SUBSRIBE FOR THESTANI rm Send v. .00 ARB. HE T AND A RD. Only - $1.00 and Only $1 Per Year. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. G, L902. SEE CLUBBING RATES On PAGE Single Copy 5 Cts. paper MISS MAY COCHlfANE ASSAULT El LAST MSHT. Oil llt r Way Homo She Was AceosUd Bja 11 n who Slapped Iler Tkrtf Tiins. Miss May Cochrane, daughtei of Mr. R. j Cochrane, whos . home is on Kast Se venth street, was usi-auKed last fiigbt by some unknown man. M is-s Cochrane left her work ct the Mod'-d Steam Laundry short ly before 7 o'clock. Usual ly, she is accompanied by 8 young girl, who works at the same place. She had gone as fur as Brevard street when slit noticed a raaD following her. Ai Brevard and Seventh, she got of! the sidewalk and walked in the middle of din btrcet, on account of tho slippery and muddy con dition of the Seventh street side walk. Miss Cochrane continued oij her way home. When at the corner of Seventh and Alexander the man caught up with her and touched her on her shoulder. She turned and spoke to thi man, askir.g him what he meant. Instead of replying, be slapped her three t.oies in the face. She attempted to scream but was prevented by the man who placed his hand over her mouth. She finally managed to release herself from his grasp and ran home as quickly as possible. Miss Cochrane related tre occurrence to her father who imniedia'ely communicated with the police. Ofticers were sent out to apprehend the guilty party but they could not tine him. Miss Cochrane was badlj frightened Hiid she cannot sav positively whether her assailant was a wru'e man or a mulatto, Chief Irwin will do all in his power to bring the guilty party to jus; ice. ' " At the time or tue assault tne men had au umbrella. This he dropped in the street aud the police now have it in their possession. Charlotte News of the 29th. War Taxes Iketjto be Reduced. Washington, Jan. 29. The Republican members jjt the ways and means committee held a private conference to night and decided to frame a bill f; the reduct ou of war rovenu taxes before proceeding with the. subject of Cuban reciprocity. It is pretty fully understood that tins majority is prepared to favor a measure elTeetiug very large re ductimis.aniountiug practically to a repeal of the entire war taxes, and aggregating about (08,-000, 000. At the conference today it was the prevailing view tha' cause for reducing the war taxes. The burden should be removed from this country before cotisid er;ri the relief to be granted to Cu''.;v. M the Couch iturks crt the Cold. Laxative Brouo Quinine Tab le's cure a cold hi one day. No cu : e. no pv . Price 25 cents. 1)1; d at Siiiiltorium. Mr. John F Veach, who -was-, so painfully injured at Spencer yesterday, died nt the White head Stokes sauitorium about 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The remains were prepared lor burial and taken t,v his homo f.t Spencer for interment. ' Mr. Veach's d ) uh was due to a fearful mistvkn. lie was a workman in the car department at the Spencer shops and was working with several other 'net' on a car when a tr.Vn hit tho c.-ij-on which he was working. Thje 1. re of the coilison kuoeke 1 thje cm over on Mr. Veneh and he v , pinned down with this 1 1 -ii in lous w cm lit upon v the far was jacked up he was extrieted. liitti and i Mr. Ve-ics was a youns mat' He red generally ost'emcd.' a fu:iii;y. Salisbury of 2jih. 'un 10 ll'itK A 0I.I IX ONE 114V. ' Laxative Uromo Quinine i ts. All druggists refund ii'utiey if ii fails to euro. Don't, 1 they count your chickens are big euough bluff un1 ca:, 'A little bit of sweetness comes out of a kiss every time yo . tak.j itolf the same lips." "Some people who seem t" thiiik t'i-! world owes then) i I i V i ! ! -4 ai'J tou 1 izy tu COiieCt tb ' '.V .f . i -V. ' pepsia Cure Digests what you cat. Tills preparation contains all of the diCMtatits and dipesta all kinds of food. Itplveslnstant relief and never falls tocure. It allows you to eat all tho food you want. The most sensitive itomaclis can take ft. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of pas on the stom ach, relieving all dlstressafter eating. IHeling unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It oaa't help but do you good rpnrod only br E. 0. t Wi-rr Co., lilmro, 'Aboil, borne conuiinii UK Uuieithe&Ocuza. Gibson's Dru, Store. ft. i ma 15 Minutes sufficient delicious to tea Royal Baking Powder as di rected. A pure, true leavener. AWFUL SUFFERING IN SAMAlt. Marines Venture fur Inland and are AI-' most Starved to llriUli. - An awful story of suffering I comes from Samar, Philippine Islands, in which Capt. Davia Porter's marines who ventured! far into the iuterior suffered ntensely from hunger. Capt. Porter and three of his men stag - gored into camp half delirious from whom it was learned with no little difficulty where their companions were. A relier ex pedition set out through wet roads and swollen streams and reached the ten men left who were near to starvation and quite delirious. Two they found in tree tops barking like dogs. The recovery of several is doubted. It is said that, in their xtremity they ate raw dog flesh. Col. Lanlorof SidUbury Dead. Col. R V Lanier died at his home in Salisbury on Tuesday, the 28tb, and was buried today (Thursday) . from St. John's Lutheran church of which he was a member and had served as an cider most of the time of his connection with the church, which has been something more than ten years. lie was uearly 80 years of age aud his was an instance rare and beautiful in which after arriving at man's allotted years he em biaced tho Siving faith and lived aud died a most devoted nnd ex emplary christian. Carnegie Favor Panama Route. The Senate committee on inter oceanic canals has received a letter from Andrew Carnegie strongly endorsing the leconi mendat'on of tho isthmian canal commission in favor of the Pana ma route. Mr Carnegie urges upon the committee the adoption of tht commission's report and favors as a sound business proposition the construction of a caual acrosj the isthmus, if one is to bo built at all, over the route which they recommend. -Washington Kpicia) to' Philadelphia Record, 27ih. Rear Admiral Sehlej's Appeal. The appeal of Rear Admiral Schley to the President is given out to the publn. Ho urges the E'rosident to review the testiir.o ny believing that in so doing he will find justification for Admiral Dewey's conclusions. lie also contends that the committee did him less than justice in no; dwellingon and deciding who was properly and really in command of the fleet when the great vic tory was won. lie desires Jthe President to reverse tho approv al of secretary Long. Wrecked Ship Muf Kxjilode. Norfolk, Januarv 29. Fifteei: hundred cases or 75,000 pounds of dynamite, are a putt of thr cargo in lue noni ot trie .Nor wegian steamship Haggery tha: is ashore near (!ull Shoais hi': station, on the North Carol itt:: cons. Heavy railroad U on corn poses the balance of tho cargo. An easterly rale has. lashed the sen in o a fury -'i he storm has blown down th coast wiie.s south of tape Henry. Atlas! reports the ship w is li.-i:!" heavily to sMrij.-ui'd. raid U'a being beaten by the waves. If tho railroad iron and dynamite get together at: explosion of terrible foice it. looked for. Couldn't Uien the Safe. The Branchvillo, S. C . trail- robbers couid not open the sah that thev rolled out, of the cat and they dumped it into IL. Edisto river. lYh-t ,ie Looters Did Miss Before leaving their Sacred City at ilv. t prorch of the foreigti'T.- upon theou break of tho B xei war the Chinese minorities juried over 70,000, 000 in gol I and silver treasure, and it was so succfssfully hidden that the lootors never found it. The American and Japanese! sold.ers who were placed on guard in the city, however, would not permit the looters to 1 . , . . .... fcj i . iiuunui uuiieu uewnie. u j ine return oi tne government io BPOt ,n cou.soquence. No amount thecty, the treasure has been.f caution will guarantee you dug up and restored to its place . p;,insf .accident. That is why in the Chinese Treasury. Thi.1- will help Mrs. Tsi Ann much in meeting tho first installment of the iniquitous "damages" cla' med of her government by the foreigners. Morning Post. give you most biscuit using: APPALACHIAN PARK. Senate Committee Reports Fayarobly Nearly all Southern Senator fur it. The Morning Post's special of the 29th from Washington i says: The Senate Committee on Forest Preservation today made ; a unanimous report on Senator 1 Pritchard's bill creating the Southern Appalachian Forest Kesvvc. Senators Pritehard and Sim mom both spoke id favor of the measure, and Senator Burton of Kansas, chairman of the com mittee. was authorized to make a favorable report. The bill appropriates $5,000,- 000 for the purchase of 2,000,000 acres of land in the Appalachian mountains within the States of North Carolina, Virginia South Carolina. Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee, and provides tor its care, protection and usa as forest reserve. It will take a hard fight to get tho measure through Congress, but both North Carolina Senators are taking a deep personal interest in the bill aDd they will do all 'in their power to se cure its passage. Nearly all of the southern Senators favor the measure, Senator Morgan of Alabama says tie may offer an amendment. Senator Pritehard will make an effort to get the bill before the Senate at an early date. I will bring it up day after day until action, is- taken,"' said Senator friteiiard innigbt. "I realize that there will be a fight, but the nark measure has lots of friends There is no organized opposition to the bill." The late President McKinley urged the esiablishment of the park and President Roosevelt has already gone on record in favor of it, having; mentioned it in his message to Congress. Senator Pritehard has won many victories for the measure, and yet it has never become a law. Last yeat lie obtained a favora ble committee report. The Senators who favorably re ported tho bill today are: Burton of Kansas, Perkins of Califor nia, Gibson of Montana, Kitt ridge aud Simmons and Priteh ard. Ileal lie JleCaln An Albemarle special of 30th to tne onariotte uoserver gives i he following surprising turn in the life of that citie's, favorite batehelor. Mr. Thon as G Harne and Miss Annio, daughter of Sheriff (i u McCain, were married at tho residencR of the bride's fa-' her last night at 8 o'clock Rev. C M Gentry, uncle of the bride, ofii jiating. The marriage was a very quiet one and was witnessed by ouly a few inti- aiaie'fi'iends and relatives. The newly wedded pair went at once lo the home of Mr. Uearne, where tiny will reside in the future. The bride is the eldest dar.ghiPr of Sherifl Mcr'ain and is a de.set vodly popular young woman. The groom is a well- ktiovvu citizen of our town, and there are none that stand any hi?: her. t'liprlt'iiian-Ilrowii. Mr. Adolphus U Fogleman, of GuiHo: (3,rird MissLulaR Brown, daughter of Rev. H M Brown, were mart ad on the 2'2ud of January b Uev. C A Brown at h i Lilt heran parsonage. Brick OlaiK .i, N. C. Tl -y left that ever ir,;r for n, S. a bri.l C. 1 tour to 'Uniform giv dress is hea- von only livei'i There' ma:; a i!l,v on the ice or wet ground at this t into ot year, ana neiny a . . , neiny a sore we Keep ferry Davis' Painkiller, on hand to rea-vo tho achoof;a free sample of Chamoalam's bi iiisii d flash, nnd sore, throbbing. Stomach and Liver Tablets the muscle. It has f tojbr-t physio. They , also cure two generations. There is but disorders of the s'tvivich, bili one Pain killeri'Perry Davis,' 'uu-meii and head BIS Speaks as One Knowing His Subject and Holds In Attention and Carrie Ills Point Representative Kluttz took an active part in the debate on the proposition to make the Ceusus Department permanent. lie looka strong staud in fayor of the proposition, citing the opinions of the most eminent scientists and statisticians, including the President and the director of the Interior Department. He replied vigorously to Mr. Maddox, of Georgia, who undertook to array the Democrats against the meas ure, and answered- readily a cross-fire of questions from dif ferent members v Mr. Kluttz held the undivided attention of the House and rallied the Democrats in support of the bill, which was passed bv a larcre maioritv. Mr. kluttz, who is a member of the census committee, spoke extern poraneously. Washington spe cial of 3oth to Charlotte Obser ver. Singularly Sad Death of a Young Lady A Goldsboro special of 26th to theCharlottr Observer says "Mr. W T Cox, of this city received the sad news, yesterday of the shocking death of his grand -daughter, Miss Minnie