SUHCRTBE FOR THE; STAND ARD. Only - $1.00 fcEE CLUBBING RATES On PAGE 2 r4 (i v: nn ANDARD. nrm 'TiT -ns Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1901. Single Copy5Cts. P ;nr. JL "JnUtL MOKE 8FE CKACKIXG. JLlncoliiton is Kaideil and Heavy Losses aru Snt lain. il. A special of the 28th to the Charlotte Observer says : "For the tirst time in its his tory Liucolnton has been visited by professional cracksmen. At an early hour this morning the stores of U F Beal & Co. and U. Robinson were entered and the safe in each was blown open by explosives. Both stores' are sit uated near the public square and are within a few hundred feet of the court house. The explosives were heard by a few people, who thought they were the discharges of a gun. The loss sustained by R FBeal & Co. is about !100 in cash. No notes or papers were taken from their sufe. Mr. Robinson's loss is more serious, being about $1, 250 in cash and $3,000 in notes. In addition to this $1G0 in cash and $-1,000 in notes belongdo Mr. George Cauble, which was de posited in Mr. Robiuson's safe, was taken. "After committing the two robberies, the burglars stele lever car from the Carolina & Northwestern Railroad and made their escape, going west, to wards Newton. "A 'phone message from Con over says two men have been ar rested at that point. Hopes arc entertaiued that they are the Lincolnton burglars. The rob beries were particularly bold ant: every indiotion points to theii having been committed by pro fessionals of skill." Man Wulskey-Dcvil. A Rutherford special of the 26th to the Charlotte Observer says : "From Polk county comes the news of a terriblo killing whkl occured late yesterday a! t en. oo Tlie facts as near as can be o t lined tonight, are that a ma't h, the name of Ulackbury went to his home drunk, commenced i quarrel with his wife because sho had not enough supper t( satisfy his whiskey appetite, struck hi r several blows with his hand, until she was almo:-t unconscious. When the babele gau crying he grabbed it fron the bed and threw it at his wTe. Its head struck the corner of tin mantel and it died instantly. The babe and wife lay on the floor until mi "night, when tin wife managed u get to a neigh b ir's house to tell the news. Ii said that if Ulackbury, who es caped, is caught, he may be lynche 1. , 3PvlTd1o Srvlo! As Burnt for the heirs of Mrs. Isabel! Urns, deceased, I will Boll at publi unction for cahh, nt the. lute resie'eiio of ilecaeed, in No. 8 township, o I r Cay. March 15, 1901, Ht lOo'oloik R. m , tlie following ar li -i. s of prr-omn rt v. viz : A 'ol f !: 11-n-lj, 1 and kitcheu furniture, al so i'KOon, wheat niid corn. Ni tice in here by (,'iveu that all per son -i having claims auainHt deceased present them to nie for payment, Bil l alio ad persons indebted to dee.V by note or account, are r quested t make net lenient ty day of sale. Notice, ia ttlno eiven that the real es tale of the late James A. Him, lying iv ea;d townidiip an' ponsittiug of 22( aeies by recent survey, will be solo imiiliely on or t ehee 'ct. 1, l!K)l,,nn lem Bold privately at an eailier date I' weesion to be givi n after removal ol crops of 11101. Persons interested will i well to see BO' for terms, etc. Jofin A. f-iMS, Agent. This 21st of Fibruary, 1901, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having bei n duly qualified a tieon tor of the estate of Isaac (ioodnight, de ceased, late of Cabarrus oouuty, N. C., this is to notify all persons havini claims nsaitiMt th estate of said deo'd t, exhibit them to the undersigned on or bef ire January 31, 11)02, or this notiot will be pleadin bar of their rioovery AH pe s ins indebted to suit! estate will ph me make immediate settlement. Wm E Litiker, Jin. 3li-t, 1901. -(It Kxicuto EXECOrOH'S NOTICE IIvitig been duly qualified as xeou t is- ol the estuto of Margaret A. l avit dee acl, lute ofCutmrrtm county, N "! , i his is 1 1 noliiy all persons liiiyiiif otit-as agaiiiNt the estate of said dmj'i t i exhibit them to the undersigned o or 1 -ef'ire iMniMiy 30. 11102 or thi- ! t..