little hurt and the hack had some little damage. ii mm The roligion that costs noth ing will never got you near enough to hoaven to hear the cok stial band play, Orange Observer. The Hague-McCorkle Dry Goods Co., mporters and Wholesalers. UKISENBUUUU, , V, Dry Goods, Notions and Hats. 'Z4r Wo solicit trade of Merchants only, and sell nothing at tttall. l-IV We cordially invite all merchants to call on us when m Greensboro or seo our Travelling Salesman before placing orders elsewhere J. W. WOODBURN, Salesman Bryan Answers the Questions Well. A Princeton, N. J., dispatch of fhe 31st ult. gives tho follow ing splendid hits by our orator candidate for president: Franc' s J Hall, president of the Univer sity RopublicanClub, has received a letter from William J Bryan, dated New York, October 29th, in which ha answers the two questions sent nim by the Re publican Club when headdresse l the students at Princeton Junc tion last Thursday. ' After expressing his apprecia tion of the courtesy shown him by the Republicans at that meet ing, he answers the questions. "First. Will you, if elected, redeem the coin obligations of the Government in gold or silver?" To this he replied, that he would enforce the law as ho found It; that tho Republican party has the executive, Hous; and Senato, and as thero is one more session of Congress before another Presidontis inaugurate'! he had no way of knowing what law regarding this matter would be in effect by March 4th. Ho also stated that his views on tho money question could bo found in his letters of acceptance. "Second. Do you approve of the disfranchisement of the ne groes in North Carolina by the Democrats of that State V" Mr. Bryan stated that this question was not an issue in the campaign, and said:, "You should hold the Presi dent responsible for what ho liar done in Porto Rico and not me responsible for what has been done in North Carolina." He adds that there is but little, if any, difference between the race question law in North Car olina and that in Porto Rioo. Cage of Stand and Deliver. A formation of the Agricul tural Implement Trust is oponly announced. After January 1, 1901, every piece of machinery used by the farmer must be pur chased at trust prices. Every factory in tho country has been captured, together with all the rights and patents. A number of factories are to be shut down and prices of agri cultural implements are to be braced up. Thousands of traveling men and agents in charge of agricul tural implement depots, have received notice to look for other employment, that by March 1 none of their services would be needed. The trust schedules of prices are being arranged now and will go into effect after the big monopoly takes hold. Nearly all the big implemont firms of the country have agreed to pool their issues in the trust. It means that every piece of machinery, plow, harrow, roller, pick, shovel, hoe, rake, scythe, etc., must be purchased through tho trust at trust prices. There will be no remedy. It will be a case of stand and deliver. Fort Mill Times. Eine Corn. The dry weather which has in jured crops generally in the county, has had very little effect on the corn raised by J. A. Jar vis on the old Judge Roed prop erty just north or tho city limits, which Mr. Jarvis has under his charge. Several ears brought to tho Citizen office were uncom monly large, and thero were 17 wagon loads averaging the same size. The corn was grown on bottom land. Mr. Jarvis raised about 125 loads altogether, Ashevillo Citizon. Tho rudder of a ship is a stern nocessity. Ex. The blind beggar on the street always has an eye to business. Orange Observer. Chiver nivl B;-enl Tires !ic Thiu;r, Twenty-five years ago ore could not buy clover on the Greonsboro market. This was because it was not cultivated. True, "clover patchos" could to soon here and there, but tho idea was extant that it could not ke profit ably cultivated. Mr. C P Vanstory tbougl t otherwise and set'out io demon strate it. and ho has. In these days ono sees inoro clover tor sale than ary other kind of hay and farmers all over Guilford have been cultivating it with profit. In another lino he also takes tho lead. He was tho first man, fifteen years ago, who made up his mind that wagons with broad tires wore tho things for tho farmer. Horo again he disagree 1 with the rank and ti!r. lie w;'.