Rose, which occurred on the bank of the Neuse rirer in Johnston county Saturday. Sh went, in company, with her brother's wife, down to the river bank to carrying dinner to her brothers, who were haying a raft constructed. In some unknown way the log, on which they had taken a seat, started rolling and her sister jumped to the log above which started rolling. The skirt of Miss Rose was caught by the first log and jerkei under it. Thus both logs rolled over her, down to the river, killing her instantly. She was a most excellent youuglady COURT ' PROCEEDINGS. His lloaor, Judge Starbuek, In the Temple of Justice Dispatching Busi ness. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. State vs. Bob Gray. Larceny Jury could not agree mistrial, State vs. Arthur Stowe. Lar ceny. Jury trial, verdict, guilty judgment twelve months on chain gang. State vs. Andy Clark, coarged with rape. Verdict not guilty. THtlltSDAY MORNING SESSION. State vs. Will R;vnderaan, lar ceny. Jury trial. Verdict guilty State vs. Jim Harris, larceny Plead guilty. Judgment eight months on public roads. estate vs. Chas. Johnson, a d w. flead guilty. Judgment 90 days on chain gang. FRIDAY MORINNO SESSION State vs. Will Rendleuan, lar ceny. Verdict guilty. Judgment 60 days on county roads. btate vs. Chas. Pickens, a. d w. flead guilty. Judgment including costs. State vs. each of the following charged with gambling: Doc Corzine. Dave Folks, Ed Misen heimer, Will Smith, Tice Cook and John F Troutman. Each plead guilty. Judcment f 20, each ncluding cost. , The criminal docket was fin shea. The court is now pro ceeding with the civil docket, FRIDAY EVENING. In the case of Mr. M J Free- man which we overlooked Fri day in which he was chargud with assault with deadly weapon aud plead guilty, the 'court ira posed a penalty of $25 which in eludes cost and fine. . In the case of Charles Forney. Coot Cowan and Frank Brad shew, all colored, charged with larceny and found guilty the court set aside the verdict and had the bill amended so as to charge forcible tresspass to which all plead guilty. Judgment was suspended in the. case of Co wen mi payment of one-third tho cost and Forney and Bradshaw were each given thirty days on the county roads. The civil docket was taken up Friday afternoon, but there 'be- i ng no cases ready for trial the court adjourned till next Mon- Cut this out and Uke it to M L Marsh's drug store aDd get MR. KMJTTZ WIELDIMJ POWER. MARRIAGE AT CI11SA UK0VE. Miss Willie ;i3ernlee Crcs Beeomec ti e Bride or Rer. J. C. Leonard, of Lex ington. Special to The Observer. Chin Grove, January 30. Ad event of much social interest to China Grove was solemnized last evening, at the pretty home ol Mr. and Mrs. J M Peeler, when their daughter, Miss Willie lier nice, was happily married to Rev. Jacob C Leonard, of Lex ington. Promptly at 6 o'clock Miss Myrtle Patterson, of this place, entered the parlor and be gan playing Mendelssohn's pop ular-wedding march.' Immedi ately following came Miss Nellu Trice, maid of honor, of Lex- ingtou, then came the bride leaning upon the arm of the groom, carrying a beautiful bou quet of bride's roses and aspara gus ferns. ' They were met by Rev. J L Murphy, pastor of the Reformed church of Uie'-rry, and the ceremony, which p " nounced them husband and . was duly 'performed. The i was used in this service, i' groom placing it upon the fin: r of the left hand of the bride, with appropriate words. Dur ing the marriage ceremony Nar cissus was beautifully rendered in a very soft, sweet tone, which displayod the artistic touch of the pianist and added much to the impressive ceremony. The bride is a woman of pleasing manners and deservedly popu lar. The groom is the popular pastor of the .Reformed church of Lexington, loved by his par ishioners and is to be congratu lated upon wiuuing the hand of so fair a maiden. The bride was attired in white organdy trimmed in silk applique, tulle veil pinned with a pearl crescent and looped with orange blossoms. Mr. aud Mrs. Leonard wore the recipients of quito a number of handsome and costly presorts. A number of reception cards had been sent out and despite the in clement weather, many friends were presont to see this popular young couple