-. will le plead in bar of th lr r e y. All pewm injiliteu to si, 1 1 wiil pkase make itii!i:e,liate f I in ( .'oiin A. KAitMiMtii .! n Jit. 11)01-tin Ex.vmor. ' 4-.TKU .-Caimble reliable pemin, ii ev ; yl uniy to rep.eM'iit large- com. j, i i f sol lil li ianci il reputa i"t; SUM .! '.V per venr. fiayaile wckly; 3 n Any ab ilutel.v Sure and nil e'leuws Kt-,i!g:.'f I'ona-li le, t'e iuit - salary n en niis.ioti; a'siy pant each Bitnidi" I,-. I eych-e m.'trv atriine(r ji- c. k. srvNiHi;ji u i i-,, m J) ,i;nws St. ( inain, Jan 2t wlflt Sr rr: ol' X(k rn f 'a. Su; ri r (m t ('. ttHMIlN llllte, llet'-K ill'' I'l ,1. i'j Umini, ad nirii' f i at r of 1I nr li ir-U'M il, dec, -i i d. Dii-ant Cm' in ii hIh. Heirs at .Tnhn Girmond. t of lb n ry (iaruiolid. dec used SUM MOV A. ,7ol(ii ( -r.uoiid, died f 'lidant above liii iied, "ill t ihe ii'ti "e Meitan notion r'itbii us h' ve ha- n c unin" tieed ie i he Spe. ior Ci'ir' of 'nbarru Cum. t N. ('.. ' sell or asi ts whe-euith t i pay ib.bjH. the esttile lands of tlie II nry (Imuiond, deci mcd, situate in Slid county j niid th' mid defendnit, J, lm (lariii nd, wili fui'ln r take notice tl at, be Is reipimd to appear nt the of fi e of the Super or Court of said rmnn t iiiithelstilayofMui li, 11101, A I) , at II i Court Hotice in said (Oiinty, in Con c i d, NO, and ni s' eror demur to the c'aitit iu sni.l a :ti, n. or th- plain lid' mil applv to tli ci'iirt for ti e lebef A iiiauded in the 0 nip sin. .7 t). !N1 COOK. Clrk of Superior Cmrt ol Cabarrus Couaty. tit. At the Capitol. In the Senate a bill was intro - duced by Mr. Glenn to i emulate lilt? f UJUIUVHIUUI Ul VUUiinci 1UI State institutions. By Mr. Hen derson to incorporate the Salis bury Loan and Trust Company. By Mr. Speight to provide tor the condemnation of land at Mor ganton water works for the in sane. By Mr. Aycock to provide for the payment of certain indebted ness of the State Normal, and make appropriation for the in stitution. A Dill was passed for a shorter form of chattel mortgage, A bill was passed providing for separate reading room for the colored race and appropri ating 8300 for help for State librarian. The Fayetteville dispensary bill was thoroughlly discussed and finally passed tho Senate to abolish the dispensary. The bill to appropriate $25,000 for a reformatory was referred 'o committee. The bill to' appropriate $13,000 per year for the maintenance of the soldier's home and $5,000 for repairs, passed. Senator Lon don was the champion and at the close of his excellent speech re reived a handsome floral tribute with a Confederate flag from the Ladies Auxiliary Corps, of the L. O. Branch Camp, U. C. V, A special order bill came up to change the constitution with re gard to the distribution of the school tax, providing for an equitable distribution and the privilege for either race to hold ilections for local tax .for school purposes for that race, The hour for consideration of he revenue bill having arrived ho further discussion was de layed. The Bouse then went in :,o committee of the whole to consider the revenuo bill. The unendment to make the school tax i.0 cents instead or It) was lefeated. . The bill to amend the charter of Mt. Pleasant passed its final reading. MINE SAI.K COX FIRMED. Hie Salo of Dutch Creik Mine Confirmed. The salo of the Dutch Creek nine was confirmed by Judge George U Brown yesterday. The miue it will bo remem bered was sold for $1,223 but a 10 per cent bid was offered, al though it was not subject to any teu day bids. In the Superior court Judge Brown coufirmed the sale aflei he withdrawal of tho 10 per jent. bid made and on theagree nent of tho parties interested in ,iurchusing the property to pay t sufficient amount to liquidaU he indebtedness of the Dutch Jreek Mining Company. Tin nine consequently goes into the 'lands of the New York- parties who bid it in at the sale and they will immediately begin develop ment work. Salisbury Sun. NEWS FK0.H THE I'MUl'I'INES. Aguinaldo's Uuole a Governor 1249 Tnke the Oath of Allegiance. Auinaldo'sunclo Jose Serapio has beon made Governor of tho province, of Bulucan in tho Phil ippines. He surrendered to Gen Lawton, and has been a consistent friend of America sinco. Gen. Grant presented