The f-t.;ndard. , Concord, :'i ; County, NohTH Caiwuna, Jno. D. Barrier I Editor and Proprietor. 'Ve will be jdad to furniah oi:r readers any oi tbe lollowing period t cala iu connection with The Btamj Attn at tbe following prices : Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal, prioe 11.00, with Thk Standi.d 1.75. The New York World.prioe $1.00, with The Standard, $1.65 Home and Farm, price .50, with Thb Standard, 81.25. Tbe Atlanta Contttitution, price ll.OO.with The Standard, $1.75. The Richmond Weekly Times, which includes the Farm Jour nal of Philadelphia, & Th,e Para gon Monthly, N. Y., with the Weekly Standard for $1 .2&. SiGood Housekeeping, Sprin hold, Mass., with the above 10 jents extra. The Commoner, published by Hon. Wm. J Bryan, fl per year with the Standard,, 1.5. NO DUTIES OS PHlLU'l'IJiE U00DS The Supreme Court of the United States has rendered a do cision that comes down to com mon sense conceptions. It is the case in which Eciil J Pepke, a soldier in a South Dakota volun teer regiment, brought dia monds from the Philippines. He was required to pay a duty on them. He appealed to the circuit court and lost his case but carried it to Supreme Court and won. Chief Justice Puller and Justices Brown, Feckham, Harlan and Brewer formed the majority, while Justices White, Shiras, McKenna and Gray dis sented. It is held that in the ab sence of anything in tho treaty to tho contrary tho Philippines are a part of tho United State in which ca 1 hero can be no tariff discr:in'ri!.tioi.s. Queen WUJ.o'iuiBn, of Holland, and her h . ,b:uul are having rough sailing over tho matrimo nial sea. Rumors of divorce proceeding, duels, etc., are rife. There is some uncertainty about the verity of tho rumors, howev er. It is even said that the un worthy husband went so far as to slap the queen. It would seem that when a fellow has the honor to be husband to a popu lar and worthy queen he might at least be kind to her. Congressman Kitchen rushed in a bill on tho opening of the lower house of Congress for the repeal of the 15th amendment to the constitution of the United States. It looks like making an early pull and we hope it will be a pull till the war-spite meas ure is forever buried. Why should a state have the farcical power to regulate the franchise in its own domain as to all the races but one ? We learned beforehand that the President's message was go ing to be Immensely long, too long for us to read and condense in time for prompt issue. We therefore have secured copies for our readers which may be read at leisure and by parts or subdivisions as desired. The general comment is quite com plimentary to the President and the message is said to be very readable in every part and a very able document. Our Congressman, tho Hon. Theo. F Klutlz, was lucky in drawing a very dosi ruble sr-at. Wo don't know about tho luck eith- -er for there is a i::.r to things. About tho hv-. leaking man in congress ;. J ;, man to whom they all lislt. :; when he speaks, would bo expected even in a game of chance to got some- thing good. , The mayor today fined a man $5.00 and costs for violating the quarantine laws and leaving pest house before being duly discharged. This was a neces sary penalty and it is well that It was inflicted." It should be a warning to others- Our author ities must protect the public. Dr. StuKK Take Up the H oi k. Dr. Stagg has concluded to undertake the work of raising the $300,000 ill North Carolina for the Twentieth Century Fund. Ho will not sever his relations with his charge in Charlotte, but has tho Rev. J K P'razicr asso ciated with him as pastor while io Js doirjg tho great work, S.VCME!tH 1TI;S. I liuiiksgiviiiff Million! iSiKHnl liiiiili iit -Ii,,bi,si.1.