- told that they were too hocv , and .cumbersome. Lie bou;'!.i ono perhaps the, fiist in t!i -count;, ;.nd now they cun b seen every day, while every nov; wagon has them. Talking wit'.i a Record man Mr. Vanstory snid he made only, one mistake -ho did r.ot get the tires wide enough adding that tho next one ho purchased would have tiros six iivees wide. Al! kinds are in use, from two inches up, but they are tool. arrow it; Mr. Va..-'tory's judgment. Groensboro Itecord, Several weeks o a box of soap v:ar. found 1 y thihorraen on tl.o Lockwood'a ""'I.v beatl. buriej deep in ;:.;.n.l , of tl U stdly shore. In Is. :u. -.i'it 'i.l this box wn '.nlt-en u -vre-k near the Lockwoou s lro"'y inlet sometime between 1 c GO u ud Wi and concealed from the rig'.itf ul owners and finally lost. The article had lo3t its odor, but re tained its saponaceous proper ties, and the finders congratulate themselves on finding a thing a thing of value as well as the no vel ty , So u th per 1 8 tan d ar d. Admiral Schley, who is at Rio Janeiro, declined an iuvitation to attend the Bryan meeting in New York on the ground thut he is out of politics ,,iid proposes to dovoie idi his thii'j to the busi ness he is employed in. Seafa.r uien, as a general 'tiling, don't see much fun in politics. There was Admiral Dewey, for in stance. He had hardly got in before he got (left) out. Morn ing Star. The dog owners of tho town of Rochelle, N. Y., would give 75 cents to run up with the fellow who sneaked around with a bag of poisoned food and got away with $10,000 worth of dogs in that burg. Ho passod tho com mon cur with contempt and gave attention only to ;M''y,'o:,,rr tie of high degreo. Morn C!.:r. Mrs. Rymtex When Tom "sk H me to l-.:vo Wo pvom'sod I'.ie thttl i!iy ie i wi,, . would always '.,o !: w w '.; ii him. Mrs. K.-uer - And of course thill w; ; 'It he pvom'-f. amount ed to tern emn'y words. Mrs. Ny iiiics- No,-1 won't say that. Tom lw;.ys respects my lightest washes. It is i:.'iirittci of iinporlauco whore lie is bound to haye his own way. Ex. rxceilthi' 'u!ilUl!Ue Te'Ct. TheExecutiveCoiriinittee of the North Carolina .Synod met at Enocliville today (Friday) to gether With the fXo id ive eorn mitto of Womans' Home and Foreign Missionary so,;iety of I ho synod. Tile object of the meeting is a consolation of the W. II. and F. M. Cckie'y with the synod for fixing upon some local obioct o:i vvi-i ii to centre tbo efforts of tho hi-- dy. i'OROVEK FJF'dV YFARS Mrs. Wiuslow's Booilery ' nip .Jic lioen usort for ovor fiitvyim by mil lions ol moUicru for lilu'ir cldldn'n whne teething wilhtMrfrt;t hihwih. It soothes tho child, noftHis tho uuins. allnys all pain, enren wind folio, and ir the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tho poor little snftiTor iruTiiodi atoly. Bold hy driiRzihtu in every part of the world. Twenty-ljve centM a bot tle. Be sure and auk for 4'AIr. Win Blows HootliinR Byrnp," and , take no other kind,, Every woman has got a story of some woman who died of a broken heart throe weeks after her jm.shnr.d was laid i.vay for ever. Ex. When a man is down his ene- miesstop kicking him and his,ror mie hv ttn dealers in uivuued frionds begin. Ex. Craven Will Vota for Simmons. It had gone out in the State that Craven county, the native homo of Mr. Simmons, wou'd not vote largely for him for Sen ator, whereupon a call was made for a mass meeting of Simmons men on the night of November 1st. Tho correspondent to the Charlotte Obsorvor says : "Twelve hundred people ro spouded to the call. The couit house was crowded to its utmof t capacity to hold the enthusiastic admirers of Simmons. The meet ing was called to order by R. A. Nunn, and in his remarks he said : 'Notwithstanding the misrepre sentation made through the State by the Newborn Journal, 99 per cent, of the white people of Cra ven county will recognize party service and merit and ability, and for Senator will support th i greatest living North Carolinian, the Hon. F. M. Simmons, au.l ti e display made horo bears me out in tho assertion.' The meeting then passed a lengthy preamble setting forth their reasons for tho following : "Resolved, That we as Demo crats of the city of Newborn, in meeting assembled, assured in fact that we are the representa tives of 95 per cent, of the seuti menl of Craven county, do pub lish to North Carolina the fealty, iovo and gratitude we bear F, M. Simmons, and do assuro him that evidence of that admiration shall be produced at the polls ci; November Oih. And we call up on our Democratic brethren ii. North Carolina to aid his former homo in rebuking his muliguers and in phcing iiiui in that seai of honor w hich ho has emptied through his magnificent man hood, pnd be it further "Kos.dvod. Tin t this re,olu tier be tan.