to him a flag once belonging to the General's father. Twelve hundr-id and forty-nine Filipinos recently took the oa'h of allegienco and thero is a pro- lounced pro-American senti ment. 4 Dnr-ilsou Hoy Wins a Free Tip to the Imiiigui'ftthui. Mr. 0 J IIui, of Davidson, is of the winners in the contest f'ir a free trip to the hmugura tion at Washington, offered by Die Atlanta Journal, The plan of seclection was that the 80 col lege and school bovs receiving the largest, number of votes WMuld be taken to Washington on a .special train, all expanses hiirg defrayed by the paper m iking the offer. Mr. lluie re ceived .r),0;!(5 vol; s. The train will be run over the Svihorm: ie r.'mo urciein'r in W'll v nsning I'lilliimu ton Monday morning. sleeper siccom mod U ions will be: . iOJ "V , V, Jum,"lU ? guesi'S. Djtiiio uii' sciiooi anu olleire bovs. ten teachers will be in tho party. Charlotte Ob- server. The Hague-McCorkle Dry Goods Co., Importers and Wholesalers. GUEKNSIlOHO, N, C. Dry Goods, Notions and Hats. r7 Wo solicit trade of Merchants onh', and sell nothing at etail. IT-S?" W'e cordially invite all merchants to call on us when in Greensboro or see our Travelling elsewhei'O J, W. WOODBURN, Salesman At (lie Capitol. ' The most important and inter gating feature in theSonato Wed- nosday was a bill by Senator London for an amendment to the constitution extending the priv ilege of either race in a commu nity to vote a special tax for lengthening the schools of that race. The Senate voted fur Trustees for the University. Some dis cussion arose over the commit tee's report against V II Day and Charles McNamee but they were not taken off the list. The Cumberland dispensary matter gave rise to somo per plexing consideration. A pri mary indicates that they want to get rid of the dispensary but the advocates of tho dispensary did not approve of the primary elec tion and did not take much stock in it, but sent up a petition strongly urging that tho 'act be not repealed. The Senate ad journed pending the discussion. In tho Uouso the pension bill for Confederate Veterans who received injuries and are inca pable of self support and wid ows of the same who were married prior to April 1805 was thoroughly discussed and finally passed its third reading. Tho consideration of trustees for the University came up and there were good reasons pre sented for names not on commit tee's report and tho matter was deterred. Mr. Ilood presented a petition relating to tho criminal insane Mr. Ebbs offered petition for certain mod iti cations of tho nie tion law. SOUTH AHUCAM AFFAIRS. Botha Said to Iliive Surrendered Ilrit- isli Make a Rig Haul. A London dispttch of lh 2Slh gives the unco 1 tinned news that Gen. Botha has surrendered to Lord Kitchener. A dispatch of tho 27th, say "General Kitchener, telegraph ing from Middleburg, on the railroad between Pretoria and Portuguese East Africa, undei date of February 27th, says: Three hundred Boers surrender ed a 19-pounder Krupp, one howitzer, a Maxim, 20,000 rounds of small arms ammunition: 153 r'.fles, 388 horses, 834 oxen, 5,000 ;attlo, U.800 sheep and 287 wag ons and carts. The Boor casual ties were four killed and five woundbd." Thorney Craft is said to bo but a few hours behind Dewett and is in hot pursuit. An Interesting Old Itiiok. Mr. C K White has shown us a book in his possession that has descended down tho line probably from several generations. It is typical of the stock of books of thoso days when books were more precious than now. It in of sacred theino. ''Looking unto Jesus" is tho title. The title page is gone and IS pages at the end are missing as well as the back leather lid. 1 It should have EOO pages. The front blank' pages, were used as a scrap book Tor some newspaper clippings, in which wo see a physician's card, dated Wilming ton, Oct. 10, 1789. A blank space contains records of births, dating back to 17.")8, of tho Purvianee family, from which come .Air C 11 Whin . i and- mother. Tlie book was in thn family of Mr. William White, fal'ior of Mr. C K White. We are told that it was put into tho crack of his log house that stool :'otit where