(..a(!ro So ftstTuej are Wi shed Twice n Ihtj. Saunders, N. C. Dec. 3, 1901. Mr. E R Graham will soon move to Concord. Mr lllinl Siims. nf Concord. . came up this morning. Miss Bess liimmon spent rhnn rcfrMTinrf or. hm hnmfl 111 i No. 3. Mrs. Harve Johnson is having a quilting today and a sociable tonight. Mr Leo Smith is building a. barn as nice and good as any about here. , Rev. J P Farr preached an able and interesting sermon Sun day at Gihvood. Ha! ta! So they say the babies in No. 3 are growing so rapidly, they ara being weighed twice in a day. Thanksgiving in our country passed over, for once, without anything unusual. No turkey dinners or weddings. Guess they must all bo waiting for Xmas? Wheat sowiug in our neigh borhood is about complete. Tho farmers are glad to seo tho rain this morning as they were be coniirg uneasy about tho wheat sown some time asro, not 3om ing up. II Items from Mt. I'Icasant. Mt. Pleasant, Dee. 4, l'JOl. Thanksgiving is over and the students of the College and Sem inary have returned aud again to studying. are The "Milk Maids Convention'1 which was rendered at the S9m inary Hall last Wednesday night proved quite a success. The Rev. Mr. Vaugh, of Ashe ville, gave a very interesting lecture last Thursday night in tho Collego Ciiapel on "Temper anco", it was enjoyed by all. Tho Board of Trustees of North Carolina College will meet nex Wednesday. Mr, Pierce, of Albemarle, is speuding several days here. Rev. Mr. Cordell and family left Tuesday for their new home at Rendleman. Their many ftionds regretted to see them leave. Tho Ladies Aid Society gave an oyster supper last Thursday ight for the benefit of thoir So ciety. The proceeds amounted to something over $'20 Among those from Concord who pent Sunday evening iu the 'city", were Messrs. Leonard md Archie Brown, Mutnford Ritchie and Frank Boatty. Miss Loula Sandle, of Eliza beth College, spent Thanksgiv ing here with her sister, Miss Felicia, who is going to school at Alont Amoena. B. heptasophg Elect Officers. Tho annual election of officers for North State CoDclave 419 Im proved Order Ileplascphs was held Monday night and resulted as follows: Dr. J E Smoot, Archon; A G Host, Provost; J D Barrier, Pre late; J A Kirnmons, Financier; W R Harris, Treasurer; R A Drower, Secretary. This order whoso merits have been too little understood, gained much along this lino on Thanks giving evening and its benefits, wo hope, will bo extended much more widely in our midst. . Mother and Child Curnid. A very sad . ccurrence is re corded from Beaufort in which Mrs. Jamos Daniels and one of hor children wore' burned into a crisp. The husband was stifled with smoke and waked to find the house on firo. He was sleep ing up stairs and rushing down hastily got his wife and one child out and hastened back for the other two. The mother in the frenzy of anxiety rushed in aud got one child' but she and it were burned to death. The other child was probably fatally burn ed. The husband was almost demented and could toll little of tho disaster. (JulirieS Toombs Dead. Gabriel Toombs, brother of tho famous "tire eater", Robert Toombs, died at his horr.o in Washington, Ga., ou Nov. 30th. He was nearly 89 years old, A Negro Murderer Proll)lr Iijnfhpfl. Columbus, Miss.,, Nov. 30. rihal DismukeSi of Artesia, was caught today hiding in the swamp oh the bank 'of the Tom- 1 bit. boo river. He was held to await the arrival of all the posse. Telephone and telegraph mes sages were sont to surrounding towns notifying friends of the , paying them, there was no rea- deceased where to gather and it'son whytheyshouldnotbeprint- is thought here that the negro 'ed; yet the question frequently i i. ... i i l i l j Caucuses Choose Leaden, " At the caucuses of the Demo cratic and Republican parties on Saturday the old leaders were selected. Heuderson, Republi can, was unanimously chosen for speaker. Richardson was again unani mously chosen, for Democratic loader. Exposition Sow Open. The Charleston Exposition was opened today (Monday). Tho religious exercised dedicat ing the fair were held on Sun day. Murder in First Degree. The jury in Rowan court fund the negro, Archie Conley, guilty of murder in the first degree for slaying Gus Davis, a negro boy. He was sentenced to hang on the 