wedded. Miss Net tie Pharr, of Concord, and Miss Pauline Thoin, of this place, mot the guests at the entrance to the hall and welcomed them into the hospitable home. The reception was helu liom 3 to 6. The dining room was decorated with piui, white and green. Refreshments were, served in abundauce and in the most pleasing manner. White and green were tho prevailing colors in the sitting room and parlor. The guests present were Mr. Felix Yorke, Mrs. A Jones Yorke, Mr. and Mrs. G T Crow ell, of Concord; Mr. and Mrs. George E Leonard and Mr. ,Viil Leonard, of Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. W J Swink, Rev. and Mrs, J Q Wertz, Miss Lillian Wertz, Prof. W J Weddiuglou and 1 L Ross, all of China Grove. The bride and groom left on the northbound train and will be at home at tho Marsh House in Lexington for the present. Misses Kerns and Trice, who were the guests ot Miss Thotn, left on the evening train for their respective homes. ED MORUAS TO HANU. Jury Hangs From (t p. in. Thursday Till Noon Today and Hnjs nilty of t rim Inal Awanlt Execution 81storMarcli. In the case of the State vs. Ed Morgan, charged with an assult on Cora Johnson, both colored, the jury took the case Thursday at 6 o'clock. At 10 a.' m. this morning the jury called for further instructors from His Honor. They spent most of fore noon in the consideration of the case. The jury afler noon today brought in a verdict cf guilty and Uis Honor pro:;( unce.l judrr ment tlmt he l-e f.sken to j iil there kepi, til! the 3 1st fby of March urxt when Utwec-u tin- hours of 1" a. in. and p. m he be hanged .by i ho neck till he is dead, follo-.virg wMi the usual solemn praye r "And ni;iy Cot lave mercy on your soul." Dai!; o' 31s'. Magic of tlie KlMYoim. A pretendedly deaf aud dumb negro was cogging on a type writen card in Greensboro for some time past. Thepublicgen- erally pities tho wrong men and he secured enough money on which to get drunk which made the deaf to hear and the dumb to peak. The Mother's Fuvorlte. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the mother's favorite- It is pleasant and safe for children to take and always cures. I. is ntendod especially for coughs, colds; croup and whooping cough, and is the best medicine made for these diseases. - There s not the least danger in giving it to children for it contains no opium or other injurious arug and may be given as connaently to a babe as to an adult. For jale by M, L. Marsh druggist. RIBBONS! All styles just in ready for spring. Beautiful line of Ribbons in all colors. No. 00 only No. 60 " See Them Today! CANNON & Col. Jno. A Holt Dead. Col, Jno. A Holt died at his home in Salisbury on the night of the 30th. He bad been in de clining physical condition for some months and the end was not unexpected. He was 7-1 years old. He made a gallant record in the great civil war nd an equal ly good record, as a business man after the war. He was en gaged in the railroad service un til age and disease confiued him to quiet home life. He was in many respects a striking character and clustered about him many warm friends. He was bur:ed today (Satur day) at 8 o'clock from the Epis copal church. Child nortUMilhona. "My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa, "yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure is sure cure for cough, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absoultely safe cough cure which acts im mediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season especially it . may be needed suddenly. Gibson Drug Store. Mexican mm i . . AlUStang Liniment fA toad under a harrow if luffers no mors that is tortured with Bp&vins, Bwinney, Harness Sores, Sprains, eta. Mont horse owners know this and apply tho kind of sympathy that heals, known i tu and wido as j Mexican Mustang Liniment JTever fails not otw in tho most aggravated cases. Cures caked udder in cots quicker than any known remedy. Hardly a disoafo peculiar to muscle, skin or Joints that cannot bo cured by it. IVlexlCQn J ""dT on fh nu-M htt mm ii. . W ind Oalli, Sprains and Skin Lump. MtlStang Liniment Itkepghorwoaumlinounnui.a, 15c. 20c. COAPY. Cnnn and I'etzer C. toExpand. The Cannon 4 Fetzer Com pany, already a huge merchantile affair, is