Mr. J Dove's residence now Ktanus. The hou-;o was weather-boarded and ceil!,i hy Mr. White. When Mr. Dove tore awav the!. old house to or i'ct his dwelling, found and it has been kept as an heirloom in tl.o home of Mr. C Ii while. Salesman be ft re placing orders NEWS CULLINUS. Twenty-ono officers and 120 . . . , i nn onion nnvn surrendered re - . ,-, ., p.fititlv to our forces in Southern .,, ,. . , . Liiizon says a Manilla aispaicn oi the 1st. William M Evatts, of New York, died on the 28th of Feb. He had been eminent as a states- man and jurist. lie defended President Johnson, when im peached and Uenry Ward Beech- er iu his renowned scandal case. A Tampa, Fla., dispatch of March 1, says: "Horace McCall, a negro hunting guide, armed with a shot-gun, entered the Plant system passenger train No. 21, here this -morning, and went to tho baggage car and cov ered tho messenger, Marian Roberts. Before he could shoot Roberts escaped. McCall then ran through tho day coaches and Conductor W T Hubbard, igno rant of what had happened or dered him to leave the train. Instead of doing so McCall emptied a load from his gun iu the conductor's face and shoul ders. Conductor Hubbard then shot tho negro six times, each bullet taking effect. Ho was in stantly killed. Conductor Hub bard returned to the city and his wounds were dressed. Thevare not fatal. A Firo tn South Union Street. Friday evening about a quarter to four somebody turned in the alarm that Mr. Dave Bostiau's house was on fire, and in a few mirutes the fetreets were lined with excited humanity, eager to do their part in chocking the conflagration, however, this was not necessary as Mr. James Mc Eachern who was working near by throw several buckets of wa ter on the roof where the fire was, and little damage was done. A spark came from tho kitchen Hue and fell on the dry shingles setting them on fire. Tired oftlie (tame. A special to tho Chicago Post from Omaha says: "Edward A Cu "nhy has received a letter from Ihe men who kidnapped his son, offering tt return 20,000 of the ransom money on condition that all detectives be withdrawn ivud that no attempt be made to prosecute tho abductors, should their identity bo discovered. It is .understood the lettor was mailed at Council Bluff." Filipino's Acting L'gly. A Manila dispatch of tho 28th says: "A band of seventy armed in surgents entcrod the town of Soug, in tho province of South Ilocos, Luzon, where they killed one native and abducted five. At midnight of tho same day thoy attacked tho town of Santa Maria, burning 00 houses. The insurgents were repulsed by the Americans, who had one man wounded. One native scout and two civilians were killed. Tho insurgents retreated to tho mountains, closely pursued. Their losses were not learned." LOCAL and CLIMATIC. Notliinflr but a lorat CATARRH rfnifly nr change of m.i.e will cure CAT A una tlie snecific fs " .-'c'rV'V Ely's Cream Baling is i . Il is qui. kty attforhe -I; ;i cs relief at om c; . Mk-ks ami rlranars tlie Vasiil i'.-iis;ii;es; All;i'' hill limitation: II ea I iprtl h U. UTA ft kikI pruuxln the Mem-UULU 'V liLMU li'.-iiie, restores the fi-uses nf taste and m'it iirv, no itminmis clruir: regular size 50 cents, l iiuiily size fli.oo Hi ciiujjjiists or by mail. r.Iy Jit. .tilery fifl Warren 8t , New York Mr. J P Allison has associated with him in business Mr. Maury Richmond and Mr. Geo. Rich mond. This new firm will be kno'.vii as Allison & Co. Mr. Maury Richmond will change from the service of Mr. Ed. F White to operations iu the new firm March tho 10th. WorkliiK Nlfrlit and Daj. Tlie burnout anil mightiest little thing l hut ever was made is Dr. King's New Life rills. Those pills change weak 1 eM) into Btrensth, listlessness into eu crE.i , bruin-fug into mental power. They're wonderful In building up the holtlj. Only 25o per box. Sold nt I'etzei 's Drug Store. 