20th of February but an appeal was taken and the supreme court will not reach the case within the time. The time will have to bo extended. Geu. Toon .Siik. General Toon is quite sick. He has pneumonia. . Mjsterlous Horse Disease. During the past week 6ome eight or ten fine horses have died m the neighborhood of Roxboro. Person county. The disease is a strange one and no one has been found to suggest anything to stop a spread of the epidemic. Durham special of 1st to the Charlotte Observer. Smallpox Loose in Boston. " Smallpox is so prevalent in Boston that the meaical authori ties admit that it is beyond con trol. The pest hc;use is full and they use Gallup's Island in Bos ton harbor. The North Carolina Poultry Association will ho!d its first an nual show at High Point, N. C., January 14 to 17, inclusive. This enterprise will have a marked inauonce in creating interest in poultry raising iu North Caro lina, an industry which has ex cellent advantages in that sec- tiou, and one which at the pres ent time offers fine possibilities tor a large extension. South ern Field. The secret of the business man's power, the source of his unfailing strength, is publicity. It is the electric battery by means of which he constantly renews his vigor. Profitable Advertising. "Ready wit, a smile, and good appearance are often a fortune." "He who would win the world must court it as a lover." Or oves Tasteless Chill Tonic. A Hubble About ts Burst. Some weeks ago we were printing daily advertisements from different ladies offering ladies steady employment at $20 per month to do writing. These advertisements came from ladies whom it was known meant no wrong, and remittances to cover; the cost of their insertion accom i , . , went around in the office, "where does the swindle come iu ?"for it was realized that the world is full of women who would jump at the chance to do writing at homo for half the money offered, and that this thing was too good to be true. Tnese advertisements were traced through their senders to the Amos Ownes Cherry Tree Company, of Henrietta, Ruther ford county, which has been doing a land office business in South Carolina and Georgia, as well as m this State, according to a plan which is outliued in an article copied in this paper from The York ville, S. C. Enquirer. Until, however, the scheme had been fully developed and there was an undoubted basis of fact to rest an accusation upon, we did not foel warrented in utter ing a warning to the readers of The Observer against this enter prise; but now ladies who have sent (their $12 apiece to the com pany and have received none of the promised work, are clam oring for the return of their money and we have sufficient evidence to justify us in saying that this is a good thing to let alone. Meanwhile the iconcern has changed ownership again, for the third or fourth time, and has transferred its base of oper ations from Henrietta to Ellen boro, and it will not be long now until the bubble bursts. Char lotte Observer. Boats Collide Several Drowned. Two forry boats, the Sausalito and San Rafael collided in a dense fcg Saturday night at San Francisco, Cal., and the latter went down and several persons were drowned. There were 150 to 200 passengers on board but the Sausalito, not being much worsted, took all on board that she could save and went into port. First reports placed the drowned at 20. TO CURE A COLD IS ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25 cents. BXECTJTOB'8 NOTICE. Having been duly qnaliSed as execa, tors oi the estate of A reliable Cline, de ceased, late of Cabanas county, M. C, tbis is to uotify all peraoDs caving claims aeainst the estate of said deo'd to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before November 14, 1902, or tins notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. J. W. Foil, J. D. Cline, Nov. 9, 1901. dec.19 Exeoatora. WiNTtD-Severa' persons of character and good reputation in each state (one in this count v required) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business house of solid financial stand ing. Salary $ 18.00 weekly with expenes additional, all pavable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices, tiorse ana carnage iurnisnea, wueu me leel a great deal better and it will neoestary. lieferencea. Enclose self- save a great deal of worry over my set Kldrtssed stamped envelope. Manager, j tlement. Very retpnctfnlly, 316 Caxton Building, Chicago. Hoy. 1, 1901. J h Feck, Sheriff. 