-rnute. to. rch eti.t papers as V-,q ei.-mmiueo shad liuu expedient. - Daily of 2nd. Mr. tt. Crawford (Jootimau. Our sketch of Mr. O Crawford Goodman was necessarily im perfect for lack of opportunity to get the facts. Ho was Hearing his 70th birthday- He had no children by his second marriage. Ho had eight living children by his first mar riage, Mrs. Na'.hitniel Blacf v,dd. r b.dng the ou'y daughter. Of tho seven sons, one. is in the Philippines, throe are in the state of Texas, one in Rowan county and two in Cabarrus, Mr. Goodman was wedded first to Miss Earnhardt and noxt to Mrs. Wingate. He was the last surviving brother of Mr. F Stafford Good man and was four years the younger. The remains were buried on t'riday tho 2nd by the grave of id's hr,-,t wife at the Catholic ehurch. We do not know Mr. Good man's religious views but as a moral character and as a good, (jiiiet, kind and honorable citizen, he was a!) that is ordinarily lound in man. His death is a decided loss to tho community. Ouiiiil in the Paper Fold. Tho Monroe correspondent to the Charlotte Observer says: "An approaching marriage of much interest was announced to day. The parties arc Mr. B Ciegg Ashcrr.ft, tho talented young editor of tho Monroe Eu quirer, and Miss Mary Blair, daughter of the late Dr. I H Blair. The date for t! e mar riage i;i Thursday, Novembor 15th." Wo congratulate Bio. Ash craft on having gotten a satisfactory answer to a trem bling enquiry. Questions Answered. Yes. Angnst Flower still has the larg est sale of any medicine ia tho civilized world. Vonr mothers and RraudmotherB never thought of using anythin? else 'or indigestion or billiousness. Doctors were scaroe, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, noryona prostration or heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean ont the system and stop fermentation of nudniested food, resrn'atd tho action t f the liver, atimn lali. the nervous a-id oruuio action of tern, "i a I! 'it i.i all ttey UuU ami ".'it i.i an ttey UuU lit-r uu'l and !...l wit'i l-t.d- i liid ether mlwn, oo only need a i lew duf-os of Orten'a August Flower, in liijnid form to muko yon satilied there is illiitiiv onrinna tliii mutfji m i4 K mn countries E IX'I.MNGS. Ex-Mayor Strong, of New York, the last to hold the office before the incorporation of Greater New York, died on tie 2nd. Hon. KB Glenn has challenged Spencer Blackburn for a joii t discussion. A deaf mute negro named J W Uairstou, from South Carolin; was killed at Lexington this (Saturday) morning, says a spe cial to the Charlotte Observer. He was beating his way and was standing on the track as No. 33 wa approaching. His head was burst open. A Patterson, N. J., dispath of the 2nd eays : "The grand jury today found indictments against Walter C McAllister, George J Kerr, Lew Campbell and William A Death for the murder of Jennie Bosschioier, whose body they thr?w away at the Wagauaw bridge two weeks ago. The grand jury followed tho instruc tions of Judge Dixon given yes terday and indicted the quartottj both for murder and rape. It ii the province of the petit jury to determine the degree ot murder. The grand jury decided today to bring these indictments into the conrt tomorrow afternoon, They will be received by Judge Barkelow in the Court of Quar ter Sessions, but as the Court of Oyer and Terminer has cog uizanco of such cases tho met will not bo arraigned untd Judge Dixon can come here. That will be nex. week. A llcrriljio lieu'li. Mr. Ed Uedrick, a son of Mr. John Uedrick, mot with a horri ble death at Holmos Bros.' saw mill in Silver Hill township, Da vidson county, Tuesday morn ing about 10 o'clock. The Dispatch says: Mr. Hed rick was "bearing off" lumber when, by some means, he stum bled and fell, face downward, on tho rapidly moving saw- In an instant the saw had caught him in its clutches, threw him in the air and he then fell back on the teeth. Both arms and one leg were cut off, his