'Tis worry makes tho wrinkles on your face and in vain you try to lose their trace, Ex. AS: Value of Aluminum. The Electrical Review obser ves that Aluminum is the cheap- . i est metal in tho market with the i exception of iron, zinc and lead . - It is now bfiino- nxtensivelv used : iu place of copper, brass, tin and in some cases even of iron, especially when the reduction of dead weight is a question of groat importance. As it is as good as an electrical conductor as copper and weights only half! as much, and costs less, it is be ing largely used in the electrical world. It is hard to estimate the extent and uses of this metal. Tho increase in tho total output for several years has been about thirty tons per annum, and the price has fallen from $30,000 per ton twenty years ago to about $700 per ton at the present time. The output during the last twelve months is reckoned 'at about 5,000 tons. Southern Industrial News. Sealed lllds on Text Hooks. The State Text Book Commis sion, of which Gov. Aycock is president, and Superintendent Toon is secretary, has advertised for sealed bids on text books to to be used in tho public schools for five years. The curiculum embraces, Orthography, Defin ing, Reading, Writing, Drawing, Arithmetic, Geography, Gram mar, Languago Lessons, His tory of North Carolina, contaiu ing tho Constitution of the State; History of the United States, containing tho Constitution of the United States; Physiology, Hygiene, Nature and Effect of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics, Elorr.cnts of Civil Government, Elements of Agriculture, Theory aud Practice of Teaching. The bidders must put up a for feit sum that will accrue to the State if the bid bo accepted aud the book concern should fail to make good its proposition. k Frightful Wonder Will often ouuse a horrible burn, scald cut or bruise. Bucklen's jAmica Halve will kill the pain and pron.ptly beul it. Cures fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, and all skin eruptions. Beat pile cure au parth. Only 25 editH? n box. Cure guaranteed,' hold at IVtzer's dru store. The newspnpers of the State will make a note of the fact that tho new libel law is quietly sleep ing in the House committoo. It has passed the Senate. Somo of tho members of the House are opposed to granting the newspa pers of the Stata a just and rea sonable libel law. They want the support of the newspapers in the campaign, hut whenever tho newspapers ask for simple justice, they want to refuse them the slightest consideration. The newspaper that spends its days and nights working for the elec tion of such men is foolish. Itoleigh Times. M. L. Marsh, the druggist, will refund you your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure dis orders of the stomach, bilious ness, constipation and headache. Price "5 cents. Samples free. While business is picking up you should advertise in this pa per that you may pick up your share of it. Ex. When you want a physic thai is mild and gentle, easy to take and ploasant in effect use Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablots. Price, i'3 cents. Sam ples free. Every box guaran teed. For sale by M. L. Marsh. ( mlm - Some people aro too busy to attend to their own business. Ex. A Keen Clear Kraiiu Tour best Jfoelings, yourj socialiposi tion or buainosa success depend largely on the perfect aotiou of your Htomaoh and Liver. Dr. King's Now Life Pills give increased strength, a keen, clor brain, high aiabitioL. A 99 cent box will make you,. feel like a nowj being Sold at Fetzer'a drug store We do not believe the govern ment can say that two firms or a dozen firms cannot consolidate the same as the steel manufac turers have done, but the gov ernment can refuse to give them a bounty m the shape of a pro tective tariff. Durham Herald. As to Taxes. It is imperative that the state's income be increased but the how is what i is just now bothering the brains of those who have to Kiifrfest, tho mpans nn loss Ihnn j thoso who will havo to provide j them. Like almost every one else, we have an opiuion about this matter. We believe that a bond issue for running expenses ill advised and that it offers no per manent relief, and if adopted, all coming legislatures will be confronted with the same prob lem for which a solution is now sought. Our platform is simple and can be expressed in a few words. We oolieve that all (property in the stato