5 has stood t for 20 One Million Si Hundred sand bottles sold last Year. : Do pays to try o YEKUICT FOU (iATTIS. , j Jury Allows Him $15,0(HI-Mr. W. K. Odell Not IneluiUtl Ii fciMlautu (ilve Kotlce r ApMuI. j The Gattis-Kilgo case con sumed juso ouo week at Oxford, ! beginning Monday morning and ending Saturday night at 12 - 1 o'clock when the jury agreed on a verdict. To every count they answered yes except as to Mr. Odell and allowed Mr. Gattis the sum of $15,000, which is against Dr. Kilgo and Mr. Duke. The defendants gave notice of appoal. A Virginia Man Kills a United Statu Marshal. Roanoke, Va., Nov. 30. Par ticulars reached here today of the killing of John G Watts, Uuited States Marshal for West ern Virginia, by George Jones, in Tazwell county, yesterday. The trouble was caused over a line leuce wnicn Jones was ouua Watts commanded him to stop work and failing to obey this or- der it is alleged Watts threatened est Hill, died at the Wb.teh id to kill Jones and attempted to Stokes Sai,,tarium Sunday at 1 draw a revolver, when Jones hit o'clock p. m Mr. Ro b.nson was Watts over the head with a post attacked with appendicitis and hole-: igger, crushing m his skull went to the San.tai ,um as Sat oJi.cntLth urday. The disease had ad- woods, but last, night surrendered to the author Hies and is now in jail "Had we the knowledge of the ( future, the present would seem unreal." "Life is a mystery solved to day, obscure tomorrow." We often know much but im perfectly." YOU KNOW WHAT YoU ARE TAKlS J3Sf,nr?0U-taKeG fh Jf Chill Tonic because the formula I is plainly printed on every bottle snowing mat ii is biujij uuu and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 50 cents A Plain Tali to Tai Payers. I have just completed my rounds vis itirig each township to oollect taxes an the law directs, and in so doing, with tbe exoeption of No's. 6 7 aud 8 town ship, I did not get a brownie. Now I want to say right here that the laxes must be paid by January, lbt. and be sides it don't work a hardship en any one to pay their taxes in the full. It seems that people have got it in their minds that they can pay their taxes when it suits them, and in fact it has been thrown at me hundreds of times that some of the biggest tax payers dou't pay till the last minute aud they miuht as well keep their money as others. Now I will say ris.Lt here that if you are a big tax payer or it you 'ei small tax payer yoa will be expected to pa between now and January. The law, as it is now, requires me to make set tlement in January and if people will come m and settle with me 1 will have no trouble in settling with the State, bat evidently there must be a new leal turned in regard to paying taxes iu Ca barrus and unless there is a big change I expeot to advertise and sell property the first of January. A groat many think sheriff? em't sell leal estate be fore May, but I want to say right here to all suoh that on and after Nov. 1st I can sell any property in the oounty for taxes. Now a word to those who only pay a poll; Law 1901, O 8!l, Seo. 13, says that no person shall be entitled to vote unless he shall have paid his poll tax for the previous year on or before the first da; of May in the year in whi h he offers to vote. Now unless there is a great change on that line there are n great many that will bu denied thai privilege next j ear Now It t me say in U can Jur I dou't wunt to make cost on any one and earnestly request nil persons to come np promptly &nd pay your taxes and yon will feel