face sawed into shreds and mutilated beyond recognition, and his body cut in numerous places. One of his arms was thrown as far as 50 yards away by the saw and the other at least 25 yards. Mr. Hodrick was about 21 years of age. He was married only last April. Salisbury Sun. lVrsistenry Winn. Persistency is characteristic of a'l men who have accomplished anything great. They may lack in some other particular, may have many weaknesses and ec centricities, but the quality of persistence is never absent in a successful mail. No matter what opposition he meeis or what dis couragements overtake him, he is always persistent. Drudgery cannot disgust him, labor cannot weary him. Ho will persist, no matter what comes or what goes, it is a part of his nature. He could almost as easily stop breathing. It is not so much brilliancy or intellect or fertility of resource as persistency of purpose, that gives success'. Persistency always inspires con diieuce. Everybody believes in lie man who persists. He may meet mi.-fortunes, sorrows and rovoi'se.-. but everybody believes that he will ultimately triumph, because they know there is no keeping" him down. "Does he keep it is he persistent ?" This is the question which the world asks about a man. Even a man with small ability will often suc ceed if he has the quality of per sistence, where a genius without it would fail. Selected. Editor Sees Wonders. Editor W V Barry, of Lexington, Ti nn . in tinoloriuir Mammoth Cave. ' - aoiuruciwi a aeyoro ease oi puiw. ui quick cuie throiifch niung liuoklcn a Ar nica Salye oonyinced him it is another world's wonder. Cures pilos, injuries, inilammatiou and all bodily eruptions. .OaJy 30c. at J'etzer's diug store. Iliincoinlje .Senatorial Outluok. The regular Ashevillo corres pondent under date of Nov 1, to the Charlotte Obseiver hi s this to say: "The tji; rr forces have weakened considerably lately and present indicatiors point to a majority of f00 fcr Simmons in Buncombe. Anions the Simmons men are tlio State Senator, J II Gudger, Jr., Rep resentatives Craig and Curtis, a i the county ofiieiuls, two of the three commissioners-elect, the mayor and tho majority of the board of aldermen, the presider t of Central Labor Uuion. It is not denied that the charge thf.t Mr. Simmons was a Catholic was promulgatod by ono of the three "friends of Julian S Carr," who represent the Carr forces here. Mr. R P Walker, who is connected with tiio America -l Tobacco Com pan) , ii rogardel as the head of taw Carr mo.t hero. In this county, the honu of Mr. C N Vance, and whore h i is best known, his prochunalio passes unnoticed." What One Woman Thinks. vv nen you ten a secret it is no longer a secret. A woman's heart is like noth ing so much as a Moored; iv,. A good man is quite as nodi-: a work of God as a good wo man. Thero are lots of men wdio think they understand women: the women know bettor. An optimist is the man who feels rich when his next-door neighbor falls heir to a fortune Ono of the strongest omens of good luck is for a servant while out with a baby coach to soo a dog fight. Women make a great mistake when they behave in a steel car as if it was their own priv-a'e conveyance Beware of thrco women, jays a well-known writer tha one who does not love children, the one who does not lovo 'lowers and the woman who openly de clares she docs not like other women. Philadelphia Times. X Village IllackHiuith Saved His Little Sou's LUc. Mr. H H Black, the well known vil lage blacksmith at Urahaiusvillo, Sulli van Co., N. Y., says: "Our little son, five years old, has always been subject to oroup, and so bad haye the attacks been that we have feared many times that he would die. Wo have had the dootor and ueod many medioiuos, but Chamberlain's Cough Komedy is now our solo reliance. It seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frenuout doses when the cronpy symptoms ap pear we havo found that the dreaded oroup is oared before it gets settled." 