should bo assessed at its proper value, and-Jthat the tax rate on this property be raised or lowered as circum stances may domand. We never have lavored an in come tax, nor do we believe in fastening a lax on any particular industry because it is able to stand out or cannot help itself, Durham Herald. Nasal Catarrh quickly yie'ds to treat ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which if RLTeeiihly aromatic It is reeoived IhroiiKh tlie nostrilo, cl( arisen and heals the whole surfupe over which it difl'iiHcs itself. A remedy for Nasil t'uturrh which is dryiug or eifiiliiik' to the dis eased membrane should not be used, Cream Halm is recognized as a specific. Prioe 50 cents at druggista or by mail. A cold iu the head immediately dump pears when Cream Balm is used. Kly urotuers, ou Warren t., JNew lork. Mr. Nertcll In Salisbury. Mr. Jake F Newell, of Con cord, who has been pursuing a post-graduate course in the law school of the District of Colum bia, was in the city this morning. Mr. Newell has decided to return to North Carolina to live and will locate either in Charlotte or Greensboro to practice his pro fession. He is spending the af ternoon in Gold Hill. Salisbury Sun of 28th. Made Yonnif ifrain. "One of.Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again." writes L H Turner, of Dempsevtown, Pa They're the best n the world for liver, Rtomaoh und bowel". 1'urely vegetable. Never griue. Only 2! tzer's drug htore. Re illy, a Southern man must bo quite shocked by tho brutal lynching of a negro, Tuesday, in Torre Haute, the third city of Indiana. We people down here do not dra? negroes through the streets until they are dead, then hang their bodies and afterwards burn them, for more murder, and then dance around the fu neral pyre and offer rewards for even such choice relics as their fingers or toes. The people of Terre Haute ought to come to some of the backwoods districts of the South and learn something of humanity and civilization. Charlotte Observer. Masai C ATA ((!!! Iu fill ItB StA' -8 V..0T0 Bbotild te c.-mii i teac. CIcflupc3,GO rue.e nd licit the disease,! mom! - ,:.e. It cures catarrh ar.rt drive., awiiy & ooiU iu rue ucacl nulckj. trciira T!:1m t p'ace C into the nostrils, spreads over the mcmbiane and it Loaorbed. Belief le Im mediate and a cure fellow. It it not drying does not produce enceuer. Li:rgc is.ze, SO eenta at Vruff j Id!, or iy ni ill , Trial Biz--, 10 cents by mall. XlY UKOTIiKKS. 50 Warren Street. Msw TortL Some men expend more en ergy in getting rid of money than they do in earning it. Ex. A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; r,ound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old av;, are some of the results of the use f Tutt's Liver Pills. A single dose v. ili convince you of their vonderful effects and virtue. A Know., i'net. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, soui stomach, dizz ness, consti pat i or, bilious fever, piles, torpid liv'? and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills UNCLE SAM'S DISPLAY. GoTernnent Exhibit at tha AmerlcNB Expoaltlon. The United States government has appropriated $r(K,000 for an exhlhlt at the I'an-Amerlean Exposition at Buf falo next summer. To view the mag nificent buildings and their multitude of treasures alone would he well worth going a long distance. They nre much more beautiful than those of the gov ernment group at the Columbian Expo sition, while tho space for exhibition purposes Is but little less than was oc- QOADBIOA FOR UNITED STATES GO V KR.V M K.VT BUILDIXO. cupled there. The display to be made by the department of agriculture will be of great value and Interest to those concerned la the agricultural, hortlcul tural and live stock Industries, com prehendlng aa It will all their varied features. The workings of the differ ent bureaus of the department of Mate will be Illustrated by menns of blanks, sample letters, clreulnr letters, etc., ami much can be learned by the people of the manner of Intercourse between the United States and other nutlens. The coining of money will lie a feature of the exhibit by the treasury department. Here