better and it will make years you t On Jellies - preserves and picklea, prod a thiu cowling of FUBE REFiiiED PARAFFINE Will kwp them iirniolutRlT motaturo and acid proof, ru re it fined PurntlinB walno uwliil in a doiea other wh.ii ehout the bourn, l-'ull direction In tmcb pocJcutfu, Mold everywhere, STANDARD OIL CO. Mil. GEOKUE KOBINSOJi DEAI. ; Operate on for Appendicitis Suliirdaj j,gi,t B Salisbury Must Exemplary l'oung Mail. Mr. -George Robinsorof For- vanced rather far but an opera tiou was performed Saturday night. The body arrived in Concord on No. 7 Sunday evening and was mot by a goodly number of Odd Fellows, ot which fraternity he was an honored member. Mr. Robinson's death casts a gloom over a wide circle of warm and admiring friends at Forest Hill and wherever he was known. He was a very exemplary Chris tian gentleman and member r.f Forest Hill M. E. Church. . He was the only son yet at His father was the well known T ,P p, The funeral will occur Tues- day at 1 p. m. The J. O, O. F's will ofticiaii: according to the ritual of that fraternity. The Best Prescriptlnn for Miliaria Chills aud Fever is a bottle of G rove's Tastoless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure, uo pay. Price 50 cents. ItWasa Painful I'iucli. Frances, the litt-e daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. R E Ridunhour. mot with an exceedingly pmiil'ul accident Thanksgiving Day. While playing with tho little wagon her brother Robert caught her finger as he raised t he tongue and the nail of tho linger was crushod and jerked oil, leaving it with the wagon. The - flesh was stripped back and tho bone was exposed. 'Sho had to be chloroformed to dress tho tinger and it is now hoped that an am putation will not bo necessary. Death of Mrs. D. M. Klutlz. Mrs. D M Klultz, aged 38 years, died at 5 o'clock this morning at her home in Mt. Pleasant, of consumption. Mrs. Kluttz leaves a hus band and four children to mourn her absence. " The remains will be laid to rest Tuesday at 11 o'clock at Lower Stony church in Rowan couuiy.' Daily oi 2. This signature In on every box of tho gcnuln Laxative BromoQiiir)ine Tablet. the remedy that enrea a cold In one (lay e ill .'weft 1-3 he ' test hinkit II il wjl 5 u i . t A. rV; t x v w s mvTOW' Wimm Tho Kind Yon Have Always in use for over SO years, I - nnu Has been made under Ills pc- & J, supervision since its tnlUncj V ; y-tccAZH Allow no one to deceive you in this. ; Ali t'ciiTtt i feits, Imitations and," Just-as-good" are but Experiments Hint trifle with and endanger tiio bealtli o -lullti'.ts and ChUdrcu JCzpcrieuce against Experiment. What is CASTORIA . Cnstoi-hii i a barmlesfi substitute for Castor OH, Pare froric, Jro) mid Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains ncitlner Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic i tnibsUinee. Its age is ils guarantee. It destroys Wormi Bud allays Feverishness It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation , uud FIiV iileney. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and IJowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. I Tho Childrcu't Pauacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE" CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the Tli8 Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH CENTAU OOMMMV, TT MUNRAV THCCT, NtW VOHK CITV. COUm COMMISSIONERS MEET. betting f Ilritlge Contract Postponed Jurors for January Term of Superior Court. , The County Commissioners met Monday and transacted the ordi nary routine -business. The lotting of tho contract for tho iron bridge across Rocky river was postponed till tho next mooling. The following jurors weie dr-wn for tho term of Superior Court for January, 27, 190-': John Linker, V V White, H-irbort Cook, Joo A MisetiHeimor, C A !hor-ooJ, J A 1'!,.;'. , " T 8 xjnU:;r, Martin alisi-nhcmnwr, ". E J V While. " J Frank Fink, W M Furr, J II Dortou, .. R V Hitrniiardt, RobertC Cruse, ' " ' W A Chester, ' J L Brown, J A liitcb II A bdUleman, ' . W Frank Mormon, W A Cute, : J 1 .xleiiauVy,-'" V M Letlur, , V . "'" ' , , M J MoLaughliu,' J Frank Morrison, ' Goo, C fcihiun, , W P Rjgurs, , . 