fixing for mammoutb proportions. They secured the "pper half of the store occupied by th Bell & Harris Furniture I Company some time ago. De siring the other part Mr. P B FeUer manipulated a trade by which'he came into possession of the store occupied by Mr. D J Bostian with his Racket store. This Mr. Fetzer exchanged to Mr. John Suther for the re mainder of the furniture stand. The alley between is to be closed up and a remodeling of the late acquired property undergone so as to make one grand emporium of trade. Says He Was Tortured. "I suffered such pain from corns I could hardly walk," writes H Robinson, Hillsborough, Ills., "but Buck len's Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on sprains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fect healer of skin diseases and piles. Guaranteed by Fetzer's drug store 25c. "Many a self-made man has been unmade by a tailor-made woman." 111 mwtitr OTsroom Jjtm of Bats. Jilmsed Hoofa and Seralrhas hi hocw j'lMweu noon ua ocnirDa m aoiw iuoJa.auatW. fnamtrjtt, than ftdthftil horse NO I'. FOLK'S Losses About ifiAic. U,, - 1 ,' ",J(Ji t-f V.'liiskejr X:ike a'li.:n- ..!ii,.-.i.iU. .The great fire in Norfolk was only subdued at. 5 o'clock Friday morning and till thon had con sumed about $1) 0,iX0 worth of property, fairly well insured however. In the cellars of the Columbia, a very large office building, there were 1,000 gallons of whiskey which exploded wit'a terriffic force causing walls to full later. A shifting of tho winds helped the firemen to getcoatrol of the flames. Murderer Wins Jailor's TTift) and Es capes. Two murderers, Edward and John -Biddle condemned to be executed, made their escape from jail at Pittsburg, Pa., on Friday. The wife of the jailor became infatuated with Edward and furnished them with saws aud pistols. They sawed themselves out of the cells and shot one guard and at point of pistols put the three guards into the dark cell. Then they went to the guard's wardrobes r.nd ex changed suits and deliberately opened tho doer, having secured the key, &nd walked out. The j . ; r' wife in the time, had irc; husband and four chi'Jrcii aud it is pre sumed met her lovor. LATE'; The Biddlos art-: ?(;. Soffel, tho jailor's wife. . ";urcd at 7:43 in id;iy tv.-;.iu;: to u.r.ko thoir way to i . Canada liuo. They resisted o. a id oponed fire ou the oiV-.t who r:Jdl2il them with sh : Ed ward is shot (hroah . :j luu aud is expected to di . TLo other is wounded in several soot s. Mrs. S o.Tel attempted to shoot hot self in tho breast but a corset shiy prevented, and she has a slight wound. She joinod tho men in firing on tho officers. Don't Live Together. Constipation and health never go together, Do Witt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress. "I have been troubled with costiveness nine years," says J. O Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." Gibson Drug Store. Her. C G Vardell Will Sot Co. . Pev. C G Vardell has declined the presidency of a Texas School, and will remain at the head of Red Springs Seminary. A Fireman's Close ( nil. "I stuck to my engine, al though every joint ached and every njrve was racked with pain," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burling ton, Iowa.,- "I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and after takiug it, I felt as well as I over did in m y life." Weak sickly, run down people always gain new hi'o, strcngili ud vigur from their use. Try them. SatisTac iou guaranteed by Fetzor's Drug Store. Price iO "The first six mouths of matri mony is novelty the rest o it is habit." Woi-Kin2t i: ' There's no r.--,i i n '.. ess it.;o 1 It.-.vLii'oPill.s. Milk . uys busy, curing To autidice, Biliousness, . .,'iiO. They banish !" . iie, :irive r - : '.;-' . d- S ''!', id- ir .10 .ii . "The dcpTl. ... ;:o:uls upon tl'i he paint." I li. at tl'it of an liii-n- .i i j A Mexican v : prominent i 'ilm- j ing the advi'i'li-i-:. f Hi. !', le,.,;i. t haul beldam's Coli'', Diarrhoea Km. minded that as Mexico in '47 and H . Mexcian diarrhoe.i remedy has kept lin ing au increase in i Tor on every ivni-w .i it restores mo-" 1 1 i as a quick cure f.-r di is pleasan d'"' ' sale by M L ur h

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