a coin press will bo In operation, coining money at the rate of UO.On l coins per hour, each coin being struck with a force equal to the weight of 100 tons. Collectors will be especially Interest ed In the govern inent's very complete collection of coins of all nations, a com plete set of medals struck by the mint at Philadelphia and a complete series of currency Issued by the government. Included Iu this exhibit will be a model of a lighthouse, fully equipped and iu operation; a model of a quarantine sta tion, models of marine hospital oper ating rooms and a model of a vessel constructed for deep sea sounding. Up on the shore of the 'ark Lake will be a life saving station, completely equip ped with up to date apparatus, while the means employed In the saving of life on the sea will be dally Illustrated by a captain and crew of two men with life and surf boats, with their ap purtenances. The exhibits of the war and navy de partments will be the largest and most complete ever made at any exposition. Elbert L. Lewis. EXPOSITION SCULPTURE. Pavm-Amcrlcan 9cn Has th Beet Ever at m Ihow. In Ita sculptural adornment, as well as In several other respects, the Pan American Exposition will far surpass any enterprise of the kind ever held. There are over 125 splendid original groups, and they are to be used around the Court of Fountains, the Lsplanatle and the Electric Tower. They will symbolize the purposes of the build ings and exhibits and bring out the poetry In what to many may seem ex ceedingly prosaic things. After crossing the Triumphal Bridge, which la the grand formal entrance to the main court and Is Itself to he dec orated with splendid statuary, one will see to the right and left, at opposite ends of the Esplanade, the fountains and the sunken gardens In front of the United States Government aud Horti culture buildings respectively. The Fountain of Man, by Charles Grafly, la the central fountain at the east of the Esplanade, and It It flanked by the Fountain of Prometheus and the Fountain of Hercules. The sub jects of other fountains In this group will be the Bavage Age, the Despotic Age and the Age of Enlightenment. At the other end of the Esplanade the Fountain of Nature, by George T. Brewster, Is the most elaborate sculp tural adornment, and the Idea of this fountain Is amplified In minor ones. such as the Fountain of Krouos, Foun tain of Ceres and the groups typifying Mineral Wealth, Animal Wealth, etc. These symbolic Ideas will ba worked out In beautiful forms In other parts of the main court and In connection with the Electric Tower and other buildings, the whole forming a most complete and harmonious expression of the purposes of a great Exposition, such as the Pan- American. Expnaltlon Poatofllce. The United States government post offlce department will occupy a larger space at the Pan-Amerlcnn Exposition than was ever before devoted to It at an exposition. The methods of mall transportation will be fully Illustrated, and a postoftlce equipped with all the latest devices used In the larger post offices In the United States will be a feature of the exhibit ICnglneerlnsji Methods. At the Pan-American Exposition mechanical and civil engineering and public works. In which the American refuses to take second place, will be presented tn such a clear and Interest lug way, by means of all sorts of costly and Ingenious exhibits, that the lay mind will find It scarcely less attract ive than the expert. CEHTLVMEN, Get the New Novel Dis covery, PIGEON - MILK Injection. Cures Qonorrboea and Gleet in 1 to 4 days. Its action is magical. Prevents stricture. Alt complete. To be carried in vest pocket. Sure preventative. Sent by mail in plnin i aok ige, prepaid, on receipt of pried. $1 inir lox; 8, for $2.50. The Kust Medicine Co,, St. Paul, Minn. Gibson Drng Store, ''Sole Agents, Concord, N. C, c l iid t.iint ti,n if tJn" !;t!t;, Mou'lt: in. Gray Spei'jlj took 2 i graii is the i2t3th" with .01 ..i, I! (-.1 .lllipt Of !,(. suicid at: but was res HI.' 1. The Kiiod;'. Isijiud K Cincinnati desire . to t,r iciey of ' 't mon- union t over tho Nathaniel G reen grave of Gen. of llc.v ilution- ary famo. It is uncei t.iiu where his grave is. Col. (Jardener is in Savannah, Ga., searching for it. The River and f Hat-bur bill which carries an apriopnalioii of "0,i00,0il.'