1 . , J L Andrew, - D L Coltr iuo, ' ; -Geo. F Baruhai'dt M I Winecoff, J il W Eudy, Fl E Motley, " ; D Oorssiue, W E iiramiey, O II TJpehurch, : J S Tucker. . - I'OH Hr-jOOND .WKEK. . Jas. W Bosl, . Jno IE Moosti, '', R, F lioiieycutl, s f A 11 S;q.p, -Jno. II J? irnluirdt, J L Alexander, Joo II B ;st, Juo. W Cress, Juo. S Turner, J Frank Smith, ' Jmum A Ciiuo, . Robert A Hudson, U L Bust, M N Ocok, G W Dry, . . Goo. ij Cline, " J ll.trvoy Shears, h A Linker. iiati s on Southern. . On ai.'iuHiuL of this following the !'ouUioni will' soil tickets at special rates : Antioal Convenliou Southern Educatiolial Association, '-Columbia, S. C.T Dec. 2dth to2th.' Tick ets on sale Due. 22 to 2(5.1 h,. with with final limit Jan. 5. Faro for round trip, plus $2,0'J member ship foe, $5.. On uccountof mooting of North Carolina Millers Association at Greensboro, N. G, Dec. 11, the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets Dec. 10 11 with final limit Doc. 12, at $3.65. , , . On account of tho Stato Bap list convention, Winston-Sa'em Doc. 4-, lUd, the Southern Railway, will wj roui d trip tick ets ou tli !Jf t to a li, with I liniit Dec. liiia, ut-$1.05 ISuLt TJj" 2TV rTT1 IsSu -tf "WWV Ww.V A Bought, and which lias been lias borne tho signature of Signature of 42t ... : Ur Slmnaou Shoots n Nci?ro In Cliar. , loltP. , : Beverly Uuen, a negro in tho am ploy of the Bell Telephone Company vas shot in Char lotto and it is presumed fatally wounded Tuesday afternoon by Mr. Jue F Shannon, tho head lineman. The negro was drink ing aud neglecting his business and when reprimanded by Mr. bliuiiuuii became offensive and attacked him with his metal spurs, that they climb poles w ith, whereupon Mr. Shannon shot iiim. Rcfusjug to desist at the tirst two light shots Mr. Shan non put uuo iuto his breast which is severe, Sho.'t Cut to Long Life. Dr. Cyrus Edsoa believes that when people loaru to understand the laws of nature, many of them will live to reach tho ago of 100 years. In Saturday Evening Post ho says : "Tho. Govern ment bulletin showing that tho length of lifo in tho United States is materially increasing will ba taken as a matter of course by all observing persons. i'U'i I ro.t g.i:t l.: in i-'..j lower uea ii rate uniting hiluius, among ui.; hiren O.i.Ur ft '. Tat death r.ilo is very mucii .tin titer than l a-iis 2.") years The iu- Cil of general k.evtvledgo auioug the uiai- has to do di f Gfi l.y wiiti tiio longevity. Poo ple in .he or.'.inui j w.ilki of life who formerly k:i--.w iiDihiiig, and died less, aboui bygieue, are well informed now through tho groat spread of practical know ledge by means of newspapers and periodicals, Twenty years ago one of - tho most pi'uiitio sources of sickness was polluted water, the use of which was al most general.'. On the farms you would find almost invaria bly that tho well and tho cess pool were so close together that ilio water was of necessity da letoriously affecte I. Mo.-tt per sons could not boliovo thai so long as water was clean at.d sparkling that it could carry contagion. Wo all of us roaiizo that sometimes the most dan gerous water is the best looking The result of this is that typhoid, which was so common 15 years ago, has been very largely put nuler "ontrol. We have learned the vaiue of cloauhuess : we have aruod the danger of prt.ini.f- euous spitting. Among tho masses 1C uerso:is batho rep-ii- arly whore one did a dozen years ago. Wo have learned, the value of cleanliness in food. Wo realize tho danger of keeping pur supplies in diity ice boxes where food is lap-dly ilecom posed." Attonicj (It n. Kilmer lli'ltcr. Attorney Gon. Gilmer, it. is now believed, is out of danger and is doing fairly well. (li'fi. Toon SoiiH-wliiit l! Her, Con. Toon, Suite Superinti ? id eal of Public Instruction, lus pneumonia in the right Iu - g, fie is somewhat better,