1 here is no danger in giving this rem edy for it contains no opium or other iujnriona drnj and may bo given us confidently to a bubo ui t j au aJnlt. For salo at .Marsh's drug store. Probably Anau:us luiew b tier than not to tell the truth to due phira. Ex. Robbed the liravc A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver, of Fhila.lelphia, as fol lows: "I was in au awful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain ooutinnidly in back and sides, no appetite, growing woakor day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Then I was advi. ed t.o uho Electric Bitters. To my great joy the iitbt bottle made a decided im provement. Ieontiuued t'n'ir use ter ihreo wooka, and am uow a well man. I know they robbed the grave of an other victim," No one should fail to try them. Only SOo. , guaranteed, at Fotz- er's Drug Store. The divorce is tho Slate's star witness that marriage is not a failure. Ex. You must let some people think that they are sharper than you if you would retain their good opinion. Ex. Nasal CATAii in hu in km muit -tn Eij8 Cream Ba3m CkKUiflcs, eooHic! nnd fjcii th dtiniaMd mcmhruMB. Ilenn.'3ca.i!Th (intl L-'nm iwn ? cwt Ik tiv :i;i.i JUJ.-tii- liaojii isalrii ic i:moal o-u. Ba jcsi; r, ;.. 9v U munbnui bid ia vnwxlwl KilafUiu- momateacdaeuraroUowiw It te ,4 f rt m rondaoe mimunt. I him, en ooxtu u H ot bf mall; Trial Siac 10 jrait. y id Jl. a.T SKOTUmi. W WntKfi tftrutfh KM Yvtit. ml tmm Hv"- fo7 The Fishermin. River looks invitin' Lookia the town; Feel the fish a bitin' See the cork go down! What',: the use o plodiin' Tiidn' o' the sod liuti.-'r be tear notdin' Wi ii i hVnbi' rod Comee, tl'f .edin'lazy ''.','l.L'a iho spring day smile; i'u! dier roup a daisy Ti-au dough a mule a mile. Life we've got to give her Uoom to rest a bit; Fishin' in the river An' urowun, side of it! -"--Allan! a Constitution. Sts Frightful Failures. Six terrible failures of six different doctors nonrly sent Wm. H Mnllen, of Locldand, O., to an early grave; All -iia he had a fatal lung trouble and that he muHt soon die. Bnt he was urged to try Dr. King's Now Discovery tor Consumption. After taking five hottb.s hu wns entm-ly onrod. It is pes; ti vol;' tiiaiiiuteed to cure all dls-i.-;t-oi ui ill) oat, client and lnugs, Includ iv'S 'jwshs, ccM. lucrippe, pneumonia, t relied ii i, astrosa, hay fever, oronp, viu pi.",; coo'j. SOo and 81. Trial Utt.:i Si ee at Futzex'g drug store. Failed to Chont the Electric Chair. Charles F Jones attempted to comtr it suicide in New York pi i-,0,, on November 1st but did e .ii su 'i e:,i. iio hiirl confessed that he killed I is employer, Wil liam ri.-rsb Ivor, a millionaire, oy porsouin session of various . with a , is not l: While : , 1 was ;.. neither he. i butl'iUe. ' M .r . ' . II " . el'. lit r Ho - le. , , getting pos- i ('- book forged m. ... l is throat dfe but Is' i wound ri'y fatal. I d Tiiere Is Hope. v, i h catarrh; oonld ...j and oonld Hear ; en It ilni cured it. . "..ia.-;', - J. ' :.'e iy Bt)d the ..rn the .' -;. ( I roiief. .' . d -. Kiiiecaaa. .r 1 i . : ) or oanae . .: -i at TO ots., . i ia is, M Warren or uiu:;. 1 1 1 y St., New 1 . A M)u,:n alwr.ys has greater confideuce in tho honesty of hu man ua i uro when she accidentally leaves hir back door unlocked at night and finds oat tho silver is perfectly safe the next morning. -Ex. V,7AN"TEI), Active man of good ohar. act r t-i deliver auJ celled in North Carolina for eld e-.aolisbed manufac turing whrd nulo bouse. 59'JO a year, euro pi'". ''onoty more than expori tuce lYiudnd. Our referoaoo, any bank in nay city. Enclose solf-ad-dieHHCcf stamped envelope Mannfao tnrora Tljiel Floor, SiM Dearborn Bt., Chicago. WAN nil', Active man of good ohar acter to iluiiVer and colleot iu North Carolina for old oslabliabod manufacturer-; wholeaulo houae. tOO a year, suropny. Honesty more than experi t ate roinirej. Omreleronoe, any bask in any city. Enclose fiolf-addressed stamped envelope. Manufacturers,' 8rd Floor, 334 Dearborn dt., Chicago. At church the women consider the texture more than they do Ue text. Ex. It takes a lot of corks for some fellows to have a corking good tune. Ex. One little deed, if kindly done, can vin a friend a lasting one. --f;r.ui!M Cdwervor. J..OV. UK; rrir a as d:cntod by a man; .'0 bv a woman. Ex. No woman who understands uinun nature understands hor elf.Ex. v 6 f ' St i 1 w '! in re it;v.; . wo'jid not he t'vinif toJay but for your A-oraM r.-iTifdytDr. Mies' Heart Cute I hid heart dis r&sc four ye,t.-s fcnd doc ton fiikJ to help tr-t. When I be-g-sn taking ti ls remedy I wii onfit lor iny'dTtr. but for six months I bvc klC perfectly . G,1.d r,,rt.. M.n- x f"f ry T v ''I' ll T". li frH n,,l: .) I" Or. M'tl (.Vnp-irj, EUI't,