. pasM-d li..) Senate Thursday. It, gives :eJ5'),uix) to North Carolina for an eight foot channell from Wilmington to Fayetteville. Mr. BrlcA Wilson, of ville, v. ho work.s in J C Stool & Soli's foundry, was fearfully hurt on Tuesday, the 27; h. lie was lacintr a belt and a sot screw on the lino shaft caught his sleeve and wound him up, break ing his left arm and collar bone. Tho enjrine was stopped in time to save his life. Dr. W F Aiken, in Savnuuah, Ga., shot ami killed his wife and himself on tho LVili in their bed room. The shot that killed his wife waked the 8-year-old boy who ran out and called for tho police. No cause is known, but the doctor was a ciaretto liend and was very nervous. Uo and his wife were ui' well cou.iected families and he was of good standing professionally. An Atlanta dispatch of the 2Hth tells the harrowing story of a hurley negro, who held a pistol over Mrs. r.uchanoii con. -telling her to give up her mom y and also to fun i.-di him breakfast. Then he boi ml her to tho bed and set her clothing on lire and left. Her scream brought aid and she was nut burned bill col lapsed later and was unablo to recognize any It is feared she may die without being able to identify tin; monster. Carl Sauburg, a boy in Char leston playing about auioi.g dumped out p:pprs on Wednes day, r:o:sr l!i. C-..p.r i iver, open ed a lel.r i. -j ,-mrio.i!y. Ho found money ia it and took it to his grandfather. Tho packaf-') was found lo contain !; 5,(101) in money aud certitied checks in favor of parties in Hock Hill. S. C. It is supposed that the letter with other packes found wera carelessly dropped about the post oflice aud swept up aud dumped into tho trash pile. A Sight of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of tho brave General Bnrnliam, of Machius, Me., when the doctors said she would die fr. m pneumonia before' morning," writ-s Mrs. S II Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night, btithe begged for Vt. King's Ncw Dis oovery, which had more than onco saved her life, aud cured her of con eamption. After taking, she slept all Lnight. Further ue entirely cured her." This niaryeiluiis medicine is guaranteed to euro all throat, chest and lung diseases. Only 50c and $1. Trial bottles freest Fitter's drug ttore. March. Lord of all rough winds that blow, I am March, and ere I go. I will sin you loud and low. Nora Hopper. SIimim Death Oh". K B Muncluy, a lawyer of Henrietta. Te., OE03 fooled a Jgrave-dyger, He says: "My brother was very low with malarial 'ever and jiumdioo. I per suaded him to try Electric Hitters, and he was soon much hotter, but continued their use until ho w in wholly cured. X am Mire Electric liitters suve.l 1 h lifo.1' This renrily exp i niuhrii. l.-;U dia easo germs a il puriii tho Meod; nidi digo-tion, regulates liver, kidneys and boweln, cureR c.iie.tipiitinu, (H!epsia, nervous iliseusca, kiibiey irott'il- x, fo male couil linti; iy a I'erfi-e' health. Only 50c at iV 'it's (In; M. o .Motley ami uncanno! ; iur- was -sd:iy .nr iu - 1.O.J0 niture stoi't in (.iv.msbu tho scene of a lire on Wed soon after midni 'lit, r,-.:. a da mago or 1 , ) v; '.:h insurance. FOIi OVEK yiiTV Ail Mrs. Window's So' ilnrr n tin been n.ed for over 1 liorei of mother.-! 1 whi.a teetliiuLC, ii h i I, nul Ireu it soothes tlie elm 1, allays all p.n'n, cur tho last reunxly !'. relieve the pour lr Btelv. bold Uv dr i . of the world. T. tie. Ho Mire ninl ... slows Soothiu - i jther k:nd Tlie New Trill j izi. OK N I V . .;, Tho Lai'ire- p;:: Oyer Oca Eili:; of Dollar. :! All Policlis A n' lililo anil Al; from Dale of I Call on or mi Thos. J. VV hi!.!. Oflico L'ud over G G Kiel loin ii mot'.U's lm, It is oil ue fvi:;g's L ; J ' -B ' " ,,..., .-.,u.-.,,w,,..TO,.,..--.....,,-,--w- mwmmwmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmm,mm ummmn , - i... u i. m n iiii.l. j,i j ., ,, u.ui .i. , , ., ' i ---CTCT;.-r..iii.liiiiiii.ini . ........ii . i I mmm,m,mmni,J,mmmmm Gt' 1